• 2 months ago
00:00:56Give up
00:00:58You won't be able to make the Elf Elixir
00:01:10What are you doing here?
00:01:14I'm here to kill you
00:01:16Kill me?
00:01:20Are you possessed?
00:01:22In this world
00:01:24Only I can make the Elixir
00:01:26I'm the No.1 Elixir Master in Guyao Continent
00:01:28But I won't let you surpass me
00:01:34Do you know why I spent everything
00:01:36to make this Elixir?
00:01:38I'm going to give it to you
00:01:40and propose to you
00:01:46Are you done?
00:01:48If you're done
00:01:50Then let me send you back to the West
00:01:52The No.2 Elixir Master
00:01:54Taichu Shenhuo
00:01:56How did you get it?
00:02:00You don't need to know
00:02:02that much
00:02:40In this world
00:02:42No one can kill me
00:02:44Even if I die
00:02:46I will die in my own hands
00:02:52The No.2 Elixir Master
00:02:54Taichu Shenhuo
00:02:56The No.2 Elixir Master
00:02:58Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:00The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:02Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:04The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:06Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:08The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:10Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:12The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:14Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:16The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:18Taichu Shenhuo
00:03:20The No.2 Elixir Master
00:03:42No shortcuts to the Ethereal Land
00:03:44To be a great dancer
00:03:46If you wanna learn the art of dance
00:03:48外外还要修心 义 气 力 胆 智
00:03:57无论付出多大的代价 我一定要觉醒五脉 成为武者
00:04:02好了 我现在启动麒麟谷阵
00:04:11地级以上五脉觉醒者 能直接进入诸球院修炼
00:04:17而此次五脉天赋最高者 我蓝火武斧将奖励他一颗虚灵丹
00:04:26炼丹师乃是古药大陆最尊贵的职业 可为万里挑一
00:04:31而星落帝国中的炼丹师更是稀少 丹药都无比珍贵
00:04:36成为蓝火武斧的弟子 就能获得一颗滋养肉身 提高修炼速度的虚灵丹 太值得了
00:04:45不知道这虚灵丹 能助父亲突破到五星大悟失境吗
00:04:53苏北天 就你也配惦记那颗虚灵丹
00:04:59沈若燕 我劝你还是平和一些 心胸狭隘只会加重你的病情
00:05:07放肆 苏北天 现在的你就是一个被韩风师兄教训的废物
00:05:13你苏家也即将被我墨家所取代 哪来的勇气 跟若燕大呼小叫
00:05:24莫寒 沈若燕 北天师兄和你们无冤无仇 你们为何羞辱他
00:05:29北天师兄未受伤前 你们为何不挑衅 现在北天师兄受伤了 你们却蹦出来了
00:05:38北天师兄 你别理他们 他们就是两个跳梁小丑 嫉妒你的才华 嫉妒你的帅气
00:05:45无论你变成什么样 我们都支持你
00:05:54我就不信 这小子不败倒在本小姐石榴裙下
00:06:11我 我醒了
00:06:35现在的你 只会躲在女人背后吗
00:06:39莫寒 我真不知道你看上沈若燕哪里了 她的刁蛮 毒舌 又或者你就喜欢那种狐小蛮缠 心胸狭隘的女人
00:06:55回禀六长老 我们刚刚在比武 谁是此次五脉觉醒最强者 我说是我 他们不信
00:07:03苏北天 我听说你前几日被人打伤了 你可是经脉受损 是很难觉醒五脉的
00:07:12多谢六长老关心 我经脉损伤几乎痊愈了 我想第一个觉醒五脉 还请六长老成全
00:07:23那好 既然你有信心 那此次五脉觉醒 就从你开始吧
00:07:37既然你有信心 那么这次五脉觉醒 就从你开始吧
00:07:43北天师兄加油 北天师兄 无论你成绩如何 我们都支持你
00:07:57小姐 没想到你的未婚夫还挺受欢迎 我对他的天赋不感兴趣 我这次来找他 只是想和他做笔交易
00:08:08臭小子 就算你能觉醒五脉成为舞者也改变不了什么 我墨家一定会取代你苏家 成为蓝火城新王族 你就等着被我踩在脚下吧
00:08:25觉醒五脉的时间为一炷香 超过时间即为失败
00:08:48心神合一 火药心生 紫丝集神 凝朔 烈火绝
00:09:30这点疼痛算什么 我一定要觉醒五脉
00:09:37可恶 难道要失败了吗
00:09:43This is the legacy of Su Beihuang, the single god of the Ancestors of Yin and Yang.
00:10:08I actually inherited his memories.
00:10:11God really treats me well.
00:10:15Gu Ruoqing, you owe Su Beihuang a debt.
00:10:18I'll get it back with my own hands.
00:10:23Sixth Elder,
00:10:24Su Beitian is a clown who is easy to please.
00:10:27He can't awaken his martial soul at all.
00:10:29We'd better not waste time.
00:10:35Next one.
00:10:36I'll do it.
00:10:38I have to awaken my martial soul quickly
00:10:40so that I can humiliate him
00:10:42to avenge my refusal that day.
00:10:58Sixth Elder.
00:11:00Sixth Elder.
00:11:04What's going on?
00:11:07Tianji Huoxi Martial Soul.
00:11:09Su Beitian has awakened Tianji Huoxi Martial Soul.
00:11:13Huoxi Martial Soul is the rarest Martial Soul.
00:11:16It can be chosen by a hundred miles.
00:11:18Su Beitian not only awakened Huoxi Martial Soul,
00:11:20but also reached the level of Tianji.
00:11:22This kind of talent is enough to win Lan Huang's heart.
00:11:28No, this is not true.
00:11:31Senior Beitian is a genius.
00:11:34Senior Beitian,
00:11:35you didn't let us down.
00:11:37Senior Beitian, I love you.
00:11:46What's going on?
00:11:48Why is there a blue light
00:11:49when the spirit is awakened?
00:11:54He is a genius.
00:11:57He awakened Huobing,
00:11:59the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul.
00:12:02Su Beitian is interesting.
00:12:06I didn't expect that he has the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul
00:12:08just like you, Miss.
00:12:24Sixth Elder,
00:12:25I should be the strongest one
00:12:27to awaken the Martial Soul, right?
00:12:29Elder Yan He,
00:12:30Su Beitian cheated.
00:12:34He is Han Feng,
00:12:35the genius of Zhuque Academy of Langhuo Martial Club.
00:12:38Han Feng?
00:12:39Isn't he the one
00:12:40who hurt Su Beitian a few days ago?
00:12:42Han Feng?
00:12:45Su Beitian,
00:12:46listen carefully.
00:12:47The one who hurt you is me, Han Feng.
00:12:49If you want to take revenge,
00:12:51you are welcome to come to me.
00:12:55Han Feng,
00:12:56do you have any evidence
00:12:57to prove that Su Beitian cheated?
00:13:00Elder Yan He,
00:13:01I fought with Su Beitian a few days ago.
00:13:04His meridians are blocked.
00:13:05He has no talent at all.
00:13:07How could he awaken
00:13:08the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul?
00:13:10I heard that
00:13:11the Su family has a kind of elixir.
00:13:13After taking it,
00:13:14you can have the illusion of awakening the Martial Soul.
00:13:16Su Beitian
00:13:17must have taken this kind of elixir
00:13:19to make people think
00:13:20he awakened the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul.
00:13:23Senior Han is right.
00:13:25Su Beitian
00:13:26is a despicable villain.
00:13:28He must have cheated.
00:13:31Han Feng,
00:13:32are you finished?
00:13:34It's easy to prove.
00:13:36Let's have a game.
00:13:38Do you dare to accept my challenge?
00:13:42Challenge me?
00:13:43Do you really think that
00:13:44you can challenge me
00:13:45by taking the elixir
00:13:47and awakening the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul?
00:13:51Since you don't know how to live,
00:13:53I'll help you.
00:13:56Are you sure
00:13:58you want to challenge me?
00:14:12Let's make it a rule.
00:14:14The one who falls out of the ice circle
00:14:16will fail.
00:14:41Su Beitian,
00:14:42I beat you like a dead dog last time.
00:14:45This time,
00:14:46I can beat you until you kneel and beg for mercy.
00:14:54No way.
00:15:05Good chance.
00:15:21Oh, no.
00:15:28Good job.
00:15:29Good job.
00:15:32Oh, no.
00:16:03Martial Soul Elixir?
00:16:04Did he really awaken
00:16:06the Twin-Star Tianji Martial Soul?
00:16:10Senior Beitian,
00:16:11you're so cool
00:16:12when you hit people.
00:16:14Senior Beitian,
00:16:16I love you.
00:16:17Senior Beitian.
00:16:22Han Feng,
00:16:23you lost.
00:16:25I didn't lose.
00:16:40Han Feng,
00:16:41listen carefully.
00:16:43The one who hurt you
00:16:44is me, Su Beitian.
00:16:47Su Beitian,
00:16:48listen carefully.
00:16:49The one who hurt you
00:16:50is me, Han Feng.
00:16:52If you want revenge,
00:16:54you're welcome to come to me.
00:17:16Who else doubts that I cheated?
00:17:31it's too noisy here.
00:17:32Let's go.
00:17:40From now on,
00:17:41you're the disciple of the Vermilion Bird School
00:17:43of the Lanhu Martial Club.
00:17:45I'll give you
00:17:46this Spirit-Vanishing Pill.
00:17:48This Spirit-Vanishing Pill can also be used as a pill?
00:17:50If it were the Ancestors,
00:17:51this kind of pill
00:17:52wouldn't be useful to him at all.
00:17:54Forget it.
00:17:55Now I want to practice this body
00:17:57to heal my injury.
00:17:58Thank you, Elder Liu.
00:18:00I'll report to the Vermilion Bird School on time.
00:18:05Let's go.
00:18:30did you have a good time?
00:18:31Who's talking?
00:18:42don't be nervous.
00:18:43It's me.
00:18:45You are...
00:18:48don't you recognize me?
00:18:50My name is Ling'er.
00:18:51It's the Spirit-Vanishing Pill you made.
00:18:54You're the Spirit-Vanishing Pill?
00:18:55The pill made by the Ancestors?
00:18:59You're the descendant of the master.
00:19:00Then you're my new master.
00:19:02I'm the new master.
00:19:03The Spirit-Vanishing Pill can transform?
00:19:06Although the Ancestors are the top pill masters in Guyao Continent,
00:19:09I've never seen a pill that can transform.
00:19:12The Spirit-Vanishing Pill has the fortune of conquering the world.
00:19:14It has a lot of magical power.
00:19:16Transformation is the simplest.
00:19:20It's just a pity that
00:19:21if I'm reawakened,
00:19:23the power of the Spirit-Vanishing Pill will be exhausted.
00:19:27the Ancestors succeeded
00:19:29in making the only Spirit-Vanishing Pill in the world?
00:19:32All these years,
00:19:33I've been sleeping in the master's heart.
00:19:35I didn't wake up until the master awakened the Five Meridians.
00:19:39Han Feng was hurt by Lv Mangfeng just now.
00:19:41It was you?
00:19:43You guessed it right.
00:19:44That man is so annoying.
00:19:45I secretly taught him a lesson.
00:19:49can you tell me
00:19:50what abilities you have?
00:19:53Except for the Spirit-Vanishing Pill,
00:19:54I can also enhance everything.
00:19:56Enhance everything?
00:19:58This ability is much higher than the Spirit-Vanishing Pill.
00:20:00It will be more helpful for my cultivation in the future.
00:20:02Good, good.
00:20:04But I just woke up.
00:20:05I'm still too weak.
00:20:06I can only enhance the Xuanji Treasure Pill and so on.
00:20:09I can only enhance higher-level things
00:20:11when I grow up further.
00:20:14How can you grow up?
00:20:16I was created by the Spirit-Vanishing Pill.
00:20:18I can speed up the growth of food, pills and snacks.
00:20:22I'm a little hungry.
00:20:24Do you have anything to eat?
00:20:26Come on,
00:20:27this Spirit-Vanishing Pill is for you.
00:20:29this Spirit-Vanishing Pill is so trash.
00:20:31Let me enhance it.
00:20:38It has doubled the power of the pill.
00:20:40It's really good.
00:20:43It tastes much better now.
00:20:46someone is coming.
00:20:47I'll go back first.
00:20:56long time no see.
00:21:00why are you here?
00:21:01Are you looking for me?
00:21:04I have something to tell you.
00:21:06Are you looking for me
00:21:07because you want to break off the engagement?
00:21:10It's strange.
00:21:11Why is Su Meitian different from before?
00:21:14It turns out that when he sees me,
00:21:16he will not only show his green eyes,
00:21:18but also lose his temper.
00:21:20But today,
00:21:21he looks at me
00:21:22with a terrible calmness.
00:21:24What's wrong?
00:21:25He looks at me
00:21:26with a terrible calmness.
00:21:28What's wrong?
00:21:29Do you want to break off the engagement?
00:21:43Don't you want to?
00:21:44If I were you,
00:21:45I wouldn't want to be restrained either.
00:21:48you're wrong.
00:21:49I came to you this time
00:21:51to make a deal with you.
00:21:53A deal?
00:21:54Do you want to use me as a shield?
00:21:59To be honest,
00:22:00I want to act with you.
00:22:02After breaking off the engagement,
00:22:04I can practice hard.
00:22:06I don't know
00:22:07if you are willing to help me.
00:22:08Why do you think I will help you?
00:22:13I know it's unfair to you.
00:22:14I will try to make up for you.
00:22:17Ten snacks,
00:22:19plus training resources,
00:22:20I will cooperate with you to act.
00:22:24You give me resources,
00:22:25I give you power.
00:22:26It's a fair deal.
00:22:29Ling'er and I
00:22:30need to cultivate our natural growth.
00:22:32this is a chance to get resources.
00:22:34No matter what the trouble is,
00:22:35as long as you are strong,
00:22:36you can deal with it.
00:22:39I only have three snacks
00:22:41and 300,000 gold coins.
00:22:44I will give you
00:22:45the rest as soon as possible.
00:22:53It's getting late.
00:22:54You go back to Langhuo City first.
00:22:56I will come to you in two days.
00:23:00Wait, Meitian.
00:23:02This message bead is for you.
00:23:03It's convenient to contact.
00:23:12Dad, sister,
00:23:13I'm back.
00:23:34how is Qilin test today?
00:23:36I have awakened
00:23:37the five veins of Tianjin of Ice and Fire.
00:23:39I have officially become
00:23:40a disciple of Zhu Quyuan of Lanhuo Martial Arts School.
00:23:57The five veins of Tianjin of Ice and Fire.
00:24:01It's really the five veins of Tianjin of Ice and Fire.
00:24:05has finally blessed my family.
00:24:11you are the pride of the Su family.
00:24:15you are awesome.
00:24:19let's go inside
00:24:20and talk slowly.
00:24:33you promised me before
00:24:34that as long as I awakened the five veins of Tianjin of Ice and Fire,
00:24:36you would tell me about my mother.
00:24:38Can you tell me now?
00:24:44Do you really want to know?
00:24:47Yes, I want to know.
00:24:53You have grown up.
00:24:55You should know something.
00:24:58Your mother's name is Yaoyue Li.
00:25:00She is the youngest daughter of the owner of Donghuoyu Pharmacy.
00:25:04When you were three years old,
00:25:06the people of the pharmacy suddenly came to the city of Lanhuo
00:25:08and forcibly took your mother away,
00:25:10hurt your sister,
00:25:12and took away your grandfather's natal flame,
00:25:14Qingyanling Flame.
00:25:18You were still young at that time.
00:25:19Your mother risked her life to protect you.
00:25:21That was the only way to survive.
00:25:23When I hurried back,
00:25:25everything was settled.
00:25:28Since then,
00:25:29our family has been in disarray.
00:25:31We were defeated by the Han family in the family debate.
00:25:33Not only did we lose the qualification of a good family,
00:25:35but we were also driven out of the city of Lanhuo by the Han family.
00:25:39The pharmacy?
00:25:40The Han family?
00:25:42Your sister was originally very talented.
00:25:44Unfortunately, after being seriously injured,
00:25:46she had post-traumatic stress disorder.
00:25:49And because of the old injury,
00:25:51I happened to be in the middle of a five-star martial arts competition.
00:25:54I was unable to protect the Su family.
00:26:00Father, sister,
00:26:01don't worry.
00:26:02I will definitely save my mother
00:26:04and make the pharmacy pay for it.
00:26:06I want the pharmacy
00:26:08to have no luck at all.
00:26:10Don't get agitated.
00:26:14The pharmacy's terror
00:26:16is beyond your imagination.
00:26:18At this stage,
00:26:20what you need to do is to practice hard
00:26:22and strive to break through
00:26:24to the five-star martial arts competition as soon as possible.
00:26:26In this way,
00:26:28if you can enter Xinghuo Academy,
00:26:30the Su family
00:26:32will have a chance to rise.
00:26:36how long is it before the family debate?
00:26:38Three months.
00:26:40Father, don't worry.
00:26:42The Su family will definitely win
00:26:44if I can enter Xinghuo Academy.
00:26:46Don't worry about the family debate
00:26:48during the day.
00:26:50Practice hard.
00:27:03Martial artists in Guyao Continent
00:27:05are divided into five categories from the top of the earth.
00:27:07Five masters, five masters,
00:27:09five spirits, five sects,
00:27:11five kings, five kings,
00:27:13five saints, five emperors,
00:27:15and the eleven great realms of the five gods.
00:27:17The five-spirit realm
00:27:19is divided into one realm for each one of the five veins.
00:27:21The nine-to-five-vein realm is the ultimate realm.
00:27:23After the five-master realm,
00:27:25each great realm is divided into the six-star small realm.
00:27:29there is only the five-spirit realm.
00:27:31Most of the martial arts in the previous life
00:27:33cannot be cultivated.
00:27:35If you want to reach the peak,
00:27:37the foundation of cultivation is the most important.
00:27:39Only one step, one footprint
00:27:41is enough to reach the peak.
00:27:43In the previous life,
00:27:45the disciples of Xuanhuang Hall
00:27:47were very good at cultivating the foundation.
00:27:49Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:27:51has a very low level of cultivation.
00:27:53I will use him as the foundation.
00:28:01help me strengthen these three Xia-type spirit keys.
00:28:11Spirit key?
00:28:13Master, I'm so hungry.
00:28:15I want to eat a spirit key.
00:28:17No problem.
00:28:19You helped me strengthen
00:28:21these three Xia-type spirit keys.
00:28:23I'll give you one.
00:28:25Master, you are the best.
00:28:41Come on.
00:28:49I tried my best.
00:28:51Ling'er, you worked hard.
00:28:53This Xia-type spirit key is for you.
00:28:57Master, I'm going back to rest.
00:28:59Call me if you need anything.
00:29:03I hope these two Xia-type spirit keys
00:29:05can help me cultivate Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:07and open up a few new martial veins.
00:29:11Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:13Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:15Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:17Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:19Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:21In the martial arts world,
00:29:23every time you open up a martial vein,
00:29:25your physical condition and combat ability will improve.
00:29:27I have a double martial vein.
00:29:29Every time I break through a level,
00:29:31I need to open up a new martial vein.
00:29:33My combat ability will also exceed
00:29:35the level of a martial artist in the same realm.
00:29:41Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:43Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:45Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:29:47Three-star martial arts skill.
00:29:49That's great.
00:29:57Not bad.
00:29:59After cultivating two Xia-type spirit keys,
00:30:01I finally opened up ten new martial veins
00:30:03and cultivated Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:30:05to the next level.
00:30:07I feel like
00:30:09every inch of my muscle
00:30:11has the power of ice and fire.
00:30:13Qian Jinshui, you're dead.
00:30:15I will never marry your son.
00:30:19Master Su,
00:30:21I'm doing this for your own good.
00:30:23If our two families get married,
00:30:25I won't take the 500,000 gold coins
00:30:27your Su family owes my Qian family.
00:30:29And with my Qian family's help,
00:30:31your Su family's reputation
00:30:33can also be preserved.
00:30:35I will pay back
00:30:37the 500,000 gold coins.
00:30:39As for the reputation of our family,
00:30:41you don't have to worry about it.
00:30:43Master Su,
00:30:45I'm doing this for your own good.
00:30:47Why don't you appreciate it?
00:30:49Don't you know your situation?
00:30:51Once you lose the throne of the Wang family,
00:30:53how can you still have a place
00:30:55in Rouhe Town?
00:30:57Our Su family has no fear of any challenge.
00:30:59Our Su family's value
00:31:01is not something that anyone can take.
00:31:03Qian Jinshui, take your son and leave.
00:31:05Don't be so shameless.
00:31:07This is your last chance.
00:31:09If you miss it,
00:31:11even if you and your wife kneel in front of me,
00:31:13I won't save you anymore.
00:31:15Qian Jinshui,
00:31:17how can you make a mess in our Su family?
00:31:19How dare you!
00:31:21You can also call my master's name.
00:31:23Qian family?
00:31:25Your Qian family
00:31:27is only in Rouhe Town.
00:31:29What is your Qian family
00:31:31if you leave Rouhe Town?
00:31:33How dare you slander my Qian family!
00:31:35I'll kill you!
00:31:37What? Did I say something wrong?
00:31:39Your Qian family
00:31:41is only in Rouhe Town.
00:31:43Even if you are in Rouhe Town,
00:31:45how dare your Qian family be so arrogant?
00:31:47Aren't you also a man with a tail?
00:31:49You have a big mouth.
00:31:53don't forget
00:31:55that your Su family's current situation
00:31:57is not as good as my Qian family's.
00:31:59Your Su family will be doomed
00:32:01if you don't stop now.
00:32:03That's what you think.
00:32:05In my opinion,
00:32:07it's just a matter of a punch.
00:32:09You little bastard.
00:32:11You are not afraid of being slapped?
00:32:13I'll beat you up if you don't stop.
00:32:17Beat me up?
00:32:31You little bastard.
00:32:39You little bastard.
00:32:41How dare you hurt people?
00:32:51Qian Jinshui.
00:32:53If you want to hit me,
00:32:55I'll kill you
00:32:57if you hurt my son.
00:33:05Since your Su family is determined
00:33:07to go against my Qian family,
00:33:09don't blame us for being ruthless.
00:33:11I hope you won't regret
00:33:13this choice.
00:33:23Let's go.
00:33:29Wei Tian, you were too impulsive just now.
00:33:31Father, I don't think so.
00:33:35will only make them more aggressive.
00:33:37Why don't we
00:33:39break their teeth and vent our anger?
00:33:41Although you said that,
00:33:43it's not as simple
00:33:45as you think.
00:33:47If the Qian family dares to be arrogant,
00:33:49someone must be behind it.
00:33:53our Su family still owes the Qian family 500,000 gold coins.
00:33:55Father, why
00:33:57do you owe the Qian family money?
00:33:59How come I don't know about it?
00:34:01The reason why our Su family owes the Qian family money
00:34:03is that they set us up.
00:34:05They accused us of selling
00:34:07fake medicine to them.
00:34:09In addition, the Han family
00:34:11forced us to write an IOU
00:34:13of 500,000 gold coins
00:34:15and gave us three months' payback.
00:34:17Otherwise, they would use our Su family's iron ore
00:34:19to mine the enemy's fortress.
00:34:21When you were cultivating,
00:34:23I didn't tell you
00:34:25that it was the Han family again.
00:34:27Father, don't worry.
00:34:29The Qian family or the Han family
00:34:31can't shake the foundation of our Su family.
00:34:33As long as you give me some time,
00:34:35all the evil spirits will disperse.
00:34:49Go to Lanhuo Wu's Mansion
00:34:51to report to me
00:34:53about what happened.
00:34:57According to the memory of Su Beihuang,
00:34:59the pressure brought by the 100-meter waterfall
00:35:01can stimulate the potential of the flesh.
00:35:03Then we can cultivate the Nine Spirits Sword as hard as we can.
00:35:23My body is too weak.
00:35:27I'd better cultivate the Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue first
00:35:29and then think of a way to strengthen my body.
00:35:53Lanhuo Wu's Mansion
00:36:13Cultivate the Nine Spirits Sword!
00:36:23I finally cultivated my first effort.
00:36:45The first effort should be able to continue to improve.
00:36:53Lanhuo Wu's Mansion
00:37:23Cultivate the Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue
00:37:29One more time!
00:37:49It finally worked.
00:37:51Let's go home.
00:37:53Lanhuo Wu's Mansion
00:38:21It's the Spirit Box.
00:38:23This is one of the main medicines for cultivating the Xuanhuang Zhenwu Jue.
00:38:25If it can be cultivated,
00:38:27my sister will be able to reawaken her Martial Soul.
00:38:31are you from around here?
00:38:35Are you familiar with
00:38:37Mount Hulang?
00:38:41Do you know
00:38:45the Blood Jade Body grows?
00:38:47Are you looking for the Blood Jade Body?
00:38:49Do you want to replenish the empty Qi blood
00:38:51to continue your life?
00:38:55Xiaoyou has good eyesight.
00:38:57With your current physical condition,
00:38:59even if you take the Blood Jade Body,
00:39:01you won't live more than 30 days.
00:39:03How dare you!
00:39:05How dare you hit my grandfather!
00:39:15Stop, Anxin.
00:39:17Don't mess around.
00:39:21he cursed you.
00:39:23Why can't you teach him a lesson?
00:39:25Xiaoyou is right.
00:39:27I don't have much time left.
00:39:29No, Grandfather.
00:39:31As long as you find the Blood Jade Body,
00:39:33you'll be saved.
00:39:35Even if I find the Blood Jade Body,
00:39:37I won't live more than 10 days.
00:39:39I've failed twice in a row.
00:39:41I'm afraid I can't continue.
00:39:47how do you know
00:39:49I don't have much time left?
00:39:53You look pale.
00:39:55You're breathing heavily.
00:39:57It means your organs are badly damaged.
00:39:59If I'm not mistaken,
00:40:01it's because of the fire.
00:40:03It's caused by the backfire.
00:40:07Xiaoyou is right.
00:40:09I admire you.
00:40:11You can tell my grandfather's condition.
00:40:13Is there any way to cure him?
00:40:17If you want to save your grandfather,
00:40:19you have to make the Spirit-Returning Pill.
00:40:21If you don't have the Spirit-Returning Pill,
00:40:23you can prepare for the afterlife.
00:40:25The Spirit-Returning Pill is a high-grade elixir.
00:40:27It's not easy to make it.
00:40:29Old man Wei,
00:40:31you've lived for hundreds of years.
00:40:33Aren't you tired of it?
00:40:35As a mortal,
00:40:37who wants to die?
00:40:39I have too much to give up.
00:40:43My descendants,
00:40:45my family,
00:40:47I want to see a broader world.
00:40:53Is there really no way?
00:40:55The Spirit-Returning Pill is not difficult to make.
00:40:57If you don't have the elixir,
00:40:59I can try to make the elixir for you.
00:41:01Is Xiaoyou a elixir master?
00:41:05Sort of.
00:41:07I don't know how much Xiaoyou is sure of.
00:41:11Ten percent.
00:41:13Ten percent?
00:41:15I don't know why,
00:41:17this young man always has a feeling of being mysterious.
00:41:21I still have a medicine on me.
00:41:25If Xiaoyou can really make it,
00:41:27I will be very grateful.
00:41:31Before I make the elixir,
00:41:33you have to promise me two conditions.
00:41:35Xiaoyou, please say it.
00:41:37As long as I can do it,
00:41:39I will definitely promise you.
00:41:41The first condition.
00:41:43After it's done,
00:41:45the Spirit-Returning Pill on your neck will be mine.
00:41:47No problem.
00:41:51Whether I succeed or not,
00:41:53just based on this kindness,
00:41:55this Spirit Box belongs to Xiaoyou.
00:42:03My second condition.
00:42:05If I can make the extra Spirit-Returning Pill,
00:42:07it will be mine.
00:42:09Of course.
00:42:11Just one elixir.
00:42:15Can you make two Spirit-Returning Pills?
00:42:17If others can't,
00:42:19it doesn't mean I can't.
00:42:21Then everything depends on Xiaoyou.
00:42:27As a one-star alchemist,
00:42:29you should have a kind of flame.
00:42:31Alchemists are born with strong soul power
00:42:33and the five veins of fire.
00:42:35Conquering the flame is the foundation.
00:42:37Fortunately, I have Baiyang Zhenhuo.
00:42:39Lend me your Baiyang Zhenhuo.
00:42:45What are you doing with the flame?
00:42:47I don't have a flame.
00:42:49I want to borrow your flame elixir.
00:42:51How dare you make fun of us!
00:42:53Your basic skill is to conquer the flame elixir.
00:42:55How dare you borrow the flame from me!
00:42:57No one has ever borrowed the flame elixir
00:42:59in the history of Chilang Army.
00:43:01What's the use of making fun of you?
00:43:03If you don't believe me, you can refuse.
00:43:05After all, I'm too lazy to give you elixir.
00:43:09Lan Xin, don't mess around.
00:43:11Lend Xiaoyou Baiyang Zhenhuo.
00:43:19I'd like to see how you borrow the flame elixir.
00:43:31Can he really borrow the flame elixir?
00:43:33You guys leave.
00:43:35No one can disturb me when I practice elixir.
00:43:43Grandpa, there is only one three-star elixir master
00:43:45in Chilang Army.
00:43:47He is the president of the Elixir Association of Lanhu City.
00:43:49Do you think his elixir skill
00:43:51is really better than that of the president of the Elixir Association?
00:43:53There are people outside the man,
00:43:55and there is heaven outside the sky.
00:43:59No matter how he looks like,
00:44:01he doesn't look like a person who can speak freely.
00:44:03Maybe he really has something extraordinary
00:44:05that can make the flame elixir.
00:44:11Ling'er, strengthen this elixir.
00:44:21Hey, hey, hey.
00:44:35He doesn't use the elixir furnace.
00:44:37Empty elixir.
00:44:39You know, empty elixir
00:44:41needs to have a very strong breathability
00:44:43and control of the flame.
00:44:45If you are not careful, you may lose all your previous skills.
00:44:47What's more,
00:44:49I borrowed this elixir from someone.
00:44:53Who on earth is he?
00:44:57When did this kind of elixir demon appear
00:44:59around the River City?
00:45:15Long elixir.
00:45:19Three elixirs.
00:45:33All right, I have kept my promise
00:45:35to help you make the elixir.
00:45:39I, Yun Dejiang,
00:45:41thank you for making the elixir for me.
00:45:43When I recover,
00:45:45I will repay you.
00:45:47Don't be anxious.
00:45:49Take it now and see how it works.
00:46:05You are a master of elixirs.
00:46:07I take it.
00:46:11Don't you doubt me?
00:46:13Please forgive
00:46:15Lanxing's recklessness and ignorance.
00:46:17There are 100,000 gold coins
00:46:19on this Luoxin Gold Card.
00:46:21Please take it.
00:46:25Then I won't be polite.
00:46:27All right, it's settled.
00:46:29I have something to do.
00:46:31I'll go first.
00:46:33Wait a minute, sir.
00:46:35I don't know your name.
00:46:37Where are you from?
00:46:39See you later.
00:47:03Come and have a look.
00:47:09So beautiful.
00:47:11So beautiful.
00:47:13This medicine is so powerful.
00:47:15Yes, I haven't seen it before.
00:47:17Give me two.
00:47:21Wait a minute, I'll get it right away.
00:47:27Sir, what do you want to buy?
00:47:29I want to buy six six-leaf green lotus,
00:47:31fire lotus fruit, snow ginseng,
00:47:33clear water, and a Qiankun Belt.
00:47:35Do you have it in your house?
00:47:37Sir, the things you want
00:47:39are worth a lot.
00:47:41Money is not a problem.
00:47:43Just take me to buy it.
00:47:45Sir, please follow me.
00:47:51These treasures are all high-quality.
00:48:03Sir, please have a seat.
00:48:05Wait a minute.
00:48:17The things you want are all in this Qiankun Belt.
00:48:19You can check it out.
00:48:27How much are these things?
00:48:29The things plus the Qiankun Belt,
00:48:31a total of 390,000 gold coins.
00:48:35Sir, since you have the Star Falling Gold Card,
00:48:37you are my honored guest.
00:48:39You can enjoy a 20% discount.
00:48:41You only need to pay 310,000 gold coins.
00:48:43There is such a good thing.
00:48:45How about this?
00:48:47I'll buy a few more Demon Beast Elixirs.
00:48:49I'll get it for you right now.
00:48:55It's really hard to practice.
00:48:57I bought so much.
00:48:59It should be enough to practice for a while.
00:49:09Come to Qingxiangju at 6 o'clock tonight.
00:49:11Accompany me to see someone and perform a play.
00:49:17Take people's money and help people get rid of disasters.
00:49:19Those who dare to come will still come.
00:49:21Those who dare to come will still come.
00:49:33Beitian, you are here.
00:49:51Qianyu, let me introduce you.
00:49:53This is my fiancé, Su Beitian.
00:49:55Beitian, Qianyu is my only friend in Langhuo City.
00:49:57Ranxi, are you really getting married?
00:49:59What a good act!
00:50:01Respect the relatives.
00:50:05I am Beitian's baby.
00:50:07Before I met him,
00:50:09I was also very opposed to this marriage.
00:50:11But after getting to know him for a while,
00:50:13I found that he is not only handsome and extraordinary,
00:50:15but also a very good person.
00:50:17He is also a very good person.
00:50:19He is not only handsome and extraordinary,
00:50:21but also different from other men.
00:50:23I gradually fell in love with him.
00:50:25The Mu family and the Qin family are good friends.
00:50:27They will definitely ask the Qianyu family to investigate us.
00:50:29So we have to deceive Qianyu first.
00:50:43How about we go in and eat and chat?
00:50:45Okay, let's eat and chat.
00:50:49Let's go.
00:51:07Qianyu, you are the first one to know.
00:51:09Let's treat you to this meal today.
00:51:15Beitian, I heard from Ranxi that you are the witness of the peace.
00:51:17You just became a disciple of Lanhuo Wufu this year.
00:51:21Then how did you and Ranxi get engaged?
00:51:23Beitian's grandfather is a alchemist.
00:51:25He saved my grandfather's life.
00:51:27So we got engaged.
00:51:31By the way, Qianyu,
00:51:33how is Grandpa Qin's illness?
00:51:35Since Grandpa left the fire and entered the devil,
00:51:37his body is much worse than before.
00:51:39Now he is in a coma.
00:51:41Grandpa Qin is so sick.
00:51:43Is there no one in Lanhuo City who can cure him?
00:51:45He almost invited all the famous doctors in Lanhuo City.
00:51:47We even invited the chairman of the ID.
00:51:49But we can't do anything.
00:51:51Qianyu, I have a pill that can cure him.
00:51:55What pill?
00:51:57Have you heard of the soul-returning pill?
00:51:59Soul-returning pill?
00:52:01The chairman of the ID said that the soul-returning pill can cure Grandpa Qin's illness.
00:52:03I have a soul-returning pill.
00:52:05If you want it, I can sell it to you.
00:52:09Beitian, Qianyu is my best friend.
00:52:11If you really have a soul-returning pill,
00:52:13why don't you give it to him?
00:52:17I spent a lot of money to get this soul-returning pill.
00:52:19I only sell it.
00:52:23Beitian, how much are you going to sell this soul-returning pill?
00:52:27300,000 gold coins.
00:52:29Beitian, are you crazy?
00:52:31A pill costs 300,000 gold coins.
00:52:35300,000 gold coins for a life.
00:52:37A family's hope.
00:52:39I think this deal is very profitable.
00:52:41But you have to make sure that this soul-returning pill is real.
00:52:49You can take this soul-returning pill to cure your illness first.
00:52:51After the medicine is cured,
00:52:53you can pay me 300,000 gold coins.
00:52:55Aren't you afraid that I'll be in debt?
00:52:57In this world,
00:52:59no one can sell my money
00:53:01and be carefree.
00:53:03Zhan Xi, I found that your fiancé is really special.
00:53:05Very good.
00:53:07Don't worry.
00:53:09As long as the soul-returning pill is real,
00:53:11I'll give you 300,000 gold coins.
00:53:13Okay, it's a deal.
00:53:39let's go to pay the bill.
00:53:41It's so expensive.
00:53:43I didn't bring any money.
00:53:47give me some face in front of Qianlv.
00:53:51I'll pay.
00:53:57Beitian helped me a lot.
00:53:59I'll treat you to this meal.
00:54:01Then we're welcome.
00:54:07You don't have any money, either?
00:54:09I spent all my money
00:54:11on training.
00:54:13How about your money?
00:54:15I'm not used to bringing money when I go out.
00:54:17I usually put the money on the spider.
00:54:19I didn't ask him to come to our party.
00:54:21I admire you.
00:54:29Beitian, Ranxi,
00:54:31I've paid the bill.
00:54:33I have to take the medicine back to my house.
00:54:35I'll contact you later.
00:54:37Okay, see you later.
00:54:39See you later.
00:54:51If you don't mind this place is dirty,
00:54:53come in.
00:54:59From now on,
00:55:01I'm not afraid to investigate this matter.
00:55:05Say it.
00:55:07What else do you want me to act?
00:55:09I want to record some scenes
00:55:11of us sleeping together
00:55:13and send it back to my family.
00:55:15Okay, but I'm a traditional person.
00:55:17I hope you won't take advantage of me
00:55:19when I act later.
00:55:23Damn it.
00:55:25I should have said that.
00:55:27Don't argue.
00:55:29I have to practice at night.
00:55:31Let's not waste time.
00:55:33Let's go.
00:55:35Wait for me here.
00:55:37I'll take a bath and get changed.
00:56:15Su Beitian,
00:56:17close your eyes.
00:56:19Go take a bath.
00:56:21I'll wait for you in the room.
00:56:31keep an eye on him.
00:56:33If he dares to mess around,
00:56:35break his arm.
00:57:01Episode 2
00:57:05Are you done?
00:57:07Don't flatter yourself.
00:57:09I'm not interested in you at all.
00:57:13let's start.
00:57:15I'll cooperate with you
00:57:17after I take your money.
00:57:19But the rest of the money and snacks...
00:57:25I hope you can give it to me as soon as possible.
00:57:31You're so greedy.
00:57:41Don't be nervous.
00:57:43With your current condition,
00:57:45it's easy to be seen through.
00:57:51Zhizhu, I'm ready.
00:57:53We can start.
00:58:01Wait a minute.
00:58:03It's too far away.
00:58:05There will be a flaw.
00:58:23It smells good.
00:58:25It's strange.
00:58:27Why do I feel at ease?
00:58:33I'll start.
00:59:01Does Miss have feelings for him?
00:59:07The task is done.
00:59:09We should go back.
00:59:39What are you doing?
00:59:41What did you give the old man?
00:59:47I just gave the old man
00:59:49a soul-returning pellet.
00:59:51Soul-returning pellet?
00:59:53Where did you get it?
00:59:55I just spent 300,000 gold coins
00:59:57to buy it.
01:00:01Don't be fooled.
01:00:03Did the old man
01:00:05verify the essence of the pellet?
01:00:07I think the soul-returning pellet
01:00:09should be real.
01:00:11Qianlv, what are you doing?
01:00:13Don't you know that people's hearts are evil?
01:00:17Don't underestimate Qianlv.
01:00:19Think about it.
01:00:21Do you have a way to make it up?
01:00:23I'll deal with you later.
01:00:33Soul-returning pellet
01:00:49Is the soul-returning pellet
01:00:53Yes, it's real.
01:00:55The soul-returning pellet is real.
01:00:57Our family is saved.
01:01:03Soul-returning pellet
01:01:21It's getting late.
01:01:23Let's go to Langhuo House.
01:01:33Langhuo House
01:01:35is one of the top five houses
01:01:37in Chilang County.
01:01:39The examination is very strict.
01:01:41Once you are selected into the house,
01:01:43you can not only learn the most advanced martial arts
01:01:45inheritance, but also have a very sufficient
01:01:47training resource.
01:01:49There is also a chance to go to a higher-level
01:01:51training hall, Xinghuo Academy,
01:01:53and become the dragon of man.
01:01:59You're finally here.
01:02:01Come with me. I'll give you the formalities.
01:02:03Yes, Elder Liu.
01:02:09From now on,
01:02:11you will train well in Zhuque Academy.
01:02:13If you need anything, you can come to me at any time.
01:02:15By the way,
01:02:17I'll give you this pre-examination.
01:02:19There is a detailed introduction of Langhuo House in it.
01:02:21Thank you, Elder Liu.
01:02:23If you have time,
01:02:25take a good look first.
01:02:27If you don't understand, ask me again.
01:02:31There is an old tradition in Langhu House.
01:02:33Your first class
01:02:35will be given to you by Tongyuan Laosheng.
01:02:37The time is set for three days later.
01:02:39You go back and prepare well.
01:02:41I hope you can give us a surprise
01:02:43in three days.
01:02:47This is the training room for you.
01:02:49Train hard, don't be lazy.
01:02:53Take care, Elder Liu.
01:02:55Su Beitian.
01:02:59Su Beitian.
01:03:09The last lesson is not enough?
01:03:11Su Beitian, don't be proud.
01:03:13I was careless last time,
01:03:15so I lost to you.
01:03:17The weak will always find an excuse for themselves.
01:03:19Han Feng, if you are smart,
01:03:21stay away from me.
01:03:23Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't help hitting you again.
01:03:27Leave this kid to me.
01:03:29I'll teach him how to be a man.
01:03:57Jiuchong Sword.
01:04:05Jiuchong Sword.
01:04:21What level of martial arts is this?
01:04:23What level of martial arts is this?
01:04:25Stinky kid.
01:04:27I'll beat you up today.
01:04:49Beitian, are you OK?
01:04:51They can't hurt me.
01:04:55It seems that the Spirit Elixir is working.
01:04:57Senior Qi,
01:04:59you know each other?
01:05:07Man Bang, Han Feng,
01:05:09aren't you being too presumptuous?
01:05:11Don't you know that
01:05:13there is no harm in stopping the fire,
01:05:15but it's better to be careful?
01:05:21Man Bang, let's go.
01:05:31if they bother you again in the future,
01:05:33you can come to me.
01:05:35I'll help you deal with them.
01:05:37It's just a little trick.
01:05:39It's not a big deal.
01:05:41Beitian, I came to you today
01:05:43to thank you on behalf of the Qin family.
01:05:45Thank you for saving my grandfather.
01:05:47This Star Falling Gold Card
01:05:49was passed on to you by my father.
01:05:51There are 500,000 gold coins in it.
01:05:53Thank you for giving me the Qin family.
01:05:57Then I won't be polite.
01:05:59With these cultivation resources,
01:06:01I can cultivate for a period of time without worry.
01:06:23I finally stepped into the six-star dancer's realm.
01:06:39It's not bad to stop the fire.
01:06:41There are a lot of tricks.
01:07:01Flaming Cloth.
01:07:03This Flaming Cloth
01:07:05is a top-level soul skill of the Qin family.
01:07:07It has the Nine Spirits.
01:07:09It relies on the burst of fire and blood
01:07:11to increase physical strength and speed.
01:07:13It can be compared with the Nine Spirits of the Abyss
01:07:15and increase the power of the Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:07:17The power of the Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:07:21The Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:07:33These two martial arts
01:07:35complement each other.
01:07:37The power has really increased a lot.
01:07:47The Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:08:05The Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:08:07It's only one step away from breaking through the five worlds.
01:08:09The Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:08:39The Nine Spirits of the Abyss.
01:08:45You're all here.
01:08:47Hello, Director Liu.
01:08:49Hello, Director.
01:08:55You've cultivated the Nine-Star Dancer.
01:09:01Your cultivation speed is a bit fast.
01:09:03No wonder you're a genius
01:09:05in the martial arts world of Shuangxi.
01:09:07This kind of cultivation speed
01:09:09has almost created
01:09:11a record of cultivation in Lanhuo Martial Club.
01:09:15Zhuque Academy's cultivation environment is good.
01:09:17I've made a breakthrough while practicing.
01:09:21Today is the first class
01:09:23for you to join Zhuque Academy.
01:09:25As usual,
01:09:27the seniors of Zhuque Academy will teach you.
01:09:29They will show you
01:09:31what you've learned in Zhuque Academy.
01:09:33Elder Liu,
01:09:35are you asking us to fight with the seniors?
01:09:37That's right.
01:09:39Only when you really fight
01:09:41can you know the gap between you and the seniors.
01:09:43It will motivate you to practice harder.
01:09:45Elder Liu,
01:09:47if we defeat the seniors,
01:09:49will we get any reward?
01:09:51If we defeat the seniors,
01:09:53we can get more than 1,000 points.
01:09:55The points can be exchanged for resources.
01:09:57It can be used for cultivation.
01:09:59It's very precious.
01:10:01But in the history of Lanhuo Martial Club,
01:10:03only nine people
01:10:05defeated the seniors
01:10:07in the first class.
01:10:09Elder Liu,
01:10:11if I can defeat two people,
01:10:13can I get 2,000 points?
01:10:19Of course.
01:10:21Okay, I'll choose first.
01:10:23In my first class,
01:10:25I'll choose Han Feng and Man Bao.
01:10:27I hope their lessons
01:10:29won't let me down.
01:10:31Why is Su Beitian so arrogant?
01:10:33Su Beitian, are you sure
01:10:35you want to choose us?
01:10:39That's right.
01:10:41It's you two.
01:10:43Do you dare?
01:10:45Su Beitian,
01:10:47I'll let you know the consequence of being arrogant.
01:10:49I hope you don't regret
01:10:51your choice.
01:10:53I never know what regret is.
01:11:01Come on.
01:11:09Let's fight.
