Salomes Last Dance (1988)

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00:00:00I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:00:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:01:00one thing worse than to be talked about and that is not to be talked about. I wish I'd said that.
00:01:05You will, Bozie, you will. If you would like to go up, sir, Mr. Taylor will be with you directly.
00:01:10May I take the opportunity to thank you for the ticket to Lady Windermere's fan, Mr. Wilde. I
00:01:17enjoyed it immensely. It's a regular triumph for the public, sir. Yes, the whole town's quite lit up.
00:01:22I'm told that royalty has turned away nightly. Isn't that line getting a little stale, Oscar? No
00:01:27line is ever stale that leads directly to the box office, dear Bozie. And where are you going?
00:01:32Below stairs. Obviously. To polish up your repartee with a little boot black?
00:01:38I'd rather take a shine to him myself. You'll see him shining as bright as gold tonight,
00:01:44but don't be tempted to worship the golden calf or you'll suffer my wrath.
00:01:49No sermons, please, Bozie. I'm not in the mood for the missionary position just now.
00:03:57My dear Alfred, congratulations. I have never been more flattered. The moon rising in a jewel box of
00:04:05deepest night could not be more exquisitely displayed. But if you're going to redecorate
00:04:10every time a new play of mine is published, I fear you will soon be destitute. I'm feeling
00:04:15disgustingly creative. Oh, dear. You are not going to write another play to scandalize the
00:04:21Lord Chamberlain into banning it, my dear Oscar. I don't think I could afford it.
00:04:26What do you mean? What are you up to? I know you are the most benign brothel keeper in the
00:04:33whole of Westminster, but surely you're not going to shut up shop, are you? And send off all those
00:04:39boys and girls to warm their pretty little bottoms around a bonfire? Where is everyone?
00:04:45Putting on their makeup. Well, that's nothing new, my dear. Though if I may say so, I think you've
00:04:50overdone the mascara just a little tonight. Are you going to perform yourself? You're getting warm.
00:04:59They say that sex is the theater of the poor. You're not going to stage the beggar's opera,
00:05:06are you? Stage? Yes, we have built a stage. You're getting hot. You're almost there.
00:05:14Can't you guess? I only play guessing games when I want to be beastly to my darling children.
00:05:21Oh God, I promised them a firework display tonight. I say, this isn't some elaborate charade
00:05:29involving Guy Fawkes, is it? Nothing so mundane. Though the date is not without significance,
00:05:35Guy Fawkes wanted to strike a spark for freedom and blow up a parliament he considered oppressive.
00:05:41You have done the same with your play, Salome. The Lord Chamberlain, acting on behalf of Parliament,
00:05:45has banned it, so a few kindred spirits have hatched a little plot of their own.
00:05:53In defiance of the law and in honor of our greatest playwright, the premiere of Salome
00:05:58will take place here tonight, the 5th of November, 1892. I'm touched, my dear Alfred. Really, I am.
00:06:08But you must promise me one thing. Of course, if I can. Promise me you won't play Salome.
00:06:14Much too energetic, my dear. Here I am.
00:06:23Evening, Mr. Wald. Juve has said you was here, so here I am. Why, thank you. Rose, how many times
00:06:30have I got to tell you? You should have been ready half an hour ago. Look at you. Give Mr.
00:06:35Wald his coat. Get out! Sorry, sir. Beg pardon, sir. Thank you, Rose.
00:06:44Come on, Alfred. She knows I only come here for the, uh, cigars. Don't be hard on her.
00:06:51You may be hard on me when you discover Salome has been played by a skivvy. Salome?
00:06:58Does she rehearse the Dance of the Seven Veils with her dusters?
00:07:02She looks terribly undernourished, poor thing. Will she have the strength to drop them?
00:07:07She had better, the little bitch, or I will murder her. Well, you can afford to these days
00:07:11with servants to a penny. How much have you spent on the rest of the cast? We're all doing it for
00:07:17love, Oscar. Clients and courtesans alike. Now, take your ease and imagine yourself on a moonlit
00:07:25terrace in the palace of bad King Herod on a balmy summer's night some 20 years or so after the
00:07:32birth of Jesus Christ. And what our production lacks in stagecraft we hope to make up for in
00:07:37enthusiasm and any shortcomings in design I know will be compensated for by your fertile imagination.
00:07:43That sounds too much like hard work. I came here to be entertained. Entertain me. As always I shall
00:07:48do my best. Well, you've never failed me yet. What's that delicious fragrance? What is it?
00:07:57Sandalwood? Myrrh? No, it's a blending of green carnations
00:08:01and the pubic hair of virgins. Of course, I should have guessed. Let the play commence.
00:10:02Well done, Kenneth. As usual, you've captured the perfect moment. The climactic one. And hope to
00:10:09catch many more before the night is out, Mr. Wilde. Wilde playing a part, I presume. But did I really
00:10:15include a court photographer in Herod's entourage? Oh no, we're playing a couple of foreign guests,
00:10:21but I've taken the liberty of combining business with pleasure. As one would expect in a whorehouse,
00:10:28Kenneth. And if your acting is as grossly indecent as your photographic studies, we're in for an
00:10:33outrageous evening. Meld. Meld for you too, Mr. Wilde.
00:10:52How beautiful Salome looks tonight. Look at the moon. How strange she looks. Like a woman rising
00:11:07from a grave. She looks like a dead woman seeking out the dead. She looks strange. She looks like a
00:11:15princess in a yellow veil with silver feet. She looks like a princess who has feet like little
00:11:20white doves. She could be dancing. She is like a dead woman. She moves very slowly. What a din.
00:11:31Who are those wild howling beasts? The Jews. They're always like that. They are discussing
00:11:38that religion. Why are they discussing their religion? I don't know. They're always at it.
00:11:45The Pharisees say there are angels. The Sadducees say they don't exist.
00:11:50I think it's ridiculous to argue about such things.
00:12:02How beautiful the princess Salome looks tonight. You're always looking at her. You look at her
00:12:09too often. You mustn't look at people like that. Something terrible could happen. She is very
00:12:17beautiful tonight. That rock looks glum. Yes, he is looking glum. He's looking at something.
00:12:27He's looking at someone.
00:12:36Who's he looking at? I don't know.
00:12:44How pale the princess is. Never have I seen her so pale. She looks like the reflection of a white
00:12:57rose in a silver mirror. You mustn't look at her. You look at her too much.
00:13:03Herodias has poured the Tetrarch a drink. Is Herodias the one with the red eyes, the ruby lips,
00:13:11the ruby hips and the red rubies? Yes, that's Herodias. She's the wife of the Tetrarch.
00:13:18The Tetrarch loves wine. He keeps three kinds. One which comes from the island of Samothrace
00:13:23is as purple as Caesar's cloak. Caesar, what is Caesar's cloak?
00:13:29It's as purple as Caesar's cloak. Caesar, I've never had the pleasure. Another from the city of
00:13:35Cyprus is as yellow as gold. Gold. I love gold. And a third which is a Sicilian wine. That one
00:13:47is as red as blood. The gods of my country love blood. Twice a year we sacrifice ewes and virgins
00:13:54to them. 50 ewes and 100 virgins but it seems we never give them enough because they still
00:14:00persecute us. In my country there aren't any gods now. The Romans chased them out. There are those
00:14:08who say they hid in the mountains but I don't believe it. I spent three nights in the hills
00:14:14looking everywhere but I didn't find them. Finally I called upon each one by name
00:14:22but they didn't appear.
00:14:26I think they are dead. The Jews worship a god they can't see. Really? In fact they only worship
00:14:36things they can see. Ridiculous. After me will come one even more mighty. Sometimes he says fearful
00:14:46things but we never understand him. Can we see him? No. The Tetrarch forbids it.
00:14:57What a bizarre prison. It's an old well. An old well? It must be very unhealthy.
00:15:06Take the brother of the Tetrarch, his elder brother. Queen Herodias, his first husband.
00:15:11He was incarcerated down there for 12 years and he didn't die.
00:15:16In the end he had to be strangled. Strangled? Who dared do that?
00:15:29Wasn't he afraid? Oh no. The Tetrarch sent him the ring. What ring? The ring of death.
00:15:35That way he wasn't afraid. Even so it's terrible to strangle a king. Why? Kings have only got one
00:15:42neck just like other men. It seems terrible to me. No! The princess is getting up. She's leaving the
00:15:55table. She seems bored. She's coming over here. Yes she's coming towards us.
00:16:06I'm not staying. I can't stay. Don't look at her. I beg you don't look at her. It is strange that
00:16:15my mother's husband looks at me so. I don't know what it means.
00:16:22Actually I do know. Have you just left the banquet princess?
00:16:30Would you like to sit down princess? Why look at her? Why speak to her? Oh something terrible is
00:16:37going to happen. How fresh the air is here. At last one can breathe. Inside there are Jews from Jerusalem
00:16:51tearing each other to pieces over their ridiculous ceremonies. Barbarians drinking and spilling wine
00:16:59everywhere. And then there are the Romans with their brutality, their clumsiness, their swear words.
00:17:06Oh how I detest the Romans. Commoners giving themselves the airs and graces of royalty.
00:17:14Isn't it wonderful to see the moon? She is cold and chaste to the moon. I am sure she's a virgin.
00:17:33She's a virgin. She has never sullied herself. She has never given herself to men
00:17:43like the other goddesses. The lord has come. The son of man has come. The centaurs have hidden
00:17:54themselves in the rivers and the mermaids have fled to sleep beneath the leaves in the forest.
00:18:03Who said that? It's the voice of the prophet princess. Ah the prophet. The one the Tetrarch fears.
00:18:11We know nothing of that princess. It is the prophet John. The Baptist. Shall I order your litter princess?
00:18:19It is very beautiful in the garden. He has said monstrous things about my mother hasn't he?
00:18:26We never understand what he says princess. Yes he has said appalling things about her. Rightfully
00:18:32sorry princess. The Tetrarch requests you return to the banquet. I'm not going back. Pardon me princess
00:18:39but if you don't go back something awful could happen to you. Is he an old man the prophet?
00:18:45Princess it would be best if you went back. Permit me to accompany you. The prophet. Is he an old man?
00:18:55No princess. He's a very young man. Well we don't know. There are those that say he's Elijah.
00:19:02Who's Elijah? A very old prophet princess from the provinces. Sorry what reply should I give to
00:19:09the Tetrarch on behalf of the princess? Do not rejoice land of Palestine because the rod of your
00:19:18oppressor has been broken. For from the serpent's egg will come a basilisk and he who is born from it
00:19:28will devour the birds. What a strange voice. I would like to speak to him. I'm afraid that's
00:19:36impossible princess. The Tetrarch doesn't wish us to speak to him. He has forbidden even the high
00:19:41priest to speak to him. I want to speak to him. It's impossible princess. I want to. Indeed princess
00:19:51would be better to return to the banquet. Have the prophet brought out.
00:19:55I have always been nice to you. You will do it won't you? I only want to look at him this strange prophet.
00:20:14Everyone talks about him. I've often heard the Tetrarch talk about him. I think the Tetrarch is
00:20:23afraid of him. I am sure he is afraid of him. And you Narraboth? Are you afraid of him too?
00:20:32I'm not afraid of him princess. I'm afraid of no one. But the Tetrarch has officially forbidden us
00:20:39to release him from the world. You will do this for me Narraboth. And tomorrow when I pass in my litter
00:20:49under the arch of the vendors of idols I will drop a little flower for you.
00:20:58A little green flower. Princess I can't. I can't. You will do this for me Narraboth.
00:21:10You know you will do this for me. And tomorrow when I pass over the bridge of the vendors of idols
00:21:23I will look at you through my muslin veils. I will look at you.
00:21:35We dare not princess.
00:21:45How dark it is down there. He must be terrible to be in a place so black. It's like a tomb.
00:21:55Didn't you hear me? Let him out. I want to see him.
00:22:02I beg you princess do not ask this of us. Don't keep me waiting. Princess our lives belong to you but we
00:22:10cannot do what you ask. In any case um it's not we who you must ask.
00:22:22Oh what is going to happen? I am sure something terrible is going to happen.
00:22:27You will do it for me won't you Narraboth. You will do it for me. Narraboth I will smile at you perhaps.
00:22:44Look at me Narraboth. Look at me. Ah you know full well you will do what I ask of you.
00:22:58You know it don't you? Me I know it.
00:23:07Send out the prophet. The princess wishes to see you. Send out the prophet.
00:23:23Oh how strange the moon looks tonight. Through the clouds of muslin she smiles like a little princess.
00:23:31Like a princess with amber eyes.
00:23:37Tell him to come out so that he may hear the voice of he who has shouted in the deserts and in the palaces of kings.
00:23:45Who does he mean? We never know princess. Where is she who having seen naked men painted on city walls
00:23:57pictures of Chaldeans etched in color gave way to lust and sent envoys to Chaldea.
00:24:06He is speaking about my mother. No princess. Yes it's about mother. Where is she who gave herself to the captains of the Assyrians.
00:24:16Tell her to drag herself from her bed of lasciviousness. From her bed of incestuousness so that she may hear the words of he who paves the way of the lord.
00:24:29So that she may repent her sins although she will never expiate them but remain steadfast in her crimes.
00:24:39Tell her to come for the lord has his scourge in his hands.
00:24:47Oh this is horrible. He is horrible.
00:24:53Why is this woman who looks at me? I do not want her to look at me.
00:24:58Why is she looking at me with her amber eyes and silver eyelids?
00:25:06I don't know who she is. I don't want to know. Tell her to go away. It is not to her that I wish to speak.
00:25:16I am Salome daughter of Herodias princess of Judea. Get back daughter of Babylon.
00:25:27Fall back from the Lord's chosen one. Your mother has stained the earth with the wine of her iniquities and the cries of her sins have reached the ears of God.
00:25:39Talk on John the Baptist. Your voice intoxicates me.
00:25:45Princess. Princess. Princess.
00:25:50Speak again. Speak again John the Baptist and tell me what I must do.
00:25:58Away daughter of Sodom. Cover your face with a veil and heap ashes on your head and go into the desert to seek out the son of man.
00:26:09Who is the son of man? Is he as beautiful as you John the Baptist?
00:26:18Back. Back.
00:26:23In the palace I hear the beating wings of the angel of death.
00:26:28Princess I beg you to go back inside.
00:26:36Angel of the Lord why are you here with your sword?
00:26:41Whom do you seek in this foul palace? The day of the one who will die in a scarlet robe has not yet come.
00:26:49John the Baptist.
00:26:51Who speaks?
00:26:53John the Baptist. I'm in love with your body.
00:26:59Your body is white like the lily of a meadow that the scythe has never cut down.
00:27:07Your body is as white as the snows on the mountains of Judah which descend to the valleys.
00:27:16The roses in the garden of the Queen of Arabia are not as white as your body.
00:27:24Nor the footprints of dawn which steal onto leaves nor the breast of the moon when she sits on the bosom of the sea.
00:27:34There is nothing in the world as white as your body.
00:27:42Let me touch your body.
00:27:45Away daughter of Babylon.
00:27:50It is through woman that evil entered the world.
00:27:55Do not speak to me. I do not wish to hear you.
00:28:00I listen only to the word of the Lord God.
00:28:04Your body is hideous.
00:28:07It is like the body of a leper.
00:28:11It is like a wall of plaster where vipers have passed.
00:28:15Like a wall of plaster where scorpions have made their nest.
00:28:20It is horrible. It is horrible your body.
00:28:30It is your hair that I am in love with John the Baptist.
00:28:39Your hair is like bunches of black grapes which hang from the vines of Edom in the country of the Edomites.
00:28:48It is like the cedars of Lebanon, like the large cedars of Lebanon which give shade to the lions and to the robbers who hide during the day.
00:29:01The long black nights, the nights when the moon hides herself, when the stars are afraid are not as black.
00:29:12The silence in the forest is not as black as silence.
00:29:17There is nothing in the world as black as your hair.
00:29:23Let me touch your hair.
00:29:28Daughter of Sodom, do not touch me.
00:29:31Do not violate the temple of the Lord God.
00:29:35Your hair is horrible.
00:29:38It is all covered in mud and dust.
00:29:41It is like a crown of thorns placed on your brow.
00:29:46It is like a knot of black snakes twisting around your neck.
00:29:52I don't like your hair.
00:29:58It is your mouth that I am in love with John the Baptist.
00:30:12Your mouth is like a band of scarlet around an ivory tower.
00:30:20It is like a pomegranate cut by an ivory knife.
00:30:26The pomegranate flowers which bloom in the gardens of Tyre and are redder than the roses aren't as red.
00:30:35The red cries of trumpets that herald the arrival of kings and frighten the enemies aren't as red.
00:30:43Your mouth is redder than the feet of those who tread the wine in the wine presses.
00:30:52It is redder than the feet of the doves which live in the temples who are fed by the priests.
00:30:59It is redder than the feet of one who comes out of the forest having killed a lion and seen golden tigers.
00:31:12Your mouth is like a branch of coral which fishermen have found in the half light of the sea and saved for the king.
00:31:23It is like the vermilion that the Moabites find in the mines of Moab which the kings take from them.
00:31:31It is like the bone of the king of Persia which is painted vermilion with horns of coral.
00:31:42There is nothing in the world as red as your mouth.
00:31:50Let me kiss your mouth.
00:31:56Never, daughter of Babylon, daughter of Sodom, never!
00:32:03I will kiss your mouth, John the Baptist.
00:32:09I will kiss your mouth.
00:32:15Princess, princess, you who are like a bouquet of myrrh, you who are the dove of doves,
00:32:26do not look at this man, do not look at him, do not say such things to him.
00:32:36Princess, do not say such things.
00:32:40I will kiss your mouth, John the Baptist.
00:32:52Let me kiss your mouth, John the Baptist.
00:32:57Princess, the young captain has killed himself.
00:33:03Let me kiss your mouth.
00:33:07Are you not afraid, daughter of Herodias?
00:33:10Did I not tell you I heard the beating wings of the angel of death?
00:33:14And has not the angel come?
00:33:16Let me kiss your mouth.
00:33:20Adulterous daughter!
00:33:22There is only one man who can save you.
00:33:25It is he I was speaking of.
00:33:27He was my brother.
00:33:28Go and seek him out.
00:33:30Closer even than a brother.
00:33:33I gave him the boat in the Sea of Galilee, teaching his disciples.
00:33:35I gave him a little box of perfumes and a ring of agate, which he always wore on his hand.
00:33:40Kneel down by the water's edge and call his name.
00:33:43In the evenings we would stroll by the side of the river amongst the almond trees.
00:33:46When he comes towards you.
00:33:48And he would tell me stories about his country.
00:33:50When he comes to all those who call him, prostrate yourself at his feet and ask forgiveness of your sins.
00:34:00Let me kiss your mouth.
00:34:04Be cursed, daughter of an incestuous mother.
00:34:09Be damned!
00:34:16I will not look at you.
00:34:18You are accursed, Salome.
00:34:23You are accursed!
00:34:26I will kiss your mouth, John the Baptist.
00:34:32I will kiss your mouth!
00:34:41We must dispose of the body.
00:34:43The only corpses the Tetrarch likes to see are those he's killed himself.
00:34:47You're right. We must hide the body.
00:34:49The Tetrarch mustn't see it.
00:34:51The Tetrarch doesn't come here.
00:34:53He never comes out on the terrace.
00:34:56I'm afraid of the Prophet.
00:34:58Where is Salome?
00:35:00Where is the princess?
00:35:02Why did she not return to the banquet as I commanded?
00:35:05Ah, there she is.
00:35:10You must not look at her.
00:35:12You are always looking at her.
00:35:15This moon is strange tonight.
00:35:17Isn't the moon strange?
00:35:19Like a mad woman looking for lovers everywhere.
00:35:21Ah, she's naked too.
00:35:23She's completely naked.
00:35:26She doesn't want them.
00:35:28She's showing herself completely naked in the sky.
00:35:30She's reeling across the clouds
00:35:32like a drunken heart.
00:35:35I'm sure she's looking for lovers.
00:35:37Doesn't she reel
00:35:39just like a drunken woman?
00:35:43She's like a crazy woman, isn't she?
00:35:47Let's go in. There's nothing out here.
00:35:49No, I'm staying here.
00:35:51Melissa, lay the carpets down here.
00:35:53Light the torches.
00:35:56The air here is
00:36:00I shall take more wine with my guests.
00:36:02To the ambassadors of Caesar
00:36:04one must afford
00:36:06all of the honors.
00:36:08It's not because of them
00:36:10that you're staying out here.
00:36:12Yes, the air here is exquisite.
00:36:14Come, my dear Herodias.
00:36:16We'll keep your guests waiting.
00:36:18Oh, I've slipped.
00:36:21Slipped in blood.
00:36:23That's a bad omen.
00:36:26What is this blood doing here?
00:36:29And this corpse?
00:36:31What is this corpse doing here?
00:36:33Do you think I'm like the king of Egypt
00:36:35who never holds a banquet
00:36:37without showing a corpse to his guests?
00:36:40Who is he anyway?
00:36:42I don't want to look at him.
00:36:44It's our captain, my lord.
00:36:46It's that young Syrian you made captain only three days ago.
00:36:48I gave no orders to kill him.
00:36:50He killed himself.
00:36:52Why? I made him a captain.
00:36:55I don't know why, my lord.
00:36:57He just killed himself.
00:36:59How strange.
00:37:01I thought it was only Roman philosophers
00:37:03who killed themselves.
00:37:05Isn't that true, Tegillanus?
00:37:07That the philosophers of Rome
00:37:09commit suicide?
00:37:11There are others that kill themselves, my lord.
00:37:13The Stoics, for instance.
00:37:15They're a very crass people.
00:37:17In fact, they are ridiculous.
00:37:19So do I.
00:37:21It is ridiculous to kill oneself.
00:37:24It is recited everywhere.
00:37:26He wrote a satirical poem about them.
00:37:28Caesar is marvelous.
00:37:30He can do anything.
00:37:32It's strange.
00:37:34A young Syrian
00:37:36should kill himself.
00:37:38I'm sorry, very sorry
00:37:40for he was handsome.
00:37:42He was very handsome.
00:37:44He had languid eyes.
00:37:46I've seen him looking at Salome
00:37:48with languid eyes.
00:37:50As I recall
00:37:52he looked at Salome a little too often.
00:37:56There are others
00:37:58who also look at her too often.
00:38:00His father was a king.
00:38:02I chased him from his kingdom
00:38:04and you made a slave of his mother
00:38:06who was a queen, Herodias.
00:38:08He was a guest here.
00:38:10That's why I made him a captain.
00:38:12I'm sorry he's dead and so...
00:38:16Why have you left the body lying here?
00:38:18Take it away.
00:38:20I don't want to look at it. Take it away.
00:38:32There's a wind.
00:38:34Isn't there a wind?
00:38:36No, there is no wind.
00:38:38Yes, there is a wind and I hear on that wind
00:38:40something akin to the beating of wings.
00:38:42The beating of giant wings.
00:38:44Don't you hear it?
00:38:46I hear nothing.
00:38:48Neither do I.
00:38:50But I did hear it. Maybe it was just the wind.
00:38:52It's gone.
00:38:54But no, I can still hear it.
00:38:56Don't you hear it? Just like the beating of wings.
00:38:58I tell you there is nothing.
00:39:02You are ill.
00:39:04Let's go inside.
00:39:06I am not ill.
00:39:08It is your daughter who is ill.
00:39:10She seems very ill, your daughter.
00:39:12Never have I seen her
00:39:14looking so pale.
00:39:16Then don't look at her.
00:39:20Give me some wine.
00:39:26come drink a little wine with me.
00:39:28This wine is exquisite.
00:39:30Caesar himself sent it to me.
00:39:32Come moisten your
00:39:34sweet red lips with me.
00:39:42And I will drain the cup.
00:39:44I am not thirsty, Tetrarch.
00:39:48come and eat some fruits with me.
00:39:50I love to see the marks your little teeth make.
00:39:54bite into this
00:39:56piece of fruit
00:39:58and I will finish it off.
00:40:00I am not hungry, Tetrarch.
00:40:02See how you've brought her up.
00:40:04My daughter and I are of royal heritage.
00:40:06Your grandfather kept camels.
00:40:10And he was a thief as well.
00:40:12You lie.
00:40:14You know it's the truth.
00:40:16Salome, come and rest with me.
00:40:18I will give you your
00:40:20mother's throne.
00:40:22I am not tired,
00:40:26Bring me...
00:40:28I forgot what I wanted.
00:40:30Oh yes, I remember.
00:40:32The time has come.
00:40:34What I predicted
00:40:36has come to pass,
00:40:38saith the Lord God.
00:40:40This is the day...
00:40:42Shut him up!
00:40:44I can't
00:40:46bear to hear the sound of his
00:40:48voice forever
00:40:50spewing up insults about me.
00:40:52He hasn't said
00:40:54anything against you.
00:40:56He's a great prophet.
00:40:58I don't believe in prophets. How can anyone say what will happen?
00:41:00No one knows.
00:41:02He's always insulting me.
00:41:04But I think you
00:41:06are afraid of him.
00:41:08Yes, I know very well
00:41:10you are afraid of him.
00:41:12I am not afraid of him. I am not afraid of
00:41:14anybody. Yes, you are
00:41:16afraid of him. If you are not
00:41:18afraid of him, why do you not deliver him
00:41:20to the Jews? They've been asking for the
00:41:22past six months.
00:41:26That is still the Lord. It would be better to hand him over to us.
00:41:30I have already given you my answer.
00:41:32I don't want to hand him over.
00:41:34He's a holy man.
00:41:36A man who has seen God.
00:41:38That's impossible! No one has seen
00:41:40God since the prophet Elijah.
00:41:42He was the last to see him. God does not show
00:41:44himself these days. He is in hiding.
00:41:46And that is why there are great misfortunes
00:41:48in this country.
00:41:50We don't know for sure if the great prophet Elijah
00:41:52really saw God. It is more likely
00:41:54that he saw the shadow of God.
00:41:56God never hides himself from anything.
00:41:58He shows himself in everything.
00:42:00God is in good as he is in evil.
00:42:02You mustn't say that. That is a very
00:42:04dangerous idea. It's an idea which comes
00:42:06from the schools of Alexandria,
00:42:08where they teach Greek philosophy.
00:42:10And the Greeks, they are Gentiles.
00:42:12They're not even circumcised.
00:42:14We can't know how God acts. His ways
00:42:16are mysterious. God is all-powerful.
00:42:18He breaks the weak and the strong
00:42:20together. He cares for nobody.
00:42:22That is true. God is all-terrible.
00:42:24He crushes the weak and the strong, as you would
00:42:26crush wheat in a mortar. But this man
00:42:28has never seen God. No one has seen God
00:42:30since the prophet Elijah.
00:42:32Come up.
00:42:34They bore me.
00:42:36But it's said that John the Baptist himself
00:42:38is your prophet Elijah.
00:42:40That's not possible. 300 years have passed
00:42:42since the prophet Elijah.
00:42:44There are those who say that he is
00:42:46the prophet Elijah.
00:42:48Oh, I'm sure
00:42:50he's the prophet Elijah.
00:42:52No, no, he's not the prophet Elijah.
00:42:54The day has come.
00:42:56The day of the Lord.
00:42:58And on the mountains there sound
00:43:00the footsteps of the
00:43:02saviour of the world.
00:43:04What does that
00:43:06mean, the saviour of the world?
00:43:12What does that mean, the saviour
00:43:14of the world?
00:43:16This is what
00:43:18Caesar calls himself.
00:43:20Caesar is not coming to Judea.
00:43:22Only yesterday I had letters from Rome.
00:43:24They didn't mention it. Tigellinus, you were
00:43:26in Rome during the winter. Did you hear anything about it then?
00:43:28No, my lord.
00:43:30I haven't heard anything either.
00:43:32I was being explained about the title.
00:43:34It's one of Caesar's titles.
00:43:36Caesar can't come. He has gout.
00:43:38They say he has elephant's feet.
00:43:44for political reasons.
00:43:46He who leaves Rome loses Rome.
00:43:48He won't come.
00:43:50On the other hand, Caesar is master.
00:43:52He'll come if he wants to.
00:43:54But I don't think he'll come.
00:43:56The prophet was not speaking of
00:43:58Caesar, my lord. Not Caesar?
00:44:00No, my lord.
00:44:02So who was he speaking of? Of the Messiah
00:44:04who has come. The Messiah
00:44:06has not come. He has come.
00:44:08He's performing miracles everywhere.
00:44:10Not miracles. I don't believe in miracles.
00:44:12I've seen far too many.
00:44:14This man performs
00:44:16real miracles.
00:44:18Once, during a marriage in the town
00:44:20of Galilee, a town of some
00:44:22importance, he changed
00:44:24the water into wine.
00:44:28My fan!
00:44:30People who were there told me
00:44:32he also cured some lepers
00:44:34who were sitting at the gate of Capernaum
00:44:36simply by touching them.
00:44:38No, it was two blind
00:44:40people he cured in Capernaum.
00:44:42No, they were lepers.
00:44:44But he cured the blind, too.
00:44:46And we saw him
00:44:48on a mountain, speaking
00:44:50with angels.
00:44:52Angels don't exist.
00:44:54Angels do exist, but I don't believe
00:44:56that man spoke with them.
00:44:58He was seen by a crowd of people
00:45:00talking to the angels.
00:45:02These men
00:45:04irritate me. They are stupid.
00:45:06So stupid! So utterly
00:45:10Where is my fan?
00:45:12You seem to be
00:45:14dreaming. One shouldn't dream.
00:45:16Dreamers are sick
00:45:20Then there's the miracle
00:45:22of the daughter of Jairus.
00:45:24That's absolutely right. You can't deny it.
00:45:26These people are mad.
00:45:28They've been mooning
00:45:30at the moon too long. Tell them to be
00:45:34What was that? The miracle of the
00:45:36daughter of Jairus? Yes, it's true.
00:45:38You can't deny it.
00:45:40What was it? The miracle of the daughter
00:45:42of Jairus? The daughter of Jairus
00:45:44was dead. He
00:45:46restored her to life.
00:45:48He raises the dead?
00:45:50Yes, my lord.
00:45:52He raises the dead.
00:45:54I don't want him to do that.
00:45:56I forbid him to do that.
00:45:58You must find this man
00:46:00and tell him I will not allow him
00:46:02to raise the dead.
00:46:04Where is he now, this man?
00:46:06He's everywhere, my lord, but he's very
00:46:08difficult to find.
00:46:10They say he's in Somalia
00:46:12at present. It's easy to see
00:46:14he's not the Messiah if he's in
00:46:18If not to the Samaritans, the Messiah
00:46:20will come.
00:46:22He left Somalia
00:46:24a few days ago. I think
00:46:26he's on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
00:46:28Oh, no, he's not there. I've just
00:46:30come from Jerusalem. No one has heard anything
00:46:32about him for two months.
00:46:34So it doesn't matter.
00:46:36You must find this man and tell him on my
00:46:38behalf that I don't want him to go
00:46:40around raising the dead.
00:46:42Turning water into wine,
00:46:44curing lepers in the blind. He can do that if he wants.
00:46:46I have nothing against that. In fact, I think
00:46:48curing lepers is a good deed.
00:46:50But I will not have him
00:46:52going around raising the dead.
00:46:54It would be terrible
00:46:56if the dead were to come back.
00:47:00The wanton one!
00:47:02The slut! The whore!
00:47:04The daughter of Babylon!
00:47:06Silence him!
00:47:08With her golden eyes
00:47:10and golden eyelids.
00:47:12It is what the Lord God
00:47:16Bring against her a multitude
00:47:18of men so that
00:47:20the people may take up rocks
00:47:22and stone them.
00:47:24Do you hear what he is saying about me?
00:47:26You allow him to insult your wife?
00:47:28He hasn't even mentioned your name.
00:47:30Oh, you know very well I am the one he is insulting.
00:47:32And I am your wife,
00:47:34aren't I? Oh, yes, my dear and noble
00:47:36Herodias, you are my wife. You are also
00:47:38my brother's wife.
00:47:40You tore me from his arms.
00:47:42Quite so.
00:47:44I was the stronger.
00:47:46But let's not talk these things now.
00:47:48It's because of this that the prophet has said these terrible things
00:47:50and in consequence something dreadful may happen.
00:47:52Let's not talk about it.
00:47:54Just pour me a drink, beloved.
00:47:56You haven't mentioned how pale
00:47:58your daughter is.
00:48:00What's it to you whether she's pale or not?
00:48:02Never have I seen her so pale.
00:48:04Don't look at her.
00:48:28And me too?
00:48:32On that day
00:48:34the sun
00:48:36will become as black
00:48:38as a sack of feathers
00:48:40and the moon will become
00:48:42like blood
00:48:44and the stars in the sky will fall
00:48:46on the earth like green figs
00:48:48from the fig tree
00:48:50and the kings of the earth
00:48:52will be afraid.
00:48:56I'd really like
00:48:58to see the day when the moon
00:49:00drips blood and the stars
00:49:02fall to earth like ripe figs.
00:49:04He talks like a drunk.
00:49:06I cannot bear the sound of his voice.
00:49:08Order him to be silent.
00:49:12I don't understand what he's saying
00:49:14but it could be an omen.
00:49:16I don't believe in omens.
00:49:18He speaks like a drunk.
00:49:20Maybe he's drunk
00:49:22on the wine of God.
00:49:24What wine is that?
00:49:26The wine of God?
00:49:28What vines does it grow on?
00:49:30In what wine cellars will you find it?
00:49:32Did you notice
00:49:36you were in Rome recently
00:49:38what did the
00:49:40the Emperor
00:49:42have to say on the subject?
00:49:44What subject my lord?
00:49:46I asked you a question
00:49:48didn't I?
00:49:50I've forgotten what it was.
00:49:52You're looking at my daughter again.
00:49:54Don't look at her. I've told you this before.
00:49:56You're always saying it.
00:49:58And I'm saying it again.
00:50:02restoration of the
00:50:04temple we talked so much about
00:50:06are we
00:50:08going to do something about that?
00:50:12said the
00:50:14the veil from the sanctuaries
00:50:18You took it yourself. You're talking nonsense.
00:50:22Dance me Sonomi.
00:50:24I don't want her to dance.
00:50:26I have no
00:50:28desire to dance Tetrarch.
00:50:30Sonomi daughter of Herodias
00:50:32dance for me.
00:50:34Leave her alone.
00:50:36I command you to
00:50:38dance for me Sonomi.
00:50:40I will not dance Tetrarch.
00:50:44see how she
00:50:46obeys you.
00:50:50What is it to me if she dances or not?
00:50:52It doesn't matter.
00:50:54Tonight I'm happy. I'm very happy.
00:50:56I've never been so happy.
00:50:58Tetrarch looks glum. Don't you think he looks glum?
00:51:00He's glum all right.
00:51:02Why shouldn't I be happy?
00:51:06who's the master of the world. Master of everything.
00:51:08Loves me very much.
00:51:10He just sent me some valuable gifts.
00:51:12Also he has promised to summon
00:51:14my enemy the king of Cappadocia to Rome.
00:51:16Maybe he'll be
00:51:18crucified in Rome.
00:51:20He can do anything Caesar.
00:51:22After all he is master.
00:51:24So you see I have every reason to be happy.
00:51:26In fact
00:51:28I am happy.
00:51:30I've never been happier.
00:51:32There's nothing in the world that could spoil my happiness.
00:51:34He will be seated on his throne.
00:51:38He will be clothed
00:51:40in purple and scarlet.
00:51:42In his hand
00:51:44he will carry
00:51:46a golden vessel
00:51:48filled with his
00:51:52and the angel of God
00:51:54will strike him
00:51:56down. He will be
00:51:58eaten by worms.
00:52:00Do you hear
00:52:02what he's saying about you? He says
00:52:04you will be eaten by worms.
00:52:12The prophet never says anything
00:52:14against me. It's the king of
00:52:16Cappadocia he's talking about. The king of Cappadocia
00:52:18who's my enemy. It is he who will be
00:52:20eaten by worms. Never
00:52:22never has the prophet said anything against me
00:52:24except to say that
00:52:26I was wrong to take the wife of my brother
00:52:28as my wife. Then maybe he's
00:52:30right. After all
00:52:32you are barren.
00:52:36You dare say that
00:52:38to me?
00:52:40You who are forever ogling
00:52:42my daughter
00:52:44who asked her to dance
00:52:46for your pleasure. It is
00:52:48ridiculous to say that.
00:52:50I have
00:52:52a child. You
00:52:54have never had a child even by
00:52:56one of your slaves. If
00:52:58anyone is sterile it is
00:53:00you not I. Shut up!
00:53:02I'm telling you're barren.
00:53:04You have not given me a child
00:53:06and the prophet says that our marriage is not a true
00:53:08marriage. He says it's an incestuous
00:53:10marriage. A marriage which will bring misfortune.
00:53:12I'm afraid he may be right.
00:53:14I'm sure he is right
00:53:16but now is not the time to talk about such
00:53:18things. At the moment
00:53:20I want to be happy.
00:53:22Ha ha ha
00:53:24ha ha ha
00:53:26ha ha ha
00:53:28ha ha ha
00:53:30ha ha ha
00:53:32ha ha ha
00:53:34ha ha ha
00:53:36ha ha ha
00:53:38ha ha ha
00:53:40ha ha ha
00:53:42ha ha ha
00:53:44ha ha ha
00:53:46ha ha ha
00:53:48ha ha ha
00:53:50ha ha ha
00:53:52ha ha ha
00:53:54ha ha ha
00:53:56ha ha ha
00:53:58ha ha ha
00:54:00ha ha ha
00:54:02ha ha ha
00:54:04ha ha ha
00:54:06ha ha ha
00:54:08ha ha ha
00:54:10ha ha ha
00:54:12ha ha ha
00:54:14ha ha ha
00:54:16ha ha ha
00:54:18ha ha ha
00:54:20ha ha ha
00:54:22ha ha ha
00:54:24ha ha ha
00:54:26ha ha ha
00:54:28ha ha ha
00:54:30ha ha ha
00:54:32ha ha ha
00:54:34ha ha ha
00:54:36ha ha ha
00:54:38ha ha ha
00:54:40ha ha ha
00:54:42ha ha ha
00:54:44ha ha ha
00:54:46I'm happy
00:54:48I'm very happy
00:54:50ha ha ha
00:54:52there's nothing I could wish for
00:54:54ha ha ha
00:54:56I am delighted to see you in such good humour tonight
00:54:58it is so unusual
00:55:00I'm happy
00:55:02but it is getting late
00:55:04let us go in
00:55:06have you forgotten
00:55:08we are hunting at dawn
00:55:10we must bestow honours
00:55:12on Caesar's ambassador
00:55:14must we not
00:55:18how glum Tetrarch looks
00:55:22he does seem glum
00:55:28dance for me Salome
00:55:30I beg you
00:55:32I'm sad tonight
00:55:34yes tonight I'm
00:55:36I'm very sad
00:55:38when I came out here
00:55:40I slipped in some blood
00:55:42that's a very bad omen
00:55:44and then I heard
00:55:46I'm sure I heard the beating of wings in the air
00:55:48the beating of giant wings
00:55:50I don't know what it means
00:55:52I'm sad tonight
00:55:54dance for me Salome
00:55:56dance for me now
00:55:58I'll give you
00:56:00anything you ask for
00:56:02even if it's
00:56:04half my kingdom
00:56:06you will give me
00:56:08anything that I ask for
00:56:12don't dance my daughter
00:56:20even if it's
00:56:22half my kingdom
00:56:24do you swear it
00:56:28I swear it Salome
00:56:30my daughter do not dance
00:56:52on what do you
00:56:54swear Tetrarch
00:56:56on my life
00:57:00on my crown
00:57:02on my gods
00:57:04I will give you
00:57:06anything you want
00:57:10even half
00:57:12my kingdom
00:57:14if you dance
00:57:16for me
00:57:24dance for me
00:57:26you have sworn
00:57:30I have
00:57:36my daughter do not dance
00:57:44I will give you
00:57:46one half
00:57:48of my kingdom
00:57:52as queen
00:57:54you would look
00:57:56very beautiful
00:57:58if you were to ask me for one half of my kingdom
00:58:02wouldn't she look very beautiful as queen
00:58:06it's cold
00:58:08it's a very
00:58:10cold wind blowing
00:58:12and I hear
00:58:14oh why do I
00:58:16hear this beating of wings in the air
00:58:18it's as though there's a bird
00:58:20a big black bird hovering over the terrace
00:58:22the wind coming from his wings
00:58:24is fierce
00:58:26it's a cold wind
00:58:30no it isn't cold at all
00:58:32I can't it's too hot
00:58:34I'm suffocating
00:58:36I pour water on my hands
00:58:38get me snow to eat
00:58:40I fasten my choker quickly
00:58:42quickly for no reason
00:58:46it's my crown
00:58:48it's hurting me
00:58:50my crown of roses
00:58:52it's as though
00:58:54I'm made of flame
00:58:56it's burning my forehead
00:59:04oh that's better
00:59:06I can breathe at last
00:59:12how red they are
00:59:14the petals
00:59:18like drops of blood
00:59:21but it doesn't matter
00:59:23one must not look for symbolic meanings
00:59:25in everything one sees
00:59:27it makes life impossible
00:59:29but let's not talk about that now
00:59:31you know I want to be happy
00:59:33I am happy I'm very happy
00:59:35I have every reason to be happy haven't I
00:59:37your daughter is going to dance for me
00:59:39aren't you Salome you promised to dance
00:59:41I don't want her to dance
00:59:43I will dance
00:59:45for you
00:59:47Ted Rock
00:59:50do you hear what your daughter is saying
00:59:52she is going to dance for me
00:59:54your daughter
00:59:56you're quite
00:59:58right to dance Salome
01:00:00and after you have danced
01:00:02don't forget to come and ask for anything you want
01:00:04anything you want I'll give you
01:00:06I have sworn it haven't I
01:00:08you have sworn
01:00:10I have never
01:00:12gone back on my word
01:00:14I'm not one of those to go back on my word
01:00:16I don't know how to lie
01:00:19I'm a slave to my word
01:00:21because my word is the word of a king
01:00:24the king of Cappadocia lies all the time
01:00:27but he's not a proper king
01:00:29he's a coward
01:00:31and he owes me money he doesn't want a repay
01:00:35he said hurtful things
01:00:37he insulted my ambassadors
01:00:39but Caesar will crucify him
01:00:41when he gets to Rome
01:00:43I'm sure Caesar will crucify him
01:00:45or he'll die eaten by worms
01:00:52what are you waiting for?
01:00:54I'm waiting for my slaves
01:00:56to bring me perfumes
01:00:58and the seven veils
01:01:02and to unlace my boots
01:01:06you're going to dance barefoot
01:01:08that's good
01:01:10your little feet will be like white doves
01:01:12they'll be like little white flowers
01:01:14that dance in the trees
01:01:23I don't want her to dance barefoot
01:01:27she'll dance in blood
01:01:29there was blood spilt
01:01:31I won't have her dancing in blood
01:01:33that would be a very bad omen
01:01:35what does it matter if she dances in blood?
01:01:41you have walked in it yourself
01:01:44what does it matter?
01:01:50look at the moon
01:01:53she's turned red as blood
01:01:55as the prophet said
01:01:57he predicted the moon would turn as red as blood
01:01:59don't you see?
01:02:01I see it perfectly well
01:02:03and the stars will fall
01:02:05like green figs
01:02:07and the sun is turning as black
01:02:09as a sack of feathers
01:02:11and the kings of the earth are afraid
01:02:13that at least we can see
01:02:15for the first time in his life
01:02:17the prophet is right
01:02:19the kings of the earth are afraid
01:02:21so let us go in
01:02:23you are ill
01:02:25they are going to say in Rome that you are mad
01:02:27let us go in I tell you
01:02:29who is he who comes from Edom?
01:02:31who comes from Bosra
01:02:33with his purple colored robe
01:02:35who glows in the beauty of his clothes
01:02:37and walks with a powerful stride
01:02:41why are his clothes
01:02:43dyed scarlet?
01:02:47let us go in
01:02:49the sound of this man's voice
01:02:51exasperates me
01:02:53I don't want my daughter to dance while he is carrying on like this
01:02:55I don't want my daughter to dance
01:02:57while you are looking at her like that
01:02:59in fact
01:03:01I don't want my daughter to dance
01:03:03at all
01:03:05don't go in
01:03:07alive my queen
01:03:09it's no use
01:03:15dance for me
01:03:19I am ready
01:03:23do not dance my daughter
01:04:09I cannot
01:04:13my daughter
01:04:15live here
01:04:17I don't want
01:04:19my baby
01:04:23in the darkness
01:04:27my prince
01:04:31my prince
01:04:33my prince
01:04:35my prince
01:06:15You see she has done for me your daughter
01:06:19Come here Salome
01:06:21Come here, so I can reward you
01:06:23Anything you want. I'll give you what do you want tell me I?
01:06:28I want it brought to me presently on a silver platter on a silver platter
01:06:38On a silver platter of course isn't she charming
01:06:41What do you want brought to you on a silver platter my dear and beautiful Salome?
01:06:45You're the most beautiful of all the girls in Judea
01:06:48What do you want brought to you on a silver platter?
01:06:51Tell me and I'll give it to you all my treasures belong to you
01:06:55Tell me what do you want?
01:06:59The head of John the Baptist
01:07:04Well said my daughter. I beg you Salome
01:07:08Do not ask this of me. I don't pay any attention to your mother. She's always giving you bad advice
01:07:13You mustn't listen to her. I'm not listening to her
01:07:17It is for my own pleasure that I ask for the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter
01:07:25Remember you swore Herod. I know I swore by the gods
01:07:29I know very well, but I beg you do not ask this of me ask for anything else ask for half my kingdom
01:07:34I will give it to you, but I beg you do not ask this of me. I
01:07:39Am asking you for the head of John the Baptist
01:07:50Let's be friends
01:07:53You see
01:07:54What was I going to say I've forgotten?
01:07:56Yes, I remember what it was. Oh, no Salome
01:07:59Come come closer
01:08:02I'm afraid you you won't hear me
01:08:06You know my my beautiful peacocks my beautiful white peacocks which
01:08:13Live between the cypress trees and the myrtles in the garden
01:08:17Their heads are golden the grain they eat is gold too and their feet are dyed purple
01:08:24The rains come when they cry out
01:08:27And when they open up their fans the moon appears in the sky
01:08:33They walk two by two between the cypress trees and the black myrtles and each one has a slave to look after him
01:08:40Sometimes they fly through the trees and sometimes they sleep in the grass or by the pool
01:08:47There are no animals in the world as beautiful as they I'm sure no king on earth
01:08:53As birds is perfect
01:08:55I'm sure even Caesar Caesar has not got birds as beautiful. Oh, I
01:09:02will give you
01:09:0450 of them they will go everywhere with you and amongst them you'll be like the moon on a great white cloud
01:09:13Will give them all to you I
01:09:15Have only 100 and there's no king on earth who has peacocks such as mine. I will give them all to you
01:09:23But you must release me from my promise and not ask me what you have asked of me
01:09:33Give me the head of John the Baptist
01:09:36Well said my daughter you you are ridiculous with your white peacocks shut up
01:09:42You're always shouting you screech like a bird of prey stop screeching like that
01:09:50Salome think of what you're doing
01:09:54This man
01:09:55Comes from God perhaps
01:09:58I'm sure he comes from God
01:10:00He's a holy man
01:10:02The finger of God is upon him
01:10:05God has put terrible words in his mouth
01:10:08In the palace as in the desert God is always with him
01:10:13But it's possible, isn't it? I don't know but it's possible that God is always with him and it could be
01:10:20But if he dies something terrible will happen to me
01:10:25He said the day he died a great misfortune would befall someone it could only be me
01:10:31When I came out here I slipped in blood and then I heard I know I heard the beating of wings in the air the
01:10:37beating of giant wings
01:10:39These are both very bad omens
01:10:41There are others. I know there were others
01:10:44Well, I haven't seen them. So so Salome
01:10:50You don't want something terrible to happen to me. Do you?
01:10:54Listen to me
01:11:00Give me the head of John the Baptist
01:11:18I have got jewels hidden here that even your mother has never seen in a casket of ebony
01:11:24I have two amber goblets that look like golden apples
01:11:29If an enemy puts poison into the goblets, they become silver apples
01:11:34In a chest covering amber. I have slippers encrusted with flowers
01:11:40I've got
01:11:42Cloaks from the country of Ceres. I have got bangles garnished with carbuncles and jade from the city of Euphrates
01:11:49So tell me Salome, what do you want anything you desire? I'll give you I'll give you everything except one thing
01:11:56I'll give you everything I own except my life. I
01:12:01Will give you the cloak of the high priest
01:12:04I'll give you the veil from the sanctuary
01:12:15Give me the head of John the Baptist
01:12:19What did she say?
01:12:26Give her what she asks for. She is truly her mother's daughter
01:13:15Why did I give my word
01:13:20Kings should never give their word. If you don't keep it, it's bad.
01:13:25If you keep it, it's worse. I think my daughter did right
01:13:30I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen
01:13:49There isn't any noise
01:13:52I can hear nothing
01:13:54Why doesn't he cry out?
01:13:56If someone were trying to kill me, I'd scream and fight.
01:14:01I wouldn't want to suffer
01:14:04Strike strike Naamon strike I tell you
01:14:12I hear nothing
01:14:42You didn't want to let me kiss you John the Baptist
01:14:47well, I
01:14:49Will kiss you now
01:14:53With my teeth the way I bite into a ripe fruit
01:14:59I'll kiss your mouth John the Baptist. I told you so didn't I I
01:15:07told you
01:15:09well, I
01:15:11Will kiss it now
01:15:15Why don't you look at me John the Baptist?
01:15:20your eyes, which was so terrible so full of anger and
01:15:29And your tongue that was like a red snake darting poison
01:15:36It doesn't move anymore
01:15:39It doesn't say anything now
01:15:42John the Baptist that red viper who vomited his venom on me
01:15:50Strange, isn't it?
01:15:54That's the red snake is still
01:15:57You didn't want me you rejected me. You said infamous things to me
01:16:04You treated me like a courtesan
01:16:10daughter of Herodias
01:16:13princess of Judea
01:16:15so now John the Baptist I
01:16:19Am still alive, but you are dead
01:16:23And your head is mine. I
01:16:28Can do with it as I please?
01:16:31I can throw it to the dogs or the birds
01:16:37What the dogs leave the birds will eat
01:16:42John the Baptist John the Baptist
01:16:46You were the only man I ever loved
01:16:53All the others fill me with disgust
01:16:56but you
01:16:59You were beautiful
01:17:02Your body was an ivory column on a silver pedestal
01:17:08It was a garden filled with doves and silver lilies
01:17:14It was a silver tower
01:17:16adorned with ivory shields
01:17:20There was nothing in the world
01:17:23As white as your body
01:17:27There was nothing in the world as black
01:17:31as your hair
01:17:33In all the world there was nothing as red as your mouth
01:17:40Your voice was a sensor
01:17:45filled with strange perfumes
01:17:49and when I looked
01:17:51at you I
01:17:56Strange music. Oh
01:17:59Why didn't you look at me John the Baptist
01:18:02You hid your face behind your hands and your blasphemy
01:18:07You placed on your eyes the bandage of one who wishes to see his God
01:18:12Well, you have seen him your God
01:18:16John the Baptist
01:18:18but me
01:18:22You have never seen me
01:18:28I loved you. I
01:18:30Love you still John the Baptist. I
01:18:35only you
01:18:38I am thirsty for your beauty. I
01:18:41Am hungry for your body and neither wine nor fruit can appease my desire
01:18:50Who tell me what to do now John the Baptist?
01:18:53Neither rivers nor floods can drown my passion. I
01:18:59Was a princess and you humiliated me
01:19:05I was a virgin and
01:19:08You raped me
01:19:11It was chaste and you filled my veins with fire
01:19:19Why didn't you look at me John the Baptist
01:19:23If you had looked at me
01:19:26You would have loved me. I know
01:19:30You would have loved me
01:19:33and the mystery of
01:19:38Is greater than the mystery of death
01:19:46One must look only
01:19:50To love
01:20:04She is monstrous your daughter utterly monstrous
01:20:09It's a vile crime. She's done
01:20:13It's a crime against an unknown God. I approve of what my daughter has done. I
01:20:21Like it out here
01:20:23I want to stay for a while. Ah
01:20:27the incestuous wife speaks
01:20:30Come I do not wish to stay here
01:20:34I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen
01:20:38Come I say
01:20:40Melasi, Hezekiah, Azaz put out the torches. I don't want to see anything. I don't want anything to see me
01:20:48extinguish the torches
01:20:50Hide the moon hide the stars
01:20:53Come let us hide in our palace
01:21:00I'm beginning to feel afraid
01:21:06I have kissed your mouth John the Baptist
01:21:13Have kissed your mouth
01:21:16Is that the taste of blood
01:21:26Perhaps it is the taste of love
01:21:30They say love leaves a bitter taste
01:21:35but what of that I
01:21:38Have kissed your mouth
01:21:44Kill that woman
01:22:01Bravo well done
01:22:08What no curtain calls
01:22:10It wasn't as bad as all that. They're getting out of their drag I
01:22:14I wish they'd drag me out of this hole.
01:22:17oh dear Bosie.
01:22:22I knew you were more than just a pretty face but considering how distasteful you must have
01:22:26found it that was quite a performance.
01:22:28I wish I could be as enthusiastic about yours.
01:22:31come come jealousy is not part of a prophet's makeup and yours my dear is just a little
01:22:35overdone if I may be permitted a teeny criticism.
01:22:39oh how I love your lips.
01:22:43let me kiss your lips John the Baptist.
01:22:46no thank you.
01:22:47you've got too much gold on your own.
01:22:51I'm well aware that he's your favorite but I find gold irresistible.
01:22:56and as you know I can resist anything but temptation.
01:22:59you took advantage of my position.
01:23:01I might be tempted to do so again if you don't close your mouth.
01:23:06ah Alfred.
01:23:09our prophet is somewhat at a loss.
01:23:16bravo Bosie.
01:23:18don't panic. help is on its way.
01:23:20when you feel yourself getting a good groping you'll know the stagehands have arrived.
01:23:24very touching isn't he?
01:23:26he always is touching.
01:23:29the casting was nigh on perfect.
01:23:31I've always admired the talent here but never more so than tonight.
01:23:34your Herod out hereded Herod.
01:23:36oh you don't think it was a mistake casting the soldiers from the rough trade then?
01:23:40inspired my dear Alfred. absolutely inspired.
01:23:43I was delighted to find that I'd written yet another comedy.
01:23:46I'm afraid the staging left a little to be desired.
01:23:49on the contrary I found it extremely stagey.
01:23:52the death of Salome was pure verismo.
01:23:56how on earth did you achieve such realism?
01:23:58I wondered if you were going to...
01:24:00tell us the worst.
01:24:02my dear lady Alice
01:24:04you're acting to tell the truth.
01:24:06that remark generally precedes an untruth.
01:24:09I make no excuses for my performance.
01:24:11if it is good enough for Queen Victoria it is certainly good enough for you.
01:24:15you've done a royal command performance?
01:24:17no Christmas at Balmoral would be complete without the entire family staging Macbeth.
01:24:21why Macbeth? I had no idea Her Majesty admired Shakespeare.
01:24:24the Balmoral ghost walks only at Christmas Eve.
01:24:27I was not referring to my acting but to my costume.
01:24:30it is the one I usually wear as Lady Macbeth.
01:24:34my dear lady Alice.
01:24:36you transcended country, class and indeed the very centuries.
01:24:40Sarah Bernhardt should look to her laurels.
01:24:42though I must confess you lack one of her most singular attributes.
01:24:47indeed and pray what is that?
01:24:50a wooden leg.
01:24:54remain where you are.
01:24:56nobody is to leave the room.
01:24:58what's the meaning of this?
01:25:00we're here to run you in.
01:25:02run us in?
01:25:04oh please Alfred.
01:25:06not the pirates of Penzance.
01:25:08I'd hate to share a double bill with Gilbert and Sullivan.
01:25:10I assure you Oscar...
01:25:12Oscar Wills Fangalo Flaherty Wilde
01:25:14you're under arrest.
01:25:16charged with gross sexual indecency
01:25:18and the corruption of minors.
01:25:24Alfred Taylor
01:25:26also under arrest.
01:25:28charged with running a disorderly house.
01:25:30now will you both come quietly
01:25:32or shall we use the handcuffs?
01:25:34that won't be necessary officer.
01:25:36we've had one melodramatic ending tonight.
01:25:39two might be an indulgence.
01:25:43my top hat and cloak.
01:25:45I'm going out.
01:25:47I may be some little time.
01:25:49you're cold sir.
01:25:59now Alfred.
01:26:01I think Bosie was miscast.
01:26:03if you want a revival
01:26:05he really should play Salome
01:26:07and I should play Alfred.
01:26:09and I should play Alfred.
01:26:11I think Bosie was miscast.
01:26:13if you want a revival
01:26:15he really should play Salome
01:26:17and I should play the Prophet.
01:26:19with your head
01:26:21served up in a silver platter.
01:26:23or my balls.
01:26:25if you think I am
01:26:27traveling in this horse box
01:26:29with two dangerous criminals
01:26:31you are mightily mistaken
01:26:33my man.
01:26:35name and address miss.
01:26:37miss I have never been called miss in my life.
01:26:39I am the lady Alice Fitz Kensington Windsor.
01:26:41beg your pardon your ladyship.
01:26:43you're down for an oar.
01:26:45we have to come along all the same.
01:26:47since when has it been a crime to play charades?
01:26:49never your ladyship.
01:26:51we need you as a witness.
01:26:53one of the chambermaids has just been murdered.
01:26:55murdered? nonsense. it was death by misadventure.
01:26:57she slipped on a banana skin.
01:27:11mr. Taylor
01:27:13mr. Taylor I've got them.
01:27:15mr. Taylor come back.
01:27:17mr. Taylor
01:27:19mr. Taylor