Iraq Prepares Bill Lowering Marriage Age For Girls To Nine

  • last month
Iraq Is Working On A Bill To Reduce Girl Marital Age To Nine
00:00Rights advocates are alarmed by a bill in Iraq's parliament that could roll back women's
00:04rights in increased underage marriages.
00:06The bill allows citizens to choose between religious authorities or civil judiciary for
00:09family matters, potentially leading to a loss of rights in inheritance, divorce, and child
00:15Critics fear it would cap the minimum age for Muslim girls to marry, which is 18, despite
00:1928% of the girls already being married before 18.
00:22Activists have demonstrated against the bill, which would enforce religious rules without
00:26mentioning other religions or sects.
00:28Such groups vow to continue fighting against it, warning it would hand men more power,
00:32undermine equality, and potentially legalize child marriage.
00:34Lawmaker Raed al-Maliki denies the bill allows minor marriage, but Amnesty International
00:39says vague language could strip women and girls a right to their safety.
00:43The bill passage would be a step backward for Iraq's rights advocates.
