• last month


00:00Welcome back to the runway.
00:04Half of you are out and six of you remain.
00:08After today, you're only two challenges away from our final three.
00:13And as you know, the final three will all have to create their own collection for Fashion Week here in New York.
00:19This week's challenge will give you a preview of that experience.
00:23As one group, you have one day to design a whole collection.
00:27One of you will be the leader and will take responsibility for the overall look of the collection.
00:32Each of you will design and create one outfit for the line.
00:36Tim will give you the rest of the details.
00:38Let's bring out your models.
00:45I just want to remind our models that this is a competition for you as well.
00:49There's a spread in Elle magazine on the line for the final model.
00:52There are six designers left, but seven models on the runway.
00:58I will draw your name out of this bag and you will choose one model will be out.
01:06Austin, you won last week's challenge. You get to choose the first model.
01:11I would like Erin.
01:23I'm going to pick Olga.
01:26Kevin, you have Morgan.
01:29What happened?
01:30It ripped.
01:31This binding came off a little bit right here.
01:35No more drama.
01:37One more thing.
01:41I'm going to go with Jenny again.
01:46There are two models left on stage.
01:48Morgan and Melissa.
01:52So Wendy, that leaves you.
01:53The one you choose will be in, the other model will be out.
02:00I obviously have a very special relationship with you, dear.
02:05My agency just dropped me.
02:09And you and I are going to go above and beyond this.
02:19I choose Melissa.
02:23The challenge had been presented to us that I was part of a team and I know that nobody wants to work with Morgan.
02:31I decided I'm part of a team, I'm going to choose for the team, so I chose Melissa.
02:36Sorry, Morgan.
02:37Sorry, Morgan.
02:40Auf Wiedersehen.
02:50When Morgan left, everybody was relieved because it was just bad energy.
02:53And to have to worry about another Morgan drama would have been too much for everybody.
02:59Okay, you know your challenge?
03:00You got your models?
03:02See you on the runway.
03:14Good morning again.
03:16Good morning.
03:17This challenge is a taste of two challenges from now, which is when each of you remaining will be designing a collection.
03:24You're to work together on a group of clothes, and one of you will be the leader.
03:32You have all day today and a few hours tomorrow to complete your designs.
03:38Your design brief is to design for the year 2055.
03:46That's us.
03:50So you need to think about the 2055 issues.
03:54Is it the Jetsons or is it Blade Runner?
03:59That's pretty provocative.
04:01Now, shopping.
04:02We are going to a vintage clothing store.
04:05You will each have $50.
04:07Vintage is dated.
04:09It's the opposite of future.
04:11That's the challenge.
04:12And will we get to take it apart?
04:14It's up to you.
04:15Yeah, we're expecting you to.
04:18While you're working together as a group, each of you will be creating one piece of the team leader's collection.
04:24You will be judged on the quality and execution of your design and how well it fits into the leader's overall concept.
04:31We will determine who the leader is.
04:33I have our lovely, notorious, black velvet bag, which I'm reaching into.
04:41And it is Kevin.
04:49When my name was told, I kind of felt disappointment in the other people.
04:53When we did the Sarah Hudson project, I think we could all agree that Kevin's team was the most sort of hectic.
04:59We're going to have to line it or something.
05:00Why line it?
05:01Don't argue with me.
05:02I could have had the skirt already done.
05:05I'm out of here.
05:07Yeah, while I was a leader before, it went, I guess, pretty well.
05:11All of us sort of maybe had like a touch of a nervous look.
05:14As long as we stick all together and collaborate.
05:19Are you with me?
05:21I don't think Kevin is the greatest leader in the world.
05:23However, it suits me fine because Kevin's in a leadership position and I assume he is more vulnerable.
05:29Put your hands in.
05:31Let's do it.
05:35So I'll come back in about 20 minutes.
05:38Okay, good luck.
05:40We brainstormed for a bit of time and got some ideas together as far as what direction we wanted to go in for the collection.
05:48I don't think it's going to be the end of the world.
05:50So we can still add, you know, the leather and all that kind of stuff.
05:54I think we should play more on one or the other.
05:56I don't think it should be both.
05:58It all started to click together.
06:00The idea started really developing then.
06:02Yellow, citron, and green.
06:04Upon our brainstorming, we talked about bullet points.
06:07Our color palette is like peachy and tan, khaki, browns.
06:12So for me, one of the important things that has to run through our clothes is protection.
06:17There's public and there's private and I think in the future, those two spheres are going to become ever more separated.
06:25Wendy came up with some ideas about, you know, the environment, protection.
06:29This idea of this sort of protective over wrap.
06:32We're covering ourselves with a shell, which we were calling a pod.
06:35Which is protective against the elements, global warming, nuclear fallout.
06:42And it brings us together more too.
06:44As a group.
06:46When the girl drops the pod, it would reveal the difference in each designer.
06:48We're going to a vintage store to purchase $50 worth of vintage wear that we're going to transform to make a collection for the year 2055.
07:10I want some big khaki gold lamé, like 80s gal.
07:14Kevin went around to each individual designer and he did make comments here and there.
07:19But by and large, I felt that he was trying to pacify everybody and just keep everybody happy.
07:24We're doing something a little bit more in the lacy situation a little bit.
07:28But I don't think there's anything wrong with me not having lace.
07:33This is going to be a skirt and a shirt to be worn by somebody during the day.
07:3725 minutes remaining.
07:3825 minutes remaining.
07:40Okay, so I've got a jacket with like a sleeve and collar.
07:43I'm basically ready, I think.
07:45I'm kind of doing my own thing, I guess.
07:48But I'm listening, you know, and I'm paying attention to what everyone else is doing.
07:50We could have really been queer at this thing and it could have been, you know, space, age and silver.
07:55And I'm glad we took an intelligent approach to it.
07:57Robert seems kind of not understanding it.
08:01I have about like $800 worth of things on my back right now.
08:04And I guess he's just trying to keep his head above water.
08:06Rob, I'm worried about you.
08:08I'm worried about this.
08:10You can go gazoo, kind of like trying to think of the future, you know.
08:13Me, personally, I like the power of now.
08:15I like to focus on what the hell is going on right now.
08:17As of right now, I'm confused about this future project.
08:20And I don't really like this.
08:22Well, this I'm definitely buying.
08:24Kevin, 15 minutes.
08:28I had the idea initially, I wanted to do a coat for this futurist look.
08:31And I came up with the idea that it would be uniform.
08:34I'm done.
08:36Futuristic my ass.
08:38Cheap jacks.
08:43You guys, we're going to lay out our fabric on one table.
08:46Yeah, just lay it out so we can see what we all have.
08:51How's it look from up there?
08:55It's great.
08:57So we lined everything up on the table, and it looks really good.
09:00It looks like it's going to be a cohesive collection.
09:03Now it's time to put everything together, and we just don't have a lot of time.
09:09This challenge is futurism.
09:12The object is to create a collection.
09:15And lucky me, I got chosen as the head of the team.
09:22We decided to do a couple bullet points as far as our theme is concerned.
09:27We wanted to bring in the theme of nostalgia.
09:30Like, we're living in the future, but we remember our past.
09:34And we're covering ourselves with this shell, which we're going to use.
09:36And we're covering ourselves with this shell, which we're calling a pod.
09:41It's really up to Kevin to ensure that all of our designs do look like a collection.
09:46I would have to say he's not always the best communicator.
09:49In this case, however, I do feel he's trying to make an effort.
09:55I'm going to use the bra cup as like a shoulder.
09:58My design, you know, just has this sort of luxury element to it that makes one think of an intimate cocktail party at home.
10:05I think that in the future, in my opinion, certainly that the skills of construction almost be like a dying art in a way.
10:13You know, not that many people know how to sew anymore, first of all.
10:16Jay Erland has got to play in.
10:18He's got this very Siberian, like...
10:21Totally different, right?
10:24I have the same color palette as everyone else.
10:26I have the same feeling as everyone else.
10:28I'm using fabrics from everybody else's garments.
10:30I'm just kind of interpreting it my own way.
10:31I'm doing like a shruggy thing.
10:33I don't know what it's called.
10:35Just this log cabin pattern.
10:37Trimmed out in a tool, copper, metallic.
10:39I'm going to cover up a jacket.
10:41And it's very futuristic in structure.
10:44I don't even want to make this s***.
10:46The same way you're making that s***.
10:49That. Come on.
10:51Cara sounds alright.
10:53This is also her thing.
10:55She's definitely inserted herself into a co-leadership.
10:58We're making decisions together.
10:59I don't have any lace.
11:01I mean, do you want to incorporate lace?
11:03You still have something that's feminine and soft.
11:05That's shy.
11:07Kevin and I have had our problems in the past.
11:09He's been sneaky.
11:11He's been passive-aggressive.
11:13If you want to know, I'll tell you.
11:15But I don't think you want to know what I think.
11:17And just really not all that nice to people.
11:19But this is a team.
11:21And I'm going to do what I have to do for the team.
11:24I say, you know what?
11:26There's going to be no coffee in the year 2055.
11:28Since we don't have the coffee,
11:30now you've got these solar panels stitched on top of your clothing.
11:32This is going to give you energy 100%.
11:34Rob comes up with some silly sort of idea.
11:38Like just one catch phrase or some dumb thing.
11:42In my opinion, he's always a weak link.
11:44So you're going to take this in too probably
11:46and make it a little sexier and cuter.
11:48Oh yeah, take it in.
11:50Because this is day wear.
11:52And so she's going out and she needs all of her s*** right here.
11:54You're going to hook on your GPS,
11:55your phone.
11:57I'm cool.
11:59You didn't know that.
12:01But I'm cool.
12:03No, I do know.
12:05Wendy and I had the worst relationship.
12:07All of a sudden it just turned around like they won 80.
12:10It was completely opposite.
12:12I don't know if I'm being played or not.
12:14You know, I can't trust anybody.
12:16No super buddy buddy today.
12:18So I think it's just for the good of the team
12:20is why they're doing it.
12:22I'm sure, you know, later on
12:23the truth will come out.
12:48How's everybody doing?
12:54We have all the proper pieces.
12:56We have skirts, pants, shorts.
12:58Well, having the proper pieces is one thing.
13:00But what about the design?
13:02I just want to make certain
13:04that this doesn't bomb out as a collection.
13:06And my dear friend, you're responsible for that.
13:10So are you getting up and moving around
13:12to people's places and checking and looking?
13:14It's taking me a lot of time, but I'll do it.
13:18This is a coat that everybody's going to be wearing.
13:20This overcoat.
13:21And we created a logo for it.
13:25What the judges are going to be very concerned with
13:27is what's going on inside.
13:31And that's where you could crash and burn.
13:33Looking at the kind of activity,
13:35frankly, I'm a little concerned.
13:37These judges are going to know right away
13:39if something isn't right.
13:41And looking for the best,
13:43it doesn't seem to be the process now.
13:45It's identifying, okay, who's the weakest link?
13:47Pow, you're out.
13:49And any of you are subject to that.
13:51All right, I'm reluctantly leaving you.
13:54Good luck.
13:58Tim couldn't really see what direction we were going in.
14:01Hopefully when we make these outer shells,
14:03that's when we're going to be more collaborative.
14:06We're really running out of time,
14:08so our plan is to finish up our personal looks
14:11and whip out some potting.
14:16I'm a little bit nervous because time is ticking.
14:18Why do I end up hating everything I make in this f***ing show?
14:21What are you talking about?
14:23Look, it looks like a f***ing apron.
14:25I always have these grand things planned,
14:27and I feel like with these time constraints,
14:29I always am taking things away
14:31and not getting my vision fully across.
14:38I'm under a lot of pressure to be a team leader.
14:40It's almost too many questions.
14:42Well, what about all these f***ing feathers?
14:44And it takes a lot of work,
14:46and it's probably taking at least 20% of my time away.
14:48I'm thinking about my own work.
14:54I honestly don't know what the hell he's doing.
14:56Rob's like in another country right now.
14:58We're just all kind of amazed
15:00that Rob's staying in power
15:02in a way he can sort of just
15:04smooch the judges into going into his theme.
15:06Where is envy in your outfit?
15:08They came up with, this is penis envy.
15:12He'll just give that smile
15:14and make that little dirty comment.
15:16I believe a woman and a classic sports car
15:18would look like.
15:20They're laughing, and Rob's still here.
15:27Should we go through with pod?
15:29We'll just say that, you know what?
15:31We felt our garments were strong enough
15:33to go without the pod.
15:35I don't need pod.
15:37I don't need pod.
15:39I don't need a pod.
15:41You want the pod, don't you?
15:43I like the pod.
15:45It's about 11.45 right now.
15:46And no pod has been made.
15:48So I think we're going to
15:50nix that idea completely.
15:52I'm still selling my poncho.
16:02When it became a time issue
16:04and we couldn't do the pods,
16:06the whole venture kind of
16:08disintegrated into basically
16:10each individual designer
16:12doing their own piece.
16:14That's an example of where a leader
16:16is leaving tabs on
16:18what needed to be done.
16:20There's too many themes
16:22going on right now,
16:24so we have to sort of play devil's advocate
16:26with ourselves and say,
16:28look, what questions can be raised tomorrow?
16:30We should do a lineup.
16:32This is it.
16:37What about this says future team?
16:39Everybody gathers together
16:41and we put these garments
16:43next to each other
16:45and we just happen to kind of
16:47be color-coordinated.
16:49But other than that,
16:51I really did not feel myself
16:53that anything was remotely
16:55connected to anything else.
16:57I need to get out of this room.
17:01I just can't talk about it anymore.
17:03OK, but we need to talk about it.
17:05He's freaking out a little bit
17:06Jay, mine's sticking out like a sore thumb.
17:08Jay, mine's sticking out more than yours.
17:10A smoke. Go get a cigarette.
17:12OK, we'll see you down there.
17:19Who wants a beer?
17:21Jay, you want a beer with that cereal?
17:23Carisson decided that we needed
17:25to have a group meeting
17:27and talk about all the ways
17:29we were going to stand up on the runway
17:31and justify our collection.
17:33She took charge of the meeting,
17:34and it was a dream come true for her.
17:36And when we talk about privacy,
17:38we're talking about even though
17:40all these things have happened,
17:42we have uniformity,
17:44and we have barcodes,
17:46we still each have a voice.
17:48Part of being a leader
17:50is that you listen to other people,
17:52and Kevin did listen to us.
17:54The part of being a great leader
17:56is that as a leader,
17:58you never let someone come in
18:00and take control.
18:02This is not really about
18:04the mental concern, the protection.
18:06Mine is purely emotional.
18:08They expand and inexpand.
18:10One size fits all?
18:12Hey, 2055, hell yeah.
18:17Listening to these yahoos
18:19talk this pseudo-intellectual crap
18:21about how they were going to
18:23justify this collection,
18:25I was laughing my ass off
18:27and just thought they were
18:29the biggest bunch of idiots.
18:31Luxurious, sort of, you know,
18:33I have an idea.
18:35Let's just go there and be like,
18:37we don't really know
18:39what the future's going to be like,
18:41so we just kind of made these things.
18:43No one's going to be laughing
18:45tomorrow when someone's out.
18:55How are things?
18:57I'm not super excited with it,
18:59and I was really excited
19:00when I saw it in the gallery,
19:02and I feel like I don't have
19:04the right materials
19:06or the right equipment
19:08to do what I usually do.
19:10I mean, I will tell you,
19:12this is beautiful.
19:14Yeah, I think this is nice.
19:16Does this look like it fits in
19:18with Roberts and Wendy's?
19:20Well, you didn't see the skirt.
19:22No, not entirely.
19:24And what I'm ripped by is 2055.
19:26I don't see it.
19:28Yeah, me either.
19:30There's no explanation
19:32of what the future is,
19:34but it's turning into this giant script
19:36that we have to learn,
19:38and I'm going to have to stand there
19:40and lie and try to sell my work
19:42that I don't even like to these people
19:44who probably don't even like it.
19:46How are you, Wendy?
19:50Where's the outerwear?
19:52Oh, the pod thing?
19:54Yeah, we didn't do that.
19:56Oh, I thought that was
19:58what was holding the whole thing together.
20:00We need to figure out
20:02how much time we have
20:04and how many things we can incorporate
20:06into the collection.
20:08Would you feel comfortable saying,
20:10in the absence of leadership,
20:12I had to do what I had to do?
20:14I'll go this far.
20:16I would like to be here tomorrow.
20:18What happened to the pods, Kevin?
20:20We thought it was tech.
20:22But it was the one thing
20:24that was going to hold
20:26all these things together as a group.
20:28No, it isn't the one thing.
20:30I might not have to explain myself.
20:32We might not have to reveal
20:34that we had the original idea.
20:36Maybe I'm completely wrong.
20:38Maybe they'll say this is fabulous,
20:40we love it, what a great collection.
20:42I don't think so.
20:44Oh, thanks.
20:46Individually, these look very impressive.
20:48As a group, my brain is bleeding.
20:50And Kevin, yours looks
20:52the most separate from the group.
20:54Yeah, yeah, it is.
20:56Good luck.
21:02This is going to be on the defense today.
21:04I think Kevin has a little strategy going on.
21:06The look of deconstruction
21:08is sort of tattered and torn.
21:10Deconstructed is one of our key words.
21:12His design, it's polished,
21:14it's finished, it's hemmed.
21:16It's going to be the one piece
21:18that does not look like
21:20the rest of the collection.
21:22It's a risky strategy.
21:24Kevin's is really simple,
21:26and mine next to him
21:28don't look like they're
21:30going to look like the others up there.
21:32And I'm just not psyched about it.
21:34This project sucks my ass
21:36from the inside out.
21:38We don't have fucking enough time.
21:40We don't have the right materials.
22:01I don't know what Wendy's idea was.
22:04If I was in Wendy's shoes,
22:06I'd be nervous.
22:08I am completely terrified
22:10of the runway show today.
22:12But I think there are some people
22:14that are in a weaker position than me today,
22:16and that would be Rob and Kevin.
22:18And then what you have here
22:20is the solar panels.
22:22The solar panels will give you energy all the time.
22:24I just don't think Robert has the intellectual heft
22:26to contribute to some of the concepts
22:28we've been throwing around.
22:30I do a good job of that.
22:32Welcome back to the runway.
22:35So now out of 12,
22:37there's only 6 of you left.
22:39And as you know,
22:41this competition is just as ruthless
22:43as the fashion business itself.
22:45At the end of tonight,
22:47one of you guys will be out.
22:49This week your challenge was
22:51to design as a group,
22:53to do a mini collection.
22:55And we're told to design
22:57for the year 2055.
22:59You will be judged
23:01on how well your outfits
23:03fit the theme of this challenge
23:05and whether or not
23:07it works with the collection.
23:09The winner of this challenge
23:11will have a guaranteed in
23:13for the next challenge
23:15and will be one spot away
23:17from the final three.
23:19Now let's meet the judges.
23:21We have one of America's
23:23most popular designers,
23:25Michael Kors.
23:28And Betsy Johnson,
23:30fashion legend.
23:32Alright, let's start the show.
23:43I feel very good.
23:45I think I did a good job.
23:47I think it is futuristic,
23:49but still keeping
23:51the whole off-the-scarlet look.
23:56electronic music plays
24:06Going to the runway show,
24:08I had to feel positive.
24:10I'm like yeah, you know what,
24:12this might not be the best,
24:14but it's not the worst.
24:27I love this, what I made.
24:29I love it.
24:31I'm really happy with it.
24:33I represent the other end
24:35of the spectrum,
24:37which is a little more
24:46It's not particularly formal,
24:48but it's enough to be able
24:50to be stylish
24:52for whatever kinds of events
24:54might be in 2055.
24:56electronic music plays
25:14If I'm eliminated,
25:16I'll be sad, I'll be sad.
25:18I'll be annoyed if there's
25:20people that should have
25:22gotten eliminated
25:24and I got eliminated.
25:26electronic music plays
25:35Each challenge people get
25:37to see what I can do,
25:39that I'm able to really
25:41be versatile and go
25:43in different directions
25:45and different areas.
25:47electronic music plays
25:57electronic music plays
26:12please take the runway.
26:24This is a collection
26:26that was created in a group.
26:29So you will all remain
26:31on the runway for the Q&A.
26:34Let's bring out your models.
26:44Kevin, you are the lead designer
26:46of this collection,
26:48so tell us a little bit about it.
26:50It's based on a lifestyle
26:52post some kind of war,
26:54and each one represents
26:56maybe a social figure
26:58in the society.
27:00They're more appreciation
27:02for the earth,
27:04and that's why they have
27:06the earth tones.
27:08They all appreciate nature
27:10as it was.
27:12Okay, question.
27:14Kara, so I'm feeling
27:16a little Mad Max-y
27:18Victorian combo.
27:20I think the coat's
27:22super dramatic.
27:24It's a day-into-night
27:26actually outfit.
27:28You see a lot of the pieces
27:30are covered and have
27:32the protection from the elements.
27:34That's why she has this,
27:36which she can take off
27:38when she gets to the party.
27:40It has versatility,
27:42which let's be honest,
27:44that's going to be the future.
27:46It's how we all live.
27:48Robert, what's going on?
27:50My girl actually represents
27:52in a cultural way
27:5450% of the time.
27:58Jay, can you just tell me
28:00a little bit about your look
28:02and the person she may
28:04or may not represent?
28:06This is kind of like
28:08the 3 a.m. girl.
28:10You know, after work.
28:12Not a hooker.
28:14So the whole idea behind mine
28:16is when you go through
28:18your late 20s,
28:20you're in an emotional state.
28:22You don't know what
28:24you're going through.
28:26She's PMS today,
28:28so we want to talk to her.
28:30That's a great idea.
28:32Sensory, I like that.
28:34Austin, are there
28:36bullfights in the future?
28:38My basic sort of ideas
28:40I was going with
28:42was a move towards
28:44a little more modesty.
28:46It is sort of a day-to-evening.
28:48The jacket will come off,
28:50if I may.
28:52And also the little cowl
28:54in the elements.
28:56It was a little too wearable,
28:58but something
29:00I wouldn't want to wear.
29:02Your garment, though,
29:04I'm just curious.
29:06Well, first off, how does she move?
29:08She can break out of here.
29:10There's an opening.
29:12I mean, I think it looks
29:14kind of like jackets we see now,
29:16just you can't move in it.
29:18Well, Wendy, I have to say
29:20that when I saw your outfit
29:22coming down the runway,
29:24I thought,
29:26okay, well,
29:28the jumping-off point for me
29:30was that this is a younger girl
29:32who is going out for the day,
29:34and she's doing her errands,
29:36and she has business meetings,
29:38and she needs all of her
29:40personal information on her.
29:42Quite frankly, it looked like
29:44my cat chewed up a ball of yarn
29:46and spit it out an hour later.
29:48Okay, I just have
29:50one more question.
29:52Wendy, can you comment
29:54on how you feel
29:56about the way
29:58that the collection
30:00was designed?
30:02Okay, I personally felt
30:04that Kevin was not as active
30:06as a leader as he could have been.
30:08I think the collection
30:10could have been better directed
30:12had he been more involved
30:14in getting us on the same path.
30:16I came by Wendy
30:18at least four or five times.
30:20I thought he did a good job
30:22of just trying to,
30:24in my opinion,
30:26is we diluted everything.
30:30Karasan, what do you think?
30:32It was a very collective group.
30:34I think we were all able
30:36to do what we wanted to do
30:38as far as our individual pieces.
30:40So you feel he was a good leader?
30:42I feel that it was
30:44a very group effort,
30:46and he allowed people
30:48to input their own thing.
30:50But I'm saying as far as
30:52leading a group of people
30:54to do the job of the leader
30:56is making them stay on message
30:58and create six garments
31:00that connect.
31:02So when they come down the runway,
31:04they tell a story.
31:06That's the point
31:08of showing the collection.
31:10It was really important for me
31:12to ask everybody to come to me
31:14if they had any ideas
31:16of what they were doing,
31:18if they fit into the bullet points
31:20or whatnot.
31:24If you want to deliberate,
31:26please leave the runway,
31:28and we're going to call you back shortly.
31:35It's okay.
31:37I know the truth.
31:39I hope she's happy with it,
31:41trying to make me look bad.
31:43It's too easy.
31:45It's too easy to win that way.
31:47She's going to get it.
31:49It will come back to her.
31:51I know that she's fighting for survival,
31:52but she's fighting for the awe.
31:54I think that when you want
31:56something bad enough,
31:58it can bring out
32:00some really ugly behavior.
32:02I'm the only one that spoke up
32:04against Kevin's leadership,
32:06and I was hardly the only one
32:08that questioned his leadership,
32:10but of course I'm the only one
32:12that comes out and says it,
32:14so they all look like
32:16they're this cohesive,
32:18friendly group,
32:20and I'm out in outer space.
32:22And Jay's.
32:24And Jay's and Cara San's,
32:26and I thought those three
32:28kind of looked like they went together.
32:30I felt the others really
32:32were off on their own tangents,
32:34and excuse me,
32:36color is not enough to bring it in.
32:38Those three really listened
32:40to everything that I think
32:42this was about.
32:44I thought that Austin and Kevin,
32:46they were like two separated people.
32:48Others kind of held together.
32:50Austin got slightly into
32:52what he was doing.
32:54He's pushed.
32:56He's very talented,
32:58but he's so focused
33:00that he has a hard time.
33:02I liked Cara.
33:04Oh, well, I did too.
33:06I guess, you know,
33:08I liked her layers,
33:10the Victorian, sexy woman, girl.
33:12Yeah, charm and it was sleek.
33:14It was both.
33:16And it was strong, sexy, confident.
33:18I appreciate that Robert
33:20actually put a lot of thought
33:22into this.
33:24I like the look of his outfit.
33:27When you see this whole lineup,
33:29which one was your worst?
33:31Our leader, Kevin.
33:35He just forgot the deconstruction
33:37idea completely.
33:39It was strange.
33:41He's the group leader
33:43and didn't listen to his own edict.
33:45He forgot himself.
33:47I think he's not a natural born leader.
33:51I really did not like
33:53Wendy's outfit at all.
33:55I just, I thought it was dowdy
33:57and I thought there was
33:59no futuristic element at all.
34:01And it fell apart, you know,
34:03like what was in her pocket?
34:05I don't mind criticism amongst the group,
34:07but I sort of felt she was very quick
34:09to go after Kevin.
34:11But I do think the funny thing is,
34:13in this instance,
34:15I don't like how it looked,
34:17but I think she listened
34:18and gave me no deconstruction
34:20over a bad deconstruction idea
34:22of just like shredding knit.
34:27All right, let's spread the news.
34:29Let's get our designers
34:31back on the runway.
34:46We've seen the runway show.
34:48We've heard what you had to say.
34:51And we made our decision.
34:57The six of you
34:59represent the best and the worst.
35:08you haven't won,
35:10but you're not out.
35:12You have a guaranteed in
35:14because you won last week's challenge.
35:16You can leave the runway.
35:22you have won this week's challenge,
35:24so you have a guaranteed in
35:26for the next round.
35:28You can leave the runway.
35:32It was a pleasure meeting you, Betsy,
35:34and thank you very much.
35:38I was ecstatic.
35:40I was happy.
35:42I'm just like, thank you, God.
35:44Thank you, judges.
35:46I was excited to get the win.
35:56you're still in.
35:58You can leave the runway.
36:15you're still in.
36:27What a surprise.
36:30Good job.
36:41and Wendy,
36:43one of you will be in
36:44and one of you will be out.
36:55while your design fit with the collection,
36:57it was poorly executed.
37:04you were the leader,
37:06and yet your outfit was the most separate
37:08from the group.
37:12you're in.
37:17you can leave the runway.
37:24That means, Kevin, you're out.
37:30Auf Wiedersehen.
37:43What Wendy said to me
37:45was a complete surprise.
37:47It was definitely the biggest
37:49scam I've ever had.
37:52We don't have to whisper anymore.
37:54I have no regrets.
37:56I just need to get in a position
37:58to be in the final three.
38:01So you need to go back to the workplace
38:03and clean up your space.
38:10All right, good luck.
38:12We know we'll hear from you.
38:14You're a great designer.
38:16It doesn't pay to be nice.
38:18Growing as a designer,
38:20this competition made me very aware
38:22of the competition ego,
38:28Yeah, I learned a lot.
38:29I learned a lot.