Bolivarian National Armed Forces ratifies support to President Nicolas Maduro

  • 2 months ago
Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino affirmed that the BNAM ratifies absolute loyalty to Nicolás Maduro Moros, constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. teleSUR


00:00We know for sure that before these riots of Huning and Ayacucho, the liberator Bolivar
00:21was working hard because it was the Congress of Peru in which they were in favor of capitalism.
00:37It was a strategic fight and that man was nurturing from hardships and he said it to
00:48Sucre to his favorite friend, the great Sucre.
00:55He said to him, this is a very difficult situation but we are going to achieve it with perseverance
01:02and with our willing wills to triumph.
01:06We are going to free, to release the whole world from slavery.
01:14What an idea, currently we are just living that too, in which the US imperialism is willing
01:29to destroy, to split, to undermine the basis of the state.
01:35The same slaves, the same oligarchy from 200 years ago, today we are witnessing it.
01:44We are giving a strong battle and we are facing a coup d'etat, an ongoing coup d'etat which
01:53was mounted with great operations, with psychological operations, with cyber attacks that form
02:04a cognitive war in which the battlefield is here in our mind.
02:10So let's have a lot of patience and perseverance because fighting of the US imperialism is
02:19not an easy thing, it is a matter of perseverance, awareness and a lot of love to our homeland.
02:31And the far right opposition of Venezuela, we have to fight back the far right and we
02:39are not going to allow them to destroy us.
02:43These big groups that guarantee the peace of the country every day with their actions
02:49on the streets, always with the people and for the people, curving all expressions of
02:56violence, all expressions of blood, of riots and uprisings, as Cecilio Acosta used to say,
03:11he said the uprisings from the gods have provided sacrifices but not improvements, tears but
03:21not harvests, has always been the lost path to return to the same point with a visit and
03:32not a treasure, Cecilio Acosta said that.
03:36So the people of Venezuela expressed their will on July 28th and so we could say for
03:42the peace, the people voted for the peace, the peace of people for, what for?
03:50Peace for prosperity, for work, for life, for education, for health, for the health
03:57of the people, peace and the peace has to prevail, the peace must prevail.
04:04So we are here present and you are connected via conference, all the commanders, commanders
04:18of comprehensive defense that guarantee the defensive system of our territory.
04:29So let's read a communique that we have prepared directed to the dignified people, police officers
04:44of the Bolivarian Republic, so I proceed to read this communique on behalf of the armed
04:52forces and all police corps of the nation, joint communique of the popular ministry of
05:00defense and of the interior ministry of justice and peace, the Bolivarian forces and the police
05:09officers attached to the interior relations, all we reject the despair statements written
05:23in a published on social media on August 5th by Mr. Edmundo Gonzalez-Gurrutia, former presidential
05:35candidate and the far-right opponent Maria Corina Machado. First of all, it is important to say
05:43that those who intend to proclaim themselves as democrats has a long career of radical actions,
05:58anti-constitutional actions contrary to all laws and to the biggest interests of the people of
06:09Venezuela. These actions threaten the sacred territories of Venezuela and also they request
06:19the cohesive measures against Venezuela and the hybrid war that the U.S. has applied
06:29over a decade, so it turns out to be very cynical that this insurrectional
06:39faction of the Venezuelan opposition tries to conduct a lot of legality that they don't have.
06:53Hence, this fascist sector is willing to build up a fake tally sheets and false expectations
07:10in a sector of the population which they try to manipulate and deceit. It is necessary to
07:17reaffirm that presidential elections on July 28th were held by the higher transparent standards
07:32with international observers and lots of authorities and they were built in an extraordinary
07:42cynicism and in which the electoral council issued the corresponding results,
07:51but they tried to stain the electoral process by violence in that in this time they
08:02are held by the tiny commands of fourth generation groups to which they have established alliances
08:15in order to control the political power that they didn't achieve with the elections.
08:23So, these criminal organizations launched a wave of terrorism through vandalizing acts
08:35against schools, health facilities, leisure centers, agricultural centers, private companies,
08:44monuments and statues and political headquarters among others. Likewise, they have executed
08:54cyber attacks to informatic platforms of public organizations to generate disinformation.
09:05Besides, they incurred in military headquarters and over 250 units of police
09:22with explosives and it turns out offensive that they try to direct to military and police
09:35as they have always rejected the corps and they urge the military and police to
09:46not obey the rules and in peace and coexistence all these troops are the most affected by violence
09:57generated by these factions. So, as 39 police officials and 47 military have been injured
10:10besides the disease of two military that's why it turns out to be outrageous as they mentioned
10:23the families of the military who are being affected by the fascist destabilizing plan
10:33executed by this far-right sector which have left children orphans and psychological traumas.
10:44These crimes won't be unpunished and without doubt these irrational factions
10:55are one to break our institutionality and they won't achieve so because we have accomplished
11:04successfully with discipline and professionalism the task regarding the republic plan to guarantee
11:12the security of facilities and of electoral material and especially those of voters
11:20being witnessing the transparency of the electoral process and now in the perfect
11:27unity military and civic unit we will safeguard peace across the nation within the framework of
11:36respect to human rights and to constitutional precepts. We ratified our absolute loyalty to
11:47citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros constitutional president and commander-in-chief of the
11:54Bolivarian armed forces who has been re-elected by the popular power for the next term 2025-2031
12:06and at the same time we backed up its republican spirit collected in the proposal
12:16through the national electoral council who has the last word
12:23demonstrating the strengths of democratic institutions of the country. What a bravery
12:31of the heroes of Junín. What an honor and glory those libertators with the same determination we
12:42are going to prevail steadfast in the defense of our beloved homeland. Long live Chávez.
12:51Long live independence and socialist homeland. The son of Venezuela burns in the
13:00independence or nothing we are going to be loyal always.
13:05Ever and wild to victory. Peace will prevail.
13:13The region strategic imperfective function as military civic function today on August 6th 200
13:24years from the victory of Junín in which the patriotic army under Bolívar's leadership
13:38defeated the imperialist troops in Junín giving an irreversible step to our independence
13:47during the libertator campaign. So those who embrace the cause of freedom that legacy and
14:01the correct behavior of the Bolivarian armed forces with today we continue
14:08locating the fight against the imperialist forces with tangible results thanks to the vision of our
14:22supreme commander Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías. On July 28th 2024 we by complying with the
14:35established in our constitution the people voted massively and in consequence it has been
14:48the people who has been expressed nationwide and the people has elected its president being
14:59proclaimed by the national electoral council. Anti-constitutional actions generated and led
15:06by far-right sectors without homeland they pursue different strategies to generate confusion and
15:17chaos sabotaging institutions of the state employing criminal groups called
15:27as tiny commands which cost the deaths and injuries of the military and forces.
15:42The Bolivarian armed forces within its judicial and civic function will ratify the absolute loyalty
15:54to our constitutional president and commander-in-chief
15:59citizen Nicolás Maduro Moros re-elected president by the power by the popular
16:10and elected on the term 2025-2033 Long live Chávez independence and socialism homeland.
16:24Bolivarian armed forces from the strategic region number two I remember today
16:43the day of 200 years ago when the liberator army led by Bolivar
16:54released from the Peruvian lands gave freedom to the Peruvian lands from the imperialist
17:09and those are the heroes of the big homeland our beloved Bolivarian republic of Venezuela
17:19led by our commander our supreme commander Chávez under the sacrifices of our origins
17:28to combat any aggression from any empire on the preamble of our constitution the people of
17:39Venezuela exercising their powers creators following the historical example of our
17:48liberator Simón Bolívar and those precursors of our homeland which our homeland is free and
17:59that's why the Bolivarian forces and those police corps attached to
18:09for the for peace and justice we all reject we all reject the
18:20communicate by the former presidential candidate Mundo González and the far right opponent
18:28machados in which they deceit the people of Venezuela with forged documents with an
18:39structural plan the cognitive war and creating the bad called tiny commands who are criminal
18:51trained and paid off by the enemies of our homeland
18:57for sabotaging public works hospitals malls and assaulting directly the people
19:06and the members of the Bolivarian armed forces and the security organizations over 200 international
19:16observers have been observing the watching these presidential elections and these fascist groups of
19:25hate led by this former candidate and this lady this far right lady are permanently calling
19:38our institution to disregard the constitution and the laws
19:48and so they are disrespecting us disrespecting our ethics moral sacrifice and loyalty
19:57we as defenders of constitutional guarantees of the laws of republic we reject this call
20:06we have been assaulted
20:10over 59 members of our security forces have been injured 47 from our Bolivarian
20:21armed forces and two brothers who were on duty passed away and we have we continue to be
20:28guarantors of human rights dedicated to attach in our loss and we have been witnesses
20:37of a transparent electoral process while we were moving and safeguarding the electoral material
20:48and these electoral councils headquarters were attacked and we were protecting
20:59strategic facilities who were fundamental targets of these fascist groups enemies of
21:07our homeland we ratified we reaffirmed our absolute loyalty to our to the citizen
21:16Nicolás Maduro constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
21:22commander-in-chief of the Bolivarian armed forces elected by the popular will and proclaimed
21:32by the national electoral council we support the supreme court of justice exercising their functions
21:42long live Chavez Chavez alive independence and socialist homeland
21:49onward to victory and the son of Venezuela is born in Ezequiel
21:55long live Chavez onward to victory always onward to victory today as we commemorated the 200 years
22:05the famous battle allowed to prepare the field allow us to prepare for today and soldiers you
22:24are going to contemplate the masterpiece that the heaven has has prepared for us
22:31and supreme commander
22:37rescued from history as well as on july 28th our glorious armed forces and the security forces in
22:46perfect civic military unity accompanying accompanying the electoral council we
22:55were witnessing the transparency of our elections and all members of the Bolivarian
23:05armed forces reject the community by Corina Machado and Mundo González which has been rejected by the
23:18Venezuelan people and so far we have lost two military by these far-right factions and we
23:28ratified we stand for peace and we support our the commander-in-chief and president Maduro Moros
23:41have our loyalty has our loyalty and he has been proclaimed by the national electoral council
23:47as president and long live Chavez
23:55from the region from this strategic region general number four composed by the states
24:04we are here today the security forces and the armed the armed forces
24:12is with the purpose to commemorate the Hanoi battle and to repudiate the unconstitutional
24:23actions posted by social media in which it is self-proclaimed the former presidential
24:32candidate and Mundo Gonzalez Urrutia alongside the fascist Corina Machado who has been
24:40promoting hate and attacking the tranquility of the peace
24:47as their murderers who have brought bloodshed to the people of Venezuela we ratified our absolute
24:59loyalty to commander-in-chief and constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of
25:06Venezuela who was re-elected by the popular power and proclaimed a president of the republic
25:14by the national electoral council we together we will we will onward to victory launching long live
25:30today in the bicentenary of the Hanoi battle
25:37those struggles achieved by the our founding fathers Bolivar in the strategic region
25:47the Bolivarian armed forces and our steadfast
25:55defensive system in Supre alongside the citizen organizations we reject and repudiate
26:04categorically the despicable community disclosed by social media on Monday
26:14August 5 issued by the citizen and Mundo Gonzalez a former presidential candidate
26:23opponent and and guided by the fascist Maria Corina Machado who led the tiny commands who
26:36have been urging to disobedience of our Bolivarian armed forces against the
26:45constitutional presence and from my position as commander of the eastern
26:54network through our transparency and attached to rules
27:00national Bolivarian our Bolivarian armed forces and the security
27:06forces in complying with our functions we have been witnessing
27:13the transparent electoral process on July 28 by by the national electoral council
27:30in that sense we reaffirmed we we are attached to the constitution of of Venezuela and we
27:41recognize as only president re-elected by the majority of by the absolute majority of the
27:50national by the absolute majority he was proclaimed as president constitutional president
28:02and we reiterate our loyalty and we sustain the peace of the republic we will be loyal forever
28:10today on the bicentenary of the battle in 1824 led by Simon Bolivar thanks to his strategies
28:29the patriotic forces defeated the imperialists and the triumph of
28:35Junín raised the moral of the patriotic forces accelerating their
28:43their triumph we want to express our rejection to the communique
28:51by the presidential candidate former presidential candidate Mundo Gonzalez and the fascist
29:00forces who were inciting our Bolivarian forces to violate constitution and the laws of the republic
29:20so through the petition that they made to the police forces and to Bolivarian forces
29:30to not comply with the law and to not repress the riots and the prosecutors
29:38prosecutors office was of the fake news promoting chaos and they were instigating to insurrection
29:55and conspiracy
29:59we expressed our support to the presidential election and to the proclaimed
30:10president Nicolás Maduro during the term 2024, 2025, 2031
30:19in which the Bolivarian armed forces and all civilian institutions
30:29have been participating in this electoral process in honor to the Junín battle
30:36today we will continue together with the people advancing toward the Venezuela that we all want
30:45Long live Chávez, loyal always, hesitate never, onward to victory
30:59always onward to victory
31:04Long live Chávez, commander of the strategic region of
31:10and guardians of the south of Venezuela, today on the sixth bicentenary of Juan Junín battle
31:21in which our our liberator army defeated the Peru troops, soldiers of Peru and
31:32the whole of America's safeguard peace, daughter of victory, Venezuela
31:39wants peace and independence and sovereignty, we want to express the people of Venezuela that
31:46we continue resisting the empire attacks so we are just cracking down and fighting back
31:59the attacks by the U.S. and the fascist sectors, they have imposed plans that have been affecting
32:11the people, recognized imposition of over 900 cohesive sanctions, robbery of our assets and
32:22they are intending to dismiss the will of the Venezuelan people who have elected
32:30our constitutional president Nicolás Maduro Moros for the term 2025-2031,
32:40hence the Bolivarian armed forces and the police attached to
33:02let's recall that they are the same who have requested military intervention in Venezuela,
33:09economic sanctions and different kinds of hybrid wars, these fascists try to manipulate the people
33:20making them confused and their plan is through violence and through these tiny groups,
33:30these tiny commands of criminal groups who have caused a lot of damage in our economy,
33:38the people of Venezuela resist and is confident in our institutions
33:46and they won't achieve destabilizing us, Venezuela is steadfast and we reaffirmed
33:56our absolute loyalty to president and commander-in-chief Nicolás Maduro Moros who is
34:04our constitutional president proclaimed by the popular power through the 2025-2031
34:15who we owe obedience and loyalty
34:24long live Chávez and homeland continues, we will be loyal forever
34:29Long live Chávez, I am the major general commander and capital number eight, Guaira,
34:42Miranda and Caracas states, from here from our Caracas
34:48we recall the historical events and there there are the great teachings of the army
35:01for the days to come in which we must defend our national territory against
35:07the imperial forces who wants to destabilize our nation, today in the bicentenary of the
35:16battle of Huni we want to express the Venezuelan people our rejection against any destabilizing
35:24and conspirative actions, we all assumed, we all hold our responsibility of maximum surveillance,
35:38military of Venezuela, police officers of Venezuela, together with the community power
35:45to the social movements to defend the right of stability, we reject the communiques of
35:55former presidential candidate Edmundo González and the fascist far-right Corina Machado,
36:03they announced a falsely proclaimed president
36:11and they disregard the electoral council and they instigated the military to disobedience or to loss
36:23the on July 28th it was deployed a republic plan in a very transparent manner
36:33the polling stations were attending military and international observers who corroborate
36:45a transparent electoral process nationwide, so they are the far-right anxiety to gain power
36:55who are good mongers and manipulative, they generate violence with vandalizing acts
37:04and fascist acts, they want us to disobey the constitution but the people knows
37:15to defend its constitution and we are attached to human rights and we continue being deployed
37:23in military operations nationwide to guarantee the development of peace and tranquility of the
37:31Venezuelan people, we ratify the absolute loyalty to the to our governmental system,
37:39their facilities, their institutions and especially our commander-in-chief Nicolás Maduro Moro,
37:46who have been reelected by the popular will, popular power and who have been reaffirmed by
37:54them and we will back up the decision of the electoral council and all our moral and material
38:03strengths are for peace and to set apart any evil against the homeland
38:11and with the ethics of UNE we will be leading attached to our constitutional powers,
38:19long live Chávez, the homeland continues, we will be loyal forever, goodbye.
38:31We were watching live the statements of Venezuelan defense minister Vladimir Padrino López
38:36followed by the joint statement of all branches of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces expressing
38:41their full commitment to the Venezuelan constitution and Venezuela's democratic
38:45institutions. Following the lead of the defense minister, commander generals of the army and the
38:50air force and the national guard as well as the heads of the internal defense areas expressed
38:55their support for president Nicolás Maduro and condemned in the strongest term the statement
38:59issued by former candidate Mundo González and far-right opposition figure María Corina Machado.
39:04The security forces reaffirmed that the July 28th elections were held with the highest standards of
39:09transparency and will continue to be deployed to guarantee the nation's sovereignty and peace.
39:15Stay in tune with us, Terrestrial English, for more updated information.
