The Billionaire's Masquerade - Full Movie - Full HD - Dailymotion

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The Billionaire's Masquerade full movie
00:00:00Marry me Shelby Trudeau must be married by five o'clock today. She loses her inheritance. I'm sergeant Shelby Trudeau
00:00:07I'm here to claim my inheritance
00:00:08Who's gonna marry you anyhow the last guy you even slept with was a one-night stand three years ago at Mardi Gras
00:00:14All right, let's get married. I can't keep living in the past
00:00:18Maybe it's time to see what the future holds. Why can't you just tell her it's your place?
00:00:22You're a public figure. When do you think you can keep this charade up? The girl from Mardi Gras didn't know I was a boy
00:00:27She liked me for me. I want that again. You can't keep pining over some girl. You met three years ago
00:00:33Enjoy the little victory while it lasts. I see you're still trying to rob my wife of her inheritance
00:00:39How pathetic and pointless. Tell him how in love we are.
00:00:43Sometimes I forget how to let go, but with you every day is fun
00:00:48Actually, he's just about one of the wealthiest men in the city. You are Roy's secret bride a woman
00:00:53He is so ashamed of he would hide the marriage for the rest of the world
00:00:56We need to get a divorce. I've spent my whole life looking for you. Sometimes love isn't enough
00:01:04Could it be? It's her. It's always been her. How could it be so blind?
00:01:27I'm bored
00:01:30According to Mr. Trudeau's will your eldest daughter, Miss Shelby Trudeau
00:01:36Must be married by five o'clock today
00:01:39Or she loses her inheritance. That un-ladylike girl is not my daughter. Bad enough, I'm her stepmother.
00:01:46Right, and hello. We want Shelby to know show. That's the way we get everything
00:02:02I'm sergeant Shelby Trudeau. I'm here to claim my inheritance
00:02:07Well, look who it is the prodigal sister and dressed in your old uniform
00:02:12Pathetic still trying to play hero
00:02:15I'm in the Army Reserve now CC. I was doing weekend drills with my unit
00:02:19the will please
00:02:23The Army Reserve should have just died in the field like a good little soldier. No one would have missed you
00:02:29Shut your trap before I shut it for you
00:02:33You don't have to respect me but don't you dare speak about soldiers dying in vain on the battlefield
00:02:39Look around CC your curled hair and your frilly dress. Do you think any of that would be possible without others sacrificing?
00:02:47You have freedom and peace because someone else is carrying the burden
00:02:56Of course the will sergeant Trudeau and I want to thank you for your service
00:03:07Your father's will stipulates that the inheritance is yours only if signed by both you and your spouse
00:03:16That means you got 15 minutes to find a husband Shelby tick-tock
00:03:32Don't say I'm a bad stepmother give up your inheritance and I'll give you one percent
00:03:38better than nothing
00:03:40You stole my father for me most of my life you will not take what he left me and
00:03:45What this money could do to help the gym and all the women that are part of it
00:03:52Really Shelby who's gonna marry you? Anyhow, the last guy you even slept with was a one-night stand three years ago at Mardi Gras
00:04:12Don't keep the mystery
00:04:17You've already lost Shelby take the 1% I'm offering and be grateful for it, right?
00:04:24You're not even gonna find a bum on the street to marry you in time
00:04:30Watch me
00:04:34Watch me
00:04:49Don't worry
00:04:56He looks single oh my god, this is totally food bar
00:05:02Suck it up soldier. You can't let your evil stepmother and stepsister win
00:05:07Hey, mister, will you marry me?
00:05:21Know this sounds crazy and there's no time to explain
00:05:23But if you help me, I promise a generous reward once I get my inheritance
00:05:27Well, this day just got a whole lot more interesting. So you won't have to live on the streets anymore
00:05:31Do I look like a homeless person there?
00:05:38You can't marry this
00:05:44Shelby Trudeau the late judge Trudeau's eldest daughter
00:05:48That's right. The judge said she was a soldier. He didn't mention she was beautiful, too
00:05:54Here's a few bucks
00:05:56Take it and get lost. Don't meddle in our business. Don't speak to him like that
00:06:00He's a person with feelings
00:06:03The Cinderella tale complete with an evil stepmother and obnoxious stepsister
00:06:08It's clear who deserves my hope and the timing couldn't be better for me. All right
00:06:14Let's get married
00:06:31Names for the marriage certificate that shall be Trudeau
00:06:37And your name is Griffin Roy
00:07:00And congratulations you lovebirds
00:07:13This isn't over
00:07:22Sergeant should mrs. Roy you have to stay married for at least one full year or
00:07:29Everything goes to your stepmother and stepsister. You hear that Shelby? You won't last a week with that hobo
00:07:46I guess we'll need to keep in touch
00:07:48But you probably don't have a permanent address
00:07:51I guess
00:07:53Once the estate gets settled and I have the money we can get you an apartment and set you up with a job
00:07:58When most people get what they wanted, they usually just walk away
00:08:03I'm not most people
00:08:06I see that
00:08:14I gotta return this
00:08:17Goodbye for now
00:08:20Goodbye wife
00:08:34Where the hell have you been?
00:08:50I got you. Seriously. This is over-the-top even for you
00:08:57This DNA get it to detective McSween right away look as your campaign manager
00:09:02I need you to be more focused on your image. Okay, I'll never catch LaRoche dumpster-diving
00:09:12Marrying Isabel was the best decision of my life
00:09:16You know
00:09:18When you elected me to Congress three years ago, you've got a package deal
00:09:22Griffin Roy just another billionaire bachelor playboy lawyer best
00:09:28This my friend is where you're vulnerable in a snap
00:09:32I can line up a dozen beautiful successful women who want me for what I am
00:09:36Not who I am, but you can't keep pining over some girl you met three years ago. It's not just some girl
00:09:43We had a connection
00:09:46Never had that before
00:09:52Look I gotta run but Griffin you need to find a woman who can stand by your side
00:09:58someone real
00:09:59Not this made-up mystery girl you've built up in your head
00:10:19Remember that true strength is not physical. It comes from the belief that you are worth defending
00:10:25All right, guys, that's class
00:10:28Nice work
00:10:34So what's the latest on the STD super spreader I tried to call him but mr. Chlamydia blocked my number
00:10:42Who knows how many other women he's done this to?
00:10:45So I was thinking maybe it's time to go by his place and confront me person
00:10:52It's holding you back Andre some regular guy Shelby. He's got a bro pack. These men are like wolves with money. Let's go
00:11:00We'll face this douchebag together
00:11:21What's your name I'm Stephanie
00:11:24How about a drink? Huh? Oh, that's okay. Come on one little drink won't do no harm
00:11:29Okay, one drink really Pierce. This clown is the one who controls the town's power brokers
00:11:35You want to beat LaRoche? You got to mingle with the good the bad and the Andre's
00:11:46Can't believe I slept with that. What was I thinking?
00:11:49I guess I can't hold my liquor. I mean the night was just one big black hole
00:11:57It wasn't the alcohol that caused you to black out
00:12:03Thank that creep you dickless loser
00:12:17Drugging girls to get laid. What the fuck get out of my house skank. Oh
00:12:22I'm the skank. That's funny. You're the one spreading chlamydia. Shut the fuck up and get out of my house
00:12:30Unless you're back for more I know how much of a whore you really are you like spreading your legs, don't you?
00:12:35I just told you that you have chlamydia and you oh
00:12:39My god, you already know you have it
00:12:43And you don't care
00:12:46Ladies Andre Ivanov has been knowingly spreading chlamydia
00:12:57What is she doing here both of you get out of here? Oh
00:13:05Shit she can't know I am yet
00:13:12Do you know who I am? I don't care
00:13:20Where did she come from? That's my wife
00:13:23Isn't she amazing and she's gonna cost you Andre once he finds out you're married to her
00:13:26I don't care. You think you can crash my party and put that ninja shit on me
00:13:32You are one dead bitch
00:13:43Oh nice, did you see that combo dude she can fight look at her
00:13:54She can really fight man, you are hopeless. Hey saw me jackets. I'll give you my Rolex
00:14:25Fuck you Roy. I'll do everything I can to end you
00:14:34Get him
00:14:37You lied to me you're not some homeless guy
00:14:40When did I say I was homeless you were next to a dumpster? That's not much of a leap
00:14:45What were you doing at this party?
00:14:47Work in the room. Oh, I thought you were one of those
00:14:51asshole rich guys
00:14:53I'm sorry. I hope I didn't cost you your job. I
00:14:56Know how you can make it up to me have dinner with me
00:15:02Place is nearby. I'll whip something up as a thank-you for tonight
00:15:05Wow a wife who cooks and kicks ass. I'm one lucky man
00:15:11Don't push it
00:15:20Hey dinners ready
00:15:28Haven't had a home-cooked meal in a long time. It's one of the things I missed the most when I was deployed
00:15:34How long were you in the military seven years? I joined right after high school
00:15:38My mom had just died and I was feeling
00:15:42You weren't
00:15:43Close with your father. I was he was my hero
00:15:48Until he wasn't
00:15:50He cheated on my mom with Margo he was the judge and she was the court stenographer
00:15:56It's quite the scandal at the time. I must have been
00:16:00Really hard for you. It was harder on my mom
00:16:03She didn't want anything to do with him
00:16:05So I cut him off to even started using my mom's maiden name
00:16:08But then three years ago, he reached out told me he was sick. So I came to New Orleans for a visit
00:16:14Here I am. Yeah, you are
00:16:17Enough about me
00:16:18What's your story Griffin Roy?
00:16:24Shelby Trudeau, come on out now. We know you're in there. Shelby the light is on
00:16:29Do you open this door? We are not leaving until you open this door. Hey
00:16:36I'll handle this. Oh
00:16:42I thought I heard a couple of stray cats out here yelling, but it's just you two and you are
00:16:48Yes, I almost got this human married, what are you doing here? Why wouldn't Griffin be here? He's my husband after all
00:16:56Mama what are we gonna do? We need to challenge the will but how can we do that? If they're still together?
00:17:00Shut up, Cece. Oh, I see. You're still trying to rob my wife of her inheritance. How pathetic and pointless
00:17:08Tell him love we are
00:17:12Enjoy the little victory while it lasts right? We're gonna shred that will in your shame of marriage in no time
00:17:30Margo and Cece are gonna be a problem. There's no way they'll let us be what if we moved in together?
00:17:37You want to live here?
00:17:40somewhere with better security
00:17:42like my place
00:17:46I'm dying to see where you live
00:17:53So, let me get this straight you told her your house sitting that's right said
00:17:58I was gonna watch the house while the owner was in Europe for the year. You do know how crazy that sounds
00:18:04Why can't you just tell her it's your place?
00:18:10Saw you from across the room and I had to talk to you
00:18:13That's very flattering, but you don't know anything about me. I know you take my breath away
00:18:18I know that I would wonder for the rest of my life. I didn't take this chance
00:18:23Even if it was only for one night, maybe it's better this way
00:18:28No names no past
00:18:31We can just be ourselves. I'd like that very much
00:18:36Girl from Mardi Gras didn't know I was a Roy
00:18:39She liked me for me
00:18:41And I want that again Pierce even for a little while
00:18:53Stash all this stuff in the garage, please
00:18:56Griffin you're a public figure a lot of people know who you are
00:19:01How long do you think you can keep this charade up, I don't know
00:19:05But I have a chance to be with someone without all the crap that goes along with being a Roy
00:19:09Well, just remember we're about to launch a multi-platform campaign in two weeks
00:19:15TV radio social billboards your face is about to be everywhere
00:19:20Then I better make the most of the next 14 days
00:19:43This place is insane the owner must really trust you
00:19:47Yep, we're pretty tight
00:19:51Here let me show you to your room
00:19:58Can't keep living in the past. Maybe it's time to see what the future holds
00:20:11Goodbye mystery lover
00:20:19Take it things are going well with Xena warrior princess. Oh, she's so exciting and competitive keeps me on my toes
00:20:25I'm so damn beautiful
00:20:27Very sweaty. No makeup. So damn real
00:20:30Well, when do I get to meet her her military background and work with actress women will be a real asset for both female and
00:20:36male voters
00:20:37Dial it back Pierce. We're in the early stages
00:20:40All right, well don't take too long you married her for the campaign and it's not like she can dump you once she finds out
00:20:47She needs you for her inheritance
00:21:04Hey, oh I like the sound of that
00:21:10I'm talking food here. All right in that case surprise me
00:21:16I bet you are
00:21:30Gotcha sis, so this is where you've been had now
00:21:45Did you want some wine
00:22:13Turned off your alarm you obviously needed to sleep we can run tonight
00:22:17PS you snore, but it's super cute. I do not snore Griffin Roy
00:22:39What are you doing in a place like this I
00:22:42Live here. When did you move in?
00:22:44Last week. We're house-sitting
00:22:47Yeah, I've heard that one before listen. This is an exclusive neighborhood. Thieves are always trying to break in
00:22:53Who are you calling a thief?
00:22:55Please step out now
00:22:58The hell are you doing just routine inspection
00:23:05Let's see what else you're hiding here
00:23:14Get your filthy hands off my wife what Oh
00:23:23Cool I thought I was saving you but looks like you got it
00:23:32Damn lady you make it look easy. Are you hurt? That's my pride
00:23:41Looks like you get a flat
00:23:43Let's get here. We can take my car
00:23:46This is yours
00:23:48Borrowed it from a friend
00:23:53I know all the guards who work here and you sure as hell aren't them. Who the hell are you man?
00:24:00Some kind of big shot or something. Oh, I'm your worst nightmare
00:24:06All right, you're under arrest what the hell is going on
00:24:19Well, that didn't go as planned
00:24:22Mama, this is all your fault
00:24:24You pushed me to hire those thugs to humiliate Shelby and now my money's wasted and she got off scot-free
00:24:29Eyes on the prize CC. Once we inherit the entire Trudeau estate. This would be pocket change
00:24:35Yeah, and who would have thought that bum would have got the police involved in all this mess. I don't believe he's a bum
00:24:41I mean, how can a homeless man be so clever?
00:24:44No matter whether he's a tramp or not. He married Shelby for her money
00:24:49Offer him a better deal and he'll leave her we annul the marriage and claim the entire estate. Oh
00:24:58Isn't Victoria Wilcox the porter party billionaire looking for a new gigolo that old cougar Oh CC, honey
00:25:05When they're that age, they're not cougars. They're saber-toothed Tigers
00:25:15Then we just got to make him an offer he can't refuse
00:25:24You really should have iced these right away I
00:25:27Realize that now
00:25:28I've only ever sparred with gloves on never thrown a bare-knuckle punch before
00:25:37Did I just hand in my man card?
00:25:39No, you knocked a guy out with one punch. Your man card is fully intact
00:25:44You just sounded like a prep school rich boy for a second
00:25:51Thank you
00:25:52Not just for today, but for everything
00:25:56it's been really lonely since my dad died and
00:25:59It's nice having someone on my side. There's no need to thank me. I
00:26:04Am your husband
00:26:07Close your eyes
00:26:18Okay, there's fair I owe you one
00:26:41I'm sorry. I know we're just pretending right?
00:26:52I'm gonna I'm gonna go for a run. Okay, I'll come with
00:27:03What if it's just me wouldn't that be ironic the first woman I'm into for so long is not into me fuck
00:27:24Griffin kissed me and it felt just like that night three years ago
00:27:29What's wrong with me? How can I feel the exact same way for two different men?
00:27:45Don't know he looks like a wet street dog. I'll shower and a haircut. He'll be marginally presentable. Hey you
00:27:58We got a proposition for you, how'd you like to be richer than you ever imagined well, that'd be a dream man get in
00:28:18Are you sure he's not homeless eats like a dirty pig so you want me to divorce Shelby and
00:28:27Victoria Wilcox the shithouse billionaire
00:28:34You will refer to them as porta-potties young man
00:28:39We know you're after Shelby's inheritance, but she's never gonna see it. Well
00:28:46He'll do
00:28:50Oh, oh just nicely
00:28:56Wait a minute
00:28:57Have we met before because you look real familiar
00:29:03No, I don't think I run in your kinds of circles miss Wilcox the first document our official divorce papers
00:29:13The first document our official divorce papers and you will also be paid 20 grand a month to provide
00:29:20intimate services of a sexual nature
00:29:24Hmm oh you don't need to worry boy because I have the libido of a 26-year-old
00:29:45Don't understand this says you're under arrest for pandering
00:29:52Detective McSwain this woman has tried to recruit me as a sex worker. That's a classy felony. He's lying
00:30:03And you will also be paid 20 grand a month to provide intimate services of a sexual nature
00:30:14Detective detective that there must be some misunderstanding. There's no nonsense going on here
00:30:19No, you can't arrest me on the word of that bum. He set me up detective McSwain. It's getting late. I
00:30:27Like to go and see my wife
00:30:36You have made a big mistake rejecting me
00:30:39I'm a woman of wealth and power that you cannot fathom
00:30:43I will make you pay very dearly for this. I don't think anyone mentioned my last name
00:30:50It's Roy
00:30:56Well, I knew you look familiar you see it I'm just an old woman you could forgive me
00:31:03Get out of my face
00:31:11All right, we got her in the car now, how do you want this to go
00:31:15Put the fear of God in there mugshot fingerprints the works then in the morning drop the charges
00:31:23Before the press gets wind here. So to have your hide
00:31:26You got a grip
00:31:38Where have you been I was worried you were gone so long. Yeah. Yeah
00:31:46Are you hungry I can heat up some leftovers. Yeah, I'd like that
00:31:54Did that just happen maybe I have a shot with her after all
00:32:09Baby my little girl. Oh, I will never forget the humiliation. That man has caused us
00:32:16Don't you worry mama? I have a plan. I had all night to think about it in that cold the hard sell
00:32:23If he doesn't want to divorce Shelby fine
00:32:27We'll just force Shelby to divorce him
00:32:30And I know just where to hit it where it hurts
00:32:52Think we shaved 30 seconds off that time. I thought I was competitive you even compete with yourself
00:33:08Not growing you're dying I
00:33:13I'm gonna go shower
00:33:20Get a grip Shelby, so he's hot you've been around dozens of smoking hot men in the service
00:33:26What makes him any different?
00:33:29He just is
00:33:34Hey, Zara Shelby you have to get here right away Buford's kicking us out the gym
00:33:44I'm sorry. My hands are tied
00:33:48He says we have to leave okay, I got this mr. Buford, what are you doing? This is my place of business
00:33:54You're done here. I saw the building the new owners want you out
00:33:58That's illegal I have a lease they've got a break clause for new management, and they decide to activate it
00:34:04Who the hell is they?
00:34:10That would be us
00:34:15But if we can take it from here sure thing pleasure doing business with some ladies
00:34:19I know you use all your army money for this gym, but you can get it back all you have to do is
00:34:26Sign this divorce petition
00:34:28Get a divorce give up your inheritance, and then you can keep your dinky smelly gym
00:34:42Bet you want to hit me so bad
00:34:45Not so tough now are Shelby
00:34:48Screw you I'll just pack up and find a new location
00:34:51Sorry the building is now closed for
00:34:54Renovation and
00:34:57Everything inside now belongs to me of course you could sue but that would take months
00:35:05Well, what would happen to your gym now Shelby? That's blackmail. We like to call it capitalism
00:35:11You don't sign we close the gym, and then you lose everything
00:35:17Think about what you're doing this gym is a lifeline for so many women
00:35:22I won't let you take it from them. You can beg, but I won't budge
00:35:28Be a smart girl and sign the papers by tomorrow, or you can kiss your Valkyrie
00:35:34Fight Club goodbye and watch us turn it into
00:35:42Not a good idea there's poles and everything oh my plenty of girls. Oh, they're cute. Thank you
00:35:48cute enough
00:35:58Not here because I give a damn if you win
00:36:01I'm here to make sure the Griffin Roy doesn't well the enemy of my enemy is my friend
00:36:08the fuck you say
00:36:10What exactly did Roy do to earn your loathing he partnered up against me with a she warrior I?
00:36:18Want to see them both destroyed
00:36:21Well with your connections and my political might I think that might be able to be arranged
00:36:30Thank you
00:36:36The roast got Andre what are we gonna do about this?
00:36:40Nothing we do not want these two pairing up all right. This is political suicide
00:36:44Just talk to Shelby maybe if you both apologize um hell no let them do their best
00:36:51Mark my words. This is gonna come back to bite you in the ass
00:37:00Hello Shelby Griffin we need to talk
00:37:11Shelby what's going on you sounded tense on the phone I
00:37:16Have so many missed moments things I should have said or done
00:37:21Chances that were lost that might have been pivotal to my life. I
00:37:25Don't want you to be another moment that I miss
00:37:40You first
00:39:02Griffin where are you going Griffin Griffin?
00:39:10Explain yourself toothbrush
00:39:15This is Jacques
00:39:18You're my wife. I sleep with you now. We probably should have talked this through. Yeah
00:39:25You said you had missed moments
00:39:28I've had them too
00:39:30You will not be one of them. I
00:39:33Know we said we were pretending, but I want to give us a chance a real one
00:40:29Now pronounce ye man and wife guess the bonnie lass why don't ya
00:40:53Cece meet me at the gym in one hour. We can go over the divorce papers
00:41:02Goodbye my husband
00:41:10I knew something must have happened
00:41:20Hello Pierce, I need you to use all your connections to find out what Cece and Margot Judeau did to Shelby yesterday
00:41:29Because of them my wife is divorcing me it's 5 in the morning you have an hour
00:41:40Thank you, how did Cece get the money to buy the entire
00:41:44Rampart Drive building she and Margot Trudeau are using the Trudeau mansion as collateral stupid good for us bad for them
00:41:51And the property title still an escrow the title hasn't been transferred yet
00:41:56Make sure it is
00:41:58Your name you're about to be the proud owner of a mid-rise building on Rampart Drive. Oh
00:42:09Talk to me mix way. I showed the fake guards and lock up Cece Trudeau's mugshot. You're right
00:42:15She's the one who hired them to rough up your wife. How'd you know?
00:42:18Had her mo written all over it. I take it the kid gloves are off this time. Oh, yeah
00:42:23Cece Trudeau think she's untouchable. Let's show her just how wrong she is
00:42:35I'm glad you finally came to your senses Shelby
00:42:39definitely have
00:42:41Showtime I'm your campaign manager. Not some hired muscle. Here's what I think about your agreement
00:42:52Did you see that did you see that she chose me man she chose me well hell looks like she did
00:42:59You fucking bitch
00:43:02That's her cue
00:43:07Say goodbye to your gym Shelby, you're gonna lose everything, you know, at least I still have my self-respect which is more than I can say
00:43:14for you
00:43:16Cece she's basically a man you'll get hurt. I will find a way to reclaim what is rightfully mine, but I will never
00:43:23agree to your demands
00:43:26Reclaim what's yours? You're never gonna step foot in your precious gem ever again
00:43:33Will be difficult to enforce since I now own the building
00:43:38Who are you?
00:43:40Pierce Durant the new owner of 222 Rampart Drive
00:43:47Your deal fell out of escrow I
00:43:50swooped in and bought it
00:43:52That's impossible. I own it
00:43:55Let me spell this out in a way that even an imbecile will understand. I
00:43:59Outbid you the building is mine now scram
00:44:06Mr. Doe, I want to ensure you that your lease is secure. The only change will be a 40% rent reduction
00:44:16Unbelievable. Are you sure you can afford that? Oh, yeah
00:44:20Thank you. Mr. Duran
00:44:23The gym means a lot to the women in this community
00:44:32You're under arrest for extortion the fake guards identified you as the one who paid them to attack Shelby Trudeau
00:44:39Okay. Well, but that was last week. You can't arrest me now. We most certainly can and this time the charges won't be dropped
00:44:51You I'm never gonna forget this when I get out
00:45:04Call everyone Valkyrie Fight Club is back in business
00:45:15Well, aren't you gonna go over there you are the one that orchestrated this whole thing
00:45:21It's her victory. I merely did what a husband should to ensure happiness
00:45:27That's my reward that is some wild shit you just found it
00:45:31This girl is seriously causing you to lose a grip. You worry too much and you don't worry enough
00:45:36We have a campaign to win and you're ten points behind LaRoche in all the latest polls. What are you driving at?
00:45:43Tell Shelby who you are
00:45:45The voters need to know who your wife is and we need to be able to shape the narrative
00:45:49You wait too long and never LaRoche is gonna find out and beat us to it
00:45:55I'll tell her I just I need a few more days of just me with her
00:46:03Then I'll confess everything
00:46:13That Shelby Trudeau owner of the Valkyrie Fight Club
00:46:18Pretty girl
00:46:20So she's screwing
00:46:22Duranda Roy, I don't know sir
00:46:25That luncheon was so boring at Neville
00:46:28Those stuck-up twats kept going on and on about their precious lineages dating back to the Mayflower
00:46:38Not everyone's white trash like you Isabel
00:46:44It doesn't wonder how you overcame your
00:46:47Low-class origins and gained my interest that wasn't your interest darling. That was your cock
00:46:55Do shame I do
00:46:57Why are you looking at a picture of her?
00:46:59Do you know Shelby Trudeau?
00:47:01Well, she went by Michelle in high school. But yeah, that's her
00:47:06She was a star athlete with an annoying habit of defending every loser in school from bullies like you
00:47:13per se
00:47:15That is unfortunate
00:47:18You'll have to work that much harder for when you two reconnect
00:47:24Me and your new bestie Isabel
00:47:33It's cooling off
00:47:35You should go inside
00:47:37Just a few more minutes
00:47:40Can't remember the last time I let myself just be
00:47:45Yeah, I guess when my parents were still together
00:47:49Before the divorce the cheating while I'm getting sick. I
00:47:55Was carefree then I joined the army after but that was just another roller coaster
00:48:01It's kind of hard to chill when you're deep in hostile territory cutting off weapons supply routes
00:48:07I'm glad you feel safe here
00:48:11It's not the place it's the person
00:48:15Like I've known you forever
00:48:22Shelby I have to tell you something
00:48:31I guess I can wait one more day
00:48:39Our most sought-after class at Valkyrie is our women's self-defense kickboxing
00:48:47Sign me up. Oh
00:48:50Shit, Isabel the girl who made my life and everyone else is a living hell in high school. What sneaky BS is she up to?
00:49:03You look amazing
00:49:06Shelby and I go way back
00:49:09Gosh, what a small world
00:49:12Well for membership we offer weekly and monthly subscriptions
00:49:16How about I pay up front for three years and I'll be sure to tell all my friends to join
00:49:22You know, if you're really serious about this, you'll have to lose the bling before class
00:49:30I was a mean girl in high school, and I'm really ashamed of it
00:49:34What you've built here is so empowering
00:49:37If I had had something like this growing up and maybe I would have found the courage to
00:49:43Stop my pa from all the horrible things he did to me and ma
00:49:49Shelby can we start over? Would you let me try to make it right?
00:49:59This is so awesome, how about lunch? I'm free to grab a bite right now we can catch up
00:50:08Okay, let me grab my bag
00:50:20Griffin Roy has made criminal justice reform the heart of his campaign
00:50:24He's pro-union and has a five-point plan to improve workplace safety regulations
00:50:31No, no, not you. I
00:50:34Gotta call you back
00:50:43The roast knows about Shelby he's sick Isabella look here's an Instagram
00:50:48What the fuck Roches oppo research must have tagged her but we just lost control of the narrative Griffin screw the narrative it's a trap
00:50:55You've got my wife
00:51:03Thought this was supposed to be a quick bite. I have a business to run
00:51:07You know, you haven't changed a bit since I saw you on the news
00:51:10I'm not sure if I'm the only one who thinks you're a bit of a snob
00:51:12I'm not sure if I'm the only one who thinks you're a bit of a snob
00:51:14I have a business to run, you know, you haven't changed a bit since high school so dedicated. I've always admired that about you
00:51:22All right, cut the crap Izzy others might buy your ladylike act but I know you're still the same vicious bully inside
00:51:30You didn't come to my gym by accident what's your angle Neville asked me to befriend you I don't want to be here
00:51:36So I can just add that to the list of reasons why I fucking loathe you
00:51:42What's my angle Shelby
00:51:45The complete and utter destruction of Griffin Roy and if I can take you down with him all the better
00:51:57Shelby listen to me. The press are on their way
00:51:59I don't have time to explain but I fucked up you have to get out of that restaurant now
00:52:08Late to run my hubby's here leaving so soon. Mr. Doe. I should I say mrs. Roy
00:52:18Come on Shelby pick up let me know you got out of there
00:52:23Who the hell are you
00:52:25Congressman Neville LaRoche
00:52:28Understand why your husband probably never mentioned me seen as how there's so much. He hasn't told you please sit down
00:52:35Isabel was supposed to keep you company until after I arrived
00:52:39No matter we'll do this the less genteel way if we must
00:52:46Both of these men are retired Navy SEALs heard a lot about your fighting skills so came prepared
00:52:59What's this about
00:53:02What's this about I spoke with your stepmother Margot
00:53:07She had quite the story to tell
00:53:09It seems Roy has led you to believe that he's some bum
00:53:13on the streets and actually
00:53:16Well, he's just about one of the wealthiest men in the state. I
00:53:20Can't believe you fell for that
00:53:22Not so smart now. Are you Shelby?
00:53:25You're lying you are Roy's secret bride a
00:53:29Woman, he is so ashamed of he would hide the marriage for the rest of the world
00:53:34when the press arrives
00:53:36You will share your story betrayal with the voters of Louisiana so that they may know
00:53:41What kind of man Roy really is?
00:53:58Let me go
00:54:00Shelby, please
00:54:02Why did you keep your marriage a secret the voters have a right to know what else are you hiding?
00:54:07You son of a bitch. Well now Roy don't blame others for your own stupid mistakes
00:54:25Joe please hear me out. Don't shell me
00:54:30All of your charm. It's just a lie. I
00:54:33Never meant to let it get this far. I planned on coming clean more lies Griffin Roy. I was gonna tell you today
00:54:42Why didn't you just tell me you were a billionaire from the start? Did you actually think I'd come after you for your money?
00:54:48That was always a possibility
00:54:51Get away from my house, this is technically my home
00:54:57How's sitting my ass?
00:55:00You are the worst and I never want to see you again
00:55:12Professional candidate Griffin Roy has a secret bride. Our reporter is
00:55:47Gotta get a sip of that
00:56:13This is private property
00:56:15Which I own liar Pierce Durand owns this building he works for me
00:56:20Then I'll move. I don't want to owe you anything
00:56:37Shelby Shelby come out. Would you please I
00:56:42I wake up in the morning and reach for you, but you're not there. I
00:56:54Can't breathe at the thought of losing you
00:57:04You're ridiculous you do know that don't you Oh
00:57:07Oh Shelby Shelby, don't leave me hanging. What are you doing? You're supposed to turn it on
00:57:15Yeah, I
00:57:17Got it from a pawn shop
00:57:19It's broken guy totally scammed me
00:57:23You are beyond ridiculous, please Shelby. I I didn't say what I wanted to before just
00:57:31Give me a chance to explain
00:57:34I'm in you I'll come into my own
00:57:45You have two minutes
00:57:53Growing up as a Roy
00:57:57No one ever liked me for me
00:58:00It's always been about the money
00:58:03the access
00:58:06Then at a moment
00:58:09three years ago
00:58:11Where someone did like me for me?
00:58:16They had no idea who I was and I just remember how freeing it felt
00:58:26So when I met you and I felt that spark I've been searching for I
00:58:32Didn't think I
00:58:34Just fucking left. Why wait so long to tell me I've never
00:58:40Gone into enemy territory to cut off weapons supply routes
00:58:45I boxed in prep school
00:58:47Yeah, you got that, right?
00:58:50but otherwise
00:58:51I've always been more of a lover
00:58:54rather than a fighter
00:58:56And I've done well as a lawyer, but I did not earn those billions I
00:59:03inherited them
00:59:06generations of dickheads
00:59:10And you meet a girl who's a total package
00:59:13You just want to be her total package, too
00:59:16You really are ridiculous
00:59:19You know, I have laughed more with you in the past two weeks than I have in my entire life
00:59:24I'm way too serious Griffin. Sometimes I forget how to let go
00:59:30But with you every day is fun
00:59:33So does that mean you forgive me?
00:59:36I'm thinking about it
00:59:40Yeah, you think too much time for makeup sex
00:59:49So that's makeup sex
00:59:57Griffin it hurts so much thinking we were over I
01:00:02Never want to feel like that again. I promise not to let anything get in between us
01:00:14This changes everything
01:00:16No, thanks for the heads up. I'd appreciate if you keep it buried for as long as possible
01:00:32Want to stay right here
01:00:41Where the hell are you Griff, this is Defcon 1
01:00:46Hey, man, seriously, that's all you have to say
01:00:49Seriously, that's all you have to say
01:00:55Come on
01:01:00How could you keep something like this from me we've known each other since college
01:01:04What are you talking about? Didn't you get any of my texts or calls? I
01:01:08Must have forgot to charge it. I
01:01:11Had quit a night last night
01:01:13Shelby and I made up she's forgiven me. Well, she won't forgive you for this
01:01:19You're a goddamn bigamist Griffin Roy
01:01:26Michelle Lane, I don't even know that is well, you knew her well enough to marry her three years ago
01:01:35This can't be right I got it from a parish clerk she's agreed to keep it hush-hush for now
01:01:40The ceremony was conducted at a church the priest signed and completed the marriage certificate
01:01:46Father Timothy O'Shea
01:01:51I now pronounce ye man and wife
01:01:55The masco from Mardi Gras I
01:01:58finally know her name
01:02:01Shit, that finally makes sense. Of course, you wouldn't knowingly become a bigamist
01:02:11What am I gonna tell her? Look it could still be one big mistake
01:02:16I need to talk to that priest
01:02:23I have something for you
01:02:33I hacked into the parish database
01:02:35Griffin Roy is legally married to both Michelle Lane and Shelby Trudeau
01:02:40That's it. He's finished
01:02:43Griffin Roy
01:02:44Will be in jail for bigamy for cocktail hour
01:02:48Michelle Lane is Shelby Trudeau. They're legally married to each other on two separate occasions. They just don't know it yet
01:02:56That's insane check the date they got married the first time during Mardi Gras
01:03:01Roy was obviously publicly intoxicated. We could use that ain't yeah, the romance is already trending
01:03:09He made an idiot of himself with that boombox and voters. Oh
01:03:13They're just eating it up
01:03:16He's catching up in the polls
01:03:18Now Roy unknowingly marries twice the girl he's been searching for since Mardi Gras
01:03:25This will make them seem like some faded love story
01:03:31This will make them seem like some faded love story
01:03:37We got nothing on him
01:03:39Honey, we've got everything we need
01:03:42What they don't know can definitely hurt them and right now to Griffin Roy
01:03:47Michelle Lane could be anybody
01:03:52You would have given Machiavelli a run for his money my dear
01:04:00Well, we have a very limited window to make this work we will hit hard
01:04:11What is she gonna say when I tell her I'm married
01:04:16All right, ladies good job, that's it for tonight remember this weekend's Mardi Gras
01:04:21Have fun, but you know what to do if anybody messes with you
01:04:25Nice work
01:04:36Two new students
01:04:39You're everything I've ever wanted everything I didn't even dare to dream you're it for me. I can't lose you
01:04:47Griffin are you okay?
01:04:50Yeah, just some stuff for the campaign I
01:04:56Want to help the Roche can't win he and Isabel are evil you're the kind of man that people need I
01:05:03Can't imagine anyone else by myself. I'll come by the campaign office tomorrow
01:05:08We will plan a siege
01:05:12That sounds amazing show
01:05:22Father I
01:05:26Remember the two of you you had it lad that special spark I
01:05:31Don't see it often in couples, but when I do it makes an impression
01:05:36You must be mistaken this woman
01:05:38And I we'd met that day and you were already finishing each other's sentences dying to tie the knot there was no stopping you
01:05:44I was drunk drunk with love
01:05:48The man I married knew what he was doing. I mean, how is this even legal New Orleans has?
01:05:5424-hour waiting period unless the judge waves it son of a bitch. Who was it? It was your best man
01:06:00You called him Remy Remy Cal
01:06:03that bastard
01:06:06No wonder he always had that stupid smirk on his face whenever I stood before him in court
01:06:13Fuck I
01:06:17Don't care I don't care we need to know the marriage now. I love my wife. You're in a bit of a pickle
01:06:24because in my book
01:06:26You love Joe the wife as well
01:06:32Sir mrs. Arise in your office with mr. Durand Shelby
01:06:41Griffin this is the woman you've been looking for this is Michelle Lane
01:06:47Hi Griffin, you might not remember me, but we got married three years ago
01:06:58You've been an escort for seven years
01:07:00That's right since high school and that really is your toddler my baby girl Fleur. She has no daddy. This will be good for her
01:07:12If I may ask how will she pass the DNA test that is the least of your worries, all right chop-chop
01:07:24Now action
01:07:28Hi Griffin
01:07:30You might not remember me, but we got married three years ago
01:07:34It was Mardi Gras. We were completely wasted and we ended up in some church with an Irish priest
01:07:40We had a wild night at the hotel and well
01:07:44Fleur was the happy accident nine months later
01:07:50It can't be true
01:07:52I've never met you in my life. I mean you were wearing masks. Yes, that's right. We were
01:07:57By the time I found that I was pregnant two months had passed
01:08:01I've been trying to find you ever since but it wasn't until I saw one of your ads for Congress that I recognized your voice
01:08:07It was a miracle
01:08:09It's too much. She's losing him
01:08:11Tone it down. Tone it down
01:08:17Listen lady, I don't know who you're trying to con with this act Griffin don't
01:08:22But there is no way in hell that I'm married to
01:08:26What's going on Griffin?
01:08:29Is this woman really your wife
01:08:35No, she's not we don't know which is it you were my wife only you I
01:08:44Understand this is a lot to take in Fleur and I will just go I'll have my lawyer reach out. No, no lawyers
01:08:52We don't need to involve any authorities
01:08:54This can all be solved with a simple DNA test Pierce
01:08:59This woman is a fraud Griffin. Think about it
01:09:02She says Fleur is your daughter one little test and that'll prove if she's lying or not. We need to know Griffin. I
01:09:09Need to know
01:09:12Fine but I don't want these doubts to fester we can rush the DNA results and get him back in a few hours
01:09:18Might I suggest a more private setting
01:09:21Less eyes understood we can wait back at my house for the results come
01:09:32We've got him you're up
01:10:05Do kid
01:10:09Just don't
01:10:11Shelby go upstairs
01:10:13fed them snacks and then
01:10:16locked herself in the guest room I
01:10:18I can't lose her Pierce. I won't
01:10:33Moment of truth, buddy
01:10:57Will of course provide for you both financially Fleur doesn't need a checkbook. She needs a father
01:11:22What do you want the guest bedroom is empty you and Fleur can stay there
01:11:34Don't do this
01:11:35Just give me some time. I can fix it
01:11:39This isn't something you fix
01:11:41You can't be legally married to two women at the same time and you have a child with one of them
01:11:48We need to get a divorce
01:11:53She's right Griff
01:11:56Daughter now, you're a father and you have to put your child first. I
01:12:02Can't be Marco, I won't do that to another little girl
01:12:07I've spent my whole life looking for you
01:12:13How can I let you go
01:12:18Sometimes love isn't enough
01:12:24How'd you know Shelby would leave him because the kid Shelby's dedicated her life to saving people
01:12:29It's not in her nature to put herself first. Oh
01:12:33You're a scary woman. I know
01:12:51This is what it feels like to have your heart shattered
01:13:45That's strange I thought I heard something
01:14:18It's like she was never here
01:14:33Hey mister
01:14:36Marry me
01:14:38She took everything but left this behind
01:14:42message received Shelby
01:14:57Know this sounds crazy and there's no time to explain
01:15:00But if you help me, I promise a generous reward once I get my inheritance. This place is insane
01:15:06The owner must really trust you
01:15:12Could it be
01:15:24It's her it's always been her
01:15:32Yeah, it went better than I expected as soon as you saw the forged DNA test it was a done deal
01:15:36Who is she working for? How long am I supposed to stay here while you take care of Shelby? Give me a name
01:15:42Come on, just one name
01:15:44Mrs. Laroche that's cutting it close. I want to be long gone when he finds out she's dead
01:15:51Where is Shelby, where's my wife?
01:15:54Where is this about taking I don't know what you're talking about
01:15:57I will have you put away for the rest of your life and your daughter will go up in a fucking orphanage. I
01:16:04Don't know where she is. If I knew I'd tell you I swear
01:16:20What is wrong with me
01:16:27Somebody help
01:16:30Do you need some water? Oh wait, I see you've already had some
01:16:35You poisoned me. Why?
01:16:42Where'd it begin?
01:16:45Lingering high school issues offs. I'm helping Neville's campaign duh
01:16:51But the real reason the one that cuts deep is to make Griffin Roy think he's a bigamist
01:16:58By the time he figures out he married the same woman twice. He'll have gone missing vanished without a trace
01:17:07He'll be forced to withdraw from the race
01:17:10Later when an anonymous tip tells the police where to find your body
01:17:14Suspicion will follow Griffin for the rest of his life
01:17:17Any political future he may have had will be as dead as you not
01:17:23back up
01:17:25Married twice
01:17:28Who's the
01:17:31The woman in the little girl Oh
01:17:34Just some cheap whore. I hired to tell your husband that they've been married for the past three years
01:17:39When really?
01:17:41It's been you all along
01:17:43You've been searching for each other all this time
01:17:47But now he'll never find you
01:17:50All right boys, she's all yours
01:17:58I told you I'd get you back
01:18:06Miss Tudor
01:18:07Why are you here? My daughter my my baby CC. I'm scared. She's gonna do something terrible
01:18:14What do you mean terrible what's going on I sold
01:18:18Everything to get her out on bail and you know, what does she do in return? She's she's gone crazy
01:18:25Stoking Shelby. She tailed her to some
01:18:30hotel in the French Quarter
01:18:32What hotel?
01:18:34Excuse me, sir. My sister's staying here, but I've forgotten her room number. It's Shelby Trudeau. Sorry, ma'am
01:18:41We can't disclose any guest information
01:18:51Shelby come out come out wherever you are
01:19:06Think I'll do with my bare hands
01:19:08Make some more personal
01:19:11Actually do me a favor leave a lot of marks on that base of hers
01:19:17Fuck you. I want people to see that she suffered a lot. Oh, trust me
01:19:23She will
01:19:24Come on, let's get this party started
01:19:41Look what you've done
01:19:46Pansy-ass slap
01:19:49She's stalling and you're falling for it
01:19:52Damn, you can't go to the valet smelling like a dive bar. I'll never give you your car keys
01:19:58Shelby has clothes over there
01:20:02I'll take care of me you go take care of her
01:20:11Now the Griffin Shelby Trudeau changed her name to Michelle Lane it was after her parents divorced at her mother's request
01:20:17She only returned to her original name after her mother passed three years ago
01:20:25Starting to make sense now
01:20:27It was harder on my mom
01:20:29She didn't want anything to do with him. So I cut him off to
01:20:32He even started using my mom's maiden name
01:20:35She's the one you've been looking for. It's been her all this time. How could it be so blind?
01:20:41Of course had to be Shelby had to be her
01:20:44My heart knew what my brain couldn't see I got it your girls in room 801
01:20:52Thanks, man now I can go save the love of my life
01:21:02Too much to drink
01:21:11Stop right there
01:21:17Not so fast
01:21:20Griffin fucking Roy
01:21:23Finally joined the party. I'm here for my wife
01:21:27Not gonna happen, but ah what you've done here is aggravated assault. But if you leave this hotel with her, it's kidnapping
01:21:35That is a federal crime. They'll bring in the FBI
01:21:39Hmm someone will have to be around to identify us that sure as I won't be you
01:21:46Did you get all that Pierce police are on their way hang in there buddy
01:21:52You're not getting out of here alive Roy
01:22:30Show me you're right
01:23:07Griff my god, do you need medical attention? No, but they do
01:23:21Guess I renewed my man card sure did honey fucked him up real good. Oh
01:23:29Lord please tell me there's something other than fatigues and combat boots in this thing
01:23:43You little bitch did not say I'd come back here and settle the score
01:23:50That's not Shelby
01:23:54Put your hands up where I can see him
01:24:02I want to make a deal. What do you have to offer up congressman? Never the Roche. I'm all ears
01:24:15Is it really over yeah it is
01:24:20Griffin Isabel said something and I want to believe it but three years ago. Did we
01:24:29You left us
01:24:38It's true
01:24:41Can't believe I finally found you I looked for you in the face of every woman I ever met
01:24:48Why'd you never come back
01:25:06It's called a walk of shame not a life of it
01:25:09Mind your own business CC. Look at you Shelby one Mardi Gras hookup, and you think you found happily ever after
01:25:17That's not how life works
01:25:19Sure, he may have liked you with a mask on but he's not gonna want you with it off
01:25:25Look you both have a great memory now, but you'll look back and you'll see that you're just the clueless chick who didn't know the score
01:25:34You'll embarrass yourself and more importantly you'll embarrass him I
01:25:43Waited in that hotel for two days
01:25:46I'm sorry. I let her get to me
01:25:49But to be honest what we had seemed too good to be true
01:25:52How often the people fall in love with someone without ever seeing their face?
01:26:01But I did
01:26:02That do
01:26:04Where do we go from here?
01:26:06Married twice deeply in love risked our lives to save each other. I'd say we live happily ever after
01:26:17Shelby will you yes the Griffin Roy?
01:26:24I will always love you in this life for the next
01:26:33Every part of me
01:26:40Stay in your lane do what you're told and get paid. That's it
01:26:44I told you I'm not doing the clinical trial and we don't have that kind of money
01:26:51Relationship you're firing me until you get married to produce an heir who are relieved of your CEO duties
01:26:58So phase one introduce me to your grandfather as your girlfriend. You're gonna really need to buy it
01:27:05If his grandpa sees through a little act I can kiss the money. Goodbye
01:27:15Do you think your grandpa bought the fake proposal
01:27:19We're pretty convincing I'm doing this for my sister, but gosh, it's so hot
01:27:27There's a lot of stuff that needs to happen before we get to the the baby
01:27:31I'm sorry. I want this to be real so I can appear you
01:27:44Need this girl to be classy. Most importantly she needs to be educated
01:27:49She needs to be able to hold a conversation and not embarrass herself in front of a crowd
01:27:54Do you have a girl like that for me? Mr. Bead? I can find you any girl you need
01:28:00For the right price
01:28:03Of course how much
01:28:07So, let me get this straight
01:28:09You need a girl who can fake marry you for one year
01:28:12Move into your mansion and play wife and on top of all that give you a baby, right? No love no sex
01:28:19No, sir
