The Red Ghost (2020) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

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Crveni duh je ruski horor ratni triler iz 2021. u režiji Andreja Bogatirjeva. Godine 1941., odred sovjetskih vojnika, uključujući opasnog polu-čovjeka, polu-duha, naišao je na elitni odred smrti unutar Wehrmachta. U bioskopima je pušten u Rusiji 10. juna 2021. od strane KaroProkata.
00:00The film begins in December 1941 during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.
00:05We see a German military truck stopping at a snowy location.
00:09The soldiers come out of the vehicle together with a captured Russian couple.
00:13The man is carrying a bag on his head, and when they take it off, it turns out that he is dressed like Hitler.
00:17This offends the Nazis, but the man explains that they are just actors who act in the theater.
00:23Hearing this, the soldiers order them to make a point.
00:25The wife rebels, afraid that she will kill them, but the man agrees to try.
00:29Then he acts like Hitler.
00:32However, the Germans are not impressed with his performance and tell him to stop.
00:36The commander then orders his men to kill the couple.
00:39At that moment, a surprise starts firing, leaving all the German soldiers dead.
00:43A few moments later, a mysterious sniper appears, who kills them.
00:48It turns out that he is a Nazi hunter, known as the Red Spirit, who is notorious for killing thousands of German soldiers.
00:54As a result, the enemy is currently hunting him with a great reward on his head.
00:59The Red Spirit then begins to remove the marks of the dead soldiers.
01:02He steals some of their food and even eats it with his wife.
01:05The couple is very grateful to him and asks him for his name, but he ignores them and leaves.
01:09In the next scene, we see a group of Soviet soldiers who have separated from their unit and are trying to find their way back through the thick snow.
01:16The group is led by a detachment of Ded and members of his team, Politruk, Kostja, Mariacok and a patient named Vera.
01:23There is also a wounded man named Kolya, who is carried on a cart.
01:26A few moments later, Ded and Kostja discover a boy who is almost frozen to death.
01:31The boy is called Prostak and tries to explain that he is a Soviet soldier.
01:35Kostja then looks over his hood and does not find any weapons or anything suspicious.
01:39At this point, we find out that Kostja has a scar on one eye and that it is also his.
01:44Although they suspect that Prostak is a German spy, Ded decides to take him with him.
01:48As they continue their journey, it becomes more and more difficult because the snow begins to fall heavily.
01:52Then they pass by the corpses of frozen soldiers and decide to spend the night in the ruins.
01:56Later, they gather around the campfire to warm up.
01:59Everyone starts talking except Prostak, who looks at them from afar.
02:03Kolya then starts telling jokes to cheer everyone up, but a few moments later he dies from his injuries, shocking everyone.
02:10Vera cries a lot and grieves for him, it is clear that Kolya meant a lot to her.
02:14The next morning, several Nazis arrive at the place where the Red Spirit killed their soldiers.
02:19While in the clean place, they talk about how he eliminated 61 Germans in just two months.
02:24Hearing this, the commander orders Captain Brown and his subordinate Klein to find that man as soon as possible.
02:31The Soviets, on the other hand, continue their journey and quickly reach Male Kolibe.
02:35It seems that it was abandoned due to the German attack.
02:38Morechok goes first to check and first calls his companions after he confirms that it is safe.
02:43Inside, he discovers a table set with vodka and drinks.
02:46He tries to drink, but Kostya suddenly appears behind the table.
02:50This causes a dispute between the two of them, because Morechok has decided to drink vodka.
02:55But the commander discovers that it is a German castle set for partisans with poisoned food and vodka.
03:00The rest of the group arrives soon, and we see that Vera is in deep trouble.
03:04Dad and Politruk search the house and discover the inhabitants who were killed in Stahle.
03:09Then they cover the bodies with blankets found nearby.
03:12In the second scene, Brown drives through the snow.
03:14Klein tells him where the Red Spirit works, how many people he killed, and in which village.
03:18However, Brown interrupts him, asking if he likes saunas.
03:21Klein replies that he does not like, but Brown implies that he is more interested in the sauna than the Red Spirit.
03:26Hearing this, Klein mentions that the neighborhood has an abandoned village with an excellent swimming pool.
03:31He also convinces Brown that the sector is clean and that there are no enemies.
03:34In the house, Grandpa decides to go to the neighboring village for food and matches.
03:38Vera does not feel well, so she decides to stay with Morechok as a guard.
03:42However, as soon as the others leave, the Germans arrive at the same house.
03:46When Vera sees them, she quickly hides under a large chest.
03:49Klein shows Brown the poisoned food on the table, boasting that it was his work that successfully killed many Russians.
03:55Meanwhile, Morechok arrives at his friends who have not gone far.
03:59He informs them that the Germans have arrived at the farm and that Vera is in danger.
04:03Politruk hits him in the face and grudges that he left her alone.
04:06However, Morechok claims that he went out to wet, saw the Germans and ran away because he could not fight them alone.
04:12The group is now forced to come up with a plan to save Vera.
04:16They stand with guns and shoot at the Germans in case they leave.
04:19In the house, the soldiers prepare a bath for Brown.
04:22They start playing with the pig, but Brown quickly appears and kills the animal.
04:26He orders them not to play with food and to be serious.
04:29In the meantime, Vera continues to watch them from her hideout.
04:33Somewhere else, Prostak talks to Grandpa and asks what happened to Kostja's eye.
04:37The guide discovers that Kostja stole an apple from his garden a long time ago.
04:41Grandpa caught him in a hurry to scare him, but he slipped and hit himself on the branch.
04:45Grandpa admits that he still feels guilty about the incident.
04:49On the other hand, Klein warns Brown not to go to the bathroom because there is a red ghost nearby.
04:54This explains the captain and he begins to be proud of his subordinate.
04:57Meanwhile, another soldier named Gunter hears Vera's movements under the chest.
05:02He then opens the chest and is shocked to discover that she is inside.
05:05He tries to protect her and quietly leaves, but Brown notices something suspicious and asks him what happened.
05:10In the end, Gunter is forced to admit that someone is hiding in the chest.
05:14After that, Brown begins to interrogate Vera with Gunter as his translator.
05:18Gunter seems sympathetic to her and assures her that he will not hurt her.
05:22Vera then discovers that she is 8 months old and that the house belongs to her.
05:26However, Klein notices that there is not a single photo hanging in the room and doubts that she is lying.
05:31Vera then changes the story by explaining that she ran away from a neighboring village and found a hideout here.
05:36Unfortunately, problems arise when Klein discovers her military uniform and identification in the corner, discovering that she is a soldier.
05:43She begins to panic and begs them not to kill her, but to take her away.
05:46Klein begins to shout brutally, calling Gunter to go outside and return.
05:51After a while, Klein throws the bloody and boss Vera out of the house.
05:54The Soviet soldiers who watched the house from afar are horrified.
05:58Dad says that they can't save Vera and that they have to leave.
06:01However, the stranger suddenly runs forward and crawls to the front of the coffin.
06:05Morechok notices this and also follows him.
06:07The two of them then easily eliminate three German guards in the coffin.
06:11On the other hand, Klein decides to expose Vera, but one of the old soldiers accuses Rekavšid that it was too harsh a punishment for a hard-working woman.
06:18Klein agrees and decides to kill her.
06:20Vera then begins to destroy him and claims that God will punish him for his crimes.
06:24When Gunter translates her words, Klein insults him to kill her.
06:28He gives the gun to Gunter, telling him that he has two minutes to kill the woman.
06:31At that moment, someone shoots the soldier in the head and kills him.
06:35It turns out that the Red Spirit has arrived and throws a few grenades at the house.
06:39Vera uses this opportunity to escape through the fence.
06:42Soviet soldiers also begin to attack the Germans and with the help of the Red Spirit they manage to kill most of the Nazis.
06:48In the meantime, Brown, who was in the bathroom, runs back to the stable, looking for a shelter.
06:52The Red Spirit soon arrives at the bathroom, where Klein pours hot water on him.
06:56Klein then tries to escape, but falls down and hits the head of the corpse, losing consciousness.
07:01He wakes up quickly, but pretends to be dead.
07:04The Red Spirit is not doing well, because he is losing consciousness due to the severe burns on his body.
07:08After eliminating all Soviet soldiers with relief, he breathes in the unconscious Red Spirit.
07:14They gather around the table and begin to eat the food left by the Germans.
07:18They discuss what to do next when Vera suddenly begins to contract.
07:22Fortunately, her grandfather has some experience in birth, so he and Prostak help in that process.
07:27After a long struggle, she finally gives birth to a healthy boy and celebrates that moment.
07:31Somewhere else, we see Brown dressed as a woman running away in front of a group of Germans.
07:36The group is led by the same officer who first of all gave him the task of catching the Red Spirit.
07:41He is threatened by Brown's appearance and looks at him with disappointment.
07:44Soon after that, the Red Spirit wakes up and begins to prepare his gun.
07:48He doesn't say a word and just leaves the house.
07:51The Soviets conclude from his behavior that the Germans are nearby, so he prepares for battle.
07:56In front of the house, Klein finally gets up and starts running.
07:59In the next scene, a large number of German troops surround the house and begin their attack.
08:04They begin to throw grenades that destroy half of the house.
08:07Fortunately, no Russian is killed and they also begin to counterattack.
08:10Vera hides behind the barricade while the others shoot from the slope.
08:14Dead apologizes to Kosti for the eye and prepares to give him a bow.
08:18As the Germans approach, the Red Spirit kills several of them and throws a bomb at the commander-in-chief.
08:23Dead also eliminates many enemies before he himself is hit and killed.
08:28Politruk is badly wounded during the battle and his fork is torn.
08:32However, Morechok returns the fork to its place and gives him some vodka.
08:36After recovering a little, Politruk takes up a machine gun and begins a drunk attack.
08:40He manages to kill four enemies before Brown kills him.
08:43A few moments later, Morechok is hit with a grenade and tragically loses his life.
08:48Kosti is also hit by Brown, which seems to have ended his life.
08:52After killing everyone else, the Red Spirit and Brown finally come face to face.
08:57They join in a brutal duel, first with guns, then bayonets, and then bare hands.
09:02In the end, the Red Spirit dominates and kills Brown with a knife.
09:05But just when it seems that the good guys have won, Klein appears and shoots the Red Spirit in the back, killing him.
09:11The German soldier is then killed by a mysterious sniper from a distance.
09:15It turns out that these are Vera and Prostak, who survived with the baby.
09:18In the next scene, we see the same acting couple from the beginning of the film.
09:22Another German group has captured the man and beats him in front of the gomel.
09:26His wife is also there and helplessly watches from the side.
09:29The German officer then announces that everyone who has seen the Red Spirit must go forward or the man will be killed.
09:35When no one responds, he grabs the child and threatens to kill him.
09:39Seeing this, the actor finally speaks.
09:41He describes how the Red Spirit saved him and killed the Germans a few days ago.
09:45This time he is not afraid and begins to openly spit on the Germans.
09:49The Nazi officer is furious when he hears this and orders his soldiers to kill him.
09:53However, the sniper shoots the commander and a few other Germans, killing them on the spot.
09:59The actor and his wife also attack a few Germans with bare hands and kill them.
10:03After all, the sniper searches for the dead Germans, removes their badges and steals their food or weapons.
10:09The actor looks at him and realizes that there is another person, but remains silent.
10:13At the end of the film, we find out that this man is actually Kostja, who survived and took on the role of the Red Spirit.
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