• letztes Jahr
In der französischen Komödie Es liegt an dir, Chéri nimmt ein Mann seine Frau und Kinder mit auf einen Roadtrip auf die Straße ihrer geteilten Erinnerung, als die Scheidung ansteht. Jahrelang hat Christophe (José Garcia) Sandrine (Charlotte Gainsbourg) und den jugendlichen Nachwuchs nämlich vernachlässigt, aber als das Ende plötzlich greifbar zu sein scheint, versucht er, die Zuneigung zwischen ihnen allen noch einmal neu zu entfachen.
Regisseur Florent Bernard erlebte als Kind selbst die Scheidung seiner Eltern mit, die ihn und seinen Bruder aber nicht besonders störte – was ihr Vater ihnen als Nicht-Achtung übelnahm. Bernard wollte eine Tragikomödie drehen, die sowohl die lustigen, als auch die dramatischen Facetten einer Trennung beleuchtet.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/es-liegt-an-dir-cheri


00:00How would you react if I told you that I felt the need to break up with your dad?
00:07You know, I'm leaving college soon, so...
00:11So you want to leave me, is that it?
00:12I don't want us to hate each other so much that...
00:14No, listen, don't come up with all these sentences.
00:16Like, stupid sentences like, it's not you, it's me.
00:18Well, no, no, it's you.
00:21I would suggest that you go to Bali instead.
00:23It could be another country, we're not closed at all.
00:25Yeah, or if you've made a destination with your husband, a bit exotic.
00:28The most exotic thing we've done is...
00:33The Futuroscope.
00:35It's 19 minutes away from Poitiers.
00:40There's an attraction where...
00:43We cross Vienna...
00:47With seats that move in a cinema.
00:49It's very well done.
00:52I thought about it all night.
00:53Oh, shit.
00:54No, not oh, shit, actually.
00:56I'm taking you on a weekend, all together.
00:58I'm not saying we're still going to the Futuroscope.
01:01No, I've prepared for you a wonderful journey
01:03through all the key moments of the Leroy family
01:05so that we remember how beautiful this family is.
01:11We're here, near the bank.
01:12I asked for your mother's hand in marriage.
01:13I had written my application on the bank.
01:15We were used to asking each other questions, but...
01:17Which one?
01:18I'm at 0676.
01:20That's not me.
01:22Yes, hello, sir. My name is Christophe,
01:24and I've lived here for years.
01:25Dad? Is that you, son of a bitch?
01:27Are you going to explode, you think?
01:28No, it's Akiprokon.
01:29Oh, shit, he's got a hammer.
01:31Can you imagine if the weekend didn't go as you planned?
01:33Yeah, like, if she dumps you.
01:34Don't you want to try and support me from time to time?
01:38We could maybe continue to live together
01:40without being in a relationship,
01:41like my roommates.
01:43I'm asking you to give our relationship a chance.
01:45But, shit, you're grown-ups.
01:46Be grown-ups for a while.
01:47How are we supposed to live together?
01:49Be grown-ups for a while.
01:50How are we supposed to live together?
01:51If you're not grown-ups...
01:56You shouldn't regret this weekend.
02:01It might not have been such a bad idea.
02:05Can I give you some advice?
02:07Bite the wheel.
02:08When I'm angry, I bite the wheel.
02:13Like that. Go on, hard.
02:14Very, very hard, and we bite.
02:15Go on, we bite and we let go.
02:16We bite, we let go.
02:17We bite, we let go.
02:18That's it.
02:21That scream was terrifying.
02:22It froze my blood.