Mexican/Siberian URBAN LEGENDS (PART-2)

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3 Terrifying Mexican/Siberian URBAN LEGENDS Horror Stories Animated

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00:00Hello, my name is Luis, and you know, I'm very proud to be Mexican.
00:07Among so many beautiful things that characterize my country, one of them is the urban legends.
00:13We have all kinds of terrifying legends, from La Noche de los Muertos to La Planchada.
00:20I'll be honest, I was never a big fan of urban legends and horror stories.
00:26Although I'm proud that they help our country to be more recognized and have its own identity,
00:31I'm not a big fan of horror.
00:34I used to believe that all horror stories were false and only served to attract people,
00:39and I thought it was excellent, but as I said before, it was not my thing.
00:45At that time, I didn't know that sometime later, I would not only start to believe in
00:50those stories, but that I would feed the legend of one of them myself.
00:57I will begin by telling you a story of a job I had a few years ago.
01:01I worked as a night guard at a wedding dress store in Chihuahua.
01:04This store was famous for its mannequin, La Pascualita.
01:08Everyone in town knew the legend.
01:10It was said that it was not just the mannequin, but the embalmed body of the former owner's
01:15daughter who died tragically on her wedding day.
01:19Many people wanted to work here, but I was the only one who passed the interview.
01:23I think the only reason I made it through the interview was that I was one of the only
01:27people who genuinely applied for the job because they needed it, not because they wanted to
01:31see La Pascualita up close.
01:34The owner fervently insisted to me that he hated that legend and that it was a lie.
01:40Anyway, the first few weeks of working were normal.
01:43There weren't any surprises.
01:46Since everyone believed in the legend, people were very respectful of the place, although
01:50there was never a lack of teenagers coming to take pictures.
01:54It seemed like a quiet job with good pay, and everything went on like that.
02:00Until one night.
02:02That night was cold and windy, and an uneasy feeling was with me from the moment I walked
02:07The store was silent, except for the occasional creak of the old building.
02:13I settled into the small office, trying to stay awake with a cup of strong coffee.
02:17I was cold.
02:18Very, very cold.
02:21Not because of anything supernatural or unexplained.
02:24It was always cold there, and just that day I wasn't all that warm.
02:30At about two o'clock in the morning, I heard a noise coming from the upper floor, where
02:36La Pascualita was.
02:38It was a muffled sound, as if something had fallen.
02:41My heart skipped a beat.
02:44Had someone broken in?
02:46There was always the possibility that someone had broken in to steal something, but it was
02:51more logical to think that a teenager had broken in to film videos and then upload them
02:55to the web.
02:56Regardless of my fear, I decided to investigate.
03:01I climbed the stairs carefully and quietly.
03:04At first, I didn't turn on my flashlight.
03:07I wanted to see if I could catch anyone off guard.
03:10But when I got to the second floor, I saw the display case of La Pascualita wide open.
03:16The mannequin was there, motionless, with her wedding dress and her serene expression.
03:23Had someone tried to steal her and repented?
03:27I approached to close the display case, but when I was only a few steps away, I noticed
03:33that her eyes seemed to follow me.
03:35Oh God, I need more coffee.
03:40At that moment, I thought it was an illusion, added to the paranoia I was feeling at that
03:45I didn't have time to check if La Pascualita was looking at me or not.
03:50I had to check if someone was hiding.
03:52Suddenly, a loud noise echoed behind me.
03:56I turned sharply, turning on the flashlight, and saw that one of the dresses had fallen
04:00from the rack.
04:01I rushed over, but no one was there.
04:05Since the rack was on the wall, no one might have knocked it over.
04:09It was probably the wind.
04:11When I turned around, I looked back at La Pascualita and noticed that her head was turned
04:16slightly towards me.
04:22I tried to rationalize what was happening.
04:24It had to be the work of my imagination.
04:26Surely, she was always in this position.
04:29I just stood in the wrong place and had the bad luck to have had the head pointed at me.
04:35Ignoring my growing panic, I decided it was best to return to the office.
04:40Whether or not what had just happened was true, I was sure I would be safe in my office.
04:46I started walking in her direction, praying that nothing else would happen.
04:51Unfortunately, my prayers were not fulfilled.
04:55A few steps toward my office, and I heard a noise coming from the display case.
05:01Against my better judgment, I turned around.
05:04When I did, I could see La Pascualita outside her display case.
05:10She was standing next to it, not moving, just staring at me.
05:16I backed away slowly.
05:18My flashlight was shaking in my hand, pointed at the dummy.
05:22As I stepped back, I could see the mannequin move in my direction.
05:28She was walking.
05:29Each step she took toward me was more terrifying than the last.
05:34She was moving like a mannequin, with great difficulty, as if there was someone inside.
05:41As soon as I saw this, I stopped backing away carefully.
05:45It was time to run.
05:47I hurried down the stairs, listening to the tiny, delicate little footsteps of the mannequin
05:51behind me.
05:52I reached the second floor and headed for the door, but it was locked, and in my panic
05:57I couldn't find the key in my pockets.
05:59Suddenly, I stopped hearing the mannequin's footsteps, thinking maybe she was gone, that
06:06this thing that had happened was over.
06:09I turned around one more time.
06:13La Pascualita was right behind me.
06:16Her face was now completely distorted.
06:19Her hands were no longer delicate and fine, they were full of dirt and grime.
06:24When I could see her nails, I saw that they were broken.
06:27Part of her fingers were bloody, and they were slowly heading toward my face.
06:33I ran desperately toward the exit of the store.
06:36I headed toward a door leading to the store and hurried to open it.
06:40At the back of the store was an emergency exit.
06:42I ran toward it, but halfway there I fell to the ground.
06:47Nothing paranormal had happened to me.
06:49No one had tripped me, I had just fallen alone.
06:53Before I could get up, La Pascualita rushed up behind me, grabbed my foot, and started
06:57pulling me backward.
06:59I screamed and kicked, trying to free myself.
07:02In a last act of desperation, I managed to kick her hand hard.
07:06The hand came off instantly and fell to the ground, and I managed to crawl toward the
07:11I had reached the exit, and La Pascualita was no longer following me.
07:16I ran without looking back, afraid that if I did, she would appear again.
07:22I arrived at a nearby police station and told them what had happened.
07:26The officers were skeptical, but concerned about my condition.
07:32They escorted me back to the store.
07:35To my surprise, upon entering, everything looked normal.
07:40The display case of La Pascualita was closed, and the mannequin was in place.
07:45The officers looked at me, and one of them told me that I must have been carried away
07:48with all the legends of this place, and maybe I had a panic attack.
07:53I went to show them the broken hand in the warehouse, but it too was gone.
07:58There was no point in arguing anymore.
08:01The cops recommended me to take a rest or a vacation, and I just nodded.
08:08Since that night, I have never gone back to the store.
08:11I don't even go near it anymore.
08:15Now I know that La Pascualita is not just a legend.
08:20She is real, and she is waiting.
08:24Today, she must be waiting for her next victim.
08:27Someone unlucky enough to cross her path.
08:31Someone who, unlike me, won't be lucky enough to escape.