10 Most Powerful Spider-Man Villains

  • 2 months ago
Spider-Man's rogues gallery is one of the biggest in all of comics, but who is his most powerful foe?


00:00When it comes to superheroes with impressive rogues galleries, you don't have to look
00:04much further than our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.
00:07The old web-head has amassed one of the most varied set of bad guys over nearly 60 years
00:12of comics, and they've all caused him plenty of trouble along the way.
00:16I'm Josh from RockCulture.com, and this is the 10 Most Powerful Spider-Man Villains.
00:21Kraven the Hunter
00:22At first glance, Kraven the Hunter isn't anything too special when it comes to the
00:26power department because, well, he doesn't have any superpowers to speak of.
00:32When you get right down to it, he's just a man who shouldn't pose any significant
00:36threat to a superpowered hero like Spider-Man.
00:39That said though, Kraven is anything but powerless.
00:42And he's not like your average man either, as he's in possession of a special elixir
00:46given to him by the voodoo priestess Kalippo, which enhances his senses, slows his ageing
00:52and improves his strength.
00:54It's a sort of cheat to be sure, but it enables the already gifted and ruthless hunter
00:59to take on the world's most dangerous game, Spider-Man.
01:02Hell, in his most famous story, Kraven shot Spider-Man and buried him alive in a grave
01:07where he remained for two weeks.
01:09During that time, Kraven took over his role and did some, let's say, very un-Spider-Man
01:15When it was over, Spider-Man rose from his grave and found that Kraven committed suicide.
01:21In the beginning, Mac Gargan was an ordinary private dick hired by J. Jonah Jameson to
01:30find out just how Peter Parker was able to get such good pictures of Spider-Man all the
01:35damn time.
01:36When that ploy failed, Jameson enticed Gargan to take part in an experiment that forever
01:41changed him into the supervillain known as Scorpion.
01:44He was outfitted with a special suit which gave him superhuman strength and a prehensile
01:50But he also gained a sort of Scorpion sense, similar to Spidey's own precognitive abilities.
01:55While the suit offers him increased durability and strength that rivals his own greatest
02:00foe, Scorpion's real power lies in his tail, which is like a Swiss army knife of pure death.
02:06It can fire electricity, acid, poison, it can be used as a clubbing weapon, and he also
02:12has a pencil-like grip that he can use to tear through webbing or whatever else might
02:16get in his way.
02:17The costume might be a bit silly, but don't let it fool you.
02:22The Lizard
02:23As we all know, The Lizard is a deeply tragic figure.
02:26He started out life as one of Peter Parker's friends and mentors, Dr. Kurt Connors, who
02:30attempted to regrow his lost arm but ended up transformed into a gigantic bipedal lizard
02:36who was intent on taking over the world and turning all of the people in it into lizard
02:41beings like himself.
02:43While this transformation makes him sympathetic, it also makes him equally as powerful.
02:48Spidey and Connors have battled plenty of times, but thanks to his reptilian DNA, The
02:53Lizard can heal from just about any wound.
02:55He's also super strong, comes equipped with razor-sharp claws, huge fangs, and a tail
03:01he can use as a devastating weapon.
03:03As far as medical side effects go, it doesn't really get much worse.
03:08He even ate his own kid once, the poor dude.
03:14Flint Marco was just a run-of-the-mill thief on the run from the cops when an accident
03:17that could only happen in comic books happened to him.
03:20While taking refuge, a nearby nuclear explosion exposed him to intense amounts of radiation
03:25while he was standing on some sand.
03:28The radiation coupled with the sand to alter his form, and when he first arrived on the
03:33scene, well, Spidey literally whipped out a vacuum cleaner and simply hoovered him up,
03:38but he has since transformed into a formidable villain.
03:41Sandman has the ability to completely alter his size and density, given enough sand to
03:47work with anywhere.
03:48This means that he can become a gigantic abomination capable of hardening his form to the strength
03:53of concrete.
03:54Likewise, if he's damaged, he can reform himself with nearby sand, which makes him
03:59pretty much immortal.
04:00Sandman of course does have a few weaknesses that can bring him down in a fight.
04:04For instance, water causes him to crumble apart much like a sandcastle on the beach,
04:09and as mentioned earlier, he's scared of a good Dyson vacuum.
04:12But despite this flaw, he is easily one of the strongest villains to go up against Spider-Man.
04:19A villain made of pure electrical energy isn't exactly easy to defeat, especially when they
04:25can travel via electrical wires and outlets all around the world.
04:29Consequently, battling Electro is always a nightmare for Spidey, since he can easily
04:34escape through wires, turn into intangible energy and fire off lightning bolts.
04:40Unfortunately, Old Webhead usually has a plan to counteract this.
04:43Rubberized suits are usually the go-to, but when it comes to handling a powerful villain
04:47who is nothing but, well, pure power, there aren't many easy workarounds.
04:53Electro got a few upgrades over the years as well, and after some experimentation, his
04:57power level was increased drastically, making him even more dangerous.
05:01He gained the ability to absorb and even create a limitless supply of energy.
05:06But more than that, he could manipulate the electromagnetic fields around objects to move
05:11them at will.
05:12These abilities enhanced his powers exponentially, making him an even tougher foe for Spider-Man
05:17to contend with.
05:20Dr. Otto Octavius is one of those characters who, for the majority of his supervillain
05:25career, didn't seem like a very threatening guy.
05:28But those tentacles should not be underestimated.
05:31They can do anything from carry him around, take him up and over buildings, throw cars,
05:36set apart bank vaults, and even one time in an early issue, unmask Spider-Man.
05:40As a matter of fact, Doc Ock was the very first person to unmask our hero, proving that
05:45knowledge can be just as dangerous as brute strength.
05:48However, his most dastardly deed came at the very end of his life, when his body finally
05:53failed him.
05:54Instead of dying like any other respectful fellow, he transferred his consciousness into
05:58Spider-Man's body, and vice versa.
06:00He effectively killed Peter Parker, and then took over his life as the new, superior Spider-Man.
06:06Doc Ock, for a while, won.
06:10There are many lists on the internet that place Norman Osborn at the very top when describing
06:15Spider-Man's worst enemies.
06:17While it's true that Gobby should top lists like those, this list is all about power,
06:22and the Green Goblin's power isn't paramount above the rest.
06:25That being said, he's no slouch either, and thanks to the Goblin Formula, he's incredibly
06:30strong and resilient.
06:32The only problem with that special sauce he made was that it drove him completely bonkers.
06:37His already impressive intellect was boosted to super-genius levels, which coupled with
06:41his insanity to make him into a devastating supervillain.
06:45The Green Goblin's power doesn't necessarily lie in his ability to pack a punch or hurl
06:50a pumpkin bomb, it's more to do with his influence over Spider-Man's life.
06:54To put it more accurately, it's how much he's been able to mess with Peter Parker's life
06:58since he knows exactly who his true enemy is.
07:01Gobby's most significant impact came in the story The Night Gwen Stacy Died, in which
07:06the Green Goblin caused the death of Peter Parker's first true love.
07:10This not only shocked Spider-Man himself, but also readers at the time, and it went
07:14on to reshape the web-slinger's life from that point forward.
07:19After being cast aside by Peter Parker, the Venom symbiote found a kindred spirit in Eddie
07:24Brock, making the two merge beings into one sizable threat, the villain known as Venom.
07:30When he first showed up, he terrorised Peter and Mary Jane, and regularly killed people
07:35in gruesome, horrible ways.
07:38While it's true that the character has morphed into more of an anti-hero these days, back
07:42in the beginning he was little more than a monster who was almost impossible to stop.
07:46Venom has all of Spider-Man's powers, and then some.
07:50He knew everything about Peter Parker as well, and he used that information to upend his
07:55He is also an absolute unit, possesses greater strength, doesn't hold himself back in any
08:00way, and can literally bite people's heads off if he so chooses.
08:06If Spidey thought Venom was bad though, the symbiote's first offspring was even worse.
08:11After Venom helped free Eddie Brock from prison, it left a small part of itself behind, which
08:16bonded with the closest human being there, Cletus Kasady, becoming Carnage.
08:21Eddie Brock was unhinged and angry, sure, but he wasn't a psychotic killer.
08:25The same can't be said for Kasady though.
08:28He was a convicted killer who had no problem tearing his victim's limb from limb, and
08:33with the power of the Carnage symbiote, that became far easier.
08:37The reason Carnage is more powerful than its progenitor has more to do with Kasady's
08:41insanity than the symbiote's powers.
08:44Kasady has no moral code of any kind, and killing for him is an act of joy and pleasure,
08:49which make him entirely unpredictable and, of course, dangerous.
08:53Granted, the ability to craft any edge weapon imaginable from the symbiote's mass doesn't
08:58hurt either.
08:59Carnage was so dangerous after he showed up, PETA ended up making a deal with Venom to
09:03take him down, and the two ended up working together.
09:06You know Carnage is a bad dude if it takes the combined might of two model enemies to
09:11take him out.
09:14Now, upon first glance, Morlin isn't all that threatening of a guy.
09:18He's a sharply dressed dude, and doesn't compare to the likes of Venom or Carnage in
09:23terms of being a scary-looking, intimidating monster.
09:26Looks are, though, of course, deceiving, and Morlin easily stands above the rest of Spidey's
09:31rogues as the most powerful.
09:33And that's because Morlin is sort of an energy vampire from another dimension.
09:38He feeds off the energy of living beings, but his taste in this area tends to lean more
09:43towards superheroes than regular folk, and Spider-Man proves to be more than delicious
09:48a snack to turn up.
09:50Because of this, Morlin has hunted the multiverse, killing and feeding off every version of Spider-Man
09:54he comes across.
09:56When he fought the Spider-Man from Earth-616, he punched him harder than any other enemy
10:00he faced before, but that's hardly the worst thing he did to him.
10:05Morlin possesses unlimited amounts of stamina and energy, which helped him fight against
10:09Spidey for hours.
10:11In one battle, Spidey looked like he was getting the upper hand after their fight went all
10:15across the city, but Morlin turned out to not be damaged at all.
10:19He exhausted Peter, beat the crap out of him, plucked out his eye, and then ate it right
10:25in front of him.
10:26He's practically a goddamn Dragon Ball Z character.
