Titanic Facts That Show a Different Story

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00:00:01On April 10, 1912, crowds gathered at Southampton Beach to wave off what was, at the time, the
00:00:08world's largest and most prestigious ship, the RMS Titanic.
00:00:13The cost of the most expensive first-class parlor ticket was $4,350.
00:00:18That's around $70,000 in today's money.
00:00:22But barely 5 days after steaming away, the ship was swallowed by the Atlantic Ocean.
00:00:28So let's rewind and go back to what actually happened on that fateful night.
00:00:32The captain wanted to set a speed record for the ship's maiden voyage and arrive early.
00:00:37The ship was deemed unsinkable, so he went full throttle into the dark Arctic waters.
00:00:43After spotting the 100-foot iceberg, the crew desperately tried to steer the vessel away
00:00:47and avoid the collision.
00:00:49But the Titanic was traveling too fast, and the iceberg tore down the side of the ship,
00:00:55creating a huge opening in the hull.
00:00:57It wasn't a continuous rip, and damage was caused in several places.
00:01:01In total, the damage spanned along an area of around 300 feet.
00:01:06But the ship's designers had prepared for the prospect of a collision and added water-tight
00:01:10compartments down each side of the ship to act as a buffer zone.
00:01:15Four of these compartments could be breached, and the ship would still stay afloat.
00:01:19But because the iceberg tore down the side of the Titanic, it ripped holes in six compartments.
00:01:25The compartments didn't extend up the total height of all decks and weren't actually
00:01:29sealed at the top.
00:01:31This is why when more than four were flooded, water reached over the top of the bulkheads
00:01:36and filled the remaining compartments, causing the ship to sink into the ocean.
00:01:40Think of it as water spilling over an ice cube tray.
00:01:44But what if the collision was head-on?
00:01:46Would it still have sunk?
00:01:50Ships are designed with potential crashes in mind, and most vessels have collision bulkheads
00:01:54in the bow.
00:01:56Most of all, it's like your car's bumper or crumple zone – it's a safety feature
00:02:00that can withstand a direct hit.
00:02:02The bow could have taken some of the impact, and some experts have suggested that if it
00:02:07hit head-on, only two to four of the water-tight compartments would've been flooded.
00:02:12So in theory, the Titanic might not have sunk, and it might've even been able to continue
00:02:17sailing to its final destination at a much slower speed.
00:02:22The force of impact would likely have been huge, though.
00:02:25But although passengers would've been injured by the force, they'd have been able to stay
00:02:29on the ship to wait to be rescued by other ships, rather than being forced into the icy
00:02:34waters of the Atlantic.
00:02:36Still, one of the Titanic's designers, Edward Wilding, suggested that the force of the impact
00:02:42might not have actually been that big.
00:02:45He told the British Inquiry that lots of people scarcely felt the collision, and he believed
00:02:50the ship would not have sunk if it did hit the iceberg head-on.
00:02:54The ship was also designed with remotely operated water-tight doors between all compartments,
00:03:00so any floods could've been quickly sorted out.
00:03:03Because Titanic had six breaches from the side collision, and because it happened so
00:03:07quickly, sealing the doors wouldn't have made a difference, as it was essentially impossible
00:03:13to save it by that point.
00:03:15The ship immediately began to flood, with water pouring in at a rate of roughly 7 tons
00:03:20per second, 15 times faster than it could be pumped out.
00:03:24So while it sounds like the Titanic would've survived had the ship hit the iceberg head-on,
00:03:30this idea does come with some issues.
00:03:34First off, the collision bulkheads were designed to survive a crash with another ship, not
00:03:38a giant iceberg.
00:03:40If two ships collided, both would absorb some of the impact in their bulkheads, sharing
00:03:45the impact and likely staying afloat.
00:03:48But an iceberg is stationary, meaning that Titanic would absorb most of the energy from
00:03:53the collision.
00:03:54If Titanic hit head-first, because of the speed it was traveling, the impact would have
00:03:59likely traveled down the whole body of the ship.
00:04:02Just imagine a 46,000-ton ship traveling at around 20 knots.
00:04:07At some point, it hits an iceberg that weighs what could be over 100,000 tons.
00:04:12This collision would likely create a powerful force causing massive damage to the vessel.
00:04:18It is likely that seams would split, staircases would come tumbling down, and rivets would
00:04:23burst open across the ship.
00:04:25All that would've potentially flooded even more compartments.
00:04:29This could've caused Titanic to sink in a matter of minutes rather than hours.
00:04:34But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
00:04:36As we all know, the biggest part of it is hidden underwater.
00:04:40So if Titanic had been traveling head-on, it's likely it would've hit the part of
00:04:45the iceberg below the water first, which would send it veering off course.
00:04:50Hitting an iceberg is not like hitting a brick wall.
00:04:53In this case, the ice under the water would've torn open the bottom of the ship and caused
00:04:58damage to the sides.
00:05:00Icebergs also aren't flat, solid objects.
00:05:03If a flat collision happened, the ship might've stayed afloat, but icebergs come in many shapes
00:05:08and sizes, from domes to wedges.
00:05:11Studies have also been done on the steel used to produce Titanic, and the tests show the
00:05:16metal was about 10 times more brittle than the steel we use today.
00:05:20The ship was built before we understood the effects of low temperature on steel.
00:05:25The old steel used to make the vessel would not bend when faced with freezing temperatures,
00:05:30but break.
00:05:31Recovered pieces of Titanic's hull plates show that the hull just shattered on impact.
00:05:37Hitting head-on would also cause a very severe and abrupt stop, so even if the ship hadn't
00:05:42sunk, there would still have been major issues.
00:05:45Think about when you suddenly hit the brakes on your car, or when the bus stops while you're
00:05:49walking down the aisle and you get flung forward.
00:05:53Passengers would've been thrown across the ship, and because the crash happened at night,
00:05:58most people were sleeping, so wouldn't be able to effectively prepare for any sort
00:06:02of impact.
00:06:03This would result in injuries for most people on board.
00:06:06It would be especially bad for those at the front of the ship, where the accommodation
00:06:10for the off-duty firefighters, greasers, and engineers was.
00:06:15But while passengers and off-duty crew may have been thrown out of bed, there would be
00:06:19a lot more survivors than in the original scenario.
00:06:23Many ships have had head-on collisions and made it back to shore.
00:06:27Not many people know that Titanic actually had two sister ships.
00:06:31The White Star Line, the company that built Titanic, also built vessels called Britannic
00:06:36and Olympic.
00:06:38Captained by Edward J. Smith, who would later helm Titanic, the Olympic set off on its maiden
00:06:44voyage in June 1911.
00:06:46But much like Ford's sister ship, disaster was just around the corner.
00:06:51On its fifth commercial voyage, Olympic collided with a Royal Navy ship, HMS Hawk.
00:06:57While the Olympic received damage to its side, Hawk crashed into the other vessel head-on.
00:07:03The bow of the Hawk was completely crushed by the collision, but because the ship had
00:07:07watertight compartments, it managed to survive the impact and later returned to shore for
00:07:14Another study case is the SS Andrea Doria, which was an Italian ocean liner that made
00:07:19global headlines in 1956.
00:07:22Like the Titanic, the Andrea Doria was heading for New York City on its 101st voyage when
00:07:27disaster struck.
00:07:29On July 25, the vessel collided with the 524-foot Swedish passenger liner Stockholm.
00:07:36The Stockholm hit the ship head-on, but the point of impact for the Andrea Doria was on
00:07:41its side.
00:07:42The front of the Stockholm was completely smashed, but because the impact was on its
00:07:46hull, it managed to survive.
00:07:49The Andrea Doria, however, sadly sank due to the collision being on the side of the
00:07:54So these cases could suggest that maybe the Titanic would've survived had it hit the
00:07:59iceberg head-on.
00:08:01But we have to remember that the Titanic hit the thing full speed, whereas both the Olympic
00:08:06and the Andrea Doria were traveling slower.
00:08:12You know SOS, don't you?
00:08:14Three dots, three dashes, and three more dots?
00:08:17It's an easy enough signal to tap out in Morse code.
00:08:20It means Save Our Souls or Save Our Ship.
00:08:24The crew of the legendary Titanic had been desperately trying to send this signal for
00:08:29two hours the night of April 14, 1912.
00:08:33There were other ships not too far from the spot where the iceberg took down the mighty
00:08:37titan of the sea, but the call for help seemingly disappeared before it could reach them.
00:08:43The passenger ship SS Mount Temple did pick up the signal and try to respond, but the
00:08:49Titanic never got the answer.
00:08:51So what was silencing the ship's cries for help?
00:08:55Some unknown Bermuda Triangle of the North Atlantic?
00:09:00Consider this.
00:09:01Eyewitnesses say the sky was painted with a brilliant aurora borealis that cold, fateful
00:09:07Beautiful, yes.
00:09:09On that day, the northern lights may have sealed Titanic's fate for good.
00:09:13You see, the aurora borealis forms thanks to geomagnetic storms.
00:09:19Sounds complicated, but those are basically fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic sphere,
00:09:24and what causes those is the Sun itself.
00:09:27The magnetic sphere is like a protective bubble that surrounds our planet.
00:09:31It blocks harmful solar rays, winds, and other cosmic dangers from reaching us.
00:09:37Without it, life on our planet wouldn't be possible.
00:09:39Earth would look more like Mars.
00:09:42You also have it to thank for compasses pointing north.
00:09:46Experts know the Earth's magnetosphere affects navigational equipment, or disrupts it.
00:09:52Which brings us back to the Titanic.
00:09:54Recently, a published weather researcher named Mila Zinkova proposed a theory that solar
00:10:00flares, which provoked a geomagnetic storm, could've played a major role in the Titanic's
00:10:06untimely demise.
00:10:08Solar flares make themselves known on Earth all the time.
00:10:12Some people are especially sensitive to the magnetic storms they cause.
00:10:16These unlucky folks can feel weakness, fatigue, headaches, and even mood swings.
00:10:21On usual days, the pressure is the same on both sides.
00:10:25The magnetosphere blocks all the bad stuff, and we're all happy.
00:10:29But sometimes, explosions occur on the side.
00:10:32They can be massive, Earth-sized.
00:10:34These flares shoot out a wave of charged particles that collides with the magnetosphere
00:10:39at high speeds.
00:10:41Our protective bubble then goes on the defense.
00:10:44It shrinks, deforms, and pushes those particles toward the poles.
00:10:48Enter those brilliant lights dancing above the Titanic that night.
00:10:52In the north, we know it as Aurora Borealis.
00:10:55In the south, Aurora Australis, or the Southern Lights.
00:11:00When the magnetosphere pushes those solar and cosmic particles toward the poles, they
00:11:04collide with molecules of different gases.
00:11:07That's why you get the range of colors.
00:11:10For example, oxygen can be green or red, depending on the distance, and nitrogen is blue or purple.
00:11:17What multiple people saw that night was exactly this phenomenon, including the second officer
00:11:22from the rescue ship Carpathia.
00:11:25He wrote it down in the logbook before getting the distress call from the Titanic.
00:11:29But I'm getting ahead of myself.
00:11:32Auroras are a visible sign of a geomagnetic storm.
00:11:35Now about navigational equipment.
00:11:37This applies to satellite and radio frequency devices.
00:11:41Remember, they didn't have iPhones back in the Titanic days, so the average person
00:11:46couldn't notice their gadgets going haywire.
00:11:48But navigational devices and wireless telegraph did exist and were actively used.
00:11:55Rewind back to the Middle Ages, when sailors noticed that, on some days, compasses wigged
00:12:01The arrows spun in all directions, and people back then had no idea why.
00:12:06It wasn't until the 18th century when French scientists found out that such problematic
00:12:11days occur at the same time as black spots appearing on the sun.
00:12:16Solar flares.
00:12:17The mystery was solved.
00:12:18Now the Titanic had the most advanced well-known radio equipment at that time.
00:12:25They tested it thoroughly to make sure it worked for distances up to 2,000 miles away.
00:12:30Titanics passed them all.
00:12:32On April 10, 1912, the massive liner left Southampton and set off for New York.
00:12:38The very next day, the crew started getting the first reports of drifting icebergs and
00:12:43ice fields.
00:12:44They put dots on the map to mark the coordinates and let out a sigh of relief.
00:12:50All the troublesome spots were north of the Titanic's planned route.
00:12:54But after a couple of days, the warnings were moving farther and farther south, encroaching
00:12:59on the majestic ship.
00:13:01On April 14, Captain Edward Smith decided to change course to the south in hopes of
00:13:06bypassing the ice.
00:13:08This ended up being a huge mistake.
00:13:12Enter the magnetic storm.
00:13:14If it was throwing the navigation equipment off, even by a tiny error of half a degree,
00:13:19the captain could've been mistakenly taking the ship right toward a cluster of icebergs.
00:13:24What's even worse, the radio operators ignored warnings coming from other ships.
00:13:30That or they simply forgot to hand them over to the captain.
00:13:34As hired contractors from the radio company, they were more interested in transmitting
00:13:38paid telegrams from passengers on that luxurious liner.
00:13:42The radio transmitter kept going out of order that evening, probably because of all this
00:13:46private traffic.
00:13:48When it was finally fixed, operator Jack Phillips received another message from the SS Californian
00:13:54at 10.30 pm.
00:13:56Their operator was trying to warn Phillips about the coordinates of drifting icebergs,
00:14:01but he paid them no attention.
00:14:04He was nervous and in a hurry.
00:14:06Was the magnetic storm to blame for his frayed nerves and bad mood?
00:14:10We can only speculate.
00:14:12But as you know, some people are more sensitive to these things.
00:14:17The weather was fine, the ocean was calm, the water was smooth as glass.
00:14:22Despite all the warnings, the ship continued to sail at a maximum speed of over 22 knots.
00:14:27An hour later, Titanic collided with the infamous iceberg.
00:14:32On April 15th at 12.14 am, in the middle of the night, Titanic's operators started to
00:14:38transmit the first emergency signals.
00:14:41The SS Californian was sailing just 20 miles from the Titanic.
00:14:45They could've easily come to a quick rescue.
00:14:48But 10 minutes before the disaster, the Californian's radio operator had gone to bed.
00:14:54He was the only one who understood Morse code on the ship.
00:14:59According to this new theory, the magnetic anomalies possibly blocked Titanic's messages
00:15:03to other ships.
00:15:05For example, the steamer SS La Providence didn't receive any signals from the sinking
00:15:10ship at all.
00:15:12But they were still getting transmissions from another giant, the Olympic, which was
00:15:16500 miles from the Titanic.
00:15:19That night, the signals were acting strange.
00:15:22They simply got lost somewhere in space.
00:15:24Or they were like a jumbled riddle, impossible to solve.
00:15:28The SS Mount Temple did get a message and rushed to Titanic's aid.
00:15:33But as fate would have it, the rescue ship got stuck in ice.
00:15:37They did arrive at Titanic's last known coordinates, but the luxury liner was nowhere
00:15:42to be seen.
00:15:43So were the coordinates accurate at all?
00:15:46The steamer Carpathia was about 60 miles away.
00:15:49At 12.30, their radio operator told the Titanic's crew they were rushing to help.
00:15:55The ship famous for coming to the aid, Carpathia, was going full steam ahead.
00:16:00But here's the odd part.
00:16:02At first, they headed to the wrong spot.
00:16:05The magnetic storm could have thrown its equipment off.
00:16:08Good news is the steamer did end up reaching the right place when they saw the lifeboats
00:16:13full of passengers.
00:16:14Interestingly, once she reached land, the Carpathia didn't have any problems with her
00:16:20The blackout happened just around the wreckage site.
00:16:23The following investigation blamed radio amateurs for blocking signals.
00:16:28We now might know otherwise.
00:16:30Zinkova explains that at that time, they didn't know exactly how and to what extent the Sun
00:16:36influences the Earth.
00:16:38No one could have guessed that the Sun could tamper with these massive ships' navigational
00:16:43Especially one that had the best of the best at the time.
00:16:47There's another theory that even the Moon could have played a role.
00:16:51Some researchers claim that in January 1912, our natural satellite was closer to the Earth
00:16:57than usual.
00:16:58It caused very strong tides and raised the sea level.
00:17:02Every year, icebergs break away from Greenland and stop around Newfoundland.
00:17:06But not that year.
00:17:07The increased water flow pushed them further for three months.
00:17:11And come April, they were right in the way of transatlantic ships.
00:17:15Unfortunately, it was a recipe for disaster when it came to the mighty Titanic.
00:17:22A beam of electric light pierces the darkness over the calm waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
00:17:30The Titanic is quietly making its way through the waves, its passengers asleep, when suddenly
00:17:35a monstrous white shape is caught in the light beam.
00:17:39The fateful iceberg is about to rend the side of the legendary ship.
00:17:50April 14, 1912.
00:17:52Only two days before someone will take a photo of a giant iceberg with a pretty unusual elliptical
00:17:59It turns out that this iceberg most likely formed out of snow that fell 100,000 years
00:18:07Researchers used computer modeling to figure out its origin.
00:18:10They used data from 1912 and added some new information about winds and ocean currents.
00:18:16They concluded that the iceberg was probably a part of a small cluster of glaciers in southwest
00:18:24These days, it's possible to calculate the roots of such icebergs in any given year in
00:18:29the past.
00:18:30So, the infamous chunk of ice was on its way from Greenland to an area further south from
00:18:37If the ship had passed through that region only two days later, the iceberg would have
00:18:42moved far away from the point where they met.
00:18:45At first, the weight of the most well-known iceberg in the world was 75 million tons.
00:18:52With time, it started to slowly melt away.
00:18:55And when it sank the Titanic, its weight was only 1.5 million tons.
00:19:01By the time of the collision, it had probably been melting for months, but it was still
00:19:06a true monster.
00:19:07When the Titanic sank, the iceberg was 400 feet long, and more than 100 feet of its surface
00:19:14was above the water.
00:19:17Some people believe it was a supermoon that caused the Titanic to sink.
00:19:22That night, there was a rare lunar event.
00:19:25It hadn't happened for 1,400 years.
00:19:28In normal conditions, the iceberg wouldn't have traveled so far south without melting
00:19:33and losing the largest part of its mass.
00:19:36But the supermoon could have been the reason for an unusually high tide that pulled the
00:19:41iceberg away from the glacier way faster than usual.
00:19:45There's a specific type of bacteria that slowly consumes the remains of the Titanic.
00:19:52Salt corrosion, ocean currents, freezing temperatures, plus this rust-eating microorganism might
00:19:58consume the entire wreckage.
00:20:02American actress Dorothy Gibson was aboard the Titanic.
00:20:06She survived, and when she arrived in New York, she started filming a movie called Saved
00:20:11from the Titanic almost right away.
00:20:14The movie was released only a month after the Titanic sank, and in the movie, she even
00:20:19wore the same shoes and clothes she had during the actual disaster.
00:20:24The movie was a big success at that time, but the only known copy was destroyed in a
00:20:31Fourteen years before the Titanic sank, a novella called Futility had been published,
00:20:37and it seemed to have predicted the whole event.
00:20:40The plot centered around a fictional ship called the Titan that sank during its voyage.
00:20:45The Titan was almost the same size as Titanic, and they both went to the bottom in April.
00:20:52The reason was hitting an iceberg, too.
00:20:54Both the real and fictional ships were described as unsinkable, and both of them had the legally
00:21:00required number of lifeboats, which, as it turned out later, were nowhere near enough.
00:21:07We've seen it in the movie, but there were some real-life love stories happening on the
00:21:11Titanic, too.
00:21:13Thirteen couples even took a trip on the Titanic as part of their honeymoon.
00:21:18One of the couples owned Macy's Department Store in New York.
00:21:21Once it became clear the Titanic was rapidly sinking, the woman refused to go into a lifeboat
00:21:26without her husband.
00:21:28But he didn't want to join her while there were still women and children who he thought
00:21:32had to go first.
00:21:34Then his wife gave her coat to her maid.
00:21:37She insisted that the maid should get into the lifeboat, and she wanted her to be warm.
00:21:42As for the woman herself, she decided to stay with her husband till the end.
00:21:50Some people believe Titanic sank because of a mummy, not an iceberg.
00:21:54It all started around 1000 BCE with a mysterious woman who lived in Egypt, in the city of thieves.
00:22:02People knew little about her, but they called her a priestess.
00:22:06Her mummy was put in a wooden sarcophagus and covered with a large lid with the image
00:22:11of her face and some mystical inscriptions.
00:22:14This place had been hidden until the first half of the 19th century, when a group of
00:22:19locals accidentally came across it.
00:22:21They disturbed her peace.
00:22:23No one knows how, but the mummy disappeared that day without a trace.
00:22:31A couple of decades later, a group of rich friends from England traveled to Egypt and
00:22:36found the empty mummy casket with the image of the priestess, whose dark eyes seemed to
00:22:41be looking into the void.
00:22:43They decided to buy it, but the buyer disappeared the same night before he even got the case.
00:22:49All members of the group had some accidents.
00:22:52The casket changed its location a couple of times until it, as some believe, ended
00:22:57up on the Titanic.
00:23:01It took more than 70 years for a robot submarine to find the ruins of this legendary ship.
00:23:07The wreck lies nearly 13,000 feet under the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, split into
00:23:12two halves.
00:23:14Why did the liner break apart?
00:23:16No one knows exactly.
00:23:18Some think it happened because of the water that got inside when the ship collided with
00:23:23the iceberg.
00:23:24The pressure was so powerful, it separated two parts of the vessel, starting with the
00:23:29ship's bottom structure.
00:23:31Others say it was because of the hull rivets.
00:23:33They had a high concentration of slag or smelting residue, and that's something that can cause
00:23:39the metal to split apart.
00:23:41The ship generally had many flaws, starting with the design.
00:23:45The watertight bulkheads weren't completely sealed on top.
00:23:49This allowed the water to flow between the compartments and, in the end, sink the vessel.
00:23:54The iron of the ship's rivets and steel of the hull ended up ruined because of high
00:23:59sulfur content, cold temperatures, and high speeds.
00:24:03The steel shattered and the rivets popped out quite easily.
00:24:07Because of this, Titanic sank 24 times faster than it would have otherwise.
00:24:12If the ship had hit the iceberg head-on instead of ramming it with its side, it would have
00:24:16probably stayed afloat.
00:24:19How come the crew members didn't have binoculars?
00:24:22It would have surely helped them spot the iceberg on time and maybe even avoid the disaster.
00:24:28But the binoculars on the Titanic were locked in a storage cabinet.
00:24:33Only one crew member had the key, and he had been transferred off the ship right before
00:24:38it set sail.
00:24:39He later said he hadn't remembered to hand over the key.
00:24:43But even without the binoculars, the ship might have had some time to change course
00:24:48and avoid the collision if the crew had gotten some warning.
00:24:52But that's the thing.
00:24:54Someone did warn them.
00:24:55About an hour before the incident, a ship that was relatively close to Titanic, the
00:25:00SS Californian, sent a message to inform them it had stopped because of dense ice field.
00:25:07But the warning never got to the Titanic's captain.
00:25:10Some experts say it was because the radio operator didn't think it was that urgent.
00:25:16And later, the SS Californian said they didn't get a call for help from the Titanic because
00:25:21their radio operator was off-duty.
00:25:25Some say the crew on the Titanic couldn't spot the iceberg on time because of an optical
00:25:32Atmospheric conditions that night probably caused super-refraction, which could have
00:25:36camouflaged the berg.
00:25:38After all, no one actually saw the iceberg until it was too close to the ship to somehow
00:25:43avoid the crash.
00:25:45Not even a whole minute passed between the moment they saw the iceberg and the collision.
00:25:50It was only 37 seconds, and it took Titanic 2 hours and 40 minutes to disappear below
00:25:57the ocean's waves.
00:26:05April 12, in the year 2212.
00:26:07It's a great date for humanity – the 300th anniversary of the launch of the legendary
00:26:15The best engineers of the world have collaborated for years to bring their masterpiece to the
00:26:20public – the Space-Tanic.
00:26:23And they've done it just in time!
00:26:25The glorious spaceship is waiting in its harbor under the limelight, photographed by thousands
00:26:30of people.
00:26:31The trip was scheduled for April 12, just like 300 years ago.
00:26:36Finally, the big day has come.
00:26:39The passengers are going on board the most magnificent spaceship of the time.
00:26:43They call it Unbreachable.
00:26:46It has 12 decks, from the third class closer to the bottom, to the most luxurious first
00:26:51class on the top, with panoramic views of outer space.
00:26:57The ship is preparing for launch.
00:26:59The engines are starting, the final countdown has begun, and the Space-Tanic is off into
00:27:05the sky.
00:27:06It quickly becomes no more than a speck in the big blue, and then disappears.
00:27:14The first day of the flight goes perfectly.
00:27:17The ship leaves the Earth's atmosphere in less than an hour, and passengers enjoy the
00:27:22wonderful view outside.
00:27:25The blue and green planet on the backdrop of the black void of space.
00:27:30The ship slows down a bit as it moves into orbit.
00:27:33There are too many satellites and space debris circling around the Earth.
00:27:37The Space-Tanic has to go carefully and maneuver around the chunks of metal floating in zero-g.
00:27:44One of them heads straight towards the ship, but it turns on the side burners and moves
00:27:48out of the way just in time.
00:27:51The scrap floats by safely.
00:27:53Finally, the ship is out of the danger zone and into the big black.
00:27:59It turns on the back thrusters to accelerate and heads to the bright side of the Moon.
00:28:04It's going to be the first destination of the sightseeing tour.
00:28:08The planet becomes gradually smaller behind, and about halfway to the natural satellite,
00:28:14people on board can marvel at the sight of the Sun.
00:28:18The huge ball of burning plasma is bigger and brighter than ever in the cosmic darkness.
00:28:24Suddenly, the ship's captain makes an announcement.
00:28:27All passengers are invited to the promenade decks to watch as the solar panels are being
00:28:36People go outside to goggle at the sight.
00:28:38The silver and black panels slowly emerge from their containment slots, and the Space-Tanic
00:28:44finally takes its real form.
00:28:47As the Sun's energy begins to flow into the ship, the thrust engines turn to minimum.
00:28:53The spaceship is now in energy-collecting mode.
00:28:56For the trip to Mars to take just a few days, it needs to make a transit jump.
00:29:02In another 5 hours, another announcement rings across the board.
00:29:06The ship is approaching the Moon, and the passengers are invited to look at the satellite
00:29:11from up close.
00:29:12The Space-Tanic passes by at several thousand miles, and the Moon looks huge.
00:29:18All the craters on the satellite, even the smallest ones, are clearly visible.
00:29:23The view is outstanding.
00:29:26The Moon is left behind, and lights on the ship go dim.
00:29:30There's no natural change of day and night in space, so the crew monitors the time and
00:29:35imitates the shift.
00:29:38The next day promises nothing of interest as there's going to be a long traverse between
00:29:43the Moon and Mars.
00:29:44The passengers are wandering off to their cabins to sleep.
00:29:49The next two days go uneventful.
00:29:52On the decks, there are numerous types of entertainment for guests.
00:29:57From gyms and swimming pools to game rooms and dancing halls.
00:30:02People wander around the promenade decks, enjoying the serene views of space.
00:30:07Causing boats trouble.
00:30:09On the fourth day, the captain finally announces that the Space-Tanic is preparing for the
00:30:14transit jump in 30 minutes.
00:30:17When the time comes, the passengers only feel a slight tug as the huge vessel leaps through
00:30:23space-time, entering the vicinity of Mars.
00:30:30Many passengers go outside to look at the Red Planet, which is already visible in the
00:30:34dark abyss.
00:30:36The tour is entering its final stage, but the landing is only planned for late night.
00:30:43At 11 PM, when most passengers were already in their beds, the Space-Tanic begins the
00:30:49final maneuvers.
00:30:50It has to make a little roundabout trip over Mars because the port is on the other side
00:30:55of the planet.
00:30:57The flight is nearing its end, only a couple of hours left before landing.
00:31:02The ship is in the orbit on the far side of Mars.
00:31:05Everything's quiet.
00:31:07Too quiet.
00:31:10All of a sudden, an enormous boom thrashes the whole Space-Tanic, throwing sleeping people
00:31:16out of their beds.
00:31:17Blinking emergency lights turn on, everyone's confused, but no announcement comes from the
00:31:23And only those who have been on the starboard side promenade deck notice the horrible detail.
00:31:29The right front wing has been torn off and is zooming past them towards the stern.
00:31:35Pressing their faces to the glass, straining to look at the hull, they see a huge gash
00:31:40near the nose of the ship.
00:31:42The Space-Tanic shudders again, and chunks of metal fly out of the gaping hole.
00:31:47The ship rapidly loses pressurization.
00:31:50Meanwhile, the broken-off wing hit the stern and left another gash in it.
00:31:55Mechanisms in the engine compartment start to fall apart and are dragged into space.
00:32:01The ship groans and comes to a halt, suspended thousands of miles above Mars.
00:32:06At last, the captain announces through the intercom that the Space-Tanic has unexpectedly
00:32:11collided with a rogue asteroid.
00:32:14All passengers are asked to proceed to their respective decks for evacuation.
00:32:19Within an hour, all rescue capsules are occupied and ready to be deployed.
00:32:24But about a third of the passengers are still on board the ship.
00:32:28It turns out many of the capsules were blown away at the collision.
00:32:32History seems to repeat itself.
00:32:35The captain still orders to deploy the capsules, and they whoosh out of containment tanks,
00:32:40leaving hundreds of people behind.
00:32:43Some left without their family members, not knowing what fate awaits them.
00:32:48The capsules float in space for a few seconds, and then turn on their thrust engines, heading
00:32:54to the Martian surface.
00:32:57Another order from the captain – everyone is to go down to their cabins and put on pressurized
00:33:02suits stored under their beds.
00:33:05As the passengers rush to comply, the Space-Tanic sends distress signals to Mars and everyone
00:33:10in the vicinity.
00:33:12A hundred thousand miles away, a large trade ship, Leona, picks up the signal and hurries
00:33:18to help.
00:33:19The creaks and groans on board the Space-Tanic become more and more frantic.
00:33:24People are sitting silently in their cabins.
00:33:27It's quiet on board, except for the sounds of the slowly disintegrating ship.
00:33:32And then, suddenly, a loud snap resonates throughout the Space-Tanic, and the vessel
00:33:38cracks in two.
00:33:39A gigantic fracture goes from top to bottom, almost perfectly halfway across the decks.
00:33:46Pressurized glass covering the promenade decks shatters into millions of pieces, slowly flying
00:33:51away from the ship.
00:33:53With the decks depressurized, people and things are blown away into outer space.
00:33:58Thankfully, all of the passengers and crew are wearing their suits as ordered.
00:34:03But they only have about an hour before they run out of oxygen.
00:34:08People help each other by floating together and hauling stranded ones to their groups.
00:34:13They can barely control their floating, but somehow they still manage to bring some order
00:34:17to the chaos.
00:34:19Huddled together in orbit above the ominously red planet, they watch as the mighty Space-Tanic
00:34:25turns into a heaping pile of space debris.
00:34:29Forty-five minutes have passed.
00:34:31The oxygen is running low, and people try to breathe as slowly and carefully as they
00:34:37There's still no help in sight, and they're preparing for the worst.
00:34:41But then, one of them starts waving and pointing somewhere.
00:34:46It's a bright spot, hardly different from the stars in far space.
00:34:50But it's getting closer by the second.
00:34:53And within five minutes, the relieved people see a spaceship speeding towards them.
00:34:58The Leonas arrive just in time to save the day.
00:35:02Quickly, but without hurry, Leona's crew gather everyone floating in space around the
00:35:07remains of the Space-Tanic and haul them on board their ship.
00:35:12Within a few hours, the Leona safely lands at Mars' main spaceport.
00:35:17The newspapers called it the day when the Titanic sank again.
00:35:23It was just a couple of hours before midnight.
00:35:26Some of the 2,200 passengers of a large, luxurious ocean liner were still partying in the beautiful
00:35:32first-class lounges.
00:35:34The rest were asleep in their beds.
00:35:36Some of them in spacious cabins filled with paintings and decorated with ornate carvings.
00:35:41Others in tiny rooms below sea level.
00:35:44All of these people had only one thing in common.
00:35:47On that chilly April night, all of them were heading from Southampton in England to New
00:35:52York City.
00:35:53The ship was called the Titanic, and at that time, it was considered unsinkable.
00:35:58At the very beginning of the journey, the liner nearly collided with the steamship New
00:36:04Luckily, the Titanic managed to pass by the other vessel with several feet to spare.
00:36:09A common sigh of relief escaped the passengers crowding the liner's decks.
00:36:13Little did they know what was awaiting them in the near future.
00:36:18Several days later, when the ship was already in the North Atlantic Ocean, 370 miles away
00:36:23from Newfoundland, the unthinkable happened.
00:36:26At about 11.40 p.m. on April 14, those who were still awake were knocked over by some
00:36:32mysterious and powerful force.
00:36:35Passengers who were already in their beds got catapulted to the floor.
00:36:40Screams and total confusion.
00:36:42Months before the disaster struck, a ginormous chunk of ice had broken away from a glacier
00:36:48in southwest Greenland.
00:36:49It was made of the snow that had fallen about 100,000 years ago, when mammoths were still
00:36:55roaming the planet.
00:36:57When the iceberg just started its journey, it was a huge thing.
00:37:01At 1,700 feet long, it also weighed 75 million tons.
00:37:07But then it floated much further to the south than normal, right into the area the Titanic
00:37:12had to cross on its way to North America.
00:37:15Even after melting into the water for months, the iceberg still weighed an impressive 1.5
00:37:21million tons.
00:37:22Its top part was towering over the water for almost 100 feet.
00:37:27Even so, it looked harmless next to the massive ocean liner, but only at first glance.
00:37:32What people saw was just a tiny part of a jumbo piece of ice.
00:37:37The largest part of any iceberg is hidden under the surface, with a mere one-tenth visible
00:37:42above the water.
00:37:44The Titanic iceberg wasn't an exception.
00:37:47The moment the ship collided with it, the vessel was doomed.
00:37:51Unable to divert its course, it crashed into the ice, rupturing at least five of its hull
00:37:57They immediately started to fill with water, which then flooded each succeeding compartment.
00:38:03The front of the ship started to sink.
00:38:05This raised the back part almost vertically into the air.
00:38:08And then, with a deafening roar, the liner broke in half.
00:38:12The rest is history.
00:38:14But what if what we know about the disaster is not true?
00:38:18What if the ship hadn't been wrecked by an iceberg?
00:38:21What if it had been something more treacherous and way more alive that sank the Titanic?
00:38:28Far, far beneath the surface, in the ocean's dim, dark depths, a shadow lurks.
00:38:34Imagine an enormous creature, round, flat, and full of arms, or rather, powerful tentacles.
00:38:41It resembles a giant squid or octopus, but much, much bigger.
00:38:46Its descriptions go from as long as ten ships to a mile and a half long.
00:38:51Rumor has it unlucky sailors sometimes mistake the sea monster for an island.
00:38:57But instead of stepping on dry land, they're dragged down into the ocean.
00:39:01These people meet the Kraken, a legendary creature feared by everyone who sets off on
00:39:06a sea voyage.
00:39:07Usually, the Kraken haunts the seas off the coasts of Norway through Iceland and all the
00:39:13way to Greenland.
00:39:14Who knows what has brought the beast further away from home?
00:39:18The waters of the North Atlantic are just as chilling, and the creature feels good and
00:39:24Once it notices the Titanic, the ship has no chances to escape its attention.
00:39:29It's dark, that's why those on the ocean liner don't notice the first alarm bells.
00:39:35The water around the ship starts to bubble.
00:39:38If you strain your ears, you can hear bizarre gurgling sounds.
00:39:42If you strain your eyes, you can see thousands of fish and jellyfish rising to the surface.
00:39:48They feel something's up down below.
00:39:51But even if someone on the Titanic noticed this hectic activity, they wouldn't have
00:39:56time to get out of the way of the horrifying beast.
00:40:00Its enormous size and super long and strong tentacles turn it into a predator you can't
00:40:07A 9-year-old boy standing on the deck knows nothing about the sea monster.
00:40:11He's just watching countless small islands rising out of the sea, very, very slowly.
00:40:17The kid doesn't understand why, but all the blood in his body suddenly runs cold.
00:40:23Hundreds of tiny fish are leaping about in the pools between these sandbanks.
00:40:28But soon, they roll off into the water over the sides of the ginormous something.
00:40:34Several sharp points appear above the surface.
00:40:37The intrigued boy thinks they look like horns.
00:40:40They keep growing, thicker and thicker, the higher they rise.
00:40:44Soon they're towering over the massive Titanic, dwarfing the ship.
00:40:48These horns are the Kraken's dreaded arms.
00:40:52The boy is paralyzed by fear.
00:40:54But then he spots the monster's eye.
00:40:57It's as big as an elephant.
00:40:59It makes the kid come to his senses and dash away, screaming like there's no tomorrow.
00:41:04The boy's shouting attracts people.
00:41:06They gather along the ship's side, trying to spot what scared the child so much.
00:41:11And then they see.
00:41:13First one, then more and more passengers and crew members lean over the railing to get
00:41:18a better look.
00:41:19They aren't being careless, they're just in shock.
00:41:22Indeed, it's hard to believe your eyes when they tell you a dreaded beast is about to
00:41:26attack the ship you're on.
00:41:28Plus it's dark, and no one can see clearly what that huge shadow is.
00:41:34The next several minutes prove it's not a mirage.
00:41:37All of a sudden, the creature rises, one of its monstrous arms, and stretches it toward
00:41:42the vessel.
00:41:43It might very well be longer than the liner's entire hull.
00:41:48Women start screaming and fainting.
00:41:50Men seem to be just as terrified.
00:41:52Those who have managed to keep their heads clear sweep up kids and run for shelter.
00:41:57That's when the first powerful hit shakes the vessel.
00:42:00The Kraken's had enough waiting.
00:42:02It's ready for action.
00:42:04Panic engulfs people on board the Titanic.
00:42:07Running around aimlessly and screaming, they create chaos that makes the beast even more
00:42:13Normally, the monster just wants to be left alone.
00:42:17It rests deep down on the ocean floor, using its long tentacles to tether itself to the
00:42:22bottom and lazily hunt for food.
00:42:25It only rises to the surface when the weather's unusually warm, or when it gets disturbed.
00:42:31The Titanic is probably too massive and loud.
00:42:34It draws the creature out of its slumber.
00:42:37When the beast gets to the surface and sees a large, glistening boat, wow, the thing mesmerizes
00:42:43the creature.
00:42:44It holds out one of its tentacles to touch the unusual construction.
00:42:49The material is hard, and the beast wonders if the thing will break when squeezed.
00:42:54Without wasting much time, it wraps several arms around the ship and tries to squish it.
00:43:00Many creatures fussing around, falling overboard, and making annoying high-pitched noises start
00:43:05to irritate the Kraken.
00:43:07It's getting angry.
00:43:09Easing its grip, the monster circles the Titanic several times, getting ready for the next
00:43:15This time, the strike is much stronger.
00:43:18It bends the metal and makes it brittle.
00:43:21One more movement of a deaf tentacle, and the ship starts to fill with water.
00:43:25The Kraken retreats, as if to enjoy the results of its efforts.
00:43:29But then, it notices the ship trying to speed up in futile attempts to put some distance
00:43:34between itself and the monster.
00:43:37People on board the Titanic heave a sigh of relief.
00:43:40The beast is nowhere in sight.
00:43:43Little do they know that the Kraken never lets its toys get away.
00:43:47The ship is beginning to slow down.
00:43:49Its rear part is slowly lifting up, and the front is going down underwater.
00:43:55Passengers and crew members are falling over onto the decks.
00:43:58Most of them are too scared to make a sound.
00:44:01That's why everything's happening in almost complete eerie silence.
00:44:06Until the ship breaks into two parts under its own weight.
00:44:09The crash is so powerful that it scares away even the Kraken.
00:44:13Spooked, the beast dives back into the ocean, which creates a massive boiling whirlpool
00:44:19in that spot.
00:44:20The suction is dragging what's left of the Titanic to the depths of the ocean.
00:44:25The most tragic thing here, though?
00:44:27The Kraken isn't even interested in people on board the ship.
00:44:31This creature is content to munch on fish.
00:44:34It doesn't need bigger prey.
00:44:36It's the animal's curiosity that's now pulling the huge ship down to the bottom.
00:44:41Does the majestic liner have any hope?
00:44:44I think you know the answer.
00:44:48When the Titanic began its fateful voyage, it weighed about 52,000 tons.
00:44:54Now how did they even get it into the water in the first place?
00:44:58Step 1.
00:44:59Find tons of soap and natural fat.
00:45:02Step 2.
00:45:03Dump it all over the ramp in front of the Titanic like a monster slip-n-slide.
00:45:08They even put grease all over the outside of the ship to make sure it didn't get scratched,
00:45:13dented, or even rip open.
00:45:15Just like that, the Titanic plopped softly into the water, and the workers and owners
00:45:20breathed a sigh of relief.
00:45:22At least that part went well.
00:45:24When they built the Aswan Dam in Egypt, they needed to clear out a huge area for the new
00:45:29artificial lake.
00:45:31Almost 100,000 people had to move out of their homes.
00:45:34That was the easy part.
00:45:36Engineers now had to try to move two huge ancient Egyptian temples, or they'd be lost
00:45:42underwater forever.
00:45:44The answer?
00:45:45Thousands of engineers and builders.
00:45:47The temples were built into a mountain, so first they had to detach it using bulldozers
00:45:53and jackhammers.
00:45:55Then they had to take it all apart like a humongous Lego project.
00:45:59Statues, roofs, walls, sculptures – pretty sweet Lego set.
00:46:04Then they cut the temples into bite-sized bits, over a thousand of them.
00:46:09Each one weighed the same as three elephants.
00:46:12So where did they put it all back together?
00:46:14On the same mountain, just 200 feet higher.
00:46:18It took 5 years and about $300 million in today's money.
00:46:22I think even the pharaohs would've been impressed.
00:46:26Say you're thirsty, so you grab a glass of water.
00:46:29But where does that water come from?
00:46:32In Saudi Arabia, it comes from salt water.
00:46:35You just need to get the salt out, no biggie.
00:46:38That calls for an evaporator.
00:46:40Saudi Arabia's machine brings fresh water to 300,000 people.
00:46:45Not bad for so much desert.
00:46:47The evaporator weighs 5,000 tons, and it's pretty big, like 10 basketball courts big.
00:46:53They hired a special ship to bring it from Vietnam to Saudi Arabia, but even that was
00:46:58too small.
00:47:00After making the ship a little bigger, and making a successful cross-continent journey,
00:47:05the evaporator finally touched down in the Middle East.
00:47:08And it was easy, just grab 30 tractor-trailers and pull.
00:47:13Pretty impressive, but the largest thing ever moved on Earth is way bigger.
00:47:18Enter the Norwegian Trolley gas production platform.
00:47:22It weighs more than a Titanic and is way taller than the Empire State Building.
00:47:27But the engineers weren't scared, even though they had to drag the thing 120 miles from
00:47:33They hooked up 10 powerful boats and pulled it along for a week.
00:47:37That thing cost $1 billion to make, so they had to be careful.
00:47:42The boats were actually pulling it in all directions to keep it steady, then slowly
00:47:46making their way out to sea.
00:47:49Once it got there, its four powerful legs were secured with concrete, about as much
00:47:53as you'd use to build 200,000 houses.
00:47:56That part of the sea can be quite rough, so they had to make sure it wouldn't move at
00:48:02Natural gas can set on fire, even in the middle of the sea.
00:48:06You gotta move out of town, but you're used to your house, your big kitchen, cozy
00:48:11No problem, take your home with you!
00:48:14About 500 years ago, an Italian architect was constructing the local city's administration
00:48:20building, but the local church bell tower was getting in the way.
00:48:24The solution?
00:48:25Pick up the tower and move it!
00:48:27The architect built a wooden frame around the tower and shifted it using ropes, blocks,
00:48:33and a lot of people power.
00:48:36Since then, a lot of buildings have been moved around, but what happened in China changed
00:48:41In 2004, engineers shifted the Fugang building about 120 feet.
00:48:47It was the heaviest building ever moved, but it only took 11 days.
00:48:52They worked day and night to get it done so fast.
00:48:5510,000 years ago, a meteorite fell on Greenland.
00:49:00It was the only source of iron for the local people, who started breaking pieces off to
00:49:04make knives, harpoons, arrowheads, and even jewelry.
00:49:08Talk about good luck!
00:49:10Over time, the locals split the meteorite, named Cape York, into a bunch of pieces.
00:49:16Arctic explorer Robert Perry wanted to bring the biggest piece back to the US.
00:49:21So how do you move 30 tons of space rock without trucks or paved roads?
00:49:26Plus, it's 1897, and freezing cold!
00:49:31It took 3 years, but he did it!
00:49:33He ended up building a railway with a special platform to pull it to the nearest shore.
00:49:39It was the first and last railway in Greenland.
00:49:42Perry sold the meteorite for $40,000.
00:49:45Today, that would be about a million.
00:49:48In 2012, artist Michael Heiser erected a 340-ton boulder over the entrance to the LA County
00:49:56Museum of Art.
00:49:57It was called Levitating Mass.
00:50:00Building it was easy, getting it there, not so much.
00:50:04They had to use a 290-foot trailer and 6 different trucks.
00:50:09They only drove at night 100 miles through 22 cities.
00:50:13The most insane part?
00:50:14It ended up costing $10 million.
00:50:18The Swedish ship Vasa, built about 400 years ago, was almost a celebrity.
00:50:24People were amazed by its size, beautiful decoration, and gold sculptures.
00:50:29First time out to sea, it sank.
00:50:32A gust of wind.
00:50:34Anyway, about 80 years ago, they decided to pull it out.
00:50:38One plan was to fill it with ping-pong balls and freeze it in a block of ice.
00:50:43But instead, they just tied some ropes around it and used 18 lifts to drag it along the
00:50:48seabed to a shallow area.
00:50:51From there, it was pretty easy to lift it out.
00:50:53It was mostly made of wood, not much metal.
00:50:56The ship survived quite well because of the cold seawater, and even floated by itself.
00:51:03The shuttle Endeavour flew 25 missions into space.
00:51:07And in 2012, NASA decided it deserved a break.
00:51:11Its retirement home would be the California Science Center.
00:51:15The massive shuttle was loaded onto trailers and driven through LA at the amazing speed
00:51:20of 2 miles per hour.
00:51:23It was the first and probably last time that a spaceship would drive through a big city.
00:51:28They had to clear a pretty big path, and ended up chopping down a lot of pesky things like
00:51:33lampposts, traffic lights, power lines, even over 400 trees.
00:51:38But don't worry, they raised a lot of money from the whole thing, enough to plant over
00:51:42800 new trees.
00:51:45The Statue of Liberty wasn't built in the USA.
00:51:48It was built in France.
00:51:50After 9 years of hard work and a serious amount of copper and iron, she was ready to be given
00:51:55to the United States as a token of friendship.
00:51:59Sending it by mail would take way too much bubble wrap, so they decided to ship it instead.
00:52:05The statue was cut into 350 pieces, loaded into crates, and shipped over to New York.
00:52:11It took them 4 months to assemble all the pieces back together.
00:52:15Talk about humpty-dumpty!
00:52:17Bagger 288, a self-propelled excavator and the largest land transport on the planet.
00:52:24This beast can shift thousands of cars' worth of dirt a day.
00:52:28It finished work in one quarry and had to move on to another.
00:52:31Taking it apart, shipping it, and putting it back together would've been ridiculous.
00:52:36So it just drove over there.
00:52:39It took 3 weeks and only moved at half a mile per hour.
00:52:43To stop it from wrecking everything it drove over, engineers walked ahead, planting grass
00:52:48and covering roads with gravel and dirt.
00:52:52You're walking down the street in France, see a couple of cafes, maybe a nice bakery,
00:52:57and the world's largest gas turbine, named Harriot.
00:53:01Harriot's job?
00:53:03Keep the lights on in over 700,000 French homes.
00:53:07This mammoth turbine weighs as much as 2 jumbo jets and had to travel through France, Germany,
00:53:13Belgium, and the Netherlands.
00:53:15Hey, let's go Dutch!
00:53:18The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is made up of more than 2 million huge blocks of stone.
00:53:25No trailers, no tractors, just some good old-fashioned muscle power.
00:53:30Each block weighs more than 2.5 tons, that's like 30 of me.
00:53:34These guys didn't even have strong metals like iron or steel.
00:53:38They mostly used pieces of wood and stone hammers.
00:53:46The Kraken is a colossal squid, a legendary sea monster, the biggest hunk of calamari
00:53:52you ever saw.
00:53:53And if this monster had existed, the world would have changed beyond recognition.
00:53:59The Kraken has powerful tentacles, solid muscles with suckers at the end, they're just impossible
00:54:05to escape.
00:54:06The Kraken can break a ship in half or just pull it down into the depths.
00:54:11But the worst thing about the Kraken is its size.
00:54:15According to old sailor stories, the Kraken reached 5,000 feet in length, that's almost
00:54:2010 soccer fields.
00:54:22Hey, maybe the Kraken could play soccer!
00:54:25The Kraken legend said the monster was so giant that sailors mistook it for a small
00:54:31In past centuries, it would've been impossible to defeat such a beast.
00:54:36If the Kraken existed in reality, it might've had offspring, yeah.
00:54:41In all the world's oceans, there would be giant monsters that could sink any ship.
00:54:46It's unlikely that the Kraken would have competitors in its habitat, so its population
00:54:51would grow strongly.
00:54:52Since the Kraken is enormous, it would need lots of food, so the population of other large
00:54:58sea animals would fall significantly.
00:55:01Blue whales, great white sharks, other giant squids – all the big sea creatures would
00:55:06be endangered.
00:55:08Many people are starving because of the reduction of large fish in the ocean.
00:55:12Urban economies that rely on fishing will be in decline.
00:55:15Prices for small fish around the world are getting more expensive because it's unsafe
00:55:20to fish.
00:55:21To defeat the Kraken, you need powerful weapons, but the monster is tough to catch.
00:55:26The Kraken belongs to the cephalopod genus.
00:55:29This species includes squid and octopus, some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet.
00:55:35The Kraken is a skilled hunter and will never fight in the open.
00:55:39So what can you do?
00:55:40You can't track the Kraken because it approaches from the depths, not the surface.
00:55:45Though you may be able to tell that the monster is somewhere nearby if a lot of fish surface.
00:55:51When the Kraken swims, it scares all the fish in the vicinity.
00:55:54It might already be too late.
00:55:56A huge tentacle emerges from the water, resembling a high tower.
00:56:01This tower falls on the deck of the ship, shattering it.
00:56:04The sailors scream and run.
00:56:06The Kraken lands a second blow, and the vessel is almost capsized.
00:56:10Next, the Kraken wraps its giant tentacles around the ship and pulls it to the bottom.
00:56:16Oh boy!
00:56:17What if the sailors managed to detach the ship from the tentacles of this monster?
00:56:22With the help of powerful weapons, the ship's crew strikes back.
00:56:26The Kraken retreats under the water.
00:56:28It's hurt, angry.
00:56:30It seems the battle is over, but here comes the worst.
00:56:33A whirlpool forms beside the ship.
00:56:36Thanks to its considerable weight, when the Kraken dives, it creates a whirlpool behind
00:56:42Like a drain in a giant bathtub, this whirlpool sucks the ship down.
00:56:47The battle with the Kraken is lost.
00:56:49Well, that was unfortunate.
00:56:52You might be able to defeat the monster if you can anticipate its attack in advance.
00:56:56But the Kraken can see you and your ship before you can see it.
00:57:00Colossal squids live in deep waters, and they have the largest eyes among all animals.
00:57:06The squid's eye is the size of a dinner plate.
00:57:09Thanks to this, they can see their prey from far away.
00:57:12Similarly, a Kraken would spot the ship much sooner than sonar could pick up the Kraken.
00:57:18It would always have the drop on you.
00:57:20Well, that's not good.
00:57:22Around the world, cargo transportation by ship is declining.
00:57:26Airlines provide the only safe connection between the continents.
00:57:29This will increase air pollution.
00:57:32The most successful enemy of the Kraken is submarines.
00:57:36They travel at great depths and are equipped with powerful echolocators to help detect
00:57:40the Kraken in advance.
00:57:42Subs are well-armed too, and the round metal body is not so easy to destroy.
00:57:48A single Kraken may be defeated by a submarine.
00:57:51But what if there are several sea monsters?
00:57:54Three Kraken can wrap their tentacles around the submarine and drag it deeper into the
00:57:58water where the pressure will destroy their enemy.
00:58:01In other words, they'll have a crush on you.
00:58:10The existence of the Kraken will have dramatically changed the development of many countries.
00:58:15What if Christopher Columbus, on his famous journey, noticed an island that he thought
00:58:20was the New World?
00:58:21He approaches it, but tentacles emerge from the island and sink Columbus' ship.
00:58:26The colonization of North America is delayed, maybe until airplanes are invented.
00:58:31And the first crewed flight wasn't until the 20th century.
00:58:35There would be no Hollywood, there would be no hamburgers, no famous American music playing.
00:58:41There wouldn't be YouTube, which means you wouldn't be watching this video right now.
00:58:46Worst of all, the Internet wouldn't exist either.
00:58:49And all this because of one stupid monster squid.
00:58:53The Vikings wouldn't sail on their long ships to raid and settle foreign territories.
00:58:58The history of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and other Nordic countries would have changed
00:59:03Hey, maybe the Titanic wouldn't have hit an iceberg, but a giant sea monster instead.
00:59:08So it's unlikely that people would take trips on huge ocean liners in a world where
00:59:13the Kraken exists.
00:59:15Maybe though, the Kraken isn't all that aggressive.
00:59:17Still, they need a lot of food, and because of the growing population of these monsters,
00:59:22there will be much less food in the ocean.
00:59:25Therefore, the Kraken will increasingly come to the surface for hunting.
00:59:29In the future, the Kraken will migrate closer to the shore.
00:59:33In many countries, people then are not allowed to swim in the ocean.
00:59:37Imagine floating on the waves, and a monster the size of a skyscraper is swimming right
00:59:42below you.
00:59:43Relaxing at sea and on the beach will no longer be popular.
00:59:47Many countries that live off tourism become impoverished.
00:59:51When the Krakens grow hungrier, they try to capture prey from land.
00:59:55A huge squid could attack small port cities.
00:59:58Houses, docks, streets – everything can be crushed.
01:00:02A tremendous amount of plastic is thrown into the ocean near the coasts of large countries.
01:00:07Billions of tons of plastic will bother the Kraken.
01:00:10An angry, hungry monster can attack bridges, like the Golden Gate Bridge.
01:00:15Imagine that a huge squid surrounds the bridge and blocks all traffic.
01:00:19Some of these squids could break the strong cables with their power, and the entire structure
01:00:23would collapse into the water.
01:00:26It's good that the Kraken doesn't really exist to swim in our seas and oceans.
01:00:31At least, as far as we know.
01:00:33But could the monster have actually existed?
01:00:36Legends stretch back years, but scientific evidence appeared in the middle of the 19th
01:00:42In 1857, a 3-inch-diameter squid bee was discovered on the coast of Denmark.
01:00:48Other huge squid remains were found in the Bahamas, and then scientists were convinced
01:00:53that gigantic squids existed.
01:00:55While Colossal Squid has been officially discovered since then, it's been more than 100 years,
01:01:01and we still don't know what max size they can grow to.
01:01:05The fact is, colossal squids are one of the most elusive creatures on Earth.
01:01:09They live in the depths of the ocean, where it's challenging for scientists to reach.
01:01:14Any dive to a greater depth requires powerful, bulky equipment.
01:01:18Underwater bath escapes and cameras make a lot of noise and light, which squids notice
01:01:23from afar.
01:01:24They flee before we can see them.
01:01:28The legend of the Kraken probably appeared because of a real colossal squid.
01:01:33People in the past didn't know about these creatures' existence, so when they saw one
01:01:37for the first time, they described it as a massive, terrible monster.
01:01:42It's difficult to say if these huge squids were the size of a small island, because the
01:01:47truth is, we've only studied about 5% of the ocean.
01:01:50It may be that in its depths, monsters much more terrible than the Kraken swim.
01:01:56Like my nephew, Peter.
01:02:01John watched on in disbelief as he drifted away on a piece of wood in the freezing waters
01:02:06of the Arctic, slowly drifting away.
01:02:10John looked upon the vessel he had worked and lived on as it raised its enormous bow
01:02:14high into the sky and broke in half, causing a sound that only a crack of lightning could
01:02:21Distraught and dumbstruck, believing that he and he alone knew the dark truth behind
01:02:27the demise of the unsinkable ship, the Titanic.
01:02:31Five days earlier, as the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, John worked hard alongside
01:02:36his mates in the coal bunker, stocking up the coal to feed the Titanic's mighty furnace.
01:02:42They had stocked and stored more than John had ever witnessed on any other ship he'd
01:02:46worked on.
01:02:47But this was the Titanic, the grandest ship to have ever sailed the seas.
01:02:52On the Titanic, there could never be too much coal.
01:02:57As they left Belfast and pushed toward Southampton, there was a large bang below decks that went
01:03:03The furnace was roaring, and the turbines were spinning, pushing the Titanic forward
01:03:08at a quickened pace.
01:03:09The crew cheered as the vessel moved forward, unaware of the loud concerning noise.
01:03:15Arriving in Southampton, Greg came aboard, amongst hundreds of other passengers.
01:03:20With thirteen years at sea, his vast experience included the role as a quartermaster on six
01:03:26previous ships.
01:03:27Ready for a new challenge aboard the greatest vessel ever made, he was looking forward to
01:03:32this next challenge of his career.
01:03:34Greg came with a wealth of experience, especially with sailing through the Arctic.
01:03:39His role was vital within the crew, understanding the seas around the North Pole.
01:03:45He would be a key lookout as they set to cross the perilous path of the Iceberg Alley.
01:03:51Greg had some concerns regarding the voyage.
01:03:53The Earth's orbit was remarkably close to the sun and the moon, causing higher tides.
01:03:59This would make icebergs more prominent, drifting them further away and towards the route of
01:04:04the Titanic as they journeyed to New York.
01:04:07Assessing the lookout tower and inspecting the available gear, Greg found no binoculars.
01:04:13This made him concerned, but the sailors just laughed at Greg.
01:04:16If the deck is short on ice cubes, we'll be sure to plow right through a berg to resupply.
01:04:22A sailor laughed.
01:04:23Greg didn't share this sentiment.
01:04:26Eager to find out why they had been left short-handed on equipment, since he had such a vital role
01:04:31on the ship, Greg inquired further.
01:04:33Sadly, the officer with the keys to the binocular supply cupboard had been removed from the
01:04:38crew at the last minute.
01:04:40Greg couldn't believe something of this importance had been overlooked.
01:04:44For such a mighty ship with so many people aboard, and crossing in a particularly perilous
01:04:49path, this just didn't make sense.
01:04:52But not wanting to be fined for breaking into the ship's property, Greg let it slide, hoping
01:04:58that they wouldn't need the binoculars in the end.
01:05:01Ultimately, if there were icebergs expected, a warning call would be made to the captain,
01:05:06informing of any concerns.
01:05:08Little did Greg know that a warning had been received, notifying of the dangers that awaited,
01:05:13but the telegram didn't provide the required prefix, which would have ensured direct delivery
01:05:18to the captain.
01:05:19So, the critical warning was just overlooked.
01:05:23John and his crew below decks prepared for departure, stoking the engines.
01:05:27He noticed an essence of thick exhaust, far too heavy than what would be expected from
01:05:32the furnaces.
01:05:33The crew searched throughout the lower decks.
01:05:36Following a thorough search, they managed to locate the cause of the exhaust.
01:05:40It was an ignited pile of coal within a coal bunker.
01:05:44Unknown when it had ignited, a buildup of coal had clearly been smoldering, slowly growing
01:05:49in size.
01:05:51The amount of smoldering coal was concerning.
01:05:53The alarm was raised, alerting an officer to review the matter.
01:05:57The officer assessed the damage and confirmed with the captain that it was deemed to be
01:06:01of little concern, as only minor damage had been caused.
01:06:05John was unsure of this assessment, as he knew that in confined spaces, surrounded by
01:06:09iron bulkheads, an oven-like environment arises that intensifies the heat with time.
01:06:15But the Titanic would power forward, making no sense to John as they had only just departed
01:06:20from Southampton.
01:06:21He was sure they would have turned back.
01:06:24John and his crew were ordered to shovel the already lit coal into the furnace and continue
01:06:28shoveling until all the smoldering contents would be contained.
01:06:32It was a possible, but painstaking task that could take the entire journey.
01:06:37The continuous intake of coal would ensure the turbines would spin at a constant, accelerated
01:06:42pace, not what the Titanic was designed for.
01:06:45It was meant to be a luxurious passenger liner, and not for breaking speed records.
01:06:50However, the crew would find enthusiasm in not only acknowledging the Titanic as unsinkable,
01:06:55but also as the fastest.
01:06:58John and his crew continued to shovel the coal into the furnace for several days.
01:07:02The temperature within the bow was becoming hotter every day.
01:07:05The bulkhead's contained heat was so severe that it became weak at the seams and the iron
01:07:10walls and rivets.
01:07:11Two more days, lads, just two more days!
01:07:14John was laughing, trying to raise the spirits of his mates as they were working tirelessly.
01:07:19But, as they were all laughing, joking, and looking forward to dry land, they unknowingly
01:07:24approached their final destination.
01:07:28The Titanic was speeding through the calm sea.
01:07:31Greg looked ahead, above in the lookout tower, keeping a keen eye out as they were in iceberg
01:07:36territory now.
01:07:37Even though the way seemed clear, false horizons could occur, creating confusion about how
01:07:43far objects in the distance truly were.
01:07:46As they were traveling in the Gulf Stream waters into the colder Labrador Current, air
01:07:50columns cooled from the bottom upwards, creating a thermal inversion.
01:07:55This incredibly high air pressure ensured fog wasn't present, providing a deceptively
01:08:00clear outlook.
01:08:02But the thermal inversion can also create optical illusions, showing the horizon further
01:08:06away, appearing higher in the distance, or masking whatever objects that could come before
01:08:13These false horizons could easily hide any icebergs that could be approaching.
01:08:18Greg knew the perils of a calm sea in the Arctic, preferring the rough waters, where
01:08:23it's easier to detect icebergs within waves.
01:08:26Entering from the lookout, Greg was looking towards the dark abyss ahead.
01:08:30Suddenly, within one mile directly in front, a formidable image quickly emerged from the
01:08:36dark waters surrounding.
01:08:38Iceberg, right ahead!
01:08:40Greg yelled to his mate, who quickly called to the helm and directed them to steer hard
01:08:44to starboard.
01:08:46The helmsman received the call.
01:08:48In the heat of the moment, he turned the wheel counterclockwise.
01:08:52He then realized he'd turned the wheel the wrong way, and quickly went in the opposite
01:08:56The ship aimed towards the iceberg, veering to the port side whilst reducing speed.
01:09:02Although there was a delay in turning the wheel, since there was a short distance from
01:09:06the signal and the fast pace that they sailed at, it may not have made a difference.
01:09:12As they approached the iceberg, it appeared as though they'd miss it, but over 87% of
01:09:17an iceberg is underwater.
01:09:19And as they came along the side, the hidden ice underneath hit the port side bow, piercing
01:09:24the side of the hull with a 12 square foot tear.
01:09:28The ship shook, with all aboard aware that something was amiss.
01:09:33Amongst the confusion and fear, they were oblivious of the damage.
01:09:36As they gathered their bearings, six out of sixteen compartments were quickly filling
01:09:40up with seawater.
01:09:42The hull could only withstand four compartments filling before sinking.
01:09:46Time was ticking as the Titanic made its descent into the depths.
01:09:51The weakened bulkhead with heated steel pillars and rivets broke under the pressure and sudden
01:09:55change of temperature from the ice cold water.
01:09:58The call was made to abandon the ship.
01:10:02Lifeboats were prepared to be released, while help signals were sent out to nearby ships.
01:10:07The radio operator was guiltily sitting, constantly calling out to a nearby ship that had been
01:10:11in contact with the Titanic recently.
01:10:14There was steady communication with this ship over the past few days, providing warnings
01:10:18of icebergs since the Titanic departed from Southampton.
01:10:22The final warning message received was just one hour ago.
01:10:26Upon receiving the final warning, the operator ignorantly responded, shut up, with the assumption
01:10:32that their warnings of icebergs were pointless.
01:10:35Following this unfortunate response, the ship turned their radio off and provided radio
01:10:41The closest ship that was responding to their distress signals was 500 miles away, too far
01:10:46to provide any assistance in time.
01:10:49There were countless mistakes that caused the Titanic's watery end, whether they contributed
01:10:54directly or from sheer ignorance.
01:10:57The most tragic of them was the number of people aboard the ship, 2,224 of them.
01:11:04There were only enough lifeboats provided to rescue 1,178, barely half of the people.
01:11:14You sit up on the bed, put your feet down on the floor, and feel the cold water.
01:11:19You quickly run out of the cabin and find yourself in a long corridor.
01:11:23The water is knee deep, people are putting on life jackets, running toward the stairs.
01:11:28You run after them and find yourself in chaos.
01:11:32Water is everywhere, a woman slips on the stairs and falls.
01:11:35You help her up, people from all sides are pushing you.
01:11:39Everyone is trying to climb the stairs, there's more water behind you.
01:11:43The cabin you've just left is completely flooded.
01:11:46A few more seconds and the water level will rise above your head.
01:11:50Fortunately, everyone manages to get out.
01:11:53The upper deck is breaking, the huge ship is tilted to the side.
01:11:57The sound of breaking wood, the grinding of iron, and the shouts of people mixed with
01:12:02the music played on violins by several musicians.
01:12:06You head for the lifeboats and feel like you're climbing a mountain.
01:12:10There are no lifeboats available, but you find a life jacket.
01:12:13The entire bow of the ship has sunk under the water.
01:12:16You're at the very edge of the stern and decide to jump.
01:12:20You wait for the ship to sink deeper into the water so the distance between you and
01:12:24the ocean surface is reduced.
01:12:26You finally jump and find yourself in the icy water.
01:12:30It's 28 degrees Fahrenheit, not enough to freeze the ocean, but sufficient to turn a
01:12:35puddle on the road into ice.
01:12:38You're having a hard time breathing because of the cold.
01:12:41You watch as one of the most majestic, unsinkable ships in history sinks.
01:12:46In one and a half hours, another liner will arrive and rescue all the survivors.
01:12:51But before that, you have to handle this situation somehow.
01:12:5590 minutes to survive the night in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
01:13:00Among chaos, screams, and despair.
01:13:04Only one thing can be even worse, sharks.
01:13:07Everyone knows the story of the Titanic.
01:13:10What if the survivors noticed shark fins among the wreckage?
01:13:13Theoretically, it could have happened.
01:13:16Scenario 1.
01:13:18The sounds of the crash and the vibrations in the water could attract great white sharks.
01:13:24They swim in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean, where the disaster occurred.
01:13:29They are some of the most dangerous predators on the planet.
01:13:32They're big, fast, strong, and their 300 serrated teeth are sharp as a blade, lined in several
01:13:40And now, you see a few triangular fins sticking out of the water.
01:13:44They quickly circle you and the other people.
01:13:46You grab a floating wooden piece left from the ship to climb on it.
01:13:50The cold temperature shackles your movements and your hands slip.
01:13:54These sounds attract the sharks.
01:13:57One of the predators stops swimming around and is now heading straight for you.
01:14:02Fear makes your brain shut down and your instincts start working.
01:14:06You try your best to swim away from the shark as fast as possible.
01:14:09Of course, it's useless to run from a fast shark in the water, but you're still trying.
01:14:15Two seconds pass and you feel your heel hitting the shark's nose.
01:14:19The other foot goes into its toothy mouth.
01:14:22You scream, feel the sharp teeth on your leg, and shut your eyes, but nothing happens.
01:14:28After a second, the shark lets you go.
01:14:31Great whites rarely attack humans.
01:14:33If they bite, it's just because they want to test you.
01:14:36The thing is, the shark's favorite food is seal.
01:14:39After a light testing bite, the shark understands that you're not a seal.
01:14:44It simply loses interest in you.
01:14:47If the shark is hungry, then it won't care what kind of animal you are.
01:14:50Those survivors who are safe in the boat have no reason to fear.
01:14:54The great white won't attack them.
01:14:56The predator can push the boat a little, but only to test it.
01:14:59If there's a fridge with steaks on board and someone decides to feed them to the sharks,
01:15:04then problems will begin.
01:15:06Several predators will push the boat until the steaks fall in the water.
01:15:11The shark is swimming away from you.
01:15:13Then, one of the lifeboats picks you up.
01:15:17Soon, another liner will arrive, and you'll find yourself in a warm and cozy place.
01:15:24If the water was warmer, Titanic survivors could encounter bull sharks.
01:15:29You jump into the water from the sinking ship.
01:15:32The water's not so cold.
01:15:33You can easily swim to the nearest floating door.
01:15:36But you notice a tall triangular fin with a dark tip on the top.
01:15:40Unlike the great whites, these sharks aren't fast.
01:15:43They seem lazy and slow, as if they aren't interested in you.
01:15:46But you still need to climb the door as quickly as possible.
01:15:50Bull sharks are some of the most aggressive in the world.
01:15:53They deliberately create the illusion of slowness so their prey relaxes.
01:15:58At the right moment, they become agile and fast.
01:16:01They're called that because of their short, flattened faces like bulls have.
01:16:05And their bodies are strong.
01:16:07These predators like to ram their prey or other sharks with their heads.
01:16:12As soon as you climb the door, the bull shark crashes into it,
01:16:16and you fall into the water.
01:16:17Fortunately, there's a lifeboat nearby.
01:16:20People get you on board.
01:16:21Several sharks slam into the boat from all sides.
01:16:25It gets scary.
01:16:26But with your combined efforts, you keep the boat afloat.
01:16:29Soon, another liner arrives and scares off the predators
01:16:33using its loud signal and the roar of the engine.
01:16:36That unpleasant scenario is, luckily, impossible.
01:16:40Bull sharks swim only in the warm waters of the ocean.
01:16:43But most often, they can be found in fresh springs, river estuaries, and shallow water.
01:16:49That's why they're so often seen by people near beaches.
01:16:52Always read about the place where you're going to swim before diving in the water.
01:16:57The third and most likely scenario.
01:16:59You jump into the water.
01:17:01It's icy again.
01:17:02And you're having a hard time moving because of the cold.
01:17:05Your life jacket keeps you on the surface perfectly.
01:17:08The lights of the sinking Titanic light up the water a little.
01:17:11And in the black, infinite depth, you notice what looks like a large block of stone.
01:17:16An ancient fish, the most majestic shark in the world, is swimming near you.
01:17:21It's a Greenland shark.
01:17:23They swim even in the Arctic waters.
01:17:26So they're not afraid of the cold temperatures of the North Atlantic.
01:17:29This huge predator is bigger than a car.
01:17:32Each year, its length increases by 0.3 inches.
01:17:36You're lucky to see it, as it's one of the rarest sharks in the world.
01:17:40Fortunately, it has a docile nature and will not attack you.
01:17:45The entire kitchen of the Titanic may be floating in the water and attracting these sharks.
01:17:50They're slow, peaceful, and old.
01:17:53The age of the Greenland shark can reach 400 years.
01:17:57This shark is considered adult 150 years after birth.
01:18:01The one you're currently looking at in 1912 may have witnessed the golden age of pirates.
01:18:07With sabers, parrots, and eye patches.
01:18:10And it's quite possible that the same shark that saw the Titanic disaster is still alive in 2021.
01:18:17And slowly wandering the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
01:18:21In all these scenarios, you manage to escape.
01:18:24But if a shark attacks you in the water and there's no boat nearby,
01:18:28then you still have a chance to survive anyway.
01:18:31The main thing is not to panic.
01:18:33Don't splash or make sudden movements so as not to excite the shark.
01:18:37You're wearing a life jacket, so you don't have to move to stay afloat.
01:18:41Do not swim away from the shark.
01:18:43Otherwise, it'll think that you're its prey.
01:18:46The shark will be swimming around you, so don't lose sight of it.
01:18:49You can slowly swim away to a boat or wooden boards.
01:18:53Anything that you can climb.
01:18:55If you're near the shore, then slowly swim towards it until you reach shallow water.
01:18:59After that, you need to quickly run away.
01:19:02But be careful.
01:19:04The shark can even get you out there.
01:19:06So keep your eyes on it at all times.
01:19:09If the shark still attacks you, then you will have to fight for your life.
01:19:13Weak points of the shark are its eyes and gills.
01:19:17Aim for them with your fists and feet.
01:19:20On the night of April 14th to 15th, 1912,
01:19:24the most modern and unsinkable ship collided with an iceberg and sunk.
01:19:29And it was incredibly scary.
01:19:31Just imagine a huge cruise ship, several times the size of the Statue of Liberty,
01:19:36crashing into a massive chunk of ice and sinking.
01:19:39It's dark and cold.
01:19:41All you can hear is the rumbling and grinding of breaking metal and wood.
01:19:45All that surrounds you is the icy waters of the endless Atlantic Ocean.
01:19:50There's almost no connection with the outside world.
01:19:53There are no phones or internet.
01:19:55Nobody else on the whole planet knows that the ship is sinking.
01:19:59It's a real nightmare.
01:20:00But the most shocking thing is that the people who were on the Titanic that day didn't panic.
01:20:06They were calm, maybe a little worried, but there was no fear on their faces.
01:20:11To understand why they weren't afraid during one of the biggest disasters of the 20th century,
01:20:17you need to see what was going on through their eyes.
01:20:20So you're a passenger on the infamous ocean liner.
01:20:23Your cabin is located on one of the top decks of the ship.
01:20:27You've just had a great time with your friends at dinner.
01:20:30Now musicians are playing a beautiful melody.
01:20:32Waiters are serving dessert.
01:20:34You go out onto the deck and enjoy the tranquility of the mighty ocean.
01:20:39At this moment, you feel an incredible sense of security and comfort.
01:20:43You're proud that you're one of the first people in the world
01:20:46to travel on the most high-tech ship on the planet.
01:20:50You go to bed in your cabin and wake up
01:20:52because a crew member gently knocks on your door and asks you to go to the deck.
01:20:56There's some kind of issue, but there's no reason to panic.
01:21:00No problem, you'll be happy to go out and take a look at the night sky.
01:21:04The moment when the ship collided with the iceberg
01:21:07felt like nothing more than a slight push, and some passengers didn't even hear it.
01:21:11They realized that something was wrong
01:21:14only when stewards knocked on their doors and asked them to go outside.
01:21:18You're on the deck.
01:21:19There are already a lot of people here.
01:21:22Everyone is more or less calm.
01:21:24Passengers are talking about what might have happened.
01:21:26Listening to the conversations around you,
01:21:29you figure out that the ship is supposedly sinking.
01:21:33The idea seems like nonsense to you, but even if it is true,
01:21:37all passengers will be evacuated in lifeboats anyway.
01:21:40At that time, people didn't know there were half as many rescue boats as needed.
01:21:45Passengers were sure that everyone would be saved.
01:21:48Evacuation begins.
01:21:50Women and children go first.
01:21:52No one panics or tries to get into a boat before it's their turn.
01:21:55All men behave gentlemanly and help crew members to evacuate women.
01:22:00One passenger wants to get into the boat with his wife,
01:22:03but it's not because he's afraid to stay on the Titanic.
01:22:06He's just worried.
01:22:07It seems to him that it's less safe in the boat than on the giant liner.
01:22:11He doesn't want to leave his wife alone,
01:22:14but the crew members explain the situation to him,
01:22:17and the man retreats without any resistance.
01:22:20They begin to launch flares into the air.
01:22:22No one pays any attention to this.
01:22:24Everyone thinks this is a standard procedure for a ship breakdown.
01:22:27If there had been many experienced travelers on board,
01:22:31they would have understood the flares were fired because the ship was in distress.
01:22:35Perhaps then, people would have started panicking,
01:22:38but most of the passengers simply didn't notice it.
01:22:42The boats are lowered one by one.
01:22:44People are watching the evacuation, patiently waiting for their turn.
01:22:48There is no pushing or crowding.
01:22:50Nobody is screaming.
01:22:51The actions of the crew help the passengers to remain calm.
01:22:55They deliberately downplay the severity of the situation to prevent panic.
01:22:59Someone says the boats are launched simply as a precaution.
01:23:02Also, the crew members claim that a rescue ship is heading for the Titanic
01:23:06and is just a few miles away.
01:23:09Some passengers say they see the lights of another ship.
01:23:12The people who are already sitting in the boats want to stay closer to the Titanic,
01:23:16since this way, they'll feel safer.
01:23:19Many passengers simply don't want to believe that something serious is happening.
01:23:24Even when they're told the ship is sinking, they refuse to admit it.
01:23:27How is it possible that the unsinkable ship can sink?
01:23:31But this is how the human mind works.
01:23:34In extreme situations, it refuses to believe that something bad is going to happen now.
01:23:39You don't even want to think about it.
01:23:41One of the passengers says that it seems to her that the danger is exaggerated.
01:23:46She claims that all people will return to the Titanic at any moment.
01:23:50Some passengers are afraid, and still, they don't want to leave the ship.
01:23:55Warm cabins and the safest ship in the world are here.
01:23:58The alternative is the ice-cold ocean and small, unstable rescue boats.
01:24:03Someone refuses to leave the ship because they can't find their baggage.
01:24:07Some passengers carry all their belongings with them.
01:24:10They don't want to leave them on the sinking ship.
01:24:12There are many immigrants on board, and some of them don't even understand English.
01:24:17The crew members can't explain to them what's happening.
01:24:20These passengers misunderstand stewards' instructions during the evacuation.
01:24:24They can't figure out the inscriptions on the evacuation signs.
01:24:28Many passengers are sure there's been some kind of breakdown in the engine compartment.
01:24:33The problem will be solved soon, and the Titanic will continue its journey.
01:24:37People only start to realize that the ship is going down when it begins tilting forward.
01:24:42Its rear part starts rising above the water.
01:24:45That's when those around you start panicking.
01:24:48Some jump into the water.
01:24:50Others climb into the lifeboats without waiting in line.
01:24:53But in general, there's no chaos and hysteria.
01:24:56And this is despite the fact that there are about 1,500 people on the ship.
01:25:01Scientists claim that some of them never even left their cabins.
01:25:04Those people refused to leave their stuff behind
01:25:07and didn't believe that something serious had happened.
01:25:10During the evacuation, the orchestra is playing.
01:25:13This helps people to keep their cool.
01:25:15They hear music, and it seems to them that everything will be fine.
01:25:19The music keeps playing on the Titanic almost until the very end.
01:25:24At about 2.05 a.m., the crew lowers the last boat with passengers.
01:25:29Fifteen minutes later, the ship goes underwater.
01:25:32Even after the tragedy,
01:25:34the surviving passengers can't really understand what's happened to them.
01:25:38They remember boarding the boats and moving away from the huge vessel.
01:25:42And they won't forget seeing it go under the water.
01:25:45But even after a while,
01:25:46they still can't realize what a terrible catastrophe they've just experienced.
01:25:51Sometime later, people began to write books about those fateful events.
01:25:55They made documentaries and feature films.
01:25:57The news about the Titanic was in every newspaper.
01:26:00It spread all over the world.
01:26:03In any description of that day, the tragedy looks like a terrible disaster.
01:26:07But those who were there admit they didn't feel all-consuming dread.
01:26:12They just couldn't believe what was happening that day.
01:26:15The tragedy of the Titanic might seem more terrible for people who heard about it
01:26:19than for people who experienced it.
01:26:22Many people around the world refused to go on board large ocean liners after the catastrophe.
01:26:27They were afraid of what could happen to them.
01:26:30At the same time, a lot of passengers who survived on the Titanic
01:26:33continued to travel by other ships.
01:26:36There was a woman who survived three shipwrecks,
01:26:38including the Titanic, and she still continued traveling.
01:26:42And what if people tried to raise the Titanic from the seafloor?
01:26:46This happened many years after the shipwreck.
01:26:49Then, the $5 million operation failed.
01:26:52Nylon slings were attached to a large part of the sunken ship.
01:26:56The other ends of the slings were connected to diesel engines.
01:26:59For the entire operation, a mini-submarine was used.
01:27:03A piece of the Titanic, weighing 21 tons,
01:27:06was being pulled up when one of the slings tore.
01:27:09And then, one by one, the other cables began to snap too.
01:27:13The huge piece of the ship fell back to the seafloor.
01:27:17By that time, the participants of the rescue operation had run out of food supplies.
01:27:21And since the nearest shore was quite far away,
01:27:24they decided not to give it another try.
01:27:27At 1140 PM, the Titanic made contact with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean.
01:27:33Many artifacts were found and restored,
01:27:36like parts of the ship, jewelry, and dining plates to name a few.
01:27:40It took approximately three hours for the ship to be completely submerged
01:27:44in the remote icy water.
01:27:47The night was cold and very much alive.
01:27:49The orchestra was playing music as they enchanted the guests on board.
01:27:54Everyone was excited to arrive in America.
01:27:57It was still considered an amazing feat for a ship to cross the Atlantic back in 1912.
01:28:03But as the day went ahead,
01:28:05there was an atmosphere of impending doom for the captain and his crew.
01:28:10No one else felt it though.
01:28:12It seemed to them, nothing could possibly go wrong.
01:28:15And this would just be another regular night.
01:28:18To them, the Titanic was unsinkable.
01:28:21The last thing on your mind when thinking about the Titanic is the mail crew.
01:28:26Yes, there were mailmen on board delivering mail to America.
01:28:30It may seem like a pretty mundane occupation,
01:28:33but there was a very tough test to pass in order to be accepted on board.
01:28:38And only a few top candidates would qualify,
01:28:41and those few would get shortlisted and accepted.
01:28:44John Starr March, an American,
01:28:47was one of these mailmen earning between $1,000 to $1,500 a year working on the Titanic.
01:28:54Back in 1912, this was considered to be a lot of money.
01:28:58They were not officially part of the ship's crew,
01:29:01since the mail crew was placed near the third class quarters.
01:29:04But given their influence and resistance,
01:29:07they were eventually moved and given a private dining area.
01:29:11March got this job since he needed the money to support his family.
01:29:15He found a perfect way to earn some big bucks
01:29:18working on a large ship traveling across the ocean.
01:29:21He was 51 at the time and came from New Jersey.
01:29:25Sadly, he was on board when the ship sank and didn't make it.
01:29:30But they recovered a pocket watch that gives us a little insight
01:29:34into what happened that fateful evening.
01:29:37It's a gold case engraved with filigree
01:29:39and had a caption saying it was made by the Elgin National Watch Company.
01:29:45On the surface, you'd think this would just make a pretty cool antique
01:29:49sitting over the fireplace.
01:29:50But there are some unusual details about it.
01:29:54There are obvious signs water seeped beneath the glass,
01:29:57and the black arms of the watch indicate the time to be exactly 127.
01:30:03It leaves us wondering why the clock stopped at this precise hour.
01:30:07What was the owner doing?
01:30:09The mail clerks were operating a fully functioning
01:30:12and efficient mail sorting facility on board the Titanic.
01:30:15This wasn't something you'd come by often on a cruise ship
01:30:19since typical ocean liners use closed mail bags
01:30:22to transport the mail from one port to another.
01:30:25But the mail sorting facility on the Titanic
01:30:27allowed passengers to send out postcards
01:30:30whenever the ship docked in transit zones in Ireland and France.
01:30:35According to reports,
01:30:36people started heading back to their rooms at around 11 p.m.
01:30:40But some of them were still hanging around and enjoying their night.
01:30:44The five mailmen were celebrating a colleague's birthday
01:30:47in their separate dining room.
01:30:49Five minutes before impact,
01:30:51crew members spotted the iceberg
01:30:53and rang the bell three times as a warning
01:30:56that something was ahead of the ship.
01:30:58They gave orders for the Titanic to move left,
01:31:01or as they say in the biz,
01:31:03hard astarboard,
01:31:04to make the engines reverse.
01:31:06It was not enough to avoid the great impact.
01:31:10At 11.40 p.m., the Titanic struck the iceberg
01:31:14and disaster erupted on the inside.
01:31:16Not just water seeping in and ultimately sinking the ship,
01:31:20but panic and chaos among the passengers and crew members.
01:31:24Captain Smith reached the deck
01:31:26and was informed that the Titanic had hit an iceberg.
01:31:29And at the same time,
01:31:31the mail room began filling with water.
01:31:34We know that the 880-foot ship was completely submerged
01:31:37at around 2.20 a.m. with 706 survivors.
01:31:41The time between the impact and the sinking was really eventful.
01:31:45At midnight, they started getting the lifeboats ready
01:31:48for the passengers to evacuate.
01:31:50Orders were given for women and children
01:31:53to board the safety boats with some crewmen
01:31:55to guide and operate them.
01:31:57The problem was that the 20 safety boats available
01:32:00could only host 1,178 people
01:32:03out of the total of more than 2,200 passengers on board.
01:32:08March and his colleagues began sorting out the mail.
01:32:11There was chaos in directing and ordering around.
01:32:15With each second passing,
01:32:16icy cold water was filling the ship.
01:32:19Fifteen minutes after midnight,
01:32:21Captain Smith ordered his crew members
01:32:23to send out a distress signal.
01:32:26Even though SOS was established earlier than the Titanic,
01:32:30many others used CQD.
01:32:33The CQ stands for General Call
01:32:36and the D is Distress.
01:32:38The Frankfurt was too far away to help
01:32:41even though it was one of the first to respond.
01:32:44Even the Titanic's sister ship, the Olympic, responded,
01:32:47but it also was too far away.
01:32:50At 12.20 a.m., the Carpathia received the urgent message
01:32:54and redirected from its original course to help them out
01:32:57even though they were 58 nautical miles away.
01:33:01Although this was some relieving news,
01:33:03the water kept seeping in at an alarming rate.
01:33:06It wasn't easy to keep everyone calm
01:33:09knowing that the ship could be underwater
01:33:11in a matter of hours.
01:33:13At this point,
01:33:14many passengers were already on board the safety boats
01:33:17waiting to descend into the water.
01:33:19The musicians on board began playing music
01:33:21for the ones still waiting.
01:33:23At first, they were playing in the first class lounge
01:33:26and then they moved to the deck.
01:33:28There's a debate on how long they were playing for
01:33:31and what song it was.
01:33:33None of the musicians made it out.
01:33:36The five mailmen on board were also doing their duties
01:33:39while the ship was sinking.
01:33:41According to a ship officer,
01:33:42the mailroom was already covered in water above the ankles
01:33:46and the mailmen were busy trying to save
01:33:48as much mail as they could.
01:33:50March was one of them.
01:33:52There were bags of mail floating around.
01:33:55They started with the registered mail.
01:33:57Witnesses of the Titanic's sinking
01:33:59reported the mailmen were putting bags of mail on the deck
01:34:02to keep them from getting wet until help arrived.
01:34:05They also mentioned bags of mail were floating about
01:34:08in the freezing water.
01:34:10It wasn't until 12.45 a.m.
01:34:13when lifeboat number seven on the left side of the ship
01:34:16was lowered onto the water.
01:34:18Even though it had room for roughly 65 people,
01:34:21only 27 people were inside.
01:34:24Many of the safety boats carried fewer passengers
01:34:26than their maximum capacity allowed.
01:34:29The crew were worried that the boats would capsize
01:34:32if so many people were on them.
01:34:34Some reports suggest that some people even refused
01:34:37to board the safety ships,
01:34:39sticking with the claim that the Titanic was unsinkable.
01:34:43At the same time,
01:34:44they fired up one of the eight distress rockets in the air,
01:34:48but it didn't get them any help.
01:34:50At 12.55 a.m.,
01:34:51the second and third safety boats were descended to the waters
01:34:55with two mail passengers jumping on board.
01:34:58Five minutes later,
01:34:59another safety boat was lowered with around 39 people.
01:35:03At this point,
01:35:04water entered the base of the grand staircase.
01:35:07In the next 20 minutes,
01:35:09more safety boats were lowered,
01:35:10most of them underloaded.
01:35:12Still no help.
01:35:14The Carpathia was still on the way.
01:35:16Panic was growing and tensions were rising.
01:35:19It was a lot of anger for people being left behind.
01:35:23At around 1.30 a.m.,
01:35:25things were getting out of control.
01:35:26The organized boarding of passengers to the safety boats stopped.
01:35:31March's watch stopped three minutes earlier,
01:35:34which could mean he was part of the scuffle
01:35:36between crew members and passengers.
01:35:39It took three hours for the Carpathia to arrive.
01:35:42March wasn't among the survivors.
01:35:45His watch proved to be one of the essential findings
01:35:48lost in the wreckage of the Titanic.
01:35:50It was eventually returned to March's two daughters,
01:35:53and now it's in one of the collections of the National Postal Museum.
01:35:58March was a man who did what he had to do in the worst circumstances.
01:36:02Time was a precious commodity for the people on board the ship,
01:36:06and this watch proved valuable
01:36:08to learn more about the tragic yet inspiring stories of the Titanic.
01:36:15It seems like we all cried
01:36:17watching the heartbreaking goodbye of Jack and Rose from the Titanic.
01:36:21Oops, spoiler, sorry!
01:36:24But the real-life stories from the sinking of the famous ship
01:36:27were no less touching.
01:36:29Joseph Laroche was born in 1886 in Haiti to a wealthy family.
01:36:33He was growing up without a dad,
01:36:35but his mother was a self-made woman and a respected merchant.
01:36:39His uncle was the head of his country.
01:36:41Joseph was fluent in French, Creole, and English.
01:36:45At the age of 15, Joseph realized he wanted to become an engineer.
01:36:49There were no engineering schools in Haiti,
01:36:51so he moved to France to get his education.
01:36:54The journey took him a whopping 83 days!
01:36:57Still in his student years,
01:36:59Joseph met Juliet in a suburb of Paris through a mentor.
01:37:03They soon became friends, and then it grew into something bigger.
01:37:06The couple decided to get married.
01:37:09There was only one problem.
01:37:11Joseph couldn't find a well-paid qualified job
01:37:14even after completing his studies because of racial discrimination.
01:37:18The intelligent young man realized he could do better.
01:37:21Plus, he needed to provide for his growing family.
01:37:24His third kid was on the way.
01:37:26His uncle back in Haiti promised he'd help Joseph
01:37:29secure a job as a mathematics professor.
01:37:32His mother was overjoyed that her son and his family would be living in Haiti.
01:37:37She bought them first-class tickets for the French liner La France as a reunion gift.
01:37:42But that liner had really weird rules
01:37:45separating parents from their offspring for meals.
01:37:48The La Roches didn't want to leave their youngsters
01:37:50and make them feel sad on a trip across the ocean.
01:37:54So they decided to trade their first-class tickets for La France
01:37:57for second-class tickets for RMS Titanic's maiden voyage.
01:38:02The Titanic was all the hype, and it didn't separate families,
01:38:06so it looked like a great deal.
01:38:08They planned a change for another ship in New York
01:38:11that would take them straight to their final destination in Haiti.
01:38:15The family boarded the Titanic on April 10, 1912, at Cherbourg.
01:38:20They had three days to enjoy the luxurious staterooms, a dining salon,
01:38:24a library, and three outdoor promenade decks available to second-class passengers.
01:38:30Juliet sent a letter to her father from Titanic's final stop in Queenstown, Ireland.
01:38:35She told him they were more than happy with the accommodation.
01:38:38They had two bunks in their cabin and a couch
01:38:41that converted into a bed for their youngest family members.
01:38:44The family made friends with some nice co-passengers
01:38:47with whom they had traveled together from Paris.
01:38:50She thought they had been the only other French people on board,
01:38:53so they sat together for meals.
01:38:55Juliet mentioned they had all spent time together on the deck of the liner.
01:38:59She also wrote the people on board were friendly,
01:39:02although some sources say the family had gone through
01:39:05quite a lot of mean stares, gossip, and remarks.
01:39:09On the night of April 14, their exciting journey came to an abrupt end.
01:39:14Even though Titanic's wireless operators had received warnings
01:39:18about drifting ice from nearby ships, the liner continued to plow ahead at full throttle.
01:39:24It was around 11.40 p.m. when Titanic's hull collided with the iceberg
01:39:29around 370 miles off the coast of Newfoundland.
01:39:33The practically unsinkable ship was severely under-equipped with lifeboats,
01:39:37enough for only about half of its 2,200 passengers.
01:39:41The nearest rescue ship, the Carpathia, was too far away to help.
01:39:46A steward woke up the LaRoche family and took them to the lifeboats,
01:39:49as Juliet remembered later.
01:39:51She couldn't speak any English, so everything that was going on seemed even scarier to her.
01:39:57A little after midnight, the crew received the order to give priority
01:40:01to women and children when boarding the lifeboats.
01:40:04Juliet later remembered a terrible panic had begun
01:40:07as people had been pushing each other to get to the desired seat.
01:40:11At some point, she felt they had pulled away her older daughter and thrown her into the abyss.
01:40:17A moment later, she had joined her Simone in the same emptiness.
01:40:21So, pregnant Juliet and her two daughters got spots in lifeboat 14.
01:40:26But they had to say goodbye to Joseph as the boat was being lowered into the sea.
01:40:31He wrapped his coat around Juliet, saying she'd need it,
01:40:34and promised to get in another lifeboat and see her and the little ones again in New York.
01:40:40The 25-year-old Joseph LaRoche didn't manage to stay true to his word.
01:40:44In a couple of hours, Titanic sank underwater, taking the lives of almost 1,500 people.
01:40:52Joseph was one of them.
01:40:54Juliet and the girls were among the 700 survivors
01:40:57who had been rescued by the Cunard Liner Carpathia several hours later.
01:41:02Once they reached New York, they were looking through the crowds of people,
01:41:05hoping to see Joseph again.
01:41:07When it became obvious they wouldn't find him,
01:41:10it was time for them to decide what to do and where to go.
01:41:14Without any knowledge of English or money that had gone down with the ship,
01:41:18Juliet managed to survive in America only for three weeks,
01:41:22and then had no other choice but to go back to France.
01:41:26Joseph's uncle was no longer able to help them,
01:41:28as others had taken his life four months after the Titanic tragedy.
01:41:33In December 1912, Juliet gave birth to a son who she named Joseph after his father.
01:41:40For the rest of her life, she couldn't get over the loss of her beloved husband.
01:41:44That's why she didn't like to speak about what had happened on Titanic
01:41:48and told her children not to mention it.
01:41:51In 1995, a member of the Titanic Historical Society interviewed Louise,
01:41:57who was the last remaining LaRoche child and the last French survivor of the sinking.
01:42:02And that's when the world first heard about this heartbreaking story.
01:42:07It inspired some plays and articles,
01:42:09but it never got the same attention as the story of other passengers.
01:42:13You probably remember the elderly couple going down together in their bed on the Titanic.
01:42:19It was inspired by Isidore and Ida Strauss.
01:42:22They were both born in Germany and emigrated to the United States as kids.
01:42:27They met in New York and got married five years later.
01:42:30Isidore started a china and porcelain business with his brother
01:42:33that grew into the glassware department at Macy's and turned them into multi-millionaires.
01:42:39Isidore and Ida were well-known in New York, not only for their wealth and charity,
01:42:44but also for their love and devotion to each other.
01:42:47In 1912, the couple decided to run away from the New York winters
01:42:51and headed for Europe. By that time, they'd already been married for 40 years.
01:42:57In early April, it was time for them to sail back home to New York.
01:43:00They normally traveled on huge German liners, but at that time,
01:43:05they couldn't resist the hype of everyone talking about that new luxury liner, the RMS Titanic.
01:43:11That's how they ended up in one of the first-class private suites at the top of the ship.
01:43:16The Strauss couple spent their evenings dining in front of a live orchestra
01:43:21in a hall filled with fancy furniture and expensive wooden paneling.
01:43:25On the night of April 14, they felt a slight tremor and then left their private suite and
01:43:31waited for instructions from the crew. They told the passengers not to lose their passes,
01:43:36as they'd need them when everyone got back on board. But the ship was going under.
01:43:41The Strauss couple were standing next to lifeboat 8. Mr. Strauss, who was 67 at the time,
01:43:47was offered a seat with his wife because of his age. He refused it, saying he was not too old to
01:43:53sacrifice himself for a woman. He wanted to wait and make sure no women and kids were left behind.
01:44:00Ellen Bird, Ida's maid, hesitated before getting on the lifeboat. But Ida told her to go. She took
01:44:07the easy decision not to leave her husband on the sinking ship. Ida took off her beautiful
01:44:12mink coat and handed it to her shivering maid, saying she wouldn't be needing it anymore.
01:44:18Isidore didn't manage to convince her to save herself, so they stayed together till the end.
01:44:25Some of the surviving first-class passengers later remembered they had seen the couple standing
01:44:30peacefully on the deck, holding hands, just waiting. You remember those heartbreaking
01:44:37scenes from the Titanic, either from books or movies, right? You know, the ones where the boat
01:44:43was sinking and there's nothing anyone could have done about it. Well, it turns out that that story
01:44:49isn't entirely true. At least, according to a historian and author of a book detailing events
01:44:56from that unlucky ship. If what he claims is true, every soul on the Titanic could have been saved.
01:45:03He wrote that the SS Californian and the SS Mount Temple were close enough to technically see the
01:45:09Titanic go down into the ocean, but they failed to act because they were afraid, or because they
01:45:16too had no idea what they were doing. Nobody thought the Titanic could ever sink back then,
01:45:25and it had everything you could imagine, from luxury lounges to a Turkish bath and even a squash
01:45:30court. But as it was racing through the ocean, ready to break the Atlantic crossing record,
01:45:36it hit an iceberg and everything went downhill from there. A lot of ships wanted to help the
01:45:42sinking vessel and shifted their direction toward the Titanic after hearing the distress calls,
01:45:48but the two closest ships held back. The SS Mount Temple, for starters, was really close.
01:45:55It was a mere 50 miles away and could have reached the Titanic in just a couple of hours,
01:46:00potentially saving every passenger. However, its captain believed such a journey would be
01:46:06too risky. I mean, it did involve icebergs, right? There's nothing we can do about it these days,
01:46:14but we can use our imagination and at least save the day theoretically. Your average Joe might have
01:46:21had a difficult time helping people out on the Titanic, but what if we could ask for the help
01:46:27of superheroes? Well, for starters, it would be useful to have someone with time-traveling skills,
01:46:36right? They could go back in time and alert the crew that an iceberg is pretty close and they
01:46:42should move the ship away from its path as soon as possible. Or even better, go even further back
01:46:48in time and alert the captain of the ship not to proceed with the journey to begin with. Let me
01:46:53tell you, there were a lot of things that could have been done better with the Titanic.
01:46:59First of all, the crew had no access to binoculars. If they could have had this crucial piece of
01:47:05equipment, they might have spotted the iceberg in due course, at least limiting the damage or
01:47:11avoiding the collision altogether. And don't get me started on the lifeboats. Because they wanted
01:47:16the ship to look as luxurious as possible, there was little space left for those much-needed lifeboats
01:47:23that could have saved so many lives. Although there were 2,200 people on board, the lifeboats
01:47:28could only save 1,200 people. What about flight? Would a flying superhero have been able to help
01:47:37avoid this tragedy? I bet it would have. This superhero could have surveyed the area, especially
01:47:43during the night when there's low visibility to begin with. More so, the hero might have helped
01:47:49with alerting nearby ships faster that something went wrong with the Titanic and that help is needed
01:47:55to make sure no one gets hurt. If someone on board might have been able to fly, maybe they could have
01:48:00airlifted a bunch of passengers to safety too. Laser vision? Now that would have been cool.
01:48:08A person with laser vision would have pulverized that iceberg in no time. Instead of shivering in
01:48:14the dark that fateful night in April 1912, people would have enjoyed a nice chilled drink on the deck
01:48:20the next morning, courtesy of some harmless leftover ice still hanging around on the ship.
01:48:26Okay, okay. Maybe this person with laser vision wouldn't have been powerful enough to split the
01:48:32iceberg in half so that the Titanic could pass safely. Well, they could have at least helped
01:48:38open the locked room containing the binoculars, that's for sure.
01:48:41Someone with superhuman strength? Yeah, that might have surely helped too. They could have placed
01:48:47themselves between the ship and the iceberg, preventing the collision from happening. If, say,
01:48:53they just happened to be snoozing when the Titanic hit the huge block of ice, no biggie. They would
01:48:58have simply kept the Titanic afloat until nearby ships came around to rescue all the people on board.
01:49:04If you'd have had underwater breathing abilities, you'd have at least been able to save yourself on
01:49:09the Titanic. I mean, technically, there's nothing much you could have done differently on the boat.
01:49:15Maybe you could have saved a bunch of other passengers, but only if you were strong enough
01:49:19to keep them afloat while you comfortably swam completely underwater.
01:49:26If a person on board had been able to control the elements, that would have been a big help.
01:49:31If a person on board had been able to control the elements, that would have been amazing. Not only would it have
01:49:36saved a lot, if not all, of the passengers, it would have been fascinating to watch. Such a
01:49:43superhero would have been able to keep water away from the Titanic's injuries after it hit the
01:49:48iceberg. If they were agile enough and had seen the iceberg before it hit the ship, they could
01:49:54have transformed the big block of ice into water with just the snap of a finger.
01:49:59If we look at the records from that night, everything happened very fast with the Titanic.
01:50:05Wouldn't it have been nice to have someone on board who could slow down time? For the sake of
01:50:10the story, let's also imagine this person had a finely-tuned intuition. They could have sensed
01:50:16something was wrong by the way the air smelled or by the reaction of the crew when the iceberg
01:50:22was first spotted. With a simple gesture of their hands, they would have slowed down time.
01:50:29Almost to the point of stillness. They could have checked the records from the ship,
01:50:33its unusually fast speed, and could have alerted the captain to decide in time.
01:50:39The Titanic could have been stopped, or it could have been diverted away from the iceberg.
01:50:46A superhero with night vision would have been useful too. At least the superhero would have
01:50:51spotted the iceberg sooner than everyone else. Given that the hero could have seen a lot better
01:50:56in low-light conditions, that hero would have probably better managed the rescue efforts that
01:51:02disastrous night. Invisibility? Would this superpower have saved the Titanic from sinking
01:51:09to the bottom of the Atlantic? I could think of a possible scenario or two. Anyone with the power
01:51:15to become invisible whenever they want to would have probably gone snooping around the ship.
01:51:21I mean, you have to remember, the Titanic had some of the most important members of
01:51:25society on board. It wasn't just any regular boat. It was probably buzzing with the latest gossip.
01:51:32In between all that mundane information, this superhero could have overheard the captain saying
01:51:38they were going faster than they should have, or that there weren't enough lifeboats to save
01:51:43everyone in case there was a major problem. Who knows what this curious superhero might have done
01:51:48with all this information. Some sort of sorcerer would have saved the Titanic if they were on board,
01:51:54I'm sure. There has to be some sort of magic spell in a book out there that's useful for
01:52:00sinking ships, right? Maybe one that could have helped weld the metal back together after it got
01:52:06hit by the iceberg. Or maybe one that could have airlifted the entire vessel to safety after it
01:52:12got hit. How about a spell that would have transformed the Titanic into a submarine,
01:52:17creating a protective layer around it so it could comfortably move under the sea.
01:52:22That surely would have been cool and would have offered passengers a truly unique experience.
01:52:28The ability to speak to animals or fish would have certainly been useful too.
01:52:33Even if all else failed, so the Titanic would have still struck the iceberg,
01:52:37and it would have still been filled with water and ended up near the seabed,
01:52:41people could have still been saved. That's because you'd have had someone on board who could have
01:52:46instructed dolphins to carry people to safety. I'm sure those intelligent creatures would have
01:52:52been happy to help. It was the start of 1912. A giant chunk of ice broke off a glacier in
01:53:00southwest Greenland. The ice was made up of snow that had fallen thousands of years before the
01:53:06event, perhaps as far back as when mammoths still roamed the earth. The iceberg started its journey.
01:53:13It was a huge thing, more than 1700 feet long and weighing over 75 million tons. It was also a very
01:53:21peaceful chunk of ice. It steered clear of ships and busy transport routes. And then it somehow
01:53:28floated much further south than other bergs did. Our iceberg was lucky. Others melt long before
01:53:35they get to these low latitudes. Out of up to 30,000 icebergs that drift away from Greenland's
01:53:40glaciers, only 1% ever make it all the way to the Atlantic. Even after melting into the water for
01:53:47months, this massive block of ice was still almost twice as heavy as the Golden Gate Bridge. The
01:53:53iceberg's top part was towering 10 stories over the ocean's surface. Several days before our iceberg
01:54:00made it to the Atlantic Ocean, a magnificent ship left port. It was a luxury liner, carrying more
01:54:07than 3,000 passengers and crew members. At that time, it was the largest ship ever built. It was
01:54:14the Titanic. The collisions happened on April 14th, when the ship was in the North Atlantic, 370 miles
01:54:21away from Newfoundland. Unable to divert its course, the ship ruptured at least five of its hull
01:54:27compartments. They started to fill with water at an alarming speed. The Titanic's compartments
01:54:33weren't capped at the top. That's why the water spilled over and started to flood each succeeding
01:54:39one. The front of the ship began to sink, causing the back part to lift vertically into the air.
01:54:45And then, with a deafening roar, the liner broke in half. The rest is history. But what happened
01:54:53to the iceberg after that? On April 15th, the German ocean liner SS Prinz Aldebert was sailing
01:55:00through the North Atlantic. It was traveling a few miles away from the place where the Titanic
01:55:05had sunk several hours prior. The German ship's chief steward, who hadn't learned about the
01:55:11disaster yet, saw an iceberg. What drew his attention was a large streak of red paint going
01:55:17along the iceberg's base. Surprised, the man took a photo of his discovery. He thought the paint
01:55:24meant a ship had hit the iceberg within the past 12 hours. The next person who saw the iceberg
01:55:29and took another photo of it was the captain of a vessel laying deep-sea telecommunication cables.
01:55:35The ship was sent to help in the area where the Titanic had sunk. The captain later claimed the
01:55:41iceberg he'd seen had been the only one in that area, plus the red paint. It wasn't difficult
01:55:48to connect the dots. In 2015, one of these photos sold at auction for over $32,000. And still,
01:55:57experts are unsure whether the image really shows the infamous block of ice.
01:56:02It might be a simple iceberg that had been floating nearby at that time. The great,
01:56:07unsinkable ship was gone, sunken to the bottom of the North Atlantic, where it remains to this day.
01:56:13But the iceberg continued on its way, perplexing a few witnesses and slowly
01:56:19melting into the surrounding water. It would vanish completely before the end of the year.
01:56:24It was 11.39 at night when the Titanic's lookout shouted,
01:56:29Iceberg! Right ahead! Swift action on the bridge to reduce speed and change the ship's course
01:56:34didn't help. And you already know how the story ends. Since then, we've regarded what happened
01:56:40to Titanic as a once-in-a-lifetime event. Is it, though? The Titanic sank in 1912.
01:56:48Forget about fancy GPSs or weather satellites. At the time, ships were responsible for warning
01:56:54each other about the location of icebergs, like a hey-man-trust-me-on-this situation.
01:57:00Then the Titanic disaster happened. To call it a disaster is an understatement,
01:57:05so specialists felt the need to form an organization to avoid this kind of accident
01:57:11happening again. That's why, a year later, they created the International Iceberg
01:57:16created the International Ice Patrol, or IIP for short.
01:57:23Up to this day, this group has been responsible for giving ships advanced warnings about ice
01:57:28threats. IIP improved their methods over the years, from ship reports and aircraft patrols
01:57:34to satellite images. Recently, they've also been using oceanographic buoys,
01:57:39floating devices providing real-time information about ocean conditions
01:57:44up to 164 feet below the surface to predict the potential drift of icebergs.
01:57:50Luckily, IIP is doing an excellent job in reducing ship iceberg collisions.
01:57:55But don't get too comfortable, because even the most advanced detection equipment
01:58:00can't entirely avoid an unfortunate situation. Between 1980 and 2005, there were 57 incidents
01:58:08involving vessels and icebergs. And the chilling truth
01:58:12is that today's ships are more likely to run into an iceberg than the Titanic was.
01:58:20Studies have shown that 1,038 icebergs crossed the area where the Titanic sank back in 1912.
01:58:27You might think that's a lot, but scientists say it's not really a big deal. I mean, yeah,
01:58:32it's on the higher side, but there have been 14 years with even more iceberg activity since then.
01:58:38Nowadays, the number of icebergs is going up due to the accelerated melting of Greenland's glaciers.
01:58:45And since more ships are heading into polar waters, the chances of ships bumping into
01:58:49icebergs are higher. But the real danger for captains is invisible enemies called growlers
01:58:56and burgey bits. Growlers are these small icebergs that can be the size of a regular door.
01:59:04And burgey bits are also considered small, measuring around the size of a school bus.
01:59:10These icebergs might seem harmless, but they're actually tricky since they can be completely
01:59:15invisible to radars or satellites. Let's see what happens when a modern cruise ship as big
01:59:20as the Titanic hits one of these small icebergs. Meet the Norwegian Sun, a luxurious cruise ship
01:59:27like Titanic as it has the capacity to accommodate 2,400 passengers and more than 900 crew members.
01:59:34On July 2022, this cruise ship was on its way to Hubbard Glacier in Alaska when it found itself
01:59:41in the middle of a dense fog. Suddenly, passengers felt an impact and were terrified
01:59:47as the ship experienced a severe jolt. The fog immediately cleared, and they realized what had
01:59:53happened. The Norwegian Sun had collided with an iceberg of the growler type. But the outcome
01:59:59was entirely different from Titanic. Thankfully, there were no injuries, and both the passengers
02:00:04and staff reached the Alaskan docks safely. Expert divers checked the condition of the boat,
02:00:10and they discovered that the ship had suffered some damage after the collision,
02:00:14so the rest of the trip was cancelled. Don't stress about packing for your next trip across
02:00:22the Atlantic because accidents like the one with the Norwegian Sun are really rare. I mean,
02:00:27it's common for ships to encounter ice, but what's unusual is for it to be a problem. Most
02:00:33modern cruise ships wouldn't get physically damaged by an iceberg, and there's a reason for that.
02:00:38You see, the steel used in the Titanic also played a significant role in the disaster.
02:00:44The unsinkable ship, after all, was not so impact-resistant. Back then, the Titanic's hull
02:00:51was constructed using around 2,000 steel plates, which are believed to have been produced in an
02:00:57open hearth furnace. As a result, the steel contained a high concentration of phosphorus,
02:01:02oxygen, and sulfur. High levels of these elements make steel brittle at low temperatures,
02:01:08causing it to fail upon impact. While the steel used on the Titanic was of the highest quality
02:01:14available at the time, it wouldn't meet the safety standards of modern ships,
02:01:19and it was approximately 10 times less safe than what today's vessels use.
02:01:27But the most significant difference between the design of the Titanic and a modern ship
02:01:31lies in how the hull is put together. You see, the Titanic was built using over 3 million rivets
02:01:38for its hull and upper deck structure. So, when it struck the iceberg, the rivets started a chain
02:01:43reaction, causing the entire section of the hull to collapse simultaneously,
02:01:48causing an uncontrollable flood of water. In contrast, modern ships use a method called
02:01:54submerged arc welding, which fuses the edges of metal pieces together, creating a strong
02:02:00and continuous bond. This is safer because if any part of the ship gets damaged, the tear doesn't
02:02:06spread, making things worse. The damage remains contained within that section. Okay, so small
02:02:13icebergs are becoming more common, and vessels have been adapted to deal with them, but there's
02:02:18still one more scenario to consider. What if a huge cruise ship hit an iceberg the size of a
02:02:245-story building? Imagine we've just created the world's largest cruise ship on the planet.
02:02:32Let's call it the Bright Seaside. Our floating resort is massive, 4 times the size of the
02:02:38Statue of Liberty. It's longer than the Titanic by 318 feet and carries about 3 times more passengers
02:02:46and crew. And just like the Titanic, our fictional ship can cruise at a top speed of around 23 knots.
02:02:53Now picture this scenario. The Bright Seaside is cruising at full speed in freezing waters.
02:02:59It's the middle of the night, and the captain doesn't realize that all the iceberg-detecting
02:03:05equipment on board isn't functioning. It stopped working 3 days ago. It's very foggy out there,
02:03:11and the lookout also fails to spot a 45-foot-tall iceberg. If that whole situation played out,
02:03:19and the ship smacked into the iceberg head-on, well, it could potentially lead to a sinking.
02:03:25But you can see how unlikely that is, right? That's why experts are quite confident in saying
02:03:30that ice isn't likely to sink modern cruise ships. It's also worth mentioning that safety
02:03:35measures have improved a lot since Titanic. A modern large vessel can take days to sink,
02:03:41which provides enough time to keep everyone safe. Crews are definitely better prepared to
02:03:46handle evacuation procedures, and passengers should also go through safety training before cruising.
02:03:52I know, I know, it is annoying to do that when all you want to do is drink a lemonade or some
02:03:57other beverage by the pool. But, you know, all these safety tips are what saved the MS Explorer
02:04:04from becoming a modern Titanic. You see, back in 2007, all 154 people on board this Antarctic
02:04:14cruise ship managed to get into lifeboats after the ship hit an iceberg. Now imagine their panic
02:04:20as they waited for help for 4 hours. The crew did an excellent job in keeping everybody safe,
02:04:26no doubt. But a report that came out 2 years later said that the MS Explorer accident had happened
02:04:33because of the inexperience of the captain who had pushed the ship too fast into a wall of ice
02:04:39in the freezing waters of Antarctica. That means that no matter how much tech a ship's got or how
02:04:45fancy its materials are, if you've got a careless captain and a crew that doesn't know how to handle
02:04:50an iceberg hit, yep, a disaster similar to Titanic could happen again. But hey, you shouldn't stress
02:04:57over it. Trust the professionals and keep in mind the odds. In the last 30 years, the MS Explorer
02:05:04was the only cruise ship that sank thanks to an iceberg. And everyone survived. So kick back
02:05:10and enjoy your sea vacation! That's it for today! So hey,
02:05:15if you pacified your curiosity, then give the video a like and share it with your friends.
02:05:19Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side!
