Siyasi lobbing frames haier ki jati hai sarkari doron par ehtejaj kay liye paisa lagaya jata hai

  • last month
Siyasi lobbing frames haier ki jati hai sarkari doron par ehtejaj kay liye paisa lagaya jata hai
00:00You are saying that this campaign against the state of Pakistan is being run continuously from outside the country.
00:08First of all, let me make it clear to you that we know very well for what purpose it is being run.
00:15Who is running it? Who is facilitating it?
00:19We also know very well that outside the country,
00:22who are the states and non-states who proliferate this campaign, run it and help it.
00:31You have mentioned a few incidents.
00:34I will just give you an idea to make you understand the enormity of this issue.
00:41Since January 2007, only 127 articles and articles have been written in foreign print media
00:59with the aim of spreading disappointment and dissatisfaction in Pakistan and promoting a specific political agenda.
01:11I am just talking about international foreign print media.
01:16If you step aside, the social media that is operating from there,
01:20you know it better than me.
01:22The media that is active in Pakistan to spread propaganda from outside the country.
01:30Apart from this, the political lobbying that is being done,
01:34the meetings that are being held,
01:36the protests that are being held at the government offices,
01:40the protests that are being held in front of the embassies.
01:44In your opinion, is this how it is being done?
01:48There is a coordinated thinking behind this.
01:52And a lot of money is being invested in this.
01:56Lobbying firms are being set up.
01:59A lot of money is being invested in them.
02:02And a lot of statements are being made.
02:05The situation of disappointment and dissatisfaction has become uncontrollable.
02:09And a specific political propaganda is being raised.
02:13All the efforts that are being made,
02:16whether it is done intellectually, in coordination, or with a lot of money,
02:24I wish these statements, all these efforts,
02:29would tell people how much genocide is taking place in Gaza and Palestine.
02:40Innocent children are being killed.
02:42For this, they invest money and work hard to make statements.
02:47They invest money and make statements.
02:51Today, we are standing on 5th August.
02:54It has been more than 70 years,
02:57and how our brothers and sisters are being massacred in Kashmir.
03:01More than 100,000 soldiers are sitting there.
03:04How they are harassing children, girls, old people, and the poor.
03:08They make statements about that.
03:11They work hard.
03:13If there is so much money, so much coordination, so much access,
03:19then they should work hard to make statements for a rising Pakistan.
03:23That this is Pakistan, this is its potential, this is its status.
03:30But no.
03:32There, statements are not being made.
03:35There, statements are being made, money is being invested,
03:38so that the economy of Pakistan is not helped.
03:42Those people, those institutions, those Nasir,
03:47who are silent about the genocide of Palestine in Gaza,
03:52they are making statements about human rights in Pakistan.
03:55And money is being invested.
03:58Is this in front of you or not?
04:03I ask you, tell me, where is this money coming from?
04:07How much dangerous money is being invested in this?
04:10Is it being invested or not?
04:12Do you think that all this is being invested voluntarily?
04:18If you think that all this is happening on its own,
04:21there is no coordination behind it, then you are being a bit too naive.
04:26In fact, what do they say in English?
04:30There is no free lunch.
04:34So, these sponsors, who are sitting outside the country,
04:39of this social media, this print media, this electronic media,
04:44of these meetings, of these protests,
04:47they are running with all these statements,
04:50and they are sponsoring it,
04:52they will ask for some price for it.
04:56And that price is spread.
05:00They ask for that price, that we need spread in Pakistan.
05:05Because the spread in Pakistan,
05:08it has its benefits.
05:12I want to make it clear,
05:15that those political leaders,
05:19who will spread the spread in this country,
05:22by climbing on the shoulders of these extremists,
05:27not only will the army recognize them,
05:30but you and the people will recognize them.
05:33And you will stand in front of them.
05:42It's already 4.30, I think we can have the last question now.
05:46Jainan sir, from Khalid Mahmood Express.
05:49Jainan sir, where there is talk of propaganda,
05:52there is a severe propaganda going on in Gwadar.
05:55Some organizations are present on the streets,
05:58like Maram Baloch,
06:00and other organizations like Rooji, Machi, etc.
06:03There is also a Yakshati committee there.
06:06What is the real reality there?
06:08What are the demands of these people?
06:10And there is also a propaganda that
06:12there is no writ of the government there.
06:14Can you tell us what is the real reality there?
