[Funny, Horror] Clock Tower Part 1 - FRICKIN DWARVEN SCISSORMAN!!!

  • last month
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BROFIST ...........
00:00how's it going bros my name is PewDiePie and welcome to C.L. who gives a shit clock tower
00:25as you can see this game was made in 1995 I can't remember when I played a game that
00:32was so old last time but this is a classic horror game it's really famous and a lot of
00:41you bros have suggested that I play it I wanted to give it a try at least and we'll see if
00:45it's interesting or not I want to click quick start because I fucking hate intros in video
00:51games but I guess I have to click game start to see what it's all about you gotta know
00:56the story race in the crank granny granite orphanage Jennifer and her friends I love
01:03the main theme music we're wanted as adopted daughters it happened in September and then
01:15heavy metal no okay okay I would pretty awesome I'm just saying yeah that's something all right
01:24oh yeah I can't turn something like Laura hurry up we want to be there before the sunset Jesus
01:33Christ I always look at that's a main character you can't see me point but I'm pointing at her
01:37mrs. Mary yes from now on what you can't please will be blaming in stupid orphan kids it's okay
01:48to make fun of orphans according to portal I like that that's what the first time you add
01:54don't worry it's a very nice place all right all right yeah I'm clicking there we're almost there
02:07yeah it's super nice wow that's amazing yeah we see all right Jesus Christ this game a little
02:15slower for me I mean it's going too fast I'm like oh whoa can't keep up gotta gotta go and
02:21rewatch all that shit oh there's Laura what a huge place no what a huge place yeah the main
02:33halls gigantic I gotta go mrs. Barrow yes miss battle wait here everyone everyone wait here I
02:44can't read I'm dyslexic apparently hey yeah yeah no no no just don't don't go there no it's not
02:53cool it's not cool all right what's going on what's going on where's everyone social what's
02:59going on why did you talk to me talk to me tell me something tell me did the game freeze no no
03:05it's impossible I think the game freeze froze she's able now that's not good hello girls boys
03:11I think the game froze all right what we're gonna do here is we gonna go and load a game again I
03:17know we're gonna be all like let's pretend I've never happened yeah that's so much fun I just
03:23love when game doesn't work for me makes me happy makes me really happy I just think about it let's
03:27a quick start I knew it I fucking knew she'd done a quick start fucking knew it all right so yeah
03:34here's the game you move and shed with this it's not my mouse that's what she said and you can
03:40actually run forward thank God how about pity how about mr. chair okay I am Laura and we need to
03:46fucking get the fuck out of here all right let's go here question mark Laura is actually a Mexican
04:00girl inside as a Mexican I'm hitting yeah let's just go in here I guess if you can't oh shit we
04:08can't don't believe what is this what is this let's go in here ah okay she doesn't want to go
04:16there fine fine I don't care let's go here then solve the mysteries of where everyone went no I
04:24don't want to go there fucking side doors what is that what is that what is all of this why am I
04:32running ooh main thing I like that I like that hello all right check it out I guess I don't know
04:44if I'm supposed to go in there or here oh I took the wrong door why is she closing her eyes she's
04:52such a oh cool he's like killing her wow that's a nice penetration what's going on here oh no
05:09you didn't oh no I'm not gonna die by a midget with a sister oh am I safe
05:14where is he is he still in here
05:25the fuck where did the fucking midget go
05:27and I made it mad yet come here midget good midget good minute good minute
05:38oh come back now no don't just dare that it's no I'm not gonna die from a fucking
05:45media oh I died from a fucking video okay that was a good start that's a good start what the
05:56fuck is going on all right let's try that again I guess quick sorry no I continue I
06:05shouldn't press continue fuck I didn't do that oh whatever let's just go I didn't miss that much
06:11hello Petey hello Mr. Chair all right I don't really see what's so scary about that was just
06:19fucked up honestly all right let's just go I'm so fucking pissed of this place oh you
06:27caramba stupid midget switch chairs all right here we go again this is weird cuz
06:33I forgot what I was gonna say or something all right here we go
06:38it looks so weird like one frame per minute or something all right
06:49I won't do that I won't do that shit all right let's just say hi to him what's up
07:07girl girl was that no girl girl go in there yes before it oh no please take your time
07:13mr. he's like where did you go oh all right what's going on in this room
07:23no fine a stupid thing is way again let's just go here again she's still going oh no
07:36no no get out of here oh he's dancing oh you better oh let's get out of here girl let's get
07:51out of here I don't trust a midget with a sister that's what my mom told me I'm in good
07:56all day she was like Petey come sit on my lap I'm gonna tell you something what is mom what are you
08:01gonna tell me hello Petey hello Mr. Chair she was like Petey whatever you do watch out for fucking midgets
08:06with chairs I mean with sisters yes oh what is this oh oh oh damn girl that was fucking close
08:16so I'm trying to kill me oh now she reacts oh it was locked I I knew that was a lot all right
08:23let's go here and I go there Laura Laura cooperate it's got status music it funky as
08:34hell wow she walks really creepy upstairs it's like why is she closing her eyes I don't get it
08:42I don't get it quite frankly don't get it
08:45love the funky music though I can like actually how I live it I don't really like it
08:54whatever this is go okay I can't go further
09:12Oh Sam girl girl I can't go to girl girl you better go all right I'm fucked I guess I can't
09:19go down the stairs gotta be some way stop just stop Jesus Christ you had to move all the time
09:29oh there we go go go girl you go girl you better go no girl girl you better recognize
09:38yes girl did it she did it she did a fine fine damn damn fine job going down there why is she
09:50closing her eyes it's like I'm gonna walk down those stairs yes sir yes sir yes sir I'm gonna
09:57walk down those stairs all right fine where should we go I don't know we can't go there girl
10:08girl girl oh yeah hello miss Sharon oh not again oh no god damn someone's trying to kill me my eyes
10:19are still closed someone's trying to kill me but I can't open my eyes all right
10:25let's just go here I can't go there where can you go is that scissor man out there I'm gonna seriously
10:37pissed off scissor midget apparently it's offensive to say midget in America I don't I don't know I'm
10:44sorry if I'm offending any midgets watching this I don't know why you would be offended I mean I
10:50guess I don't know it's can I what I'm just good decision man is coming she's great Laura Laura Laura
11:03yes good job Laura that's your real name oh he's like what is she everyone who's game is fucking
11:11blind oh man I wish I was that midget that would be awesome that'd be awesome I would just walk
11:17around yeah all right whatever my painting is pretty sweet can we go in here oh yeah we can
11:24okay I'm gonna go in here and then I'm gonna end this episode I don't know what the fuck I'm doing
11:34honestly I need someone in the comments some bro telling me what I'm doing wrong and why
11:38is her face so beautiful all right this is quick oh scissor boy no no scissor man oh no no wait
11:52he just came from the dark it makes no sense oh yeah that was that was the clock tower if you want
12:04me to continue this series please let me know I had fun playing it but it's scary we'll see I
12:12don't know anyway that's pretty much it I can fit me to want to and we'll see
