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00:00I wonder if everyone's here.
00:03It's been a while since we've all gathered, so I thought I'd throw a quick report before the opening ceremony.
00:09There are people I'd like to introduce, too.
00:12Huh? Where's Min?
00:14Oh, she went home, as expected.
00:17If she stays in Tempest any longer, Frey will definitely get mad at her.
00:21Oh, I see.
00:23Then I'll introduce you first.
00:26This is Njormail-kun.
00:30I'm sure some of you haven't met him before, but he's a capable man.
00:34If the opening ceremony goes well, I'd like to entrust him with managing our country's finances.
00:40My name is Garudo Njormail.
00:43This time, I'd like to be entrusted with a great responsibility by Rimuru-sama.
00:47Yes, yes.
00:48Please take care of me.
00:50I'm glad to hear that.
00:52Well then, Njormail-kun, I'll leave the rest to you.
00:55Yes, well then, if you'll excuse me.
00:57Now then, let's listen to Njormail's explanation of the opening ceremony.
02:35The day after tomorrow, the opening ceremony will be held.
02:42During the festival, not only the guests, but also the merchants visiting Tempest and the adventurers escorting them will be provided with free food and drinks.
02:54Wow, that's a lot of food.
02:57Also, there will be a banquet to welcome the nobles of Tempest.
03:03Today's food will be a collaboration between Shura-sama and Yoshida-dono.
03:09There's a new dish?
03:11Yes, please look forward to it.
03:14And now, the opening ceremony will begin with Rimuru-sama's speech.
03:21Everyone knows I'm the Demon King, so I don't have to do it.
03:25No, you can't!
03:27Ah, I get it.
03:32After the speech, Rimuru-sama will be able to watch the show at the Tempest Theater.
03:40Huh? Theater?
03:42I see.
03:43Your goal is to appeal to the nobles that Rimuru-sama is a wonderful Demon King who is also a master of culture and art.
03:52That is correct.
03:54What kind of show will it be?
03:56We'll have to wait and see.
03:59I see.
04:00I didn't expect that.
04:02After lunch, there will be a technical presentation by Gaviru-dono and Vesta-dono,
04:10as well as a display of martial arts by Kurobe-dono and Garm-dono.
04:15And on the second day, the main event of the martial arts tournament will begin.
04:20From this afternoon, visitors will be able to do whatever they want.
04:25You can enjoy the hot springs that I'm proud of,
04:29or you can enjoy the martial arts tournament,
04:32or you can enjoy the stalls at the festival!
04:37You can look forward to the ultimate Teppanyaki!
04:41Um, what about me?
04:43You will be seated in the VIP seats of the Tempest Theater.
04:46We would like to invite those who wish to see Rimuru-sama
04:50and greet them here.
04:53Then I'll just enjoy the martial arts tournament.
04:57Everything is ready.
04:59Yes, and on the third day,
05:01the dungeon will finally be unveiled.
05:05Even without me, the Colosseum was quite impressive.
05:10Yes, it's all thanks to you and your subordinates.
05:14So far, everything is going well.
05:17Is there a problem, everyone?
05:20Yes, yes!
05:24There's a problem.
05:30What is it?
05:31There's a forest in the 95th floor of the dungeon, right?
05:35For some reason, it started eroding.
05:38Now it's filled up to the 71st floor.
05:42It's filled up?
05:43There's no monster suitable for the boss.
05:47It seems that it has consumed too much magic.
05:51A monster suitable for the boss has been born.
05:54That's right, that's right!
05:55I want to make Elemental Colossus again.
05:59That's why I want you to prepare the ingredients.
06:02I need something suitable for the boss.
06:05And I need to clean up the primitive forest.
06:08No, we can do it ourselves.
06:11My lord.
06:13Then I'll give you something suitable.
06:15Something suitable?
06:16Yoko, who I'm in charge of, has awakened.
06:22I'm good at clearing the forest.
06:26I'll leave it to you.
06:30Do you want to give it a try?
06:32Yeah! I want to try it!
06:35Okay, then...
06:38I'll give you a nickname.
06:41Yoko is boring,
06:43and Ninehead, who Crayman called, is not cute at all.
06:50All right!
06:52From now on, you're Kumara!
06:56It's the effect of the name.
06:58Kumara's original energy was enormous,
07:02so it lost more than expected.
07:05I see.
07:06I was fooled by the appearance.
07:14Thank you very much!
07:16I'm counting on you, Kumara.
07:18I'll do my best!
07:22We have something to recommend.
07:24There's a perfect life for a dungeon boss.
07:30I see.
07:31Then let's go with the idea of Shuna and Trainee
07:33for the new dungeon boss.
07:36That's all I have to say about the opening ceremony.
07:41Thank you for your hard work.
07:43Next, let's listen to the investigation reports
07:45that I left to Soen.
07:48First, the Kazakh envoy of the Kingdom of Bremund was arrested.
07:53The envoy was the director of Orthros.
07:56What did you say?
07:59They are violent and vicious slave merchants
08:01who are not even worthy of the title of merchants.
08:05Slave merchants?
08:06They are war slaves and demons.
08:08They are armed with many demons
08:10and possess more power than the Kingdom of Bremund.
08:14That's what I heard.
08:15That's what you heard?
08:16Why is it a past tense?
08:18It seems that they have been destroyed
08:20by the Warlord.
08:25The Warlord?
08:29Then let's meet at the site.
08:36Mr. Iyuki, you worry too much, don't you?
08:40If Mr. Masayuki is serious,
08:42the Demon King won't be afraid.
08:44You're right.
08:46You're the first hero, Mr. Masayuki.
08:52That's right.
08:53I, Honjo Masayuki, am a hero.
08:58Did you run the event office yesterday?
09:05Hey, look!
09:09That day, I was suddenly sent to this world.
09:13I didn't know why, but I was suddenly involved in trouble.
09:21It's over.
09:22It seems to be over.
09:24That's what I thought.
09:27Confirmed heroic and courageous behavior.
09:32Unique skill.
09:33The chosen one has been released.
09:35Will you activate it?
09:38Um, yes.
09:42With the effect of the chosen one, the language has been acquired.
09:45It was successful.
09:47I've awakened.
09:49My unique skill.
09:51The chosen one.
09:53What kind of intimidation is that?
09:56You're not an ordinary person.
09:59Heroic spirit.
10:01With the spirit released by the hero,
10:03the hidden enemy can't move because he's intimidated just by bathing.
10:08You used a suspicious technique.
10:11I'll kill you!
10:19I can't believe it.
10:20I can't believe it.
10:21He defeated Jinrai Kyoro with both hands.
10:28He fought alone,
10:30dived into the abyss,
10:31and hit him with a headbutt.
10:33He's a master!
10:34Heroic spirit.
10:36With super luck,
10:37normal attacks and allies' attacks
10:40all become critical hits.
10:42I'm sorry.
10:45My name is Jinrai.
10:47By the way, I was an adventurer
10:49who was known as Kyoro.
10:51I realized that I had become a tengu.
10:55Could you teach me?
11:00Even though I didn't do anything,
11:02Jinrai Kyoro became my ally.
11:07I've heard about you.
11:09I heard you're an alien who came to this world.
11:12I heard you're called a hero.
11:14I think you're too naive.
11:30Let me join you.
11:32Hero Masayuki,
11:33I want to be your ally.
11:35Heroic spirit.
11:36Those who see a hero's success
11:38will grow old
11:39and believe in a hero
11:40and walk the same path together.
11:44there's a magician called Bunny
11:46who's an alien just like me.
11:49You, Masayuki,
11:52are a coward who calls himself a hero.
12:03Heroic spirit.
12:04Those actions become allies' models
12:07and are praised.
12:09You're a real hero.
12:12Please take me with you, Masayuki.
12:15With all the Heroic Spirit users,
12:19we became a party of four.
12:27It seems that the unique skill
12:29I obtained,
12:30the chosen one,
12:31is quite a rare skill.
12:33Yuuki-san taught me that.
12:36Reach A rank at the fastest speed in the world.
12:39With that skill,
12:41I won all the martial arts competitions.
12:44In just a year,
12:45I became a Heroic Spirit ally.
12:47Isn't that a remarkable achievement,
12:49Heroic Spirit Masayuki?
12:51I told you.
12:52Yuuki-san, you know that, right?
12:54Thanks to the chosen one,
12:56I didn't do anything.
12:59With your speech and actions,
13:01the people around you
13:02can easily interpret you
13:03as a Heroic Spirit.
13:06That's an incredible skill.
13:10As a Hero,
13:13I have a favor to ask of you.
13:17Slave Association,
13:22It's a criminal organization
13:23that affects all countries.
13:24Slavery, drugs,
13:26and even dangerous monsters.
13:27They're evil people
13:28who do anything.
13:31The huge market
13:32where they sell their slaves
13:34is here.
13:35It was confirmed
13:36by the Kingdom of Barakia.
13:38You caught their tail well.
13:41I was able to protect
13:42a slave who managed to escape.
13:46I decided to send
13:47an investigator to Barakia.
13:49It's estimated to be
13:50more than B+.
13:51Even though it's small,
13:52there's a possibility
13:53that one country
13:54is involved.
13:56An investigation requires
13:57a lot of delicacy.
13:58It's a tough job
14:00for an adventurer
14:01who only cares about money.
14:03Even so,
14:04I'm not sure
14:05if I can get in touch
14:06with them.
14:08That's why
14:09I want you to join me.
14:11While the investigator
14:12is looking for proof
14:13of the sale of slaves,
14:14I want you to
14:15keep an eye on the Barakia side.
14:19A decoy, huh?
14:21I wanted to refuse,
14:23but I couldn't
14:24go against the sponsor's wishes.
14:26Mr. Masayuki,
14:27let me help you with this.
14:31Even in a war,
14:32if it's a small country,
14:33only we can win.
14:35That's right.
14:36I can't forgive
14:37a slave in this situation.
14:39With your power,
14:40I'm sure
14:41he'll be able to
14:42change his mind easily.
14:43Mr. Masayuki.
14:45If it's your decision,
14:47I'll do as you say.
14:51I understand.
14:53I'll go.
14:55I knew you'd say that.
14:58Then, I'll explain the plan.
14:59I've been taking care of you
15:00since you came to this world.
15:02There was no reason
15:03for me to refuse.
15:07The Barakia Kingdom.
15:10Even here,
15:11I've been swayed
15:12by the chosen ones.
15:15Oh, my, my.
15:18I can't believe
15:19I can meet
15:20a brave warrior
15:21who can make the world tremble.
15:23Please feel free to stay.
15:26Oh, yes.
15:29I hope I'm not rude
15:30to you,
15:31Count Braver.
15:32Yes, Prince Gauzel.
15:34Please feel free to stay.
15:42You're late,
15:43Mr. Masayuki.
15:44I went to the bathroom,
15:46but I got lost.
15:48I wonder if he's okay.
15:54which way is the bathroom?
15:56Oh, my, my.
15:58This is
15:59the brave warrior.
16:01I can't believe
16:02he showed up
16:04at the moment
16:05when I was about to
16:07break off the slave trade.
16:09A slave?
16:10I've put up
16:11a strong guard
16:12to keep you from getting in the way.
16:14You're a brave warrior,
16:15aren't you?
16:17he's not.
16:18He's nowhere to be found.
16:19It can't be helped
16:20since you saw him.
16:36The brave warrior
16:37has been slain!
16:39I can't let this go on!
16:41let's go!
16:42Let's go!
16:49Take this!
16:53You guys are nothing
16:54compared to
16:55Mr. Masayuki.
16:58what are you talking about?
17:01What do you think
17:02about this situation
17:03and this arrival?
17:06I see.
17:07So that's how it is.
17:09This is bad,
17:10Mr. Masayuki.
17:11This is the Kingdom of Valachia.
17:13Even though the brave warrior's reputation
17:14is at stake,
17:15if Prince Gausel
17:16finds out about this...
17:19He'll be fine.
17:26Mr. Masayuki,
17:27this man is an important witness,
17:28isn't he?
17:29He's still alive,
17:30so I used magic
17:31to cure him.
17:34What happened to me?
17:39If you're going to
17:40testify honestly here,
17:41you'll have to pay
17:42double the price
17:43as a slave.
17:44But if you're going to
17:45hide the truth,
17:46you'll just
17:47be erased
17:48by that man again.
17:52what should we do?
17:54What's going on here?
17:57The king appears
17:58conveniently here.
18:00That's right.
18:01The chosen ones
18:02set the situation
18:03in a terrifying way
18:04and lead me
18:05to the hero
18:06on their own.
18:11the situation
18:12suddenly changes.
18:14It's clear that
18:15Prince Gausel
18:16is a member of
18:17the criminal organization
18:20Not only that,
18:21but it's also clear
18:22that the headquarters
18:23of Orthros
18:24is in Valachia.
18:27The slave merchants
18:28turned this Valachia
18:29into a hideout.
18:31It's not something
18:32that can be tolerated
18:33at all.
18:35Hero Masayuki,
18:37please help
18:38to wipe out
18:42I knew
18:43this would happen.
18:50the Operation to
18:51Destroy Orthros
18:52was launched.
18:54Stop it!
19:04The slave merchants
19:06were purged
19:07until they were
19:08completely annihilated.
19:09To be influenced
19:10by the chosen ones
19:11is something
19:12that everyone
19:13can't imagine.
19:14That's why
19:15it's so powerful.
19:17As usual,
19:18the incident
19:19that started
19:20on its own
19:22as soon as
19:23I stood up.
19:24The hero's reputation
19:25began to spread
19:26more and more.
19:29there was one thing
19:30that was different
19:31from usual.
19:32Hero Masayuki,
19:36lend me your strength!
19:37Even if you ask me
19:38to do something,
19:40what should I do
19:41with the elves
19:42that I protected?
19:44want to return
19:45to the Great Forest
19:46of Jura,
19:48we can't
19:49release them
19:50to the Great Forest.
19:51Why not?
19:53the Great Forest of Jura
19:55has become
19:56the domain of the Demon King,
19:58If the elves
19:59complain about
20:00the evil deeds
20:01of the humans,
20:02there's a chance
20:03that they'll be happy.
20:04That's right.
20:07we can't
20:08step on
20:09the same iron
20:10as Falmuth
20:11with these roaches.
20:15I understand.
20:17we'll send
20:18the elves
20:19to the Great Forest
20:20of Jura.
20:22Thank you
20:23so much,
20:25It's just
20:26taking the elves
20:27with us.
20:28There's no problem,
20:30That's what I thought, but...
20:33Hero Masayuki
20:34is going to
20:35appear in Tempest?!
20:37is going to
20:38subdue the Demon King?!
20:39Now that
20:40Hinata has
20:41lost to the Demon King,
20:43is the only hope
20:44in the world!
20:50The conversation
20:51just got heated up.
20:59It's not like I'm going to
21:00fight the Demon King,
21:04didn't lose either.
21:06That's because
21:07there are people
21:08who are more convenient
21:09to fight
21:10if they lose.
21:13if you're
21:14separated from that saint,
21:16the Demon King,
21:18shouldn't let his guard down.
21:20If Masayuki
21:21gets serious,
21:22the Demon King
21:23won't be afraid.
21:25But I heard that
21:26the Demon King, Rimuru,
21:27is trying to
21:28make friends with people.
21:31I think we should
21:32wait and see.
21:34I see!
21:35That might be true.
21:37If it's Masayuki's decision,
21:38I'll follow it!
21:40I'll follow it too!
21:43it'll work out somehow.
21:45I can't stop
21:46what I want to do.
21:48And I don't know how to stop it.
21:53The first hero,
21:54Masayuki, huh?
21:58How about it?
21:59If you don't mind,
22:00I'll take care of it
22:01before it becomes a problem.
22:04I'll make sure
22:05the Demon King
22:06doesn't have to deal with
22:07such a ridiculous thing
22:08as subjugation.
22:10if that's your job,
22:11I'll do it.
22:13The first hero.
22:15Will you let me
22:16have some fun?
22:21Subjugation is an important
22:22national affair.
22:23You have to avoid
22:24dealing with
22:25a hero right now.
22:27I know.
22:29It's true that
22:30you freed the elf slave.
22:32I'll meet him
22:33and talk to him.
22:36I'll take care
22:37of the hero, Masayuki.
22:38You don't have to do anything.
22:48It's a national holiday
22:49in three days,
22:50but it's become
22:51a troublesome thing.
23:15The spice of parting
23:17The gathering of meetings
23:19Everything in your mind
23:21Embrace it
23:25I turn around
23:26and you are still there
23:28Watch over me
23:30We embrace the past
23:31and move forward
23:34Let's bring out happiness
23:37In our sparkling world
23:42Let's carve our future
23:44into a dream
23:47My heart is pounding
23:50An endless adventure
23:52Even the taste of tears
23:54I want to scoop it up
23:57Everyone is the same
24:03You don't have to be a hero
24:08It's important
24:13In the flowing course
24:25Next time, on KANWA
24:27Luminous Memories