Luis Parra attends Venezuelan Supreme Court summons

  • 2 months ago
Former presidential candidate Luis Parra attends Venezuelan Supreme Court summons and offers declarations. teleSUR
00:00to the headquarters of the Supreme Court of Justice
00:02as the hearings continue in the judicial process of the July
00:0628th elections.
00:11It's conducted today, the hearing, and in the morning.
00:16These presentations have been developing.
00:23So we are live here at the electoral chamber of the Supreme
00:26Court of Justice as the hearings continues
00:29in this judicial process of the July 28th elections,
00:32a judicial process that began after President Nicolás Maduro
00:35filed an appeal to investigate if it has to do
00:38with the electoral process.
00:40In the morning, we had the appearances
00:42before the court of Manuel Rosales of the Un Nuevo
00:46Tiempo, of José Luis Cartaya of La Mesa de la Unidad
00:50Democrática, and José Simón Calzadilla
00:53of Movimiento por Venezuela, who came here
00:56before the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice
01:00to present their allegations and evidence on everything
01:02that is being investigated of the July 28th elections.
01:08Edmundo González, the far-right former candidate,
01:12was also supposed to attend.
01:14He was scheduled to appear before the electoral council,
01:17but he decided not to show to his appointment
01:22here before the Supreme Court of Justice,
01:25which was denounced and is put on the minutes
01:29by the president of the failed to attend
01:32of the former far-right candidate, Edmundo González,
01:36to these hearings to present their allegations
01:39or whatever evidence they had to.
01:42Now, moving on, we are going to continue
01:47watching live these images as we wait
01:49for the president of the Supreme Court of Justice
01:51to come out to begin this hearing, the first one
01:54in the afternoon, of this judicial process that
01:58is taking place to determine everything
02:02that had to do with the electoral day of July 28th.
02:06We must remember that there has been a very strong media
02:09campaign, especially by Western legacy media,
02:13that have tried to discredit the electoral system,
02:16an electoral system that is categorized by many experts
02:20as one of the best of the world.
02:22An electoral day that was held under the eyes
02:25of thousands of international observers
02:29who have come and said that the electoral system is transparent
02:32and very efficient and very secure.
02:35During this, the National Electoral Council
02:37has denounced several cyber attacks
02:40against its website, against its digital pages,
02:43trying to hinder the count of the process,
02:46the count of the votes.
02:47In this case, we are waiting for the beginning.
02:50These are the images that we're seeing, live images,
02:53as the hearing for Luis Barra of Venezuela Force,
02:56of Primero Venezuela, is about to begin.
03:00The official is present with his legal counselor.
03:05We're seeing their images as the attorney general
03:08of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Tarry William Saab,
03:11entered the room and greeted the officials that
03:15came this time to this hearing to present their allegations
03:19and evidence on everything that has to do with the July 28th
03:22and present the documents that they have available.
03:26As we were saying, this is the hearing of Luis Barra
03:29from Primero Venezuela, Venezuela First.
03:33And it's the first hearing that is
03:34going to be conducted in these afternoon hours.
03:37Also cited for these hearings in the afternoon hours
03:43is Conrado Perez Linares of Primero Justicia,
03:47Omar Avila of Unidad Visión Venezuela,
03:50Shane Bucaram of Venezuela Unida.
03:53And after all these people come, the former candidate,
03:57Jose Brito, is also expected to attend the hearing.
04:01We're seeing the president of the Supreme Court of Justice
04:04enter the room, and the hearing is about to begin.
04:08It's been declared open the hearing.
04:12Clerk, please go to announce the objective of the hearing,
04:20which is in conformity with the scenes in the article 85
04:26and 12 and 14 of the civil procedure
04:33applicable to the Supreme Court of Justice.
04:39And to the ends of these candidates
04:44must respond the questions made by these magistrates.
04:55So for the record, it is present Luis Eduardo Parra
05:00Rivero, ID 14,012,113, and representative
05:11of Primero Venezuela, and assisted by the lawyer Santos.
05:21And it is being recorded that Tarek William Saab is
05:27present as the Attorney General of the Republic.
05:30That's all present.
05:33So in this way, the hearing begins of Luis Parra.
05:38The hearing, this judicial process
05:40that is being held at the electoral chamber
05:43of the Supreme Court of Justice in the context of everything
05:46that came in the aftermath of the electoral day
05:48where President Maduro was elected
05:49by the popular vote of the Venezuelan people
05:52as the president for the term 2025-2031.
