• last month


00:00Welcome back to the runway. You have lost five and there are now only seven of you left.
00:07Let's call this week's challenge Making a Splash.
00:12You will design a swimsuit sleek and glamorous enough to navigate the waters of an exclusive fashion industry party.
00:20You only have five hours to complete your swimsuits, so be daring and use your time wisely.
00:28Let's bring out the models.
00:38Models, it is just as important for you guys as it is for the designers for you to stay on this competition.
00:44There is an exclusive fashion spread in Elle magazine on the line for the final model.
00:50There are now seven designers and eight models on the runway.
00:54You know that choosing the right model is crucial to surviving on the show.
00:58I will draw your names out of this bag and you will select in this order.
01:03The last model on the runway will be out.
01:08Karasan, you won the last challenge. You get to choose first.
01:13Jenny, thank you so much. You did a wonderful job.
01:16And since this is a bikini competition, I think I'm going to have you again.
01:26Since this is a party, I'm going party monster herself.
01:30Morgan still scares me a little, but it's worth it, you know, it's worth the gamble, I think.
01:35She seems like she's cleaning up her act.
01:44So Jay, there are two models left on the stage.
01:48Julia and Joy.
01:51The model that you choose will be in.
01:54The other model will be out.
01:58I've never worked with Joy before, but I like Julia's spunk.
02:04So we're going to go with her.
02:12That means you're out.
02:14Auf Wiedersehen.
02:17Bye, Joy.
02:18I was a little bit upset.
02:19I really wanted to stay because I've really made some good friends.
02:24I'm okay.
02:25I kind of felt like I was leaving summer camp.
02:30Okay, designers, good luck with the challenge.
02:33You only have five hours to complete your swimsuits.
02:38And I'll see you back on the runway.
02:49All right, everyone, here we are at Mood.
02:51You have 30 minutes and $75 each to create a swimsuit that can double as evening wear.
03:01I have one that caught my eye so much that I haven't seen it.
03:03Where is it?
03:04That's kind of like a Missoni-ish look.
03:06Oh, yeah.
03:07That's Missoni, all right.
03:09Okay, so let's get four yards, please.
03:11I love all the old, like, Esther Williams movies.
03:14Sort of just, like, glamour, bathing beauty, ideal, I think, will be sort of echoed in my design.
03:21What is this thong cut like?
03:23Well, I don't wear a thong.
03:24I don't know.
03:26I am really flying blind here.
03:28I don't know anything about bathing suit construction.
03:31But I understand that I've got to have a clue because it's got to be done by 5 o'clock.
03:37Are they me?
03:42Oh, boy.
03:43Here we go to making a bathing suit in minus 4, 3, 2, 1.
03:51There's never a lot of time for these challenges.
03:54But this particular one, there's no time to complete this challenge.
03:58And I just, you know, I'm wondering how everybody's going to make out.
04:01It's time to make the bathing suit.
04:08I just wanted to make something strappy.
04:10I remember something from somewhere that had straps on it.
04:14So I kind of want, like, a lot of them.
04:16So I got these little rings to hold the top together.
04:22This is a swimsuit for a society club.
04:27It's like a cream color.
04:28It has two pieces to it.
04:29The cover-up, you know, you can just wear it there.
04:32And then the bathing suit, you can wear it in the water if you want to.
04:35It's very sexy, very elegant, very rich.
04:40I think the three strongest designers at this point in the competition
04:43are me, Austin, and Carousel.
04:49Since I'm from Miami, bikinis and bathing suits,
04:52it's, like, a big thing over there.
04:54So this should be a fun project for me.
04:57I'm doing kind of, like, a Missoni-inspired meets, like, Celine.
05:01You know how Michael Kors did that bathing suit with all the gold?
05:05That's, like, my inspiration.
05:11How is everyone?
05:13We don't have enough time, for sure.
05:15You don't have enough time?
05:17But we could probably do whatever we can.
05:19You need to make it work by 5 tonight.
05:22On this one, we were given no time.
05:25And so I think people were kind of going a little crazy,
05:28screaming at the sewing machines.
05:30It's not going to help.
05:33My abs are having such trauma at the machines,
05:35and I was cursing at them.
05:37You know, you're a fat c***.
05:41It's cool. Just chill.
05:42No, it's not cool.
05:43Yeah, I'm 10 hours behind,
05:45and this s*** looks like a gay men's S&M costume.
05:48I went to, like, five machines, and they all sucked ass.
05:52You fat c***!
05:54I swear to God, these machines.
05:56Today's not the day for these things to be happening to me.
06:00Please, please, please, please, please work for me.
06:06I just don't know how everybody else seems to have
06:08the perfect f***ing machine, and my thread keeps breaking.
06:11I just felt like I could not get it done,
06:13and there was such a time constraint.
06:15So then I was like, oh, no, I'm starting to freak out,
06:17and then the time ticking, I really thought,
06:19okay, I'm out, I'm out of this show.
06:27For the sixth challenge,
06:29the keyword was a little outfit to make a splash
06:33at a fashion party.
06:35So obviously, you know, bathing suit.
06:37We all went into this knowing it would be a challenge.
06:40There's just so many types of bathing suits,
06:42but I definitely wanted something that was a little bit evening wear.
06:46But still, I really thought it was important
06:48that it ought to be a functioning bathing suit.
06:53This is the shortest amount of time
06:55we have had to execute a challenge.
06:59The design is avant-garde classic.
07:02It's got, like, a tuxedo and one-piece swimsuit
07:05with, like, a kind of scuba-esque miniskirt covering the bottom.
07:10The key is to, like, just keep telling yourself
07:13that it's going to be incredible.
07:15As long as you keep your head,
07:17keep having your voice saying that you're going to kick ass,
07:20then you'll be able to pull it off with no mistakes.
07:24I went out and had a cigarette, and I was like,
07:26by the end of my cigarette and coming back in the elevator,
07:28I knew exactly what I had to do.
07:30So, yeah, my cigarette's my saviour.
07:32They should call them a pack of saviours.
07:42Wendy, Alexandra, Kevin.
07:4515 minutes, then I'll be back, and we'll have to stop.
08:15I was going to die, and something's telling me,
08:17do not die this week.
08:19I'm serious.
08:20I think something's going to happen at 5 o'clock.
08:22We knew something else was coming,
08:24because we knew we had to be finished by 5,
08:26so we're like, oh, my God, what is it?
08:28Are we going to a pool party? We didn't know.
08:31There's always a twist.
08:32Somehow there's always a twist to these challenges.
08:34OK, everybody.
08:36It's the moment of truth.
08:38Stop what you're doing, come gather round me,
08:40no matter what you're doing.
08:43This challenge was to design a swimsuit glamorous enough,
08:47sleek and sexy enough to navigate a fashion industry party.
08:51And as many of you may have already guessed,
08:54you're going to a party at Hero Cocktail Lounge
08:56at the Maritime Hotel, hosted by Elle magazine.
08:59Very exciting.
09:02An important part about being a fashion designer
09:04is getting your name in the press.
09:06Richard Johnson, who is the editor of Page Six at the New York Post,
09:09is going to be in attendance at tonight's event.
09:12And an additional challenge that you have is to get his attention.
09:18At first when I heard it was Richard Johnson, I was kind of excited
09:21because I know everybody reads Page Six,
09:23like the column to read for celebrity and urban gossip.
09:27So he is going to be evaluating your performance in a social setting,
09:31and the winner will be the designer who gets his or her name
09:34printed in Richard Johnson's column.
09:36That person will have immunity next week.
09:39The rest of you will be judged on the runway.
09:42So make certain that you and your models are the celebrities tonight.
09:48Your models are going to be in momentarily
09:50and need to go to the L'Oreal Harris hair and makeup rooms to get prepped.
09:54All right, have fun.
09:55See you later.
10:00Go look, go look.
10:03Oh my goodness.
10:06I was so happy that I had her because I think she's a great designer.
10:10So perfect, I like the top.
10:12Luckily I chose Melissa, who is very comfortable with her body.
10:17And she's also a very effervescent personality
10:20that would be well suited to working a party.
10:27Press is extremely important to designers.
10:29It's like a free advertisement for a designer to get his name out.
10:32If your name's out there, it's going to cause attention.
10:36People will want a piece of that.
10:41I love you.
10:50Martinique is my mom.
10:51I looked at her and I saw her as this kind of bird of paradise.
10:55And so I wanted to give her these really bright colors.
10:58It's a sheered, one-piece suit.
11:02Now, sweetie, please don't be irritated with me.
11:04I've never made a thong in my life.
11:06I don't even know how to make a thong.
11:07So just bear with me, will you?
11:09Let me know what I'm doing.
11:10Is there any way that I can have more coverage?
11:13My model said, oh, she'd rather wear her own thong.
11:21I fitted the bathing suit on Erin, and it was a bit too small.
11:24Her behind was showing a little bit.
11:26Look in the mirror.
11:31Have you ever worn a bikini that small?
11:34I was a bit concerned, and it was tiny.
11:36And she seemed a little bit uncomfortable when she put on the bathing suit.
11:39So I was getting a little bit nervous, you know, about the party.
11:44It's going to be pretty rigged on your body.
11:46So just be prepared.
11:48I'm glad I shaved my bikini line.
11:50Oh, my God, I'm so glad I'm not wearing that.
11:52I would die.
11:54Right there, she's coming out.
11:57Okay, here's your skirt.
11:58Yeah, take it.
11:59And then I'll...
12:00Don't lose it.
12:02What would you do if I lost it?
12:07I don't know.
12:20I didn't really get Kevin's bathing suit idea.
12:22I mean, it looked like, I don't know, not like a bathing suit.
12:25If she has the skirt on, it looks just like a button-down and a skirt.
12:29Also, Wendy's I don't think is really a swimsuit at all.
12:32It's sort of like a mini dress.
12:34I don't think she has what it takes.
12:36More often than not, she ends up making a mess.
12:40Oh, no.
12:42Morgan, she's my trump card.
12:45As long as she doesn't get drunk and, like, falls on the floor or something.
12:48Well, maybe that will make the press.
12:56The little twist to our challenge was that we had to get the attention of Richard Johnson,
13:01the columnist for New York Post, and wrinkle a mention in his column.
13:17How are you?
13:18Let's find this Richard.
13:24Richard Johnson works for Page Six, New York Post,
13:27which is actually almost like, to some New Yorkers, it's almost like a daily Bible.
13:31He's over there, but I don't know if anyone's even approached him.
13:35Jenny and I were the first people to talk to Richard.
13:42Jenny just went over and introduced herself, and they started talking about the outfit.
13:47She really knows how to work a role.
13:49Do you think it's very ready to wear?
13:51You're ready. Ready to wear.
13:52This used to be my designer.
13:56This is my designer. I love her.
14:00Hi, how are you?
14:01Did you design this package there?
14:02Yes, I did.
14:03That's very pretty.
14:04I didn't stay and talk to him long.
14:06I just wanted to sort of make an appearance and let him see my work.
14:16I'm Richard.
14:22This is great.
14:24So do you have an overriding, I'm sorry, a look at what you do?
14:27Yeah, it's kind of classic and a little avant-garde, not too much either.
14:32It was a party, and Morgan, she's great energy.
14:37And I got lucky with Morgan.
14:39He didn't get lucky.
14:43He's my bitch.
14:47Alright, it was a pleasure meeting you.
14:54This is my soccer mom.
14:56Soccer mom.
14:59And you have a burning desire to be a big fashion designer.
15:02Yeah, but it's just a burning desire to dress women.
15:05You know?
15:06I love it.
15:07You don't like them naked?
15:09I like to dress them and then undress them.
15:14My inspiration comes from the classic sports car, the curvature.
15:18So a woman and a classic sports car are very much alike.
15:20That's great, thank you.
15:21Yes, it was very wonderful meeting you.
15:28Very beautiful.
15:29Thank you very much.
15:30Thank you very much.
15:31You know, Botticelli had his Venus, she's mine.
15:35So I suaved her and sort of got to her in the winds and rain and the ocean.
15:42We just went in there and had a glass of champagne and we're our natural selves.
15:48Austin was really being over the top and fake and I was pretty grossed out.
15:59Wait a minute, did you say you're only 16?
16:02My thing's a brand new crop, she's covered up, no alcohol, playing by the rules.
16:08It's not even legal in New York, 16.
16:11Pleasure meeting you.
16:18So have you always dreamed of being a designer?
16:20A designer, yeah, always.
16:21Ever since I was a little girl, I've always been so passionate about it.
16:25And I mean, I'm young, I'm only 23 years old.
16:28It was great meeting you.
16:29Very nice meeting you too.
16:31I really wasn't very aggressive because I'm not a very aggressive person, but I was myself.
16:38I went up and introduced myself and I think I talked a little bit about my design.
16:43Oh yeah, it's the Cartier on the side.
16:45But I couldn't think of anything else to say to him other than...
16:48What makes you mention someone in your column?
16:51I knew when I was saying it that it was like, this is the most boring thing you could ever ask him.
16:55But I'm interested, what do you have to do to get in this stupid column?
16:58We basically write about people who deserve to be written about, you know, when it's a positive thing.
17:03I didn't have a plan and it showed, I'm sure, to him.
17:06And you're really selling that suit.
17:08Am I, really?
17:09Well hopefully I'll sell it enough I'll be on the front page.
17:12That's good.
17:18Let's talk to this guy, let's get it over with.
17:20So I finally find this guy with lights all over him.
17:23So I go, that's my guy.
17:24I'm Jesus.
17:26This is Julia, by the way. Shake the man's hand.
17:29I was just being Jay, I was dressed as Jesus.
17:31And it worked out much better than the 30 Van Damme thing.
17:34It was pretty jovial, I kept it light-hearted and casual.
17:37And fun and funny, which is the way I like to do things.
17:40Show the man the whole ordeal.
17:43You ready? Ready, Richard?
17:44Alright, nice. I like it.
17:46It's like S&M.
17:47Look, I didn't mean it to be, you know.
17:49I didn't design it that way but it just f***ing turned out that way and blah blah blah.
17:53Cheers, Julia.
17:54Pleasure meeting you both.
17:55Are we done?
17:56I guess so.
18:02Although it was work to get the attention of Richard Johnson, everyone was just actually having a good time.
18:07It was nice to see everybody actually, you know, dancing and hanging out, laying back.
18:16Maximum power.
18:20Maximum power.
18:24Maximum power.
18:33Austin's model, Melissa, was like really flirty with Richard Johnson.
18:37And she like went by herself and she started talking with him.
18:41Melissa just kind of looked like hired help for the night.
18:45She was just sitting there with her legs crossed and doing this like giggling.
18:51She just knows how to work it.
18:53She is 16 going on 35.
18:57Right when I saw Melissa talking to Richard, I told Olga, you know what?
19:00Just go chill out with Melissa, get in there.
19:02And she strolled herself over there and started, you know, so I sat down there and I'm like,
19:05Harrison, get your girl, you know, Jenny.
19:07And Jenny went over there too.
19:08How do you do?
19:10And basically said, you know, we had to do whatever it takes to get his attention.
19:13And he's sort of, you know, a man's man.
19:16He likes the beautiful young ladies.
19:17And so I just let her do what she does best and let nature take its course.
19:26Melissa was probably like trying to give a man interaction.
19:31I think I should not look at her ass while the camera's on.
19:36It's obvious to me that Melissa knows exactly what she's doing.
19:39Make a little rip off to her.
19:41If she becomes the star of this and you don't.
19:44That won't happen.
19:52Hello, America just saw my vagina.
20:07We're in the club and it's time to go.
20:10Morgan said that she's going to a club.
20:13I said, well, I don't know if it's good to wear my outfit there.
20:16She said that she was going to change and she would take it with her.
20:21I trust her.
20:22I believe in her.
20:23I don't think I would have taken that chance.
20:25How about if something splits or she loses the top?
20:28Do you have time to sit down and make another top?
20:31You probably won't.
20:32They probably won't allow you to.
20:34Let's go.
20:35I'm really hoping Morgan shows up in the outfit and it's not in 52 pieces.
20:40We'll be fine.
20:42I'm hoping.
20:44Here's the cab. Let's go.
20:57Today's a runway show and one of us is going to get eliminated.
21:00This is spicy.
21:01Kevin's design really doesn't look like a bathing suit.
21:03I'm a bit concerned about that.
21:04It looks like a skirt and a shirt.
21:06I think Kevin could be going today, maybe.
21:09Same thing with Wendy. Hers just kind of looks like a dress.
21:11How can you let her have gone out in the outfit?
21:15I'd be concerned if I was Kevin about Morgan.
21:17Hopefully she's still in New York.
21:19She's probably in Miami right now.
21:21She's like, I have a bathing suit on. Let's go to the beach.
21:32I went out to have a cigarette and Morgan's there.
21:34What happened?
21:35It ripped.
21:37I swear to God, she was planted by demons into this show.
21:42You know, she's like the f****** model from hell.
21:53I went to Marquis last night.
21:55Very late.
21:57Okay, I couldn't go back here, so I had to wear Kevin's clothes out and I ripped them.
22:07Not good.
22:09Not too good.
22:12Hey, girl.
22:17It's fine, right?
22:18Yeah, this binding came off a little bit right here.
22:22What's wrong?
22:24That popped off.
22:25I didn't do anything to it.
22:27But you wore it all night, so that's what's going to happen.
22:30It was fraying at the party.
22:32Are you mad?
22:33Me? No. It is what it is.
22:35How's this shirt?
22:36No, why? Tell me.
22:38If I would have known this would have happened, I wouldn't have picked her.
22:40And I took a gamble and picked her for this.
22:43And maybe I'm wrong, next time I won't.
22:46It's not cool because you see how it's coming apart.
22:51No matter what the f*** I do, it's like really, honestly, I'm over this.
22:55You know what I want?
22:56I'm so over this.
22:57You know what I want? Eliminate me. I'm done.
22:59We shouldn't have worn it so long.
23:13Oh, I think I figured out how we can do this.
23:20Oh my God, what is wrong with this f***ing thing?
23:23How did I get this on? How did you get this off?
23:25You got it on me pretty easily.
23:27It's kind of a tricky suit to get into.
23:30But that's what makes it fun, maybe.
23:33F*** me, it's still twisted.
23:35Are you serious?
23:36Hey guys.
23:37We got it!
23:38We got it!
23:39The damage was done.
24:09We have 60 seconds until the runway show.
24:15Welcome back to the runway.
24:17Seven of you remain.
24:19And as you know, this competition is just as cutthroat as the fashion business itself.
24:25One day you're in, and the next day you're out.
24:29At the end of tonight, one of you will be out.
24:33This week's challenge was to design a bathing suit.
24:35Take your model to a fashion industry party and make a splash.
24:39The judges will be scoring your designs as they come down the runway.
24:42You will be judged on the innovation of your design
24:45and your ability to make a name for yourself in the press.
24:49And the winner of this challenge will have a guaranteed in for the next challenge
24:53and cannot be eliminated.
24:56And one of you will be out.
25:00Now, let's meet the judges.
25:02Now, let's meet the judges.
25:05Constance White, fashion journalist and style director of eBay.
25:09Anne Slohey, fashion news director of Elle Magazine.
25:13And Richard Johnson, head of New York Post's famous Page Six.
25:19Let's start the show.
25:27I definitely wanted something that was, you know, a little bit dressy.
25:30But could certainly be worn in the pool.
25:33I was certainly very happy with the way it came out.
25:43Morgan tore it a little bit, but it looked great up there.
25:47She made it look great.
25:50And when she's on stage, it's her show.
26:01I did that one-piece bathing suit not just for these, like, size 2, 4 women,
26:05but, like, also these size 12, 14 women.
26:07You could also feel comfortable in the bathing suit that I designed.
26:09Because, you know, not everyone's, like, a toothpick.
26:19It's essentially tarted up for the purposes of this challenge,
26:23but I believe that what you cover says more about you than what you reveal.
26:31Battle physically, conquer mentally.
26:39I like my bathing suit with my top.
26:41I'm a French.
26:42And when we went to the party, it seemed like everybody loved it.
26:55Battle physically, conquer mentally.
27:01Battle physically, conquer mentally.
27:05It was just a simple bathing suit, but I added the gold, you know,
27:08to make it more of a party outfit, dress it up a bit.
27:11It's very, very tiny.
27:13But I'm used to the tiny bathing suits.
27:15Those are the bathing suits I wear.
27:16Those are the bathing suits I wear.
27:28I just kind of made two black Band-Aids with dental floss
27:32wrapped around it with two little rings,
27:34which ended up looking like an S&M outfit.
27:37But it all came together somehow, and I'm pleased with it.
27:47We've tallied your scores.
27:49I want to ask all the designers to please step onto the runway.
28:00Cara-san, please step forward.
28:05You haven't won, but you have a guaranteed in
28:08because you've won this challenge.
28:10Step forward.
28:12You haven't won, but you have a guaranteed in
28:15because you've won last week's challenge.
28:18Please leave the runway.
28:26Six of you remain.
28:28You represent the best
28:31and the worst.
28:34We will discuss your designs
28:36and how you handled yourself with Richard Johnson last night.
28:43One of you will be the winner,
28:46and one of you will be out.
28:50Let's bring out your models.
29:01Robert, I was wondering if you could explain to me again
29:05the similarity between fast cars and fashion models.
29:08I mean, it's just my personal belief,
29:10but I believe a woman and a classic sports car are very much alike.
29:15Meaning, in my...
29:17You always notice most car collectors always name their cars after women.
29:21Just because it happens doesn't mean it's right.
29:25Jay, tell us about your design.
29:27Kind of like sporty, gypsy, future something.
29:31It's kind of how I usually always work.
29:33Techno bohemian is pretty much how it goes.
29:36So, techno bohemian.
29:38Now, Jay, you're a very flamboyant character.
29:43And fashion is a business.
29:45I'm trying to picture you in four seasons at lunch
29:48at a very serious business meeting.
29:52Do you have what it takes to do the business end of it?
29:56You're killing me here.
29:58Sure, as long as there's a booster seat for me
30:01so I can act like a child.
30:07Alexandra, tell me a bit about what you were thinking when you did it.
30:11I was influenced a lot by Missoni fabrics.
30:14It has kind of like a Missoni feeling.
30:16And also, actually, you know the bikini that Michael Kors did
30:19for Celine with the chains with the gold?
30:21That inspired me a lot.
30:22So I was thinking, you know, that kind of look.
30:26You could have been a little more creative with what you did.
30:33And can you tell me a bit about your creation, please?
30:36Sort of the first sort of imagery that came to my mind
30:38was sort of a water nymph,
30:40like a Venus sort of ascending from the wave.
30:43So I sort of swathed her in winds and waters.
30:47And it was also very important for me
30:50that it actually be a wearable, workable bathing suit.
30:53Very Esther Williams.
30:56Again, glamorous, but entirely swimmable.
30:59Kevin, is yours entirely swimmable?
31:01Yeah, it's made for swimming.
31:03It's stretch, it's stretch swimsuit.
31:07Because it doesn't really look like a bathing suit to me.
31:09It doesn't look it because it has the sleeves,
31:11but the sleeves can be rolled up.
31:13It's a full body suit.
31:16And this is a scuba neoprene skirt.
31:19And do you think you made a good impression last night?
31:21Or is there something you would have done different?
31:23I think I was good.
31:27I was good.
31:28I was good, I think.
31:31Wendy, can you tell me a little bit
31:33about your suit and your design?
31:35I tried to make a sort of colorful top
31:38and have a system where
31:40if she wanted to hide her upper thighs, she could.
31:44The only thing I have a question about,
31:46is it more of a dress than a suit?
31:48And once this fabric gets wet,
31:50how flattering is that going to be?
31:52And what does happen underneath?
31:54Is there a bottom that you made as well,
31:56like a bikini bottom?
31:58She is wearing a thong
32:00because I made a thong for her.
32:05But the elastic that I used,
32:08we couldn't adjust it in time,
32:10so we used a thong that she had
32:12just so that she could make it to the party.
32:18Okay, thank you.
32:19Please leave the runway
32:20and we're going to call you back shortly.
32:27Richard, I want to know,
32:29who was the most newsworthiest?
32:31I think Austin made a very good presentation.
32:34He's very sort of outgoing
32:36and very talkative, very extroverted.
32:39And Jay is a tremendous character as well.
32:42I think the two of them were pretty much
32:44neck and neck in my opinion.
32:46My favorite suit was Jay's suit.
32:48Yeah, it was very Gucci-esque.
32:50I thought that was great.
32:52But you also liked Robert as well.
32:54Yeah, Robert, I thought,
32:55was very sort of self-confident.
32:57He was relaxed.
32:58He talked about himself very easily.
33:01I wasn't really keen on his suit at all.
33:07Yeah, you got to be careful.
33:09She's a feminazi.
33:10Wendy didn't really make much of an impression.
33:13I think somebody mentioned to me
33:14that there was like a mom from Virginia
33:16that was part of it.
33:17It would have worked better for her
33:18if she had told that story.
33:20And I had a problem technically
33:21with her bathing suit
33:22because it was missing the under part,
33:24the actual bathing girdle.
33:30I didn't think Alexandra's suit
33:32was very interesting either.
33:34Also, how original was it?
33:35She explained to us exactly who she copied.
33:37No creativity.
33:43What did you guys think about Kevin?
33:44I asked him a couple questions
33:45and he had a chance to sort of defend himself
33:48and talk about how great he is
33:50and he sort of muffed it, I thought.
33:51At first I thought that that is not a bathing suit
33:53because I thought it was just cotton
33:55and, you know, it was kind of like
33:57loosey-goosey with a skirt.
33:58I couldn't figure it out.
34:00I mean, this time it's really rough.
34:08Okay, let's bring out the designers.
34:11This was a particular difficult one across the board.
34:15As you know, the winner of this challenge
34:17is the person who designed the best swimsuit
34:20and made the best impression on Richard Johnson.
34:24And two of you made a very strong impact.
34:28Jay and Austin.
34:31It's between the two of you.
34:33I'm going to give you a chance to decide
34:35who you think is going to win.
34:37Jay and Austin.
34:40It's between the two of you.
34:43And you will find out tomorrow morning
34:45in the New York Post on page six
34:48which of you is the winner.
34:50You both can use the runway.
35:01If I do get in page six, I know it's because I was real
35:03and I was funny and I was myself.
35:05We weren't whoring like it seemed like
35:07Austin and Melissa were.
35:15You're still in.
35:16Please leave the runway.
35:26The three of you remain.
35:28Two will be in.
35:31And one will be out.
35:41You're still in.
35:42Please leave the runway.
35:48When she said I was in,
35:49I just breathed a huge sigh of relief
35:52because I thought I was going to be eliminated.
36:01Alexandra and Kevin.
36:04It's between the two of you.
36:08Alexandra, you relied on other designers
36:11to find your inspiration
36:13and it lacks originality.
36:15Kevin, your design didn't look enough like a swimsuit.
36:28You're still in.
36:30Please leave the runway.
36:34Alexandra, that means you're out.
36:39You need to find your own path in this business
36:42and not turn to other designers for inspiration.
36:46Okay. Thank you.
36:48It was nice meeting you all.
36:49You too.
36:50Auf Wiedersehen.
37:04Wow. I got hit hard.
37:06The first time I've been in the show,
37:08I was quite shocked.
37:14The Alexandra show.
37:15I had a great time with everyone.
37:17So do you feel okay enough to go back to the workroom?
37:19Yes, I feel fine.
37:20Great. Okay.
37:21All right.
37:22Best wishes, Alexandra.
37:23Love you.
37:24Love you.
37:36This experience is really going to make me a better person,
37:38better designer, better everything,
37:40stronger person.
37:43But I am disappointed that I didn't make it,
37:45you know, to the top three.
37:47But, you know, things happen for a reason.