GENZ EP 2 Hindi Dubbed

  • last month


00:00What do you want to prove?
00:03I just didn't feel like bowing down to that delivery girl.
00:06So what's wrong with that?
00:08So what if she's a delivery girl?
00:10Where did you get this feeling of discrimination from?
00:15Look, I respect everything you do.
00:17Give it to me.
00:18But the problem is that that girl is a liar, Papa.
00:21She's a liar.
00:22She's a liar.
00:23She's a liar.
00:24She's a liar.
00:25She's a liar.
00:26She's a liar.
00:27She's a liar.
00:28She's a liar.
00:29She's a liar, Papa.
00:30Sit down.
00:31When I asked her to cancel the order,
00:33she threw all the food on my head.
00:35And because of that girl,
00:37I wore colorful clothes on the day of the exam.
00:40She doesn't know how to do her job properly.
00:42And you want to make her a doctor?
00:44How does she look qualified to be a doctor?
00:47You've created a misconception in your mind
00:49that one day she'll prove herself to be a great doctor.
00:52I won't bow down to that girl.
00:54I won't bow down to her.
00:55I'll bow down to the ancestors of the Jiang family.
01:03What are you doing here?
01:06Do you know him?
01:09Who is he?
01:10He's my son.
01:16You don't have to bow down to him.
01:18You don't have to study TCM.
01:20Then leave.
01:21You don't have to stay here.
01:24I told you when I was a kid
01:26that I'm not interested in TCM.
01:28But you forced me
01:30to study TCM like you.
01:32You didn't even ask me.
01:35Do you remember where I slept when I was a kid?
01:37On the Pulse Pillow.
01:38You ruined my childhood.
01:39You used to steal my toys and teach me how to make medicines.
01:43Do you remember how much I cried?
01:44And now when I'm going to complete my Master's and PhD,
01:46you're asking me to leave my profession?
01:49I wish you'd said this 20 years ago.
01:51What's the point of saying it now?
01:53Do whatever comes to your mind.
01:57And if you have a backache,
01:58do what you have to do.
02:04Jansen, bow down.
02:08I have a backache.
02:09I can't bow down.
02:16Don't force him.
02:20If he doesn't want to,
02:22there's no point in teaching him.
02:24What comes to your mind,
02:28I'll be careful.
02:40is something
02:43can only be
02:44fulfilled by the mind.
02:46Whether the responsibility is big or small,
02:48if it's fulfilled willingly,
02:50everyone is happy.
02:53Don't be sad.
02:55You have a lot of time
02:57to make the right decision.
03:00You have to do what makes you happy.
03:03Life is yours.
03:05The decision will also be yours.
03:08Now go.
03:09I have to talk to your father about something important.
03:21It's all your fault.
03:23It's all your fault.
03:24You spoiled him.
03:26He's like you in anger and arrogance.
03:30I think
03:32he's completely like you.
03:34You're the only one who's angry in this house.
03:36I'm a very cheerful woman.
03:38I'm also very orderly.
03:39I do what you tell me to do.
03:41Don't you?
03:43Now that my son is arrogant,
03:45what can I do?
03:46And anyway,
03:47the way that girl behaved today,
03:49I don't think she deserves to be a doctor.
03:52And you made her sit on the head chair.
03:54You made everyone bow in front of her.
03:56I wanted to say no to you.
03:59But you're my husband.
04:01That's why I didn't say anything.
04:05I've made myself understand
04:07that my whole life is TCM and you.
04:09But my son has his own will.
04:11And you say that he should listen to his heart.
04:14If he doesn't want to bow down,
04:15why do you force him?
04:16And anyway, it's not right to force him.
04:19That too for that girl.
04:22In this case,
04:23his back pain will never be cured.
04:25Surgery won't work either.
04:27And what did he say wrong?
04:28If anyone can become a doctor like that girl,
04:32our TCM will be left as a joke.
04:36Even though I said a lot of things in his favor today,
04:39I still doubt that girl.
04:42She's a child.
04:45Because of her family background,
04:47she has a right to become a doctor.
04:49But whether she lives up to our expectations
04:52or not,
04:53we'll find out only after her exams.
04:56If she was an ordinary girl,
05:00then there wouldn't be any problem.
05:03But she's like raw clay.
05:05So whatever shape you give her,
05:08that girl will melt in that shape.
05:12What shape to give raw clay
05:15depends on the talent of the artist.
05:18This is not that girl's,
05:20but your husband's test.
05:22You're right.
05:30Hello, mister.
05:31Hello, mister.
05:32Where are you going?
05:39Are you going to become a doctor?
05:50This is the truth.
05:51That old man...
05:54No, he's not old.
05:56He's middle-aged.
05:57He took me to a medical center.
05:59When I peeped,
06:00there were so many people inside.
06:02The hall was full.
06:03Do you know what he said to me?
06:05Senior aunt.
06:07Senior master.
06:09I'm telling the truth.
06:11I was speechless.
06:13And yes, I remembered.
06:14He was saying something to me.
06:16He was saying that I'm a junkie.
06:18What junkie?
06:19The heir to the Jian family.
06:21I mean, the heir to their group.
06:25If you were there,
06:26it would've been fun.
06:27It would've been like a TV serial.
06:30Have you joined a pyramid scheme?
06:35They weren't dangerous people.
06:37It was a medical center.
06:39The interior was good.
06:40The people were decent.
06:42You don't know anything about the world.
06:44The world is full of such frauds.
06:46Don't you watch the news?
06:48Check your phone groups.
06:49You get to read such news every day.
06:51These people trap a new goat every day
06:53and make a fool of themselves.
06:55And yes,
06:56the news two days ago
06:57was about live streaming fraud.
06:59Those scammers set up a huge Parisian shopping mall
07:02with all the luxury brands.
07:08if he's a cheater,
07:09what does he want from me?
07:12I don't have any money.
07:22He wants sex?
07:25But you're not sexy.
07:26But I'm a girl.
07:29It's possible.
07:32He fell in love with me.
07:35He's unlucky.
07:37I'm telling the truth.
07:38I'm having a great day.
07:39Let's go play on the claw machine.
07:41I'll win a lot of toys.
07:44It's Monday tomorrow.
07:45The director is coming to the round.
07:47I have to be there.
07:48I can't take a day off.
07:49Please, let's go.
07:50I'll go alone.
07:52I'll fall.
07:53Then say yes.
07:54You have to come.
07:55I can't go alone.
07:56Don't be stubborn.
07:58What kind of a best friend are you?
07:59You can't even take a day off for me?
08:01I can't hear you.
08:04I'll get upset.
08:14He must be impressed by me.
08:23I'm sorry.
08:49D&Z, you start.
08:51His pulse is normal.
08:52He'll live a long life.
08:53He'll live a hundred years.
08:56He'll be a great doctor.
08:59Are you feeling well?
09:01Did you sleep late last night?
09:02Today is my last day of internship.
09:04So, I prepared a small gift for everyone.
09:06Very good.
09:07You did a great job.
09:10You slept without wearing socks last night.
09:14I'm not pregnant.
09:15Take care of your health.
09:18Stop taking his classes.
09:19Tell me, what are you thinking?
09:21I can tell from your pulse.
09:24Do you listen to anyone?
09:26I don't care.
09:30Did you eat anything cold last night?
09:34Did you eat ice cream last night?
09:37I'm the eldest.
09:38Can't I eat ice cream on my own?
09:40What is this?
09:41But the flavor of the ice cream was different.
09:44Because your meridians are cold and hot.
09:47It could be durian flavor or pineapple flavor.
09:56It could be cold deficiency and excessive internal heat.
10:05You ate two spoons.
10:06That means you ate 50 grams.
10:09I told you not to eat ice cream.
10:12What if your blood sugar level increases again?
10:15I didn't eat ice cream.
10:18Let's have breakfast.
10:19It's getting cold.
10:22If you want to eat sweets, you can eat this.
10:24It has zero sugar and is healthy.
10:26Did you see?
10:27My grandson takes good care of me.
10:29He is a good boy.
10:31Shall we eat now?
10:33Let's go.
10:41Your pulse diagnosis is getting better day by day.
10:44You even told me all the flavors of the ice cream.
10:49Tell me the truth.
10:50When I asked you to get vitamins from dad's room yesterday,
10:54did you see an ice cream box in a corner?
10:56Your dad is hiding something.
10:58Can you find anything easily?
11:00He left the spoon outside.
11:02That's how I found out he ate ice cream.
11:04I smelled the spoon.
11:08Was the smell so strong?
11:10Was the smell so strong?
11:29Who is it?
11:39Who is it?
11:50Yes, tell me.
11:53Can I come in?
12:10What are you looking for?
12:13How did you know my address?
12:15I know everything about you.
12:17Where do you go and what do you eat?
12:22Have you seen the time on the clock?
12:24Why didn't you come to the medical center today?
12:26But why do I need to go there?
12:28You gave me money yesterday.
12:30The matter ended there.
12:31Then why should I go there today?
12:33When you left yesterday, I told you clearly.
12:37I told you that you have to reach the medical center at 8 am every morning.
12:41I also told you.
12:43It will cost money to come to the medical center every day.
12:46You didn't give me money to come there again.
12:49Okay, you will get the money.
12:50Now let's go.
12:51No, I won't.
12:56I didn't know my value before yesterday.
12:59That's why I won't be able to work in 100 from now on.
13:02Because now I'm not doing the side, I'm doing the lead role.
13:04The lead actress has a little more charge.
13:06Then how can I agree in so less?
13:08Increase my salary.
13:16You used to earn 4,800 yuan.
13:18I will also give the same amount every month.
13:24But now I will have to make an agreement with you.
13:26So that you don't increase your price again and again.
13:29My father has not opened a bank.
13:31And neither do we have money.
13:34Bring a pen and paper.
13:37Looking at my house, I think there will be a pen and paper here.
13:52Do you travel with a pen?
13:58Go get your ID card.
14:01But why do you want it?
14:03I'll tell you anyway.
14:05Write the information of my ID card on this paper.
14:07What is the need for so much formality?
14:09Do you know how important work I have every day?
14:12I can't waste my time arguing.
14:14Go get your ID card.
14:17This is your copy.
14:19Keep it carefully, it will come in handy later.
14:21What will I do with it?
14:23If you don't give me money, can I file a case with him?
14:26I'm asking you seriously.
14:28Please tell me the truth.
14:30Why do you want to take me there?
14:32And why me?
14:34I think...
14:36It's about the doctor.
14:38I don't want to go to the doctor.
14:40I don't want to go to the doctor.
14:42I don't want to go to the doctor.
14:44I think...
14:46It's not about becoming a doctor.
14:48It's something else.
14:50It's a bit cinematic.
14:52I can't believe it.
14:54I'm a very ambitious girl.
14:56But I never imagined all this.
14:58I'm an heir.
15:00And that too of TCM,
15:02whose name I've heard for the first time.
15:06I'm also a very ambitious person.
15:10And becoming a doctor was never my dream.
15:13But still, I became a TCM acupuncture doctor
15:15and I'm doing a good job.
15:19If you don't try, how will you learn?
15:21There's no need to try.
15:23Because I'm not interested in it.
15:25Then what are you interested in?
15:31Playing on the claw machine.
15:34I won all these games.
15:36Look, look, look.
15:38Look at this.
15:40No one can catch this shape of a doll.
15:43It was very difficult to catch this shark.
15:45Still, I caught it.
15:47Its head is so round.
15:49Still, I caught it.
15:51How much money did you waste on the claw machine?
15:53I spend whatever is left after eating.
15:57Shall I tell you something?
15:59You could have bought your own personal claw machine
16:01and played at home with the money you spent.
16:05You don't understand.
16:07If I had bought the claw machine,
16:09all the dolls inside it would have been mine.
16:11What's the fun in catching a shark?
16:13I don't understand one thing.
16:15Who do you compete with on the claw machine?
16:19I compete with myself.
16:21I like winning.
16:23You like winning?
16:27I'm glad that you like winning.
16:33Maybe you don't know.
16:35You have the talent to learn TCM.
16:37In TCM,
16:39if the disease is identified properly,
16:41it can be defeated.
16:43You will win
16:45and the patient will get a new life.
16:47Now, this achievement
16:49is better than catching a doll.
16:53Are you done?
16:55If you are done, please go.
16:57Won't you come to the medical center with me?
16:59Not today.
17:03I'm very busy. I'll come tomorrow.
17:05I'm a celebrity now.
17:07I have to take an appointment.
17:09I'll come after the appointment.
17:11If I go with you at once,
17:13my standard will go down.
17:15Okay. See you tomorrow at 8.
17:17Come at 8.
17:19Otherwise, I'll deduct your salary.
17:21Isn't 8 too early?
17:27If I'm late, will you really deduct my salary?
17:33Madam, you are absolutely fine.
17:35You don't have fever.
17:37You will be fine soon.
17:39Today is the last day of my internship.
17:41So, from tomorrow,
17:43someone else will take care of you.
17:45Listen to everything the doctor says
17:47and cooperate with him.
17:49Eat on time and sleep on time.
17:51What happened?
17:55please listen to everything the doctor says.
17:57Only then you will recover soon.
17:59I'll keep coming here to meet you.
18:27I'm late.
18:29Sorry, I'm late.
18:31You come late
18:33after promising a date.
18:35A patient came.
18:37That's why I'm late.
18:39Are you taking me for shopping?
18:47Let's go there.
18:53I got it.
18:57Try again.
19:01I got it.
19:11Be careful.
19:13I got it.
19:17I won.
19:23You also try it.
19:25If you have come this far,
19:27try it.
19:29It will be fun.
19:47Do you know who I'm eyeing now?
19:51Who is Doraemon?
19:59I don't want to play anymore.
20:01But you didn't catch the rabbit.
20:03I don't want to play anymore.
20:05Which one do you want?
20:07I want Doraemon.
20:09You couldn't catch it,
20:11so I'll buy you Doraemon.
20:13No, that's not fun.
20:17What's wrong with that?
20:19That's why he knows how to catch the doll.
20:21He won't know how to buy it.
20:23Wait a minute.
20:25I'll be right back.
20:35Give me 50 yuan.
20:39Looks like you're having fun.
20:47Enjoy the game.
20:49Have fun.
20:57You bought so many tokens.
20:59Is this for me?
21:03I've never taken money from you.
21:07But I can't refuse these tokens.
21:17Try again.
21:19Yes, I will.
21:21Now I'm eyeing the blue doll
21:23which is hiding under the other doll.
21:25I have to catch that doll somehow.
21:29I have to tell you something.
21:31I quit my job.
21:35What did you say?
21:37I quit my job.
21:39Don't joke.
21:41I'm having fun catching dolls.
21:43Don't make fun of me.
21:45How is that possible?
21:47If a dean resigns,
21:49it takes at least a year
21:51for him to get approval.
21:53You're the principal.
21:55I resigned a year ago.
21:59A year ago?
22:03Why didn't you tell me earlier?
22:05Why didn't you discuss it with me
22:07before you quit your job?
22:09I thought my resignation would be rejected.
22:11That's why I didn't discuss it with you.
22:15Resignation has been approved.
22:17So you thought
22:19I should tell you, right?
22:21What do you want now?
22:23Do you want me to go to your office,
22:25pack your stuff,
22:27bring it home
22:29and decorate it in your room?
22:31You don't have to do all this.
22:33Just get my books.
22:35Get them yourself.
22:55Where are you lost?
22:57How did the interview go?
22:59They won't hire me.
23:01There are fewer chances
23:03due to fewer slots.
23:05Have faith in yourself.
23:07These teachers value talent.
23:09You'll get a chance in the final interview.
23:11I hope so.
23:13I hope so.
23:27I must have taken a loan from him
23:29in my last birth.
23:31She was right.
23:33What's wrong with bringing books home?
23:35These are very good books.
23:37They will be useful to your son.
23:39They are full of knowledge.
23:41There's nothing else.
23:43It's good for him to study.
23:45If you get a chance,
23:47do go to school again.
23:49If you have any book left, get it.
23:51It will look weird.
23:53I won't go.
23:55What's so weird about it?
23:57You're crossing the line.
24:01Shingzen is home.
24:07Didn't you ask him
24:09why he resigned
24:11from school?
24:13Has he ever
24:15answered me correctly?
24:17You know he always
24:19does as he pleases.
24:21Do you remember
24:23when he went to the hospital in Tibet?
24:25He just picked up his bag and left.
24:27He didn't say anything.
24:29He took all my money.
24:31It was the start of the new year.
24:33You know I only had
24:35a little money left in my account.
24:37I'm telling the truth, Mom.
24:39I'm very sad.
24:41If you hadn't supported me,
24:43my son and I would be begging on the streets.
24:45He doesn't care about us.
24:47Does he care about us?
24:49He cares about the world.
24:51Don't be sad.
24:53We will help you.
24:55Don't be a hindrance in his path.
24:57He's going to do a good job.
24:59You know that.
25:03Are you really my dad?
25:05Yes, I am.
25:07Sometimes I doubt
25:09that you have found a daughter-in-law
25:11instead of a son-in-law.
25:15You are our daughter,
25:17not our daughter-in-law.
25:19Pampering women
25:21makes the job easier.
25:37I'm home.
25:39I'm glad you're home.
25:41Good evening. How are you?
25:43What are you doing here?
25:45Dad quit his job.
25:53Your dad
25:55quit his job and you're saying
25:59I know very well
26:01that you're just like your father.
26:03You're not like me. You're a stone-hearted man.
26:05Now that I'm your son,
26:07I'll be like you, right?
26:09What did you say?
26:15She's right.
26:17You insulted
26:19her father in front of your son.
26:21He's very smart. He didn't
26:23side with anyone.
26:25In this matter, he's on my side.
26:29why don't you say something?
26:31This is all wrong.
26:33You're right.
26:35Don't lie.
26:37Tell me the truth.
26:39Am I not right?
26:41Focus on your work.
26:43They all left.
26:55She started studying herself
26:57after hiring me.
26:59I'm stuck here.
27:01Give it to me.
27:09Open the door, please.
27:19Hello, Mr. Lewis.
27:21What brings you here?
27:23Professor N, help me.
27:25I'm in a very bad condition.
27:29What happened?
27:37When I was in Australia,
27:39I ate a lobster.
27:41It was as big as my arm.
27:43I couldn't control myself.
27:45I drank wine with the lobsters.
27:47It was very tasty.
27:49But I've been like this since then.
27:51I remember.
27:53I brought something for you.
27:55Authentic fish oil.
27:57Keep it.
27:59If you follow
28:01the diet plan
28:03I've given you,
28:05you won't have to come
28:07to my door every day.
28:09Got it?
28:11Okay, but keep it.
28:13Business is such
28:15that you have to eat
28:17and drink for it.
28:19What should I do?
28:21You need to rest for a few days.
28:23If possible, don't travel.
28:25I'm going to get my legs treated.
28:27I've heard
28:29they have a very good medicine
28:31for this pain.
28:33As long as a man is in pain,
28:35he tries everything.
28:37This is the helplessness of a sick man.
28:39You're lucky.
28:41You can eat anything.
28:43Western medicine is good.
28:45It tells you a lot of rules.
28:47A man can't even eat
28:49or drink as he pleases.
28:51That's why I'm going.
28:53I want to be able to
28:55distribute the medicine in China.
28:57If I succeed,
28:59I won't have to come to you.
29:01I'll pray that you succeed.
29:03I'll be happy.
29:11What's this?
29:13Are you going to build a new house?
29:15I'm going to start a TCM training program.
29:17I'm looking for a classroom
29:19where I can teach students.
29:21Are you looking for a place for yourself?
29:23I have a place.
29:25I'm going to apply for TCM Industrial Park.
29:27The government is going to subsidize it.
29:29Let's do one thing.
29:31You can build your classroom there.
29:33The deal is good.
29:35I'm not going to listen to you.
29:37I'm not kidding.
29:39I'm a big fan of your TCM technique.
29:41I've been able to walk
29:43because of your technique for so many years.
29:45I want to support you.
29:47I'm telling the truth.
29:49But I don't have
29:51the money to pay the rent.
29:53Who asked for the rent?
29:55You're like Gautam Buddha for me.
29:57You'll do good to people.
29:59I'll pay the rent.
30:01Do you agree?
30:03The problem of the classroom
30:05is solved.
30:07Are you crazy?
30:21What are you doing?
30:25I've got a new job with a salary of 4,800.
30:27What did you say?
30:31You're the heir
30:33of TCM?
30:35That's why you'll get this much salary.
30:39you're not worthy of it.
30:43Still, I'm getting it.
30:45You know what's amazing?
30:49There's a handsome boy.
30:51Tall, fair, educated.
30:55Show me his photo.
30:57How can I take his photo?
30:59I'm not a girl who
31:01takes pictures of boys.
31:03Is he really that handsome?
31:07He's not just handsome.
31:09He's also a macho man.
31:13I have a backache.
31:15I can't bend.
31:17He's stubborn.
31:19But he's very cute.
31:21I've got a boy for the first time
31:23whom it's very difficult
31:25to get.
31:27If you're my best friend,
31:29secure your position first.
31:31What did you say?
31:33I thought you'd make me secure his position.
31:35Stop cheating.
31:39Your everything is mine.
31:41That doesn't mean my boyfriend is yours.
31:43He's only mine.
31:45He's yours?
32:01What are you doing here?
32:09Leave him alone.
32:15Even young people
32:17don't lose their senses.
32:19I didn't think it was necessary
32:21to take advice from anyone.
32:23Why would you?
32:25If you'd asked me,
32:27I would've refused.
32:31Didn't you think about me
32:33before doing this?
32:35I'm not against your charity work.
32:37But have some mercy
32:39on your family.
32:41Your family is also a part of the society.
32:43Have you forgotten?
32:45I've decided.
32:47I'll teach in the student teacher program.
32:51People respect you so much.
32:53You've even got a classroom for free.
32:55But don't expect
32:57any help from me.
33:01Don't worry.
33:03I'll handle everything.
33:05I just need
33:07some money from you.
33:09Oh, my back.
33:11Why do you need money?
33:13Our family doesn't have
33:15enough money to support
33:17all the students.
33:19But I want the students
33:21to focus on their studies
33:23without any distractions.
33:25They should get free food and shelter.
33:27At least
33:29for a few months.
33:31So that they can focus
33:33on learning TCM.
33:41Tell me something.
33:45Don't you think
33:47there's a gold mine
33:49under our house?
33:51I'm serious.
33:53There's no mine.
33:55There's just a well like yours.
33:59The idea of this program
34:01wasn't mine.
34:03It was Shaodao's.
34:05And I liked it.
34:07So I supported him.
34:09I didn't know he would
34:11give up so easily.
34:13He gave up.
34:15I'm glad I got this chance
34:17instead of him.
34:19I think God gave me this chance
34:21so that I can serve
34:23more people through TCM.
34:25So I'll do this
34:27no matter what.
34:29Even if Shaodao thinks
34:31it's difficult,
34:33why don't you give up?
34:35Because I have
34:37a wife like you.
34:41No matter how difficult
34:43the path is,
34:45I won't back out.
34:47Don't forget that
34:49the state doesn't believe
34:51in such programs.
34:53So you have to
34:55know all the procedures
34:57and move forward.
35:01By the way,
35:03what do you think?
35:05It's difficult to take the first step.
35:07I know there's no
35:09red carpet on this path.
35:11If it was so easy,
35:13everyone would be doing it.
35:15Do you know?
35:17I've worked with many
35:19good doctors in rural areas.
35:21Many of them
35:23don't even have the title of a professor.
35:25But all of them are
35:27experts in their field.
35:29They follow the principles
35:31of TCM in every situation.
35:33That's why
35:35I admire their knowledge
35:37and expertise.
35:39All of them are very,
35:41very talented.
35:43That's why I want to
35:45invite all of them here
35:47to teach the students.
35:49First of all,
35:51you have to deal with the problems.
35:53Then you have to explore.
35:55As you move forward,
35:57the path ahead will open up.
35:59Is that so?
36:03Master Yushan join the class?
36:05He will.
36:07Will TCM Master
36:09QG and Shiyan join the class?
36:11If I
36:13personally invite all of them here,
36:15they will definitely come.
36:17If that's the case,
36:21I'm happy.
36:23If they
36:27my son will get
36:29a chance to learn a lot
36:31from the expert masters of this field.
36:33He will pursue
36:35his doctoral studies.
36:37Don't you know
36:39your son?
36:41He is a boy
36:43with a rebellious nature.
36:45He will never do
36:47what is good for him.
36:51Then you don't
36:53know your son.
37:15Did she agree?
37:21Your daughter
37:23is right in her place, dad.
37:25It's my fault.
37:27Is that so?
37:29Yes, it's true.
37:31This is what I have always done.
37:33I have always listened to her.
37:35When you have
37:37already made up your mind,
37:39what's the delay?
37:41You are right, mom.
37:43It's a good deed.
37:45I will definitely do it.
37:47Did you arrange the syllabus?
37:49I will arrange it soon.
37:51Once the students come,
37:53everything will be done.
37:55What about the fund?
37:57It will be arranged soon.
37:59Your son-in-law
38:01will raise his hand
38:03and give you money.
38:05I don't care about the money.
38:07I have some savings too.
38:09I want to give you all the savings.
38:11All the savings?
38:13Won't you save anything for your grandson's wedding?
38:15Why does he need my money?
38:17My grandson is such a capable person.
38:19He will earn money on his own.
38:21But to be worthy of it,
38:23he has to attend this class.
38:25Did you ask him to attend the class?
38:29Dad, he won't refuse you.
38:31You talk about it.
38:33He will listen to you.
38:35He doesn't listen to us.
38:37What do you want him to do?
38:41Do you want to test me?
38:43Or is it something else?
38:45No, it's nothing like that.
38:47You eat first.
38:49I want you to study hard.
38:57your father
38:59has resigned.
39:01And now,
39:03he wants to start the TCM program.
39:05And your grandfather
39:07wants you to join this program.
39:11TCM's well-known experts
39:13and great
39:15rural practitioners
39:17are going to give a lecture
39:19in this class.
39:21They will give tech theoretical knowledge
39:23and a course on herbal planting.
39:25There will be medicinal herb collection
39:27and processing techniques.
39:29It's a good opportunity
39:31for you to learn.
39:35your father doesn't want you to join.
39:37Why can't I join?
39:39Because you don't deserve it.
39:41So that girl deserves it?
39:43Yes, she deserves it.
39:45That delivery girl can join your class,
39:47but your son can't?
39:49I don't think
39:51you should join the class.
39:53It's very difficult.
39:55You will have to go to the jungle
39:57to get herbs.
39:59You are my only grandson.
40:01I don't want him to join either.
40:05this program is for the poor.
40:07He was born in a poor family.
40:09He can't stay there for a day.
40:11And there is no guarantee of success.
40:13For that, he should study
40:15and get a job in a government hospital.
40:17This is not his cup of tea.
40:21now that we are talking about this topic,
40:23I want to talk about it too.
40:25Instead of consoling people
40:27who are dying of illness,
40:29I want to save people from illness
40:31who are already healthy.
40:33When I asked him to hold my hand,
40:35he told me to hold his hand
40:37without wearing gloves.
40:39Because there are only a few days left
40:41in his life.
40:43No one had time to hug him
40:45or talk to him.
40:47I used to focus on illness
40:49and not on sick people.
40:51I don't want anyone to fall ill.
40:53I want everyone to be healthy.
40:57He has made up his mind.
40:59Why are you stopping him
41:01My grandson will definitely
41:03join this class.
41:05If you say so, I say so too.
41:07Come on, let's eat.
41:17Wait a minute.
41:19Why do I feel
41:21that he is your close devotee?
41:25You all are making a fool out of me.
41:29I think you have added
41:31too much wine in this dish.
41:33How is that possible?
41:35Try it.
41:37You also try it.
41:41Isn't it?
41:43It's okay.
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