FTS 12:30 08-08: Venezuela: second day of hearing in the July 28th election case continues

  • 2 months ago
FTS 12.30
*U.S. president is not confident of peaceful transfer of power after elections
*Bangladesh: Nobel Peace Laureate to rule as interim government
00:00In Venezuela, representatives of political parties and former presidential candidates
00:15continue in the second day of process of appearing before the electoral chamber of the Supreme
00:21Court of Justice to present the evidence of the electoral process of July 28th.
00:28In the United States, the current President Joe Biden has stated that he is not confident
00:33that there will be a peaceful transfer of power after the presidential elections in
00:41And Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus arrived in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, to take
00:46over as the new leader of the interim government.
00:54Hello and welcome to From the South.
00:56My name is Belén Delos Santos and from the Televisual Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin
01:01with the news.
01:02In Venezuela, on Thursday, the appearances of the former presidential election candidates
01:06continue in the second day of hearings before the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court
01:11of Justice.
01:13In this sense, the cycle of hearings convened by the electoral chamber of the Supreme Court
01:17is underway with the appearance of the former presidential candidates of last elections
01:23of July 28th and their legal representatives.
01:27In this regard, the citizens Javier Bertucci, Daniel Ceballos, Claudio Faramin were summoned
01:32to appear before the court that aims to investigate and resolve the controversial appeal filed
01:38by the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
01:48And on Wednesday, José Berito, representative of the opposition Parti Primero Justicia,
01:54his appearance before the Supreme Court of Venezuela emphasized that the former candidate
01:58Edmundo González Urrutia had acted in a non-responsible position in the search for a peaceful solution
02:05of the issues arising during the presidential election.
02:08Let's hear.
02:09Here, there is a very great contumacy, a very great rebelliousness that could lead to a
02:15repeated mandate of conduct against Mr. Edmundo González Urrutia, who is also deeply irresponsible
02:22with the country, a person who issues a communique but goes out to hide.
02:26This is irresponsible before a country that is demanding at this moment to be able to
02:30resolve this issue and to be able to present elements, and that today the Venezuelan people
02:35are being denied the possibility of being able to resolve this issue through peace,
02:39through the path of reaction, through the path of sociego, and we have to denounce it
02:43as such.
02:46And in this context, the opposition sector that claimed fraud in the last presidential
02:50elections in Venezuela still does not present the evidence of its accusation despite having
02:55the institutional and judicial means to do so.
02:59Let's see the details with our correspondent Leonel Retamal.
03:03As in any process, the accusation of fraud or irregularities must be proven.
03:07The only proof presented by the opposition sector is a website where they uploaded a
03:12percentage of the total tally sheets.
03:15The star test loses strength a little more than a week after the controversy.
03:19Even more, it turns against them, because its veracity has been criticized by Chivismo
03:24and other opposition sectors.
03:26Those who denounce fraud are the fraudsters, says this Venezuelan lawyer.
03:34For instance, I make use of an accusation by accusinging the other.
03:38This is when, as a very important example, the thief starts shouting, catch the thief,
03:43so that he can escape justice and escape from the pressure he could be victim of.
03:49This is what is actually happening.
03:53We have the fraudsters shouting fraudster at the other.
04:01According to Venezuelan law, his actions and statements may be considered a crime, since
04:05they usurp the functions of the electoral power.
04:08Without considering those already initiated by the prosecution for the acts of violence
04:12and the calls for rebellion by the armed forces.
04:16This is the crime of usurpation of functions.
04:23This is an attack against the republic form of state, because the democratic system is
04:27being undermined.
04:31There is a self-proclamation that is nothing more than authoritarianism and dictatorship.
04:38But there is also a series of crimes that have been planned behind them, which are crimes
04:42of violence.
04:44People have been murdered, people have been assaulted, public roads have been obstructed,
04:49public and private properties have been damaged.
04:58Even by like-minded sectors such as this leader who attended the electoral inquiries of the
05:06Because the only institution authorized to carry out the process of justice and authorized
05:10to carry out electoral processes, totalize, adjudicate and proclaim is the National Electoral
05:18The judicial process that is underway is not a challenge to the process, but a power of
05:22the judiciary to investigate and confirm the process.
05:26At the request of the winning candidate, this instance has also been ignored by those who
05:31denounce fraud.
05:34They do not know it precisely because they do not have the evidentiary capacity to go
05:38to the court to deliver the tally sheets that they have.
05:44Because all the tally sheets issued, the tally sheets issued by the electoral machines, are
05:50delivered to the witnesses of each one of the participating parties.
05:57The judiciary's inquiries continue, while the country gradually returns to normality.
06:06Now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok at Telesur English
06:10where you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
06:15We'll be right back, stay with us.
06:27We go once again live to Caracas, Venezuela, as the top court of the country has summoned
06:44and is receiving the presentations and the hearings that have called upon all former
06:52presidential candidates and also representatives of the political parties that are presenting
06:57themselves before the top court, specifically before the electoral chamber of the top court.
07:08This is a hearing that is taking place at the headquarters of the Supreme Court in Caracas,
07:14Venezuela, and we can see as yet another one of the presidential political parties
07:23that have presented themselves in the July 28th election, are appearing before the top
07:30court, and they are awaiting at this moment, as the authorities are about to enter, the
07:41We have been closely following all this process since the beginning of the hearings that began
07:48on Wednesday and that will continue.
07:51We are talking about this first round of hearings to recover all necessary information, evidence
07:57that political parties may need to present before the Supreme Court of Venezuela upon
08:05their request.
08:06The first request was summoning all former presidential candidates and also representatives
08:12of political parties and legal representatives, so this is what we are seeing now.
08:22Different candidates that took part in the July 28th elections have been going through
08:30the headquarters of the Supreme Court, of the electoral chamber, all along yesterday,
08:38this is Wednesday 16th, and now Thursday, the same thing.
08:42We are looking at the current hearing that is about to begin as the authorities are about
08:51to enter the hall.
08:52Let's recall that this process was initiated by the contentious appeal filed by Nicolás
08:59Maduro, president of Venezuela.
09:10So this is what we are looking at right now.
09:14The contentious appeal filed by Nicolás Maduro led to the Supreme Court taking charge of
09:21this investigation, thorough investigation, into the entire electoral process of July
09:2828th, from before, during and after election day, also including a series of accusations
09:38and violent acts that followed the election.
09:41And one of the first instances of this thorough investigation has been to summon all political
09:49participants to appear before the Supreme Court, and that is what we are seeing today,
09:56and also what we saw yesterday.
09:59We have just seen the first authorities, in this case, General Prosecutor Tarek William
10:06Saab, who came into the hearing.
10:12He also greeted the participants, and now we are waiting for the top authorities of
10:19this chamber, that is, Carlicia RodrĂ­guez, who will probably just in some minutes come
10:26into the chamber and initiate this hearing that we are seeing right now.
10:32Let's recall this is all part of the process of investigation that is being led by Venezuelan
10:39top court into the whole, the entire process.
10:43One of the aims is to clarify anything that needs to be clarified, those were the words
10:49of President Nicolás Maduro, in the face of what the government has also denounced
10:56as constant attacks from foreign media and also foreign powers, several denunciations
11:03that were made by some sectors of the opposition, precisely the extreme right-wing sectors of
11:09the opposition, that have presented no evidence, so this process aims to clarify all of that
11:15and also call the political parties to present their evidence.
11:19Now we are looking at the authorities that are taking a seat and initiating.
11:25It has been declared and opened the hearing.
11:31Please, clerk, said the purpose of this hearing.
11:37The purpose of this hearing is in correspondence with the Article 85 of the Organic Law of
11:47the Supreme Court of Justice, and so it is applicable to the Organic Law and to the purpose
11:56of receiving, well, the candidates must respond to the questions of the Supreme Court and
12:06the, she's saying the number, the expedient number, and it is being recorded that the
12:16lawyer Orlando Duque is present, who is acting, who is a representation of the Soluciones por
12:28Venezuela movement, and it has been present that Dr. Tarek William Saab, functioning as
12:35the Attorney General of the Republic.
12:41We're looking at the hearing that is beginning at this moment.
12:45Once again, we are following, closely following all the process that is being carried out
12:50at the top court of Venezuela regarding the elections of July 28th.
12:55We'll come back to this as the day continues.
12:58In other news, in the United States, the current President Joe Biden has stated that he is
13:03not confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power after the presidential elections
13:08in November in the United States.
13:11The U.S. President affirmed that the Republican candidate is serious after affirming in his
13:16speeches that there would be a bloodbath in the country in case that he loses the presidency.
13:22Furthermore, the head of state denounced that Trump has not given a clear answer when asked
13:28if he would recognize an adverse electoral result.
13:31Biden also denounced the actions of the Republican-controlled Georgia State Election Board, which voted this
13:38week to give local officials more power over the certification of election results, claiming
13:43that Trump's formation seeks to undermine the popular vote in presidential elections.
13:54If Trump wins, no, I have no confidence at all.
13:57I mean, if Trump loses, I have no confidence at all.
14:01He says what he means.
14:02We don't take him seriously.
14:04He means it.
14:05The whole if we lose, there's going to be a bloodbath.
14:08It's going to have to be a stolen election.
14:10Look at what they're trying to do now in the local precincts where people are counting
14:14the votes or electing or putting people in their place in the states that they're going
14:19to count the votes, right?
14:20You can't love your country only when you win.
14:26In this context, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her running mate
14:31Governor Tim Walz framed the election as a fight for freedom, bashing their rivals Donald
14:36Trump and J.D. Banz as they took the stage in Detroit, Michigan.
14:41He intends to surrender our fight against the climate crisis and he intends to end the
14:50Affordable Care Act.
14:51You know what?
14:52If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that.
14:56Otherwise, I'm speaking.
14:57Think about what that means when he said that he will even, quote, terminate the Constitution
15:12of the United States.
15:15Because let us be very clear, someone who suggests we should terminate the Constitution
15:23of the United States should never again stand behind the seal of the President of the United States.
15:45And now we move on to other topics.
15:47The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that downpours
15:52claimed the lives of at least 14 people in Western Yemen.
15:57Floods in the Hodeidah region left over 500 displaced in the area and 10,000 affected
16:03as heavy rainfalls washed away houses, cars and crops.
16:07The entity underscored the death toll amounted to 30 in the Hodeidah region, while there
16:13were 15 deaths in Maghbana in the southwestern Daesh province.
16:18Several areas of Yemen have been hit by downpours and floods since late July, influencing on
16:25the daily lives of many people in the war-torn country.
16:33We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our YouTube channel
16:37at Tell Us Your English.
16:39There you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories, special broadcastings and more.
16:44Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:48world's most recent events.
16:50Final short break, don't go away.
17:09Welcome back to From the South.
17:15Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont returned from exile after almost seven years and may
17:21face an arrest warrant.
17:23The whereabouts of the pro-independence leader is unknown after having arrived in the country
17:28for the swearing-in ceremony of Salvador Illia.
17:32The Spanish authorities activated the CAGE device with controls in several ways out of
17:38Barcelona to try to locate Puigdemont, who is under a national arrest warrant, accused
17:44of embezzlement.
17:45Previously, the former Catalan president staged an act in front of thousands of supporters
17:51and accused the Spanish state of persecuting the movement for the independence of Catalonia.
18:02And meanwhile, on Thursday, the Parliament of Catalonia held the swearing-in ceremony
18:06of the leader of the Socialist Party of Catalonia, Salvador Illia.
18:11The lawmaker began his speech by stating that he asked for the confidence to be the 133rd
18:18president of the Generalitat.
18:20Illia promised both to work for all political rights and apply the amnesty law for the Catalan
18:26pro-independence leaders.
18:27Furthermore, the leader pointed out that his vocation is that the 8 million Catalans feel
18:34part of the same Catalonia within a plurinational Spain.
18:38Illia has the votes to be proclaimed president of the regional government of Catalonia, with
18:43the support of the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, Puigdemont's former partners.
19:04Now, we go now to Palestine, where despite international condemnation, the Israeli occupation
19:14army continues its genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.
19:18In the sense, authorities in Gaza reported that at least 27 people were killed in the
19:23last hours in the center and south of the enclave, among them a mother and her four
19:28children who were incinerated after an attack against their tent in Khan Younis.
19:34Precisely according to the Gaza Health Ministry, 39,699 Palestinians have been killed by Israel
19:43since last October, 70% of them women and children.
19:51We go now to other topics.
19:53In the United Kingdom, thousands of people demonstrated against racism, led by activists
19:58of the Association Stand Up to Racism.
20:01Among the participants were members of the Muslim community, migrants and refugees.
20:06The demonstrations took place in a calm manner in the different cities, such as Bristol or
20:12However, in some cities there were sporadic tensions between anti-racists and anti-migrant
20:18The government of Keir Starmer had ordered a heavy police deployment with 6,000 troops
20:25in case of possible disturbances.
20:27No, this protest, this demonstration, it was peaceful, we're here to say that we're kicking
20:37fascists off the streets, we're standing up for our communities, it's not to incite violence
20:41or hatred, it's to come together, and I think people need to understand, if you're coming
20:46to protest against anti-fascism, against anti-racism, you need to understand it's not about violence,
20:51that's what the fascists want, they use violence because that's the only thing they have.
20:58And this in the context of the past week in which the United Kingdom has been experiencing
21:04violent protests, which the government claims are extreme right-wing protests after three
21:10girls were murdered in Southport in the northwest of England.
21:14The violent protests were fuelled by false information about the identity of the suspect,
21:20who was presented as a Muslim asylum seeker, but the alleged guilty one is a 17-year-old
21:26boy born in Wales.
21:28More than 400 people have been arrested and 120 charged for the riots, and some have already
21:34been sentenced.
21:41On Thursday, Mohammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, arrived in Dhaka, the capital
21:46of Bangladesh, to take over as the new leader of the interim government.
21:51The move follows the resignation of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hashem Hashina after
21:56a student-led uprising ended Hashina's 15-year rule.
22:00In this sense, Yunus is expected to take over, while his government's main objective will
22:04be to restore peace in the country after the chaos unleashed by the student protests and
22:10violence of the clashes against the authority that left 400 dead.
22:17It is worth mentioning that Mohammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize for funding and
22:21designing the Grameen Bank to fight poverty in Bangladesh in 2006.
22:33And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
22:35You can find these and many other stories on our website at tellusoreenglish.net.
22:39You can also join us on social media, we are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and also on TikTok.
