Jazz Ramsey: A K-9 Mystery Movies (2024)

  • last month
When Jazz Ramsey and her crime detection dog Zeus stumble upon an old crime scene, the K-9 trainer, her star pup, and ex-boyfriend and lead detective Nick are thrown into the investigation.

00:00:00Okay, Zeus, let's show them how it's done at Ramsey's Canine Institute.
00:00:11A crime scene is filled with distractions.
00:00:22Your canine unit dog should not be one of them.
00:00:25They have to stay focused on the task at hand.
00:00:27Of course, dogs need to learn the skills, but we as trainers also need to learn their
00:00:31strengths and weaknesses, and how to best communicate to them what we want effectively.
00:00:36Why don't we pick this up on Thursday?
00:00:40We'll start with signaling.
00:00:41Thank you, guys.
00:00:42This is so different than firefighting, and I didn't even do the military time you did.
00:00:55Training these dogs, it counts as being in service.
00:00:58Yeah, I see that every day here.
00:01:01We're going to hold questions until I'm finished with my opening statement, and I promise we
00:01:07will get to each and every one of you.
00:01:08The department has made a string of arrests.
00:01:10Don't you know that hat's a detective?
00:01:12Feels like a lifetime ago.
00:01:16Hey, Sarah, yeah, I'm, uh, I'm on my way.
00:01:22I'm in the car.
00:01:24Okay, see you soon.
00:01:42I am so sorry we're late.
00:01:44You're not late.
00:01:45I told you to come 30 minutes early.
00:01:47You told me the wrong time, so I'd be here on time.
00:01:50After 20 years of friendship, I know that you and your dogs have a tendency to run a
00:01:53little late.
00:01:55In my defense, it is much easier to stay on the clock in your world.
00:02:01I rest my case.
00:02:02I will give you that and raise you a teen student who can't find her cell phone.
00:02:06Oh, yeah, those are high stakes.
00:02:08And then there's the PTA and the parents.
00:02:10Esther Academy has a reputation to uphold.
00:02:13Well, I think you're doing a wonderful job, headmistress.
00:02:17And is this your highly trained crime detection dog?
00:02:20Well, he's mid-training, but he's done this kind of demonstration before, so he'll be perfect.
00:02:25Okay, let's get you set up then.
00:02:30Oh, wow.
00:02:32It is so strange being back here.
00:02:34I feel like I'm 12.
00:02:37Everything looks the same.
00:02:38Well, there are lots of academy rules about maintaining the integrity and the history of the building.
00:02:44There's only been a renovation to the gym, and we dealt with a burst pipe on the third floor last year.
00:02:50There's a third floor?
00:02:51Yeah, there is.
00:02:52I thought it would be the perfect location for your demonstration.
00:02:56I could have sworn the key to the third floor was the sixth key on the right.
00:03:07Oh, Eddie, our custodian, he knows the building better than anybody else.
00:03:13Sorry, Eddie, I'm still getting used to these.
00:03:15Do you happen to know which key opens the door to the third floor?
00:03:19Why are you going up there?
00:03:21Oh, ambiance.
00:03:23Sorry, I'm Jazz.
00:03:25Why is the animal in here?
00:03:27Forensic science club starts in minutes, Eddie.
00:03:29If you could please help me with the door.
00:03:39Ah, would you look at that.
00:03:43I'm just going to go up first and open some windows and let some fresh air in.
00:03:47Oh, thanks.
00:03:51You know, if this works out, I could pitch the PTA on you teaching a class on crime awareness.
00:03:57Oh, thank you.
00:03:59I'm kind of focused on the dogs.
00:04:00I haven't really done firefighting research and rescue in a long time.
00:04:04It's not like you've forgotten all your awesome skills.
00:04:07You loved it, and the girls would love learning from you.
00:04:09Plus, it would be fun working together.
00:04:12Well, that is true.
00:04:14My mom would love it if I was teaching.
00:04:17I'd be even further away from the line of duty.
00:04:20I love your mom.
00:04:21She just worries about you.
00:04:23She wants you to be safe.
00:04:25It's not about being safe.
00:04:27My dad was safe.
00:04:28He followed protocol.
00:04:30That's exactly the point.
00:04:32Accidents happen even when you do follow protocol.
00:04:40You ready?
00:04:41Can I go gather the girls?
00:04:42Uh, yes.
00:04:46Zeus, you stay with Sarah.
00:04:47Don't make me late!
00:04:54Perfect ambiance.
00:05:13Every crime scene tells a story.
00:05:15There are clues and evidence left behind for investigators to find and to follow.
00:05:21But sometimes we might not even know that we're in a crime scene.
00:05:24And sometimes we may not even know that a key piece of evidence is right in front of us.
00:05:29Because there are some clues that we can't see.
00:05:33Or even smell.
00:05:35But that is where a crime detection dog comes in.
00:05:39Now, you all have met Zeus.
00:05:43I'm fostering him while I train him to help find people in emergency situations.
00:05:48And unfortunately, sometimes uncover human remains.
00:05:53Does anyone have a guess on how much stronger a dog's nose is than a human's?
00:06:02Ten times stronger?
00:06:04That's a very good guess.
00:06:06But try 100,000 times stronger.
00:06:11Zeus here can pick up a scent over ten miles away.
00:06:15So today, I have hidden two human bones in this room.
00:06:21Let's see if Zeus' nose can help find them.
00:06:36You got it.
00:06:37Good boy. Now the next one.
00:06:53Zeus is indicating to me now that he's found something.
00:06:57But that's not where I hid the other specimen.
00:07:02Like you, Zeus is still in school, so he hasn't finished his training yet.
00:07:11He might need a little more practice.
00:07:14Okay, ladies, that's all the forensics fun for today.
00:07:22Glad you're fine.
00:07:45Don't touch anything.
00:07:50This is a crime scene.
00:07:59The old-fashioned glasses, clothing.
00:08:01You don't think...
00:08:02Could it be Miss Quinn?
00:08:06The renovation up there was done last May, June, maybe?
00:08:11But Eddie, our janitor, would be able to give you exact dates.
00:08:15And no, Miss Quinn wasn't missing, as far as we knew, anyway.
00:08:19Bernadette Quinn resigned abruptly last year, and we had no reason to think we would ever see her again.
00:08:29Are you the guy I have to thank for all the overtime in my future?
00:08:32You know, when I heard that the detection dog had uncovered a body,
00:08:37I had a feeling I might find you here.
00:08:39Wow. Your detective instincts. Sharp as ever.
00:08:43This morning I was hoping to see you.
00:08:46Your wish came true.
00:08:49You look good, Jess.
00:08:51Sarah, good to see you.
00:08:52Or should I say Headmistress Carrington?
00:08:55Principal Carrington is fine.
00:08:58Oh, does the lab know when they're going to get the results back for date of death?
00:09:02It'll take a couple days for DNA and forensics to get back to us.
00:09:05But I hear you've ID'd the body?
00:09:07Bernadette Quinn. She was a teacher here. We knew her as Miss Quinn,
00:09:11but we both recognized the glasses, the clothing.
00:09:14Iconic, Miss Quinn.
00:09:17It's a little early to call anything conclusive at this point,
00:09:20but let's talk about the teacher.
00:09:22I take it she's been marked absent for some time now?
00:09:25Miss Quinn resigned at the end of the school year last year.
00:09:28As far as we know, she never set foot in the building again.
00:09:31And who all had access to the third floor?
00:09:33I've been told that I have the only key,
00:09:35but that room isn't insulated or practical for students,
00:09:38so it's sat empty for years.
00:09:41Okay. I'm going to need to see Miss Quinn's resignation letter.
00:09:44Any security footage, whatever will help with the investigation.
00:09:51I need a minute. Meet in my office in ten?
00:09:55Okay. Let's take a moment.
00:10:01Couldn't the universe give you a heads up when you're going to run into your ex-boyfriend?
00:10:06I know. You're right.
00:10:08I still miss him. It's been three years.
00:10:12We were great together.
00:10:16You're right about that, too. We were great until you weren't.
00:10:21Oh, Eddie. Hey.
00:10:24What did you find up there?
00:10:26Zeus found a body.
00:10:28A body? Where?
00:10:30In the floor.
00:10:32In the floor?
00:10:33Yeah. The police said it's probably been there for a while.
00:10:36Maybe a member of the faculty.
00:10:39Well, Miss Quinn?
00:10:41They don't know who it is yet.
00:10:43Why do you say her?
00:10:46She was unlikable, I guess.
00:10:48But everybody hated her.
00:10:53It's much more peaceful now that she's gone.
00:10:55Right? Retired.
00:10:59I'm sure the police will know who it is soon enough.
00:11:03Did you get a leash on that dog?
00:11:18Let's go.
00:11:19That means Jones is here to pick you up.
00:11:28That's quite the file.
00:11:30Standard records, performance reports, time off request.
00:11:33It adds up over a 30-year career.
00:11:35Um, Miss Quinn's resignation letter will be on the top there.
00:11:38It was on my desk when I returned to school at the end of summer break.
00:11:41I had to scramble to find a replacement.
00:11:44Dated June 22nd.
00:11:46Last day of school. Last year.
00:11:48Well, that's a pretty standard resignation letter.
00:11:51Any idea why she resigned so suddenly?
00:11:54Miss Quinn was nearing retirement
00:11:56and was not necessarily in good standing with the school.
00:12:01Why was that?
00:12:04She was...
00:12:06old school.
00:12:09Bernadette Quinn had a hard time relating to the students.
00:12:12She was unflinching about the rules
00:12:14and the students had a hard time living up to her impossibly high standards.
00:12:18Even the parents complained about her attitude.
00:12:21Eddie told me you overheard the students complaining about her a lot.
00:12:24I'm sorry, Eddie? Who's Eddie?
00:12:26Oh, the caretaker.
00:12:28It was becoming clear that Miss Quinn was no longer a good fit for Astor Academy.
00:12:32And as the new principal, I tried to reason with her.
00:12:35I even offered her a generous retirement package,
00:12:38but Miss Quinn couldn't accept that her
00:12:42former least favorite student was now in charge.
00:12:45Why were you her least favorite?
00:12:48It was nothing.
00:12:50Just a silly prank decades ago,
00:12:53but Miss Quinn couldn't seem to let it go.
00:12:57What exactly happened?
00:12:59Surely you have better things to do than rehashing a prank that happened years ago.
00:13:04Were you involved in this prank, too?
00:13:07You're not insinuating Sarah had something to do with her murder, are you?
00:13:11You found the body.
00:13:13Sarah's the only one with the key to the third floor.
00:13:16And right now, that's all I really have to go on.
00:13:19But you'll come off the list once new evidence makes it so.
00:13:22Yeah, well, maybe you should start digging up evidence and stop looking for headlines.
00:13:27Will do, Miss Ramsey.
00:13:30Listen, Miss Quinn rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
00:13:37Someone would have had to really hate her to kill her.
00:13:41Stuffing her to the floor like that, it just felt personal.
00:13:48Or they were trying to hide something.
00:13:53I'll be in touch.
00:13:56Oh, this is not good.
00:13:58Does Nick really think I had something to do with this?
00:14:01No, no. He's just in his, like, Rudy detective mode.
00:14:06He's a good investigator. He'll do his job.
00:14:12Hey, do you remember when Miss Quinn threw us in detention for a giggle fit?
00:14:16The madder she got, the harder we laughed.
00:14:20The madder she got, the harder we laughed.
00:14:24I certainly wouldn't be principal now if Miss Quinn had anything to do with it.
00:14:28Um, you would still be in detention.
00:14:31You never got a break.
00:14:33She was a good teacher, though.
00:14:35Taught me a lot.
00:14:37How to work hard.
00:14:40She wouldn't have taught here for over 20 years if she wasn't a good teacher.
00:14:44She just wasn't a good teacher for me.
00:14:50It's still early in the investigation,
00:14:52but I can assure you there is absolutely no risk to the students of Astor Academy or its staff.
00:14:57A meeting will be held tomorrow for any parents that may have concerns,
00:15:00but I can promise you we will not rest until we have found the answers.
00:15:07Jazz, what's going on?
00:15:09Well, let's just say they won't be inviting me back to teach the kids anytime soon.
00:15:14Huh. Did you find the body?
00:15:17No, actually, Zeus did.
00:15:20Brownie points for graduation.
00:15:22How awful. It's all over the news.
00:15:25It's nothing I haven't seen before, Mom.
00:15:28I don't know why you insist on working in such a dire profession.
00:15:33Why can't you just be a regular old dog trainer?
00:15:36If you train dogs to find bodies, well, they're gonna find bodies.
00:15:41I know. If you're out there, understand that we're coming.
00:15:45This force will not rest...
00:15:47Can you turn that down?
00:15:48...until justice is served.
00:15:49Let's go get you bumped into your friend today.
00:15:51Mm-hmm. They're more than just friends.
00:15:56Nick and Jazz were a very cute couple.
00:16:00Can you give Zeus some extra treats in play?
00:16:04We both got more than we signed up for today, huh?
00:16:08Go on.
00:16:09Let's go.
00:16:10Go on.
00:16:12So, was it tough seeing Nick again?
00:16:17I think our breakup was tougher on you, Mom.
00:16:20Your dad and I could see the spark.
00:16:22Well, the spark was never the problem.
00:16:24If anything, seeing him today just confirmed that,
00:16:27but he's still entirely wrapped up in his work.
00:16:33Well, he's missing out.
00:16:36Did you come all this way for a mother-daughter pep talk?
00:16:41Fire Chief Eaton dropped off the contents of your dad's locker today.
00:16:47I think he would have wanted you to have them.
00:16:52No, his locker was his memorial.
00:16:54It's supposed to stay there forever.
00:16:56And it did, for three years.
00:16:59But, well, now the building needs repair.
00:17:03Okay, so, what, they just bulldoze through Dad's memory
00:17:06and move on?
00:17:07It's going to be a gorgeous renovation.
00:17:10And your father would have approved of a new wing for the fire station.
00:17:15It's better for the crew. It's better for the community.
00:17:18Okay, look, I can't deal with this right now.
00:17:20I need to close the center. Zeus needs dinner.
00:17:23Why don't I take Zeus to my place for a sleepover?
00:17:27You could have some time to yourself,
00:17:30and I could finally be a grandma for the night.
00:17:33Okay, thank you.
00:17:36You're the best.
00:17:38I know.
00:17:46What's so funny?
00:17:49Oh, it's just Robert.
00:17:55Um, Robert is a friend that I meet for lunch sometimes.
00:17:59Um, Robert is a friend that I meet for lunch sometimes.
00:18:04Like a friend dates?
00:18:07Jazz, I refuse to be sad for the rest of my life.
00:18:12You know, your father's legacy is more than what was in that locker.
00:18:18Clearly you know this.
00:18:20You've been following in his footsteps your whole life.
00:18:25But now it's time to take steps forward
00:18:28on your own path.
00:18:30That's what your dad would have wanted
00:18:33for both of us.
00:18:41Here he is.
00:18:45All right, I'll see you later.
00:18:47Come on, Zeus.
00:18:49Do you like candy?
00:18:50No. No candy.
00:19:02This is an impressive center you set up here.
00:19:05Oh, thanks.
00:19:07It's also quite the departure from your time in the fire department.
00:19:11All your volunteer work with search and rescue.
00:19:13Yeah, the daily dose of danger and tragedy got to me after a while.
00:19:18Plus, my heart couldn't take it after my dad died.
00:19:21Yeah, Jazz, I was, uh...
00:19:23Plus, my heart couldn't take it after my dad died.
00:19:26Yeah, Jazz, I was, uh...
00:19:28really sorry to hear about your dad.
00:19:31It would have been nice to hear you say that three years ago.
00:19:37I'm sorry, uh...
00:19:38No, you know what?
00:19:40You don't have to explain.
00:19:41It doesn't matter.
00:19:43We have both clearly moved on, and we should continue to do so.
00:19:47So, any movement on the case?
00:19:50Well, I'm pretty certain that you're not the killer.
00:19:53Oh, thank goodness.
00:19:55No, it's all preliminary right now.
00:19:57Just waiting on the lab techs to finish their work.
00:20:00But we ran through all the missing person files in the whole state,
00:20:04and there's no report for Bernadette Quinn.
00:20:07How is that possible?
00:20:09How can someone go missing for months and no one even notices?
00:20:14She must have had acquaintances, family.
00:20:16That's sad, but it happens more than you think.
00:20:18No, surely someone knows something.
00:20:20Well, you're right about that.
00:20:23Your friend Sarah failed to mention that she tried to fire Miss Quinn.
00:20:27And in return, Quinn threatened to sue the school.
00:20:31She ever talk to you about that?
00:20:33No, why would she?
00:20:36Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
00:20:38She was the new principal.
00:20:39It would have been in her best interest to keep the whole incident quiet.
00:20:43What incident?
00:20:45The father of one of the students complained that Miss Quinn was giving his daughter unwanted attention.
00:20:50He was singling her out in class, pushing for too many tutoring sessions.
00:20:54And by all accounts, the father was a bit of a squeaky wheel.
00:20:57But it would have been a PR nightmare for the school.
00:21:00And it could have led to Sarah losing her job.
00:21:02Yeah, but there has to be more to that story.
00:21:05That's my best friend you're talking about.
00:21:07I'm just following the facts.
00:21:09What about the father who made the complaints?
00:21:11I mean, he must be a suspect too.
00:21:13Sam, I'm going to talk to him right now.
00:21:15Good, I'll come with you.
00:21:19Oh, you heard me, Nick.
00:21:21I'm coming with you.
00:21:27No, Jess, you are not joining this investigation.
00:21:30My dog found the body.
00:21:32I went to school with these people.
00:21:34I know them.
00:21:35I'm already part of it.
00:21:37I thought you were looking to step back from tragedy and danger.
00:21:43But I thought about it last night.
00:21:47Miss Quinn was tough, and a lot of students didn't like her.
00:21:52But I did.
00:21:58The homework was too hard?
00:22:01Things aren't always going to be easy for you.
00:22:05Life is hard.
00:22:08But if you apply yourself, you can handle it.
00:22:11You are in control of your future.
00:22:15I don't care about grammar.
00:22:16I want to do search and rescue or be a fire chief like my dad.
00:22:23I want to help people when they need it most.
00:22:26Now that's honorable work.
00:22:29But it isn't easy work.
00:22:31It takes focus, diligence, and grit.
00:22:36And you do that.
00:22:42Now let's see it.
00:22:45She never let me settle.
00:22:47She pushed me, even when I didn't want to be pushed, to be my best.
00:22:52And that helped me to get where I am.
00:22:55It's all about perspective.
00:22:58And you could use a little perspective on this case.
00:23:01Is that right?
00:23:03Plus, I need to convince you to take my best friend off the suspect list.
00:23:06Well, I guess it would be kind of cool to see you back in action.
00:23:09Like the old days at the academy.
00:23:12But a homicide investigation is very different than fire and search and rescue, okay?
00:23:17It moves at a slower pace.
00:23:19You're going to need a little patience, Jess.
00:23:22And you let me do the talking.
00:23:27Good, detective.
00:23:40Just give me one minute.
00:23:43Hey, Mom, what's up?
00:23:45Robert is in the hospital.
00:23:47He's fallen and broken his arm.
00:23:49Robert? Like Robert from your date?
00:23:52You're his emergency contact?
00:23:55Robert is someone special, a very nice man, who I like spending time with.
00:23:59Okay, Mom.
00:24:00I need to apologize to you for wanting to be happy, Jess.
00:24:02I need you to get over here and pick up Zeus.
00:24:05Okay, I'll be right there.
00:24:13Everything okay?
00:24:15Yeah, I just need to make a quick stop first.
00:24:23Sorry, buddy. Only a short ride this time.
00:24:30Hey, now, don't be too grumpy about it.
00:24:33Listen here, Zeus. We're going to find answers.
00:24:36I don't want you finding any more bodies today.
00:24:38Got it?
00:24:39Okay. Let's not get too chummy, you two.
00:24:42We're taking him to the center to drop him in his kennel.
00:24:44No fraternizing.
00:24:51You will hang out with Jones while we talk to Mr. Maynard.
00:25:09Mr. Maynard?
00:25:10Detective Nick Kolsoff.
00:25:12This is my, uh, associate, Jazz Ramsey.
00:25:15Just have a few questions for you.
00:25:17Now's not really a good time. I got to get these boxes to the shipper.
00:25:20It'll only take a minute.
00:25:23When are you moving?
00:25:26So Maddie will get to graduate with her class at Astor.
00:25:29You know, they say that moving is one of life's more stressful events.
00:25:33It's a lot, but it's worth it.
00:25:36Promotion for me and a new chapter for Maddie.
00:25:38Just leave all this behind us.
00:25:42Can you tell me about what led to you filing a complaint against Miss Quinn at the school last year?
00:25:46The principal assigned Miss Quinn to tutor Maddie to help her with her dyslexia.
00:25:50They had private sessions for a reading comprehension.
00:25:53And how did Maddie respond to the one-on-one teaching?
00:25:55Got her grades up to where they needed to be for college.
00:25:58Maddie felt like her old, happy self again.
00:26:01Hmm. How so?
00:26:04Maddie's always felt, uh, misunderstood and a bit of an outsider because she was adopted.
00:26:09It got worse when her mother and I divorced two years ago.
00:26:13And is Maddie's mother still involved in your life?
00:26:15She's out of the picture.
00:26:17Maddie took it pretty hard, so I guess the attention of Miss Quinn, she liked it.
00:26:22Makes sense. She missed her mom.
00:26:26You mentioned unwanted attention from Miss Quinn beyond the tutoring?
00:26:31Quinn was always calling on Maddie in class, singled her out.
00:26:35She even gave her books to help her with her reading.
00:26:40Books from an English teacher doesn't seem...
00:26:47I ended the sessions, but Quinn wouldn't stop calling on Maddie in class.
00:26:51Maddie felt singled out.
00:26:52Even the other students started making fun of her because of it.
00:26:55We would bump into her in the neighborhood out on the weekends.
00:26:58Couldn't have been a coincidence.
00:27:00And Sarah Carrington was so dismissive.
00:27:02Quinn was a good teacher, but her obsession with Maddie was weird.
00:27:06The school completely mishandled this whole situation.
00:27:10Did Maddie ever mention anything unusual happening?
00:27:14No, she never said anything.
00:27:17I'll be... Excuse me.
00:27:19Thanks for your time.
00:27:33You don't need to be a hotshot detective to tell that Maddie's dad's still angry at Miss Quinn.
00:27:37He has motive.
00:27:39It makes sense he'd be protective of his daughter.
00:27:41But was he even at the school that day?
00:27:44How would he have known about the third floor? What got in the key?
00:27:47There's motive, but not much opportunity.
00:27:50Maybe there's some other way to access the third floor that we don't know about.
00:27:54Officers checked. There's no other access.
00:27:57But I like where your head's at.
00:27:59Outside the box thinking.
00:28:03Why leave the body in the floor?
00:28:06That's the question.
00:28:09Think you want to grab some lunch? Talk through some theories?
00:28:12I don't know if I'm ready for lunch.
00:28:14Not ready for lunch in general or lunch with me?
00:28:19I'm going to go to the school and talk to Sarah about the lawsuit.
00:28:23She's more likely to open up to you than me anyway.
00:28:27But if you talk to her, try and remain objective, impartial.
00:28:30Ask leading questions, but let her do the talking.
00:28:33Okay. You can do great.
00:28:45Oh, hey. Can I talk to you for a few minutes?
00:28:48I'm helping Nick with the investigation.
00:28:52No, it's not like that. I just need to clarify a few things.
00:28:55It'll have to be later. I'm actually about to start the assembly in the auditorium.
00:29:00Let the parents and students know the police are investigating.
00:29:04And we'll be offering extra protection.
00:29:06What are you going to say if they ask if the victims were suspects?
00:29:09That the police haven't confirmed the victim's name yet?
00:29:11I'm actually relieved about that, because if everybody knew it was Ms. Quinn,
00:29:15I'd have to think of something nice to say about her.
00:29:18Really, Sarah?
00:29:19All the students and the faculty will be in the auditorium,
00:29:22so if you need to look around, now's a good time.
00:29:27Ah! Let's go.
00:29:29I brought him back after the weekend safe and sound.
00:29:34I appreciate that, Sarah.
00:29:38And I'm sorry I have to leave you like this.
00:29:40You're not alone here.
00:29:42I'm here because I have to say goodbye to you.
00:29:47I'm sorry I'm late.
00:29:49It's okay.
00:29:51I'm glad you're okay.
00:29:53I don't want to keep you waiting.
00:29:56That's Sarah.
00:29:59And I can see you even cleaned out his cage.
00:30:03Then who is responsible for this reckless act?
00:30:07Leaving the door open to the hamster cage
00:30:09is the act of an imbecile.
00:30:12Where is this poor, innocent creature?
00:30:16It's probably out there cold and hungry, missing its home.
00:30:22Speak up now.
00:30:24There are consequences for your actions.
00:30:27They must be punished.
00:30:51Objective, impartial.
00:31:08Sarah, careless.
00:31:13Oh, Katya.
00:31:16If you want some candy, you could just ask.
00:31:19Wait, were you?
00:31:22You think I did it?
00:31:24Jazz, not you too.
00:31:25No, I'm just trying to stay close to the case
00:31:27to keep you off the suspect list.
00:31:30Look, I know this world.
00:31:31I know the cops.
00:31:32And I can help.
00:31:34But it doesn't help if it seems like you're hiding something.
00:31:37I'm not hiding things.
00:31:38Then why didn't you mention Ms. Quinn almost sued the school?
00:31:41You have to tell Nick these things, even if you
00:31:44don't think they're relevant.
00:31:46OK, look, I didn't bring it up because the situation
00:31:52basically resolved itself.
00:31:54I was supposed to meet Ms. Quinn and her attorney
00:31:58after school on the last day of classes.
00:31:59But the meeting was canceled last minute.
00:32:02And then she resigned.
00:32:04I just assumed that her lawyer advised her not to sue.
00:32:08Well, what did Maddie Menard have to say about it?
00:32:11Maddie's a great kid with a bright future.
00:32:13But she's quiet, keeps to herself.
00:32:16Her dad is strong minded.
00:32:19He's the one who pushed for Ms. Quinn to be fired.
00:32:21But there was no evidence to support his accusations.
00:32:24And since Maddie opposed it, I tried to move
00:32:27Ms. Quinn to the library.
00:32:28She spent so much time there anyway.
00:32:32What is that?
00:32:38Oh, just the usual chaos.
00:32:42Who's that man?
00:32:47Can I help you?
00:32:49Excuse me.
00:32:53Watch it.
00:32:54Sorry, Eddie.
00:33:19I have no idea where he went.
00:33:22So you've never seen that man before?
00:33:24All of the parents know that they or any guests
00:33:26need to sign in at the office.
00:33:28What was his plan if I didn't chase him off?
00:33:30Was he here for the memorial?
00:33:32He could have known Ms. Quinn.
00:33:34Why come late?
00:33:35Why run away?
00:33:37You going to tell Nick about the man?
00:33:39No, not yet.
00:33:40Well, he's keeping things from the investigation now.
00:33:43All right, I kept a note about the man with the limp.
00:33:46But I need to know if he's connected to the case.
00:33:48And I'm going to say Nick's going to stop answering
00:33:50my calls if I call him every five minutes
00:33:52with a vaguely possible-ish clue.
00:33:54I highly doubt Nick would ever not answer the phone for you.
00:33:57Well, once he realizes I don't know what I'm doing.
00:33:59Honestly, search and rescue was like running
00:34:02a race from A to B. Investigation
00:34:04is like stumbling through a maze blindfolded.
00:34:09Can you even read that?
00:34:12Ms. Quinn's laughter.
00:34:17Oh, lawyer.
00:34:18Yeah, that's the lead.
00:34:19The lawyer might be the last person who saw her alive.
00:34:29Deirdre Mason with the law firm Kennedy & Kline.
00:34:33Did you actually meet her?
00:34:34A few times.
00:34:36She'd come into the school for meetings with Ms. Quinn
00:34:38and I presumed to get a feel for the school.
00:34:41How many times?
00:34:43She was in three times last spring.
00:34:47So it's feasible that she knew her way around the school?
00:34:51Wait a minute.
00:34:52It looks like she also signed in at 3 PM on June 22.
00:34:57It's odd that she would be in the building that day
00:34:59but cancel our meeting.
00:35:03What time does she leave?
00:35:05The logbook doesn't say, but it's
00:35:07not unusual for guests to forget to sign out.
00:35:09Signing in is more important.
00:35:13Do you have security cameras?
00:35:14Some way that we could corroborate timelines
00:35:17when people came and left?
00:35:19Usually footage is only stored for three months,
00:35:21but we're in luck.
00:35:21The school's attorney made me copy the files
00:35:24around that time in case Ms. Quinn took legal action.
00:35:29But I gave all of this to Nick already.
00:35:34That's weird.
00:35:34He didn't tell me.
00:35:37Anyway, can I see it?
00:35:40There she is with Ms. Quinn.
00:35:42Deirdre Mason, always in a business suit.
00:35:45All right, she enters at 3 PM, just
00:35:47like the digital logbook says.
00:35:49What time does she leave?
00:35:51There's me and the other teachers
00:35:53leaving between 4 and 4 45, and Deirdre at 5 45,
00:35:57followed shortly after by Eddie.
00:36:01After that, no one enters or exits
00:36:02the building until a few weeks before the end of summer break.
00:36:06Ms. Quinn never left the building that day.
00:36:10Why wouldn't Nick tell me about this?
00:36:14Why don't you head home?
00:36:15I have to prep my fake smile to welcome the angry parents
00:36:19to the emergency PTA meeting.
00:36:21Apparently, they are not pleased that a murder suspect is running
00:36:26their daughter's school.
00:36:29Good luck.
00:36:30It's all right.
00:36:31I'll just tell them what they need to hear.
00:36:34Gotta love damage control.
00:36:36Oh, that reminds me.
00:36:38Sorry, what?
00:36:39Damage control.
00:36:41The parents did not love that I let
00:36:42you hide real human bones in the room with their children
00:36:45for the demonstration.
00:36:46Oh, no.
00:36:47I left one of the bones in the room.
00:36:50I told them it was all gone, Jazz.
00:36:52You have to go get it.
00:36:53I can't take any more heat from these parents.
00:36:57I'm hurrying.
00:37:01Do you ever feel bad about the prank we played on Ms. Quinn?
00:37:04No, never.
00:37:06I honestly thought she would be happy that there was
00:37:08another hamster in the classroom.
00:37:10But Ms. Quinn happy?
00:37:13Should have known better.
00:37:19Sarah, we have to tell the truth.
00:37:26The hamster isn't lost anymore.
00:37:27Ms. Quinn can't be mad.
00:37:29We'll never get caught because she won't know the difference.
00:37:31But you let your 10-year-old cousin have it.
00:37:33Lies are OK if they make other people feel better.
00:37:35Just put on a smile and act normal.
00:39:25Asher, the PT meeting's in the auditorium.
00:39:29I am aware, Ms. Ramsey.
00:39:31Maddie snuck out of Memorial and went home without grabbing
00:39:33her stuff from her locker.
00:39:35Was she upset?
00:39:37I honestly don't know what Maddie's thinking
00:39:39half the time these days.
00:39:40She doesn't talk to me.
00:39:41She's always on the computer.
00:39:43This Quinn nonsense was supposed to be over.
00:39:48You know what?
00:39:49It is over.
00:39:50In a few days, this will all be behind us.
00:40:01I'm sorry.
00:40:11What are you doing here?
00:40:13Putting in a little face time, PTA meeting.
00:40:16Helping some nerves.
00:40:18You all right?
00:40:20Look like you've seen a ghost.
00:40:21Yeah, um, Sarah asked me to remove the bone
00:40:25I'd forgotten on the third floor.
00:40:26And while I was up there, someone
00:40:27unlocked the door and came in.
00:40:28So there's another key.
00:40:30I knew it.
00:40:31Yeah, someone who knows their way around a crime scene,
00:40:35They could still be inside.
00:40:36Using the PTA meeting as cover.
00:40:39All right, take a look.
00:40:41See if there's anything suspicious.
00:40:44And check out Asher Menard and Eddie.
00:40:48Eddie's always around.
00:40:49He knows the school, and he's had ample opportunity
00:40:51to make a copy of the key.
00:40:52Well, Eddie's on my radar.
00:40:54I'm going to talk to him.
00:40:55Look, Jazz, I spoke to my superiors.
00:40:59They want me to take care of this meeting,
00:41:00but then I'm going to have to shift my focus
00:41:03to more higher priority cases.
00:41:07High priority?
00:41:09Given Miss Quinn's status, there's less pressure
00:41:15from family and the media.
00:41:18So what?
00:41:19She just doesn't matter?
00:41:21Someone just broke in.
00:41:22Doesn't matter?
00:41:24Someone just broke into a crime scene.
00:41:25Obviously, there's still something going on here.
00:41:27And I'm going to check it out.
00:41:29But until we get answers back from forensics, how she died,
00:41:32when she died, we're kind of spinning our wheels here.
00:41:35And I can see this is getting to you.
00:41:37It might be a good idea for you to take a step back, too.
00:41:41Well, I'm not going to do that, because she
00:41:43was important to me.
00:41:45She's important to the students.
00:41:46This is so typical of you.
00:41:48If there's not a camera or a press conference,
00:41:50it's not worth your time.
00:41:52OK, that's not true.
00:41:53Look, I know this is important to you.
00:41:54It's important to me.
00:41:55And I'm going to do what I can.
00:41:56In the press conference, you said you
00:41:57would do everything you could.
00:42:01Well, I have to say that to the public.
00:42:04Do you mean anything you say?
00:42:08Jez, my media presence helps everyone.
00:42:13The city needs a sense of security and trust.
00:42:15And community involvement leads to tips,
00:42:17which leads to arrests.
00:42:18Yeah, only in high priority cases, apparently.
00:42:21It's out of my hands, Jez.
00:42:24Look, I became a detective because I want to help people.
00:42:27You know me.
00:42:29No, I knew you.
00:42:36You still know me, Jez.
00:42:40The Nick I knew would have come to my dad's funeral.
00:42:46He said he cared about my parents.
00:42:49He said he loved me.
00:42:53You changed.
00:42:56And it hurt me.
00:43:02You were so devastated by your father's accident.
00:43:06So was your mom.
00:43:08We all were.
00:43:10And I just didn't know how to make it better.
00:43:14We had broken up.
00:43:16I thought in that moment, you two needed each other
00:43:18more than you needed me.
00:43:21That was never true.
00:43:30I got to get in this meeting.
00:43:34But I'll tell you what.
00:43:36Tomorrow morning after my shift, we can meet up, OK?
00:43:39We'll go over some evidence.
00:43:42I want you to read on this.
00:43:44I need your help.
00:44:18I'll be right back.
00:44:28Jez, I'm glad you called.
00:44:31Someone's been planting flowers at Dad's grave.
00:44:35That was me, honey.
00:44:36You can't even keep a cactus alive.
00:44:39Gardening was Dad's thing.
00:44:41Well, I've had a lot of time on my hands since your dad died.
00:44:47You did that for Dad?
00:44:49We find our own way to honor those we love.
00:44:53I'm sorry I was so hard on you the other day.
00:44:56I'm sure Robert is very nice.
00:45:00How's he doing, by the way?
00:45:04He's just fine.
00:45:07It turns out his arm wasn't broken.
00:45:09Soft tissue damage is still painful.
00:45:11I really am sorry.
00:45:13He's just having a tough day.
00:45:17It's been a tough couple of years, if I'm being honest.
00:45:20I'm sorry.
00:45:22I really miss Dad.
00:45:25Me too.
00:45:29What would he say if the two of you were talking right now?
00:45:37Shut up, Jez.
00:45:41I'm with you.
00:45:50Let me call you back, Mom.
00:45:52All right.
00:45:53I love you.
00:45:54You too.
00:46:02Come on.
00:46:07Hey, have you been following us?
00:46:10You can try running away, but I don't think you'll get far.
00:46:15What were you doing at the school today?
00:46:19I know I shouldn't have been there,
00:46:22but I'm starting to get worried about Bernadette.
00:46:27Bernadette's been gone for how long?
00:46:30The police think a little over a year.
00:46:32You with the police?
00:46:33No, no, no.
00:46:34I'm just helping with the investigation.
00:46:36I'm Jez.
00:46:40Sam Tilner.
00:46:43Bernadette was my cousin.
00:46:45Well, estranged cousin.
00:46:50When was the last time you saw Bernadette?
00:46:54We'd summer together.
00:46:56The family cottage?
00:46:58Thick as thieves.
00:47:01As kids.
00:47:03We haven't really spoken for many years.
00:47:07I fell on some hard times a few years back.
00:47:11Found myself unhoused.
00:47:16Instead of offering to help me, Bernadette
00:47:18judged me for the decisions that led me there.
00:47:22She wasn't kind.
00:47:27Do you and Bernadette have any other family?
00:47:31I'm the last of the living.
00:47:34She didn't have any friends either.
00:47:36A hard person to get along with?
00:47:38She chose to live that way.
00:47:40Always kept people at a distance.
00:47:45She can't be blamed for that.
00:47:48Bernadette changed.
00:47:51She was never the same after the accident.
00:47:55What accident?
00:47:59Door's open.
00:48:04Did you get my messages?
00:48:07It's 7 AM, you know.
00:48:10Yeah, but you said you had evidence for me.
00:48:13I was thinking maybe we could talk about us first.
00:48:18I think we've already talked enough about us.
00:48:20Let's just focus on work.
00:48:26I'm still waiting to get the full report,
00:48:28but the lab sent this over.
00:48:30It's photos of everything that was found on the victim.
00:48:37Um, wait, I want to show you something.
00:49:01This is our class photo.
00:49:02That's Miss Quinn with the cat eye glasses.
00:49:05She always used to wear them on a chain around her neck.
00:49:10So the glasses do suggest that the victim could be Miss Quinn.
00:49:14And the dental records agree with it.
00:49:21So it's definitely Miss Quinn.
00:49:23Dental records say so, but I like the way for DNA.
00:49:28Well, you're thorough.
00:49:29I'll give you that.
00:49:31So what do you got for me?
00:49:3620 years ago, Miss Quinn was hit by a drunk driver.
00:49:39Her husband and daughter were killed in the accident.
00:49:43OK, now I'm awake.
00:49:45Her daughter was only 14 at the time.
00:49:48Man, that's tragic.
00:49:50And you think this is relevant to the case somehow?
00:49:54It's just Miss Quinn had this whole life outside of school
00:49:58that no one knew anything about, and then she lost it.
00:50:02It's feasible that she fought so hard not to retire
00:50:05because her job was all she had.
00:50:06I think that's relevant.
00:50:08Yeah, I agree.
00:50:09Just want to pull up the police report.
00:50:16OK, it says here the person that was driving
00:50:19the car that hit them was a young woman named Susan Harper.
00:50:23She was intoxicated.
00:50:25Susan's lawyer argues that there was ice on the road.
00:50:29The car skidded out, as Quinn's did before the hit.
00:50:32How is that relevant?
00:50:34Susan was intoxicated.
00:50:35Well, it was her first offense, so she did jail time.
00:50:39It was a lenient sentence.
00:50:42Question is, what do you want me to do with all this?
00:50:46I don't know yet.
00:50:49Thinking about Miss Quinn's life,
00:50:50I mean, she must have lived somewhere
00:50:52before she disappeared.
00:50:53Wouldn't it be pretty obvious to a landlord or the city
00:50:56if she just stopped paying rent or property taxes?
00:51:00That's a good point.
00:51:102276 King Street, Cleveland.
00:51:16Looks like she purchased the property with her husband
00:51:18in the late 90s and hasn't been on the market since.
00:51:24The property's still listed under her name.
00:51:26Utility bills, property tax, it's all
00:51:28been paid in full the last year.
00:51:31The question is, by who?
00:51:33I don't know.
00:51:36I'm going to find out.
00:51:38Well, I think we should do it together.
00:51:39I don't want you taking any unnecessary risk like you
00:51:41did at the school yesterday.
00:51:42That's a good idea.
00:51:43I'll drive.
00:51:44I can't go now.
00:51:46I got to be in court all day testifying on another case.
00:51:48It's going to have to wait till tonight.
00:51:51Jess, I'm giving you everything I can here.
00:51:54I'm all yours outside of office hours.
00:51:58It's not your best offer.
00:52:04I'll take it.
00:52:06I'll see you tonight.
00:52:08I'll meet you at the house.
00:52:22This is Harry.
00:52:23Your call cannot be completed as dialed.
00:52:26Please check the number and dial again.
00:52:38Kennedy and Klein, how can I direct your call?
00:52:45Hey, may I please speak to Deirdre Mason?
00:52:47Miss Mason no longer works at the firm.
00:52:49She resigned last year.
00:52:51Oh, well, do you happen to know what firm she moved to
00:52:54or how I could reach her?
00:52:55No idea.
00:52:57She sent a letter of resignation
00:52:58and then never came back.
00:53:02Could you maybe tell me how?
00:53:03I'm not your personal search engine, ma'am.
00:53:05And I cannot give out information
00:53:06about former employees.
00:53:11I'm going to need Nick's badge for that resignation letter.
00:53:16What am I missing?
00:53:28Where are you?
00:53:29I'm at the house.
00:53:30The house?
00:53:32Miss Quinn's house.
00:53:34You forgot.
00:53:37I did not forget.
00:53:38But you're going to have to sit tight
00:53:40because I have some people work to do.
00:53:41I just got out of court and the captain's waiting on it.
00:53:44Well, I don't know if it's slipped your mind,
00:53:46but sitting tight isn't exactly one of my strong suits.
00:53:49Maybe making strong suits is what you want to do.
00:53:52Maybe making strong suit, at least until I get there.
00:53:55Look, Jess, I told you, investigations, they take time.
00:53:57OK, but the lights are on in the house.
00:53:59I mean, whoever's living in Miss Quinn's house
00:54:01is right in front of me.
00:54:02I could just knock on the door.
00:54:03Look, Jess, I would not do that.
00:54:12OK, fine.
00:54:13I promise I won't knock on the door.
00:54:22Come on.
00:54:26Excuse me?
00:54:35Funny running into you again.
00:54:45So you've been squatting here since last summer?
00:54:50House sitting.
00:54:53Bernadette sent me a message to watch her cat for a while.
00:54:56She was retiring and taking a trip
00:54:59to our family's country home, so I did what she asked.
00:55:03She never came back.
00:55:06You didn't think that was odd?
00:55:09I thought retirement to the country had been good to her,
00:55:12and she decided to stay.
00:55:14And leave you her house?
00:55:16I actually thought she was taking pity on me.
00:55:19Bernadette shamed me for the choices that I made in my life.
00:55:22She knew that all I needed was a break, some help
00:55:24to get me back on my feet.
00:55:27When I heard about the body at the school,
00:55:29I thought about how long she's been away.
00:55:32I got worried.
00:55:34So you've been paying all her bills?
00:55:37It only made sense.
00:55:39I know it seems strange.
00:55:41But Bernadette used to say that this house hasn't really
00:55:44been her home since her family was killed.
00:55:49Did Miss Quinn leave any personal items behind?
00:55:52All kinds of stuff.
00:55:54I just cleaned her desk and some random stuff
00:55:56she had lying about, so that it would all be in one place
00:56:00when she got back.
00:56:07Her daughter sure was a lovely girl.
00:56:09You know, this is Miss Quinn's student, Maddie.
00:56:14This one's Layla.
00:56:16I remember Bernadette taking this, like, 20 years ago.
00:56:20A little more, maybe?
00:56:51You're gonna hurt.
00:56:57What's that?
00:57:10Jazz, I told you to wait.
00:57:13Oh, the exciting stuff happened in the park after.
00:57:16Are you OK?
00:57:18How badly are you hurt?
00:57:19No, it's just a few scrapes.
00:57:23I need to show you what I found in Miss Quinn's house.
00:57:29Exhibit A, Miss Quinn's student.
00:57:32Exhibit B, Miss Quinn's daughter.
00:57:36The one that was killed in the drunk driving accident.
00:57:37Yeah, the resemblance.
00:57:44That's uncanny.
00:57:46Now, we don't know the extent to which Maddie
00:57:50knew Miss Quinn's investment in her.
00:57:51But if her dad did, she'd know that they're
00:57:54moving out of the country.
00:57:55And if they leave, we won't get them back.
00:57:57We won't be able to question them.
00:58:00All right, this is something.
00:58:02We're getting closer.
00:58:03Then there's Sam Tilner.
00:58:04You know, he had a lot to benefit
00:58:05from Miss Quinn's disappearance.
00:58:07He had a place to live and a fresh start to life.
00:58:10There's Eddie.
00:58:11Eddie just pops up everywhere.
00:58:13There's a lawyer, you know, in her resignation letter.
00:58:16Jess, Jess, take a breath, OK?
00:58:17Slow down.
00:58:19No, I'm fine.
00:58:20You're not fine, Jess.
00:58:22You got to be aware of your surroundings.
00:58:25You can't help people if you need help yourself.
00:58:29We're going to fix you up, then we'll look at the case.
00:58:37I got you pretty good up here.
00:58:40It's just a surface wound.
00:58:41It'll heal.
00:58:43It's the stuff underneath you can't see that really hurts.
00:58:53How's your mom holding up?
00:58:56Same as me.
00:58:59Your dad was such a good man.
00:59:02I looked up to him.
00:59:05I really didn't think you would have wanted
00:59:07to see me at that funeral.
00:59:10All I wanted was to see you.
00:59:14For you to just show up and prove me wrong.
00:59:18I wanted to.
00:59:24I'm sorry.
00:59:30I was devastated, too.
00:59:34And then I got pulled into a big case,
00:59:35and for what it's worth, I get why you broke it off with me.
00:59:44I wasn't able to be the boyfriend you deserved.
00:59:47I had to focus so much on my career.
00:59:54That aside, I'm happy for you.
00:59:58The TV, the promotion.
01:00:02You got everything you wanted.
01:00:07Well, not quite yet.
01:00:15But you seem like you're in a better place now.
01:00:20Training the dogs, it's healing.
01:00:25And if I can help bring closure to other families who
01:00:27are missing their loved ones, then that's meaningful.
01:00:33You're also turning into quite the investigator.
01:00:37But I have to insist we work together
01:00:39on the Quinn case here on out.
01:00:41Well, I thought you said this case wasn't a priority.
01:00:44Well, maybe you are.
01:00:53I kept thinking when I was laying there,
01:00:57all I have to come home to is a freezer full of human remains
01:01:01and samples for the dogs.
01:01:04No, I'm serious.
01:01:05I don't want to end up alone like Miss Quinn.
01:01:10It's impossible.
01:01:17Look, I should let you get some sleep.
01:01:20We can start fresh on this in the morning.
01:01:26Good night.
01:01:28Good night.
01:01:36And I wait till morning until the sun kisses my eyes.
01:01:49I got a call today from your teacher, a strict one.
01:01:53Miss Quinn?
01:01:56She thinks Sarah's a bad influence on you
01:02:00because she convinced you to pull the old hamster switcheroo?
01:02:05Yeah, she's upset because you and Sarah thought
01:02:08she wouldn't notice a difference.
01:02:12All our actions have consequences, Jazz.
01:02:16But it seems to me like you and Sarah, you guys are
01:02:19trying to make things right, yeah?
01:02:22But you feel bad about lying, don't you?
01:02:27Where do you feel that?
01:02:28You feel that in the pit of your stomach?
01:02:33That awful feeling, that's today's consequence.
01:02:39Shut up, Jazzy.
01:02:41You're going to make mistakes.
01:02:42But you're going to get it right.
01:02:48300 sunsets, 300 donuts on tea, you are wheel away.
01:03:17Good morning, Sleepyhead.
01:03:29Make yourself comfortable.
01:03:30I was beginning to worry you had a concussion.
01:03:35You making an omelet?
01:03:37Ha ha.
01:03:38How'd you get in here?
01:03:39I forgot.
01:03:40I actually still have a key.
01:03:41Gave it to me for emergencies.
01:03:43You really should change your locks every few years.
01:03:46It's too early for lectures.
01:03:48Well, it's not too early to solve this case.
01:03:50I already contacted the offices of Kennedy and Klein.
01:03:52They're going to send over a copy of Dieter's resignation
01:03:56Thank goodness for that badge of yours.
01:03:57I'm also going to get that fabric that you ripped off
01:03:59the attacker, bring it to the lab,
01:04:00see if we can lift any DNA off it.
01:04:03OK, now you're just showing off.
01:04:06I'm going to pick up Zeus, go into the school.
01:04:09I think Sarah Nash and Renard should know about the photos
01:04:11Miss Quinn had of Maddie.
01:04:13Good idea.
01:04:21Uh, Jez, what happened to your head?
01:04:24I'll tell you later.
01:04:25Um, any chance you contacted Maddie's dad?
01:04:27He said he couldn't join us till later.
01:04:29What is this about?
01:04:30We're going to need a quiet place to talk.
01:04:56I told you I can't stand dogs!
01:04:59Eddie, the dog's restrained.
01:05:01Hey, open the door, show me your hands, and come out slowly.
01:05:08What is with you, Ramsey?
01:05:09I'm just trying to do my job.
01:05:10You can't just stick your dog on me!
01:05:16Come on, he's probably just looking for some chicken I had for lunch yesterday.
01:05:34Looks like Zeus found what he was looking for.
01:05:41You attacked me?
01:05:43No, no, why would I do that?
01:05:45You tell me.
01:05:48I'm saying nothing.
01:05:49I haven't done anything!
01:05:51We'll see about that.
01:05:57I'm telling you, I had nothing to do with the murder.
01:06:00So you'll attack a woman walking alone, but murder?
01:06:04That's a step too far for you?
01:06:06I was only trying to send Jazz a message.
01:06:10You're not telling me the truth, Eddie.
01:06:11I'm not lying!
01:06:13My officers found a bag full of cash and poker chips in here.
01:06:17You want to explain that one to me?
01:06:18That does not make me a murderer.
01:06:20Maybe not.
01:06:22But it's pretty suspicious, don't you think?
01:06:25Look, it's an inheritance.
01:06:27I swear, look, I keep it upstairs with the books.
01:06:31No one goes up there, no one else had a key.
01:06:34I just like to keep it safe, that's all.
01:06:36Or maybe you have a gambling problem.
01:06:40Maybe you're into something illegal.
01:06:43And maybe Miss Quinn figured it out.
01:06:46Or she at least had her suspicions like I do.
01:06:49Or maybe she threatened to report you and you needed to keep her quiet.
01:06:53Now she was on the outs with the school anyway.
01:06:55You knew about the renovations, you had plenty of time to make a copy of that key.
01:07:00You had motive, opportunity.
01:07:02I think you killed her and put her body in that floor so you could keep your secrets.
01:07:06No, I did not kill her.
01:07:07Eddie, I've seen the footage.
01:07:09You were the last person to walk out of this building before the summer break.
01:07:15Okay, fine.
01:07:16Look, I take a bit of money from the school and I use it to gamble.
01:07:19But I always put it back.
01:07:22I am not a killer.
01:07:31You can tell me all about that down at the station.
01:07:35I guess you never really know someone.
01:07:37Eddie was always so chill and easy going.
01:07:40I mean, he was unreliable and got around to things in his own time.
01:07:44But it's all starting to add up.
01:07:48It is a relief to get to the bottom of this though so we can just put it behind us.
01:07:54Eddie attacked me because he didn't want me to expose he was stealing money from the school.
01:07:58But it's rash.
01:08:03To kill someone over it.
01:08:09Asher, thank you so much for coming in.
01:08:11You again.
01:08:13Detective Kolosov was pulled off on urgent matter.
01:08:15He'll be joining us soon.
01:08:17When will Maddie be joining us?
01:08:19As soon as you call her from her classroom.
01:08:22Maddie's not at school today.
01:08:24What do you mean she's not at school?
01:08:26I already checked. She never signed in.
01:08:37Let's go.
01:09:08They're identical.
01:09:11Miss Quinn's, Teacher Mason's two different women.
01:09:15The exact same resignation letter.
01:09:27Kennedy and Kline.
01:09:28Yes, this is Detective Kolosov.
01:09:30I'm calling from the school.
01:09:33Kennedy and Kline.
01:09:34Yes, this is Detective Kolosov.
01:09:36Yeah, I'm looking at the resignation letter you sent over earlier.
01:09:40Can you offer me any insight as to why Deidre Mason resigned?
01:09:44You'd have to ask her. She left without warning.
01:09:47Never even cleaned out her desk.
01:09:49The whole thing was totally unprofessional.
01:09:53And would you consider that to be out of character for her?
01:09:58Well, it was odd because I heard one of the partners say that Deidre works so hard to turn her life around and do some good.
01:10:04They should really do better background checks on the people they hire.
01:10:08Thank you very much.
01:10:16She's not answering. Something's wrong.
01:10:18Let's not jump to conclusions.
01:10:20Did Maddie say or do anything unusual this morning?
01:10:23I told her to stay home and pack, but she insisted on coming to school.
01:10:26She said she had to pack her books up and she needed to stay late for a club or something.
01:10:31And how is she feeling about your upcoming move?
01:10:33She was really excited about it for a few weeks and then recently she got very overdramatic, said she was nervous about moving so far away.
01:10:40Kids her age can struggle with being uprooted. They long for familiarity, stability.
01:10:45Then why would she run away?
01:10:47Well, if she was upset, then maybe she's seeking comfort with family, friends.
01:10:53She's close to some cousins, sort of, but they're out of town.
01:10:59The other day Maddie mentioned to me a friend that she spoke to a lot.
01:11:04Yeah, she had mentioned this friend. I haven't met her yet. She hasn't come to the house.
01:11:09Layla, that's her name.
01:11:14Maybe I can find her online.
01:11:23I'm sorry.
01:11:30Does Maddie spend a lot of time online?
01:11:33Playing apps, games. She doesn't have a lot of friends.
01:11:37Here, Maddie's friends list.
01:11:40Okay, Layla.
01:11:43Here she is.
01:11:47She doesn't have any other friends and her profile picture's a cat.
01:11:51What teenage girl do you know that doesn't have a single photo of themselves online?
01:11:55I don't think this is a real profile. I think it's a catfish.
01:12:02I think I know where Maddie is.
01:12:06Stay with Sarah.
01:12:09I'm gonna go check the house.
01:12:19Teacher Mason is Susan Harper.
01:12:43Are you okay?
01:12:49Jasmine Ramsey.
01:12:51As I live and breathe.
01:12:54I wish I could say I was happy to see you.
01:12:57Feeling is mutual, my dear.
01:13:00But if you'll excuse us, we have to go.
01:13:10But if you'll excuse us, Layla and I have a plane to catch.
01:13:15Layla, your daughter is dead.
01:13:18I don't know what you're doing here, but this has to stop.
01:13:22Do you have a daughter, Jasmine?
01:13:27And you can't begin to imagine the love a mother feels for her daughter.
01:13:34You'll never understand the loss I feel and the sacrifices I have had to endure to get her back.
01:13:47Come on, Jasmine. Pick up.
01:13:50Come on.
01:13:53You're right.
01:13:56I don't understand.
01:13:58But I'd like to try.
01:13:59But I'd like to try.
01:14:00Susan Harper destroyed my life in an instant.
01:14:03She deserved to pay for her sins.
01:14:05Susan Harper served her sentence.
01:14:08She was filled with remorse.
01:14:10Then why was I the one living a life sentence without my family?
01:14:14Why did she get to live a reformed life when she took the lives of two beautiful people?
01:14:22Because life is just hard.
01:14:26You taught me that.
01:14:30So I took control of my life.
01:14:33When I realized that God gave me a second chance with Layla,
01:14:38my daughter reincarnated in Penny.
01:14:42I knew I had to reform my life.
01:14:45And that Susan Harper's had to end.
01:14:50Put your bag on, Layla dear.
01:14:52Please don't do this.
01:14:56Jas, you okay?
01:14:57Put it down.
01:14:59Maddie is innocent in this.
01:15:01Of course my Layla is innocent.
01:15:03She deserved to live with her mother.
01:15:05Not like that Susan.
01:15:06She didn't deserve anything.
01:15:08Susan didn't deserve a life sentence either.
01:15:10She turned her life around.
01:15:12She couldn't change the past, but she wanted to help people.
01:15:15And she never stopped speaking out about drunk driving.
01:15:18She was a monster!
01:15:20You tracked her for years, didn't you?
01:15:22In prison.
01:15:23And then law school.
01:15:25And then when she changed her name to Deidre Mason.
01:15:28Deidre Mason was the body in the floor.
01:15:32So who are you?
01:15:34Susan Harper? Deidre Mason?
01:15:35How does this work?
01:15:38That's actually a good question.
01:15:40Susan, Deidre, Bernadette.
01:15:43Which iteration should I be?
01:15:46Making Deidre disappear was easy enough.
01:15:49Just a simple switcheroo.
01:15:52Thanks to you and your friend Sarah for that idea.
01:15:55Sarah and I had nothing to do with any of this.
01:15:59A classroom hamster.
01:16:01Don't you remember Jasmine?
01:16:04Sarah put a new one in his place and thought I'd never know the difference.
01:16:09No, that was a prank.
01:16:11At worst, Sarah's cousin begged us to take care of the classroom pet.
01:16:16We thought you'd assume he got lost in the school, but you were so upset so we replaced him.
01:16:21But we never killed anyone. That was you.
01:16:25Thank you. I'll take full credit.
01:16:30I had all the resources I needed in the library.
01:16:40And Deidre Mason was more than happy to help.
01:16:44I mean, she wasn't very happy as the final pieces fell into place.
01:17:04What's with all this?
01:17:08What's going on?
01:17:10What's going on?
01:17:12It's a terrible truth that as women age, they become invisible in the eyes of society.
01:17:21But this time, it worked in my favor.
01:17:29Alas, it's time for me to disappear again.
01:17:34Now that I have my daughter back.
01:17:36It's time for my happily ever after.
01:17:39And in case you didn't get the hint, no one is going to stop me now!
01:17:47Come here.
01:17:51You're okay.
01:17:52Are you okay?
01:17:56It's okay.
01:18:00It scares me how much planning Miss Quinn put into her life.
01:18:03It scares me how much planning Miss Quinn put into hurting Deidre.
01:18:07She looks exactly like her there.
01:18:09I know.
01:18:10The clothing, the wig, the camera angle.
01:18:13She thought of everything.
01:18:15You know, she even hacked the dental records.
01:18:18You should not have gone in alone.
01:18:21I know. Never go in without backup.
01:18:23I just... I thought I knew Miss Quinn.
01:18:26You know, if I saw her, I could calm her down that she wouldn't hurt Maddie.
01:18:31I'll never do it again. I promise.
01:18:36If you had been hurt, I couldn't have lived with that.
01:18:57Dad would have really loved all these flowers.
01:18:59He would.
01:19:01He does.
01:19:06Chin up, right, Dad?
01:19:08He's so proud of you.
01:19:11I am too.
01:19:13Training crime dogs?
01:19:15Catching a killer?
01:19:18That, Jasmine Ramsey, is a path only you could walk.
01:19:23Thanks, Mom.
01:19:25Hey, do you want to maybe get something to eat at that Italian place down the street?
01:19:29Yeah, that sounds good.
01:19:32That's a relief.
01:19:34Because I invited Robert. He's probably already there.
01:19:41Are you sure you're ready for that?
01:19:49I am learning things are not always as they seem.
01:19:52And I want to meet the man that makes my mom so happy.
01:19:56Because you deserve to be happy, Mom.
01:19:59You do too, sweetie.
01:20:03All right, let's eat.
01:20:05We have a graduation to get to.
01:20:08You're going to miss him, won't you?
01:20:10It's going to be hard sending him off to his new life.
01:20:14But that's my service.
01:20:17Okay, come on.
01:20:19Service, huh?
01:20:20I got a garden that could use a little bit of that service.
01:20:26Never thought I'd see this day.
01:20:29Zeus really stepped it up.
01:20:31He's such a good dog.
01:20:33You're a great trainer.
01:20:35But Zeus does almost all the important work.
01:20:41It's Nick. He's outside.
01:20:51What are you doing here?
01:20:53I thought you might want to know. The DNA results came back.
01:20:56Confirms that the body on the third floor was Deidre Mason's.
01:21:02Cold comfort.
01:21:04But closure.
01:21:07You know, I couldn't have solved this case without you.
01:21:11We couldn't have solved this case without Zeus.
01:21:13That's true.
01:21:18Any word from Maddie?
01:21:20Yeah. Her and her dad made it safely to South America.
01:21:24I think she was ready for a change after all of this.
01:21:27She actually asked if Zeus and I would be her pen pals.
01:21:31Although I suspect she just wants cute pictures of Zeus.
01:21:34I think you're right.
01:21:37So what happened with Zeus?
01:21:39Well, Zeus is going to a canine unit in Georgia.
01:21:43They're very excited to have him.
01:21:45And what about you?
01:21:48I love training dogs.
01:21:50There will always be more pups to foster and train.
01:21:54I thought you might say something like that.
01:22:00Hey, buddy.
01:22:06Just a little something for the future.
01:22:09For me?
01:22:14New partner? New friends?
01:22:19Oh my goodness. Hello.
01:22:24Also, you should know I've been talking to the squad.
01:22:27I'm recommending a full-time canine unit consultant.
01:22:31I think I know the perfect person.
01:22:43Sorry, I have to...
01:22:46Yes, Chief?
01:22:51I'll be right there, sir.
01:22:57Let me guess. You have to go.
01:23:02Warrant check.
01:23:07Hey, Nick.
01:23:11This means a lot.
01:23:15I'll see you soon, Jess.
01:23:21What are we going to name you?
01:23:23What do I get?
01:23:29Just go with it.
01:23:38I'll see you soon.
