The Conjuring 2 - Trailer (2016)

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#movies #viral
00:00This is my home. Get out now.
00:06No, this is not your house. Now, what's your name?
00:10My name is Bill Wilkins and I'm 72 years old.
00:17What do you make of that voice?
00:19Sounds confused. Do you see now?
00:22The voice on this tape is coming from an 11-year-old girl.
00:26They're calling it England's Amityville.
00:32There is a family that desperately needs our help.
00:35After everything we've seen, there isn't much that rattles either of us anymore.
00:42But this one, this one still haunts me.
00:47Does it feel like the voice is coming from inside you?
00:51More like it's coming from behind me. Like I'm being used.
00:55Janet, are you alright? Stop calling me Janet.
01:01She's such a good girl. What's wrong with her?
01:04An oppressing spirit will try to force you to commit the ultimate sin.
01:10And what's that? Murder? Suicide? Or both?
01:22You believe us, don't you? Sensing a presence?
01:25I'm not sensing anything. All I can sense is their own fear.
01:32Janet! There's somebody in here!
01:35I can't open it! I can't open it! Help me!
01:40Honey, you're bleeding. What is happening?
01:43I heard a premonition of your death.
01:52Who's that?
01:56The family's just a pawn.
02:02Something inhuman wants to kill you.
02:07If we keep doing this...
02:12You're going to die.