• last year
"Terry Pratchett's Hogfather" (2006) is a TV movie adaptation of the renowned fantasy author Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novel of the same name. Set during Hogswatch, the Discworld's version of Christmas, the story follows Death, who steps in as the Hogfather (Santa Claus equivalent) when the real Hogfather goes missing. Meanwhile, Death's granddaughter, Susan Sto Helit, must uncover a sinister plot involving the Auditors and an assassin named Mr. Teatime. Full of dark humor, magical realism, and whimsical storytelling, "Hogfather" brings Pratchett’s beloved Discworld to life with a festive twist, combining myth, folklore, and holiday adventure.
00:00:00Everything starts somewhere, although many physicists disagree, there is the constant
00:00:29desire to find out where, where is the point where it all began, but much, much later than
00:00:51that, the Discworld was formed. Drifting onwards through space atop four elephants
00:01:09on the shell of a giant turtle, the great Atui.
00:01:38It was sometime after its creation when most people forgot that the very oldest stories
00:01:43of the beginning are, sooner or later, about blood. At least that's one theory. The philosopher
00:01:55Didactylus suggested an alternative hypothesis. Things just happen. What the hell? Our story
00:02:09began in Ankh-Moorpork, the twin city of proud Ankh and pestilent Moorpork, the biggest city
00:02:18in Discworld. A city where magic is just another job, and where the tower of art of
00:02:26the unseen University for Wizards looms over all the dark, narrow streets below. Our story
00:02:36continues in the middle of the night before Hogg's Watch, a mid-winter festival which
00:02:42for some reason bears a remarkable similarity to your Christmas, but now takes us to the
00:02:50Tooth Fairy's castle, where magic has made children's teeth perilously powerful, so that
00:02:59our story is, much sooner rather than later, about blood.
00:03:19There you are. I've unlocked it. And Banjo's opened it.
00:03:50I'm not telling you anything. Who are you anyway?
00:03:57I'm glad you asked. I'm your worst nightmare.
00:04:01You mean the one with the giant cabbage and the kind of wearing knife thing?
00:04:09Sorry, no. Not that one. I'm the one where this man comes out of nowhere and kills you.
00:04:17Stone dead.
00:04:19Oh, that one? But that's a...
00:04:27Rather a charitable act, do you feel? But it is nearly Hogg's Watch after all.
00:04:47Bring me the girl.
00:04:58Huh. It's a scythe job then.
00:05:02They took the teeth. All of them. They just walked in and they... No, wait! Wait, wait!
00:05:20Where did he come from?
00:05:22A place I cannot go.
00:05:26Oh, well, even if you could go there, we've got our work cut out here, keeping the Hogfather's seat warm.
00:05:33If what's happening in the Tooth Fairy's castle isn't stopped, then everything we've been doing is a waste of time.
00:05:45And if they get to the Tooth Fairy, they will be able to control all human belief.
00:05:57Unless Susan gets there first.
00:06:08Yes, well, it's coming along well. Very impressive. Well done.
00:06:27I need your help, Mr. Ridcully.
00:06:33Yes, the scythe, the cloak, the white horse, the granddaughter.
00:06:40I need you to wake him up.
00:06:46His name's Bilius.
00:06:49He's the ogre.
00:06:52Something nasty's happening tonight. I'm hoping he can tell me what it is.
00:06:55But he's got to be able to think straight first.
00:06:58And you brought him here?
00:07:07Why are you doing this? I mean, I was a bit behind with the teeth, I know.
00:07:11I don't know. And there was a...
00:07:13I don't know.
00:07:15I don't know.
00:07:17I don't know.
00:07:19I was a bit behind with the teeth, I know.
00:07:21I don't know. And there was nearly $13 in pillow money, Owen, I admit.
00:07:25But I signed the form...
00:07:27Will you just shut up and answer the question?
00:07:30I don't know. I've never been here before.
00:07:33Then your boss probably doesn't realize how irritating you are.
00:07:40Come out. Come out, wherever you are.
00:07:43Or Miss Butler gets it.
00:07:45It was only a bit of loose change.
00:07:48Yeah, I was getting them on.
00:07:50Send Scroat AJ.
00:07:56Have you got the list?
00:08:00This is really, really stupid.
00:08:04I think the tradition got started when everybody had their meat simlies, Master.
00:08:11Indeed. If there be a mercy, it's unlit.
00:08:19DOOR OPENS
00:08:24Hey, Scroat, you've got to be dead again!
00:08:29DOOR OPENS
00:08:33DOOR OPENS
00:08:37DOOR OPENS
00:08:39DOOR OPENS
00:08:43DOOR OPENS
00:08:45DOOR OPENS
00:08:48The boy wants a pair of trousers that he doesn't have to share.
00:08:53A huge meat pie.
00:08:56A sugar mouse.
00:08:59A lot of toys.
00:09:02And a puppy called Scruff.
00:09:06Oh, how sweet.
00:09:08I shall wipe away a tear.
00:09:10Because what he's getting, see, is this little wooden toy and an apple.
00:09:16But the letter clearly...
00:09:18I know. It's the socio-economic factors.
00:09:22I mean, the world would be in a hell of a mess, wouldn't it, eh?
00:09:25If everybody got what they asked for.
00:09:27I gave them what they wanted in the store.
00:09:30Yeah, well, what good is a god that gives you everything that you want, hmm?
00:09:35You have me there.
00:09:36Ah, yeah, no, it's the hope. That's important.
00:09:41Oh, yes.
00:09:44It's a big part of belief, is the hope.
00:09:48I mean, say, you give people jam today,
00:09:52and they'll just sit there and eat it, won't they?
00:09:54But jam tomorrow? Ah, no. That'll keep them going forever.
00:09:58And you mean that because of this,
00:10:01the poor get poor things and the rich get rich things?
00:10:05Oh, yeah, that's the meaning of Hog's Watch, isn't it, master?
00:10:09But I'm the Hogfather.
00:10:15At the moment, I mean.
00:10:17Well, it makes no difference.
00:10:20I remember when I was a nipper.
00:10:25It was one Hog's Watch, it was.
00:10:29It was one Hog's Watch, it was.
00:10:32And I had my heart set on this huge model horse in this shop.
00:10:41It was what I always wanted.
00:10:45Someone was in there buying it, and, you know, just for a second,
00:10:50I thought it really was going to be for me.
00:10:59But it wasn't.
00:11:01I spent hours with me nose pressed up against the window
00:11:06till someone heard me calling and unfroze me.
00:11:12Yes, I would have killed for that horse.
00:11:16But you know what?
00:11:19I still hung up my stocking on Hog's Watch Eve.
00:11:23And do you know why?
00:11:25Because I had hope.
00:11:30And the next morning, our dad had put in my stocking
00:11:36a little wooden horse that he'd carved his very own self.
00:11:43Ah, and that was worth more than all the expensive toy horses in the world.
00:11:50No, because you're a selfish little bugger when you're only seven.
00:11:54It's only grown-ups that think like that.
00:11:57This is wrong.
00:11:59It is unfair.
00:12:03Well, that's life, isn't it, Master Rick?
00:12:07But I'm not.
00:12:11This is supposed to be the season to be jolly.
00:12:18And other things ending in Ollie.
00:12:49Please, just take her out of vocal range.
00:12:59Mr. Brown, your big moment.
00:13:06Break me out the real Tooth Fairy.
00:13:19Come along.
00:13:22If you're the lecturer in recent rooms, can't you do something more, well, magical?
00:13:28Well, I suppose a stirring divisor would do it.
00:13:32You would end up with a large beaker filled with all the nastiness.
00:13:38It's not difficult at all, if you don't mind the side effects.
00:13:43Tell me about the side effects.
00:13:45The main one is the rest of him would end up in a somewhat larger beaker.
00:13:55Broadly, yes.
00:13:57Living tissue, certainly.
00:13:59And definitely sober.
00:14:05Why don't we just mix up absolutely everything and see what happens?
00:14:15It's got to be worth a try.
00:14:29Thank you, Murdo.
00:14:32Is this going to take much longer? We may not have much time.
00:14:35You can't be too careful.
00:14:46Oh, dear.
00:14:57What's that?
00:14:59Bauhaus sauce. The hottest sauce in the universe.
00:15:04And it'll blow your head clean off.
00:15:07It's not safe to drink it if the sweat is still condensing on the bottle.
00:15:16On the other hand, if it is a kill-or-cure remedy,
00:15:22then we are given the possibility that the patient is immortal,
00:15:28probably unto a winner.
00:15:48I wonder if it's gone critical yet.
00:16:14I don't know.
00:16:17Would you fellas would show some backbone?
00:16:22I don't know.
00:16:25I don't know.
00:16:50What you have there may represent pure sobriety.
00:16:57I'll try it.
00:17:20Oh, dear.
00:17:51Oh, dear.
00:17:59You did say he was immortal, didn't you?
00:18:05And you mean he just appeared?
00:18:08Yes. He has no memory of existing before appearing at the Hogfather's castle.
00:18:13You mean like this fella?
00:18:16Don't be ridiculous. Gods and gnomes don't just appear en masse for no reason.
00:18:26Bring me, let's see...
00:18:2920 pints of lager, some pepper vodka and a bottle of coffee liqueur.
00:18:34I didn't have you sobered up just so you could go on a binge.
00:18:38You don't drink.
00:18:40I don't?
00:18:42I need you to help me.
00:18:45I'm afraid I did it, didn't I?
00:18:48I said something to young Stebbins about drinking and hangovers, didn't I?
00:18:54You mean you created him just like that?
00:18:57Oh, I find that very hard to believe, Master.
00:19:00Good job nobody mentioned the hair loss fairy then.
00:19:04I am not losing my hair.
00:19:07It is just very finely spaced.
00:19:10Yes, half on your head and half on your head.
00:19:14For the last time, I am not.
00:19:20I wish I knew where that was coming from.
00:19:25We need a bigger brain for this.
00:19:29That thinking engine of yours working, Ponder?
00:19:32Hex is resting, Arch-Chancellor.
00:19:37Can you hear me in there?
00:19:41You don't have to shout, Arch-Chancellor.
00:19:45What is that ling-ling-ling-ling noise all about?
00:20:10Look at this here.
00:20:15Look at this here.
00:20:20Is there a problem?
00:20:40Are you the hair loss fairy?
00:20:44What have you been doing with my hair?
00:20:48Just a minute.
00:20:50Where exactly were you before I found you in the snow?
00:20:53Anywhere where drink had been consumed in beastly quantities sometime previously, you could say.
00:20:59Aha. So you were an imminent vital force, then?
00:21:03Oh, sounds great.
00:21:05What is that?
00:21:07So when we joked about the hair loss fairy, it suddenly focused on the Dean's head.
00:21:17You're calling things into being.
00:21:20I personally have always wondered if there was an eater of socks.
00:21:24You know how there's always one missing.
00:21:37Ah, to the laundry!
00:21:44Tell me again who these people are.
00:21:47Some of the cleverest men in the world.
00:21:50And I'm sober, am I?
00:22:03What is that ridiculous thing on your head?
00:22:06That's all right, sir.
00:22:13What? What is it?
00:22:15It says here, if found, please return to the tooth fairy's castle.
00:22:21Thank goodness the tooth fairy already exists, sir.
00:22:25Tooth fairy?
00:22:27Oh, you see her around a lot these days. Or them, rather.
00:22:31It's a sort of franchise operation to collect children's teeth in exchange for money.
00:22:36And she has a castle. She sounds great.
00:22:42Actually, I do remember one thing.
00:22:46When I appeared at the Hogfather's house, there was this drunken little fellow in a pointy hat.
00:22:54I thought it was just the drink talking, but he did mention something about the...
00:23:00...permanent end of perpetual servitude for the little elders of all fantasy personifications.
00:23:09Including the tooth fairy.
00:23:18Where did you find this?
00:23:31Is he all right?
00:23:35I say!
00:23:37What is the geographical location of the tooth fairy's castle?
00:23:42Now I'm feeling normal. Can I come with you?
00:23:44This is not a normal situation.
00:23:47Look, I think I'd better tell you.
00:23:50My grandfather is dead.
00:23:52Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:23:54Look, I'd better tell you.
00:23:56My grandfather is dead.
00:23:58Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:24:00Death. You know, death. The robes, the scythe, the white horse, bones. Death.
00:24:05But at the moment, he's acting rather strange.
00:24:08I just want to make sure I've got this clear.
00:24:10You think your grandfather is dead, and you think he's acting strange?
00:24:15Look, Death adopted my mother. He then took on a human apprentice.
00:24:19They fell in love, and I'm the result.
00:24:21This is fascinating.
00:24:23Let's just say I picked up a few strange genetic knacks along the way.
00:24:38Now that looks dangerous.
00:24:40I hope so.
00:24:50Wait! I could help you!
00:24:54Would you be any good in a fight?
00:24:56Yes, I could be sick on people.
00:25:42I have to sort this out.
00:25:44I can't have princes popping into existence just because people are talking about them.
00:26:00So what is this implied creativity?
00:26:05Humans have always described random, seasonal, natural, or inexplicable actions to human-shaped entities.
00:26:20Such examples are the Hogfather, the Tooth Fairy, and Death.
00:26:25That's all very well, but I'm damn sure there's never been an eater of socks.
00:26:31Or an old god of hangovers.
00:26:33I think it works like this.
00:26:36What we're getting is the personification of forces, just like Hex said.
00:26:40A bit like the Hogfather.
00:26:43When you're a kiddie, it's as good an explanation as any as where presents come from.
00:26:51But why is it happening now?
00:26:56Beliefs causing new creatures to appear.
00:27:00You could put it like that.
00:27:03There's a finite quantity of beliefs in the universe.
00:27:08Certainly people can only believe in so many things.
00:27:13It follows that a major focus of the present group is removed.
00:27:19There will be spare belief.
00:27:22All right, then.
00:27:24What are people not believing in all of a sudden?
00:27:30Butter, cheese, arab, melon, melon, melon.
00:27:37It's been due for a start.
00:27:42It's a Hog's Watch.
00:27:44I suppose the Hogfather is around, isn't he?
00:27:51I like this job.
00:27:59Dear, oh dear, oh dear.
00:28:02Excuse me.
00:28:13Yes, this will show them.
00:28:17The poor little match girls dying in the snow is all part of the spirit of Hog's Watch, master.
00:28:32You see, people hear about it and they say,
00:28:35well, we might be as poor as a disabled banana and only can afford to eat mother's boots.
00:28:42But see how much better off we are than the poor little match girls.
00:28:46That makes them happy and grateful for what they have got.
00:28:51I know what the spirit of Hog's Watch is, Albert.
00:28:55You're not allowed to do that.
00:29:18The Hogfather can.
00:29:21The Hogfather gives presents.
00:29:24There's no better present than a future.
00:29:44That's it. I've had enough of this princy lot.
00:29:48I'm waiting for the Hogfather.
00:29:56I'm in the dark, waiting for the Hogfather.
00:30:01Me, a believer in natural philosophy.
00:30:06I can find the square root of 27.4 in my head.
00:30:11I shouldn't be doing this.
00:30:17It's not as if I've hung a stocking up.
00:30:21There'd be some point if I...
00:30:40Take her somewhere warm and give her a good dinner.
00:31:01And I may well be checking up later.
00:31:08Looks like we've been chosen to do a bit of charity.
00:31:12Well, I don't call it very charitable, just dumping someone on people like this.
00:31:18I don't know.
00:31:20Some people wouldn't know the real meaning of Hog's Watch if it jumped up and clopped her in the gut.
00:32:17This is a child's painting.
00:32:28Twyla paints like that.
00:32:35I painted like that.
00:32:38Grandfather saved some of my drawings.
00:32:46Come on, let's find the house.
00:32:49What house?
00:32:51There's always a house.
00:32:57I was told you're the best locksmith in the city.
00:33:01Yes, but locks don't generally alter themselves while you're working on them, that's what I'm saying.
00:33:08Were you the best or not?
00:33:21Help of the dark!
00:33:35I'm getting out of here.
00:33:37There's something wrong with this place.
00:33:39I made a big pile.
00:33:43Do you want to come with me?
00:33:47It's pretty here.
00:33:56Mr Sidney.
00:34:15He delivered apes earlier than to humans.
00:34:21Interesting point, sir.
00:34:23Possibly you're referring to my theory that humans may have in fact ascended from apes.
00:34:28A bold hypothesis, which if the grants committee could just see their way clear to letting me hire a boat and sail around the islands.
00:34:42I just thought he might deliver alphabetically.
00:35:01See you.
00:35:10Who the hell are you?
00:35:13I'm the Hogfather, of course.
00:35:18You look extremely thin in the face.
00:35:21I'm a bit ill.
00:35:29Terminally, I would say.
00:35:33It's a false beard.
00:35:35No, it's not.
00:35:37It's got hooks for the ears.
00:35:39I must have given you a spot of trouble there.
00:35:47It's a pillow.
00:36:08I thought there was seven locks.
00:36:10Yeah, but they're half magic, half real and half not there.
00:36:13I mean, there's parts of them don't exist half the time.
00:36:16I thought you could open any lock anyone ever made.
00:36:20Made by humans and most dwarves.
00:36:23Don't know what made these.
00:36:25You never said anything about magic.
00:36:29That's a shame.
00:36:31And really, I have no more need of your services.
00:36:34You may as well go back home.
00:36:36What about my money?
00:36:38Of course.
00:36:40You should get what you deserve.
00:36:45You must think I was born yesterday, Mr Teacup.
00:36:48I'm leaving, right?
00:36:49What's coming to me and you ain't stopping me.
00:36:51Banjo certainly ain't.
00:36:53I knew his old ma in the good old days.
00:36:56You think you're nasty?
00:36:58You think you're mean?
00:37:00My lily might tear your ears off and spit them in your eyes.
00:37:03You cocky little devil.
00:37:11I remember you when you was little Banjo.
00:37:14I used to sit you on my knees.
00:37:16Didn't you?
00:37:22There you are.
00:37:24Where's all these shadows coming from?
00:37:26It's giving me the creeps.
00:37:27And it's all your fault.
00:37:28Oh yeah?
00:37:30So it wasn't you who said, wow, ten thousand dollars.
00:37:33Count me in.
00:37:34Yeah, but I didn't know there was going to be all this creepy stuff.
00:37:36I want to go home.
00:37:39I can't leave you with a child.
00:38:02I must have slipped.
00:38:28That's the two fairies' castle.
00:38:58It's teeth.
00:39:09And I should be scared?
00:39:12There's nothing that scary about teeth.
00:39:15Did I say I was scared?
00:39:17You must just be hungover again.
00:39:28Oh no.
00:39:29But only teeth.
00:39:34Surely no one would try to.
00:39:37What is that?
00:39:40It's such old magic it isn't even magic anymore.
00:39:44It's a piece of someone's hair.
00:39:46Nail clipping or tooth.
00:39:49You can control them.
00:39:52Don't tell me someone's...
00:39:55What's that shadow?
00:39:56This place is alive.
00:40:08It's protecting itself.
00:40:14So, what happened to the other fellow?
00:40:23The Hogfather has enemies.
00:40:27What did he do, miss the chimney?
00:40:34There's people down there, Mr Teatime.
00:40:38Well, just do away with them.
00:40:41Well, one of them's a girl.
00:40:45Then do away with them.
00:40:51Keep going.
00:40:53Keep going.
00:41:32She's quite dizzy.
00:41:41Get up.
00:41:52Let me up.
00:41:53What was that?
00:41:55It's finding their nightmares.
00:41:56I'm here, Mas.
00:42:06Let me out!
00:42:07It's after me!
00:42:08Pull yourself together.
00:42:11Look at me.
00:42:13There's nothing chasing you.
00:42:18I thought it was the...
00:42:25What water?
00:42:26I don't know.
00:42:30When I was a kid,
00:42:31I had this big...
00:42:36And it had this...
00:42:39on the door.
00:42:40It had this face.
00:42:42And at night, it...
00:42:47whispered things.
00:42:54Who's that moving up there?
00:42:57I think they saw us.
00:42:58And if they're tooth fairies,
00:42:59there's been a really stupid
00:43:00equal opportunities policy.
00:43:29You go that way.
00:43:30Why don't we stay together?
00:43:32What's got into you?
00:43:37This is a children's place.
00:43:38The rules of what children believe.
00:43:39Well that's what I thought.
00:43:41Let's go.
00:43:42I'm not going to do anything.
00:43:44I'm not going to do anything.
00:43:46I'm not going to do anything.
00:43:47I'm not going to do anything.
00:43:52I'm not going to do anything.
00:43:55Well, that's a relief.
00:43:57You think so?
00:43:58It's impossible to die here.
00:44:00My grandfather doesn't figure in a child's world.
00:44:02That man who fell down the stairs looked pretty dead to me.
00:44:05Oh, you die, but not here.
00:44:06You, let's see.
00:44:08Yes, you go somewhere else.
00:44:11I'm trapped.
00:44:12I don't know.
00:44:14I don't know.
00:44:17Oh, do you see?
00:44:18Yes, yes, and when you came for Twyla's last tooth,
00:44:20you were so shocked that I could see you.
00:44:22Oh, yes, and I saw you.
00:44:23We may not have a lot of time.
00:44:26Is this the tooth fairy?
00:44:29A tooth fairy.
00:44:34Do we all drink at all?
00:44:37No, I don't.
00:44:41Not touch alcohol at all?
00:44:45My dad's very strict about that sort of thing.
00:44:47Oh, my god.
00:44:52Nice castle.
00:44:56Can we get on?
00:44:59Who brought you here, Violet?
00:45:00I don't know.
00:45:01Oh, but he's dressed like an assassin.
00:45:03OK, you two stay here.
00:45:04I'll go and find him.
00:45:06And I'll look after Violet.
00:45:18That's the fourth lock open.
00:45:21I commend your expertise.
00:45:24And the others?
00:45:38Do you know exactly what's in here?
00:45:44Do you know exactly what's in here, Mr. T. Artimini?
00:45:52If you're the guardian of children's beliefs,
00:45:56then this is your castle.
00:45:58And I come across as securely locked the door as this,
00:46:04and not to thoroughly investigate
00:46:06would, like elegance.
00:46:14What's that sound?
00:46:17That sound.
00:46:18That sound.
00:46:19Like old scissors scraping.
00:46:25Have you ever heard of the auditors?
00:46:30Well, I suppose that the bursar might have done.
00:46:34Not auditors of money.
00:46:38Auditors of reality.
00:46:41They are the civil service of everything.
00:46:47And they want to get rid of us.
00:46:50They want humans to be less creative.
00:46:56The Hogfather is a symbol of this.
00:47:03Strange thinking.
00:47:06They hate the way humans make up stories about the universe.
00:47:10I can't think why.
00:47:13Anyway, why are you doing this job?
00:47:16Someone must.
00:47:18It is vitally important.
00:47:21Before dawn, there must be enough belief in the Hogfather.
00:47:30So that the sun will come up.
00:47:35I seldom joke.
00:47:38What sort of godding do you do?
00:47:41Oh, I'm the...
00:47:43I'm the old god of hangovers.
00:47:45A god of hangovers? Oh, how awful.
00:47:48I suppose so.
00:47:49You're more cut out to be one of those important gods.
00:47:54What's this, eh? Lovers' lane?
00:47:56You leave him alone, you. He's a god.
00:48:00Dear me. Out of thunderbolts, are we?
00:48:04How do you know? I've never killed a cock.
00:48:23What's the matter?
00:48:25Is this the poor joke man?
00:48:45I don't want to see. I don't want to see.
00:49:04Hex was right, Archchancellor.
00:49:07Hex? Who is Hex?
00:49:11Um, he's the biggest thinker in the world.
00:49:17I would like to meet this Mr. Hex.
00:49:34Quite a large, thalmic reading, gentlemen.
00:49:48I think he got here by magic.
00:49:52Where did he go?
00:49:58They say you are the biggest thinker in the world.
00:50:02But do you also believe?
00:50:11Extend logically the result of the human race ceasing to believe in the Hogfather.
00:50:18Will the sun come up?
00:50:35How may this be prevented?
00:50:43Regular and consistent belief.
00:50:53I have a task for you, thinker.
00:50:59I have a task for you, thinking engine.
00:51:04Believe in the Hogfather.
00:51:11Do you believe?
00:51:18Do you believe?
00:51:57Oh, no.
00:52:06Let me see.
00:52:10How old are you?
00:52:14And how old are you?
00:52:18How old are you?
00:52:22How old are you?
00:52:26And have you been naughty or nice?
00:52:55Well, well, well.
00:52:57What have we here?
00:52:59Bone handle.
00:53:01Rather tasteless skull and bone decoration.
00:53:05Death himself's second favorite weapon.
00:53:09Am I right?
00:53:12Oh, my.
00:53:14It must be Hogswatch.
00:53:17It must be Hogswatch.
00:53:20This must mean that you are Susan.
00:53:24The famous granddaughter.
00:53:29I bow.
00:53:31But I'm afraid you'd do something dreadful.
00:53:39Yes! Yes!
00:53:42Left-handed, you think I wouldn't pick it.
00:53:44So simple.
00:53:46Ah, Mr. Tiatamae.
00:53:48I managed to open the fifth lock.
00:53:50No problem.
00:53:52They're just based on Woodley's occult sequence.
00:53:59How do you know who I am?
00:54:03Twerps peerage.
00:54:05Family motto.
00:54:07Non temetis, monsieur.
00:54:10Your father was well known.
00:54:12Went a long way very fast.
00:54:15As for your grandfather?
00:54:19That motto.
00:54:21Fear not the reaper.
00:54:24He's had good taste.
00:54:27Of course, you don't need to fear him.
00:54:30Do you?
00:54:32Or do you?
00:54:36I don't know what you're talking about.
00:54:39Who are you, anyway?
00:54:42I beg your pardon.
00:54:44My name's Tiatamae.
00:54:46Jonathan Tiatamae, at your service.
00:54:51You mean, like around four o'clock in the afternoon?
00:54:57I did say Ti-a-ta-mae.
00:55:02Please don't try to break my concentration by annoying me.
00:55:09How you getting on, Mr. Sidney?
00:55:12If it's just according to woodless sequence,
00:55:14number six should be copper and blue-green light.
00:55:19Do you think your grandfather would try to rescue you?
00:55:23Then now I have his sword.
00:55:25You see?
00:55:27No wonder.
00:55:31All fingers and thumbs, Mr. Sidney.
00:55:34I've managed to open the sixth lock, Mr. Tiatamae.
00:55:42It may not be all important now.
00:55:45Thank you, anyway.
00:55:47You've been most helpful.
00:55:53Yes, you may go.
00:55:58Is that all you're here for?
00:56:00For robbery?
00:56:02Like a petty thief?
00:56:04A thief?
00:56:08A thief, madam?
00:56:14These gentlemen are thieves.
00:56:17That's Medium Dave.
00:56:20And Exhibit B, he's Banjo.
00:56:25He can talk.
00:56:28Who are you?
00:56:31I'm the Incognito.
00:56:33You look like a wizard to me.
00:56:39Thank you.
00:56:45Did you suck your thumb when you were little?
00:56:52Suck the suit so much.
00:56:54Suck up, suck up, suck up, suck up, suck up, suck up.
00:56:59Kids believe all kinds of crap, but I'm a grown-up.
00:57:09No more Hogfather.
00:57:12And that's only the start.
00:57:14I better make people believe anything I want.
00:57:19What's this?
00:57:21He said no more Hogfather.
00:57:27He does know what we've been doing here, doesn't he?
00:57:31He did tell him.
00:57:33There's gotta be a Hogfather.
00:57:35There's always a Hogfather.
00:57:40She did it.
00:57:42She killed him.
00:57:43No, I didn't.
00:57:44He did.
00:57:49What's this about the Hogfather?
00:57:50I don't think he's dead, but tea time has made him very ill.
00:57:52Who cares?
00:57:53When this is over, Banjo, you'll have as many presents as you want.
00:57:58Trust me.
00:57:59There has to be a Hogfather, or else there's no Hogswatch.
00:58:02It's just another solar festival.
00:58:06Banjo and me are going.
00:58:08Banjo, you're coming with me right now.
00:58:12Grab her, Banjo.
00:58:14It's all her fault.
00:58:19Our ma'am said no hitting girls.
00:58:22No touching them or pulling them hair.
00:58:26She's not a girl.
00:58:27She's a freak.
00:58:32I think I know you, tea time.
00:58:34You're the mad kid they're all scared of, right?
00:58:40He said grab her.
00:58:41Our ma'am said...
00:58:42The kid who didn't know the difference between chucking a stone at a cat and setting it on fire...
00:58:47I said shut up.
00:58:49Get her, Banjo.
00:58:50The kind of little boy who looks up dolls' dresses.
00:58:55He didn't.
00:58:57Our ma'am said...
00:58:58Ah, to blazes with you, ma'am.
00:59:01What did you say about our ma'am?
00:59:03I bet no one wanted to play with you.
00:59:05Not the kid with no friends.
00:59:07Banjo, you do as they tell you.
00:59:11Our ma'am...
00:59:13Our ma'am said...
00:59:19Have you been a bad boy, Banjo?
00:59:26You've been letting him get into trouble again, eh, Davey?
00:59:30You have, haven't you?
00:59:33No, ma'am. No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
00:59:38You need a good eye, dear Banjo.
00:59:41Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, ma'am.
00:59:44You've been playing with girls again.
00:59:48Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, ma'am.
00:59:51Sorry, ma'am. Sorry.
00:59:56No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
00:59:59No, ma'am. No, ma'am.
01:00:05No, no, no, no!
01:00:07Oh, no. I don't think so.
01:00:10This place gets into your head, doesn't it?
01:00:16It finds out how to deal with you.
01:00:21Look out.
01:00:24I'm in touch with my inner child.
01:00:30It's so much fun.
01:00:37Opening goes in. That's bad.
01:00:46I'm gonna have so much fun with this.
01:00:48So late?
01:00:49You wouldn't dare use it. My grandfather will come after you.
01:00:52He comes after everyone.
01:00:53He's very single-minded.
01:00:55I'll be ready for him.
01:01:10It doesn't work here.
01:01:14There's no death here.
01:01:17Hi, inner child.
01:01:20I'm the inner babysitter.
01:01:24I'm the inner babysitter.
01:01:42And behold!
01:01:55Oh, my God!
01:02:06Is he dead?
01:02:12He's not breathing.
01:02:14Breathing spell. Breathing spell.
01:02:20Spolt's forthright respirator, perhaps.
01:02:25I think I've got it written down somewhere.
01:02:29Come on, chaps. Give me some space.
01:02:38Excuse me.
01:02:40Excuse me, but this is vitally important for the advancement of natural philosophy.
01:02:45Did you see any bright lights? Was there a shining tunnel?
01:02:48What are you saying to me?
01:02:49What is all this, Mr. Stibbons?
01:02:51Put the damn quill away.
01:02:53This must be the unseen university.
01:03:00And you're all wizards.
01:03:05There was a sword.
01:03:07Oh, yes.
01:03:09It's fallen on the floor.
01:03:19Did I do that?
01:03:24He really must be up.
01:03:27But he won't get far.
01:03:30The main doors are locked in accordance with our Chancellor Spolt's rules.
01:03:35Won't get far?
01:03:38While holding a sword which appears to be able to cut through anything.
01:04:02You can get into trouble hitting girls.
01:04:06No playing with girls.
01:04:13What am I going to do now?
01:05:14Hello, my dear.
01:05:18You're not going to be able to see me.
01:05:22I'm afraid so.
01:05:25I'm afraid I can't see you.
01:05:29I'm afraid I can't see you.
01:05:32I'm afraid I can't see you.
01:05:36I'm afraid I can't see you.
01:05:40Hello, my dear.
01:05:47Sorry, dear?
01:05:51You're not the Tooth Fairy.
01:05:56Oh, I am, dear.
01:05:59Oh, Grandma, what big teeth you have.
01:06:02You've even got a shawl.
01:06:05Oh, dear.
01:06:08I don't understand, lovely.
01:06:13You forgot the rocking chair.
01:06:16I always thought there'd be a rocking chair.
01:06:23I don't think you're real.
01:06:27It's not a little old woman in a shawl running this place.
01:06:34You're out of my head.
01:06:36That's how you defend yourself.
01:06:38You poke around in people's heads and find the things that won't...
01:06:43No, it's horrible, but it doesn't frighten me.
01:06:49I like spiders.
01:06:52Dogs? No.
01:06:57I like rats. Rats are fine.
01:07:02Sorry, is anyone frostbitten?
01:07:08I... I...
01:07:10You're a bogeyman, aren't you?
01:07:13Not a... bee.
01:07:20The first bogeyman.
01:07:24You look terrible.
01:07:26Thank you very much.
01:07:28I mean ill.
01:07:31I used to jump out on them and say, boo!
01:07:36But then I got to like them.
01:07:39Only children were frightened of me.
01:07:43I mean, what's to be scared of?
01:07:47Horns? Pony arms?
01:07:52But then I discovered that there were much worse things than me.
01:07:58And I wanted to protect the children.
01:08:01Keep them safe from all the really bad things.
01:08:07So I built all this to be a safe place.
01:08:15And the teeth?
01:08:17If you leave all those teeth around, anything could happen.
01:08:23Anything nearly did.
01:08:27So you are the Tooth Fairy, then?
01:08:38Then they came.
01:08:46I'm too weak to look after them anymore.
01:08:56You don't die here.
01:09:01Just get old.
01:09:05Listening to the laughter.
01:09:14Don't worry about the teeth.
01:09:17I'll make them safe again.
01:09:44I think it would be a good idea if you did the Tooth Fairy's job, Banjo.
01:10:08Do you think they'll be all right?
01:10:11Won't the Tooth Fairy mind?
01:10:13You... do it until she comes back.
01:10:19So who's going to tell me what to do?
01:10:23No one's ever going to tell you what to do again, Banjo.
01:10:28Thanks, Miss.
01:10:31I'll keep the teeth safe.
01:10:41Yes, Banjo?
01:10:44Can I have a puppy?
01:10:47I had a kitten, but our ma'am drowned it because it was dirty.
01:10:53I think it'll turn up quite soon, Banjo.
01:10:57Thanks, Miss.
01:11:06We were just talking about it, and we thought we ought to come back and help.
01:11:09It's okay. They're all gone.
01:11:14And Banjo needed a new job.
01:11:19That's funny. So does Billy.
01:11:23Look, why don't you two make yourselves useful and help Banjo clear up this mess?
01:11:28He's pretty much running the place now.
01:11:34He's in charge.
01:11:39We'd love to help Banjo. Together.
01:11:44Good. Have fun.
01:11:47Now I'm going home.
01:11:50This is a hell of a way to spend Hogswatch.
01:12:07What are you doing here?
01:12:11It is not over.
01:12:15You must bring the Hogfather home.
01:12:21These look like the mountains where the Castle of Bones was.
01:12:25They are.
01:12:29It's a pig.
01:12:32A boar.
01:12:35This boar is the...
01:12:38Yes. The Hogfather as he began.
01:12:43And the dogs?
01:12:46These are not real dogs.
01:12:49If they catch him, he won't just die.
01:12:52He will...
01:12:55never be.
01:12:58We'll stop them.
01:13:00This is a cruel thing to do.
01:13:05The auditors are desperate now.
01:13:08They are determined to destroy the Hogfather at whatever cost.
01:13:17You must save him.
01:14:26Come on. Jump.
01:14:29Just you try it.
01:14:39Yes. Who wants some?
01:14:45Come on.
01:14:48Come on.
01:14:52Yes. Who wants some?
01:14:55Anyone else?
01:15:22Ho, ho, ho.
01:15:25You couldn't resist it in the end.
01:15:33A mistake, I fancy.
01:15:37It gets under your skin, life.
01:15:42Speaking metaphorically, of course.
01:15:46And you see, the more you struggle for every moment, the more alive you stay.
01:15:53Which is where I come in, as a matter of fact.
01:15:58We can't do this. There are rules.
01:16:01Yes. There are rules.
01:16:04But you broke them.
01:16:07How dare you?
01:16:09How dare you?
01:16:12And now there remains only one final question.
01:16:21Have you been naughty or nice?
01:16:30Ho, ho, ho.
01:16:42Ho, ho, ho.
01:17:12He saved you.
01:17:17Dying's not how it's supposed to go.
01:17:42Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:12Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:15Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:18Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:21Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:24Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:27Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:30Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:33Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:36Ho, ho, ho.
01:18:39Ho, ho, ho.
01:19:09Oh, sorry.
01:19:45That about wraps it up for this dress.
01:19:49I'd just like to ask, purely out of academic interest,
01:19:54you were sure I was going to survive, were you?
01:19:57I was quite confident.
01:20:01Good. Now, tell me...
01:20:05What would have happened if you hadn't saved him?
01:20:09The sun would not have risen.
01:20:13Then what would have happened?
01:20:15A mere ball of flaming gas would have illuminated the world.
01:20:20All right, I'm not stupid.
01:20:22You're saying that humans need fantasies to make life bearable.
01:20:28Humans need fantasy to be human.
01:20:33To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.
01:20:39With tooth fairies? Hogfathers?
01:20:44As practice, you have to start out learning to believe the little lies.
01:20:49So we can believe the big ones?
01:20:52Yes. Justice, mercy, duty, that sort of thing.
01:20:57They're not the same at all.
01:20:59You think so?
01:21:01Then take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder,
01:21:05and sieve it through the finest sieve,
01:21:08and then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy.
01:21:14And yet...
01:21:17you try to act as if there is some ideal order in the world,
01:21:22as if there is some...
01:21:24some rightness in the universe by which it may be judged.
01:21:29But people have got to believe that.
01:21:32What's the point?
01:21:35You need to believe in things that aren't true.
01:21:40How else can they become?
01:22:00Uh, would you like to visit for Hogswatch dinner?
01:22:05Albert is frying a pudding.
01:22:08I... uh...
01:22:12Well, they're really expecting me here.
01:22:17Would you like a drink before you leave?
01:22:21No, thank you.
01:22:25Would you like a drink before you go?
01:22:29A cup of cocoa would be appropriate in the circumstances.
01:22:39Right. There are biscuits in the tin on the mantelpiece.
01:22:55Susan's got a pokey, you know.
01:22:58My goodness me.
01:23:00I thought all of you knew that by now.
01:23:04Last week she picked a bogey up by its nose.
01:23:08I'll give Gwyn his stocking, then I'll come and watch.
01:23:12I'll go and watch.
01:23:14I'll go and watch.
01:23:16I'll go and watch.
01:23:18I'll go and watch.
01:23:21I'll give Gwyn his stocking, then I'll come and watch.
01:23:43Well, well.
01:23:45Now this is unexpected.
01:23:50A family affair.
01:23:56I wonder.
01:23:58Is it possible to kill death?
01:24:04This must be a very special sword.
01:24:11And it certainly works here.
01:24:16And of course, it might well not be regarded as murder.
01:24:22Possibly it is a civic act.
01:24:26It would be, as they say,
01:24:31the big one.
01:24:34You may have some personal knowledge about your vulnerability,
01:24:39but I'm pretty certain
01:24:42that Susan here would quite definitely die.
01:24:47So I'd rather you didn't try any last-minute stuff.
01:24:54I am last-minute stuff.
01:25:04I don't remember them asking for anything that made a noise.
01:25:08Oh, there has to be something in the stocking that makes a noise.
01:25:13Otherwise, what is 4.30am for?
01:25:18Their children?
01:25:20Why, yes.
01:25:22Of course.
01:25:25Call them.
01:25:27Certainly not.
01:25:29He'll be instructive.
01:25:34And when your adversary is death,
01:25:36he can't help but be the good guy.
01:25:41Call them.
01:26:02Come in.
01:26:03Come in.
01:26:05Curly-haired tots.
01:26:10He cut this bowie man.
01:26:16What shall we do with him, huh?
01:26:18It's only a skeleton.
01:26:27A nasty, creepy, horrible skeleton.
01:26:34Scary, huh?
01:26:36He's eating a biscuit.
01:26:39A creepy, boney man in a black robe.
01:26:44You're fidgeting with that kettle.
01:26:47So I expect you're thinking of doing something creative.
01:26:51Put it down.
01:26:58That's not very creepy.
01:27:00It's just bones.
01:27:02It's just standing there.
01:27:04It's not even making woo-woo noises.
01:27:07And anyway, you're creepy.
01:27:09Your eye's weird.
01:27:19Now let's see how creepy they can be.
01:27:32Oh, no.
01:27:34Couldn't have done it, could you?
01:27:37There's so many ribs.
01:27:40And things.
01:27:43And bones.
01:27:45And bones.
01:27:47And bones.
01:27:49And bones.
01:27:51And bones.
01:27:53And bones.
01:27:55And bones.
01:27:57And bones.
01:28:00And things.
01:28:06It only kills monsters.
01:28:09Stop time now.
01:28:14You winked at me.
01:28:16I thought you had a plan.
01:28:18Indeed, oh yes.
01:28:20I planned to see what you would do.
01:28:25I did add the sparkly stars and the noise, though.
01:28:30I thought they would be appropriate.
01:28:32And if I hadn't done anything?
01:28:34I dare say I would have thought of something at the last minute.
01:28:39That was the last minute.
01:28:42There is always time for another last minute.
01:28:48Stop playing dead, Mr. Teatame.
01:29:00You got it right?
01:29:03Of course.
01:29:10I'll take care of the body.
01:29:12That will prevent inconvenient questions.
01:29:16You did know the poker would go through me?
01:29:21I was quite confident.
01:29:31I have made this for you.
01:29:36Thank you.
01:29:39What is it?
01:29:42What is it?
01:29:44Albert said there ought to be snow on it.
01:29:48But it appears to have melted.
01:29:52It is, of course, a Hogswatch card.
01:29:58There should have been a robin on it as well.
01:30:01But I had considerable difficulty in getting it to stay on.
01:30:08It was not at all cooperative.
01:30:13It did not seem to get into the Hogswatch's spirit at all.
01:30:20Thank you.
01:30:30I mean...
01:30:32Why did you do all this?
01:30:36Human beings make life so interesting.
01:30:42Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders,
01:30:47they have managed to invent boredom?
01:30:53Quite astonishing.
01:30:59Well then...
01:31:02Happy Hogswatch.
01:31:14Happy Hogswatch.
01:31:18Happy Hogswatch.
01:31:31Happy Hogswatch.
01:31:35And good night, children.
01:32:28Come on. Let's play.
01:32:51You have a big wooden rocking chair.
01:32:55You have a big wooden rocking horse in the window.
01:32:59Yes, that's a special order I made for Lord Rodney.
01:33:06How much would this lordship have paid you?
01:33:10Twelve dollars.
01:33:12I will give you fifty.
01:33:14Would you like me to wrap it up for you, sir?
01:33:16No. I will take it as it is. Thank you.
01:33:21Incidentally, there is a small boy out there with his nose frozen to the window.
01:33:30Some warm water should do the trick.
01:33:35Happy hog watch, sir.
01:34:22Lord Rodney
01:34:24Lord Rodney
01:34:26Lord Rodney
01:34:28Lord Rodney
01:34:29Lord Rodney
01:34:30Lord Rodney
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01:35:27Lord Rodney
01:35:28Lord Rodney
01:35:29Lord Rodney
01:35:30Lord Rodney
01:35:31Lord Rodney
01:35:32Lord Rodney
01:35:33Lord Rodney
01:35:34Lord Rodney
01:35:35Lord Rodney
01:35:36Lord Rodney
01:35:37Lord Rodney
01:35:38Lord Rodney
01:35:39Lord Rodney
01:35:40Lord Rodney
01:35:41Lord Rodney
01:35:42Lord Rodney
01:35:43Lord Rodney
01:35:44Lord Rodney
01:35:45Lord Rodney
01:35:46Lord Rodney
01:35:47Lord Rodney
01:35:48Lord Rodney
01:35:49Lord Rodney
01:35:50Lord Rodney
01:35:51Lord Rodney
01:35:52Lord Rodney
01:35:53Lord Rodney
01:35:54Lord Rodney
01:35:55Lord Rodney
01:35:56Lord Rodney
01:35:57Lord Rodney
01:35:58Lord Rodney
01:35:59Lord Rodney
01:36:00Lord Rodney
01:36:01Lord Rodney
01:36:02Lord Rodney
01:36:03Lord Rodney
01:36:04Lord Rodney
01:36:05Lord Rodney
01:36:06Lord Rodney
01:36:07Lord Rodney
01:36:08Lord Rodney
01:36:09Lord Rodney
01:36:10Lord Rodney
01:36:11Lord Rodney
