Enders 5th September 2024

  • 2 days ago
Enders 5th September 2024


00:00Like I said in court, I'm an alcoholic, checked with my GP, blackouts and this year the whole
00:21thing's got a whole lot worse.
00:24I um, as far as I remember, I think it was early Boxing Day morning, after you'd had
00:35us all in.
00:37I think it was because the boarding in the doorway had moved, I mean that's when I must
00:45have seen him hiding out.
00:46I think I've followed Keanu into the caf, I mean it's most likely isn't it?
00:52It's Cathy's caf.
00:57I remember Keanu being upset about his wedding to Sharon being called off.
01:06He didn't believe that you weren't Albie's biological dad.
01:11He was furious, aggressive.
01:15He turned violent, I mean he was violent.
01:19And I remember, me, it was me, I picked up that, the meat thermometer, I picked it up
01:31and I, I stabbed him.
01:41You think all this or are you stating it as a fact?
01:47Keanu died in front of my eyes, I did it.
01:56Violent with who?
01:59You see Keanu was stabbed in the back.
02:07Mum's gone AWOL.
02:09She ain't here.
02:10No but all that stuff you said, all that guilty conscience stuff Cathy, what if mum snapped?
02:15What if she's done something stupid?
02:20How did Keanu come to be wrapped in the Beals Eels tarpaulin?
02:24I did it.
02:25By yourself?
02:27All by yourself?
02:28My stuff.
02:29Linda I have to ask this, are you under the influence of alcohol now?
02:39Because if you're trying to protect someone or you've been coerced into this confession,
02:42you do understand Dean Wicks is in custody.
02:44I have not been drinking.
02:45And if the moment of committing Keanu's murder is at the very least so vividly clear, I'm
02:51just trying to work out why it's taken you eight months to come forward.
02:54Because I'm a coward.
02:55And why none of the physical evidence corroborates your account.
02:59Actually, okay, all right, I suggest you go home Linda, gather your thoughts, considering
03:11the events in court today, well, it's understandable that you're perhaps slightly overruled.
03:16Meanwhile, the investigation will continue and I do need to make it clear, were what
03:23you told me proved to be true, alongside relevant charges, you'll also be facing a custodial
03:28sentence for perverting the course of justice, for giving a false statement against Dean
03:33You may equally be charged with wasting police time.
03:36The judicial system is not a game, Mrs Paterson.
03:38But I'm not playing.
03:39And we do not arrest people for something as serious as murder on the basis of uncorroborated
03:44accounts, hearsay, thoughts, partial memories, or absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
03:49I've told you the truth!
03:50I have given you everything you need!
03:53And if you choose not to believe me, again, then that is your mistake, DCI Arthurs.
04:10Hang on, it weren't me who turned the screws, Johnny.
04:12Yeah, Mum, it's just fragile, that's all.
04:14No, no, that was Dean throwing the murder trial, setting us all back to the start.
04:18No, I never did that.
04:20And I never said anything that Denise and Stacey weren't already thinking.
04:23Your mother ain't the only one back under the microscope, you know.
04:26And to be honest with you, Johnny, no one, not even you, is responsible for where she
04:31goes or how much Linda does or does not drink.
04:34I'm sorry, OK, I just...
04:37If it is not the booze, what if she has hurt herself?
04:42Just because she's trapped in this nightmare, it doesn't mean she's not still there.
04:47This whole thing is tearing her apart.
04:50Your mother is a decent woman who did one really bad thing but for a very good reason.
04:56You know that.
04:58We just have to...have to have faith, OK, and trust that wherever Linda is, she knows
05:05what she's doing.
05:17Linda's gone rogue.
05:19I saw her leave so I did a bit of digging.
05:22Word is, she's tried to hand herself in.
05:26Linda admitted to killing Keanu.
05:28Oh, God.
05:30God, what's she doing?
05:32Sounds like she tried to fall on her sword and it's backfired so we need to work out
05:37a new strategy because if Linda's that desperate to offload...
05:43Right, um...
05:46You need to get me my phone, Richard.
05:48Oh, I shouldn't even be in here.
05:50OK, then you do it, please.
05:52There's people you need to call. You have to warn them.
06:09Er, just up here.
06:16Thanks, thanks.
07:09You checking I ain't done myself in?
07:17Bernie, I...
07:19No-one has won today, Linda.
07:21No-one is further on.
07:23We're all just looking at mumps and mumps of more solicitors and the court.
07:27And I've got to make up my hours, so...
07:30Shut the door on the way out, yeah?
07:53I know the...the relief
07:55when you finally hear it out loud.
07:58But I am...
08:00I'm doing this for myself as well.
08:04I'm desperate.
08:09I can't...
08:11I can't do this any more.
08:15I can't go any lower.
08:21It's not something I can live with.
08:24You understand.
08:26You understand that.
08:35Yes, you do.
08:38You said it.
08:41I can't keep down in booze to block it out.
08:50I cannot drink myself to death, Bernie.
08:56Those kids, my little kids...
09:00I mean, they already don't have their dad and...
09:04And I should have done this months ago.
09:06You know, I wanted to do this right back on Christmas Day night.
09:14Tell me.
09:29didn't kill Keanu.
09:38I did.
09:58Linda tried to turn herself in.
10:01Sharon thinks she's going to tell Bernie.
10:03No. No, no. No, Richard, you can't be serious.
10:07I am so sorry.
10:10I don't believe you.
10:12You...Bernie, Bernie, please.
10:15What person admits to killing someone
10:19unless it actually happened?
10:22I mean, in what world would I ever...
10:24ever pretend to do something that bad
10:28or that wrong?
10:32But I did. I-I-I...
10:36Did he know he was...
10:41And did...
10:43Did he cry? Did he...
10:49Why would you do that?
10:51Because I was trying to protect Sharon from your brother.
10:55No, Sharon is panicking. Mum could be anywhere.
10:57Linda's not that stupid.
10:59Oh, she's been to the police, Sookie.
11:01Well, it's not stupid, is it?
11:03What Kathy said earlier was right, and you know that.
11:05I mean, even you surely have got a little bit of conscience in there somewhere.
11:07After everything we've made up.
11:10All right, listen. Right, listen.
11:12If Linda does spill to anyone, we deny it.
11:14All of it. Point blank. OK?
11:16We are in way, way too deep for the truth to come out now.
11:18Yes, I know that.
11:20I've got a house full of kids relying on me, Sookie.
11:22And Chelsea, this is too much.
11:24All right, now, just stop, OK?
11:28Johnny, you go over to the Vic, all right?
11:30There's a chance that Sharon's overreacting, all right?
11:32And there's a chance your mum might have gone straight home from the police station.
11:42I can't do this.
11:44You've got no choice, Denise.
11:46Cos if Sharon is right,
11:48every minute you spend having yet another fit...
11:53Yes, another fit, Denise,
11:55is another minute closer to Linda potentially landing us in it.
11:57I'm going to the cafe.
11:59No, Sookie, wait!
12:01How are you going to explain barging over there at one o'clock in the morning?
12:21You were coming with me.
12:23You were holding your hands up.
12:31And I just...
12:33All I keep thinking is...
12:35Round and round my head,
12:37there are good men.
12:41There are good men.
12:45Sharon had stopped the wedding.
12:47She told him that he won't help his dad,
12:49Kian, who had every right to be upset.
12:55I mean, what if...
12:59What if I got it wrong?
13:03That split second?
13:08What if I hadn't reached out,
13:10grabbed it and stabbed him?
13:14What if I'd let Kian carry on?
13:20Would he have really, I mean...
13:24Would he have really killed her?
13:26Or would he have calmed down?
13:30He might have done.
13:32He might have calmed down.
13:34Him and Sharon could have worked it out.
13:36Made up, maybe.
13:38Maybe got back together,
13:40like they had done 500 times before.
13:42Like they had done 500 times before!
13:44You are admitting this to the old Bill!
13:46I tried!
13:48But they won't, they don't believe me!
13:50But why?!
13:56Because Linda ain't a grass.
14:11She weren't the only one there.
14:27Maybe if it had just been Kianu.
14:31But it weren't, Bernie.
14:33You already had Phil
14:35drag you off to their wedding.
14:37We'd already had Nish kick off in the Vic,
14:39giving it the bigger man,
14:41looking her in her own arse,
14:43acting like he owned her.
14:45They had my back.
14:49I don't know how it would have gone.
14:51We were all just so...
14:55You know, we were just...
14:57just so scared.
14:59Who was gonna come at us next, you know?
15:03But I thought you were my friend.
15:07And then...
15:09there he was.
15:13You see,
15:15he came in on the back
15:17of all of this,
15:19shatting his mouth off, throwing his weight around.
15:21You use
15:23words, Bernie, you use words,
15:25but they don't get through.
15:27What are you gonna do?
15:29What do you do?
15:31Because we were all there, we saw him.
15:33He was choking the breath
15:35out of Sharon.
15:37What was we meant to do?
15:39Just step back and
15:41watch the life drain out of her face?
15:43No, we...
15:47Linda saved
15:49Sharon's life.
15:51But no-one
15:53met Ricky Harlow to die.
15:55You should have called the police.
15:57We should have, yeah.
15:59We should have.
16:01Who was gonna believe us, eh?
16:03Hysterical women.
16:05We were
16:07all implicated and dragged
16:09into it just from being in there.
16:11You know, once
16:13it happened, once that
16:15horrible, horrible thing had
16:19every lie was just built
16:21on a lie and then...
16:23What about our children?
16:25All our family's caught.
16:27All the people
16:30who need us, rely on us.
16:32All our children.
16:42You killed my brother.
16:46And you covered it up.
16:48You dumped him
16:50with other bits of rubbish in a hole.
16:54And you left him to rot.
16:58all of you,
17:00you just
17:02stood back.
17:06watched me
17:08when the only thing I had left
17:10was working in here.
17:12You just...
17:14You let me walk over my brother's dead
17:18I was just blaming myself.
17:20What was I?
17:22Like nothing.
17:24Like collateral
17:28So you fight fire with fire and you say,
17:30and that's right.
17:32And then you watch my mum lose it.
17:34And what was left of my
17:38You fall apart.
17:40And I'm meant to...
17:44You seriously
17:48me to feel sorry for you for trying
17:50to keep hold of yours?
17:54It wasn't
17:56my fault, was it?
17:58None of this was my fault.
18:10So I'm meant to go to the police.
18:12Get the truth out
18:14and finally get justice
18:16for my brother.
18:18Yes, you are.
18:20If you call
18:22that justice.
18:24If you've got the evidence.
18:26You were surely going to argue with her.
18:32Please, Bernie.
18:38Please, can you just
18:40give us a little bit
18:42of time to say goodbye to the children?
19:46Conscience feel better now, does it?
19:48I'm sorry.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:48I'm sorry.
21:12It's alright.
21:14Yeah, it's alright.
21:18It's alright.
21:48And the water.
22:15I'll, uh, I'll come in.
22:18I don't know what you're talking about.
22:21I don't know what you're talking about.
22:24I don't know what you're talking about.
22:27I don't know what you're talking about.
22:30I don't know what you're talking about.
22:33I don't know what you're talking about.
22:36I don't know what you're talking about.
22:39I don't know what you're talking about.
22:42I don't know what you're talking about.
22:45I don't know what you're talking about.
22:48I don't know what you're talking about.
22:51I don't know what you're talking about.
22:54I don't know what you're talking about.
22:57I don't know what you're talking about.
23:00I don't know what you're talking about.
23:03I don't know what you're talking about.
23:06I don't know what you're talking about.
23:09I don't know what you're talking about.
23:12You told Bernie, have you fun? He lost it.
23:15I mean, you have made everything so much worse.
23:17She could be on the phone to the police any second.
23:21Well, then she is.
23:23I've done the right thing, Sharon.
23:27Do you want me to kill myself over this?
23:31I'm sorry.
23:33I know this is all my fault. I know you've just been trying to protect me.
23:36But I had no choice.
23:40I have to find a way to live with myself.
23:45What about the rest of us?
23:49You and I both know that if it hadn't come out this way,
23:52it would have come out somehow.
23:55Just ask Dean.
23:57The truth catches up with you.
24:21What I'm... What I'm trying to tell you is...
24:31I was in... I was in the cafe.
24:45I was in the cafe.
24:51I can't... I can't do this anymore.
24:55It's just too complicated. I've had enough.
25:01It's just like... shock after shock.
25:07One of them just punches you in the stomach.
25:14I mean, I don't even know what justice looks like anymore.
25:20And no-one will bring Keanu back.
25:27I miss him, Mum.
25:35Yeah, yeah.
25:39Yeah, OK.
25:41No, no, no. It's fine.
25:44No, it's...
25:48It's late. I'm tired.
25:50It's fine.
25:52You don't have to worry about me.
25:55Yeah, no, I will.
25:57Yeah, I'm going to call Keegan when I get home.
26:04You know, a week away, a little holiday.
26:10I'm sure everything will look better and all.
26:17Yeah, I love you, too.
27:32Money's on the side.
27:56Well, there's a turn-up.