tripping the velvet 1

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01:08Did you ever go to Whitstable and see the oyster parlours there?
01:14My father kept one. I was born in it.
01:19That's my sister Alice.
01:22She was a good girl, Alice, and my best friend as well as my big sister.
01:28That's my father.
01:30Best Whitstable natives you'll ever taste.
01:32Right you are, sir. Coming.
01:35But this isn't about him, or Alice, or my brother Davy, or my mother.
01:47It's about me, Nan Asley.
01:51And I was nothing then. I was barely 18, and my life had hardly started.
01:57But open an oyster, and it's like a secret world in there.
02:02And that's how it was with me.
02:12I didn't see how my life could have any surprises waiting in it.
02:16I suppose I was content with my oyster girl's existence.
02:24Hi there, Nan.
02:25Hello, Freddy.
02:28Going for a little walk, then?
02:30Yes, all right, then. I don't mind.
02:37That was our little routine.
02:39I'd meet him when they brought the boat in, and we'd go for a little walk.
02:44And a little spooning.
02:46We weren't what you'd call fast.
02:49It was expected, really, but I never knew how I was supposed to feel.
02:58Tony Reeves was sweet on Alice.
03:01He was under-manager at the Canterbury Palace of Varieties.
03:05Mother thought him a bit rapid, but he could not like it.
03:10All right, you bugger. Ding dong, ding dong.
03:14I had that from Gully Sutherland himself.
03:16Hey, you mustn't miss his show next week. It's a stunner.
03:19I'll get you in the circle for gallery prices. How's that?
03:21That's very kind of you, Mr. Reeves.
03:23Tony, Tony. We know each other well enough by now.
03:26Well, we should love to come.
03:28Is it all right if Nan's Freddy comes along, too?
03:30Of course. The more the merrier.
03:31He's not my Freddy, Mother.
03:33He isn't yet, but he'd like to be. Is that about the shape of it?
03:39Come on.
04:02And now, ladies and gentlemen, a very special treat
04:06for those of you who are connoisseurs of elegance and top classes.
04:13Miss Kitty Butler!
04:30What do you think? Pretty smart?
04:32Not half bad, I should say.
04:34I'm following in Father's footsteps, following me dear old Dad
04:40He's just in front with a fine big gal
04:43So I thought I'd have one as well
05:34Dear Rosy, there's a rose in my heart for you
06:35Goodbye. Goodbye. Come again.
06:37Miss Kitty Butler!
06:41And now, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only
06:45Mr. Gully He'll Tickle Your Fancy, Somerset!
06:57Hey, ladies and gentlemen, I've had the time of it.
07:00I've just been on me arseys.
07:02I've just been on me arseys.
07:04It's at seaside.
07:05You want me to come?
07:07Are you all right, then?
07:09Who's this?
07:11I've seen that face somewhere before.
07:17You what?
07:20She did?
07:25I'm all right now, really.
07:27Where do you want to go back from?
07:29Come on, then. Keep me company.
07:32Oh, it must be wonderful to work here.
07:35Aye, some of the time it is.
07:37You enjoying the show?
07:38Oh, yes.
07:40Anything in particular?
07:41Kitty Butler. I've never, ever seen a girl like her.
07:45Oh, you've a knife for a young Nancy.
07:46She's got it off, hasn't she?
07:48Like a proper boy. All the walk, all the business.
07:50But then she's not.
07:52You've got to remember that, Nancy.
07:53Well, of course I know that.
07:55Well, that's all right, then.
07:58Oh, I wish I could come and see her every night.
08:00There's no reason why you shouldn't.
08:02We could put you up in one of the books, if you like.
08:04They're hardly ever taken on a weeknight.
08:17How do you feel when you're with Tony?
08:19Oh, what a question.
08:22I feel the same as you when you're with Freddy, I suppose.
08:25I don't feel anything much when I'm with Freddy.
08:29Well, perhaps you should be showing him what to do.
08:34If you don't like him, chuck him, then.
08:36Plenty more fish in the sea.
08:37It's not I don't like him.
08:38Yeah, I know.
08:40It's just not the one.
08:42You'll find someone you really like, then.
08:46You wait.
08:48You'll meet someone.
08:49Spinning, and your legs turning to jelly, and you...
08:54And what?
08:56You'll find out.
08:57Now, shut your eyes and go to sleep.
09:04Oh, Rosie.
09:09Dear Rosie,
09:11there's a rose in my heart
09:15for you.
09:24But now I come to look around.
09:26There's a lot of pretty girls down here, as well.
09:30Put up the lights, limesmen. Let's have a look at you.
09:35Well, we're spoiled for choice this evening, gents.
09:48Goodbye. Come again.
09:51Here she comes, then.
09:53How was she tonight, Nancy?
09:55Just as good, if not better.
09:57She's not a real boy, you know.
09:59I know she's not.
10:00You ask me, I think there might be some young chap in the orchestra pit she's got her eye on.
10:04I just hope young Freddy don't catch on.
10:07I wish you'd all mind your own business.
10:14When I see her, it's like...
10:16Oh, I don't know what it's like.
10:18When she walks on stage, she makes me want to smile and weep at once.
10:22She makes me soar, here.
10:24I never, ever saw a girl like her before.
10:26I never knew that there were girls like her.
10:29I don't know what it is.
10:31I don't know what's the matter with me, Alice. Do you think I'm cracked?
10:34I don't think you should get too keen on that girl, Nan.
10:36Why ever not?
10:37They're not like us, people like that.
10:40Like us, people like that.
10:42They don't lead natural lives, you know.
10:44I think you should forget about her, Nan.
10:46You don't understand, Alice.
10:48I don't want to talk about it anymore.
10:50It wasn't any use telling me to forget about Kitty Butler.
10:53As if I could.
10:55And I didn't see why I should.
10:58That's it. You hold them as tight as you like.
11:01Don't worry. I'll tell you if it hurts.
11:04No! I don't want to.
11:07What's the matter?
11:08Nothing. I just don't want that, Freddy.
11:11I'm serious, you know, Nan.
11:13We could be engaged.
11:15Well, then it would be all right, wouldn't it?
11:17Can't we just go on as we are?
11:19You don't really care for me at all.
11:21I do, though.
11:22No, you don't.
11:23You just like to keep me there, tagging along like...
11:26If you really cared for me, you'd let me do it.
11:29Well, then, I don't care for you.
11:32Oh, Nan.
11:33Oh, don't take it like that, Nan.
11:36I didn't really mean it.
11:38But I did. I meant it.
11:40And if what Freddy wanted was only human nature,
11:43so was what I wanted.
11:45But what was it I wanted?
11:47I didn't know.
11:49But I knew it had something to do with Kitty Butler.
11:52He said goodbye with a tear and a sigh
11:58And whispered all the pretty things that sweethearts say
12:03You promised you'd never forget me
12:08I promised I'd always be true
12:13Oh, Rosie
12:17Dear Rosie,
12:20There's a rose in my heart
12:24For you.
12:33Oh, Rosie.
13:03There's Kitty Butler, ladies and gentlemen.
13:16Goodbye. Come again.
13:19And now, ladies and gentlemen,
13:21the one you've all been waiting to see,
13:24the Queen of...
13:26The Queen of...
13:32And, ladies and gentlemen,
13:38I wish I could visit him, as a friend would,
13:42on an outside door.
13:46Sorry, I...
13:47No, no, no, no, no.
13:48Nothing to be sorry about.
13:51You're just the person I wanted.
13:53I've got a message for you.
13:55Someone wants to see you.
14:25Someone wants to see you.
14:55Come in!
15:00Here she is.
15:02Miss Nancy Astley.
15:08Miss Butler, I'll take up no more of your valuable time.
15:11May I say again, a delightful evening, a rare treat.
15:19Miss Astley, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
15:22Walter Bliss at your service.
15:26Good night, ladies.
15:32Mr. Reeves.
15:39I'm very pleased to meet you, Miss Astley.
15:43Do have a chair.
15:50So, you're my mystery admirer.
15:54I thought it was Gully you came to see every night.
15:57Then somebody told me you always went out after I'd finished.
15:59Is it really me you stay for?
16:10I'm sorry, now I'm here, I can't think of what to say.
16:13Well, it was me who sent for you, so you needn't say anything if you don't want to.
16:17But I do wish you'd tell me what it is you like so much.
16:20I'm very vain, you see.
16:21I do love to hear nice things about myself.
16:23I like everything.
16:25Your costumes and your songs and the way you sing them.
16:28And the way you move and the way you smile and your voice.
16:31You seem so very gay and bold.
16:34It makes me happy just to hear you.
16:37And I think your hair is beautiful.
16:40Gully says it's like guinea pig's fur.
16:42Well, he's wrong.
16:44Well, I'll tell him you said so.
16:49Do you mind if I clean my make-up off while we talk?
16:57So, what about you?
17:00I know that you're a friend of Tony's.
17:02Is he your sweetheart?
17:06No, he's courting my sister Alice.
17:08Is he?
17:11So, what about you?
17:13Have you got a sweetheart?
17:18Nor have I.
17:20So, where do you come from and what do you work at?
17:25I work in an oyster house.
17:27An oyster house? Like the song?
17:30As I was going down Bishopsgate Street to an oyster girl
17:33I happened to meet into her basket
17:35I happened to peep to see if she had any oysters.
17:41I do hope I haven't offended you, Miss Ashley.
17:43No. No.
17:45There's nothing wrong with oyster girls.
17:47I think they're rather nice if you're an example of them.
17:51Miss Butler?
17:52Call me Kitty, do.
17:53And what can I call you?
17:56Thank you, you're very kind.
17:59I was going to ask, Kitty.
18:01Why did you think of it in the first place?
18:03Dressing like a boy and cutting your hair short and everything.
18:07Well, wouldn't you if you had the chance?
18:09Men have all the fun.
18:12Besides, there's too many girls in this business.
18:14Most of them would do anything to please you.
18:16Most of them would do anything to please the manager
18:18and you won't find me playing those games, Nan.
18:20And I love my costumes and being able to stride about
18:23and give them a bit of cheek.
18:26Don't get me wrong.
18:30I do like being a girl as well, you know.
18:33Well, what do you think?
18:42Pretty smart or a bit of a letdown?
18:44I should say so.
18:47Oh, no.
18:49You're a dear girl.
18:52I can't stop and talk any longer this evening, Nan.
18:54Gully's taking us all out for supper.
18:56And what Gully wants, Gully gets.
19:02But you'll come and see me again, won't you?
19:04You could come before the show and help me dress if you'd like.
19:09Of course, really.
19:11Then I shall.
19:14Starting next Monday.
19:17And now I shall have to say goodnight.
19:20Miss Astley.
19:40You smell like...
19:41I know. Like a herring.
19:44Not a bit like a herring.
19:50Like a mermaid.
20:00I told myself to be sensible.
20:03Perhaps she hadn't meant it.
20:05Or she might think better of it.
20:08Like a mermaid.
20:11Like a mermaid.
20:16And so I became Kitty Butler's dresser.
20:19And her best pal, too.
20:22And we were together all that season.
20:25Come on, Miss!
20:31Goodnight! Goodnight! Come again!
20:38Careful, Kitty.
20:40Don't turn that poor girl's house.
20:48What would she think
20:50if she knew the part she played in my fierce dreamings?
20:55Oh, no.
21:40You hold it like this.
21:42Flat shell on top.
21:44Then you put the point of the knife in the hinge.
21:48Hold it steady.
21:50Mustn't waste any of the liquor.
21:52That's the best bit, some say.
21:55That's the flesh.
21:57You cut that loose.
22:01And now you may eat it.
22:10Well done, Miss Butler.
22:12Thank you. Thank you, Nell.
22:18And this is your room.
22:22Very cosy.
22:26It feels funny, you being here.
22:31Come, sit by me.
22:33I'm sure your mother would disapprove.
22:35I am just about dying for a smoke.
22:42You're lucky to have a proper family.
22:44Such a nice one, too.
22:46I've never had a proper family.
22:48How do you mean?
22:49Oh, you don't want to know.
22:51Let's just talk about happy things.
22:53You know, I think if I had a family like yours,
22:57I'd never want to leave home.
23:04I have something to tell you.
23:06It's a piece of good news, and you must promise to be happy for me.
23:11Do you remember the man who was with me the first night you came round?
23:14Mr Bliss?
23:19He's offered me a contract in London, working in the halls there.
23:24He says I'm too good for the provinces.
23:26He says London needs to see me, and I need to be seen there.
23:29He thinks I could be one of the really big names, Nan.
23:33I've got to take it.
23:35Oh, yes. I see that you have.
23:38I am happy for you, Kitty.
23:42You don't look it.
23:44Well, I'm selfish.
23:47I'd be unhappy to see you go.
23:49And I'll be unhappy to leave you behind.
23:55Would you come with me, Nan?
23:58Come with you?
23:59If your mother and father will let you, of course.
24:01I mean, you'll have a proper wage.
24:03Not much, but, well, enough if we share a room.
24:06Do you really think you might?
24:08And do you think they'll let you?
24:09I suppose you could always come back home if you didn't like it.
24:11I didn't like it.
24:12I'd do anything to go with you.
24:14I'd go even if they said I wasn't to.
24:16They could lock me in my room and I'd climb out the window
24:18and walk all the way to London to be with you.
24:20I love you more than anyone or anything, I do.
24:32Remember when you gave me this?
24:36When you picked me out of all the others?
24:40You did, didn't you?
24:42You chose me.
24:46Yes, I did.
24:48And I didn't know then I was choosing the very best friend I've ever had.
24:56They didn't try to lock me in.
24:58They could see my heart was set on going to London with Kitty
25:02and they couldn't bear to see me grieve.
25:11Don't spend it all in the same shop.
25:14And you will write to us, won't you, Nan?
25:16Of course I will.
25:18We'll visit when you can.
25:21Goodbye, Mother.
25:25What am I going to do without you?
25:36Take care now.
25:38I shall.
25:44Come on.
26:15Miss Butler!
26:17What a pleasure!
26:19Welcome to the Game of Trolls.
26:22And Miss Astley, Lady of Whitstable.
26:24Off goes his bonnet to an oyster girl.
26:31You are very welcome, my dear.
26:34I'll see you later.
26:42You are very welcome, my dear.
26:44More so than I can say.
26:48Go on, Nan.
26:51And Miss Butler!
26:54Follow me, Porter!
27:00Come along, people!
27:03This way!
27:12This way!
27:13This way!
27:14This way!
27:15This way!
27:16This way!
27:17This way!
27:18This way!
27:19This way!
27:20This way!
27:21This way!
27:22This way!
27:23This way!
27:24This way!
27:25This way!
27:26This way!
27:27This way!
27:28This way!
27:29This way!
27:30This way!
27:31This way!
27:32This way!
27:33This way!
27:34This way!
27:35This way!
27:36This way!
27:37This way!
27:38This way!
27:39This way!
27:40This way!
27:41This way!
27:42This way!
27:43This way!
27:44This way!
27:45This way!
27:46This way!
27:47This way!
27:48This way!
27:49This way!
27:50This way!
27:51This way!
27:52This way!
27:53This way!
27:54This way!
27:55This way!
27:56This way!
27:57This way!
27:58This way!
27:59This way!
28:00This way!
28:01This way!
28:02This way!
28:03This way!
28:04This way!
28:05This way!
28:06This way!
28:07This way!
28:08This way!
28:09This way!
28:11Mr Bliss kindly took us to our new home, Mrs Dendy's Theatrical Lodging House in Brixton.
28:24Oh, I've always had theatricals, and my mother before me.
28:28The Henry Irving himself once fell down these stairs.
28:32Evening, Signor Corelli.
28:40Don't get no trouble from him.
28:42He loves those guys.
28:44Evening, girls and ladies.
28:46Oh, they're very nice gents.
28:48No trouble at all.
28:50Three more up here, Signor Corelli.
28:52Come on, girls.
28:53Come on.
28:54I think I've got four now.
28:56This'll be yours.
28:57You've got a little entrance hall, as well as the bedroom.
29:00You won't mind doubling up, I hope.
29:02It's lovely.
29:04Two little eggs and a dog's house, I think.
29:07We're a bit close to the railway.
29:09We'll get used to that in a while.
29:15Come on, girls.
29:18Come on, girls.
29:34Are you asleep?
29:42Are you homesick, Nan?
29:44Do you miss Alice?
29:46Not really.
29:57How are your heartbeats?
30:00Do you like this, Nan?
30:03If you knew how I'd longed for a sister...
30:07you'll be my sister now, won't you?
30:10I didn't want to be her sister.
30:14I do love you, Nan.
30:16I wanted to be her sweetheart.
30:19Night, night.
30:22Ladies and gentlemen,
30:24I give you a pleasure this evening,
30:27Miss Kitty Baxter.
30:34I've just come down from Brighton.
30:37There's a lot of pretty girls down there, you know.
30:40But now I come to look around,
30:42there's a lot of pretty girls down here, you know.
30:45So follow me.
30:46Come on.
30:47Come on.
30:48Come on.
30:49Come on.
30:50Come on.
30:51Come on.
30:52Come on.
30:53Come on.
30:54Come on.
30:55Come on.
30:56Come on.
30:57Come on.
30:58Come on.
30:59To follow in your father's footsteps
31:01is a motto for each boy.
31:04And following in father's footsteps
31:06is a thing I much enjoy.
31:09My mother caught me out while I lived there,
31:11up the West End, on a screen.
31:14She said, where are you going?
31:17And I answered, don't ask me.
31:22I'm following in father's footsteps,
31:25following the dear old dad,
31:27he's just in front with a fine big gal,
31:30so I thought I'd have one as well.
31:47They don't like me, Nan.
31:49They don't like me.
31:58My dear, your first night in the capital,
32:00they were warming to you.
32:02Give the word a chance to spread,
32:04they'll be eating out of your hand by the end of the week.
32:06Do you really think so?
32:08I'd stake my life on it, Kitty.
32:12I promise you, I swear to you,
32:14there is no match to your act in town.
32:17I promise you.
32:19You promised you'd never forget me.
32:24I promised I'd always be true.
32:29Oh, Rosie.
32:33Dear Rosie,
32:36there's a rose in my house
32:40for you.
32:49But he was right.
32:51I'd make it happen by the end of the week.
32:53But after a few months,
32:55they couldn't get enough of her.
33:07A triumph!
33:08Oh, a triumph!
33:10Now we've got him.
33:11Now, Kitty, get changed quickly.
33:12The manager of the Alhambra wants to meet you.
33:14The Alhambra?
33:15Yes, you won't mind, will you, Nan?
33:16It'll all be business talk.
33:17Your chance for an early night.
33:19Never mind.
33:20But what could I do?
33:22I was proud of her success,
33:24but terrified it would take her away from me.
33:27I wanted to keep her close,
33:29as close as my own skin.
33:37I've just been down to the seaside.
33:39There's a lot of pretty girls down there, you know.
33:42Come to think of it,
33:44there's a lot of pretty girls down here, too.
33:48I'm following in Father's footsteps,
33:51following the dear old Dad.
33:53He's just in front with a fine big girl,
33:56so I thought I'd have one as well.
34:02I got talking to an oyster girl,
34:04she could suck an oyster rather well.
34:13Oh, Kitty.
34:16I love you.
34:20Love you.
34:23Love you.
34:34It's you.
34:36I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me.
34:39Don't be sorry, Nan.
34:42You're the very thing.
34:44You look more like a boy than I do.
34:47Give us a turn, go on.
34:49No, I'm shy.
34:59I could quite fall for a boy like you.
35:02Come here and give me a kiss.
35:06What a handsome fellow.
35:09I can't resist him.
35:20Just wait till Walter sees you.
35:23I don't want him to.
35:25I think it could be just the thing he's looking for.
35:27We were talking about developing my reptile, Nan,
35:29and we were talking about having a baby.
35:32What's he looking for?
35:34We were talking about developing my reptile, Nan,
35:36and to go on with a pal might be just the very thing.
35:38Help me, Nan, we'll show him first thing tomorrow.
35:44But all I could think was that she had kissed me on the lips,
35:48and yet I was no nearer to declaring myself.
35:52Was it possible that she felt as I did?
35:58I couldn't risk it.
36:24My God, that's it!
36:27Why didn't I see it before?
36:32Oh, this could be sensational.
36:34Didn't I tell you? Doesn't she look quite the Bobby Dazzler?
36:37It's as if she was born to it. Let's try a little song.
36:39No, no, I can't.
36:41Yes, you could. You know all the words to all the songs.
36:44Come on, Walter, Father's Footsteps.
36:51To follow in your father's footsteps is a motto for each boy.
36:57And following in father's footsteps is a thing I much enjoy.
37:03My mother caught me out one evening up the west end on a spree.
37:08She said, where are you going?
37:13But I answered, don't ask me.
37:19We're following in father's footsteps, following the dear old dad.
37:25He's just in front with a fine big gal, so I thought I'd have one as well.
37:33We don't know where we're going, but when he gets there I'll be glad.
37:39We're following in father's footsteps, yes.
37:44We're following the dear old dad.
37:48Bill from Bow Bells and his shy brother Bob. How about that?
37:56We'll get some songs to suit, new suits made to measure.
37:59And we should do something about that hair.
38:17There we are, miss. Or perhaps I should say, sir.
38:35Now I'm like you.
38:51Ladies and gents, your very own favourite with a special treat.
38:57For the first time in this or any other hall, it's two for the price of one.
39:04It's Giggy Butler and Man King.
39:09I'm rather shy.
39:12I'm rather shy.
39:14I'm rather shy.
39:15I'm rather shy.
39:16Hello. All right.
39:18Come on, Bob. They won't eat you.
39:21Oh, I don't know, Bill. I'm rather shy.
39:23I don't know what I'm going to do with him.
39:25He is the best brother anybody could wish for, but he's a little bit backward in coming forward, if you know what I mean.
39:30Listen, and I'll tell you.
39:32Come on, Bob.
39:36Last Sunday was a holiday.
39:38We scrubbed up nice and clean and took a little stroll about around the village green.
39:44We saw a couple of pretty girls as they were passing by.
39:49I say, Bob, what a spiffing head.
39:52I'm sure one winter I.
39:56Oh, I don't know, Bill.
39:58You better leave me out.
40:00He's good. I am good.
40:04Well, it's very easy, Bob.
40:06You never know until you try.
40:10Oh, I don't know, Bill.
40:12I'm rather shy.
40:14Come on, Bob. You're not spunking it.
40:16Well, I don't know what to do, Bill.
40:18Well, I don't know what to do, Bill.
40:20Come here and I'll show you what to do.
40:23You come up very softly and you take her by the hand.
40:30Like this?
40:32That's right.
40:35Look tenderly into her eyes and she will understand.
40:39Like this?
40:43Then lean a little closer and steal a little kiss.
40:50Oh, I can't. I'm too shy.
40:53You're not.
40:55Just try it.
40:57What? Like this?
41:10I think he's been taking private lessons.
41:12What do you think?
41:14Shall we ask him?
41:16Oh, no.
41:17Where did you learn to kiss like that?
41:20I couldn't tell you, Bill.
41:22I'm rather shy.
41:24He's rather shy.
41:25I'm rather shy.
41:26He's rather shy.
41:27I'm rather shy.
41:28He's taking private lessons in giving girls the eye.
41:32Where did you go last Friday when you cut off from the side?
41:36One, two, three.
41:38I couldn't tell you, Bill.
41:40One, two, three.
41:42Come on.
41:44I'm rather shy.
41:58Thank you. Thank you.
42:05Thank you very much.
42:07Well done.
42:09Over you, Nan.
42:13Congratulations, my dear.
42:15You've done well for yourself there, Bliss.
42:17I'll give these two a booking any time you like.
42:20Well, that's very good of you.
42:24Charlie Furbisher, The Empire.
42:26Here we are, girls.
42:27Next table in the place.
42:31Well, here's to Bill
42:34and his shy brother, Bob.
42:37How does it feel to be a star, eh, Nan?
42:39All right.
42:41It feels all right.
42:56Come and have a dance, Kitty.
42:59Go ahead. It'll be a pleasure to watch you.
43:02All right. I will.
43:11Well done.
43:12Well done.
43:56Well, don't you know me?
43:58Jimmy Burns.
43:59I was in the pit this evening,
44:01doubling up here for a bit of pocket money.
44:04Well, I don't know how I like you best,
44:06in skirts or trousers, and that's a fact.
44:08I don't know how I like myself best.
44:10Well, then it's nice to have the choice, ain't it?
44:13Do you fancy standing up with me for a little twirl round?
44:15Oh, go on. Say you will.
44:17I don't think I could. I've had too much shine.
44:19Well, that's all the better.
44:21Up you come.
44:23That's it.
44:24Now, who's going to lead, then?
44:26You or me?
44:28You can, if you like.
44:57You needn't have fished me. You've spoiled my dress.
44:59Don't put that right.
45:01No. Get off. Get off.
45:07I'm going.
45:08You can come or not, as you like.
45:13I'd better go, but...
45:18Kitty, wait!
45:23What's the matter?
45:26What did you think you were doing,
45:27making a fool of yourself with that horn player?
45:29We were only larking about.
45:30Larking about?
45:32His hands were all over you.
45:33Sometimes I don't think you care about my feelings at all, Nan.
45:37Oh, Kitty.
45:39If you knew.
45:42I hate the way you make me feel.
46:03I hate you.
46:32Touch you.
46:39I think I shall die if you don't.
47:02I love you.
47:24I do love you, Nan.
47:26So very much.
47:53Good morning.
48:03Good morning.
48:07I drank too much last night.
48:10We both did.
48:12But don't say you want to un-say what we said or un-do what we did.
48:15I think I'd die.
48:22There has to be a secret.
48:25Our secret.
48:36I wish I'd had the nerve to tell you before.
48:39Couldn't you see how I felt about you?
48:42I wasn't sure.
48:44It's easier to be friends.
48:45I didn't know it was possible.
48:47You know, for two girls to be sweethearts and to...
48:50To go all the way.
48:52I'd never heard of it.
48:53Had you?
48:54Well, it's true.
48:55I've never cared for any other girl the way I care for you, Nan.
49:06But the fact was, I loved her too much to fret long over the other girls she might have loved before me.
49:14For she loved me best.
49:17And she loved me now.
49:48Come on, Nan.
49:49Come on, Nan.
49:50Come on, Nan.
49:51Come on, Nan.
49:52Come on, Nan.
49:53Come on, Nan.
49:54Come on, Nan.
49:55Come on, Nan.
49:56Come on, Nan.
49:57Come on, Nan.
49:58Come on, Nan.
49:59Come on, Nan.
50:00Come on, Nan.
50:01Come on, Nan.
50:02Come on, Nan.
50:03Come on, Nan.
50:04Come on, Nan.
50:05Come on, Nan.
50:06Come on, Nan.
50:07Come on, Nan.
50:08Come on, Nan.
50:09Come on, Nan.
50:10Come on, Nan.
50:11Come on, Nan.
50:12Come on, Nan.
50:13Come on, Nan.
50:14Come on, Nan.
50:15Come on, Nan.
50:16Come on, Nan.
50:17Come on, Nan.
50:18Come on, Nan.
50:19Come on, Nan.
50:20Come on, Nan.
50:21Come on, Nan.
50:22Come on, Nan.
50:23Come on, Nan.
50:24Come on, Nan.
50:25Come on, Nan.
50:26Come on, Nan.
50:27Come on, Nan.
50:28Come on, Nan.
50:29Come on, Nan.
50:30Come on, Nan.
50:31Come on, Nan.
50:32Come on, Nan.
50:33Come on, Nan.
50:34Come on, Nan.
50:35Come on, Nan.
50:36Come on, Nan.
50:37Come on, Nan.
50:38Come on, Nan.
50:39Come on, Nan.
50:40Come on, Nan.
50:41Come on, Nan.
50:42Come on, Nan.
50:43Come on, Nan.
50:44Come on, Nan.
50:45To Butler and King.
50:46The toast of love.
50:47Butler and King.
50:48And I was happier than I had ever been.
50:50And I wished I could tell the whole world.
50:53But Kitty insisted we kept it a secret.
50:56Even from Walter.
50:57For no one else would ever understand.
51:00And it was the happiest, most magical six months of my life.
51:05Miss Kitty Butler and Miss Nan King.
51:41Walter arranged just a few days off. He needed Kitty for some business meetings
51:46and I thought it was time I visited my parents.
51:50I felt strange.
51:53Like a ghost.
52:10Is he really you?
52:17We shall have to mind our manners, shan't we Davy?
52:19You're such a fine lady in our parlour.
52:21Oh, don't be silly, father. I haven't changed. I'm just the same as I always was.
52:25She's con all la-di-da.
52:26Don't be rude, Davy.
52:27I don't mind, mother. It must be the company I've been keeping.
52:30So, how have you been keeping?
52:32Have you got yourself a young man yet?
52:36No! No time for anything like that. I'm far too busy.
52:40Look, I've got presents for you all from London and I hope you like them for I've spent half my wages on them.
52:46That's for you, mother.
52:48That's for you, pa.
52:49That's for you, Davy.
52:52And this is for you, Alice.
52:58My word, Nancy, you've done us proud.
53:02I shall look quite the thing in this now, shan't I?
53:05Look at these, ma.
53:07Look how they're soft as butter.
53:09I shall be the best shop bloke in Kent now.
53:11Oh, Nancy. You shouldn't have.
53:13Well, what else would I do with my money?
53:16Oh, you are a good girl, Nancy.
53:20Aren't you going to open it, Alice?
53:28Oh, what a stunner!
53:36Don't you like it, Alice?
53:39Well, when would I ever wear a thing like that?
53:49It seems so strange to be back here, in our room.
53:54I hope you don't mind being invaded, Alice.
53:56It wouldn't make any difference if I did, would it?
53:58Oh, Alice, please don't be like this with me.
54:01Come on, bear it.
54:03What's the matter? Was it the hat?
54:06I thought you'd like it.
54:07I thought you could wear it when you went out with Tony.
54:09I'll bet you anything he would like you in it.
54:11I can't finish with Tony.
54:13Oh, Alice, I'm sorry.
54:15What happened?
54:16I don't want to talk about it. Hurry up.
54:20Oh, that's better.
54:27What's the matter?
54:29I wrote and told you I'm part of the act now.
54:31You didn't think I went on as a girl, did you?
54:33I wouldn't get much work like that.
54:35But I make a very good boy.
54:37You'd be surprised.
54:40I don't know how you can show yourself like that.
54:45Kitty can do it, why shouldn't she?
54:47Kitty can do it, why shouldn't I?
54:51Are you two as close as you ever were?
54:53Yes, we are.
54:56Closer, if you'd like to know.
55:00I'm in love with her, Alice.
55:04Please let me tell you.
55:06We never used to have no secrets from each other.
55:09Come on, then.
55:11If you must.
55:15She's just everything to me.
55:18And I am to her as well.
55:21Remember how I used to feel like there was something wrong with me?
55:24How I never felt anything much when I was with Freddy?
55:27Well, it turns out there's nothing wrong with me at all.
55:30She only has to touch me or sometimes even just a look.
55:33I don't want to hear any more. You're disgusting.
55:37I thought you'd understand.
55:39I don't want to understand. I hate anything like that.
55:41All those...
55:44Alice, if you want to know, that's why I broke up with Tony.
55:48When I found out he liked men as much as he liked girls,
55:51he made me feel dirty, and you make me feel dirty.
55:54I don't wish you any harm, Nan, but I don't want to know about your life
55:57and I don't like you near me.
55:59And please don't try talking to Mother and Father about your dirty life
56:02because it would break their hearts.
56:10Alice, please, don't be like this.
56:13It's still me. I'm still the same as I ever was.
56:16Just get into bed.
56:19Keep to your own side.
56:31My own sister couldn't bear to have me lying next to her.
56:36I'd lost her.
56:38And all I could think of was getting away as quick as I could.
56:41Back to London, and my dearest, dearest Kitty,
56:45my lover, and my only friend.
56:50I didn't belong there anymore.
56:53If they couldn't love me as I am, then I should go where I would be loved.
56:57My life was in London now...
57:00with Kitty.
57:06Oh, Miss Ashley, you're back already.
57:11You came back early.
57:21Run for one more!
57:29Oh, some they like it this way, and some they like it that.
57:32The lady dips a curtsy and the gentleman tips his hat.
57:35And some they like them big and fat, and others meet them small, but whatever they say.
57:38It's only human nature after all.
57:42Last Sunday I went up the park just to take the air.
57:45I saw a girl upon the swings and she was pretty fine.
57:48I said, now shall I give a push and catch her if you're bored?
57:50Push on, she said.
57:52It's only human nature after all.
57:55Oh, some they like a nightingale, and some they like a lark.
57:58And some they like a pretty girl to cuddle in the dark.
58:01And some they like a pansy, and some they like a ball, but whatever you say.
58:05It's only human nature after all.