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00:00Chapter 5
00:06Ah, how beautiful.
00:20Lady Lumina.
00:24What is it, Rui?
00:26I am sorry, but there is something I would like you to hear.
00:31What is it?
00:33Hinata made a move to marry the Demon King, Rimuru.
00:38However, there is a suspicion that the Seven Kings are involved.
00:46How dare you say such a thing.
00:49Everyone has secrets.
00:52Of course, so do we.
00:54Secrets that you can't tell anyone.
00:58There will come a time when I will tell you, but now is not the time.
01:04Therefore, it was troublesome that I couldn't tell you everything.
01:10If I could tell you, it wouldn't have happened.
01:25I'm sorry.
01:27I'm sorry.
01:29I'm sorry.
01:31I'm sorry.
01:33I'm sorry.
01:35I'm sorry.
01:37I'm sorry.
01:39I'm sorry.
01:41I'm sorry.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:45I'm sorry.
01:47I'm sorry.
01:49I'm sorry.
01:51I'm sorry.
01:52I'm sorry.
01:54I'm sorry.
01:56I'm sorry.
01:58I'm sorry.
02:00I'm sorry.
02:02I'm sorry.
02:04I'm sorry.
02:06I'm sorry.
02:08I'm sorry.
02:10I'm sorry.
02:12I'm sorry.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:16I'm sorry.
02:18I'm sorry.
02:20I'm sorry.
02:22I'm sorry.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:26I'm sorry.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:30I'm sorry.
02:32I'm sorry.
02:34I'm sorry.
02:36I'm sorry.
02:38I'm sorry.
02:40I'm sorry.
02:42I'm sorry.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:46I'm sorry.
02:48I'm sorry.
02:50I'm sorry.
02:52I'm sorry.
02:54I'm sorry.
02:56I'm sorry.
02:58I'm sorry.
03:00I'm sorry.
03:02I'm sorry.
03:04I'm sorry.
03:06I'm sorry.
03:08I'm sorry.
03:10I'm sorry.
03:12I'm sorry.
03:14I'm sorry.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:20I'm sorry.
03:22I'm sorry.
03:24I'm sorry.
03:26I'm sorry.
03:28I'm sorry.
03:30I'm sorry.
03:32I'm sorry.
03:34I'm sorry.
03:36I'm sorry.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:42I'm sorry.
03:44I'm sorry.
03:46I'm sorry.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:50I'm sorry.
03:52The Crusaders of the Holy Knights existed.
03:57Hinata joined the Holy Knights and became the leader of the Holy Knights.
04:05But she realized the truth of Rubelios.
04:11The truth that vampires call themselves gods and rule humans.
04:18Is this the end?
04:25But one evil was destroyed.
04:32Even my believers are noisy.
04:35What are you doing?
04:48I'm sorry.
04:49I'm sorry.
04:50I'm sorry.
04:51I'm sorry.
04:52I'm sorry.
04:53I'm sorry.
04:55You too, human.
04:57You shouldn't die with a heavy thought.
05:01What is justice?
05:04Is it to reject evil?
05:06Even so,
05:08What is it to judge my actions as evil?
05:15There is no justice that satisfies all free will.
05:20It would be arrogant to think that you can do it.
05:24Let's do it for a week.
05:26If you can defeat my followers, you can overcome the trials of the seven kings.
05:32At that time, I will be serious.
05:39Hinata overcame the trials and became useful to me.
05:43That Hinata had a life-threatening existence.
05:47It's a slime called Rimuru Tempest.
05:51Originally, it is said to be a transporter from another world.
05:55In the forest of Jura, a demonic country called the Jura Tempest Federation was created and named its master.
06:03Hinata was told that the benefactor she met when she came to this world was killed by Rimuru.
06:10Well, you'll find out later that it was a misunderstanding.
06:15Still, the forest of Jura.
06:18I can't help but remember it.
06:21It's where that nasty lizard was sealed.
06:26Windstorm dragon Veldra.
06:29Its power is natural energy itself.
06:31Veldra. Its power is natural energy itself.
06:36Without the use of swords or magic, the shock wave that he wreaked will overwhelm the ground.
06:43The beautiful Nightrose, the capital of which I am proud, has also been turned into a ruthless abandonment.
06:51Rimuru named that Veldra.
06:55In addition, he became the demon king by defeating the human country Falmuth, which was trying to attack Tempest.
07:04I joined Walpurgis because I was interested in Rimuru.
07:11There, he committed various conspiracies.
07:16He defeated the demon king, who was trying to make himself a dead man, and was officially recognized as one of the demons.
07:23And that opened the gates to this world.
07:28Now is the time to endure.
07:31In order to achieve the ambition of world domination.
07:35I agree. It seems that we have grown a little.
07:40However, it's a shame to be defeated.
07:44I'm going to pay back a little for that slime that stole everything from Crayman.
07:50But I'm going to be quiet for a while.
07:54I won't touch you, but you can talk, right?
07:58What are you going to do?
08:00Well, well, are you planning to do something bad again?
08:04I'm going to try one thing.
08:08King Edomaris, who tried to invade Tempest and defeated the kingdom of Falmuth, withdrew only under the conditions of peace.
08:17And he wanted to create a country where he and Rimuru could have fun.
08:24He was determined to protect himself because human cooperation was essential.
08:30Then all we can do now is wait and see.
08:34That's right.
08:36You don't have to move badly, you just have to be proud.
08:39Let's just tell the believers the truth.
08:42That the wind dragon, Veldora, is back.
08:45What will you do about the Demon King Rimuru?
08:49That's right.
08:51Rimuru is a political opponent.
08:54It would be good to deceive the Western countries.
08:58But when it comes to Rimuru...
09:01He's such a slowpoke.
09:05Well, everyone.
09:07I'm sure some of you already know, but I've been appointed the Demon King.
09:17Oh, I forgot to tell you.
09:19My domain has been decided as the Great Forest of Juran.
09:24I still have a name, so that's no problem.
09:29Wait, did I say something bad?
09:33I don't think he knows anything.
09:35I wonder how important it is for those who live in that land to be ruled by the Demon King.
09:45Why don't we promote it in a big way and show it to the whole city?
09:51It's easier to have them come together than to be pushed apart, right?
09:56What do you mean?
09:58There's still room for the population to be accepted in the city.
10:02It's just not enough labor.
10:05We're going to show it off here and get the population at once.
10:09If you're coming to say hello to me, you should get to know this city.
10:14That way, there might be some demons who are thinking about moving.
10:18We have to entertain Mirim, too.
10:21Besides, I've been nervous every day lately.
10:26You want to take a break once in a while, don't you?
10:28That's why I said we should all have a festival.
10:33Let's do it, all of you!
10:36If you're going to have to show me off, let's do it in a big way.
10:45At that time, they started moving.
10:48The seven kings.
10:55It's been a while, Hinata.
10:58A celebration?
11:00What's wrong? What are you surprised about?
11:04Why are you here?
11:07Hinata, who are those people?
11:10Excuse me, sir.
11:12These are the seven kings.
11:15Seven kings?
11:17The seven kings? That legendary...
11:20The seven kings were given the task of overseeing the organization and training their subordinates as the highest officials of the Seihousei Church.
11:29But one day, they gave up their role and started to think only about their own self-reliance.
11:38It seems that they have been planning a strategy to put you in charge of that position in the church.
11:48Oh, Reihim. Don't you have any other messages?
11:53Come to think of it, this is...
12:00It's a message from the Demon King Rimuru to you.
12:05To me?
12:12I'll take you on.
12:14A one-on-one fight between you and me.
12:17This message is also from the seven kings.
12:21Reihim, who came as Rimuru's messenger, was also used by their conspiracy.
12:26Of course, it seems that Hinata also noticed the unnaturalness of it.
12:33Since I was ordered by my opponent, I have no choice but to face it.
12:38That's a good decision.
12:41The protection of God Luminous will protect you.
12:45I'll give you this.
12:48This Dragon Buster.
12:52Are you really going to go?
12:56Yes, that's my responsibility.
13:02It's okay this time, Nikolaus.
13:05You don't have to worry about anything.
13:08It seems that the report that Hinata went on a journey to Tempest immediately reached Rimuru.
13:15But Rimuru seems to have thought about the possibility of Hinata coming to talk to him.
13:22Shizu was also worried about Hinata's whereabouts.
13:26I don't want to kill each other for no reason.
13:31If the talk breaks up, then...
13:36All right, it's decided.
13:38Let's deal with the Holy Knight side as much as possible so that we don't make any sacrifices.
13:42When I heard that Hinata was on the verge of a decisive battle with Rimuru, I panicked.
13:48Because he has a stubborn side.
13:53That's why he acted in a bad way.
13:57It seems that Hinata also had doubts about fighting Rimuru.
14:03Rimuru really wants to coexist with demons and humans.
14:07But if so, why?
14:11It's too late to fight.
14:13However, due to Shichiyo's manipulation, the fire of the battle was put out.
14:21Second squad, drive the enemy into the forest!
14:35It was faster than I thought.
14:38I'm sure you received my message.
14:44Is that the answer?
14:47It's a little different, but you won't believe me, will you?
14:52Well, let's get started.
15:07I'll show you.
15:24What is it?
15:26Let's finish the battle between me and you next time.
15:30But I'll tell you first.
15:33This technique is very dangerous.
15:35Will you still accept my proposal?
15:38If you can withstand that attack, it means I win.
15:42I understand.
15:44I thought you'd say that.
15:49I'll finish it with this.
15:51Melt Slash!
15:53No defense, no evasion.
15:56I'll sacrifice my ultimate skill, Beelzebub, and use it.
16:01There's no time to hesitate.
16:18You're amazing.
16:20You were able to withstand it, so I lost.
16:24I can't fight anymore anyway.
16:27You're right.
16:29Then I win.
16:34Interference with target and energy outage confirmed.
16:40Oh no.
16:42Is this the end?
16:55Hey, are you okay?
17:02Demon King Rimuru.
17:05Nice to meet you.
17:07We are the Seven Kings.
17:11We are here to eliminate Hinata Sakaguchi, who broke the order.
17:18I don't know what's going on, but don't get in our way.
17:22We've already decided.
17:24We don't intend to let Hinata die.
17:27Unfortunately, that's not going to happen.
17:29Hinata ignored the will of God Luminous.
17:35This is unforgivable.
17:37We must punish him.
17:40There's no point in being stupid anymore.
17:46Benimaru, Soen.
17:48Capture the Seven Kings with Shion.
17:51If you resist, I'll allow you to train.
17:57This is...
18:07This is bad.
18:09The magic circle will collapse at this rate.
18:12We'll release Kakunaru Ue as it is.
18:15Hang in there.
18:18Trinity Break.
18:21Kouku, Ultimate Skill.
18:23Restart Belzebut.
18:30This is bad.
18:32Kouku, the power reaction is increasing.
18:35The real attack is coming.
18:37Destroy the Demon King.
18:43Trinity Disintegration.
19:00This can't be!
19:05We are the protectors of humanity.
19:08The faith of God Luminous will not be silenced.
19:12We'll retreat this time.
19:14But God Luminous's wrath will burn you.
19:20What's that?
19:29You are...
19:31You are...
19:33Demon King Rimuru.
19:35I'm sorry to bother you.
19:38It's been a while.
19:40Could it be...
19:42The Demon King Valentine is God Luminous?
19:51I told you to behave yourself.
19:54But you acted on your own.
20:17Don't sleep.
20:19I'm not your teacher.
20:20Well, Shichiyou.
20:23This time,
20:25you will die.
20:27At least, I'll let you die by my own hands.
20:34We did this for God Luminous.
20:37What are you going to do?
20:40Death Blessing.
20:45God Luminous!
20:51God Luminous
20:57At the same time,
20:59other Shichiyou were killed by Rimuru's subordinates.
21:04The leader of Shichiyou, Gran,
21:07was killed by Nikolaus, the Demon King.
21:11I'm worried that Gran will be defeated by Nikolaus.
21:17Well, let's forget about it.
21:21You're here, Rimuru.
21:23It's finally my turn.
21:27Oh, I'm sorry.
21:29It wasn't your turn.
21:33I was waiting for you.
21:39Oh, Demon King Luminous.
21:42How's that?
21:44Now I remember you.
21:46Demon King Luminous.
21:47God Luminous.
21:49God Luminous Valentine.
21:53You damn lizard!
21:55You always get in my way!
22:02I don't like this lizard.
22:07it seems that Rimuru and Tempest have a lot in common.
22:13It's not bad for us to be friends and get to know each other.
22:21I'm glad you're safe.
22:24The miracle of my god, Resurrection,
22:27is not omnipotent.
22:30If the souls of the dead are scattered,
22:33we can't bring them back.
22:36Even the demons who are good at dealing with souls,
22:39and their lord, Gensho,
22:42can't do that.
22:45I'm glad you made it in time before you died.
22:51It's not bad to come to Tempest's festival, which will be held soon.
22:56Of course, you should come with us.
22:59Anyway, let's enjoy this site for a while.
23:06Let's go.
23:36And you are still there
23:39Watch over me
23:41We embrace the past and move forward
23:45Let's bring out happiness
23:48In our sparkling world
23:53Let's carve a future that goes round and round
23:58Exciting, exciting
24:01An endless adventure
24:02I want to scoop up the taste of tears and save them
24:08Everyone is the same
24:13It doesn't have to be a hero
24:18What's important
24:23Tell the old man
24:32Next time, on Bandai.