The Factory BY Thor

  • last month
Spatial VR
00:00Hey welcome back guys. This is where we are right now. The factory by Thorn labs. Let me tell you how I came across this. I was looking on my computer to find out where I want to go like a brochure. I already went to one spot. Excellent. I saw this spot man. I said yo what is this all about? I'm going to find out guys look.
00:30I'm going to take a little journey.
00:33Why? Because I got to do something a little different.
00:37And tell you about life man.
00:40There's always going to be struggles man. There's always going to be situations that pop up man.
00:47That's going to look like they're out of your control.
00:51It's too much for you.
00:54It's too hard for you to handle.
00:58You got to hang in there man. No matter what.
01:01I was listening to motivation tapes and they say no matter what situation goes on in your life.
01:07If it's hard do it hard.
01:09If you don't have any parents you got to do it without any parents.
01:12You got to be consistent man.
01:14It's like doing a YouTube channel.
01:17I know people that have 700 subscribers and nobody else.
01:27I know people that have a lot of videos and not 200 subscribers.
01:33The secret buddy is to keep doing whatever you're doing.
01:40Keep doing it night and day. Night and day.
01:44I do about 20 to 30 videos a day.
01:49Why? Because I enjoy it man.
01:53I really enjoy it.
01:55People go to a job they don't like.
01:59You got to get dressed if it's raining and snowing.
02:03You don't feel well.
02:05You had a bad day yesterday.
02:07You didn't get enough sleep.
02:09You drunk too much. Smoked too much.
02:13But when you have your own business.
02:16You can control it the way you want man.
02:21And if you pick the business you want.
02:23You can do something like this.
02:30The career I pick for myself.
02:36Is to go to beautiful places.
02:41To promote people.
02:44To spread positive information.
02:47And to learn things.
02:52This is beautiful man.
02:58If you work in a 9 to 5 buddy.
03:01And you never saw the boss.
03:04And you've been there 2 or 3 years.
03:06I think you're in the wrong spot man.
03:09I would never ever work a job.
03:12And I can't see the boss.
03:14Because my intention is on becoming a manager, supervisor.
03:20Or maybe a partner with him.
03:22But I got to see him.
03:23He got to see what I'm doing.
03:27You got to come in early.
03:29You got to stay late man.
03:31You got to look around and see if people need any help.
03:35And every time you finish your job.
03:50Don't forget to complete the quests.
03:52And collect amazing prizes.
03:56I wasn't even thinking about that.
03:58It looks so beautiful.
04:00Look at this man.
04:01I always liked the brick stone things.
04:08You know the one thing I kind of don't like too much about.
04:13Not kind of like.
04:14But they can improve on 2 things.
04:16For sure.
04:20One is.
04:22Let me create something man.
04:24For free.
04:25Except for this big cheer they give me.
04:33Oh so what was I talking about with success man.
04:36So dude.
04:37If you work a 9 to 5.
04:41And you just think about getting here and leaving.
04:45Then you have no plans for your retirement man.
04:50You have no plans.
04:52You might be just like this person right here man.
04:55Who didn't plan for the future.
05:05I have a friend of mine.
05:07His name is Jared.
05:09He's from Ecuador.
05:14Now he got charisma too man.
05:17Some people got charisma.
05:27Oh so getting back to the work thing guys.
05:32Everybody has a choice man.
05:34I don't care how you start off.
05:37You got a choice how you want to end.
05:47I wish my friend could say this.
06:09You know why I really do these videos man.
06:11To tell you the truth.
06:12I mean who I do them for.
06:15I really do these videos for people.
06:17Who don't get a chance to go out too much.
06:21Want to interact with the outside world.
06:25Too paranoid man.
06:34People want to get a story line.
06:36Not just look at entertainment.
06:38They want to spend time in a video.
06:46Looks like a lot of fruits come from this place buddy.
07:04Why didn't I say anything in this video?
07:12I really want to put something in there.
07:13That has to do with Ecuador.
07:17The Ecuadorians.
07:18The Ecuadorians.
07:36I keep looking in here.
07:37And I see a bunch of Ecuadorian stuff.
07:39And I will name it Ecuadorian.
07:41Even though I give the credit to the creator.
07:45Look at this man.
07:46Oh sorry.
07:47I was going to tell you man.
07:48The thing that I think Spaceship could do an improvement on.
07:51Is boom.
07:53You need to put a screen around here.
07:55So the guy disappears and comes back.
07:57He left.
07:59Unless he's behind me.
08:02You need to put a screen.
08:13This guy disappeared.
08:14Everybody appears from there.
08:21And the other thing is that.
08:23I would like to be able to sit down.
08:25But look like I'm standing up.
08:28Because I'm actually.
08:30Sitting down.
08:32I don't want to get up.
08:38There's a bigger picture over here.
08:39But that's it.
08:42That coin thing too.
08:43Makes no difference man.
08:45I think you have to actually be in the game.
08:48And be on the computer.
08:49For this to make a difference.
08:51You know what's funny.
08:52How those Ecuadorian women wear those gangster hats.
08:58It's like the mafia hat.
09:01Felt tip.
09:02And it's a man's hat.
09:03I used to wear hats like that.
09:13You know what I meant to do.
09:14I meant to do a video on war.
09:19Where they said the COVID-19 came from.
09:25Those hats are deep buddy.
09:30Do you even see guys wearing hats?
09:41Look man.
09:46Didn't even try to do that.
09:47The women are wearing the felt tips.
09:49And the guys are wearing baseball caps.
09:54Doesn't that mean something?
10:14I don't know.
10:21I don't know.
10:30Not the same picture.
10:33Not with the same woman.
10:40That's the baby right there.
10:42Dude I was thinking that was a baby.
10:43But the baby's right there.
10:52And a moss bag.
10:54A cloth.
11:05It's like Africa.
11:14You can hear the music over there too.
11:25Look at this one.
11:29I don't.
11:30What is that?
11:34I didn't get anything for it.
11:39So guys.
11:40That's it.
11:41It was a wonderful experience.
11:42Like all the experiences I have here.
11:54I wish I didn't want to see now.
11:59Back there.
12:07I'm going to name it something with equity.
12:09I'm going to name it something with Ecuador.
12:10But I'm going to put Given the Critical.
12:17Let's see what's on the movie.
12:28I might call it Ecuador.
12:30A beautiful place.
12:39That's cute.
12:52That's the baby she had.
12:56Look at the other side.
12:59Look at her hands.
13:01From all that work.
13:02Everybody's hands are kind of rough.
13:09You can always check it out over there.
13:12That's it.
13:13That's the end of this movie.
13:16I'm going to give you another look around.
13:21And then we'll end it right here.
13:39That's the lady with the baby.
13:44I see that picture over there.
13:45Because I was looking at where her mouth is.
14:01When you got produce.
14:02You got to sell it quick, man.
14:03Before they spoil.
14:08The good thing about it is.
14:09Even if you don't make a sale.
14:10You won't go hungry.
14:12Because you eat your own food.
14:17Look at that.
14:18Leather beaten hands.
14:21Hard work.
14:26Would have been nice if you would have had.
14:28A child.
14:29That was successful.
14:31That made it big.
14:33Took away from her.
14:36Gave her a nice house.
14:38Place to rest.
14:40When you're old age, man.
14:42When you hit past 60.
14:43You shouldn't be struggling.
14:50You shouldn't have to kill yourself.
14:51To work with somebody else.
14:53By the time you hit 60, buddy.
14:57People are still working.
14:59But work with a plan.
15:02And also have a side hobby.
15:04While you're working.
15:05Work on a book.
15:06Work on some music.
15:09If you're an entertainer.
15:10A motivator.
15:11Work on that, man.
15:13Nine to five.
15:14Ain't going to do it, buddy.
15:17Nine to five.
15:18Your salary might be.
15:19Lower than anybody else.
15:20You got a supervisor.
15:21You got a manager.
15:23You got the boss.
15:24And everybody else.
15:25Then you got your salary.
15:27You get little pieces.
15:29Of the pie.
15:31You can have your own pie.
15:33That's why I decided to do this.
15:35This is my pie.
15:36This is my pie.
15:37Right here, man.
15:40When somebody said.
15:41You'll never hear them say.
15:42I hate to go to work.
15:55I wanted to meet you guys.
15:56Like somewhere over here near work.
15:58Some days I don't feel like working.
16:01But I said.
16:03What you got to do is.
16:04Do a couple of videos, man.
16:05It's not like you're going to get on a train.
16:08Present yourself to the boss.
16:09Stay there nine to five.
16:10Wait for lunch.
16:11What time I get off.
16:14I remember those days, buddy.
16:16I worked at night shifts.
16:18I was a CND for 20 years.
16:20I was a CND for 20 years.
16:22I was a CND for 20 years.
16:24I was a CND for 20 years.
16:25I was a CND for 20 years.
16:26I was a CND for 20 years.
16:28You know what I'm a little bit curious about.
16:31I wasn't going to do it.
16:32Because I didn't want to break the illusion.
16:35Can I get an M1?
16:55So now we're going to take a little journey now.
16:58I was going to end it.
16:59But nope.
17:01Because I watch my own videos.
17:05When I see it.
17:06I like to see something that.
17:09That looks good, man.
17:13I like to see something that's entertaining to me.
17:20Look how far we made it, man.
17:23Who would have ever known.
17:24If you was over here.
17:25There was a house on the other side.
17:30Look at this.
17:31That's another one of those big things over there.
17:34That you can collect.
17:35Look at this, man.
17:37So check this out, dude.
17:41This is where the reality comes in.
17:42Let's see how you get up this mountain.
17:57Is it 360 for you?
18:02Check this out, man.
18:03The more you do something.
18:05The better you get at it, man.
18:10Because the rest is not to the.
18:15Because anybody can look like a superstar.
18:17In the beginning.
18:19But in the end.
18:21When you're climbing a mountain.
18:22That hard mountain you gotta climb up.
18:24And nobody's there to help you, support you.
18:27Nobody's there to encourage you.
18:29Every morning you gotta get yourself out of bed.
18:32Whether you want to or not.
18:35Who's there for you?
18:42When you need help.
18:43Who's there for you?
18:45Don't rely on nobody, man.
18:50Don't rely on nobody, man.
18:52Because you'll be disappointed.
18:55In reality.
18:57It's only you, man.
18:59It's only you.
19:01If you get help along the way.
19:03Thank God.
19:04But don't expect it.
19:06And don't think your sad story.
19:08Is gonna change anybody's emotions.
19:10Everybody has a sad story.
19:12All this happened to me.
19:14Oh yeah?
19:15All this happened to me.
19:17Listen, man.
19:24After you do that hard struggle, right.
19:28And you're almost to the top.
19:31Don't give up, man.
19:33Look how far you came.
19:36Why go all the way back?
19:39You know what I heard somebody say?
19:41They said the eagle.
19:43Is a bird that flies.
19:44The eagle.
19:46Is a bird that flies higher than any other bird in the world.
19:50You have to act like an eagle, man.
19:52You have to fly high.
19:55An eagle don't hang around with pigeons.
19:58And if you see yourself hanging around with pigeons.
20:02You're flying too low.
20:06You're like a different flock.
20:09It's better to be alone.
20:11If nobody supports you.
20:12Then have big support.
20:15Got it?
20:16Look at this.
20:17Look what this guy did.
20:19The only person I ever saw do something close to this was from outer space.
20:23His name was Kip.
20:25Now check that video out.
20:27Let's call it.
20:29The Incredible Kip.
20:31Kip York.
20:37Yes, everybody.
20:43You know what I heard Kevin Hart say?
20:45He said when you work hard you get something, man.
20:48Do whatever you can to keep it.
20:50Don't let nobody take it from you.
20:53Here's the other one.
20:57Now you've seen mountain climbing videos.
21:00But you ain't seen nobody climbing like this.
21:06Because I'm a light walker.
21:08I'm a wretcher.
21:09I don't fall across.
21:14I do my own thing.
21:18Some people like it.
21:21And we team up together.
21:28For those that don't like it, it's not a problem.
21:31Everybody's not gonna like hot dogs.
21:33Everybody's not gonna like hamburgers.
21:36When you go to a library and you see hundreds of books.
21:38Everybody's not reading every one of those books.
21:41You get the book that's good for you.
21:48Book, book is good for you.
21:58Look at this one.
22:00That'll be a tight one there.
22:02Let me tell you something about the virtual reality thing.
22:06I have to force myself sometimes to put it on.
22:09Like I actually do today.
22:11Because I have to work out and do other things.
22:16When you do this time stand still.
22:18You're like, yo.
22:20I don't need to be in a time stand still.
22:22I should be doing this at night time.
22:24When the day is over with.
22:26I don't need to be in a time stand still.
22:28I should be doing this at night time.
22:29When the day is over with.
22:33If I don't do it now.
22:35You guys will never get the video.
22:39By the time you finish work.
22:41School is over.
22:43Maybe you wanna see something.
22:45Take your mind off of life.
22:47Entertain you a little bit.
22:51So I gotta do it now.
22:52And my job is not a nine to five.
22:54My job is at any time.
22:56Three o'clock in the morning.
22:58Five o'clock in the morning.
23:00If you look.
23:02Every time you turn around and say.
23:04You just did videos an hour ago.
23:06An hour ago.
23:08Because look what I get to do.
23:14You know what I realize guys.
23:16What I want to say is.
23:19Nothing lasts forever.
23:25If I don't do it now.
23:27There's no guarantee by the end of this year.
23:29There will still be a spaceship.
23:31Because in my mind.
23:33I hate to say it.
23:35But I think old space was better than space.
23:37And they took old space.
23:39Once they took old space.
23:41They can take anything.
23:43They usually take this one.
23:45Old space had money.
23:47People were making money off of it.
23:49There was money in there.
23:51It was things happening.
23:53It was going to evolve.
23:55It was on the borderline.
23:57Of an evolution.
23:59And they killed it.
24:02Because of some finance stuff man.
24:04I wish I had the money.
24:06I would have bought it.
24:08What is this?
24:10It's a little.
24:12Oh money making it.
24:19I'm going to get that big ball over there.
24:27You know what I do like about space you know?
24:30Is that you can build worlds like this man.
24:33That I have no idea how to do.
24:35But I'm going to find out.
24:41And that I can run too.
24:44You can't run out of stuff.
24:45You can't run out of stuff.
24:47I can run in a walking dead when I play that game.
24:50But I got to eat my energy level.
24:53Look how small it turned man.
24:56Dude look.
24:58They got the mileage on it.
25:03How many meters?
25:05I don't know if you can see it.
25:07But I can tell you this.
25:09When you get close over here.
25:11It says 25 meters, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20.
25:16No meters now.
25:21Got it.
25:34I forgot I was going to do it for Ecuador.
25:41Totally forgot.
25:45That's how I get transformed into this place man.
25:56I could break the rules.
25:58And jump over and stuff like that all the way over there.
26:01But I don't want to do it like that.
26:04I want to get the most out of this.
26:16Are they in a war?
26:24Look a newcomer.
26:32That's cool.
26:34What's that?
26:38Alright guys.
26:40This was really an experience man that I enjoyed.
26:43I was going to put music in here.
26:45But they did a great job.
26:47With the bird sounds.
26:51They did a good job here man.
26:53There's no question about that.
26:58Alright I'm going to go back to the auditorium.
27:06There's only two buildings.
27:08I'm going to be right over there.
27:09There's only two buildings.
27:10I'm going to be right over there.
27:16Look at that mountain buddy.
27:25It must be over here.
27:27Yup right here.
27:29I was going to sit here.
27:31However dude.
27:33I saw that big mountain buddy.
27:36And I was like yo.
27:37I think I want to climb it.
27:40Real quick.
27:43Because I don't know when I'm coming back in here.
27:46It's too big not to climb.
27:49Look another jammie over there.
27:58I don't know how big the other one I climbed was.
28:02This one appears to be right over.
28:06I'm going to have to get in the water.
28:13That's the one right there.
28:15Keep looking at me.
28:18I know it wants to be climbed.
28:22Because when I look at this video.
28:23I want to say I climbed every mountain in here.
28:24I did everything.
28:26Look south of her.
28:31Crystal clear water.
28:35That comes from the remote glaciers.
28:38This place is looking glacialized.
28:43Alright buddy.
28:44That was the window that I saw.
28:46In there.
28:48I mean the mountain.
28:50It just kept looking at me buddy.
28:51I couldn't let it go.
28:54I don't know if I can climb this one.
28:57Look at it.
28:58It's kind of.
29:00Do you know people climb mountains without ropes?
29:03You have to put your finger in the glitches in here.
29:07I've seen it.
29:12Look how big this one is guys.
29:15This is where I came from.
29:18Look how big this one is.
29:32You can't climb up here.
29:33If I didn't have special powers.
29:34I wouldn't be able to get up here.
29:37Is this 360 or what?
29:41Look at that.
29:49You know what?
29:50I know a lot of people that travel buddy.
29:54Let me tell you something.
29:55If I had a choice to travel.
29:57All over the world.
30:00I'd do what I'm doing now.
30:03I think.
30:05I'm breaking in half.
30:08I want to travel all over the world.
30:12Unless I'm going to be staying in the best places.
30:19Look at that view.
30:26When I get to the top.
30:27You're going to see the house I came from.
30:29You know what I realized man?
30:33Look buddy.
30:37Anybody can create.
30:40And anybody can display stuff.
30:45But you have to have a little bit of a gift to give.
30:49You got to be able to talk too.
30:52You got to be able to communicate.
30:54You got to be able to communicate.
30:56You got to be able to communicate.
30:58You got to be able to communicate.
31:08If you just displayed something like this man.
31:10As beautiful as this is.
31:12Nobody would ever see it.
31:25Two more.
31:39This is what I saw.
31:41My gosh.
31:44But that's what I saw.
31:45Now look down.
31:48I saw this mountain that I'm on.
31:50And this would have been on top of the mountain guys.
32:17Who wouldn't know?
32:21Out of all of the event places that I went to.
32:24The place that was least likely.
32:27Camp Good Craft made some videos.
32:29That's not one of the best.
32:37I'm going to put this portal.
32:40In my place.
32:42I have a place.
32:43It doesn't look really nice.
32:45You know that you can go to a special.
32:47But it's not meant to be there.
32:48It's like a base.
32:49I only do that.
32:51It's because I have a base.
32:53Look down now guys.
32:56It never stops right?
32:57And then we're going to look in front of that screen.
32:58Like I told you before.
33:03I think it's getting in my way.
33:10Check this out guys.
33:13Check this out.
33:15I'm going to run and jump.
33:17From here.
33:19Because nobody would ever be able to do that in the real world.
33:25I'm going to run.
33:28Let me see.
33:30I'm going to run just like this.
33:33And jump right off that cliff.
33:38It's about to happen now baby.
33:41If you got friends.
33:42Family members.
33:43Loved ones.
33:45If you got popcorn.
33:46Whatever you got.
33:47You got a cold beer.
33:49You want to see something exciting.
33:50I'm about to go down.
33:51It's about to happen now.
33:56Dude that's not another one of those things.
33:57All the way down there.
34:05It is.
34:07We're going to have to jump from here.
34:09And go down there.
34:11Because I didn't get all the things yet.
34:13Are you ready guys?
34:15So here it goes now.
34:17So what do we got?
34:19Look what we got.
34:21See this?
34:24When I jump.
34:25You're jumping with me.
34:26So you're going to have to see what it feels like.
34:30To jump off of this gigantic place over here.
34:35That lasts forever.
34:37There might be something over there too.
34:41Alright here it goes.
35:16It's holding out on me.
35:17What if you.
35:21It's another one of those balls over here.
35:31It's a permit man.
35:33Let nothing stop him.
35:40Bam. Bam.
35:45Hide from me.
35:50Every time I think I'm on the biggest mountain.
35:52There's another one.
35:54Oh I was on that one already.
35:56So I was right here.
35:58And I saw the thing.
36:04Let me see my angle.
36:09Up there.
36:11Up there.
36:13Up there.
36:15Up there.
36:21Up there buddy.
36:32I had a psychology man.
36:34I don't know if it's a good one or not.
36:41This is like a real island man.
36:42In the real world.
36:43There is no end to this thing.
36:46What's all the way down there man?
36:49All the way down there.
36:54Something white over there.
36:59Alright let's grab that ball.
37:06So the other thing I wish they could do over here.
37:08I wish you could fly.
37:09So fly.
37:10So fly.
37:11I wish you could walk.
37:13Without having to actually stand up.
37:16And they need to put like a music player in here or something.
37:22Yeah I paid for this thing one month and got nothing out of it.
37:25See there's a ball right there.
37:27And there's a portal or something over there.
37:41I never had intended on staying here this long.
37:45I didn't know it was this big.
37:50I try not to do super long videos because sometimes people just want to see something real quick.
37:56They want to see a movie, they want to see television.
37:59And they want to see a movie.
38:01And they want to see a movie.
38:03And they want to see a movie.
38:04And they want to see a movie.
38:06And they want to see a movie.
38:08They want to see a movie, they watch television, Netflix.
38:12This portal is definitely going inside my place.
38:20What is this?
38:30What else can you ask for?
38:33But if I go here what happens?
38:36Look at those shoes you have on.
38:41You see those shoes?
38:46It's like a flash.
38:49Excuse me.
38:51Alright, so we're going to end it.
38:53End the day at your part.
38:54Because I know where it's at now.
38:57I've been here long enough.
38:58You guys probably know.
38:59Let me just see something real quick.
39:01I never really, really looked at this map.
39:06This must be where Ecuador is.
39:08Right there.
39:12How come they never had a flag?
39:15Ecuadorian flag.
39:18Looks like they need a lot of help, man.
39:20People have money.
39:22We're doing well here.
39:24Might be able to start something over there.
39:25That's the DA right there.
39:26We're going to end it right in there.
39:43What an adventure.
39:46Guys, thank you so much for your time.
39:49If you saw it all the way from the beginning to the end.
39:55We did a lot, right?
39:56Now, I can look out that window.
40:00Which window?
40:02I see that mountain.
40:04Where's the mountain at?
40:07Where's the mountain at?
40:11That one.
40:13It was on top of that mountain.
40:14I wish I would've took a picture.
40:18Then I jumped.
40:20That would've been a picture.
40:24Here we go, guys.
40:28That's how I saw the mountain from here.
40:32Thanks for watching.
40:33I'm going to stay here and see if they have any more movies coming to the screen.
40:38Have a great weekend.
40:39Thank you so much, man.
40:40I can't tell you how much I appreciate the likes and subscriptions, man.
40:47Because even though I don't see you, when you put one, I go, wow, man.
40:52I appreciate that, man.
40:53I appreciate that.
40:54I appreciate that.
40:55I appreciate that.
40:56I appreciate that.
40:58I appreciate that, man.
40:59Somewhere in the world, I hope you feel like, I think you got it, man.
41:03Because I did get it.
41:04So, thank you so much, man.
41:21I might just say Ecuador.
41:24Okay, guys.
41:25Thanks a lot.
41:26I'm out.
41:27Have a great weekend again.
41:28It's hard to leave you.
41:30Because I love you guys so much.
41:32Take care.