The Fraternity Island

  • last month
Altspace VR Critic -
00:00Hey, what's up guys?
00:06This is where we're at right now.
00:08Let me just show you.
00:09I like to do it like this so I don't forget.
00:13The Fraternity Islands.
00:16Okay, let's check it out now.
00:28I was actually in a fraternity when I was in college.
00:32I was the president of the Alpha Beta Gamma.
00:35We're going to hit their heart later and find out what's going on.
00:40All right, let's check it out, buddy.
00:43All right, that looks like the, I'm not sure if that's the Eiffel Tower.
00:49Look at this, man.
00:51It's a little bit of an adventure there.
00:55Look, they finally got trees.
00:59What, coconuts or what?
01:03No, but take a look at it.
01:11Okay, here we go.
01:15Let's see.
01:16First of all, we're going to do the outside.
01:18It's nice and quiet.
01:20I like trees.
01:21I like nature.
01:24I don't live really near nature too much.
01:26I'm in New York City.
01:28They call New York City the concrete jungle.
01:39I used to live in the Virgin Islands for a little while.
01:41I used to call New York City like the, at wintertime, the frozen icebox.
01:51All right, let's go over here.
01:52Let's check this out.
01:58We got to walk around these trees over here.
02:01Can't get through them.
02:04Look at that.
02:07How about if I walk on the sand?
02:09Can I get on the sand?
02:12Yeah, squeeze through here.
02:13Special powers?
02:19Not over here.
02:21That's kind of cool.
02:23That means most of the experience is going to be right inside this building.
02:27Look at this.
02:28This looks like I'm in the jungle.
02:31I can't really maneuver out of here too well.
02:37I wonder if I got my flying thing on.
02:44Let's see how I get out of this jungle.
02:47All right.
02:48Boom, boom, boom, boom.
02:49Through here.
02:50There's a little fellow here.
02:51I shouldn't have any trouble with this little one.
02:54All right.
02:55We got to backtrack.
02:58Like going through the woods.
03:00How about here?
03:04How about here?
03:05All right.
03:07I was going to try to hit the water.
03:08Forget about the water.
03:10All right.
03:11Here we go.
03:12Here we go, my friend.
03:17Here we go.
03:21I'm not going in yet.
03:22I'm going to look around first.
03:23Look, a picnic table, man.
03:25I haven't seen a picnic table in years.
03:30That must mean something, man.
03:33All right.
03:34Check it out.
03:41Make Creative Studio.
03:43All right.
03:44Look at that.
03:46Now, I got to ... Let's see.
03:51Eiffel Tower.
03:56Dude, what do you call that in Paris?
03:58The Eiffel Tower?
04:09Happy Bastille Day.
04:11All right.
04:16You know what I'm going to do?
04:21I'm going to go up to the tower first.
04:25Let's go up here.
04:27I can't fly, can I?
04:28Can I fly?
04:30I don't want to fly yet.
04:32All right.
04:34All right.
04:35Let's check this area out, man.
04:36Look at that construction, buddy.
04:41Looks really real there.
04:47I don't know why I keep walking crooked.
04:49Look at this, man.
04:50This is gigantic, buddy.
04:56What's the name of this again?
04:58Let me double check.
05:03All right.
05:06Just to make sure.
05:08Look, I can't make this a favorite for some reason.
05:11However, you can enter that code over there.
05:15I never did know about those codes too much.
05:18All right.
05:20Look at this, man.
05:22This is gigantic, buddy.
05:27That took a lot of work to put that together.
05:34What's this, big stairs?
05:35Good, man.
05:44They must do a heck of a show over here.
05:46Look how wide this spot is.
05:52I know we're in Paris.
05:57Look at that, man.
05:59Dude, that might be what it looks like in real life.
06:09Dude, imagine if you could go up the stairs.
06:12Wouldn't that be something?
06:14Let's see what they do.
06:15They show right here.
06:25How you doing on the stage?
06:27This is gigantic, buddy.
06:30Look, hot pizza.
06:35I haven't had pizza in a long time either.
06:39I got two hamburgers waiting for me from Texas, burger and chicken spot.
06:45Look at this, man.
06:46I think this is what it really looks like in real life.
06:51That tall.
06:58Wow, if you can get up there, that's something.
07:01Can you get up there, man?
07:07Yeah, I live in New York City, man.
07:09Somebody might want to think about making the Empire State Building or Ground Zero.
07:15Oh, look at this, man.
07:16ATM machine.
07:18Look at that, buddy.
07:20Look, the power supply thing over here.
07:22So realistic.
07:24I think they really did do it like that, man.
07:26Look, the ATM machine.
07:28That's a friend of mine's, buddy.
07:30But you got to have money in there.
07:32Take money out.
07:35All right, let's see what we got over here, man.
07:40Let's see.
07:41Is there a stairwell or something?
07:43Can I climb up here?
07:45I saw some stairs.
07:47Uh-oh, got to be careful.
07:50Got to be careful.
07:54All right, let's go around it.
07:56Dude, I can't walk up here, can I?
08:02That's what that sound means, uh-oh.
08:04I'm on the borderline of falling off of this thing.
08:07Can I get up here?
08:09How did I get over here anyway?
08:12That was pretty close.
08:14I thought I was going to fall.
08:16Look how big this thing is, man.
08:23I wonder how they did this.
08:31Would have been nice to go up there, man.
08:39This is the information place, right?
08:41No, this must be real, buddy.
08:43This could be real.
08:47You go in here to purchase your tickets,
08:49and then you get a chance to take a tour all the way up there.
08:53I can't get up.
08:54Dude, that looks like a ramp over there.
08:56Look at that.
08:58There's something over there, buddy.
09:01All right, let me just see something.
09:02Do I have to buy a ticket?
09:05What's inside here?
09:07Can I get in there?
09:09All right.
09:11Oh, look, that's who probably made it.
09:14That's a pretty cool avatar.
09:18Look, this is how you get in, man.
09:30This is the first time I came into a place that said Bitcoin.
09:38A doggy coin?
09:46Will they let me in?
09:53Dude, dude.
09:54Look, I'm in.
09:58I could even light one of these things.
10:00Where's the fire?
10:01The match?
10:02In the West, you just strike it on somebody's neck.
10:05All right.
10:07I really want to see what's going on up here.
10:09Look at this, man.
10:11Let me just go right back out again and show you.
10:14It's like taking a free trip, man.
10:15I told you I wanted to go up there.
10:19I'm going up there.
10:20We're going up there together.
10:23Look at this, man.
10:24Here we go.
10:27Here we go.
10:34Come on.
10:35Look at this.
10:37We're going up.
10:41Look, a hot dog stand over there.
10:44Look at this, man.
10:45Let's see what the view looks like over here.
10:47Look at this.
10:48We're going up the stairs.
10:50Look at the Matrix.
10:52Don't that remind me of a movie called The 13th Floor?
10:56Yeah, take a look at it.
10:58It's excellent.
11:00Dude, I wouldn't mind seeing that again today, man.
11:03I can't find any movies anymore.
11:06That's exciting.
11:09It's the same thing over and over again, over and over again.
11:13Dude, how far up can we go?
11:15Look at this, man.
11:17Look at this construction they made.
11:21Yo, man, I was hoping that could go up here.
11:23Look at this, man.
11:24Look how high I am.
11:27Enough of bad knees.
11:29Look at this.
11:30Look at this.
11:31Look at this, buddy.
11:34I'm going to get the exact name for this place, too.
11:38What is it?
11:40Glass floor.
11:42What does that mean?
11:45Look at this, man.
11:47This is what they do for the Empire State Building.
11:51I think Ground Zero, too.
11:53Definitely Empire State Building.
11:55They put a gate over here.
11:59Dude, what happened?
12:05What happened?
12:06I just went all the way up and down like that?
12:07Oh, so I can look out the gate.
12:08They made it high enough so I can look out here, man.
12:12Let's see what they might be building.
12:15I feel like I'm in prison a little bit.
12:18Look at this, man.
12:20And this is how they built it, starting from here.
12:23This is like a little history, man.
12:25We're not going to history class.
12:29Somebody said, you know how they start building it?
12:31If they had the year, that would be great.
12:36Dude, somebody's behind me.
12:40Somebody's in here with me.
12:44Somebody's in here with me.
12:47Okay, here we go.
12:48Let me see what this guy's name is.
12:54Okay, buddy.
12:55Looks like I got a little problem here, man.
12:57This guy wanted to throw the fire rockets where I'm at.
13:03But he chose to put it here.
13:06All right, let me go up some more.
13:11Maybe I had a ticket to go this far.
13:13I can give him the brush.
13:16Look at this room.
13:18I'm going in here.
13:20Can I?
13:24Let's see.
13:26This guy wanted to hit some more fire rockets over here, man.
13:29He could have shot it all the way out there and wide open.
13:32Why would you shoot it where I'm at?
13:36You want my attention?
13:40Okay, look.
13:45I got to get the exact name of this tower.
13:47Look at that view, dude.
13:49Look at the view.
13:50I came from all the way down there.
13:54This is going to be, what time is it?
13:57At least 10 more minutes, huh?
14:04That's all this guy wanted to do?
14:06You could do that anywhere.
14:10You don't want to take a look and see what the view looks like?
14:13You just want to keep shooting at it?
14:15You could do that in space, your own campfire.
14:19I was going to do it, man, myself.
14:22But until he did it, he killed it for me.
14:26Now it's not exciting anymore.
14:28Look at this, man.
14:29You really go up here.
14:34Look at that.
14:36I hope that's not just the owner, man.
14:38Dude, I wonder what that green thing stands for.
14:41How high can we go?
14:44Look at this.
14:47Look at that building way down there, buddy.
14:50The cars over there.
14:53What's on that?
14:55A bunch of antennas or something like that on top of the roof?
14:58A heliport?
15:08You know what I learned about this place, man?
15:10Not this place specifically, but in South Old Space.
15:15I kind of knew it before.
15:17But what you see here today, you might not see here tomorrow.
15:22I don't know how to do it exactly.
15:24I'm going to have to do an alt-space creation myself, man.
15:27It's about time.
15:32When you create a one place, you'll create any place.
15:39If they give you a song, you know how to write an excellent song.
15:44If they give you some drawing equipment, you know how to draw a beautiful piece of equipment there.
15:51I wonder what this is in real life.
15:53Look how high we are.
15:54Look how high we are, buddy.
16:02They've got plenty of room to build, too, over here.
16:05All those blue squares and green square things and stuff like that, that's a building area.
16:12These guys are still shooting firecrackers off.
16:18You're in the real world.
16:25At least I'm not over there anymore, buddy.
16:30That's all you wanted to do?
16:31I could have bought you some firecrackers in the real world.
16:40Must be new in alt-space.
16:42Here we go again.
16:46I came from that picnic table.
16:48Remember when I said I haven't seen a picnic table in a long time?
16:51They was building it.
16:59Look, this is the top.
17:01You're not going to go any further than this.
17:04This is it.
17:10How about up here?
17:15Look at this, man.
17:17I'm doing stuff you're not even supposed to be doing.
17:19Look at that.
17:20I think you are supposed to be doing.
17:21They wouldn't put the picture up there.
17:23Look at this, man.
17:25You learn something new every day when you travel, my friend.
17:31Look at this.
17:34Dude, you're not even supposed to.
17:35Here, here.
17:36This is past the spot where security is going to come and help you.
17:41Not this high.
17:42Nobody's going to put their life on the line because you made a dumb decision.
17:45Look at this, man.
17:48See, that's why the guy shouldn't be shooting the firecrackers, man.
17:50He could have been learning stuff.
17:53Look at this.
17:58Dude, if I wouldn't have took a chance, and you know I don't want to fall from here,
18:05I might land right back at the picnic table.
18:08Look at this, man.
18:10How high am I?
18:11Look at this, man.
18:12Dude, we're almost to the top.
18:16You know what they said?
18:17They said when you're climbing up, don't look down.
18:21I'm going to concentrate on not looking down.
18:26See what it feels like.
18:27A lot of times you got good things, but you don't use them.
18:30Not you personally, but me.
18:32I'm going to use them.
18:33Don't look down.
18:35Because you might get nervous.
18:37Look up.
18:40We already hit a limit now, buddy.
18:43Look at that.
18:46Wonder how much still they needed.
18:51I can tell you like this, though, man.
18:52I don't have to look down to know how high I am.
18:55Especially now since I cheated.
18:58I did look down.
18:59Look at this.
19:01Dude, you could do Harry Caray over here.
19:05You could jump from over here.
19:07Look at this, man.
19:08It's still got pictures.
19:09They expected me to come up this high.
19:13Look at this, man.
19:16How high am I going to go?
19:20Is this it?
19:32They have all those trees down there?
19:35Look at this, man.
19:38I definitely wouldn't do this in the real world, man.
19:42What am I holding on to?
19:47Especially coming down.
19:48You see it coming down?
19:52We're going to go down like this, too, man.
19:56So I get the VR thing there, right?
20:01See, let me just tell you this, man.
20:02The good thing about making videos, right?
20:06Especially videos in Altspace.
20:09It's not so much who's going to give you a like or hit a comment, man.
20:14You got to do stuff that you like to do.
20:17So even if nobody watches it at all,
20:20at least you had the experience.
20:24And every time you see an Altspace video that I created,
20:28look at that, man.
20:30They wanted you to come up here.
20:33Every time I create an Altspace video,
20:40I'm so engineered.
20:44The Eiffel Tower.
20:51The Eiffel Tower, is it?
20:54The Eiffel Tower.
20:58Oh, you know what I did, man?
21:02Look at this guy, man.
21:04What does this guy want, man?
21:06What the hell does this guy want?
21:08Does he want me?
21:09He needs a friend or something?
21:10He's trying to follow me?
21:14This is a big, gigantic area, my friend.
21:17Super gigantic.
21:20We can both get lost in this place.
21:27That's not the Vatican City, is it?
21:34We can both get lost in this place, man.
21:36The Eiffel Tower.
21:37That's what it is exactly, buddy.
21:41I mixed it up with something else.
21:43History, for sure.
21:47The guy who built it, his name was Eiffel.
21:501889, to celebrate the French Revolution.
21:55So, somebody ever ask you the history of the Eiffel Tower?
21:59Look at this guy.
22:00You see how I went up here?
22:01This guy was trying to beat me up here for some reason, man.
22:04I don't know what the deal is with that, man.
22:08The Eiffel Tower, that could be used to climb up and watch Paris.
22:13However, fences and bars were built when people started committing suicide
22:24by jumping over, after the death of the French singer Claude Franskoski.
22:34Hatred against the Eiffel Tower.
22:41Sell a scrap?
22:43Hatred against the Eiffel Tower.
22:48They wanted to sell us a scrap metal?
22:51Look at this, man.
22:53I hope I can stand right here.
22:55Great, man. Look at this view.
22:59See, that's what I'm saying.
23:00Even if nobody watches it, right?
23:02A, the person that created it should watch it.
23:06And B, if I focus on me and what I'm watching right now,
23:18I can learn a lot, man.
23:21That's a big city.
23:24That's a big city, man.
23:28New York City is big.
23:29Look at this one, man.
23:30Oh, they're going back from the past.
23:34Right, as you can see.
23:36Because now there's color over here.
23:39And over here, it's just like somebody took the black and white photos.
23:48Let's see something.
24:03Dude, did you see the symbol?
24:06Let me show you something real quick, buddy, just in case you don't know.
24:10This guy right here, G. Eiffel,
24:14he was a member of the Masons.
24:18That's the Mason symbol right there.
24:20I know people are in the Masons.
24:22They got the ring.
24:23They have it on the car.
24:24Little symbols.
24:29I'm going to do some research on him.
24:33You know, thanks a lot for this video, guy, whoever made it.
24:37Because I'm going to Google this guy now with a little bit of history.
24:43Dang, man.
24:45People started coming all the way up here to kill themselves.
24:51That's terrible, man.
24:52That's how you want to go?
24:55I'm more like a sleeping pill type of guy, man.
24:58You know what I'm saying?
24:59I don't want to bang.
25:00You don't even recognize me.
25:05Then somebody got to spend all that time cleaning me up.
25:09No, I don't think I want to go like that.
25:12I wonder if I can go up here.
25:15Look at this, man.
25:16This gets kind of complicated now.
25:26I don't want to fall from here, buddy.
25:28This is where they probably did the Harry Caray.
25:30Right here, man.
25:31They should have left this thing open like that so somebody could actually do the jump.
25:35Look at this, man.
25:37So this is what happens, guys.
25:40This is going to be, I don't know, what you want to call this, reality, documentary, whatever the heck it is,
25:45but when the guy said people came over here to do the jump,
25:53why the hell would you want to jump from here?
25:55Look how high this is, man.
25:58I guarantee you one thing.
25:59What time is it?
26:01All right.
26:02Five more minutes.
26:03I guarantee you one thing, buddy.
26:05People do the jump.
26:07That if you can get everybody who jumped together and died, bring them back to life,
26:12and say, what was the last thing you was thinking about when you jumped?
26:16You know what they say?
26:18I think I made a mistake, buddy.
26:20I think I made a mistake.
26:23All right.
26:24You'd rather be just knocked unconscious as soon as you jump than to be going way down saying, damn, I made a mistake,
26:30and it's too late for anybody to help me now.
26:35Excellent, buddy.
26:39I wonder how I'm going to get down from here.
26:42Dude, this is a big one here.
26:45Come on.
26:47All right.
26:49Forget about the little ones.
26:50You can get that from the campfire.
26:52These big, gigantic ones, right?
26:54Oh, it just looks big from there.
26:57Dude, I don't know.
27:02All right, that's it.
27:06That's it.
27:07Dude, don't tell me we can climb this ladder now.
27:13Look at that Bitcoin.
27:15I don't want to take a look at that, man.
27:18People talk about a lot of things with the crypto.
27:20Can I climb up here?
27:22Can I?
27:25I'm a little scared, anyway, to go any further.
27:30Let me see something real quick.
27:37Nope, that's about the highest you can actually get,
27:40which is pretty high already, buddy.
27:42I'm not even complaining.
27:43This is further than I expected to go when I first started.
27:46I didn't even know I could get this far.
27:49Look at this, man.
27:51Look at this.
27:54I wonder if I can fly up here, buddy.
27:56We're going to find that out pretty soon.
27:59I've got flying abilities here.
28:02Now, this is like climbing up a mountain.
28:04They say climbing up is one thing,
28:08but going down is another thing altogether.
28:15All right, let's see.
28:18Let me make sure.
28:28Am I flying?
28:36I got to be careful, buddy.
28:44I think I am.
28:47I got to be careful, buddy.
28:54So many different ideas coming to my mind.
28:56Who is this guy, man?
28:58He just wants to hang out with me so much.
29:03Who is he?
29:06Did he make this place?
29:11Should I talk to him?
29:13Should I not talk to him?
29:15I got things to do, man.
29:17Places to go.
29:20All right, here we go.
29:22I'm going to do a quick run down.
29:32This is what it feels like, guys.
29:34If you really had to go down there.
29:36Put this over here somewhere.
29:39All right.
29:40I'm more of a right side person.
29:42Come on, buddy.
29:43Put this to the right.
29:46Over here.
29:48Something like that.
29:49Under me.
29:50Over me.
29:51Like that.
29:52Like that.
29:54That's it.
29:55All right.
29:56Here we go.
29:57Going down.
29:59Going down.
30:04Going down.
30:09If you're afraid of heights, don't watch this.
30:13I'm going down.
30:17Let me tell you, man.
30:18I do stuff in virtual reality.
30:19I wouldn't do in the real world.
30:21However, when I'm in the real world,
30:24I do take a little tiny bit of a challenge
30:28that I wouldn't normally do
30:30because I already did it in virtual reality.
30:37I'm very careful.
30:44Look, that's where we're going to go.
30:47I want you to get the feeling, the walkthrough.
30:58That's the garbage people, I think,
31:00in my neighborhood making that sound.
31:18Thank God, man.
31:19For a second, right,
31:21even though I told you it was the garbage, man,
31:23I was saying to myself,
31:24is that my smoke alarm?
31:29Look at this, man.
31:31Right over here.
31:32We're going all the way down there.
31:34In real time, buddy.
31:36So I was saying that when you make a video, man,
31:39let me just see if I can fly from here, man.
31:44Why don't you have me up in the air like that?
31:47All right, boom.
31:49Here we go.
31:51Look, man, this guy keeps trying to interfere with me.
31:54Look at this.
31:55You see him, right?
31:56See how big this place is?
32:02We probably don't even speak the same language.
32:04I saw his name.
32:05He might be really from Paris.
32:09Dude, should I talk to him?
32:12What if that is the creator?
32:16Let me see something real quick, man.
32:19Let me just make 100% sure.
32:26All right, checking.
32:29Out the name of the person.
32:33Who made it?
32:36Nope, that's not that guy's name.
32:39It started with a G.
32:48Nope, but anyway, this is the Fraternity Islands.
32:53You get it?
32:55He was a Mason.
32:57That's a fraternity.
33:00Dude, what else is going on over here?
33:05All right, check it out.
33:06Let's see what else is going on down here.
33:10All right.
33:12Look at that, man.
33:14The reality of the situation.
33:22You know, some people just want to talk sometimes, man.
33:25Totally understandable.
33:28I'm not like that all the time.
33:32If I was trying to get hits, I'd do a lot more talking.
33:36But I want to enjoy this thing, man.
33:40When I got this virtual reality, it was fun.
33:44I was having a great time.
33:47Then I found out people was making money in it.
33:52Then I wanted to make a little bit of dough.
33:55I was concentrating on dough too much.
33:57It was taking away the fun.
33:59Look, man, we're already down to the bottom.
34:01And I quit.
34:03While I was talking.
34:06And that was a big distance too, buddy.
34:09Can I get in here?
34:11You want to let me in there?
34:12Dude, look.
34:15I'm inside here.
34:22Maybe you buy your tickets down there.
34:26Just to get up a little bit up here.
34:29But the further up you go, you might have to buy some more tickets.
34:32Something like that.
34:33Because now you need security to help you.
34:35Just in case you get stuck.
34:37You get sick or whatever the heck happens.
34:39Can I just get out of here?
34:41Look, man, I can just get out of there.
34:43Can I just walk in there?
34:45But you can't just walk in there.
34:47All right, boom.
34:49Check this out.
34:50It'll be a little creepy, buddy.
34:51If I go all the way down.
34:54Inside one of those buildings.
34:56And I still run into that guy.
35:05I could jump from here, buddy.
35:08But I'm not going to.
35:11I love my life.
35:13You know, I'm grateful.
35:16I might not have everything I want.
35:17Look, the arrow will tell you how to get out of here.
35:21But I've got enough to be happy with.
35:24Enough resources to produce more.
35:28That's what you need in this world, you know.
35:30You need enough resources to produce more.
35:35Look at that.
35:37I wonder if the guy walked up the stairs like I did.
35:40Look at this, man.
35:41It's always scary looking down there.
35:43I remember that hot dog stand.
35:47All right.
35:49What are we going to do?
35:50How are we going to get out of here?
35:53All right.
35:58And like people know who watch my videos.
36:00I don't like to use my superpowers, buddy.
36:02I like to do a walkthrough.
36:05Only because I used to watch The Walking Dead.
36:14I'm a little bit perplexed over here.
36:18Unless I can do something with that staircase.
36:20Because as far as I'm looking at over here, there's no way.
36:26Oh, just follow the arrow like they said.
36:29They put the arrow there for a reason.
36:31Go there.
36:34Let's look out the window one more time.
36:37You know what's nice, man?
36:39They put like a little invisible ramp so you can look up and over.
36:49This is going to be a little bit more time than I thought because of the walkthrough.
36:54All right.
36:56What's that ramp?
36:58Can we get out with this ramp?
37:08Yes, we can.
37:09I remember these steep stairs now.
37:11Look at this.
37:13Talk about reality.
37:15Oh, yeah.
37:16So I used to watch The Last of Us and The Walking Dead.
37:20The game.
37:22I remember these stairs, man.
37:25Dude, where I remember these stairs at?
37:27I remember being in a transit.
37:29They don't make them like this anymore, though.
37:32Look at this, man.
37:34This was an adventure, buddy.
37:37So if somebody asks me, right, have you ever been to the Eiffel Tower?
37:43I'll say this, man.
37:46I've been a lot closer than the average person.
37:55Come on.
37:56Come on.
37:57What are you doing?
37:58We're too far down here now to play games, baby.
38:01Look right here, man.
38:04This is how I came in.
38:06And there's a hot dog stand.
38:10Not that I can actually get a hot dog, but the fact that I've seen it from all the way
38:14up there makes me want to at least touch it, be near it, because it's on the ground, buddy,
38:22and I made it safely down.
38:30The Eiffel Tower, man.
38:32I'll Google it.
38:39Hot dog.
38:40I got a hot dog in the house, man.
38:42I don't know what the white is.
38:44You got ketchup, and then you got mustard, and then you got this thing right here, man.
38:52I know that's not the white sauce, because you don't put white sauce on a hot dog.
38:55And look at this, man.
38:57You can never really get close to a hot dog stand, because you don't own it.
39:00But look at this.
39:01So this guy's right over here.
39:03He's pimping his dogs.
39:07There you go, man.
39:08He opened up this part right here.
39:10Then he opened up that part.
39:13And the warm bread is over there.
39:14Then where's the cold sodas?
39:17Maybe that cold soda's in there, but you can't keep cold or hot at the same place, right?
39:20Because everybody want to get a Coke once you get a hot dog.
39:23Get two hot dogs with mustard.
39:27Some people like ketchup, but I like the onions.
39:30And some people like relish, too, man.
39:32And then what else?
39:34You know what they don't use anymore?
39:36They don't use sauerkraut too much.
39:37You can really put a hot dog together, buddy.
39:39You can put ketchup, mustard, sauerkraut, onions, and a bun.
39:50All for one little tiny hot dog.
39:53But when we came from over there, we were all the way up there.
39:58Now, I'm glad we did that, buddy.
40:04Like I was saying, man.
40:06So it's always good to...
40:09This must be lights at nighttime.
40:11It's always good to do something you enjoy doing.
40:17If you love doughnuts, and you open up a doughnut factory,
40:22and nobody comes to the doughnut factory,
40:25what's the worst that can happen?
40:28You can eat some of your own doughnuts.
40:31If you like doughnuts.
40:34But if you don't even like doughnuts, buddy,
40:37and you make a doughnut factory,
40:39and nobody comes to eat the doughnuts,
40:42then what happens, man?
40:45You're wasting all your time and energy.
40:48Let me see if I can see that guy up there now.
40:50This is how high I was, man.
40:54I didn't make it to the flag.
41:00Wonder if that guy's still up there shooting firecrackers, man.
41:06This goes to show you, man.
41:10Somebody can create something, and it means nothing to some other people,
41:14but you might create something, and it means a lot.
41:18What I think I want to start doing now,
41:20they don't have it yet exactly,
41:23but I want to do educational lessons in off space
41:27that I can learn stuff from, like I just did right now.
41:30Look at this.
41:31I was trying to get to the beach earlier, remember?
41:33I had trouble.
41:36Look at this, man.
41:38Now, if you've ever been to Atlantic City Beach, man,
41:41it's something.
41:42I've never been to Las Vegas yet.
41:44Almost everybody I know has been to Las Vegas.
41:48It wouldn't grip me too much, man,
41:50because only for the sights, to take pictures and stuff like that,
41:54because I'm not a gambling person.
41:58How would it be?
41:59You bring all that money over there to enjoy yourself,
42:01and you lose it,
42:03and you've got a couple more days left to go with zero money.
42:12Are those coconut trees, supposedly?
42:16I don't know all my trees.
42:19All right, I'm going to try to get tangled up in these woods.
42:22But I think they made a path for me.
42:26I'll tell you in a second.
42:29Okay, here we go.
42:30This is Fraternity Island,
42:32so it's not just the Eiffel Tower.
42:34Look at that, man.
42:35Look at that equipment stuff they've got up there, buddy.
42:39Imagine if you could get in and take off.
42:41That would be the future.
42:44That's how they save you, man.
42:45If you get caught up there,
42:47they do one of those hover cars to catch you.
42:50It moves all the way up there, man.
42:52All the way up there.
42:57You know, let's look around the building real quick.
42:59Time check.
43:00Dang, see?
43:01You could lose your time in here, man.
43:03But it's worth it, though.
43:05For me, it is anyway.
43:10You know, you're doing what you like to do.
43:14Uninterrupted, man.
43:17Remember that bench I told you about?
43:19Look, we're going to go inside now.
43:25Here it goes.
43:27All the way from there, I saw that bench.
43:30Look, the Kiki Experience.
43:33I've never heard of Kiki.
43:38Look at this one.
43:40We're going to spend a little time in here.
44:04He had to die at only three months after her birth, Kiki.
44:15But like something else in life, the miracle is that now Kiki is seven years old.
44:29Dude, didn't I say donuts?
44:32He's really in love with donuts.
44:35And what?
44:39The ETHS and the boobs?
44:42However, your brother doesn't like the peas.
44:46Since December 2021, in order to celebrate this incredible dog, Kiki, NTFS.
44:53NTFS are available.
44:56Oh, look at this.
45:00Oh, look at this.
45:05Look, man.
45:08All dogs go to heaven.
45:11Look at that, man.
45:13That's a scary-looking dog, though.
45:15But it was my dog.
45:17You know what I'm saying?
45:19I love dogs.
45:20I love animals anyway, period.
45:22Because look at their eyes, man.
45:26I asked Daisy Shore, I said, what if you looked in an animal's eyes?
45:30She said, they'd be intimidated.
45:35I don't know.
45:37I look in animals' eyes.
45:40And they look in my eyes back.
45:41They don't feel intimidated.
45:42I love them, man.
45:44How are you going to show me you love them if I look away?
45:47I've got to look you in your eye and pat you and hug you.
45:50And that way, when you see my eyes look like this, do you know that's love?
45:56Look at this, man.
45:58It's amazing how they did Paris.
46:00I live in New York City.
46:02I can tell you everything I saw.
46:04I've been on the Staten Island Ferry.
46:06I saw the Statue of Liberty.
46:09Over here, it's kind of hard to see if that's Ground Zero.
46:13But I was in Ground Zero.
46:15Right here, it looks a little bit familiar.
46:18Somewhere like maybe around Wall Street.
46:20That's definitely Empire State Building over there.
46:23That's the Empire State Building over there, too.
46:26That right there is where the ball drops.
46:28That's Times Square.
46:30That right there is...
46:35Oh, that's Central Park.
46:39It's funny, though, because behind it looks like the U.N.
46:43Over here, buddy.
46:48Let me tell you this, man.
46:49I never mention these two things right here.
46:51It's pretty important.
46:52I'm going to tell you right off the bat.
46:54Maybe this one right here.
46:55This is the U.N., by the way.
46:57I know a guy who created...
46:59This over here is important, too.
47:01It's at the Hudson River.
47:03This guy right here, I know a guy who created the Hershey's.
47:07The Hershey...
47:10His name is Ralph.
47:11He designed the Hershey buildings in different places.
47:15I know the guy who actually does the design for that.
47:19St. Patrick's Cathedral.
47:21I know Cardinal Dolan personally because I took care of Monsignor James P. Cassidy.
47:28That might be the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge.
47:33This right here is right next to Rockefeller Center, where they do the ice skating at.
47:41That's the U.N.
47:42I've been by there, too.
47:44Dude, this is Ground Zero right here, man.
47:45This is what it looks like now.
47:47This is Ground Zero.
47:48I've been to all these places.
47:49All these pictures that they got over here.
47:50This is Ground Zero, too.
47:51These two right here.
47:53This part is part of over here.
47:56This one, I never saw two buildings connected like that before.
48:01This is the view of Manhattan.
48:09All right.
48:11Time check.
48:13Look, that's the dog they was talking about.
48:19Dude, this one looks kind of crazy over here, man.
48:26Dude, that's the dog in space.
48:30It looks like a chicken in a way.
48:35I wonder what that's about, buddy.
48:42Dude, what are you trying to tell me?
48:47That's the dog with the mask on?
48:50That looks kind of grossed out over there, buddy.
48:53All right.
48:54Don't do the dog all kinds of ways, my friend.
48:56You know what I'm saying?
48:57Because now, it becomes a little bit scary there.
49:00The hell is that?
49:05All right.
49:06Check it out.
49:07Let me see something.
49:11All right.
49:12They took that one.
49:14I don't like the way that mouth looks.
49:16It's kind of.
49:18Look what they did to the doggy.
49:22Dude, look at that, man.
49:24They got a little sense of humor there, huh?
49:28More proportioned cheeks.
49:32Look, the VR booth.
49:34Look at this, man.
49:36Now, this one's a little bit crazy, too.
49:39You know what I'm saying?
49:40A little crazy there.
49:41This one right here.
49:44Two things.
49:45You know you can't go into space without oxygen.
49:49Look at that.
49:50The doggy cigar.
49:52All right.
49:53That's probably why he went so early, man.
49:55You're not supposed to smoke, especially with your dog.
49:57Oh, man.
49:58Look, they was trying to get rid of that dog a hundred different ways.
50:00Look at this, man.
50:04Shoot him out of here.
50:05Goes over here.
50:06Flips over here.
50:07Goes backwards and lands right on top of this doggy.
50:13Another doggy lands on him.
50:16We're going to go in here, buddy.
50:17Can we go in here?
50:19I would like to see what their version of virtual reality looks like.
50:27Can I go in there?
50:34That's the old time VR, buddy.
50:37Like the old time when they used to take your photo.
50:42Before you had your own camera and you couldn't take your own photo, man.
50:45It was a big thing on 42nd Street, my friend.
50:48People had a Polaroid camera.
50:50You have a nice background.
50:51You can still do it now, but it's a little different since people can take their own pictures and stuff like that.
50:56But you had a Polaroid camera, man.
50:58You was making money.
50:59You had a nice background.
51:00You had a nice chair so I could sit down like a king.
51:02I remember that, man.
51:03That was nice.
51:04I like that.
51:05That was when 42nd Street was really slimy down there.
51:08They had all the porn stuff over there.
51:10All right.
51:12Here we go.
51:13Here we go.
51:14I don't want to fall.
51:15See, I'm big on falling in this place, man.
51:18You can fall in VR, you know.
51:20You don't get hurt in real life.
51:23It's not like the Matrix.
51:24However, you don't want to spend all that time climbing something just to fall back down again.
51:29All right.
51:31All right.
51:32Take small steps.
51:34Damn it.
51:36I'm not going to cheat either.
51:38I'm just going to walk slow.
51:42All right.
51:43Here we go.
51:45One, two, three.
51:46Come on.
51:50One, two, three.
51:55Go over a little bit more.
52:00One, two, three.
52:01How high are we now?
52:05Here we go.
52:11There's so many distractions in this world, man, when you try and do something you like to do.
52:17Invisible and visible.
52:19All right.
52:20Look at this, man.
52:21See, that guy spent all that time shooting those firecrackers.
52:23He could have been walking through here, man.
52:26Look at this.
52:30All right.
52:31What is this?
52:36Look at this.
52:38This is a future city.
52:39This doesn't even exist.
52:40Is this Amsterdam?
52:46All right.
52:47This is what we're going to do here, buddy.
52:49We're going to end this one here because this is like a whole other portal, and I want to
52:55give this portal its own video.
53:01Plus, sometimes if I go too long in a video, I'll lose it.
53:05The recording stops.
53:06Let me tell you this, man.
53:07I'd rather stop it right now, right now, because I'm not walking back up the Eiffel Tower,
53:12and I'm not walking back up it, down it, around it, nothing like that.
53:16All the talking I did, you know what I'm saying?
53:19I got to save that, buddy.
53:21Got to save that.
53:22So we're going to take a quick look over here.
53:25The next video is going to be this place right here.
53:28I don't know why I don't like to pronounce words so much when it looks a little difficult.
53:32I don't like to sound it out or anything like that.
53:35The Astro-Vem.
53:40That's what it looks like, right?
53:41Could be.
53:42All right.
53:43So anyway, this is what this looks like.
53:44Bang, bang, bang, bang.
53:45Bang, bang, bang, bang.
53:48All right.
53:50One more time.
53:52We'll take a peek down the balcony, and then I'm going to end it while I have it, man,
54:00because I don't want to lose it.
54:04All right.
54:06Because when I do a walkthrough like that, buddy, I couldn't do another one like that.
54:09I don't like to do double takes, man.
54:11I like to do originals.
54:13I wouldn't want to be walking all the way up that tower again, talking about, well,
54:17it's my first time.
54:18No, it's not my first time.
54:19It'd be my second time, and I'm tired.
54:21I can't do it again.
54:22I can't do it again.
54:23All right.
54:24So we're going to end it right here, buddy.
54:25Right here.
54:26I see a little glitch that's starting to happen right now.
54:27I'm going to end it here.
54:28Thanks for watching.
54:29You know where we were?
54:30The Eiffel Tower.
54:31Hold up.
54:33I came out of the damn thing.
54:34I knew there was going to be a problem with that.
54:35All right.
54:36By the way, this is what it looks like when I'm home, when I'm not at the Eiffel Tower.
54:38But I told you I was going back.
54:39So I'm going back there again.
54:40So, boom.
54:41All right.
54:42I'm done.
54:43I'm done.
54:44I'm done.
54:45I'm done.
54:46I'm done.
54:47I'm done.
54:48I'm done.
54:49I'm done.
54:50I'm done.
54:51I'm done.
54:52I'm done.
54:53I'm done.
54:54I'm done.
54:55I'm done.
54:56I'm done.
54:57I'm done.
54:58I'm done.
54:59I'm done.
55:00I'm done.
55:01I'm done.
55:02I'm done.
55:03I'm done.
55:04I'm done.
55:05I'm done.