Maan ki Azmat (ماں کی عظمت)Nabi e pak saw ki hadees ki Roshni main, Islamic story, Islamic clips
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00:00We have started a new series from today for the education and training of human beings.
00:12We will narrate different incidents from the life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
00:17And then we will take out the points of reformation from that and comment with you.
00:24We hope that you will like our normal learning.
00:32The incident that I am about to share with you,
00:35this Mutabbir Ahadith that I am about to share with you,
00:38this is a reference from a lot of Mutabbir Ahadith and Mutabbir Ravis.
00:45This incident was narrated by Sayyid Muhammad Hassan Rizvi along with Syed Sanad from Imam Jafar Sadiq.
00:53One person came to Prophet Muhammad PBUH and said,
00:58O Messenger of Allah, who is the most deserving of goodness and service?
01:03Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, your mother.
01:06He asked again, who is the most deserving of goodness and service?
01:14Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, your mother.
01:19He asked again, who is the most deserving of goodness and service?
01:22Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, your mother.
01:26When this person insisted for the fourth time,
01:29who is the most deserving of goodness and service?
01:32Then Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, your father.
01:37We are going to tell you the points of reformation from this.
01:42First of all, the service of parents is known in the language of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
01:49Allah has released a great personality from hell for this good deed.
01:55It is necessary to establish a relationship of service between parents in every era.
01:59Both are worthy of respect and honor.
02:01But the right and reward of both services are not equal.
02:05In the religion of Islam, due to some issues, the father's burden was heavy in the house.
02:10While in service, the mother's right was more.
02:14The second point is that the most fortunate person is the one who has been blessed with the ability to serve both parents.
02:22But if you get a chance to serve separately, then if you get a chance to serve more than one in both, then the mother is more deserving.
02:30The third point is that the person who is blessed with a great reward from the service of the mother,
02:36from whom a great reward is obtained, that amount is not available from the service of the father.
02:43Therefore, Prophet Muhammad PBUH has given three times superiority to the service of the mother over the service of the father.
02:49The fifth point is that the service of the parents does not mean that the right of the wife is violated, or that the respect and honor of the soul is neglected, or that the mind is entangled with the children.
03:01Parents deserve to be served in any case.
03:04Whether I am a Muslim or a disbeliever, it is not permissible to accept their wrongdoing or to act on wrong decisions.
03:12Neither should the rights of the parents be violated because of the wife, nor should the rights of the wife be violated because of the parents.
03:17There should be no conflict in the service and the fulfillment of rights.
03:22If there is a conflict, then whoever has the right, should fulfill it.
03:26The rest should show patience and tolerance.
03:36The result of all these incidents and debates is that,
03:40no doubt, the parents are the most deserving of our service.
03:46The Prophet Muhammad PBUH told us a lot about the right of the mother,
03:50while the right of the father was told a little less due to some issue of divinity.
03:55Now, this does not mean that you should only serve the mother,
03:59do not go near the father,
04:01and it is also not that you should only follow the father and not serve the mother.
04:05In addition to these two, the rest of the family also deserve your service and goodness in the same way as the parents.
04:13Because Islam has taught us moderation in everything,
04:17it has taught us to fulfill the rights of everyone equally.
04:21Islam teaches us the best.
04:23The life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is the best example of this.
04:27We should study the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
04:30and we should find the points of the rights of the parents and the rights of the family members.
04:36We should serve our parents and teach others as well.
04:40After today, we promise to follow the life of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
04:49and we will try to improve our religion and world while following the example of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
04:54وَمَا عَلَيْنَا اِلَّا الْبَلَاهُ الْمُبِينُ
04:57I hope that you will like this first excerpt of ours for the sake of religion.
05:03To watch more videos like this, subscribe to our channel,
05:07and pray that Allah helps us and guides us on this path of religion.