Widow Clicquot (2023)

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"Widow Clicquot" is a captivating historical drama that tells the inspiring true story of Barbe-Nicole Ponsardin, known as the Widow Clicquot. Set in early 19th-century France, the film follows Barbe-Nicole's journey from a young widow to a pioneering businesswoman who revolutionizes the champagne industry. Facing societal expectations and personal challenges, she defies the odds to transform her late husband's failing wine business into the world-renowned Veuve Clicquot champagne brand. The film highlights her resilience, innovation, and determination, shedding light on her remarkable contributions to the industry and her legacy as a trailblazing entrepreneur.

00:00:00Thanks for watching!
00:00:30Welcome to the Vineyards of Versailles!
00:01:00Welcome to the Vineyards of Versailles!
00:01:30Someone will know that we were here.
00:02:01Can we be a secret?
00:02:05I mean...
00:02:08Can we live in a hideaway?
00:02:12Our whole lives.
00:02:15Just the two of us.
00:02:19Kept safe from the rest of the world.
00:02:23We can try.
00:02:27Not hidden from each other, though.
00:02:34Do you agree to be my Emily?
00:02:41Who's Emily?
00:02:46The woman Voltaire was a true partner to.
00:03:00The love of his life.
00:03:30It seems impossible that anything will ever grow here again.
00:03:45A great hush has settled across the vines.
00:03:49Your absence clings to everything.
00:03:53I fear your father blames me, privately, for all that has happened.
00:04:04And I fear that I might, too.
00:04:18Where's Glenn?
00:04:19He didn't find her?
00:04:27My heartfelt condolences, Madame.
00:04:29As neighbours, we feel your loss alongside you.
00:04:32Thank you.
00:04:33Madame, I wonder if I might walk the vineyard to remember Versailles.
00:04:37Of course, Monsieur Moët. It's very kind.
00:04:41Those beautiful slopes will always remind me of him.
00:04:48I'm going to walk the terraces on my way home.
00:04:55There you are.
00:04:56I'm going to walk the terraces on my way home.
00:05:04There you are.
00:05:26There you are.
00:05:45There will be just the two of us now.
00:05:50We have each other.
00:05:56We have each other, my darling.
00:06:00And what do you smell?
00:06:06Floral, like our rose garden in June after a rain shower.
00:06:18And burning leaves and twigs.
00:06:22An apple orchard when the trees are at their tallest.
00:06:27What do you think about blending these two?
00:06:29No, not together.
00:06:34Or do you want more acidity?
00:06:39You did want me to speak my mind.
00:06:46Please do not learn as quickly as your mother because I want to be able to teach you something.
00:06:53One little something.
00:06:56One little something.
00:07:09There will be a meeting downstairs that Philippe would like you to attend.
00:07:14A meeting?
00:07:16Evidently, Parquet has drawn up a contract for the sale of the hectares.
00:07:24Is that true?
00:07:26The fact of the matter is I want you and Clementine to live comfortably without any worry at all.
00:07:32Thank you.
00:07:34Monsieur Parquet here has secured a very handsome offer for the property from Moët.
00:07:40I appreciate your kindness.
00:07:47But out of concern for Francois' vines, I will be continuing to care for them myself.
00:07:55Wine is a very difficult vocation, my dear. You underestimate what it will require of you.
00:07:58I know what it requires. I've been in the fields for years.
00:08:03As a partner with Francois, madame, not alone.
00:08:06It is not your place, madame.
00:08:08I cannot allow you to go to your ruin.
00:08:13Come back to Reims with me.
00:08:16Could you and I speak alone, Philippe?
00:08:20Yes, of course.
00:08:34Have you seen those beautiful purples and reds this year, Philippe?
00:08:41Is that clime not the best we have had yet?
00:08:47Those are Francois Cliquot grapes and his dream is living in them.
00:08:56You risk losing everything by staying here. Do you think that is what Francois would have wanted?
00:09:01Francois willed the vines to me because he knew I would never sell.
00:09:06I will be using my own savings to cover the vineyard's expenses.
00:09:09You have not heard me, madame.
00:09:11Have you not heard me?
00:09:14Those are Francois' vines and you want to sell them.
00:09:56Gentlemen, we will not sell.
00:09:58Pope Nicole will continue here for the time being.
00:10:01If I may, sir, I think...
00:10:03No, Becker, you may not.
00:10:08That is all.
00:10:26I have come to sing to them since I was a boy.
00:10:31It is supposed to make them strong.
00:10:35You try.
00:10:39Go on.
00:10:40I can't.
00:10:41They need it.
00:10:46They need you.
00:10:48Oh, no.
00:10:52I can't.
00:10:54You don't have the right to be so kind to them.
00:10:58You cannot.
00:10:59I need it.
00:11:04I need you.
00:11:32They like you.
00:11:35They do.
00:11:41They think you're perfect.
00:12:03We'll take Clem with us today,
00:12:06out of this sad house.
00:12:09It's our home.
00:12:12Clem wants to stay with me.
00:12:14Mom, you must think of her.
00:12:17No sense in keeping her out of the abbey
00:12:20to help you with your grief, my dear.
00:12:22She should be with friends to help her with hers.
00:12:24Thank you, Mother.
00:12:29You didn't know him, Mother.
00:12:33He was not...
00:12:36just someone's first love.
00:13:14My darling Emily,
00:13:17I felt compelled to write to you this glorious summer morning
00:13:20to let you know that I think we might have found it.
00:13:25The secret to perfect happiness.
00:13:30With each day, my love for you grows stronger, fiercer.
00:13:35It drenches me the way the sun drenches the vines.
00:13:39I am certain of nothing in this life
00:13:43but the fact of your strength.
00:13:46I am hopelessly, unequivocally yours.
00:13:57Mr. Edouard Waller.
00:13:59He has come from the offices of Mr. Philippe Picot in Reims.
00:14:05Good day, Mr. Waller.
00:14:07Good day, Madam.
00:14:09Your father-in-law has sent me with the financial record of the vineyard.
00:14:13He wants you to be apprised of your situation.
00:14:15I apologize for coming without warning.
00:14:22I am to take them back with me.
00:14:24Are you a clerk at his office?
00:14:26I am, Madam, in accounts.
00:14:32Will you assist me?
00:14:34If you'd like.
00:14:40The first column is expenditures,
00:14:43the second is profits,
00:14:45the third losses, and the fourth projected earnings.
00:14:49Because of the loss of the last harvest,
00:14:51there are expenditures but no profit.
00:14:54The next harvest will only recoup that loss.
00:14:58And the thought is,
00:15:00your competition will monopolize the market in France, Madam,
00:15:03if no one can sell abroad due to Napoleon's embargoes against his enemies.
00:15:09So you will not sell next year either?
00:15:16Thank you.
00:15:19Will you thank Philippe for me?
00:15:22And tell him that I insisted upon keeping the ledgers?
00:15:42You said there'd be a profit by this year.
00:15:45The new plantings are yielded.
00:15:47Yes, I apologize for overstating.
00:15:49Many of your experiments have floundered.
00:15:53How do we know?
00:15:56How do we know?
00:15:58It's too soon.
00:16:00It's too soon to know, Father.
00:16:02These are radical ideas.
00:16:03I mean, there is decent improvement this year.
00:16:09Even with the excessive heat.
00:16:12You can't just keep endlessly experimenting without results.
00:16:16Perhaps it's time to admit defeat now.
00:16:50Droit never walks the fields.
00:16:53He doesn't know the vines.
00:16:55He doesn't know what they need.
00:16:59He doesn't want to nurture them.
00:17:01He doesn't understand how complex they are.
00:17:05He doesn't love them.
00:17:08This is the trans...
00:17:13transformative moment for him.
00:17:23I'm afraid for the vineyard if anyone else manages it.
00:17:31They have no right to it.
00:17:33He's the estate manager, therefore he thinks he has the right.
00:17:37But you...
00:17:39You are the one with vision and the talent to change things.
00:17:51You will change things.
00:18:09We're always in the vineyard.
00:18:19And I like having you in the vineyard with me.
00:18:22And I like having you in the house with me, Mother.
00:18:27You cut flowers with me then.
00:18:30I like the pink ones and the white ones and the yellow ones.
00:18:35As ever, the quiet prevails.
00:18:38A new loneliness presses in, but I will continue the work you started.
00:18:44Louis Bone will arrive at noon.
00:18:47I welcome a friendly face at last.
00:18:55Tomorrow I face the workers alone for the first time.
00:19:00Give me strength, my love.
00:19:03Give me strength.
00:19:06First, the new vines will be planted in a north-south configuration.
00:19:15The upper slope will be pulled up and turned.
00:19:23Douat, do you have an opinion?
00:19:27Yes, I do, madame.
00:19:29These fields do not need replanting, reconfiguring or starting over again.
00:19:33I disagree. Water is collecting at the roots.
00:19:36But rain is good for the vines, madame.
00:19:38They need to struggle.
00:19:41When they struggle to survive, they become more deeply reliant on their own strength.
00:19:45They become more of what they are meant to be.
00:19:50Mr. Muller, where do you think we could find premium glass?
00:19:53We have glass in stock, madame.
00:19:55I want quality glass without defects. We can't afford to lose another vintage.
00:19:59We were meant to buy premium glass, madame.
00:20:03But your husband decided to save money.
00:20:06Monsieur Bone will attest to the dangers in that.
00:20:09And if Muller is out searching for glass, which is my job,
00:20:13who is going to run the fields, which is his?
00:20:22Because you've not done this before, I cannot blame you for not understanding
00:20:26how a vineyard is run without a strict adherence to hierarchy.
00:20:31There is chaos. Anarchy.
00:20:35I don't see it as a hierarchy.
00:20:38What do you see it as?
00:20:40A wheel. A circle.
00:20:43We are sitting together at the table.
00:20:45We will trade ideas, including everyone in the decision.
00:20:48You make it sound like a dinner party.
00:20:51These are mine. And my husband's ideas.
00:20:56He thinks I'm inept.
00:20:59Are you seeking his approval?
00:21:01If Philippe listens to him, I might need to have it.
00:21:04But I was asking you.
00:21:06Are you seeking his approval, regardless of Philippe?
00:21:12It appears he plans to undermine you with the workers.
00:21:15But I could see they are loyal to you.
00:21:21What do you think? Am I inept?
00:21:25Well, he's right about some things.
00:21:28The wheel is a beautiful notion, but it's destined to fail.
00:21:34If you are not willing to dictate without hesitation,
00:21:37you may lose the respect of the men working under you.
00:21:41You make them uncomfortable.
00:21:43You undermine a system that they have confidence in.
00:21:48If you are unforgiving of their mistakes, they might even idolise you.
00:21:55I do admire you.
00:22:00Trying to run things as you want, as a woman would.
00:22:05So the ability to listen to others, to collaborate, is not a sign of strength?
00:22:16It might not ever be.
00:22:18Francois would not agree.
00:22:20Maybe not, but he was an enlightened soul,
00:22:23and we've been living under monarchs for too long,
00:22:26and Napoleon is even worse.
00:22:29Do you respect tyrants?
00:22:32Do I respect tyrants?
00:22:35Well, I've been known to fancy a brute or two,
00:22:38and it's been said I could use a little discipline.
00:22:40So hierarchy comforts you.
00:22:43And I must give up my idea of the wheel, because it makes men uncomfortable.
00:22:49Because it doesn't project power.
00:22:56There's something I want to show you.
00:23:01Amsterdam, St. Petersburg, Moscow.
00:23:04If Napoleon's embargoes are still a problem, I want to stay ahead of him.
00:23:09Of Napoleon?
00:23:12So you're a criminal at heart?
00:23:14These borders are arbitrary, and they could keep changing.
00:23:17Why not begin a trade that ignores unrest, wars,
00:23:21that exists on its own, stateless, around the globe?
00:23:30If you choose not to distribute for me...
00:23:33My dear, if I choose not to distribute for you, you won't find anyone who will.
00:23:37And if I decline your offer, you must never tell anyone of this plan.
00:23:42Not a soul.
00:23:52It's dark.
00:23:54It's very hard to tell who anyone is in a bed that large.
00:23:58So I investigate.
00:24:00The hair is soft.
00:24:02The body hard.
00:24:04No, please.
00:24:07Emily, come, please.
00:24:09May I introduce Louis Bon, perhaps the greatest wine salesman in all the world?
00:24:18I read her whole hair, but these are her love letters to me.
00:24:23The sunnier the climate, the more aromatic the berries.
00:24:27But there is a limit.
00:24:30Actually, there is nothing more loving someone could write to me.
00:24:37My true equal.
00:24:39My partner in everything.
00:24:43And what of Voltaire is your favorite, Francois?
00:24:46God is a comedian that plays with an audience that's too afraid to laugh.
00:24:53And you, Emily, what is your favorite?
00:24:57I should like to lie at your feet and die in your arms.
00:25:04I love you.
00:25:26I love you.
00:25:49Francois' last effort.
00:25:52It's from one of the bottles that survived the loss.
00:25:57This mix is mine alone.
00:26:00It's something I've been developing.
00:26:10Who did you use?
00:26:12The Pinot Noir, and I left the skin on.
00:26:15And the red?
00:26:17I would sell it to a maker of inferior wine.
00:26:20But, Madame, we thought the red must be our first offering.
00:26:25It's what the buyers have come to expect of this region.
00:26:30What grape do you favor, Madame?
00:26:32I favor a more powerful, intense, and precise grape than most of the makers in the region.
00:26:42I want the drinker to feel as if they stand in the vineyard in Versailles,
00:26:47as if they are tasting the place itself.
00:26:50The more intense, the more precise the grape,
00:26:55the more they can experience Francois' unique contribution.
00:27:10You've done well deciding to sell off the red.
00:27:13And I would continue developing the pink champagne with the skin on.
00:27:19Pink is weak, Monsieur. It's too dry.
00:27:22It's where your job is to count the vines.
00:27:25It most certainly is not to judge the quality of the mix,
00:27:28nor is it to sell the champagne, which would be my job, would it not?
00:27:36In the hierarchy.
00:27:38In the hierarchy.
00:27:42Yes, Monsieur.
00:27:51I will sell the widow champagne, provided the final tasting goes well.
00:27:56You can say...
00:28:00I will see you and your criminal enterprise then.
00:28:08Thank you.
00:28:10Thank you.
00:28:12Thank you.
00:28:37There is hope. A way forward, however unpredictable.
00:28:43We can dance around the petulant games of powerful men,
00:28:47but, as ever, we are at the mercy of the seasons.
00:28:54At last, my love, spring.
00:28:58The first buds...
00:29:00Let's break.
00:29:03A hot, dry July.
00:29:06As the land holds its breath for the harvest ahead...
00:29:09As the land holds its breath for the harvest ahead...
00:29:11Await an anticipation.
00:29:17Francois, your last song has sung the grapes to good health.
00:29:27All senses feel heightened.
00:29:29Every moment matters.
00:29:31The time of day the grapes are picked, the way they're handled, the first press.
00:29:37Wish I could bottle this time.
00:29:40It is a haphazard sort of alchemy.
00:29:45I want our champagne to have structure, depth.
00:29:50It must reflect your elegance.
00:29:54Your boldness.
00:29:56Your light.
00:30:01But I don't want to go to the Abbey, Mother.
00:30:03I don't want you to go either.
00:30:07The vineyard is no place for a little girl.
00:30:11The vineyard is no place for you.
00:30:14I know.
00:30:16This will always be your home.
00:30:19We belong to it.
00:30:37Come on.
00:30:55Morning, Bob.
00:31:01Will you leave it?
00:31:03I'd like to do it.
00:31:08It's ready for Louis.
00:31:15So what is it, Bob?
00:31:21Francois should have been here today.
00:31:37Thank you.
00:31:43Happy birthday, my love.
00:31:49Thank you.
00:31:51They're to keep a record of your discoveries.
00:31:58They're beautiful.
00:32:00Louis helped me choose them.
00:32:03You like him.
00:32:09I do.
00:32:11I see the way you are with one another.
00:32:15Are you jealous?
00:32:19Why not?
00:32:21Because I know you love me.
00:32:25And because I believe we must be free to feel whatever we feel
00:32:30so that we never mistake rebellion for reality.
00:32:35Because I like his company, too.
00:32:39You like his company?
00:32:41I do.
00:32:47It's too warm this summer.
00:32:51And if the rain this winter is anything like last year, then...
00:33:01So we adapt.
00:33:04I was thinking...
00:33:07perhaps we could help the Vines better this year.
00:33:31I'm sorry.
00:33:57It's an improvement.
00:33:59There's character there.
00:34:03It's not ready.
00:34:07Going to continue mixing.
00:34:08Bottle it.
00:34:09It's time for the second fermentation.
00:34:12And leave it a few months.
00:34:15Unless you prefer the frog-eyed, bigger bubbles.
00:34:20No, I prefer the smaller bubbles.
00:34:23Madam, George Christian von Kessler.
00:34:29Are you married, George?
00:34:31I will be interviewing you.
00:34:33Pay him no mind.
00:34:35I really just want to know one thing.
00:34:37How many women are in your family?
00:34:40My mother and my sister, madam.
00:34:42What do your mother and sister think of me?
00:34:45They worry a woman might not be a capable manager.
00:34:48What do you mean?
00:34:49They worry a woman might not be a capable manager.
00:34:52What did you say to that?
00:34:54I said, aren't you able?
00:34:56You're in your home.
00:34:58Why shouldn't she be in hers?
00:35:01I know you're in your fields every day.
00:35:03You work hard, madam.
00:35:05Do you want the position of a field foreman?
00:35:12Will the older staff listen to me?
00:35:14If you prove yourself.
00:35:16I have to prove myself every day.
00:35:20You'll need new clothes if they're to respect him.
00:35:24Anne is an excellent tailor.
00:35:27Thank you.
00:35:35Edward, come in.
00:35:38Louis Bowen, the famous.
00:35:40Hello. Pleasure. Truly a pleasure.
00:35:43Louis, this is Edward Whirler.
00:35:45He's a gifted accountant.
00:35:48Yes. Well, I will leave you to it.
00:35:52I can see you know exactly what sort of man you're looking for.
00:35:56I am to town.
00:36:00Happy hunting.
00:36:09After too many months of bottling.
00:36:12No more frog-eyed bubbles.
00:36:18The trade route has been finalized.
00:36:20The delivery negotiated.
00:36:24So many obstacles ahead.
00:36:26So much at stake.
00:36:28Mustn't dwell on what we cannot control.
00:36:32Though, it seems a shame not to dress you.
00:36:36Something must announce you.
00:36:40Something subtle, but smart.
00:36:47That will keep you safe across the seas.
00:36:50Go well, my loves. Go well.
00:36:57All dressed up and ready to travel.
00:37:01It'll take a few days to circumvent the front lines and arrive in Amsterdam.
00:37:10I'll be gone a while.
00:37:12If I don't come back, don't alert the authorities.
00:37:16For you. For the journey.
00:37:19Thank you.
00:37:28Let's go.
00:37:30And now the wait.
00:37:33For the first time in as long as I can remember,
00:37:37I am permitting myself excitement.
00:37:41Pure, unbridled excitement.
00:37:46Good morning, Flea.
00:37:50I hope you're well.
00:37:52Barbara came to view the product, but it is nowhere to be found.
00:37:54Why do you need to see it?
00:37:56Where is it?
00:38:02We moved the sparkling.
00:38:07Come with me.
00:38:11Are you selling abroad?
00:38:16Barbara, whether you tell me or not,
00:38:18if you break this embargo and you are found out, I will be implicated.
00:38:23Everything must be reported to Dwight and to myself.
00:38:27We are partners.
00:38:29When I have proceeds, I will send them to you.
00:38:35You understand our arrangement can be terminated.
00:38:38You have one last chance. One.
00:38:43There is a comet, burning a passage through the sky.
00:38:47Day and night.
00:38:49The world watches as one.
00:38:52Whispers around Champagne say it is portent of change.
00:38:57A good omen, perhaps, for the coming harvest.
00:39:02Barbara! Come quick!
00:39:04I'm coming!
00:39:08I'm coming!
00:39:15It's perfect!
00:39:32Where is Louis?
00:39:35He is staying to sell the glass.
00:39:38Sorry, madame.
00:39:39We made it to Amsterdam.
00:39:42The heat and the journey.
00:39:44The Champagne spoiled.
00:39:47We lost everything.
00:39:55Sorry, madame.
00:40:34We could offer to sell some of the hectares.
00:40:38The Moet's enquiring again.
00:40:40They made it clear there is a standing offer.
00:40:44For all of it, all some of the fields give.
00:40:49When? When I fail?
00:40:54I understand.
00:40:58In the event that I should be so foolish, so arrogant,
00:41:03to send the sparkling around a blockade.
00:41:08And lose it all to the heat.
00:41:10To bad luck, certainly.
00:41:11To bad judgment on my part.
00:41:13I'm not sure all the responsibility lies on your shoulders.
00:41:15It was my decision.
00:41:17And you will be the reason we succeed in the end.
00:41:19We have no money.
00:41:22I cannot pay any of you.
00:41:28Do you think Louis intends to continue on with us?
00:41:31You, Edouard?
00:41:34We need to get to the bottling stage of this vintage.
00:41:39We cannot wait too long to tell Philippe.
00:41:44Selling off objects to make up for the lost shipment in Amsterdam.
00:41:50But I've kept Clem's room untouched.
00:41:54Try again.
00:41:57Think differently.
00:41:59Work on what's in front of us.
00:42:03Let's go.
00:42:33What's wrong?
00:43:00It's not very good, is it?
00:43:03I did make it myself.
00:43:08That's how we make a future.
00:43:23You were disappointed when...
00:43:26you first saw me.
00:43:27I know.
00:43:28I know.
00:43:30And your parents told you that you were...
00:43:33to marry.
00:43:41I will try to make it up to you.
00:43:48If we lose these first shoots to a late frost,
00:43:51we lose the harvests.
00:43:52I know.
00:43:53We have to keep these fires lit till morning.
00:43:55I'll stay.
00:43:56No one can fall asleep.
00:43:58Of course, madame.
00:43:59Thank you, George.
00:44:22Pick these up.
00:44:24Pick these up now!
00:44:28Time does not bend, father.
00:44:30Go and clean yourself up.
00:44:32Meet me in the study.
00:44:33Come and speak to me when you are ready to discuss things civilly.
00:44:38I'm afraid there's nothing to be done about Francois.
00:44:57Hello, Philippe.
00:44:59Thank you for coming.
00:45:01Of course.
00:45:04would you like to...
00:45:06to begin?
00:45:12regarding the missing product,
00:45:14we wanted to assure you there will be no legal issues for the vineyard.
00:45:19There will be no evidence of the shipment having been sold anywhere.
00:45:22But how can you guarantee that? There must be records.
00:45:26It was ruined in the heat.
00:45:29It's lost?
00:45:32The entire vintage?
00:45:37Edouard, you may go.
00:45:55I am very disappointed in you.
00:45:56I understand.
00:45:57You confirmed all my worst fears.
00:45:58I understand, but I want you to consider not removing me until after this next bottling.
00:46:02And why would I do that?
00:46:05And if we can recoup?
00:46:06No, it is finished!
00:46:27needed help
00:46:29and we failed to recognise it.
00:46:33We failed him.
00:46:35That is why he is dead.
00:46:40I could never allow myself to think...
00:46:52while the vineyard still bears his name,
00:47:11Louis Bond distributes.
00:47:55The damp will get into your bones, Barb.
00:47:58It will catch your death.
00:48:03Sit with me.
00:48:26That's very good.
00:48:27It isn't good enough.
00:48:29You need to sleep.
00:48:46It's not right.
00:48:47It's not good.
00:48:48This is not right.
00:48:49This is not good.
00:48:52This is not good.
00:48:55It's too loud.
00:48:56It's too loud.
00:48:57It's too loud.
00:49:00We are not safe here.
00:49:02This is a hole.
00:49:03Clem, inside.
00:49:05Go inside.
00:49:09It's loud.
00:49:10It's too loud.
00:49:15We have our own hopes up for such a hole.
00:49:17Why is no one coming to help?
00:49:30It's too loud.
00:49:32It's too loud.
00:49:58Who are you?
00:50:03You're hiding from me.
00:50:06I was waiting for you to come.
00:50:09I can't.
00:50:11Well, Clem, be safe.
00:50:13If you can't come.
00:50:16If I can't, will that keep you from loving me?
00:51:24Monsieur Louis Bone.
00:51:25Louis Bone, after months on a horse.
00:51:28Charles just told me you're maintaining the vineyard yourself.
00:51:30You must be the only woman I know who loves mud.
00:51:33Yes, well, we keep moving forward.
00:51:36And what criminal activities do you have in mind for us next?
00:51:39They are not so much criminal as they are masking the extent to which we are truly solvent.
00:51:51You've been gone a long while.
00:51:55It's good to have you back with us safe, Louis.
00:51:59And I have control of the vineyard until the next bottling.
00:52:05If you decide to tribute for us.
00:52:09After that...
00:52:10I know.
00:52:14Philippe told me.
00:52:16After the disaster in Amsterdam, I managed to salvage eight bottles.
00:52:23I then rode on horseback to St. Petersburg.
00:52:27A friend who has exquisite taste and is the sort who likes the most of his new discoveries.
00:52:34He sampled your champagne.
00:52:37I gave him the bottles.
00:52:39And he gave me this.
00:52:41In advance of the next shipment.
00:52:45You have sold, madame.
00:52:50Provided the next tasting goes well.
00:52:52Of course, we have to match the same standard of what we've already pre-sold.
00:52:56Of course.
00:53:01I'm sorry.
00:53:04I'm sorry.
00:53:05Of course.
00:53:14For Philippe.
00:53:18And for you.
00:53:24I will give this to Philippe.
00:53:29It did occur to me that I might sell the red wine to the nobles that I know in Austria.
00:53:34They hate the French.
00:53:36Not me personally, I hope.
00:53:42To dislike you would be against nature.
00:53:48We sold the red.
00:53:49Not at the price you would have sold it for.
00:53:51But I needed to pay the workers for the harvest.
00:53:54Louis, could you...
00:53:59Would one of your royals buy it?
00:54:01I did.
00:54:03It's the only possession of worth I have left.
00:54:16If I had anything of my own to sell, I would...
00:54:18I know, but you don't.
00:54:46We won't be solvent until after the next vintage.
00:54:49I know.
00:54:52But you have sold love.
00:54:56And Philippe will soon see that.
00:55:31All right, that's enough.
00:56:01Is that you, Barbaricot?
00:56:32What do you want, Barb?
00:56:36Your instincts have always been so good.
00:56:44You know what I am.
00:56:48Why won't you listen to yourself now?
00:56:52I don't want to.
00:57:00I don't want to.
00:57:29Will you ask the workers if they would accept these in trade?
00:57:33I will, Barb.
00:58:08I detest my sins for I fear to pass a famine in the name of love.
00:58:13I detest my sins for I fear to pass a famine in the name of love.
00:58:17I detest my sins for I fear to pass a famine in the name of love.
00:58:20I do not believe I can change my destiny.
00:58:23I do not believe I can change my destiny.
00:58:29I do not believe I can change my destiny.
00:58:49I detest my sins for I fear to pass a famine in the name of love.
00:58:53I detest myself, so I feel the loss of her, the pains of her.
00:59:01What would Voltaire say?
00:59:10He would not be happy with me.
00:59:14What are you praying for?
00:59:21Stop loving you this much.
00:59:46You would only...
00:59:51You would life...
00:59:56For me.
01:00:10I'm not...
01:00:21I'm not...
01:00:23In love.
01:00:41Put my crown on.
01:00:43Put my sheep.
01:00:46Don't hide from me, love.
01:00:51Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
01:00:55Oh, darling.
01:00:59Silly baby.
01:01:02Silly dagger.
01:01:05Help me.
01:01:07I've got you. I've got you.
01:01:10Stop. Stop!
01:01:19It's all right.
01:01:42I love you.
01:02:42I love you.
01:03:12Napoleon's new regulations on planting.
01:03:16When does he find the time?
01:03:18He understands the value of peace.
01:03:22He's not interested in peace.
01:03:37I'm working.
01:03:39It's late. Everyone's asleep.
01:03:51Now get out of my office.
01:04:10I shall name you...
01:04:13The Comet Vintage of 1811.
01:05:03You need to hide here until the soldiers have gone.
01:05:06They won't find you in the caves.
01:05:08Mulder, go and get your family once you've finished loading,
01:05:11and any of the other men.
01:05:13No, no. I need Mulder to bring Clem.
01:05:15She'll be safer at your parents' house in Ransdorf.
01:05:17I must go to the house to get Anne.
01:05:19Go quickly. The Russians could be here before sunset.
01:05:22God knows what'll happen.
01:05:24Leave the shipment if anything happens.
01:05:27Go. Don't worry. Go.
01:05:30Go. Keep to the woods.
01:05:37Come on. Keep working.
01:05:59It's here.
01:06:01I know. I know.
01:06:06Clem, you have to hide.
01:06:08Oh, God.
01:06:10Oh, my God.
01:06:14Come on.
01:06:16Oh, God.
01:06:21Come on. Come on.
01:06:36The war is over,
01:06:38leaving such devastation in its wake,
01:06:41and yet no damage done to the vineyards of France.
01:06:46A miracle.
01:06:49My dear,
01:06:51now that Napoleon has been brought to his knees,
01:06:55all of Russia wishes to celebrate the end of this war.
01:06:59It's a miracle.
01:07:01Now that Napoleon has been brought to his knees,
01:07:04all of Russia wishes to celebrate the end of this war
01:07:08by drinking the comet.
01:07:11Your champagne is all sold.
01:07:13I wish I had more to sell.
01:07:15I've been turning the vessels each day over the last few weeks,
01:07:19and as I thought,
01:07:21sediment has solidified at the base,
01:07:25ready to be released.
01:07:27The Tsar himself said he will drink none other.
01:07:30One moment.
01:07:33This is most definitely the future.
01:07:36Our shipments will be months ahead of the competition.
01:08:00Come on.
01:08:02Come on.
01:08:04Come on.
01:08:30I can pay the workers now.
01:08:34Thank you.
01:08:41Thank you. Thank you for taking care of the vines.
01:08:50Thank you very much.
01:08:54Thank you, Mathieu.
01:09:04So you're an inventor now,
01:09:07and you'd have me return to Russia so soon?
01:09:12No, I would not.
01:09:14Now that he is abdicated and there is peace, George can go.
01:09:19I think I'll join you in the vineyards today.
01:09:22You're going to get your hands dirty.
01:09:25Mud on your shoes.
01:09:29Come on!
01:09:34Come on!
01:09:42It's summons for Tsar Nikolai Kliko.
01:09:47A claim has been submitted that Madame Kliko is running a business
01:09:51in violation of the Napoleonic Code of 1804,
01:09:54and further, that her vineyard should be placed in the hands of an experienced executor.
01:10:00We don't have much time.
01:10:02Read the entirety of the code.
01:10:04Was this the plan all along?
01:10:07No, Madame.
01:10:09It never occurred to them you would succeed,
01:10:12that you would fight so very hard for every bottle.
01:10:22Get out! Get out!
01:10:24Come on!
01:10:26No! No!
01:10:28Get out of the way!
01:10:30Stop! Stop!
01:10:32Get off me! Get off!
01:11:01Where were you?
01:11:03Where were you?
01:11:04What are you doing?
01:11:05There are things written here that you've never shared with me.
01:11:08You're hiding.
01:11:10They are things to remind me of what we have shared,
01:11:14said to each other, decided.
01:11:16You were worried about the glass.
01:11:17And I told you.
01:11:18No, you didn't.
01:11:20No, you didn't.
01:11:21Calm, Francois.
01:11:23I am calm.
01:11:24This is what you do.
01:11:25You trick me.
01:11:26You were the one who said we would never hide from each other.
01:11:29And now you are the one.
01:11:31You hide.
01:11:33You hide in these moods.
01:11:35You rave and you disappear.
01:11:37Is this what you want?
01:11:38How can this possibly be?
01:11:40What I...
01:11:54Did you send Clem to the Abbey because you didn't want her to see me like this?
01:12:07I sent her to the Abbey
01:12:09because I didn't want her to be ashamed of you
01:12:13or afraid of you
01:12:16or take care of you.
01:12:21And she will remain there until you are different.
01:12:24And you hid that from me?
01:12:29It was all I could do.
01:12:39Go to sleep, my love.
01:13:10I love you, my darling.
01:13:15I love you.
01:13:39I love you.
01:14:09I love you.
01:14:39I love you.
01:15:10I love you.
01:15:14I love you.
01:15:18I love you.
01:15:22I love you.
01:15:39I love you.
01:15:51Madame, the carriage is here.
01:15:58It is with great concern for the well-being of not only the Champagne District
01:16:03but for Madame Clico herself that we bring this claim.
01:16:07I hate to say it, but her champagne falls well short of the high standards of our district.
01:16:12If she continues to sell first, our vintage will be judged as she is.
01:16:18Perhaps a situation such as this is precisely what Napoleon foresaw
01:16:22when he insisted on a law forbidding female management of companies.
01:16:28Monsieur Droit, who works with Madame as estate manager,
01:16:33has been observing her for many years.
01:16:35She has been seen knee-deep in mud, singing to the vines.
01:16:43Could you tell me, Monsieur Droit, why she was given the vineyard to manage?
01:16:50Well, she was in a very fragile and emotional state
01:16:54when she pleaded with Philippe Clico to run the business alone.
01:16:59He had just lost his son, she her husband.
01:17:03There were many substantial financial offers for the estate,
01:17:07but she refused them all, and now we're in a position where,
01:17:12due to constant borrowing, we may have to default the bank.
01:17:20I fear that she, a woman, is not capable of running this vineyard.
01:17:25And yet the reason we are all here is because she is doing just that.
01:17:28And you are?
01:17:29I am Edouard Verla, Sir Madame Clico's accountant.
01:17:33Forgive my interruption, but this is the will of François Clico
01:17:38that states the land belongs to Barbe-Nicole Clico
01:17:41until such a time that she wills the property to someone of her choosing.
01:17:45If she's in her right mind.
01:17:47Regarding the accusation that she is forbidden to run a business under the law,
01:17:50I would cite a major point of the Napoleonic Code of 1804,
01:17:54which states that a woman can carry on her husband's business
01:17:57after his death.
01:17:59Monsieur Moet wants control of her vineyard.
01:18:02He doesn't care to protect Champagne or Madame Clico from herself.
01:18:06Monsieur Verla, this court will hear testimony, not opinion.
01:18:13May I speak on the subject of her...
01:18:17her private life?
01:18:20Her deceit?
01:18:23You may.
01:18:26You may, but keep it clean. There are women present.
01:18:30Madame Clico is not what she seems.
01:18:33She is in an intimate, romantic relationship with her wine merchant.
01:18:41She is a widow only in the eyes of the law, to evade the law.
01:19:08Do you hear them?
01:19:10Of course. Always.
01:19:12I don't.
01:19:14Not anymore.
01:19:22I think...
01:19:25all I ever wanted, really, was to be happy.
01:19:29Build a paradise here with you.
01:19:32Perhaps men were not made for paradise.
01:19:38I want to die in your arms.
01:19:41Do you still want to die in mine?
01:19:46I do.
01:19:48But first...
01:19:51I want to live...
01:19:54and work...
01:19:56and learn.
01:20:04You remember when you said I was the one who was going to change things?
01:20:10It wasn't me.
01:20:12No, my darling.
01:20:14It was never me.
01:20:17It was always you.
01:20:21Would you stand, please?
01:20:27Are you remaining a widow for the sole purpose of running a business?
01:20:35I don't know.
01:20:38Did you say you don't know?
01:20:43I don't know.
01:20:53It's hard...
01:20:56to listen to how others define you,
01:21:00as if you are somehow fixed, unchanging, one person,
01:21:05instead of the many that we all are.
01:21:09I love my husband still.
01:21:12And I love Louis Bone.
01:21:14Not just oneself.
01:21:17Your husband is dead, madame.
01:21:19My husband is not dead.
01:21:22He lives in the vines.
01:21:24Perhaps it is not best to have you speak for yourself.
01:21:27Why would I not be the authority on the subject of myself?
01:21:31I am telling the truth as I know it,
01:21:35even though I see
01:21:37that telling the truth means I might not be readily understood
01:21:41by men,
01:21:43as it may not be what it is,
01:21:51But the truth is,
01:21:53as I listened to you,
01:21:55I was glad to be a woman,
01:21:58even if I lose the rights of men.
01:22:04Men are so certain.
01:22:06But does that mean they know the truth?
01:22:09Or does it just mean they are certain of themselves?
01:22:12Yes, we see your point.
01:22:14And yet we need a clear answer to settle this claim.
01:22:17Are you remaining a widow to evade the law?
01:22:21I am Louis Bone, magistrate,
01:22:24the wine distributor in question.
01:22:28Can I offer my assistance
01:22:30in obtaining an answer to your question?
01:22:33You may, thank you.
01:22:39Thank you.
01:22:50that I would run the vineyard as I see fit,
01:22:54with you by my side,
01:22:58given everything you know of me,
01:23:01and that we've never hidden anything from one another.
01:23:05Barb Nicole, will you marry me?
01:23:33Widow Cleco.
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