I am suffering from acute gastritis

  • last month
I am suffering from acute gastritis
00:00Dear Jesus, I come before you today with a humble heart, seeking your healing touch.
00:08I know that you are powerful and that nothing is impossible for you.
00:13Your word in Isaiah 53 verse 5 reminds me that, by your stripes, we are healed.
00:19I hold on to this promise as I lay my burdens before you.
00:23Jesus, I am suffering from acute gastritis, and I feel the pain and discomfort that it
00:29Yet, I also know that you understand my suffering.
00:33You walked this earth and experienced pain, so you know exactly what I am going through.
00:39I find comfort in Hebrews 4 verse 15, which says that you can empathize with our weaknesses.
00:45You are not distant but are right here with me, healing my pain alongside me.
00:50I declare that I love you, Jesus, and I know that you loved and cared for me first.
00:56Your love gives me strength and hope in this difficult time.
01:00I believe in your power to heal my body and restore my health.
01:04I trust that you can transform this pain into healing.
01:07Your word states in Matthew 8 verse 16-17, When evening came, many who were demon-possessed
01:13were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.
01:19This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah.
01:22He took up our infirmities and bore our diseases.
01:26I hold on to this truth, Jesus, that you took my sickness upon yourself, and I am grateful
01:31for your willingness to bear my pain.
01:34I ask for your healing hands to touch my stomach and remove the discomfort that has been plaguing
01:40I pray for relief, for restoration, and for a complete healing from this condition.
01:46Let your power flow through me, cleansing me and making me whole again.
01:50I also pray for those who are suffering from similar ailments.
01:54May they feel your presence and know that you are with them.
01:58Help them to find comfort in your love and strength in your promises.
02:02As I stand in faith, I visualize your healing grace enveloping me.
02:07I believe that you are working in my body, even if I cannot see it yet.
02:12I trust in your timing and your plan for my life.
02:15Thank you, Jesus, for hearing my prayer.
02:18I know that you are always with me, and your love sustains me.
02:22I will continue to worship and praise you, even in the midst of my struggles, because
02:27I know that you are my healer, my refuge, and my strength.
02:31In your mighty name, I pray, Amen.
