Enders 5th August 2024

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Enders 5th August 2024


00:00So, Dad, I read, right, that, er, bonding with your sibling is actually really good
00:20for your health. Mm-hm. Why? You know how Devinder's just been so down recently with
00:26his dialysis? Mm-hm. I was just thinking that if we went into town, did some shopping, it
00:31would probably cheer him up. You know, if only I had some money. Well, town's too busy
00:38and we don't want him getting tired in the crowds tonight, do we? I'm fine. I've got
00:41something for you. Um, what's this for? Er, just some detective work. Oh, please, Dad,
00:51can we go into town? Fine. Do not go flashing us about and take it easy, yeah? Yeah. Don't
00:58worry, Daddy, I'll look after him. I don't mean looking after now, do I? That's what
01:06the Devinder PI do for you. Helping me look after someone I need to make amends with.
01:12One of many. When your days are numbered, you start thinking about the past. I want
01:18to make things right. I'm proud of you, Dad.
01:42Life is so much better without pants. Er, yeah, I mean, they do say a little bit of
01:47air circulating is good for you. I meant Prius. We don't have to put up with her nipples
01:51draped all over the bathroom anymore. Yeah, I mean, it is tidy without her. Yeah, quieter.
01:57I'm all about the quiet life these days. Is that what happens when you're middle-aged?
02:01You're in a good mood. Er, yeah, well, Dad says he's got big plans for me. Yeah, let's
02:08just, um, talk about that over lunch, shall we? Sounds good. This thing with Nish is too
02:14risky. Last week was a close call. If he finds out what you're up to... Well, you don't
02:20know if he heard, right? But all we can do is stick to the plan. What if you did? And
02:25while you think you're playing him, he's actually playing you. Look, trust me, I won't let
02:29anything happen to any one of us. I promise you. Two flat whites, please, Ben. Bernie.
02:40Oh, sorry. Have you seen this?
02:46Can't come quick enough. Well, it'll soon be over. We'll just, um, grab a table, Ben.
02:55I can't get away from it.
02:59Look, you just need to focus on yourself. Staying sober. What is it Gran always says?
03:04Let's just make that spiral, yeah? Can I get you anything else? No, I've got everything I need.
03:14Mum! Hello, love. You look nice. Oh, thanks. I was waiting on a serving pie and mash. I'm
03:20just stuck in there while Ian's away. He'll be back from the States soon. I would come and
03:25keep company, but me and Gina are going into town with Dad. Oh, well, don't worry, love.
03:28There's always a way to brighten up the day. Right. And there was I thinking this day was
03:35going to be really boring. The cat's away, so I thought maybe we could, um... I wish,
03:40but I've mucked my eyeballs on spreadsheets and back-to-back meetings. Oh, you certainly know
03:45how to get a girl in the mood. Look, I'd love the distraction. Honestly, I've got a lot to do
03:50with the business. I want to make the most of Dad's investment. Well, what about later?
03:55I've not got too much on. I'm sorry.
04:17Oi! Keeps the doctor away, didn't it? Free fruit off my stall, free roof over your head.
04:24You're getting sick of me already. I know things are tough. I do, but...
04:29Any idea roughly when you might be moving out? Look, I get that you're doing me a massive favour,
04:35and I want to move, I do, but right now I need to get a job so I can save for a deposit.
04:41You wouldn't want to see me out on the street, would you? No, of course not,
04:45but you are definitely getting a job. Babe, it is my number one priority.
04:51Oh, so good.
04:57You thinking spending some time with Vinnie today? I think he said he was busy, you know.
05:04Come down to the restaurant, spend some time with my eldest son instead?
05:09Well, the restaurant's pretty booked up, so I'll be busy. How much fun for you?
05:15What's the real reason you don't want me there?
05:20Sookie's made a reservation for her and Vinnie. Dad, you don't need to stress the ceiling.
05:26We live across the square from each other. Can't avoid her all the time.
05:32Vinnie's got every right to spend some time with his mother.
05:36Yeah, they should have their lunch in peace.
05:50You want to take a break, darling? I can manage.
06:13What can I get you, darling?
06:20A bit thirsty.
06:42What? You can't come up here. I mean, who are you?
06:46Where are my manners? I'm Fraser. I'm an associate of Dean Wickes.
06:55Get out.
06:56I'm not meaning you any harm. I've just got a message for you.
07:00I'll keep this simple. Dean's offering you a deal. You retract your false witness statement
07:07from the night that poor young guy was murdered, and he'll confess to what he did to you.
07:17So these big plans your dad's got for you, think you've any clues now?
07:24Maybe he's trying to sell something off to give me the cash.
07:26Right, well, you need to push him a bit more. See if he'll tell you.
07:30Can't have him dragging his feet too much. Who knows how long he's got?
07:39Don't mind me.
07:43Mother and son time is important.
07:47You don't just get to walk into my home and offer me some stupid deal. I mean,
07:59why would I retract my statement when I did see Dean on the night of Kiana's murder?
08:03Dean says he wasn't, now.
08:04Oh, and you believe him? Do you even know what kind of man you're doing business with?
08:09What he did to me? Your associate is a rapist.
08:13I'm just the messenger. You retract your statement, he'll confess to what he did to you.
08:18I don't care how many times you say it, I don't believe you.
08:21Well, I'm sorry for pointing out the obvious, darling,
08:25but I'm not sure you're saying no to the deal with a clear head.
08:29Just like I'm not sure you're fit to testify.
08:32Get out.
08:33I'd be all over the place, too, knowing that I was going to tell a huge,
08:37great lie to a courtroom full of people. I'd be tanning down the booze and all.
08:42Look, I know what you're trying to do.
08:44You can't handle little old me coming for a wee chat. How are you going to handle a witness?
08:48It's not a lie. Right, Dean's a murderer and he's going down for a long time.
08:53What is going on? Who are you?
08:57I'm nobody.
08:58Yeah, I can see that.
09:00I was just leaving.
09:01Get out.
09:03Think about it, eh?
09:04I swear by almighty God that my evidence will be the truth,
09:09the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
09:13Robbie, this place keeps you really busy, doesn't it?
09:17The call centre's going to take up a lot of your time.
09:21If that's what my dad wants, then I'll make a go of it.
09:24The minute he realises how much work it is, he'll be begging you to take it off him.
09:28Your dad is not going to get his own way.
09:41Thank you for coming.
09:45I'm sorry.
09:46I'm sorry.
09:47I'm sorry.
09:47I'm sorry.
09:48I'm sorry.
09:48I'm sorry.
09:49I'm sorry.
09:50I'm sorry.
09:50I'm sorry.
09:51I'm sorry.
09:51I'm sorry.
09:52I'm sorry.
09:52I'm sorry.
09:53I'm sorry.
09:54I'm sorry for the last minute change of location.
09:58Who was out with Dad?
10:03I know I don't deserve your time.
10:05I wasn't sure if I should come.
10:07I've wanted to look you in the eye for so long,
10:10to understand why you took my husband's life.
10:20It's okay.
10:24It's okay.
10:32I thought you had back-to-back meetings.
10:34I do.
10:35Oh, take a break.
10:37Ten minutes can do the world of good.
10:42I've got to take this.
10:43I'm sorry.
10:45Junior night.
10:48Girls back yet?
10:50Not yet.
10:51Oh, well tell them I popped in.
10:52Jelly Deals aren't always the best company.
10:57I hate to see a lady disappointed.
11:00Not that I ever have.
11:01I'll take your word for it then.
11:03I'm Harry Mitchell.
11:04And you are?
11:05Cindy Bill.
11:07Married to Ian Bill.
11:09Lucky Ian.
11:10But I don't see him around here, so...
11:13You could stay for a drink.
11:15I've got pairs of shoes older than you, love.
11:18Come on.
11:20I've got to be better company than Jelly Deals, right?
11:25All right, then.
11:28What can I get you?
11:30Oh, a glass of white wine, please.
11:34All right, Billy?
11:34Not soon.
11:35It's Teddy.
11:36Hello, Teddy.
11:39I've made out with Vinnie and Ravi.
11:41And now I want to make amends with Ayesha.
11:43Oh, right.
11:43So all of a sudden you've become someone who does the right thing.
11:46She's the one I've wronged the most.
11:49At least she deserves an apology.
11:52And I'm sure you want some answers.
11:55You're playing games.
11:56I don't know what's going on here.
11:59Maybe I shouldn't have come.
12:01Please, stay.
12:05I don't even know if what you said in your message is true.
12:08Oh, I wish it wasn't.
12:11I really am dying.
12:12You took the life of an innocent man.
12:16And you want me to help you go to your grave with a clear conscience?
12:20And you?
12:21You were in on this.
12:23Getting me here to make himself feel better.
12:26I expected more from you.
12:27Look, I swear, I didn't know.
12:29She had nothing to do with it.
12:32You're both sick.
12:39Let it go, Vinnie.
12:42Let them have their moment.
12:46Ayesha, please.
12:48Ayesha, stop, please.
12:49Please, just leave me alone.
12:51Look, I had no idea that Nisha got in touch with you.
12:55I'm not going to be a pawn in whatever game you and Nisha play.
12:57Nisha and I are divorced.
13:00Look, can we talk?
13:05I wish we could shout it from the rooftops, you know?
13:08Celebrate properly.
13:09I don't think we should just yet.
13:10I'm out of respect for Debbie.
13:12Oh, of course.
13:14You should hear back about the post-mortem suit.
13:17It's taken ages.
13:18Yeah, well, it's a process, isn't it?
13:21These things take time.
13:22But Debbie slipped away.
13:24It's an open and shut case.
13:25And you and me volunteering to give our DNA samples to the police,
13:29well, that'll help speed things up, won't it?
13:31No, I just want it over so I can move on.
13:35We're engaged.
13:36You're pregnant.
13:37We've got everything we wanted.
13:39I knew we should acquire it.
13:41Well, it won't take the juniors long to resize it,
13:43and soon it'll be right here, sparkling away.
13:47I've got to go.
13:48See you later.
13:56That's a beauty.
14:00My grandma's engagement ring was just like that.
14:03This was my grandmother's engagement ring.
14:05You think it was Debbie's, but now it's Sonia's.
14:09Oh, you got engaged?
14:11Oh, mate, that's great news.
14:14But we're keeping it quiet out of respect for Debbie.
14:18I didn't think Sonia would want it, you know,
14:20being that it was Debbie's,
14:21but she knows how much it means to me.
14:25I can't wait to get married.
14:27Even though everyone's gossiping about us.
14:30You and Sonia have been through a lot together.
14:33So take it from me, honestly.
14:35Don't waste one more minute on whatever anyone else thinks.
14:41You deserve to be happy.
14:49When Nish was released, he wanted to come back into the family.
15:00Back to me.
15:03But it was never going to work.
15:06I, um...
15:09I'm a different person to who I was when he went in.
15:15He hasn't changed, though.
15:18Still the same controlling, manipulative,
15:21lying, selfish little man he always was.
15:25So I wish I could tell you that he's apologising to make you feel better.
15:30But he's just doing it to get rid of his own guilt.
15:35I couldn't believe it when I got his text, but...
15:40I thought I owe it to myself and to Hardeep to face him.
15:45I don't live in London.
15:47I haven't since after Hardeep's death.
15:49I needed a fresh start, but I was here for a long weekend visiting family,
15:55and I thought, I can't get on that train home without hearing what Nish has to say.
16:05I'm sorry.
16:09It wasn't your fault.
16:17Yeah, Junior, I'd really appreciate it if you could resize it quickly.
16:20My fiancée can't wait to wear it.
16:23That's wonderful, thank you.
16:25Oh, thanks, bye-bye.
16:26You trying to avoid me or something?
16:27No, I'm just in a hurry.
16:29Yeah, so am I, to get a return on my investment?
16:32Well, everything that's proceeding is discussed.
16:35These type of investments, I will get you your first return very soon.
16:39As my patience has done a runner.
16:42Have some cash within 24 hours.
16:44I'll make sure I do.
16:45Because next time, I won't ask nicely.
16:52We were so close, me and you, weren't we?
16:56Any little bit of news I had, and I don't want to run and tell you first.
17:01You were like the best friend I'd ever had.
17:06More than a friend.
17:07You mean...
17:15He was suspicious of all the time I was spending at your house.
17:21He thought I was having an affair with Hrithik.
17:29But it was you, who I had feelings for.
17:32And I was petrified of my feelings, I didn't understand them.
17:37So I said nothing.
17:41I knew what Nish thought.
17:45And I never corrected him.
17:55How could you let that happen?
17:56I didn't.
17:57I didn't.
17:57I didn't.
17:58I didn't.
17:58I didn't.
17:59I didn't.
17:59I didn't.
18:00I didn't.
18:00I didn't.
18:01I didn't.
18:01That happened.
18:02If I had thought one second that Nish would kill Hrithik, I...
18:09Nish was the one that took his life.
18:13But I'll always blame myself, and I always have done.
18:21If I had been brave enough to be honest with Nish about how I was feeling,
18:29Hrithik would still be alive.
18:32And I'm not asking for your forgiveness, because I know I don't deserve it.
18:39But seeing you after all these years, I couldn't not tell you the truth.
18:49A good man died because of me.
18:55And I'm sorry, Ayesha.
18:57I am really, really sorry.
19:01This is witness intimidation.
19:03We should call the police.
19:04No, that's the last thing we need.
19:05It could delay the trial.
19:08And Mum has suffered long enough.
19:10What if he comes back, and you're in danger, and the kids?
19:13I don't think he's coming back, and I don't want to call the police.
19:16But I need this trial to be over, Mum.
19:18I want to get on with my life, please.
19:21Look, you go back to the bar, and I'll be down in a bit.
19:32I know how difficult it is for women from our background to face up to their sexuality.
19:40I've seen some of these women trapped in abusive relationships with men.
19:47The only person responsible for Hardeep's death is Nish.
19:52And as for facing up to your feelings, I know first-hand it's easier said than done.
20:10Did you really think I ran out of tea and sugar that often?
20:17I knew I was gay.
20:19I've known since I was a kid, but you know how it goes.
20:24Family, community, culture.
20:28It's different for some of us now, but back then...
20:35I wish I'd known.
20:39When Hardeep died, I felt how fragile life was,
20:44and I became obsessed with not wasting another minute.
20:47So I came out to my friends, my family, to everyone at my Gurdwara in Manchester, to myself.
20:57Are you happy being yourself?
21:04It wasn't easy to start, but yes.
21:09Yes, I am.
21:11My life is very different now.
21:14I even run a group for LGBTQI plus six.
21:20That's brilliant!
21:26And I am so glad that you're happy.
21:30Don't let anyone ruin that.
21:33And what Nish has done, getting you here,
21:37is just the last attempts of a dying man to try and make himself feel better.
21:43Well, he won't be getting any sympathy from me.
21:49And I'm not afraid of him.
22:08Okay, so first you're too busy to talk to me in the big,
22:12and now you're stalking me outside my house.
22:13Oh, one of my mates has got a cat on.
22:16No, you saw some young bloke chuck me off the bar, and you got jealous.
22:21Just trying to get up on my schedule, that's all.
22:26Well, we could be back any minute.
22:27Oh, no, it'd be terrible.
22:30We could go back to yours.
22:32What, or if someone from the square's seen us together?
22:35And what about your very important work?
22:38Like you said, in ten minutes we'll do the world again.
22:56Well, I'm so glad you've come back.
23:00Please believe me, all I wanted was to see you and tell you to your face how sorry I am.
23:06I owe you that much.
23:07You're pathetic.
23:09I know the truth, Nish.
23:12Sookie told me the reason you killed Hardeep,
23:14so if you brought me here to use that against Sookie, it hasn't worked.
23:22You're the only person responsible for what happened.
23:26You killed Hardeep.
23:28It was your fault, and your fault alone,
23:31and you can go to your grave knowing that you took the life of an innocent man.
23:37But in the eyes of the law, I've served my time.
23:42That was my repentance.
23:44Dad, I know you don't like to talk about it, but I'm telling you, this is not the place.
23:50I thought I'd remind you what a decent man looks like.
23:54This is what you took from the world.
23:57I hope when you're taking your final breath and closing your eyes,
24:03the last thing you see are Hardeep's final moments.
24:08His pain, his blood, his suffering.
24:12Because it was all by your hand.
24:24It was really nice to see you.
24:26Yeah, you too.
24:29Look, why don't you stay for a bit now that you're here?
24:34I'd love you to meet Eve.
24:42I can't let Fraser get to you.
24:44It is exactly what Dean wants.
24:45Yeah, but he was right, though.
24:47You know, I fell apart in front of him.
24:49How am I going to manage under cross-examination?
24:50We'll just take it one step at a time.
24:52Okay, we've got your pre-trial interview next week.
24:54Let's just focus on that for now.
24:57Look, even if you did retract your statement,
25:00we have no guarantee that Dean would keep his side of the deal.
25:03Mum, he treats you into recording that fake confession.
25:07Okay, you know you can't trust him.
25:09You're right, you're right.
25:11But it don't matter how hard it's going to be.
25:13I am taking the stand.
25:16That's great.
25:17I know you can do it.
25:53Eve, this is Ayesha.
25:54Ayesha, this is Eve.
25:57Um, Ayesha was Hardeep's wife.
26:01Hardeep, as in...?
26:02Yeah, yeah.
26:04Nish called Ayesha down here to get her forgiveness.
26:07But he's not getting a thing from me.
26:10Yeah, too right.
26:12Well, it's lovely to meet you.
26:13Oh, you too.
26:14Um, yeah, go get yourself a table and I'll get the drinks in.
26:16Um, what are you having?
26:18A glass of red.
26:19Oh, you remember.
26:21Yes, I remember cleaning it off your new rug.
26:25Hello, my darling, what can I get you?
26:28Hi Elaine, uh, one beer, uh, small brandy and a glass of red, please.
26:33Coming right up.
26:40It's lovely seeing how well they're getting on after all this time.
26:44You got in touch with Ayesha for what?
26:47To ease your conscience?
26:49Well, I've got no right to expect anything from Ayesha.
26:53But if me reaching out to her has led to them reconnecting, then...
26:59At least I've done something good.
27:01I mean, look at them.
27:03Yeah, and on like a house on fire.
27:05Yes, well, they are old friends, so...
27:09Old friends?
27:11Is that what Sookie said?
27:16Well, you know, technically, she's right.
27:19Oh, shut up.
27:21What are you on about?
27:23What, she didn't tell you?
27:26Well, imagine my surprise looking at Ayesha online
27:30and seeing that since Adeep passed away,
27:34she's an out and proud gay Sikh woman.
27:40I guess you could say that she was Sookie's first love.
27:44So I think it's great that they've reconnected.
27:47I just hope it's not a problem for you.
28:00Long story, I really want so much to get you.
28:02In this spot, actually.
28:04You're bumping.