مسلسل صراع القدر مترجم حلقة 19

  • last month
مسلسل صراع القدر مترجم حلقة 19


01:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
01:30oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
02:01Hello, uncle.
02:02So, Tara called on a case.
02:04Move, move.
02:05Why are you like this in front of everyone?
02:07Are you mad?
02:08And next time, if you touch me without my permission,
02:11I swear, I'll break your hands.
02:14I thought, after last night,
02:16and after this especially,
02:18and like,
02:19we are a little...
02:21What we are a little?
02:24we are partners in crime,
02:26partners in work.
02:27We are not partners in real life.
02:30So, please,
02:31don't get too serious with me.
02:33I fulfilled my deal,
02:34so I involved you in the Tara call case.
02:36Now, enough, okay?
02:37Don't get too personal.
02:40There is no need to be personal.
02:42Not at all.
02:43I told you before,
02:44that I am a one woman man.
02:47And am I some soap,
02:48that you used and then threw away?
02:52You are so dramatic.
02:57Did I force you?
02:58I didn't force you.
03:00No, right?
03:02It was our wish,
03:03whatever happened between us.
03:05So, what use?
03:07I don't have time for this nonsense.
03:10don't get too serious.
03:15Don't get too serious.
03:19clear one thing.
03:21What is our relationship status?
03:22Give me clarity.
03:29Like her.
03:34Case number 233.
03:35State versus Prashant Radhakrishnan.
03:37See you later.
03:44Your honour,
03:45the prosecution is making a case
03:46of abetment of suicide.
03:48Do they have any proof?
03:52This is just to harass my client,
03:54Mrs. Radhakrishnan
03:55and to tarnish her name.
03:58This is a very unsuccessful attempt.
04:02Your honour, my client is an honourable man.
04:04He is a responsible tax paying citizen.
04:08He is the anchor of a popular news channel.
04:10He is a loving husband
04:12and on top of that,
04:13he is the father of a small child.
04:16Just to sensationalize a case
04:18or for the media attention
04:20of our new special prosecutor,
04:23do we want to keep a father
04:25away from his child?
04:29Therefore, I plead your honour
04:30that my client, Mrs. Radhakrishnan
04:32should be bailed out immediately
04:34so that she can see her child again
04:36and take care of him.
04:39Thank you, your honour.
04:51Thank you, Mr. Khurana.
04:53No one washes detergent clothes
04:54with such cleanliness.
04:56You have whitewashed your client
04:58with such cleanliness.
05:03this bail should be denied
05:05because of his client profiling.
05:10Firstly, your honour,
05:11Mr. Radhakrishnan is the owner
05:13of a news channel.
05:15He is a very popular anchor.
05:17There are many connections
05:19of such powerful and influential people.
05:22So, he can easily
05:23tamper the evidence.
05:26Mr. Radhakrishnan has done
05:28criminal profiling on his crime show
05:30for so many years.
05:32So, it must be very easy for him
05:34to hide any crime.
05:37Even his own crime.
05:42And lastly, your honour,
05:43Mr. Radhakrishnan's son
05:45is in the safe custody
05:46of his grandparents.
05:48According to the statement
05:49of his nanny and maids,
05:51they don't miss Mr. Radhakrishnan
05:53that much.
05:56Because even before the death
05:57of Tara Kaul,
05:58Mr. Radhakrishnan was a very
06:00busy person.
06:02The fact is, my lord,
06:03that this case is about
06:04abetment of suicide.
06:06But we suspect foul play.
06:08Such powerful and influential people
06:10are at flight risk.
06:12Hence, Mr. Radhakrishnan
06:14can be kept in custody
06:15for investigation.
06:18So, I urge the honourable court
06:19to please deny him bail.
06:32The biggest news of Prashant Radhakrishnan
06:34has come to light.
06:35Prashant's bail has been denied.
06:37Yes, the famous news anchor
06:39Prashant Radhakrishnan
06:41has been given a shock
06:42of 440 volts
06:44by Special Prosecutor Anushka Rai Singhani.
06:46We inform you,
06:47Anushka Rai Singhani
06:48is the daughter of Rajdeep Rai Singhani.
06:50She has recently won
06:51a high-profile case
06:52against Anushka Rai Singhani
06:53and Aryaman Singh.
06:54And now, she will be
06:55investigating this case
06:56with the police.
06:57And her investigation officer
06:58will be Inspector Solanki.
07:02Solanki, do you see?
07:04Now you will have to
07:05tie Madam's bandage around your neck.
07:09I can only take tea from women,
07:14not orders.
07:18She doesn't even know
07:19who she is going to deal with.
07:27No, Kirsi, I haven't met
07:28the investigating officer yet.
07:30Congratulations to you too
07:31and thank you.
07:32Thank you for your guidance.
07:33This wouldn't have been possible
07:34without you.
07:35Thank you. Bye.
07:37Thank you everyone for coming.
07:40I have to make
07:41an important announcement
07:43which is in the best interest
07:44of this company.
07:46Best interest?
07:56Announcement without discussion
07:58is dictatorship,
07:59not democracy.
08:03Dheeraj, let it be.
08:06What's the use of democracy?
08:09Because Anushka
08:10listens to everyone
08:12but does what she wants.
08:15Anushka, you continue.
08:19I know a lot of you
08:20are not happy with my decision
08:21that I have accepted
08:22the role of Special Prosecutor.
08:25Many of you must be thinking
08:27that the company
08:28is going to lay off many people.
08:31And at such a time
08:32when the firm needs me,
08:35I have accepted this case
08:36and made a mistake.
08:38But so be it.
08:39I have taken my decision.
08:43And the fact is
08:44that I am restructuring
08:45Rai Singhani Legal.
08:52Rajesh, Dheeraj and Jyoti,
08:54you will lead the different
08:55verticals of this firm.
08:57And if you think
08:58this is dictatorship,
09:00then you can reject this promotion.
09:08Dev Chachu,
09:09you will spearhead
09:10the new consultancy
09:11division of this company.
09:13The employees
09:14from the extra staff list
09:15given by HR,
09:16you will include them in this.
09:19We will focus on new clients
09:20and their comprehensive
09:21business solutions.
09:23This will generate
09:24extra revenue for our firm.
09:27I hope HR is happy
09:28with this decision.
09:30Yeah. Thank you.
09:32And after a lot of thought,
09:34I have decided
09:36that as long as I am busy
09:37in this case,
09:39the smooth operation
09:40and efficient communication
09:41of this firm,
09:43Virat Chaudhary
09:44will be the de facto
09:45head of this firm.
10:04I hope that you
10:05justify my decisions
10:06with your dedication
10:07and your work.
10:09As dad always says,
10:10some for you, one for all.
10:12So let's be one
10:14and bring Rai Singhani Legal
10:15to number one again.
10:18we have to show everyone
10:20that no one can
10:21break Rai Singhani Legal.
10:26Of course.
10:33Alright guys,
10:34let's get back to work.
10:35Come on.
10:40Come on.
10:50May I?
11:02whatever you said,
11:05I am really impressed.
11:10All the misunderstandings
11:12have been cleared now.
11:18Virat, I know
11:20things have been
11:22a bit awkward
11:23between us
11:26but I am glad
11:28that all the misunderstandings
11:29have been cleared.
11:33there can't be
11:34any misunderstandings
11:35between us.
11:38The way you spoke
11:39to Dida
11:42I have never seen you
11:43like this before.
11:47It actually made me realize
11:48that you have
11:49a life of your own
11:51which I was
11:55considering you.
11:59You have a right
12:00to be happy
12:02and to love.
12:05I am sorry,
12:06I just feel like
12:07I am talking
12:08to a different Virat.
12:11Because maybe
12:12I have changed.
12:14I am happy, Virat.
12:16Change was necessary
12:17for you
12:19and for the
12:20huge responsibility
12:21of this firm.
12:22Don't worry about the firm.
12:24Now watch
12:26how I take Rai Singhani Legal
12:27to the top.
12:33always stay with me.
12:43I will
12:44take your leave.
13:07I really liked the story.
13:08I am a little tired.
13:09Thank you, James.
13:12Don't worry about it.
13:13Say we don't take any action.
13:14Just fix up a meeting
13:15with the CA, yeah?
13:16Hello, sir.
13:17I will take care of it, yeah.
13:18Darby torture.
13:19If we look at it
13:20from this angle
13:21then Kamila will look
13:22like a victim
13:23and not a gold digger.
13:24Hello, sir.
13:25Thank you, James.
13:27Hello, ma'am.
13:29Thank you, James.
13:30In that case
13:31let's do it.
13:38Thank you, James.
13:39I needed this.
13:43Long live Illuminata.
14:00What happened?
14:03After a long time
14:04I got that feeling again.
14:07It was like that
14:08during Mr. Rajeev's time.
14:11Ms. Anushka
14:12fixed everything.
14:14That's it.
14:15By God.
14:16Now no one should
14:17cast an evil eye
14:18on this office.
14:24Here you go, ma'am.
14:25The best tea
14:26from Bombay.
14:28Open sky, fresh air
14:29both of us young
14:30and hot tea.
14:32What else do you want?
14:37I mean
14:38it's amazing, right?
14:39I went home
14:40and changed specially
14:42to have tea from Dapri.
14:45That was my genius idea.
14:47After all
14:48I had to get you out
14:49of your boring office clothes
14:50so that you could wear
14:51this exquisite dress.
14:53By the way, Universe
14:54you're welcome.
14:55I have made Ankita
14:56so hot, beautiful
14:57and sexy.
15:05By the way, do one thing.
15:06Go around the board
15:07of Touch Me Not.
15:09You need it.
15:11You wanted to say something, right?
15:12Tell me.
15:15Anushka has given
15:16everyone what they wanted
15:17in this new setup
15:18except us.
15:20Because we're still
15:21kids for her.
15:23We'll have to do something
15:24so that we upgrade
15:25from junior category
15:26to senior category
15:30True that.
15:32And as much as I know you
15:33I'm sure
15:34you must have
15:35a plan.
15:36I have a plan.
15:38will you be able to
15:39get rid of Anushka?
15:42Anushka treats you
15:43like an associate.
15:45But if you join
15:46Mr. Virat's team
15:47he can help you
15:48progress independently.
15:49In fact
15:50he will.
16:06the answer is
16:11I cannot leave Anushka.
16:16this is a perfect time
16:18to get out of Anushka's
16:19outer circle
16:20and become
16:21her only circle.
16:23She doesn't really
16:24have a lot of friends.
16:26She doesn't have
16:27a social life either
16:28because she's always
16:29so busy.
16:30So this is the perfect time
16:31for Ankita
16:32to enter the picture
16:34and become
16:35Anushka's everything.
16:37Her confidant
16:38her friend
16:39and you know
16:42her step-sister
16:43and sometimes
16:44her real step-sister.
16:45Mostly step-sister.
16:47Think about it.
16:48Are you getting too
16:49personal with Anushka?
16:51I am personal.
16:54That's why I am here.
17:00it's time that I leave
17:01and thank you
17:02for the
17:06I had a good chai.
17:07See ya.
17:09What's the hurry?
17:10It's a night.
17:11We are both young.
17:12There's a car.
17:13Let's go for a drive.
17:14Let's have some fun.
17:17Well, Harsh
17:18I have already told you.
17:21I do not have time
17:22for all the
17:25I am on a mission
17:27whose first milestone
17:28is about to come
17:30very soon.
17:33So I can't lose my focus.
17:40Well, I just saw you.
17:42In front of the camera
17:43you were like a tigress.
17:45What's wrong with being off camera?
18:00you came to meet me
18:01on the set again?
18:03Don't tell me
18:05you are also an actor?
18:08You do look like one.
18:10In real life
18:11I act so much
18:13there's nothing
18:14left to say.
18:16Are you trying to tell me something?
18:18Look, Ayesha
18:20There's something
18:21that's playing on my mind
18:22and I need to get it out.
18:24It's really
18:25bothering me.
18:33It's basically
18:34I just need to
18:35say sorry
18:36about something.
18:41That day
18:44at the guest house
18:45Anushka and I
18:48It's about Anushka then.
18:50Should have guessed it.
18:54Yeah, in a way it is.
18:58Ayesha, it's actually the word.
19:04That day
19:05I used it for you
19:07because I thought
19:09I thought you
19:10would forgive me
19:11and it was the easiest way.
19:17Look, that word
19:18is only for Anushka.
19:21It's just the way
19:22we feel for each other.
19:24And I'm
19:25I shouldn't have
19:26used that word for you
19:29I'm feeling guilty
19:30and I'm
19:31I truly apologize.
19:34So, what about
19:35the rest of us?
19:37We are not sacred.
19:38We are not special.
19:40Only Anushka is special
19:42she's not
19:44she deserves to be treated
19:45in her way
19:46and we can be treated
19:47any which way, right?
19:48No, Ayesha.
19:49It's not that.
19:50You are special.
19:52And it's not because
19:53because you're an actor
19:54or you're a star.
19:55It's because
19:56you're so real.
19:59I can be my
20:00real flawed self
20:01with you.
20:08I really think
20:11I really like you.
20:13I do.
20:15But I think
20:16our friendship
20:18or whatever it is
20:20it should mean something.
20:28Are you sure?
20:34So, now
20:36what will you do with Anushka?
20:44Anushka doesn't want to
20:45do anything with me
20:46after that night.
20:48She likes her brother.
20:50Akshat Mehra.
20:51The ever likeable.
20:52Who wouldn't like him?
20:56what about
20:58I didn't ask him
20:59but I don't think
21:00why he shouldn't
21:01like her back.
21:02They're pretty shipped, huh?
21:04Just in case
21:05you didn't get the memo.
21:09Anushka deserves it.
21:10She deserves a
21:11good man.
21:14And you're not
21:15going to be one.
21:17Are you trying to?
21:22What do you think?
21:23I can't be one.
21:26It's difficult.
21:27It'll take a lot of hard work.
21:29No, I mean..
21:30Don't bore me now.
21:35Did your daughter
21:36ever do anything crazy?
21:38Sir, my daughter
21:39wasn't crazy.
21:40No, I mean
21:41did she ever cut her hand
21:42or sleep with her?
21:43Or did she ever
21:44hit her directly?
21:46Did her husband
21:47ever beat her?
21:51Did your daughter
21:52ever tell you
21:53that her husband
21:54slept with other women?
22:02Did she ever complain
22:03about Prashant?
22:04I mean
22:05if she's depressed
22:06because of him
22:07she must've said something.
22:10There were a lot of rumors
22:11about Prashant, Inspector.
22:13But neither Tara
22:14ever told me anything
22:15about him
22:16nor did I have any complaints.
22:18So, you think
22:19he's right.
22:20So, Tara killed herself
22:21but not because of him?
22:23I don't know.
22:25But we've already lost
22:26Tara, Inspector.
22:29Looks like your daughter
22:30died of suspicion.
22:37Inspector, can we
22:38focus on Tara's past?
22:40Can we ask her about
22:41her childhood?
22:42How was she?
22:44What was her passion?
22:46Her talents?
22:47Her passion for cinema?
22:49Her achievements?
22:51It's a waste of time, Anushka.
22:56How will we find out
22:57why she committed suicide?
23:00We found depression pills
23:01in her room.
23:03Do you know?
23:05How will we find out
23:06if she committed suicide
23:07without Tara's knowledge, Inspector?
23:09These sad women
23:10are always like this, madam.
23:13We even found a psychiatrist's
23:14letter from her house.
23:16Her failure
23:17and fame
23:18doesn't fill her stomach.
23:19She just dies one day
23:20out of frustration.
23:21I'm sure you know that.
23:23My daughter was very guilty, sir.
23:27She can't die on her own.
23:30She can't die on her own.
23:32She can't die on her own.
23:38Let's end today's session here.
23:44You go out.
23:46I'll be back with madam.
23:57Inspector Solanki.
23:59Should we not do
24:00standard questioning
24:01and focus on victim profiling
24:02instead of standard questioning
24:04to find out
24:05how Tara was,
24:06who she used to talk to,
24:07what kind of relationships she had.
24:10We must verify everything
24:11to get to the bottom of this.
24:12Whether it's suicide or...
24:14You're absolutely right.
24:16Absolutely. Wow!
24:18I mean,
24:20how will we Nala Supara people
24:22how to investigate
24:23in Malabar Hill?
24:27Look, I...
24:29I'm not trying to
24:30put you in trouble.
24:32All I'm saying is
24:34that we...
24:35What to do?
24:36How to do?
24:38I'll do all this.
24:39You know what happens
24:40when new prosecutors are made?
24:42They get very irritable.
24:43They get irritated.
24:45Keep that a little less.
24:48I'll just be back
24:50as a Barbie doll
24:51to have tea and go.
24:53Let's go.
25:00Yes, Shinde.
25:08Don't worry.
25:09I'll take care of it.
25:10I promise you.
25:17By the way, ma'am,
25:18these male officers,
25:20do they...
25:21I mean,
25:22talk to boys
25:23about make-up and all?
25:28This happens everywhere, Ankita.
25:30There is...
25:31There is a gender bias
25:32in every profession.
25:35Now we can choose
25:36what to react to.
25:38Every woman has that power.
25:40Yeah, right.
25:42But you know what?
25:43Actually, every girl
25:44should react like this.
25:46Otherwise, these men,
25:47they go home
25:48and think
25:49that we are the weaker sex.
25:52we are what we think we are.
25:54If we think in our minds
25:55that we are weak,
25:56then we will remain weak.
25:57Now, equality first
25:59has to felt
26:00in your own mind.
26:05it's quite easy
26:06to think like this
26:07for you.
26:09Because you were raised
26:10in a family
26:11where your father
26:12treated you as an equal.
26:14And everybody
26:15gets that chance.
26:18Excuse me.
26:24You surprised grandma
26:25so much
26:26that she will adopt you.
26:30Fine, I will see you at home.
26:33Miss you too.
26:38Akshit Mehra,
26:39the film maker, right?
26:42You and him?
26:50in the office,
26:52everything is going
26:53very smoothly these days.
26:55In your absence,
26:56Mr. Virat handled
26:57everything very well, ma'am.
26:59And ever since
27:00I joined the film,
27:02I have seen that
27:03he has changed a lot.
27:05In fact, the other day
27:06he was telling me
27:09please don't ever
27:10leave Anushka's side.
27:11Always be with her
27:14he can't.
27:18he was also telling me
27:20that he has made
27:21some mistakes
27:22which he can't
27:24and there is no hope.
27:27he also told me something
27:28which I promised
27:29that I won't
27:30tell anyone.
27:33woman to woman,
27:35think I should tell you
27:36that he also…
27:38You made a promise, right?
27:41Never break a promise.
27:45I am glad Virat has changed.
27:47What could be
27:48better for the film
27:49than this?
28:09Hi, Dev.
28:11Would you like to have some whisky?
28:12Mummy has opened
28:13a bottle 30 years old today.
28:17What's the occasion?
28:18It's a very special occasion.
28:21Akshat likes
28:22Shobha Devi.
28:23He has called her to meet the producer
28:24after two days.
28:26Finally, my Sid's dream
28:27will be fulfilled.
28:29I always knew
28:31that Shobha Devi's
28:34and my Sid
28:35won't get a chance.
28:36This is not possible.
28:40Okay, Dev.
28:41You just
28:42keep an eye on
28:43this contract.
28:47How long will you
28:48keep this hobby?
28:53I don't want to
28:54join the family business.
28:57music is my life.
28:59If people like Akshat
29:00can see this,
29:01why can't you, dad?
29:02There is no future
29:03in music.
29:06You will keep
29:07struggling here
29:08for a few years.
29:09What will you do after that?
29:10Will you sit on the road
29:11and play the guitar?
29:15at least let him
29:16try once.
29:17What will he try?
29:18He is just a kid.
29:19Will he discover himself
29:20at this age?
29:21He has a degree.
29:23He should use it.
29:25He has
29:26a family business
29:27at home.
29:28He is running
29:29the biggest legal firm
29:30in the country.
29:31And he is
29:32even preparing
29:33to beg.
29:34Enough, Dev.
29:35If you can't
29:36support him,
29:37at least don't
29:38discourage him
29:39and talk nonsense.
29:40Not my monkey,
29:41not my circus.
29:44Am I
29:45talking nonsense?
29:47Am I talking nonsense?
29:49He is wasting
29:50his bloody life.
29:52He has become
29:53a prosecutor.
29:54And he is a fool.
29:55He is a fool.
29:56Dev, enough.
29:57You won't say anything now.
29:59You know what, dad?
30:00I will do one thing.
30:01I will go to Akshat
30:02and tell him
30:03that I don't want anything.
30:04I will quit music.
30:06But dad,
30:07I will never
30:08join your firm.
30:09I will die
30:10but I will never
30:11do law.
30:13To hell with your…
30:14What did you say?
30:16What did you say?
30:18What did you say?
30:19Dev, please calm down.
30:20What's the matter?
30:30Can we please
30:31all calm down?
30:32Take a breath.
30:35Akshat is coming now.
30:36We will talk
30:37about this later.
30:38Uncle, please.
30:58Guess who I defeated today.
31:16Behind your deep eyes
31:18there is
31:20that you hide.
31:21Don't you think
31:22that Anushka ma'am
31:23and Akshat
31:24are getting too close?
31:25I told you
31:26Virat and I
31:27were never in a relationship.
31:28He was never my boyfriend.
31:30I admit
31:31that I made a lot of mistakes.
31:33Maybe because
31:35I was scared of losing you.
31:36But I am a changed man now.
31:39Only for you.
31:48Only for you.
31:50Only for you.
