Tommy Robinson’s former assistant breaks silence: ‘His ego has made riots evolve’

  • 2 months ago
Tommy Robinson's former assistant broke her silence on the UK riots.Source: Times Radio


00:00the scenes that we're seeing are the very thing that we were trying to stop by creating independent
00:04journalism, by giving people voices, by raising awareness of issues that we felt that the media
00:10weren't addressing maybe enough and this is what we wanted to prevent and I would say that Tommy's
00:15ego has led to it just devolving. We used to joke that he was like Imhotep from The Mummy and we
00:20needed to put him back where he came from. We kind of made him famous again, he wasn't very
00:25famous when we first met him. We kind of reignited that and it wasn't pleasant but then as time went
00:32on and as the fame and the money started rolling in again his behaviour changed, you know, he thought
00:37he was better than us, he thought he didn't need us and the attitude just became very nasty,
00:40misogynistic. I was particularly incensed after the Finsbury Park mosque attack when
00:45he was interviewed by Sky News and his, instead of focusing on the fact that a Muslim grandfather
00:51lost his life in that attack and taking any responsibility, Tommy was just in PR damage control mode.
