• 2 months ago
Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) mencatat, transaksi surat utang yang diperdagangkan melalui Sistem Penyelenggara Pasar Alternatif (SPPA) telah mencapai Rp124,4 triliun hingga Juli 2024.

Angka itu meningkat signifikan sebesar 179,2 persen dari nilai transaksi pada periode yang sama di tahun sebelumnya, Juli 2023.


00:00Bursa Efek Indonesia records that the transaction of loan papers traded through the Pasar Alternatif trading system has reached 124.4 trillion rupiah until July 2024. The figure rockets 179.2% annually.
00:21Bursa Efek Indonesia records that the transaction of loan papers traded through the Pasar Alternatif trading system has reached 124.4 trillion rupiah until July 2024. The figure rockets 179.2% annually.
00:48The value of the transaction is contributed by the bilateral transaction through the Request for Order or RFO mechanism of 76.7% and the Order Book and Request for Quotation mechanism of 23.3%.
01:04Recorded in July 2024, the total value of the monthly transaction in the SPPA reached an all-time high of 34.4 trillion rupiah per month.
01:15In an official statement, Bursa Efek Indonesia Development Director Geoffrey Hendricks stated that the previous record was recorded in November 2023, which is 30.63 trillion rupiah per month.
01:28Even so, by July 2024, the SPPA market share has reached 13.7% compared to the total value of the inter-dealer transaction of SPPA service users.
01:41At the same time, SPPA service users also experienced an increase of as many as four new SPPA service users.
01:50So far, there are 37 SPPA service users from banks, securities companies, and financial markets.
01:56IDX Second Session Closing
02:26IDX Second Session Closing
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