Oklahoma City woman accuses employee of sending himself a private video from her phone

  • last month
Oklahoma woman hit by nightmare after phone repair shop worker 'began looking through her private photos'

An Oklahoma City phone repair shop worker was arrested after he allegedly sent himself a video of a female customer 'undressed' without her consent.

Kayahan Altun was arrested on larceny and computer crimes charges after he allegedly sent himself a racy video off an unidentified female customer's phone during a repair on Friday, according to KFOR.

The woman said she found out Altun had sent the video to himself after she received the notification on her laptop showing the message had been sent to an unknown number while she waited for her phone to be repaired inside The Fix located in Penn Square Mall.

'It was a video of me undressed basically, and had been sent to a random phone number,' she told KFOR. 'I was just so in shock.'

The private video had been stored in the 'hidden' folder on her iPhone and was taken two years ago.


00:00Privacy concerns whenever we hand over our phone or computer.
00:04And one Metro woman says her trust was completely broken by a local repair company.
00:10News 4's John Hayes sat down with her exclusively and has the warning and arrest tonight. John?
00:16Kevin and Jolene, the woman says she brought her phone to a repair shop in Penn Square Mall,
00:22not thinking much of it and trusting the man she gave it to.
00:25That trust, as you mentioned, violated.
00:29I went into the mall and I was just trying to, you know, get my screen fixed for my phone.
00:34We'll call her Jane.
00:36She paid a little more than $100 to have those repairs made Friday at The Fix in Penn Square Mall.
00:42I was just so in shock.
00:44She left it with this man, Kayan Altun, giving him the code to get inside.
00:48He was the manager and he told me that, you know, it would be about 30 minutes.
00:52Jane says she stayed in the mall to do some work on her laptop while repairs were made.
00:57But a few moments later, she got a message notification on her laptop,
01:02saying her phone sent a video to this number, a number she didn't recognize.
01:07It was a video of me undressed, basically, and had been sent to a random phone number.
01:14A video that was locked away in the hidden folder on Jane's phone.
01:18Things clicked into place when she went to pick it up.
01:21As I'm, like, just trying to pay, he hands me a business card and it has his name and his phone number on it.
01:29Altun's personal number he wrote on the card matching the number she saw on her laptop.
01:34Oklahoma City Police arrested him on internet crimes, but he posted behind.
01:39I tried calling Altun.
01:42The wireless customer you are calling is not available.
01:45And stopped by his apartment, but never heard back.
01:48Jane is terrified, embarrassed, and worried this incident might not be a one-off.
01:54I can only imagine he probably has other people that he's done this to,
01:58considering how bold he was to give me his phone number on a card.
02:02And we reached out to Pin Square Mall and The Fix for comment,
02:05only hearing back from the mall telling us to direct our request to local law enforcement.
02:10Another important thing here, Jane also believes her saving grace was having her laptop
02:15and making sure all of her messages went to it.
02:17Otherwise, she doesn't think she would have ever known this happened.
