• 2 months ago
It is the year After Colony 196, and the battles between Earth and the space colonies have ended. Treize Khushrenada is dead and OZ has come to an end. This gives birth to the Earth Sphere Unified Nation (ESUN) and the Preventers. Seeing they won't be needed anymore, the Gundam pilots (except Chang Wufei) send their suits into the sun. However, this peace would not last, for a rebellion occurs on the newly completed colony, L3 X-18999. Led by seven-year-old Mariemaia Khushrenada, Treize's illegitimate daughter, the rebellion kidnaps Relena Darlian, now the Vice Foreign Minister of the ESUN, during a diplomatic mission to X-18999. As the Gundam pilots investigate further, they discover that Mariemaia is merely a puppet controlled by her grandfather Dekim Barton, a former advisor to martyred colony leader Heero Yuy, who is using X-18999 to go through with the original Operation Meteor, as a contingency plan in case the ESUN doesn't comply. The Gundam pilots must prevent Dekim from seizing power over the ESUN. The Gundams are retrieved from their course to sun to Earth's orbit thanks to Quatre and the Maganacs. The pilots use their Gundams one last time to fight against Dekim's forces, not killing anyone. In the end, Dekim is killed by one of his own soldiers, Earth and its colonies are at peace once again and all mobile suits (including the Gundams) are forever destroyed and never seen again.
00:01:25year after Colony 195. This year, a group of colony citizens hostile toward the Alliance
00:01:32sent young men to Earth on five Gundams. The project name was Operation Meteor. At the
00:01:40end of an intricate battle, the sole revolutionist leader, Tres Kushranada, took on the task
00:01:47of being the one to close the curtain on an era and died in battle. That gave way to the
00:01:53birth of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. After Colony 196, battle weapons no longer
00:02:00exist in the Earth Sphere. However, as long as mankind exists, there will always be battles.
00:02:08Gundam Wings, Endless Waltz, Special Edition.
00:02:24This is Water. I've confirmed our target. I've locked on. Neo-Titanium? How in the world
00:02:35did this get here, I wonder? So, as long as this peace continues, there's no need for
00:03:00It's tough parting with them. No, it's okay. Well, let's hurry up and send it into the
00:03:07sun with this disposal block. Right. I'm gonna miss you, Sandrock. See you later, old
00:03:35buddy. So, Wufei didn't bring his after all. No, he didn't. Hiro and Troa sent their Gundams
00:03:47to me right away. Well, I wonder how everyone's doing. At the Natural Resource Satellite,
00:03:58a ceremony was being held to mark the first anniversary to the end of the war. One year
00:04:07ago, people did not have the peace of mind to enjoy Christmas. Things sure have changed. We
00:04:12are here to remember the many lives that were lost and sacrificed as a result of a foolish war.
00:04:18However, those soldiers' lives were not lost in vain. And that is because those brave souls
00:04:25have taught us valuable lessons and left us a legacy to reflect on for the future. And then,
00:04:32finally, we have been able to attain peace. Those many precious lives... The President doesn't get
00:04:41it. It is a little more difficult to maintain the peace than it is to attain it. Oh, he understands
00:04:47it. Otherwise, the government wouldn't be financially supporting us preventers. He's
00:04:53pretty smart for a person who was elected democratically. Sure you don't need to be at
00:05:00the ceremony? The preventers only put out fires. These ceremonies don't suit us. What's wrong?
00:05:07There's a possibility that the Neo Titanium is from the 13th constellation. By that,
00:05:12you mean a new mobile suit model, right? I'm using a number of sources to quickly
00:05:17determine where it's from. We've got to put out this fire while it's still small.
00:05:22However, this is not going to be as easy as our last few missions were. Yeah, you're right.
00:05:28As you're aware, it's been only seven years since our colony, L3X18999, was completed. We've invited
00:05:49people from Earth to come and live here, but our unstable economy is preventing the population from
00:05:54growing. The problem's whether the citizens understand that they are all members of the
00:06:00Earth Sphere Unified Nation. With the view that it's okay as long as their own colony is doing
00:06:05fine, one cannot expect a stable lifestyle. But we have been told that many citizens here are hoping
00:06:11for a strong leader to rise up and guide them. Someone like yourself, Vice Foreign Minister
00:06:17Dorlin. Hmm. That's really a shame. After finally attaining true peace and, uh, freedom.
00:06:32Be very gentle with her. Sir. Yes, sir. So we've all learned from the lessons of the past, and we can look forward to a future that will benefit us now. Those that lack leadership ability should leave the room and make way for those that have. It is our sincere wish that this peace will last forever.
00:07:02There's nothing wrong with wishing for peace, but the question is, is humanity ready for it? Then I guess we'll just have to teach them how to deal with it, won't we, Dakem? That would be correct, Miss Marimaya. My father entrusted me with these Christmas presents. I've got to deliver them to the people.
00:07:33I just can't believe how small the crowd is today. It looks like this colony has other means of entertainment. Other means of entertainment? Well, what do you mean by that? I'm gonna look into it.
00:07:53Huh? Troa? Huh? Troa!
00:08:01The Barton Foundation. I guess he hasn't given up yet. Or maybe it's Leia's daughter. I think her name was Marimaya.
00:08:31Hey, no name! I'll show you something I've never shown anyone. Her name is Marimaya, and she's my sister's daughter. She's gonna be the leader of Earth after we conquer it.
00:09:02Marimaya Barton, born after Colony 189. Mother, Lisa Barton. Deceased just two years after her birth. Father unknown.
00:09:13It's Christmas, yet there's always someone who gets stuck working. You know, I had no idea Troa had a niece.
00:09:21So the records say. But the Troa we know isn't the real Troa Barton.
00:09:25Right. I almost forgot. You going?
00:09:31Yeah. Rulina's been kidnapped.
00:09:36Anything at all for the one you love.
00:09:40Comrades! The time has come to stand up for Miss Marimaya!
00:09:46We deeply thank you for all your efforts to tolerate the intolerable and bear the unbearable over this past year!
00:09:53As of today, you are starting on the road to glory!
00:09:58The awakening of a new humanity will be triggered by the soldiers of Marimaya, and we shall be the symbol of hope for the people.
00:10:06But before we start, we must destroy the enemy!
00:10:14Troa Barton, proceed to the front!
00:10:24Hold it!
00:10:26Huh? Wufei?
00:10:35This is Water. Use secret lines D to R to respond.
00:10:39This is Fire. The line is secured. Please go ahead.
00:10:43I found out where the fire started.
00:10:46Is it L3?
00:10:48You know, your instincts still amaze me.
00:10:50It wasn't hard to figure out, considering the area's searched.
00:10:54Were you able to determine which colony it is?
00:10:57It's the new colony, X18999.
00:11:00Who's the leader?
00:11:02Marimaya Barton.
00:11:07As we feared, we were too late.
00:11:10I expect them to declare independence or war against Earth within a few hours.
00:11:15And the bad news doesn't end there.
00:11:17What is it?
00:11:18Vice Foreign Minister Dorlin has been missing since her last official visit to X18999.
00:11:24Miss Relina?
00:11:26I think we'd better hurry.
00:11:28Very well. We'll change our rendezvous point.
00:11:47Did you have a good sleep?
00:11:50Who are you?
00:11:56Have you been caught as well?
00:11:58No. I'm the one that ordered them to bring you here.
00:12:02What are you talking about?
00:12:04My name is Marimaya Kushinada.
00:12:07The daughter of Tres Kushinada.
00:12:10You must be joking.
00:12:12This is no joke. It's already been proven through DNA testing.
00:12:16But that's...
00:12:18I'm told that there's an adult world that children do not understand.
00:12:21So I can't begin to explain why I have come to live in this world.
00:12:25But accepting the facts as they are, I fully intend to carry out my father's wishes.
00:12:30I have no idea who's been telling you these kinds of stories, but you are mistaken.
00:12:35Watch yourself!
00:12:37Watch your language!
00:12:39I've been chosen to lead the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
00:12:42I won't allow rude comments.
00:12:48It's nothing. You may leave now.
00:12:55This room is being constantly monitored, Rilina.
00:12:59So please don't try anything suspicious now.
00:13:03I am meeting you like this out of respect for the fact that you were once the person known as Queen Rilina.
00:13:09Please be more careful in the future.
00:13:12Then let me ask you this. What do you plan to do with me now?
00:13:16Don't worry. You'll find out soon enough.
00:13:39What do you plan on doing?
00:13:41I'm supposed to be going to X-18999 with Hiro.
00:13:47I'm pretty sure we're gonna have a blast of a party while we're there.
00:13:51Without the Gundams?
00:13:52Have you forgotten we no longer have our Gundams?
00:13:56Hiro says that really makes no difference.
00:13:59But, but still...
00:14:01Hey, don't worry. We don't even know who the enemy is yet.
00:14:05And besides, there might not even be a need for our Gundams.
00:14:12Even if it does become a mobile suit battle, we could just steal a couple of their mobile suits and fight back.
00:14:18If you leave him alone, Catra always takes the blame himself for everything.
00:14:23I wouldn't be surprised if one day he starts saying that his lack of effort is the reason there's no air in outer space.
00:14:35We're faced with great danger.
00:14:38And I've taken away the only means to counter this situation from everyone.
00:14:43Duo, I'm counting on you.
00:14:46Duo, I'm going out to get our Gundams back.
00:14:49What? But we've already disposed of them into the sun.
00:14:53If I left now, I would still be able to get them in time.
00:14:58Okay. Well then, good luck.
00:15:01It's going to be impossible to communicate in real time, so let's contact each other regularly by mail.
00:15:07Roger. Have a safe trip.
00:15:10And that goes for you too.
00:15:15Are we done?
00:15:17The docking is now complete.
00:15:19But the direction controls are extremely delicate.
00:15:22I'll have you pilot the spacecraft.
00:15:24Yeah? No sweat.
00:15:30I'm so grateful to have you people accompany me, Rashid.
00:15:34No mention it, Master Catra.
00:15:36It's all my fault.
00:15:38It's all my fault.
00:15:39I'm so grateful to have you people accompany me, Rashid.
00:15:42No mention it, Master Catra.
00:15:44It's all my fault.
00:15:46If I hadn't mentioned sending the Gundams into the sun, this wouldn't have happened.
00:15:51You couldn't possibly have predicted this kind of thing would happen.
00:15:55Right now, let's just concentrate on the immediate problem.
00:15:58Yes, you're quite right.
00:16:00Master Catra, do you think we can still catch up to the Gundam disposal block?
00:16:03The block is more than 50 days away from the orbit of Venus.
00:16:07With this interplanetary transport ship, we should barely be able to catch up to it.
00:16:12Don't worry. Everything will work out just fine.
00:16:15Yeah, we wouldn't want to return just to find that there's no more Earth.
00:16:19It all depends on us.
00:16:22We must retrieve the Gundams at all costs.
00:16:33Looks like I'm back to being the god of death.
00:17:03So long, old buddy.
00:17:13What happened?
00:17:15Why won't it explode?
00:17:17What did I do wrong?
00:17:23Death Scythe is an excellent piece of art.
00:17:26Think of a better way to use it.
00:17:29Death Scythe is an excellent piece of art.
00:17:32Think of a better way to use it than destroying it.
00:17:35I'm not about to have my buddy here used as a tool for a massacre.
00:17:43I see you were planning to kill me after you destroyed Death Scythe.
00:17:47I was going to kill everyone here, including myself.
00:17:51If it meant peace for this colony, I'd be the god of death any day.
00:17:55If you're prepared to go that far, try and outwit me.
00:17:59Duo, why don't you steal Death Scythe?
00:18:03Take it to Earth now. Just ignore Operation Meteor.
00:18:08There's a man called Howard on the Pacific Ocean.
00:18:11You can rely on him.
00:18:13Of course, go as the god of death.
00:18:17The god of death.
00:18:19Well, it's a lot better than being the hero of a massacre.
00:18:25We went through all that trouble just to obtain peace.
00:18:29Now somebody's got to help maintain it, right?
00:18:33Huh? Hero?
00:18:36If you wanted to sleep, why didn't you say so?
00:19:00Hi there. Are you lost?
00:19:04I said, are you lost?
00:19:07I've been lost ever since the day I was born.
00:19:10Oh, that's so sad.
00:19:13Well, I'm not lost at all. I'm taking Mary out for a walk.
00:19:21Here, I'll give you this flower.
00:19:24Here, I'll give you this flower.
00:19:30Hey! Wait for me, Mary!
00:19:49Mission complete.
00:19:53Mission complete.
00:20:23Mission complete.
00:20:53Mission complete.
00:21:11That's ludicrous. You're suggesting the use of a Gundam as a tool for massacre?
00:21:16This is war!
00:21:18It is no big deal, sacrificing the general public. Got it?
00:21:23I'll retrain him at once.
00:21:25Humane feeling of kindness is unnecessary for our weapon.
00:21:30You're right there.
00:21:32But do you really believe Hiro Yui would be pleased if we buried his humanity?
00:21:40Hiro! Hey, Hiro! Wake up, Hiro!
00:21:45What is it?
00:21:47That little girl is just about to issue a statement.
00:21:50We at Colony L3X18999 hereby wish to declare our independence from the Earth Sphere Unified Nation
00:22:00and at the same time declare war against the nation.
00:22:04My name is Marimea Kushranada. I'm the daughter of Tres Kushranada.
00:22:10What'd she say? His daughter?
00:22:12I'm carrying out my father's will.
00:22:15It is in the human consciousness to fight.
00:22:20But how could you have let this happen? Why couldn't you have prevented this ahead of time?
00:22:26I already reported on this matter the other day, sir.
00:22:29I know that, but your department is getting sufficient funds to prevent this exact kind of situation.
00:22:35I understand, and we're doing everything we can to stop this from progressing.
00:22:40However, it appears that they had prepared for this extensively even before our department was ever formed.
00:22:50I can stand here and make excuses all day,
00:22:54but the question still remains whether or not we can stop their aggression without some help.
00:23:00Huh? Who is it?
00:23:02Excuse me.
00:23:04Why, you're...
00:23:06I've come to ask for a code name.
00:23:08If I may suggest, I'd like the name Wind, appropriate for one who puts out fires.
00:23:16We're almost in the L3 area. And how do you suggest we get in?
00:23:21We could take over a couple of mobile suits, but there's a strong possibility we'd be targeted while we're boarding it.
00:23:27Then we'll have to fly straight through.
00:23:29It's the only way.
00:23:31Man, this time try to use your head a bit, will ya?
00:23:35Same to you.
00:23:37There's an unidentified shuttle ahead of us. It's flying straight into the troop of mobile suits.
00:23:42To the shuttle ahead of us, come in. This is a danger zone. Retreat now.
00:23:47Yo. Long time no see.
00:23:49Duo? And Hiro?
00:23:51Looks like they're gonna have quite a Christmas party there, so, you know, we thought we'd just give them a little present.
00:23:57No way! Not without your Gundams. How are you going to retaliate?
00:24:01Oh, we'll think of something. That is, if we can get to the colony.
00:24:05Duo, Hiro, why don't you join forces with us one more time?
00:24:09I'll think about it when the time comes.
00:24:12See ya. We don't want to be the last ones at the party now, do we?
00:24:16Yes, but don't blame us if they've run out of treats.
00:24:20They haven't changed.
00:24:22Sally, we'll have to contain the Tauruses ourselves. We'll just direct their attention toward us.
00:24:27Okay. We're backing them up after all.
00:24:30Yes, but right now we're depending on them.
00:24:33Yes, but that's what's so reassuring.
00:24:42How's this for some shuttle maneuvering?
00:24:45I was counting on those skills right from the beginning.
00:24:48That's satisfying to hear.
00:25:12Hold on tight, man. I'm going in.
00:25:42Out of my way!
00:26:13I'm surprised they were able to keep this many mobile suits intact.
00:26:34Staying here will only work to our disadvantage.
00:26:38Destroy all that you can.
00:26:39Then escape. Proceed at your own discretion.
00:26:50It's a new mob!
00:26:58Man, this guy's pretty good.
00:27:03Hey, I know this.
00:27:05I know this style of combat.
00:27:08I know this style of combat.
00:27:16No question now. Tro is in that suit.
00:27:19Well, take this!
00:27:38I've always wanted to have a chance to fight you like this.
00:27:49What's going on, Wolf Bay?
00:27:51Are you guys doing the right thing?
00:27:59I'm asking if you guys are doing the right thing.
00:28:03I'm asking if you guys are doing the right thing.
00:28:12Wolf Bay, press the detonation switch.
00:28:14Wolf Bay, press the detonation switch.
00:28:31I'll say it again. Press the button.
00:28:44Troa! Why have you betrayed us?
00:28:48You've got the wrong guy. I'm not Troa.
00:28:52You're not serious!
00:29:00So this will end everything, will it?
00:29:19I am not Troa.
00:29:21I am a nameless soldier that has been in the battlefield from as far back as I can remember.
00:29:32The first time I met this man called Troa was when I was helping with adjustments to heavy arms.
00:29:38What's this all about? Why are we limiting all of our attacks to Oz?
00:29:42If we proceed with Operation Meteor, two billion people will die.
00:29:46Troa, don't you think this is going too far just for revenge on Hiroyuui?
00:29:51The purpose of this plan is not revenge!
00:29:54The purpose of the plan is for the colonies to conquer Earth, all for the awakenings of a new mankind!
00:30:00That certainly sounds like something Daikim of the Barton Foundation would think of.
00:30:04I see. You guys have something against that, don't you?
00:30:07You're jealous that my father and us members of the Barton Foundation will rule the Earth Sphere!
00:30:13Where are you going? Troa!
00:30:15I'm telling this to my father.
00:30:18Just watch me. I'll proceed with Operation Meteor if I must do so myself.
00:30:29Now you've done it.
00:30:31I'm sorry, but I have a family on Earth, so...
00:30:34What's that? Who's there?
00:30:38I have no name. If you must call me something, just call me No-Name.
00:30:42Were you watching us?
00:30:44I'll understand if you want to kill me, but I must tell you I might retaliate.
00:30:49No, stop. Sooner or later they'll find out about this anyway.
00:30:52There's no use trying to hide the facts now.
00:30:55Hmph. You're giving up too easily.
00:30:58I was feeling insecure without a name. I wouldn't mind taking his name.
00:31:02What on Earth are you talking about?
00:31:05It seems clear to me that I would be best suited for the battlefields.
00:31:08Are you saying you'll pilot this Gundam suit Heavy Arms?
00:31:12Yes, I've become fond of this suit.
00:31:14But I have absolutely no interest in conquering Earth.
00:31:20Why not? As of this moment, your name is Troa Barton.
00:31:24You are now in charge of Operation Meteor.
00:31:27I understand.
00:32:10Man, couldn't he have taken it a little easier?
00:32:23At this rate, it'll take us five more days before we rendezvous with the Resources Disposal Satellite.
00:32:29However, we could reduce our time by up to 80 hours by taking this course.
00:32:35That's great. Then let's take that course.
00:32:38Considering the fuel needed to accelerate now and decelerate at the rendezvous point,
00:32:42with that course, we'd be out of propelling power by the time we got there.
00:32:46But then there's no way to get back, is there?
00:32:49No, there is a way to get back.
00:32:51If we detonated the power furnace and used the explosion as our propelling force,
00:32:56the ship can return to Earth in no time.
00:32:58We'd fly the ship to Venus and use the catapult effect of its gravity to hurl us toward Earth.
00:33:04Our main problem is the time we have at the rendezvous point.
00:33:07Calculations indicate this ship will run alongside the satellite for only five seconds.
00:33:12The question is, how many can we get on in five seconds?
00:33:15We can't avoid some danger.
00:33:18Since Duo's periodic message hasn't come, it's likely things are becoming more serious back there.
00:33:24Okay, then it's decided.
00:33:26The satellite team will consist of Abdul, myself, and...
00:33:29No, I will be going alone.
00:33:31But Master Catra...
00:33:32But please, take us with you, Master Catra!
00:33:36Rashid, start the booster one last time.
00:33:39Master Catra, I want you to know that every one of us is ready to give our lives up for you at any time.
00:33:47There is nothing more precious than life in this universe.
00:33:51Sandrock made that point clear to me.
00:34:06The Taurus troops ahead of us are currently heading towards the relay station.
00:34:10They're taking a roundabout route, but their destination still does appear to be Earth.
00:34:15A Preventer cruiser will be here from the Moon Base shortly.
00:34:18I'm sure we'll be able to buy a little time when they arrive.
00:34:22Any word from Hito and Duo?
00:34:27Sally, were you able to confirm any new types of mobile suits in the last battle?
00:34:32No, but I think they were all Taurus and Space Leo suits.
00:34:35We've been taking them too lightly.
00:34:38Just as I thought.
00:34:39The heat detector shows nothing.
00:34:41So those troops are primarily mobile dolls.
00:34:45That means the main troops with the new mobile suits are deployed somewhere else.
00:34:49Quite an extensive operation.
00:34:51Then where could the main troops be?
00:34:53I don't know, but we'll leave this area.
00:34:55Contact Earth about it at once.
00:35:06Those people have no idea what Marti Mea is going to do to them.
00:35:14But with the world's lack of strength to retaliate,
00:35:17she won't need five minutes to take political control.
00:35:21What would you do in this situation, Mr. Trayton?
00:35:24I don't know.
00:35:26I don't know.
00:35:28I don't know.
00:35:30I don't know.
00:35:32I don't know.
00:35:34What's the situation, Mr. Trace?
00:35:39We found the resource disposal satellite.
00:35:42We've got about 180 minutes before we reach it.
00:35:45I'm almost there, Sandrock.
00:35:50That's right.
00:35:51It's been installed in Sandrock.
00:35:53For confidentiality protection?
00:35:55No, that's not the reason.
00:35:57It's expected that anyone having considerable power should be prepared.
00:36:01But I don't quite understand.
00:36:03I guess not.
00:36:05That's fine for now.
00:36:08An order from the Organization?
00:36:10Yeah, but forget this thing.
00:36:14Catra, fight as your heart tells you to.
00:36:19And use the self-detonating device only when you feel you have to.
00:36:34I can't take away his kindness and sincerity.
00:36:37Although this may end up being a crueler destiny for him than Operation Meteor.
00:37:00My calculations are accurate, after all.
00:37:02Unlike those of Cairns.
00:37:14Say that you rule the Earth Sphere.
00:37:16Are you sure you'd be carrying on Trace's...
00:37:18I mean, your father's will by going through with this?
00:37:21You've got it all wrong.
00:37:23I just want to be victorious.
00:37:25In that case, you'll have to decide for yourself the deeper meaning of what it is to fight.
00:37:30Miss Rilina, don't make me repeat myself.
00:37:34I will not allow rude comments from you.
00:37:40There's no way we can catch that.
00:37:45They're heading toward the spaceport.
00:37:47They seem to be in an awful rush for somebody going to Earth.
00:37:50That's because they're planning to escape.
00:37:54Then why did they even bother to take over this place?
00:37:58Come on, Hiro. Remember, she is Trace's daughter, after all.
00:38:03I'm more concerned about the man known as Dakin.
00:38:06I remember the name Dakin Barton from somewhere.
00:38:08They can't be serious.
00:38:10They're really planning to go ahead with Operation Meteor.
00:38:13Yeah, but I'll do all I can to stop them.
00:38:17Master Catra, we'll reach the Resource Disposal Satellite in 20 seconds.
00:38:21All right, then.
00:38:23If it appears too dangerous, get back into the ship.
00:38:27Yeah, sure.
00:38:29It's here!
00:38:47Commencing countdown.
00:38:498... 7... 6...
00:38:525... 4... 3... 2...
00:38:571... 0...
00:39:12Master Catra!
00:39:14Master Catra!
00:39:22I'm... I'm okay.
00:39:24I've safely arrived on the satellite.
00:39:29Take care, everyone.
00:39:31Say hi to the Goddess of Venus.
00:39:35The air remaining on the ship has kept the increase in temperatures to a minimum,
00:39:40but it's still hotter than the desert in here!
00:39:49Hi. So we meet again.
00:39:52Hi. So we meet again.
00:39:57Hi. So we meet again.
00:40:08Preventer's cruiser has changed its course,
00:40:11so they've realized what's happening.
00:40:13But it's too late now.
00:40:15By the time they arrive at this Natural Resource Satellite,
00:40:18the ruler of Earth's sphere will have changed already.
00:40:20Send out the separate troops now!
00:40:22Yes, sir.
00:40:23Open the Earth's side gate. At once.
00:40:37Unidentified mobile suit ahead!
00:40:39What's that?
00:40:40Checking the make of the mobile suit, sir.
00:40:43It's the Tallgeese!
00:40:45It's Treddy's?
00:40:46Can't be. Must be Zeg's.
00:40:49The Tallgeese is coming straight for us!
00:41:15Great. I read their actions perfectly.
00:41:19I guess there still is a place for someone who just can't get used to peace.
00:41:23The Serpent Suits can't fight back,
00:41:25wearing their atmosphere-shielding devices!
00:41:27Shall we have them take off the devices?
00:41:29There's no need for that.
00:41:31This is Preventer Wind calling.
00:41:34Zeg's Marquis!
00:41:36I thought you were dead.
00:41:38That's right, I was.
00:41:40But I find that I cannot quietly sleep in my grave,
00:41:43while Traze's spirit is still roaming among us.
00:41:47I had heard about you from Kanz.
00:41:50Dake and Barton, surrender and disarm yourselves at once.
00:41:55I dare you to shoot us down.
00:41:57You do.
00:41:58If you fire at us,
00:41:59you'll quickly realize that these Serpents are not the only card we're playing!
00:42:03Damn you.
00:42:04Did Kanz not tell you?
00:42:06I was the one who first created Operation Meteor.
00:42:11What? X18999?
00:42:16That's right!
00:42:17We can drop that colony any time we wish.
00:42:21If you continue to insist on getting in our way,
00:42:24we will drop X18999 onto Earth!
00:42:30You will surrender!
00:42:32Unlike Kanz, I have no intention of inviting you in to become our leader.
00:42:37But I'll be happy to consider you as a soldier under Mari Mea.
00:42:46Now then, Earth.
00:43:12Show me your true idea of justice.
00:43:15Drop the colony onto Earth?
00:43:17Stop this at once!
00:43:19There's no reason for doing this!
00:43:21Miss Rilina, please try to calm down.
00:43:24There should be no reason for that,
00:43:26so long as all of mankind will bow before me.
00:43:29Do you really believe the people will bow before you?
00:43:33I know they will,
00:43:34because in your role as the former Queen Rilina,
00:43:37you've entrusted me now with the highest possible position of the Earth Sphere.
00:43:41What do you mean?
00:43:42As the Vice Foreign Minister, you are very well trusted by the colonies.
00:43:46You have a much greater level of influential power over the people
00:43:49than even you yourself realize.
00:43:51And that's the reason why you abducted me.
00:43:54Now you've got the picture.
00:44:02The temperature in here is above 80 degrees.
00:44:05I'll just think of it as a big sauna.
00:44:13This had better work.
00:44:27Five, four...
00:44:30This angle should take it straight in Earth's direction.
00:44:52Well, it should get a little bit cooler now.
00:45:05Operation Meteor.
00:45:07That's what they called Gundam's descent to Earth.
00:45:09But it was initially something completely different.
00:45:13The rotation of a colony is increased.
00:45:16The balancing mechanism is then destroyed at the Lagrange point,
00:45:19throwing the colony toward Earth.
00:45:21As this causes chaos on Earth,
00:45:23the Gundams are sent to gain mastery.
00:45:25That's the general outline of the original Operation Meteor.
00:45:37What took you so long?
00:45:39How about that?
00:45:41Our objectives ended up being the same after all.
00:45:44Give me a hand.
00:45:45They've got quite an extensive lock on the system.
00:45:48It's taking me time to re-establish the colony's stability control.
00:45:51Whatever you say.
00:45:54We'd better hurry.
00:45:56They've already started sending in troops to Earth.
00:45:59I can't seem to delete the final lock.
00:46:01We'll have to reconnect the lines directly.
00:46:04Many friends that I worked with are on this colony.
00:46:07As soon as I realized that Dae Kim's plans
00:46:09were really the original Operation Meteor,
00:46:11this is all I could think of to stop him.
00:46:14But it's just taken me way too much time to get here.
00:46:17How about Wu Fei?
00:46:19Did he just become a Marimea soldier
00:46:21with the idea of blocking their plans?
00:46:23No, he hates such indirect approaches.
00:46:31Okay, we're done.
00:46:33This is Duo.
00:46:35Are you positive about that?
00:46:37You guys stopped Operation Meteor?
00:46:43This is Wind. I'm destroying MO3.
00:46:54You were a little late.
00:46:56See you again.
00:47:03Hiro, we were too late.
00:47:05Don't worry about it.
00:47:07At least we were able to save the colony.
00:47:09We have you completely surrounded.
00:47:11Come out with your hands up.
00:47:13It's over.
00:47:15Not necessarily.
00:47:17We've got to get out of here.
00:47:20It's over.
00:47:22Not necessarily.
00:47:24I got some mail from Catra.
00:47:26Hello, this is Catra.
00:47:28I have just redirected the Resource Disposal Satellite
00:47:31towards the Earth.
00:47:32It should reach the Earth's orbit
00:47:34within the next 24 hours.
00:47:36Hey, Duo, send Catra a message.
00:47:38Tell him to send Wing Zero
00:47:40in the HES-88 direction.
00:47:42Are you kidding?
00:47:44I'll pick up Wing Zero in space.
00:47:46It'll save time that way.
00:47:48Open the door! Open it now!
00:47:50Hiro, why don't you take the shuttle
00:47:52in the fourth hangar?
00:47:54Duo, I have another favor to ask you.
00:47:56What's the matter, huh?
00:47:58You're suddenly asking me all these favors.
00:48:00Hit me now.
00:48:02What? Have you gone crazy?
00:48:04Never mind! Tear down the door!
00:48:06Hurry up.
00:48:08Well, you asked for it.
00:48:10I'll give you my best punch.
00:48:12Why? Why?
00:48:14Why in the...
00:48:16For your own good.
00:48:18That's one for one.
00:48:20He's all yours now.
00:48:28Don't worry, I've already taken care of them.
00:48:32But they prevented the colony's instability.
00:48:34Hold it!
00:48:36Stop there!
00:48:38Hold it!
00:49:00Ah, Zex...
00:49:18Is that you, Nine?
00:49:22I've come to pick you up, Zex.
00:49:28So, Nine, how have you been doing?
00:49:34it's been one year and two days.
00:49:41after Colony 196.
00:49:43Marimeya's army
00:49:45has captured the presidential residence
00:49:47of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
00:49:49As snow continues to fall,
00:49:51peace on Earth
00:49:53has come to an end
00:49:55after one short year.
00:49:57And the Preventers,
00:49:59presently the world's only means of retaliation,
00:50:01were just too powerless
00:50:03to make a difference.
00:50:38The Preventers
00:50:40are now
00:50:42in the hands
00:50:44of the Preventers.
00:50:46The Preventers
00:50:48are now in the hands
00:50:50of the Preventers.
00:50:52The Preventers
00:50:54are now in the hands
00:50:56of the Preventers.
00:50:58The Preventers
00:51:00are now in the hands
00:51:02of the Preventers.
00:51:04The Preventers
00:51:06are now in the hands
00:51:08of the Preventers.
00:51:10The Preventers
00:51:12are now in the hands
00:51:14of the Preventers.
00:51:16The Preventers
00:51:18are now in the hands
00:51:20of the Preventers.
00:51:22The Preventers
00:51:24are now in the hands
00:51:26of the Preventers.
00:51:28The Preventers
00:51:30are now in the hands
00:51:32of the Preventers.
00:51:34The Preventers
00:51:36are now in the hands
00:51:38of the Preventers.
00:51:40The Preventers
00:51:42are now in the hands
00:51:44of the Preventers.
00:51:50like pets
00:51:52or mice
00:51:54are especially
00:52:53Closing gate 1, closing gate 2, closing gates 3 and 4, closing gates 5 and 6, Brussels Presidential
00:53:22Residence blockade complete.
00:53:26My castle is now completely protected.
00:53:29Don't you find it strange? Why should a shelter such as this be necessary in such a peaceful world with no weapons?
00:53:38History is much like an endless waltz.
00:53:42The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever.
00:53:47However, history will change upon the day of my coronation.
00:53:52The instant this year comes to an end, I will be on the top of the Earth's sphere and the dawn of a new age will arrive.
00:53:59I will rule the world.
00:54:14You're dropping this colony onto Earth?
00:54:17You're nuts! I will be piloting Nataku to get rid of the evils of the universe!
00:54:22The Alliance has already decided to dispose of this colony!
00:54:25Rather than just watch as it gets destroyed, it would be more worthwhile to go ahead with Operation Meteor.
00:54:30All we need to do is defeat the enemies that must be defeated!
00:54:37I will rid the Earth of all evil once and for all!
00:54:48There he is.
00:54:53I will not allow you to go to Earth!
00:55:05I will not allow you to go to Earth!
00:55:12Is this what you interpret as justice?
00:55:14I need to determine for myself whether or not peace at the expense of lives can really be defined as peace.
00:55:23And I will become evil itself to find out!
00:55:28Humanity did not change.
00:55:30Although all enemies were defeated, Earth did not change one bit!
00:55:52I will not allow you to go to Earth!
00:56:23What's wrong?
00:56:25Hey, what's this smoke?
00:56:28What is it?
00:56:36I'm sorry, I need to put you to sleep just for a moment.
00:56:39I'm sorry, I need to put you to sleep just for a moment.
00:56:51Are you all okay?
00:57:02Let's see, Catra should be here shortly.
00:57:09What the...
00:57:23Hey, you could have at least come to help me.
00:57:26There's nothing wrong with helping out a friend in need now, is there?
00:57:30I wasn't waiting for you, I've been waiting here for someone else.
00:57:34Sorry to keep you. All hostages have been rescued.
00:57:38Okay, let's go.
00:57:39Oh, I see. So this is who you meant.
00:57:42Well, thank you, Duo. You were kind enough to leave me plenty of good treats.
00:57:47If you're joking, that's cruel. But if you're being sarcastic, that's even worse.
00:58:08The more you fight, the more sacrifice for peace becomes a waste.
00:58:11The more you fight, the more sacrifice for peace becomes a waste.
00:58:13The more you fight, the more sacrifice for peace becomes a waste.
00:58:18You must have realized that.
00:58:31The war we fought is over.
00:58:33So are you saying that soldiers who know nothing but how to fight get discarded?
00:58:39Soldiers have fought to attain a sense of peace.
00:58:42Believe in the world we live in today.
00:58:48I'm acting for the people who are used as weapons.
00:58:51I'm fighting on behalf of all soldiers, including yourself.
00:58:57Right now, you and I are fighting like this.
00:58:59Isn't it true that you feel fulfilled as I do whenever you're engaged in a fight?
00:59:04You and I are the same. We are only able to acknowledge our existence in the battlefield.
00:59:14Just remember, Wufei, Trace is dead. You have already defeated him.
00:59:18You're wrong! I still continue to fight him, even now.
00:59:35Zex, the Brussels presidential residence is shield-protected.
00:59:39We can't even get to it.
00:59:41I realize that. But unless I do what I can, there's no one who's going to stand against them.
00:59:50Who are you waiting for?
00:59:52For those who hope for peace.
00:59:54If people allow Marimeya to do as she wishes,
00:59:56they'll end up giving birth to a second milliardo peace craft.
01:00:17Noi, you really don't have to stick around with me.
01:00:20Zex, I told you a year ago that I will never leave your side.
01:00:25I've waited all this time, and I simply can't wait any longer.
01:00:46I do not accept Rilina Peace Craft's ways.
01:00:49Her belief that peace is attained by throwing away weapons and confining soldiers is wrong.
01:00:54So that's why you're allowing Marimeya's autocracy?
01:00:57That's where the souls of those who fight gather!
01:01:01That may be okay for now, but Marimeya will end up repeating history.
01:01:06The history full of miserable battles.
01:01:09Unless we stop this process now, more soldiers like ourselves will become necessary.
01:01:15If that happens, history will continue to repeat itself.
01:01:20Wufei, tell me, how many more people must we kill?
01:01:30How many more times must I kill that girl and her dog?
01:01:40Zero will not tell me anything.
01:01:43Tell me, Wufei.
01:02:14Would an incident like that have to be repeated again?
01:02:23Are you both ready to go?
01:02:25Yeah, anytime you are.
01:02:27This is what Operation Meteor should be.
01:02:30Let's go now!
01:02:48Tallgeese and Taurus are now past our point D number 3 defenses.
01:02:52What can they do with only two suits?
01:02:54Send our counter-attack troops to point D!
01:02:56Yes, sir!
01:02:57It's beginning to look like a sibling reunion will be next to impossible this time.
01:03:04We are facing fools that are hopelessly retaliating against the new order.
01:03:09Consider how much meaning the lives that are likely to be lost will have.
01:03:15Grandpa, I thought there weren't going to be any more wars.
01:03:18I know.
01:03:21Then why are those people still having a war?
01:03:25Unfortunately, dear, not everybody in this world is as reasonable as you are.
01:03:32But in fact, the people are too reasonable.
01:03:35There are too few people who will retaliate against Marimea.
01:03:42Does she believe this is Trace's ideal?
01:03:45She doesn't realize she's merely a puppet controlled by Dekin.
01:04:24We've reached our limit.
01:04:36I'm not saying any goodbyes yet, Zex.
01:04:38Of course not, Noy.
01:04:47I'm glad we weren't too late.
01:04:55You two are truly impressive.
01:05:00You fought this many without killing one soldier.
01:05:03I'd be glad even if we could teach these people something.
01:05:18Let's only take the weapons and war itself along with us to hell.
01:05:25Ha ha ha!
01:05:38Around 250 left.
01:05:40That's 50 suits each.
01:05:42If we're just getting rid of the mobile suits, I'm sure we'll be able to manage it.
01:05:54How much longer do those kids intend to retaliate against me?
01:05:58Even if they did destroy the mobile suits, there's no way they can break through this shelter.
01:06:03What they're doing is meaningless.
01:06:09I've been running.
01:06:10What's the matter, Miss Rilina?
01:06:16I've been...
01:06:20I've been running from the truth.
01:06:27Everybody, please do not fear the image you're watching.
01:06:31Peace is not something that is given to you.
01:06:33Each person must...
01:06:36Hey, wasn't that...
01:06:37That was Queen Rilina!
01:06:40It's still much too early for your appearance to the people, Miss Former Queen.
01:06:47Are you guiding the public to battle?
01:06:49Aren't those actions against your policies of total pacifism?
01:06:53I no longer consider myself a peacecraft.
01:06:56What is needed now are the hearts that will hope for a peaceful world, and not a principle or an assertion.
01:07:10You people just going to continue sitting on your butts?
01:07:15Is Marimeya the master you have all been waiting for?
01:07:19Come on, why don't you wag your tails and run to her?
01:07:23Hey, you comparing us to dogs?
01:07:25Oh, pardon me. Let me correct myself.
01:07:29You're not the dogs that wag their tail in front of their master.
01:07:33In fact, you're the tail that gets wagged.
01:07:35Shut your mouth, lady!
01:07:36You're looking at a man that shot down five mobile suits in a war a year ago, so don't you be calling us names!
01:07:42That's funny. I see no men around here.
01:07:45The only men I know are either buried or always have their faces displayed up on that screen.
01:07:51What does she mean?
01:08:13Oh, no.
01:08:15This competition is just so sad.
01:08:18It's going to be over.
01:08:42I guess peace is not something that is just handed to us, right?
01:08:52I think we might have been mistaken.
01:08:54You're right. We should be fighting ourselves.
01:08:58Of course we won't have any weapons to fight with.
01:09:01Is that the responsibility given to us survivors?
01:09:04We must prove that we deserve this peace that we have worked so hard to obtain.
01:09:10We must confirm that we are worthy of this freedom!
01:09:15Okay, I'm going. I'm going to where Miss Relena is if anybody wants to follow.
01:09:20You mean now?
01:09:21Right now!
01:09:22But how, though?
01:09:23We'll find a way.
01:09:24I'm going, too. I can't just wait around and not do anything.
01:09:28Count me in, too. Anyone else, just follow us!
01:09:31Right. I'm ready to join you.
01:09:36It's time that we stood up for something!
01:09:38I guess I've got no choice.
01:09:41Well, let me give you all a ride on my transportation.
01:10:08Let's do this!
01:10:39Face this!
01:10:57Damn! They just keep coming all at once!
01:11:05Here I go!
01:11:23Looks like we're fighting another losing battle!
01:11:38What's going on?
01:12:08Zero, can you move?
01:12:24Sure. This'll be your final fight.
01:12:56Gundam pilots, you've done enough now.
01:12:58You must leave us and get out immediately.
01:13:00What? Get out?
01:13:03If we were fighting to kill, we would be done long ago.
01:13:08But if we did, then there'd be no meaning at all in our coming back here.
01:13:13But at this rate, you'd die in vain!
01:13:18If we'd planned on retreating, we'd have been gone.
01:13:22Though I know it'll be tough to continue fighting.
01:13:25We used to be just like them, Duo.
01:13:27They've been coaxed by Degum into believing
01:13:29that their only purpose in this life is to fight battles.
01:13:32But you'll die!
01:13:33Hey, don't worry about it.
01:13:35We've gotten pretty good at these losing battles.
01:13:45And that's the reason why we've always been able to remain as ourselves.
01:13:49We're not alone.
01:13:51And that's the reason why we've always been able to remain as ourselves.
01:13:55The reason I returned to being a Dorlin was not to take revenge for my father.
01:14:00Nothing can be accomplished with revenge.
01:14:02Hatred will only result in bringing more hatred.
01:14:05You think that way now because you lost your battle.
01:14:08But my thoughts are different.
01:14:10I will truly be victorious.
01:14:12The Gundams have all stopped fighting!
01:14:15Told ya!
01:14:17I got nothing left!
01:14:19But our self-detonating devices could take out about half the remaining suits.
01:14:23What do you think?
01:14:24No. Detonation should be done away from them.
01:14:27We must limit casualties to just ourselves.
01:14:30Yeah, guess you're right.
01:14:35Huh? Where?
01:14:37Above us!
01:14:41Wing Zero.
01:14:47Locked onto the target.
01:14:49Another Gundam confirmed, sir. It's in the sky.
01:14:53Mr. Daychem, we're online with one of the Gundam pilots.
01:14:57Let me confirm. Your shelter shield is activated?
01:15:00What are you planning?
01:15:02Your shelter is secure, is it?
01:15:04Of course it is. See for yourself just how powerless you are.
01:15:08Roger that.
01:15:21Gather all the Serpents here!
01:15:23Shoot down Wing Zero!
01:15:26What a miserable person!
01:15:28He's not going to be able to achieve anything!
01:15:31Are you afraid, Marime?
01:15:43That's impossible!
01:15:44How could this be happening?
01:15:46The shield has lost half its strength.
01:15:48Wing Zero's aim is accurate to one hundredth of a unit.
01:15:52The shelter will collapse for certain if it's hit again in the same place.
01:15:56Stop it!
01:15:57Don't you realize Rilina Peacecrafter's in here?
01:16:58Are you okay?
01:16:59Yeah, who are you?
01:17:00Even though you may be mistaken,
01:17:02I personally cannot allow His Excellency Traze's daughter to die.
01:17:09Another Gundam has arrived!
01:17:11Number four defense line of point E!
01:17:16There's no way we would obey you!
01:17:18We don't want any more battles!
01:17:23We want to protect the peace here all by ourselves!
01:17:28Battles like these are not decided by the soldiers.
01:17:32Thanks to these people, I can now give up fighting.
01:17:36This Traze is my goodbye.
01:17:39How's X?
01:17:41This is good.
01:17:43We don't have to abandon all hope just yet.
01:17:46The detonating device missed its chance again.
01:17:49Who the hell are those people?
01:17:55While His Excellency fought losing battles,
01:17:57he loved people who weren't afraid to keep their stance and fight.
01:18:01And that is why the people are so able to accept the Gundams.
01:18:04It is not the victor that moves the heart of the people.
01:18:09This is insane! We cannot be defeated!
01:18:12We, the Barton family, are the true rulers of the Earth Sphere!
01:18:17Miss Marimea! Assume your position as head of the Earth Sphere!
01:18:22I am victorious.
01:18:28I'm carrying out the will of my father.
01:18:32I'm carrying out the will of my father.
01:18:39Do forgive me.
01:18:45Excuse me, but I think it's about time you opened your eyes, Marimea.
01:18:51Miss Rilina...
01:18:53You have now learned what real fear is.
01:18:56So I am sure you are now able to acknowledge
01:18:58all of the mistakes you have made in the past.
01:19:01Stop right there, Rilina Peacecraft!
01:19:04I can't allow you to brainwash my Marimea with such garbage!
01:19:08If you wish to shoot me, go right ahead. I am prepared to die.
01:19:12Then I'll tell you what the truth is before you die.
01:19:16The public is always expected to obey the victor.
01:19:24We can always create a replacement for Marimea.
01:19:28I made her, after all!
01:19:30Take him!
01:19:42I have executed the rest of the orders.
01:19:46I have executed the rebel Daekim.
01:19:50I express my apologies for betraying His Excellency.
01:20:00Marimea, hold on!
01:20:03Rilina, I was mistaken.
01:20:06I'm so sorry.
01:20:11I'll relieve you of your pain.
01:20:20I thank you.
01:20:30I've killed Marimea.
01:20:35I will never kill anyone ever again.
01:20:39I... I don't have to anymore.
01:20:55We can still save her! Take her to the doctor!
01:20:58Yes, ma'am!
01:21:00Finally, it's over.
01:21:45THE END
01:22:04Well, it's goodbye for real, buddy.
01:22:16I've once again become nameless.
01:22:19Troa sounds fine to me. Why not keep it, Troa?
01:22:23Names are things other people give you.
01:22:25There's no point wasting time worrying.
01:22:28What's important is that we have a place we can call home.
01:22:32Yeah, you're right, Duo.
01:22:53Nataku, may you rest in peace.
01:22:57Wufei, it seems Noyn and Zex have disappeared somewhere.
01:23:01So, what do you say? Do you want to come and work with me?
01:23:05Do you mean work as a preventer?
01:23:09Why not?
01:23:15Are you sure?
01:23:17The Terraforming Project hasn't even officially started yet.
01:23:20It's something Rilina is working on, and it won't be easy.
01:23:24That's why a dead person would be perfect for the job.
01:23:27Noyn, are you sure you...
01:23:29Zex, please don't make me repeat myself again.
01:23:38After Colony 197, peace has returned to the people.
01:23:43And from this point on in history,
01:23:46weapons called Mobile Suits, including the Gundams,
01:23:50were never seen again.
01:24:13If your gaze is there
01:24:18Everyone can live
01:24:23Without hesitation, freely
01:24:28Beyond mistakes
01:24:31Real kindness is realized
01:24:37Because I found it with you
01:24:42The strength to call it love
01:24:47I believe your love
01:24:49While trembling
01:24:51The wish I put on my lips
01:24:56I'm here for you
01:25:01Don't forget, always
01:25:06I believe your dream
01:25:08I want to tell you this love
01:25:15I want to tell you this love
01:25:20Passionately, violently
01:25:24So far away
01:25:38So far away
01:25:56Just fighting each other
01:25:59I can't get anything
01:26:01Even if I don't have anything
01:26:03I want to give it to you
01:26:06A pure throbbing
01:26:10A gentle time
01:26:13The warmth of the sun
01:26:17I want to be embraced by everyone
01:26:20Forever and always
01:26:24I believe your love
01:26:26I won't give up
01:26:28Spreading my wounded wings
01:26:31The sky that soars
01:26:33Drawing an unlimited dream
01:26:38I believe your dream
01:26:40Show me your smile
01:26:42Even if the sadness overflows
01:26:45I want to be proud of the now
01:26:49Someday so far away
01:27:03I believe your dream
01:27:05I won't give up
01:27:07Spreading my wounded wings
01:27:10The sky that soars
01:27:12Drawing an unlimited dream
01:27:17I believe your dream
01:27:19Show me your smile
01:27:21Even if the sadness overflows
01:27:24I want to be proud of the now
01:27:28Someday so far away
01:27:32You are here
01:27:34I am here
01:27:36Don't forget always
01:27:39I believe your dream
01:27:41The feelings that build up
01:27:43Giving love as a prayer
01:27:46I want to convey this heartbeat
01:27:50Passionately, violently
01:27:52So far away
01:28:03I believe your dream
01:28:05I won't give up
01:28:07Spreading my wounded wings
01:28:10The sky that soars
01:28:12Drawing an unlimited dream
01:28:15I believe your dream
01:28:17Show me your smile
01:28:19Even if the sadness overflows
01:28:22I want to be proud of the now
01:28:25Someday so far away
01:28:30I believe your dream
01:28:32I won't give up
01:28:34Spreading my wounded wings
01:28:37The sky that soars
01:28:39Drawing an unlimited dream
01:28:43I believe your dream
01:28:45Show me your smile
01:28:47Even if the sadness overflows
01:28:51I want to be proud of the now
01:28:55Someday so far away
01:28:59Even if the sadness overflows
01:29:01I won't give up
01:29:03I want to be proud of the now
01:29:07Someday so far away
01:29:08I believe your love
01:29:10While trembling
01:29:12The wishes piled up in a kiss
01:29:15You are here
01:29:17I am here
01:29:19Don't forget always
01:29:22I believe your dream
01:29:24The feelings that build up
01:29:26I want to tell you this
01:29:29I want to tell you this
01:29:32Passionately, violently
01:29:35So far away
01:29:56Someday So Far Away
01:30:26Someday So Far Away
01:30:31Someday So Far Away
01:30:36Someday So Far Away
01:30:41Someday So Far Away
01:30:46Someday So Far Away
01:30:51Someday So Far Away
01:30:56Someday So Far Away
01:31:01Someday So Far Away
01:31:06Someday So Far Away
01:31:11Someday So Far Away
01:31:16Someday So Far Away
01:31:21Someday So Far Away
01:31:26Someday So Far Away
01:31:31Someday So Far Away
01:31:36Someday So Far Away
01:31:41Someday So Far Away
01:31:46Someday So Far Away
01:31:51Someday So Far Away
01:31:56Someday So Far Away
01:32:01Someday So Far Away
01:32:06Someday So Far Away
01:32:11Someday So Far Away
01:32:16Someday So Far Away
01:32:21Someday So Far Away
01:32:26Someday So Far Away
01:32:56Someday So Far Away
01:33:01Someday So Far Away
01:33:06Someday So Far Away
01:33:11Someday So Far Away
01:33:16Someday So Far Away
01:33:21Someday So Far Away
01:33:26Someday So Far Away
01:33:31Someday So Far Away
01:33:36Someday So Far Away
01:33:41Someday So Far Away
01:33:46Someday So Far Away
01:33:51Someday So Far Away
01:33:56Someday So Far Away
01:34:01Someday So Far Away
01:34:16Someday So Far Away
01:34:21Someday So Far Away
01:34:26Someday So Far Away
01:34:31Someday So Far Away
01:34:36Someday So Far Away
