Top 30 Most Unexpected Movie Kisses

  • 2 months ago
We didn't see these smooches coming. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the kisses that took movie characters, and the audience, by complete surprise.


00:00I helped you when you asked me to. I I learned French for you and and then you just blow me off
00:05so you... Welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the kisses that
00:11took movie characters and the audience by complete surprise. A spoiler alert is in effect.
00:17Which is like a bonus. Yeah yeah never meet me when I'm sober. Oh deal.
00:21Number 30. Ronnie and Will. The last song. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth burned up the screen in
00:30this Nicholas Sparks adaptation. In it, a teenage girl named Ronnie begins to fall for a volleyball
00:35player and aspiring oceanographer named Will over a shared love of music. But his past with other
00:40girls makes her hesitant to commit. I did not come here for some stupid summer romance with
00:46some stupid local boy that has done this with a thousand other girls. What? When she brings her
00:53concerns to him, it launches them into an argument by the beach. Of course, instead of talking it
00:58through and letting it spiral into an argument, Will pulls her in for a kiss. It was before I
01:03met you. How can you be mad about that? Will, don't you dare make this about me. You and I both know
01:08this is not my fault. Audiences across the world were kicking their feet in response.
01:15Number 29. Gary and Sunshine. Remember the Titans. While not as romantic as some of the
01:21other entries on this list, it certainly qualifies as an unexpected kiss. This 2000s sports drama
01:27tells the story of a newly racially integrated high school football team in the 1970s. Some of
01:32the athletes, including Gary Bertyr, are skeptical of their new teammate's masculinity, and they make
01:37it known in no uncertain terms. Sunshine is unbothered. In fact, he has just the solution.
01:54He plants a kiss on Bertyr right there in the locker room. It didn't go over well at first,
02:06but it definitely broke the ice. Number 28. Lenny and Mace, Strange Days. This criminally
02:12underrated sci-fi thriller sees Ralph Fiennes as a former cop in a fallen Los Angeles who becomes
02:18embroiled in a conspiracy that finds him questioning reality. Angela Bassett plays Mace,
02:23a bodyguard who assists him and carries an obvious torch for him for the whole movie.
02:27Have you ever been in love with someone who didn't return that love?
02:32Yeah, Lenny, I have.
02:39Throughout, he's been chasing another woman. They're about to part forever when he comes
02:43to his senses at movie's end. Mace has all but given up on him ever reciprocating her feelings
02:48when he finds her and pulls her out of her limousine and kisses her just as the new millennium dawns.
02:54It's a trippy and passionate ending that feels so earned. Number 27. Howard and Peter, In and Out.
03:08This raucous coming out comedy finds Howard Brackett's life turned upside down when his
03:12former student outs him as a gay man during an Oscar speech. I've been thinking a lot about
03:16this night and I've decided to dedicate this whole night to a great gay teacher.
03:23Mr. Brackett, we won!
03:26The only problem is Howard didn't even know he was gay. TV leading man Tom Selleck plays Peter,
03:31a reporter who comes to town to report on the story. During a heated exchange,
03:35Peter kisses Howard out of nowhere. After denying his sexuality for so long,
03:40the sudden show of affection puts a lot of things into perspective for Howard.
03:44Everyone knows that!
03:45Everyone where?
03:46The little gay bar on the prairie.
03:49You know what you need?
03:50I need a wedding!
03:51I need...
03:52The kiss itself was notable. It was nearly 12 seconds in length,
03:56which was largely unheard of for a same-sex kiss on screen.
04:00Number 26. Hermione and Ron, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
04:05Fans of the books knew it was coming. However,
04:08even diehard readers might have been surprised by how this moment turned out.
04:12The screen adaptation of this first kiss between endgame couple Ron Weasley and
04:16Hermione Granger is very different from the presentation in the book.
04:20You do it.
04:21I can't.
04:21Yes, you can.
04:22Taking place mid-battle, the two destroy one of Lord Voldemort's horcruxes just
04:27before it has the chance to kill them. Fueled by adrenaline and relief,
04:31they kiss hungrily in the Chamber of Secrets.
04:37While some fans argue it's not the agonizing slow burn that it is in the books,
04:41the movie still makes it a moment worth remembering.
04:44Number 25. Meghan and Graham, But I'm a Cheerleader.
04:48In this cult comedy starring Natasha Lyonne as Meghan, a high school cheerleader realizes
04:52she's a lesbian when she's shipped off to a conversion therapy camp. It doesn't quite
04:56work out. She meets and falls for an effortlessly cool girl named Graham.
05:01You are who you are. The only trick is not getting caught.
05:06How'd you end up here?
05:09I got caught.
05:10During an unsanctioned outing to a local gay bar, Meghan becomes jealous over Graham
05:15dancing with another girl. Though she denies her feelings, Graham makes it impossible to
05:19ignore how much they like each other with a romantic kiss in the alley.
05:23You want me to do what I want?
05:25I could care less.
05:26What I really want?
05:29Screw you!
05:32Even as Meghan tries to rationalize it, it's no use. They're falling in love.
05:37Number 24. Eddie and Roger Rabbit, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
05:41This hybrid live-action and animated murder mystery takes place in an alternate 1940s
05:46Hollywood, where animated characters are real and live alongside humans.
05:50Roger Rabbit's zany antics wear on private detective Eddie Valent over time.
05:55You saved my life! How can I ever repay ya?
06:02For starters, don't ever kiss me again.
06:05But if you want to see how far the hard-boiled P.I. has come,
06:08just look at the kiss he plants on the cartoon rabbit at the end of the movie.
06:12It's not just a hilarious and surprising ending to their story,
06:15but it's also a seamless feat of animation and acting by star Bob Hoskins.
06:20Does this answer your question?
06:24It's hard to share a kiss with a co-star who's not even there.
06:27Number 23. Patrick and Cat, 10 Things I Hate About You.
06:31One thing about Cat Stratford is that she always has something to say.
06:35Whether it's a withering witticism or a critique of patriarchal ideology run amok,
06:40she spends much of her time on screen getting the better of everyone else.
06:43But in the ending scenes, Patrick's apology and gift of a guitar and a special performance
06:48by her favorite band is not even enough to leave her speechless.
06:52You can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up, you know?
06:56Yeah, I know. But then you know there's always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine.
07:02She's mid-complaint when he reels her in for another makeup kiss.
07:12The funniest thing about it is that if Cat were watching this movie, she'd probably hate it.
07:16Number 22. Michael and Fredo, The Godfather Part II.
07:20A kiss of death between brothers becomes one of the sequel's most iconic moments.
07:25Michael Corleone figures out that his older sibling, Fredo, has sold him out to their enemies.
07:32Johnny Ola told me about this place. He brought me here. I didn't believe him,
07:35but seeing is believing, huh? I see it and I still don't believe it.
07:38The Mafia Don confronts Fredo in public at a New Year's party. Instead of just punching him or
07:43having him hauled out and executed, Michael plants a vicious kiss on the brother's mouth.
07:48It's somehow so much more threatening and intense than outright physical violence.
07:55I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.
07:58It also speaks to the complications of the situation. But one thing is for sure,
08:02from this moment on, Fredo's days are numbered.
08:06Number 21. Haymitch and Effie, The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part II.
08:11Fans of Suzanne Collins' books were probably just as shocked as anyone when Haymitch and Effie
08:15shared a shocking kiss in the fourth and final film. Their kiss didn't happen in the original
08:20novels, but their print counterparts didn't have nearly the chemistry that actors Woody
08:24Harrelson and Elizabeth Banks had in the roles.
08:27"'Effie, don't be a stranger."
08:34"'Take care of her.'"
08:35From the beginning, their Haymitch-Abernethy-and-Effie trinket had an uneasy,
08:40playfully contemptuous relationship that was ripe for an enemies-to-lovers storyline.
08:44The actors improvised the kiss, which wasn't in the original script.
08:48It worked so well it was left in the final cut.
08:51"'She's such a pro, you know, so when we did it, it wasn't like just a light thing
08:56where we thought it was nothing. It was really like, okay, well this is, you know.'"
09:00Number 20. Peter and Gwen, The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
09:04Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy definitely had a rollercoaster relationship.
09:09At the end of the first film, he essentially breaks up with her
09:12to fulfill a promise to her dying father.
09:14"'Don't make promises you can't keep, Mr. Parker.'
09:17"'Yeah, but those are the best kind.'"
09:21They're back together by the sequel.
09:23When being Spider-Man makes Peter late to his own graduation, he has to hurry.
09:28Thankfully, he arrives in time to receive his diploma.
09:31His excitement, in turn, leads to a spontaneous smooch with Gwen on the stage.
09:39Sadly, the moment of carefree joy is rather brief.
09:43Shortly after, Peter is overcome by the guilt he feels for putting Gwen in harm's way.
09:48This time, she takes the initiative and ends things with him,
09:51leaving that kiss just a bittersweet memory.
09:54"'I can't live like this. I break up with you. I break up with you.'"
10:05Number 19. Rhett and Scarlett, Gone With The Wind.
10:08"'Kathleen? Who's there?' "'Who?'
10:11"'That man looking at us and smiling. The nasty dog.'"
10:15Love or hate them as a couple,
10:17Rhett and Scarlett are one of the most famous romantic duos in film.
10:21Their attraction is established early,
10:23but she has to go through a couple of spouses before they get together.
10:27"'Did you ever think of marrying just for fun?'
10:29"'Marriage fun? Fiddly dee. Fun for men, you mean?'
10:33"'Oh, Hershey, do you want me to hear you out somewhere?'
10:36"'You've been married to a boy and an old man.
10:38Why not try a husband of the right age, with a way with women?''
10:41They argue, flirt, and manipulate each other in a will-they-won't-they romance
10:46that sets the bar for future movie couples, for better or worse.
10:50It's not until after the death of Scarlett's second husband
10:52that the former philanderer finally proposes to the southern belle.
10:56She refuses to take his intention seriously,
10:59so he goes in for an unexpected kiss.
11:01"'I don't. I shall faint.' "'I don't want you to faint.
11:04This is what you were meant for.
11:06None of the fools you've ever known have kissed you like this, have they?
11:09You're Charles, or you're Frank, or you're stupid Ashley.'"
11:13Rhett originally wasn't really the marriage type.
11:16However, this embrace makes it clear that he's now serious
11:19about being Scarlett's husband.
11:21"'Well, aren't you gonna kiss me goodbye?'
11:23"'Don't you think you've had enough kissing for one afternoon?'
11:26"'Oh, you're impossible. You can go, and I don't care if you never come back.'
11:29"'But I will come back.'"
11:31Number 18.
11:32Rosalyn and Sidney, American Hustle.
11:35It can be hard to keep track of the truth in this film
11:38about scam artists forced to work with the FBI.
11:41However, one inarguable fact is that Amy Adams
11:44and Jennifer Lawrence's characters hate each other.
11:47Since Sidney is having an affair with Rosalyn's husband,
11:50it's probably understandable.
11:52"'You scare him, and you manipulate him, and you use your son.
11:58Well, he must like it on some level. He must want it,
12:01because he keeps coming back for it.'"
12:02What is completely baffling, however,
12:04is the smooch between these two fiery ladies.
12:07While they're in the middle of an aggressive argument,
12:10the unpredictable Rosalyn decides to end it with a kiss.
12:18In an interview, Adams revealed that it was her idea
12:20to mark the finale of the toxic conversation
12:23with the angry lip lock.
12:24It seemed like the perfect way to display
12:26the power struggle between the two women.
12:28"'It's like the perfect exclamation point on a toxic conversation.'
12:31"'It totally is.'"
12:32Number 17.
12:34William and Anna, Nodding Hill.
12:36Who doesn't love a story about a movie star
12:38falling for a regular person?
12:40After they've already met in his bookstore,
12:42Will collides with Anna on the street
12:44and spills orange juice all over her white shirt.
12:47"'Bugger!' "'God!'
12:48"'I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
12:50Here, let me—' "'Get your hands off!'
12:53Hugh Grant is effortlessly charming as the awkward store owner
12:57who invites the stunning Julia Roberts' Anna
12:59into his home to clean up.
13:01Despite starting off irritated with the clumsy Brit,
13:03the incognito celebrity clearly warms up to him.
13:07"'May I also say, um, heavenly?
13:12I'll just take my one chance to say it.
13:14After you've read that terrible book,
13:15you're certainly not going to be coming back to the shop.'"
13:17When she leaves without a word,
13:18we initially resign ourselves to a slow burn.
13:22Well, until she returns for her other bag
13:24and thanks him with a heartfelt kiss.
13:26It's a pleasant surprise for the audience—
13:29and for William.
13:30"'I'm very sorry about the surreal but nice comment.
13:36"'That's okay. I thought the apricot and honey thing
13:39was the real low point.'"
13:41Number 16.
13:42Sidney and Clifford.
13:44Death Trap.
13:45When playwright Sidney Brule can't seem to create a winning play,
13:48he seemingly plots to kill and steal the script
13:51of his student Clifford.
13:52This is just the beginning of a twisty plot
13:55full of fake-outs and surprises.
13:57"'Why are you burning it? There's nothing incriminating.'
13:59"'Still, I'll say I was getting rid of manuscripts
14:01as the Grim Reaper struck.'"
14:03In one of the most shocking moments,
14:04a kiss between the two characters,
14:06played by Michael Caine and Christopher Reeve,
14:08reveals the true betrayal.
14:10The pair were actually working together
14:12to orchestrate the death of Sidney's wife, Myra.
14:15This revelation and the kiss between the two leading men
14:18definitely stunned 1980s audiences.
14:21"'You opened up certain doors for me.
14:25And for that, I'm grateful.'"
14:27Of course, that twist wasn't the end of the treachery.
14:30After all, it's a thrilling mystery,
14:32not a romantic comedy.
14:34"'A trifle unsteady at the odd moment,
14:36but it has all the makings.'"
14:38Number 15.
14:39Rey and Kylo Ren.
14:41Star Wars Episode IX.
14:42The Rise of Skywalker.
14:44You could say that the bond between Kylo Ren and Rey
14:47in the sequel trilogy was a tantalizing mystery.
14:50"'A tiger in the force.
14:53A power like life itself.
14:57Unseen for generations.'"
15:01Were they related?
15:02Connected mystically?
15:05The possibilities were practically dangled in front of fans.
15:09Both characters push the other to change,
15:11but in the end, Kylo Ren finally turns away from the dark side.
15:15"'Stand together, die together.'"
15:18As Ben Solo, he uses the Force in a powerful moment to save Rey's life,
15:23proving that he's redeemed in the process.
15:25The kiss they share before he dies is just as confounding as it is surprising.
15:30Is it romance?
15:31Is it the joy of victory?
15:33The debate continues.
15:34"'Then why?''
15:35"'Why what?''
15:40"'Why what?''
15:41"'Say it.'"
15:42Number 14.
15:43Grey and Fritz.
15:44Catch and Release.
15:45"'You're not who I thought you were.'
15:47"'Neither are you.'"
15:48The excellent chemistry between actors Jennifer Garner and Timothy Olyphant
15:52is part of the reason this kiss is so compelling.
15:55An awkward encounter at the funeral of Grey's fiancée,
15:57who was one of Fritz's good friends,
15:59starts their relationship off badly.
16:02"'Oh, Grey. Ah.'"
16:04"'I never understood why he was friends with you.'"
16:08The simmering tension between the characters makes a kiss inevitable,
16:11but the timing is definitely a surprise.
16:14The scene in question begins with Grey taking her anger out on Fritz
16:17for her fiancée's hidden affair.
16:19The kiss is born out of a moment of frustration at first,
16:22but it quickly turns to something more genuine.
16:25The intense reaction of both characters makes it clear
16:28that it's as much of a shock to them as it is to viewers.
16:44Number 13.
16:45Amy and Lori.
16:47Little Women.
16:48This might be the only film version of Little Women
16:50where the audience ships Amy and Lori.
16:52"'So I might as well stay and plague you a little longer.
16:54"'You can bear it. In fact, I think it agrees with you.'"
16:58Florence Pugh charms with a portrayal of the youngest March sister
17:01that moves beyond her just being a brat.
17:04The story also creates more time for her relationship with Lori.
17:08Amy initially rejects his proposal
17:10because she refuses to be a replacement for her sister.
17:13When tragedy brings them back together,
17:15Amy tells him that she decided not to marry her suitor Fred.
17:19"'I just didn't love him as I should.
17:23"'So we don't need to talk about it.
17:25"'We don't need to say anything.'"
17:26As she explains that Lori shouldn't feel any obligation towards her,
17:30he doesn't wait for her to finish.
17:32With one moving kiss, he confirms that he's loved her all along.
17:37"'You're beautiful.
17:42"'You are beautiful.'"
17:43Number 12.
17:44Cher and Josh. Clueless.
17:46Despite the fact that their parents were once briefly married,
17:49Cher Horowitz and Josh Lucas don't consider themselves related.
17:53"'I went by dad's office.'"
17:54"'He is not your dad. Why don't you torture a new family?'
17:57"'Hey, just because my mother marries someone else
17:59"'doesn't mean he's my father.'"
18:00"'Actually, Kato, that's exactly what it means.'"
18:03At the beginning of the film, she treats him like an interloper
18:06and he sees her as a spoiled child.
18:08As the lonely college student spends more time
18:11in his ex-step-family's home, though,
18:12the two start to recognize each other's positive traits.
18:16Cher is a little, well, clueless,
18:18but ultimately she comes to a big realization.
18:21"'Oh my God.
18:25"'I love Josh.
18:28"'I am majorly, totally, butt-crazy in love with Josh.
18:33"'But now I don't know how to act around him.'"
18:35Their awkward avoidance of any hint at romance
18:38comes to an end in a quiet moment away from everyone else.
18:43They stumble their way through a confession of their feelings,
18:45and he kisses her, providing the ultimate confirmation.
18:49"'Are you saying you care about me?'
19:03They both seem pleasantly surprised.
19:06Number 11.
19:07Hannah and Jacob, Crazy Stupid Love
19:10This kiss was a huge surprise for Ryan Gosling's womanizing character Jacob.
19:15He was firmly shut down by Emma Stone's Hannah on a previous evening.
19:19His smooth charisma didn't impress the logical law graduate.
19:23"'I find you very attractive. Do you find me attractive?'
19:26"'She does.'"
19:28"'I don't.'"
19:29"'You do. She does.'"
19:30"'Yes, she does.'"
19:30"'I do- I don't.'"
19:32"'You do.'"
19:32"'You do.'"
19:33"'I don't.'"
19:34However, when her boyfriend offers her a job instead of marriage,
19:37she decides to try a little spontaneity.
19:46After storming into the bar, the fired-up lady doesn't stop
19:50until she's planted an enthusiastic kiss on the unsuspecting Jacob.
19:54It's unexpected for everyone involved, and the chemistry is palpable.
19:59It's definitely an opposites-attract kind of moment,
20:02and thankfully just a kickstart to a more serious relationship for the couple.
20:06"'Do you remember me?'
20:10"'You still find me attractive?'
20:12"'Still wanna take me home?'
20:19"'Let's go.'"
20:2010. Han and Leia
20:22Star Wars Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back
20:25"'Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes.'"
20:28"'I do, I really do.'"
20:30Following their victory in their first adventure,
20:32Han and Leia work closely at the rebel base.
20:35However, their relationship is mostly sour,
20:38as the two keep snapping at each other all the time.
20:41Upon being forced to escape, and with their lives on the line,
20:44Han's attitude toward Leia suddenly changes.
20:47While she continues their practice of insulting one another,
20:51Han begins to ignore what she's saying as he corners her,
20:54fulfilling the popular bad-boy-taking-charge trope of the era.
20:57"'Stop that.'"
20:59"'Stop what?'
21:00"'Stop that.'"
21:01While it's framed as romantic,
21:03Leia's total lack of interest before this point
21:06raises questions about how consensual the encounter might be.
21:10Either way, we certainly didn't see this one coming.
21:13"'I happen to like nice men.'"
21:14"'Nice men?'
21:16"'Very nice.'"
21:17"'Sir, sir, I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling.'"
21:259. Mark and Juliet – Love Actually
21:28"'Do you resist the temptation for surprises?'
21:31"'Yeah, I'm a sure man.'"
21:32At the wedding of his best friend Peter,
21:34Mark seems to have an unexplained dislike for Peter's wife, Juliet.
21:38However, it turns out that Mark actually has unrequited feelings for her,
21:43which Juliet learns in an uncomfortable moment.
21:46On Christmas Eve, Mark visits Peter and Juliet's place at night
21:50where he quietly reveals his true feelings.
21:52"'Sleep in heavenly peace.'"
21:59While it seems as if this might be the end of the matter,
22:02Juliet rushes up to Mark and kisses him without explanation.
22:13With Mark having had no hope or agenda during his confession of love,
22:16he's left momentarily stunned at this unexpected reception.
22:20Juliet seems to have caught herself by surprise,
22:23as the two let this exchange sink in for a few moments before going their separate ways.
22:288. Tony and Pepper – Iron Man 2
22:32"'Oh my God, I can't take this anymore.'"
22:34"'You can't.'"
22:35"'I can't take this.'"
22:36Tony and Pepper never act on their romantic tension for the first two Iron Man films,
22:40as they bicker like a married couple instead.
22:43The second movie sees Tony distance himself from Pepper
22:46after believing his death is imminent before finding a solution.
22:50However, his following attempts to make amends don't work out until the film's climax.
22:55Having almost lost her life, Pepper decides to resign as the two begin arguing as usual.
23:00"'I-I-I quit. I'm resigning. That's it.'"
23:04This time, though, Tony doesn't bicker for too long
23:07as he goes for a long overdue kiss mid-sentence.
23:11"'I mean, it's like the president.'"
23:13Stunned by his sudden initiative,
23:16the two forget all about their problems as the kiss solves everything in one swoop.
23:20It's a big change in emotion as the two had only just escaped a near-death situation.
23:267. George and Lucy – A Room with a View
23:30"'My poor boy has brains, but he's very muddled.'"
23:33As soon as they meet, Lucy and George's attraction remains unaddressed,
23:38despite the two having chemistry that's hard to miss.
23:41After George comes to her aid during Lucy's fainting episode,
23:44their feelings begin to grow further, although neither act upon it.
23:51This is why it comes out of the blue when George does pursue his feelings in such a forward manner.
23:56As it happens, Lucy stumbles upon a poppy field by a hillside, where she sees George.
24:02Having no care or concern for their surroundings,
24:05George rushes over to initiate a passionate kiss that absolutely floors Lucy.
24:18With the two only just coming across one another in this scene,
24:21it appears as if George and Lucy are surprised at how their feelings overcame them.
24:266. Cage and Cage
24:30Trapped in a time loop that only ends if he dies,
24:33William Cage figures out a way to beat the alien invasion with the assistance of Sergeant Rita.
24:38Having fallen in love with her, Cage devises a plan to ensure her survival,
24:43which doesn't work out as hoped.
24:45With death an almost certain thing, Cage decides to take her to the hospital.
24:50But the hospital is not the only hospital in the film.
24:53The kiss shocks Cage the most as from Rita's point of view, they had only met that day.
25:02As their fates are set to meet a certain doom,
25:05expecting this show of affection is the only thing that can be done.
25:08But it's not the end of the world.
25:11In the film, Cage and Rita are forced to face off against each other,
25:14and it's not until the end of the film that they finally get to meet each other again.
25:18As their fates are set to meet a certain doom,
25:21expecting this show of affection is the last thing Cage had on his mind,
25:25especially considering the icy welcome she gave him when they first met.
25:295. Claire and Owen – Jurassic World
25:33Claire and Owen's interactions are hardly romantic for the majority of Jurassic World.
25:43While she considers him to be roguish and he thinks her too stuck up,
25:47they work together to save the park after the breakout of the dinosaurs.
25:51The two seem to change their opinions during the ordeal,
25:54something Owen leaves no doubt about after she saves his life.
26:01As soon as Owen realizes this, he makes his way to Claire and delivers a
26:05kiss that nobody would have seen coming in such a life-and-death scenario.
26:09It's clear that Claire had no expectations of this kind of show of appreciation,
26:14which makes all the fear and uncertainty of the situation stop for this moment.
26:194. Bob and Charlotte – Lost in Translation
26:28Having bonded due to their mutual depression and identity crisis,
26:31Bob and Charlotte have a stern reality check when it's time for him to leave.
26:36This changes when he sees her by the film's climax,
26:38as Bob approaches her in the middle of the street for an embrace.
26:47Even more sudden is his decision to kiss her,
26:50as the two had had a falling out not long before.
27:00The suddenness of the kiss stems from the ambiguity behind it,
27:03raising questions of their future and if it means that Bob plans to see her again.
27:07For her part, Charlotte doesn't deny the kiss,
27:10leaving it up to the viewer to wonder where this sudden act of passion comes from.
27:21After crashing and burning in his attempts to impress astrophysicist Charlie,
27:26Lieutenant Maverick doesn't seem to have much luck in reversing her opinion of him.
27:30The two spend each of their scenes having differing opinions
27:33that keeps getting in the way of any potential romance.
27:37After another argument, Charlie chases Maverick down for another confrontation,
27:42only to reveal her feelings for him.
27:51Maverick's response is to momentarily grasp for words,
27:54going against his argumentative nature.
27:58He then goes straight in for a kiss,
28:00when Charlie herself is waiting for him to respond to her confession.
28:09Considering Maverick's loudmouth antics and need to have the final word,
28:13it's both heartwarming and surprising to see him admit defeat in this argument
28:17in favor of choosing his feelings.
28:202. Graham and Amanda – The Holiday
28:26Amanda takes a holiday to England to get over a breakup,
28:30but realizes the place where she's staying isn't for her.
28:33Before leaving, Graham, the brother of the woman Amanda swapped houses with,
28:37arrives in an inebriated state.
28:40The two form a connection, but the idea of romance seems out of the question
28:44since they've just met.
28:45While rom-coms generally build up towards the big kiss between its leads,
28:49Graham defies this trope by kissing Amanda without giving any prior signals.
29:04Amanda's reaction is just as unexpected,
29:06quickly asking him to kiss her again as she welcomes their attraction.
29:16Although they had instant chemistry,
29:18the two giving in to this attraction was far from expected at the beginning of the scene.
29:23Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
29:27Penelope and Johnny – Penelope
29:29Two characters recognizing and accepting each other with an unexpected kiss.
29:34It's me, Max.
29:38Thanks, Johnny.
29:41I know, Johnny.
29:45I'm still me.
29:46Alice and Michael – When a Man Loves a Woman
29:49A surprising kiss that marks a new beginning.
30:04Nelly and Jack – Babylon
30:08That one was Margot Robbie's idea.
30:14Aladdin and Jasmine – Aladdin
30:17Since when do carpets play someone's wingman?
30:35Nicholas and Mia – The Princess Diaries 2 – Royal Engagement
30:53There's an attraction between Nicholas and Mia right from the get-go,
30:57which is hampered when she learns of his intention to steal the throne.
31:01Mia still finds it difficult to fight her feelings, though.
31:04Something Nicholas takes advantage of.
31:06At a garden party, he gets her to admit she doesn't love her new fiancé,
31:10as their argument begins to escalate.
31:14I loathe you.
31:17I loathe you.
31:18Out of nowhere, Nicholas pulls Mia in for a kiss that she does nothing to stop,
31:23complete with popping her foot out as well.
31:25We know what that means.
31:27In addition to the kiss happening all of a sudden,
31:29their embrace is extended before Mia realizes what's happening.
31:33The surprises don't end there either,
31:35as the kiss rattles them enough to cause a tumble they won't ever forget.
31:39Which of these movie kisses shocked you the most on first watch?
31:43Let us know in the comments.
31:44I've got to stop him.
31:45One kiss, my love.
31:49Do you agree with our picks?
31:50Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
31:53And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.