Top 30 Most Rewatched Scenes in Romance Movies

  • 2 months ago
We'll lever fall out of love with these scenes. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most iconic and rewatchable scenes in live-action romantic comedies.


00:00Hello? Hello? I'm looking for my wife.
00:05Welcome to Ms. Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the most iconic and rewatchable
00:11scenes in live-action romantic comedies. Here's your spoiler warning.
00:15Are you disappointed that it's me?
00:24Number 30. The Ending. Sweet Home Alabama.
00:27The final scene of Sweet Home Alabama pulls out all the stops with a kiss in the rain,
00:32a runaway bride, and two childhood sweethearts, together forever at last. Yes, it's corny,
00:38but we love it. What makes the finale extra swoon-worthy is the callback to the opening
00:43sequence, where young Jake and Melanie share their first kiss on the beach.
00:47Why would you want to marry me for anyhow? So I can kiss you anytime I want.
00:53Back then, it was Jake making the moves, but this time,
00:56it's Melanie who wants to kiss him anytime she wants.
00:59Would you want to be married to me for anyhow?
01:10So I can kiss you anytime I want.
01:12The repeated line reveals that Melanie remembers and treasures their shared history,
01:16and brings the couple's romance full circle.
01:19Number 29. The Token Scene. While You Were Sleeping.
01:23This Christmassy rom-com is not just about finding your true love, it's also about found family.
01:28It's fitting, then, that the family play their part in the movie's heartwarming finale.
01:32I went from being all alone to being a fiancé, a daughter, a granddaughter, sister.
01:41Lucy is a lonely token collector who first meets the Callahans when she
01:45saves the life of the eldest son, Peter. Despite being mistaken for Peter's fiancé,
01:50Lucy falls instead for the younger brother, Jack.
01:53Of course, in true rom-com fashion, everything comes right in the end.
01:57When Jack appears at Lucy's booth, ready to pop the question,
02:00he has the whole clan behind him, literally as well as in spirit.
02:04I need to ask you a question. Get down on your knee.
02:08It's more romantic. He's proposing, let him do it.
02:13It's not the most traditional of proposals, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
02:18Number 28. Robbie Serenades Julia, The Wedding Singer.
02:22When it comes to serenading your true love, it's not about the quality of the singing,
02:26or even the song itself. It's all about the intention,
02:30and the courage it takes to stand up and sing your feelings.
02:33That's what makes this scene from The Wedding Singer so emotionally satisfying.
02:43Did you even let your hold the remote control?
02:49Robbie has written his song especially for Julia.
02:52It may not be perfect, but it reveals so much.
02:55The lyrics are simple, sometimes silly, but totally heartfelt.
03:00Adam Sandler has a good voice and fantastic chemistry with Drew Barrymore,
03:04and it helps when Billy Idol's on your side.
03:06Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
03:10Oh, I could be the man who grows old with you.
03:19Number 27. Meeting the Family, My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
03:23We never think this day will come.
03:25No, never.
03:26Never, and it came.
03:27Oh, is this him?
03:30Yes, sorry, everyone, this is Ian.
03:33When you marry a person, most times you're also marrying their family.
03:38My Big Fat Greek Wedding explores the chaos and the culture shock
03:41that can ensue when tying the knot with someone from a different background.
03:44Tula Portocolis breaks free from the rut she's been stuck in,
03:47making a new life for herself and finding true love almost by accident.
03:51Those early scenes of the heroine changing her own fate
03:54are some of the movie's most inspirational,
03:56but the comedic magic really happens in the meet the family moments.
04:00You know, I gotta tell you, I've never seen my sister so happy.
04:05If you hurt her, I'll kill you and make it look like an accident.
04:08Screenwriter Nia Vardalos based the movie on her own life experiences,
04:13and she depicts Tula's loving and eccentric family with warmth and humor.
04:17Bunt, bunt.
04:21In a kick, you body.
04:25It's a kick, I know.
04:30Number 26. The Courtroom Scene, Legally Blonde.
04:34This iconic comedy is full of rewatchable moments.
04:37We especially love the bend and snap scene,
04:39but you can't beat our heroine's big day in court.
04:42After helping to discredit the chief witnesses in the case,
04:45Elle gets the defense off to a good start.
04:48For the big finale, she embraces her identity and her signature color,
04:52sashaying into the courtroom with confidence.
04:54Because isn't it the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance
04:56that you're forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm,
05:00at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thigh gloccolate?
05:03Solving the case itself takes a combination of intuition
05:06and specialist hair care knowledge.
05:08Elle's cross-examination of chutney is a masterpiece in comedic writing.
05:12Plus, now we all know what happens if you wet your hair less than 24 hours after a perm.
05:17Elle, how did you know that chutney was lying?
05:18Because she's brilliant, of course.
05:20The rules of hair care are simple and finite.
05:22Any Cosmo girl would have known.
05:24Number 25. I Wanted It To Be You, You've Got Mail.
05:28We all love a happy ending, and the finale of You've Got Mail does not disappoint.
05:33Meg Ryan's Kathleen Kelly has been falling in love
05:35both on and off the internet.
05:38Online, there's the long-term email crush who understands her on a deeper level.
05:42In the real world, there's Joe Fox, the guy who put her out of business
05:45but makes her laugh and wants to be her friend.
05:48Oh, how about some coffee or, you know, drinks or dinner or a movie?
05:55For as long as we both shall live.
05:58In a different kind of movie, Joe might make Kathleen choose.
06:01But in a park full of flowers,
06:03Kathleen discovers that her two loves are one and the same.
06:06And it's just what she hoped for.
06:09I wanted it to be you.
06:13I wanted it to be you so badly.
06:16Number 24. Somebody To Love, Ella Enchanted.
06:20She may have won her Oscar for Les Miserables,
06:22but that wasn't Anne Hathaway's first memorable musical performance.
06:26Ella Enchanted is an adventurous romp set in a magical land,
06:30where elves are forced to sing for their supper,
06:32and giants love a good wedding party.
06:34Hathaway's Ella finds herself at just such a soiree
06:37while traveling across the country with the dashing Prince Char.
06:51Thanks to a feckless fairy godmother, Ella has been cursed with the gift of obedience.
06:56So when the giants call on her for a song, she's unable to say no.
07:00We're glad they did though,
07:01because Hathaway's performance is both musical and comedy gold.
07:13Number 23. Food Poisoning at the Bridal Shop, Bridesmaids.
07:18No. No, Megan. No! No! Look away! Megan, no! Look away! Oh!
07:25Bridesmaids has so many iconic scenes, from the bridal shower to the bit on the plane.
07:30However, nothing keeps us coming back quite like the food poisoning incident.
07:35Gross out humor might not be for everyone.
07:37However, it's impossible not to laugh at the brilliant comic acting
07:41and perfectly pitched horror of that moment in the bridal shop
07:45when the characters all realize what's about to happen next.
07:48Melissa McCarthy often gets the credit for making Bridesmaids so funny,
07:52but Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph's blushing bride should definitely share some too.
07:57It's happening. It's happening. It happened.
08:03Number 22. The Funeral. Four Weddings and a Funeral.
08:08Apologies to the Carrie and Charles fans,
08:10but we don't find their love story all that compelling.
08:13Although they do have an iconic line or two.
08:15The person standing opposite me now, in the rain.
08:20Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed.
08:23In a movie featuring four weddings, it's strange that it's the funeral scene
08:27that really makes us believe in love.
08:29Gareth and Matthew are the only long-term couple in the central friendship group,
08:32but back in 1994, gay marriage still wasn't legal in the UK.
08:37Silence the pianos and with muffled drum bring out the coffin. Let the mourners come.
08:45At Gareth's funeral, Matthew is introduced as his closest friend,
08:48then proceeds to give a speech that probably leaves nobody in any doubt of the love between them.
08:53John Hanna's moving recitation of the W.H. Auden poem Funeral Blues
08:58never fails to bring us to tears.
09:00I thought that love would last forever. I was wrong.
09:05Number 21. Big Mistake. Big. Huge. Pretty Woman.
09:10This modern fairy tale is full of wish fulfillment moments.
09:14There's the Cinderella transformation and the final scene on the fire escape,
09:18where the unconventional princess is rescued from her tower.
09:21So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?
09:27She rescues him right back.
09:29However, our favorite has to be the famous shopping scene.
09:32After Vivian is shamed out of a fancy store by some condescending salespeople,
09:36she returns to the hotel defeated.
09:39In steps her fairy godmother, otherwise known as the hotel manager,
09:43who gets her smartened up and sends her out for round two.
09:46This time she returns dressed to the nines,
09:48and lets the workers know just what they missed out on.
09:51Do you remember me?
09:53No, I'm sorry. I was in here yesterday. You wouldn't wait on me?
09:56Oh, you work on commission, right?
09:59Yes. Big Mistake. Big. Huge.
10:04Vivian revels in her triumph, and so do we.
10:08Number 20. The Photo Booth. Amélie.
10:11Set in Paris, Amélie is a unique romantic comedy
10:14that strays from the standard Hollywood formula.
10:31The protagonist is Amélie Poulet,
10:33a young Frenchwoman who devotes her life to bringing happiness to others
10:36after a particular discovery.
10:38One day in her apartment, she finds a box of childhood memorabilia
10:42from one of the flat's former residents.
10:45She manages to track down the boy, now a grown man,
10:48and anonymously returns his possessions to him.
11:04His emotional response is evocative,
11:07and it prompts Amélie to continue spreading joy
11:10throughout the rest of the film.
11:26Number 19. The IKEA Date. 500 Days of Summer.
11:30500 Days of Summer is an unconventional romantic comedy
11:34in that the viewer knows from the very beginning
11:36that the relationship it depicts is not going to work out.
11:39Regardless, it's fun to be along for the ride.
11:51One of the sweetest moments comes when Tom and Summer
11:54have a dreamy date at an IKEA store,
11:56making furniture shopping look like the most romantic thing in the world.
12:07That's why we bought a home with two kitchens.
12:10You're so smart. I'll wait to see you in the bedroom.
12:14The way they play act living in the display rooms is charming,
12:18and has doubtless inspired many couples to do the same since.
12:21This is fun. You're fun.
12:28Whenever we go to IKEA,
12:30we seem to be surrounded by pushy shoppers and screaming children.
12:34Number 18. Heckling. The Big Sick.
12:37In The Big Sick, which is based on the real-life love story
12:40between writer Kumail Nanjiani and his wife Emily Gordon,
12:43the main couple has one hell of a meet-cute.
12:46Is Pakistan in the house?
12:50Really? You're not from Pakistan. I would have noticed you.
12:55Protagonist Kumail is an aspiring stand-up comedian,
12:58and he approaches a woman after one of his sets
13:01who heckled him while he was performing.
13:03I didn't heckle you. I just woohooed you. Just supported.
13:07Okay, that's a common misconception.
13:09Yelling anything at a comedian is considered heckling.
13:12Heckling doesn't have to be negative.
13:14His definition of heckling may not match up with hers,
13:17but the two hit it off anyway.
13:19While this scene is adorable,
13:21it all comes full circle by the end of the movie
13:23when Emily turns up at one of his shows and heckles him all over again.
13:28And what brings you to New York?
13:30Here to see someone.
13:31And, um, have you seen him or her?
13:34I mean, I don't know what your deal is, but...
13:38Yeah, I've seen him.
13:45It's interesting to have a rom-com protagonist
13:47who you may or may not root for.
13:49This is by far the dumbest thing I've ever done in my entire life.
13:53Uh, so dumb, in fact, that I can't.
13:59Oh, but I'm gonna.
14:00But that's the case in My Best Friend's Wedding,
14:02where Julia Roberts' character Jules
14:04is trying to win the affections of her longtime bestie Michael,
14:07despite the fact that he's about to be married.
14:09This is my whole life's happiness.
14:12I have to be ruthless.
14:14On what was supposed to be their wedding day,
14:16Jules makes one last desperate attempt to make Michael choose her,
14:19giving an impassioned speech and kissing him.
14:22Choose me.
14:24Marry me.
14:25Let me make you happy.
14:26No, that sounds like three favors, doesn't it?
14:38She may not get the guy, but everyone got the ending they needed,
14:42and this scene has gone down in movie history
14:44as one of the best in the genre.
14:46Number 16.
14:4813 going on 30.
14:50Pretty much every moment of 13 going on 30 is a delight,
14:54but there's none more iconic than the thriller dance scene.
14:58Jenna Rink is a 13-year-old in a grown woman's body
15:01who finds herself trying to revive a failing work party.
15:04A dud, a flop, a zero on a scale of 1 to 10.
15:10Maybe if somebody played something other than this,
15:12something with a melody.
15:13She puts on Michael Jackson's mega hit and hits the dance floor,
15:17nailing all the moves.
15:18At first, it seems like she's about to be ridiculed,
15:21but eventually everyone joins in.
15:25It's a fun and uplifting scene that never fails to pump us up,
15:41no matter how many times we watch it.
15:54Number 15.
15:57Wesley and Buttercup reunite.
15:59The Princess Bride.
16:00In The Princess Bride,
16:02lovers Wesley and Buttercup are separated after Wesley leaves
16:05to make a fortune so that he can be a worthy husband to her.
16:09Buttercup believes that her love has been killed
16:11by the Dread Pirate Roberts when he does not return.
16:14The two eventually meet again,
16:16but she believes him to be the Dread Pirate Roberts.
16:19I know who you are.
16:20Your cruelty reveals everything.
16:22You're the Dread Pirate Roberts.
16:24Admit it.
16:25With pride.
16:26Wesley plays up his assumed role,
16:28but when Buttercup pushes him down a hill,
16:30he utters his iconic catchphrase,
16:31as you wish,
16:32and she realizes who he really is.
16:35Oh, my sweet Wesley.
16:37What have I done?
16:41She tumbles down after him,
16:42in a moment that is simultaneously sweet and hilarious.
16:46Can you move at all?
16:49You're alive.
16:50If you want, I can fly.
16:59There are plenty of cute moments in this holiday-themed rom-com,
17:02but our hearts always swell when we watch this one.
17:05Aurelia and Jamie meet when he hires her to be his housekeeper,
17:09and the two struggle to communicate
17:11because they don't speak the same language.
17:13They slowly develop feelings for one another, however.
17:16It's my favorite time of day.
17:20Providing you.
17:28After he goes back home,
17:30Jamie ends up learning Portuguese.
17:32Then he goes back to track Aurelia down in her hometown in France
17:35to profess his love,
17:37and propose marriage to her.
17:50It turns out she's been practicing her English,
17:55and the two get engaged with seemingly the entire town bearing witness.
17:59You learned English?
18:02Just in cases.
18:0313. The Plain Proposal – Crazy Rich Asians
18:18Rachel Chu,
18:22will you marry me
18:26and make me the happiest man in this world?
18:28Crazy Rich Asians is one of the most popular romantic comedies
18:31to be released in recent years,
18:33taking the genre's traditional formula
18:35and giving viewers a unique new setting to experience.
18:42Much of the plot revolves around Rachel's issues with Nick's family,
18:45particularly his controlling mother.
18:52By the film's climax,
18:53Rachel has decided to head back to America without Nick,
18:56after deciding to prioritize
18:58letting Nick have a positive relationship with his family.
19:04I don't want him to lose his mom again.
19:08But Nick manages to catch her on the plane
19:11and proposes with his mother's ring,
19:12showing that she has finally decided to approve of their union.
19:1712. The Home Swap – The Holiday
19:26The Holiday may be a Christmas movie,
19:28but it can be enjoyed year-round.
19:31Hands down, the highlight of the film comes at the beginning
19:34when Iris and Amanda make the decision to swap houses for the holiday season.
19:54Seeing both of their enthusiasm build
19:55gets the audience amped up for what's to come,
19:58and witnessing the two women's growing rapport is entertaining.
20:01Are there any men in your town?
20:14We also can't get enough of watching Iris' reaction
20:16when she first explores Amanda's L.A. mansion,
20:19running around to each room like an excited little kid.
20:2311. You're The One That I Want – Grease
20:32In Grease, Sandy and Danny have a tumultuous relationship
20:39after meeting at the beach
20:40and finding themselves at the same school come fall.
20:43You're a fake and a phony and I wish I'd never laid eyes on you.
20:49After going through plenty of ups and downs,
20:51they're finally ready to come together by the film's conclusion.
20:5412. You're The One That I Want – Sandi
21:07Seeing Sandy and Danny transform to be together is pretty iconic,
21:11and while the focus is usually put on Sandy's shocking makeover,
21:14it's important to remember that Danny put on a preppy outfit to impress her too.
21:19This is the happy ending that we'd been waiting for.
21:2510. Boombox Serenade – Say Anything
21:41This is one of the most iconic moments in rom-com history for a reason.
21:46The classic 80s movie is about a slacker,
21:48Lloyd Dobler, who falls for the class valedictorian, Diane Court.
21:54There are plenty of things that come between them,
22:08but Lloyd makes an attempt at a grand romantic gesture.
22:11He shows up at the break of dawn outside Diane's bedroom window,
22:14blasting Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes on his boombox.
22:25Lloyd standing there with a plaintive look in his eyes
22:28has become one of the most memorable images in all of film history.
22:329. The Empire State Building – Sleepless in Seattle
22:36After his wife passes away,
22:38Sam's young son Jonah calls into a radio station to make his story public.
22:55Women from all over the nation become enamored with Sam,
22:58including Baltimore reporter Annie.
23:15Inspired by an affair to remember,
23:17Annie suggests that they meet at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day.
23:22A series of mishaps and near-meetings occur,
23:24but finally the two end up at the top of the emblematic building on the night in question.
23:29It's certainly unconventional to have a romance movie
23:31where the two leads essentially don't meet until the very end,
23:34but that's what makes this moment all the more special.
23:528. Getting to Know Cher Horowitz – Clueless
23:57Clueless is a favorite for many in the teen movie genre,
24:00and it features one of the most memorable and rewatchable openings of all time.
24:05The introductory montage introduces us to Cher and her lavish life in Los Angeles.
24:10Okay, you're probably going,
24:11is this like an Oxima commercial or what?
24:14But seriously, I actually have a way normal life for a teenage girl.
24:18Though she presents herself as an average teenager in her voiceover,
24:22it's clear that she's anything but.
24:30Any fashionista will love the glimpse into Cher's closet,
24:33and the computer technology that somehow puts together outfits for her.
24:37All these years later and we still don't have one of these in our rooms.
24:457. I'm Just a Girl Speech – Notting Hill
24:49In Notting Hill, Julia Roberts plays a celebrity superstar named Anna Scott,
24:53and Hugh Grant plays a modest bookstore owner living in London named Will.
24:57I live in Notting Hill, you live in Beverly Hills.
25:01Everyone in the world knows who you are. My mother has trouble remembering my name.
25:06While Will spends most of the movie feeling intimidated by Anna,
25:09by the end it's her who's pleading for him to accept her and consider them being together.
25:14I have to go away today, but I wondered if I didn't,
25:20whether you might let me see you a little,
25:23or a lot, maybe.
25:26She attempts to humanize celebrities,
25:28explaining that at her core, she's just like everyone else.
25:31I'm also just a girl,
25:35standing in front of a boy,
25:39asking him to love her.
25:41Her speech has gone down in rom-com history as one of the best,
25:45and is still evocative and relevant today.
25:496. The Hot Tub Kiss
25:52To All The Boys I've Loved Before
25:54To All The Boys I've Loved Before is one of the most beloved teen movies to be released
25:58in recent years, and the chemistry between shy and quiet Lara Jean and popular jock Peter
26:03is one of the reasons it was so well received.
26:06Yeah, I wanted to sit next to you, Lara Jean.
26:10I even packed the snacks.
26:12I asked Kitty where to find those yogurt drinks you like so much.
26:17The Korean grocery store is all the way across town.
26:20I know.
26:20Despite the fact that their relationship is fake for much of the movie,
26:24their hot tub kiss on the school ski trip is the moment it gets very real.
26:28There's no one like you, Cubby.
26:374. Bridget Jones's Diary
26:41This is the scene in which they finally admit their feelings for one another,
26:45and we could watch it again and again.
26:565. Mark's Confession – Bridget Jones's Diary
27:00In Bridget Jones's Diary, it seems like Bridget and Mark Darcy couldn't be more different.
27:05Mother, I do not need a blind date, particularly not with some verbally incontinent spinster
27:10who smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish, and dresses like her mother.
27:17He's an uptight lawyer, and she's a somewhat crass and bumbling singleton
27:21who doesn't seem to have her life together.
27:24She feels judged by him.
27:25But their dynamic shifts partway through the film when Mark confronts Bridget and tells her that,
27:30despite all of her flaws, he likes her just as she is.
27:33I like you.
27:35Very much.
27:37Apart from the smoking, and the drinking, and the vulgar mother, and the verbal diarrhea.
27:42No, I like you very much.
27:45Just as you are.
27:46It's a simple speech, but one that's relatable for many who wish they could be accepted
27:50without someone wanting them to change.
27:534. Ferris Wheel Kiss – Love, Simon
27:56Love, Simon broke down barriers by becoming the first film from a major studio
28:00to focus on a gay teen romance.
28:02In many ways, this movie feels just like a traditional romantic comedy,
28:06showing that queer love stories aren't all that different
28:09from the ones we're used to seeing in mainstream films.
28:12The ending of the story has Simon finally meeting the guy
28:14he's been chatting with anonymously online for so long.
28:17I didn't think you'd come.
28:20Me neither.
28:21Until I was walking towards you, I didn't think I had it in me.
28:24While waiting on the Ferris wheel for his secret pen pal to reveal himself,
28:28it seems like he's never gonna show up.
28:30But when Bram sits beside him and they eventually kiss,
28:34it's a moment that feels both familiar and revolutionary.
28:413. Can't Take My Eyes Off You – 10 Things I Hate About You
28:45Look, you embarrassed the girl.
28:47Sacrifice yourself on the altar of dignity and even the score.
28:5010 Things I Hate About You tops many lists of the best teen movies of all time,
28:55and Heath Ledger's performance as bad boy Patrick is one of the reasons it's so beloved.
28:59You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you.
29:07In this scene, he serenades Cat with a rendition of
29:10Can't Take My Eyes Off You on their school's bleachers.
29:12I love you, baby, and if it's quite all right,
29:17I need you, baby, to warm the lonely night.
29:21I love you, baby, trust in me when I say.
29:26Cat isn't exactly the type of girl who you'd think would appreciate a showy gesture like this,
29:32but she can't help but be charmed by him.
29:34The fact that Ledger is no longer with us makes watching this scene bittersweet,
29:38but seeing the joyful performance is a reminder of his infectious energy.
29:432. Hello! – Jerry Maguire
29:46How does one scene feature not one, but two iconic rom-com lines?
29:50You complete me.
29:54Jerry Maguire is an interesting film in that romance isn't the only focus,
29:58but Jerry's relationship with Dorothy is the thing that keeps us coming back for more.
30:03I love him for the man he wants to be, and I love him for the man that he almost is.
30:10Though their relationship takes a turn for the worse,
30:12by the film's end they find their way back together,
30:15with Jerry telling Dorothy that she completes him,
30:18and Dorothy uttering this much-quoted line.
30:21It's a romantic scene that shows that a love story is never really over
30:29when both people still love each other.
30:32Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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30:481. New Year's Eve
30:50When Harry Met Sally
30:52One of the most hilarious rom-com moments of all time
30:54has to be Sally's explosive faking-it scene in Cats' Delicatessen.
31:11While we could watch that over and over again,
31:13we also love the heartwarming romantic conclusion of When Harry Met Sally.
31:17I'm sorry, Harry. I know it's New Year's Eve.
31:20I know you're feeling lonely, but you just can't show up here,
31:23tell me you love me, and expect that to make everything all right.
31:27It doesn't work this way.
31:28This love story tells of a couple whose timing never seems to be quite right
31:32throughout decades of friendship.
31:34In the end, though, they realize that the person for them
31:37was right in front of them all along.
31:39And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve.
31:43I came here tonight because when you realize
31:45you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,
31:47you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
31:50Harry makes an impassioned speech on New Year's Eve telling Sally
31:52that he loves her partly because of her unique quirks,
31:55and we are here for it.
31:58Which romantic movie scenes do you always wait for?
32:00Share your favorites in the comments.
32:02It turns out I was right about one thing.
32:06I knew they'd all be there for me someday.
32:09Do you agree with our picks?
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