Steve vs. Kevin (Early August Edition)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Cabeza, piernas, pies, pies, hey, hey, this is a bit like a song, it's kind of like a song, do it with me, do it with me, come on
00:10Cabeza, piernas, piernas, pies, yeah
00:16Cabeza, olé, piernas, pies, olé, hola Steve, hola Sean, olé
00:25Cabeza, piernas, pies, olé
00:32A clue, a clue, yes, do it too, Cabeza, no, there's a clue, una pista, una pista, una pista, where, behind you, una pista, una pista
00:47There's una pista, on this overall smock, you know, you're really good at this, Cabeza, you know what we need, you know what we need, our super duper, our handy dandy, notebook, notebook, yes, or our, lebreta, lebreta, ok, abierta
