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666 El Hijo Película de Terror completa en Espanol latino gratis
00:03:30Y estamos fuera.
00:03:32Buen trabajo, Erica.
00:03:34Dile a todos que se vaya. No pagaré más dinero.
00:03:36No importa cuánto me lo pidan.
00:03:38No sé qué me pasó. Lo lamento.
00:03:40Olvídalo. Fue como Walter Cronkite cuando Kennedy murió.
00:03:42Consígueme un auto. Quiero ir al Hospital Glendale.
00:03:44Por supuesto que no.
00:03:46Toda la ciudad quiere saber el resto y querrán escucharlo de ti.
00:03:50Dame un equipo y lo haré desde ahí.
00:03:52Bien. Llamaré a tu chico. Al fin está en el campo.
00:03:54Scott no debería estar trabajando.
00:03:56Renunciaría si no lo pusieran en la agenda.
00:03:58Los doctores dijeron...
00:04:00Escucha, no sé por qué te quejas.
00:04:02Él ganará un premio Pulitzer por esa historia.
00:04:04¿Scott lo grabó?
00:04:06Sí, lo grabó. No sé cómo rayos lo hizo.
00:04:08Se supone que estaría en Santa Mónica
00:04:10haciendo tomas para el clima.
00:04:14Doctor Pérez.
00:04:16Favor de presentarse en cirugía.
00:04:20Enfermera, es preciso que lo mantenga quieto.
00:04:22Sujételo, por favor. Sujételo.
00:04:24Doctora Pérez. Favor de presentarse en pediatría.
00:04:26Hola, busco al niño del vuelo 7666.
00:04:28Erika Lawson. La vi por televisión. Estuvo genial.
00:04:30Gracias. ¿En qué habitación está?
00:04:32Segunda puerta, al lado derecho.
00:04:38Buen reportaje el de esta noche.
00:04:40Sí, Erika. No había visto ese lado tuyo.
00:04:42No entiendo cómo llegaron allá.
00:04:44No lo sé. Algo nos dijo que fuéramos ahí y filmáramos.
00:04:46¿Cómo está?
00:04:48Parece que bien.
00:04:56¿Y qué han dicho los doctores?
00:04:58No tiene heridas internas,
00:05:00solo cortadas y raspones menores.
00:05:02Sus quemaduras son de primer grado.
00:05:04Se irá mañana.
00:05:06¿Con quién?
00:05:08Con sus familiares, creo.
00:05:10No, sí estaban en el avión.
00:05:12Oigan, Steve quiere que nos vayamos a descansar.
00:05:14Oye, ¿cuál es la historia?
00:05:16¿Hay noticias de la familia?
00:05:18¿Qué sucede?
00:05:20No sé.
00:05:22No sé nada.
00:05:24¿Hay noticias de la familia?
00:05:26¿Qué sucede?
00:05:28¿En serio?
00:05:34Es huérfano.
00:05:38Para informarles
00:05:40de este evento.
00:05:44Para KVLA, soy Erika Lawson.
00:05:46Hasta pronto.
00:05:48Te veías muy bien, amor.
00:05:50¿Me veía tranquila?
00:05:54¿En serio?
00:05:56Sí, estuviste justo en la zona.
00:05:58Y a la audiencia le gustan los ojos llorosos.
00:06:00¿Solo porque es una novedad?
00:06:02Tal vez les hace creer que eres real.
00:06:04El noticiero local es una liga menor.
00:06:06Puedes hacer lo que quieras.
00:06:08Solo les interesa el rating.
00:06:10Estarás bien.
00:06:12Ven aquí y siéntate.
00:06:14Podemos drogarnos, ver Charlie Brown,
00:06:16y puedes masajear mi pierna herida.
00:06:18¡Qué travieso!
00:06:22Necesita un hogar.
00:06:30¿Quién es Donald?
00:06:32El pequeño.
00:06:34No me digas que lo olvidaste.
00:06:36No lo olvidé.
00:06:38Es que no recordaba su nombre.
00:06:40Podemos adoptarlo.
00:06:42Cariño, ya lo hemos hablado.
00:06:44Estamos en la lista hace dos años y medio.
00:06:46Quieren padres con horarios regulares.
00:06:48Llamaré a mi hermana.
00:06:50Dios, no. Por favor.
00:06:52No quiero comentarios de su señoría.
00:06:54Mary Lou es lo último que necesitamos.
00:06:58Cariño, sé que siempre hablamos de hacerlo nosotros,
00:07:00pero esto no es sobre nosotros.
00:07:04Es sobre ese pequeño.
00:07:06Necesita un hogar.
00:07:08Y podemos darle uno maravilloso.
00:07:10Lo sabes igual que yo.
00:07:12Algo te llevó ahí a trabajar esta noche.
00:07:14Es nuestro niño.
00:07:40¿Ya no hay nadie? ¿Quieres divertirte?
00:08:42Por favor, eso es mentira.
00:08:44Lleven la cámara ya.
00:08:46¿Qué pasa?
00:08:48Tienen a Jeffrey Wynn tomando todo con un lente largo.
00:08:50Tal vez llevaba tanta protección
00:08:52que no podía salir de la camioneta.
00:08:54Si tal vez tú usaras más protección,
00:08:56no tendrías tantas balas en la pierna.
00:08:58¿Crees que Bob Capa alguna vez filmó algo bueno
00:09:00con una mano cubriendo sus bolas?
00:09:02Toma, ve algo educativo.
00:09:06¡Ay, Dios!
00:09:08Un buen padre sabe cómo contestar cualquier pregunta.
00:09:10Tienes razón.
00:09:12Debo estar preparado para cuando el niño pregunte
00:09:14¿Papá, de dónde viene el pay de manzana?
00:09:20Es nuestra salvadora.
00:09:22Es el diablo.
00:09:24Tiene poder e influencia.
00:09:28De acuerdo, de acuerdo.
00:09:30Sí es tu hermana y nos está ayudando.
00:09:32¿Y qué haremos hoy?
00:09:34¿Cuidar tu pierna?
00:09:36Tal vez trabaje en la casa de invitados.
00:09:38Tengo que instalar el ventilador.
00:09:40Tu papá vivirá sin ventilador un par de semanas.
00:09:42Pasó seis meses en un campo de prisioneros de guerra.
00:09:46Y me lo recordará a cada paso del camino
00:09:48si no hago que el ventilador funcione.
00:09:50Solo ten cuidado.
00:09:52Te amo.
00:09:54Yo también.
00:10:00¡Por favor!
00:10:06Para que este niño
00:10:08y otros como él en el orfanatorio
00:10:10encuentren un hogar amoroso
00:10:12que tanto merece.
00:10:14Ay, sí, cómo no.
00:10:16Estoy en deuda con las buenas personas
00:10:18de este hospital
00:10:20y en especial con el camarógrafo Scott Lawson
00:10:22por rescatar a este pobre niño
00:10:24del terrible destino.
00:10:26Sí, justo ahora lo veo.
00:10:28Oye, será mejor que tu hermana haga un milagro
00:10:30porque parece que toda la ciudad querrá a este niño.
00:10:32Que Dios tenga misericordia de sus almas
00:10:34y las conforte.
00:10:36Es una broma.
00:10:38Aquí lo dice, señor Lawson.
00:10:40Por favor, dígame, Scott.
00:10:42Señor Lawson,
00:10:44aquí dice que ha pasado mucho tiempo
00:10:46viajando por el extranjero
00:10:48en ambientes muy peligrosos.
00:10:50No es el mejor arreglo
00:10:52para una relación, padre e hijo.
00:10:54Padre, él ya no hace eso.
00:10:56Ah, no, no, no, desde que me hirieron
00:10:58tomé un trabajo local en la estación de Erica.
00:11:00Menos peligroso, menos hostil.
00:11:02A menos que cuente el incidente con el jefe que...
00:11:04Sí, bueno.
00:11:06Concientización es lo que apreciaría,
00:11:08señor Lawson.
00:11:10Creo que es lo más importante en un padre.
00:11:12Yo también, también yo.
00:11:16Señor y señora Lawson,
00:11:18aquí en Nuestra Señora de Su Sagrada Sangre
00:11:20somos cuidadosos y tomamos
00:11:22muy en serio la selección de padres
00:11:24para nuestros niños.
00:11:26Preferiríamos que siguieran aquí a nuestro cuidado
00:11:28que terminar en manos de guardianes poco confiables.
00:11:32Hablando en general,
00:11:34los que trabajan en el mundo del entretenimiento
00:11:36son muy malos candidatos.
00:11:38¿Ya vieron Mamita, querida?
00:11:40Buena película.
00:11:42Hay un gran jardín sin ganchos de metal.
00:11:44Jamás golpearía a un niño.
00:11:46Sin embargo,
00:11:48la industria del entretenimiento
00:11:50ejerce una gran influencia en esta ciudad.
00:11:52Y con su hermana, señora Lawson,
00:11:54no se debe jugar.
00:11:56Créame, lo sé.
00:11:58Una vez me burlé de un episodio donde salió
00:12:00un tanque de ira contra mí.
00:12:02No obstante, tengo un gran respeto
00:12:04por Mary Lou Conroy.
00:12:06Ella es una de las pocas artistas,
00:12:08aparte de Celine Dion,
00:12:10que tiene una responsabilidad
00:12:14en ese perverso
00:12:16mundo de ustedes.
00:12:18Pero aquí, en su compañía,
00:12:20por supuesto que la excluyo, querida.
00:12:22Creo que su documental
00:12:24sobre el pequeño Donald
00:12:26fue muy conmovedor.
00:12:30habiendo dicho eso,
00:12:32y con la salvedad de que ambos prometieron
00:12:34cortar considerablemente
00:12:36sus horarios de trabajo
00:12:38para pasar con el niño más tiempo,
00:12:40les puedo decir
00:12:42que estoy preparado
00:12:44para entregar a Donald
00:12:46en su custodia.
00:12:52Muchas gracias por tenernos fe,
00:12:54sin ofenderlo.
00:12:56No han localizado una nana
00:12:58de confianza y cariñosa, así que...
00:13:00No, de hecho, su padre vendrá a vivir con nosotros.
00:13:02Nos ayudará a cuidar a Donald.
00:13:04¿En serio?
00:13:06Yo hubiera creído que un señor mayor
00:13:08no tendría la resistencia.
00:13:10Ah, no, no, no, papá, es genial.
00:13:12Él fue piloto de guerra en Vietnam.
00:13:14Es tan fuerte como una torre,
00:13:16y católico también.
00:13:18¿Oh, es así?
00:13:20¿Podemos verlo ahora?
00:13:22Por supuesto que sí.
00:13:24¿Puede presentarle a los señores Lawson
00:13:26a su nuevo hijo?
00:13:28¡Qué bien!
00:13:30Gracias. La hermana Agatha los llevará
00:13:32a la habitación del niño.
00:13:34Suerte a ambos.
00:13:36Muchas gracias, gracias, de nuevo.
00:13:38Oh, no lo olviden.
00:13:40Dios siempre está observando.
00:13:54Donald, es el momento.
00:14:14Yo soy...
00:14:16No llores, mamá.
00:14:24¿Listo para ir a casa?
00:14:26Vayamos a casa.
00:14:38Bienvenido a casa.
00:14:44Muy bien.
00:14:46Donald, esta es la casa.
00:14:48Adelante, ve a ver la campeón.
00:14:50¿Por qué me dices campeón?
00:14:52Solo es una expresión, como amigo.
00:14:54Viene del boxeo, como campeón
00:14:56de peso completo.
00:14:58No me gusta pelear.
00:15:00Tampoco a tu mamá.
00:15:02Los chicos en casa solían golpearme.
00:15:04¿En el orfanato de San Francisco?
00:15:06¿Le contaste al padre de eso?
00:15:08No tuve que hacerlo.
00:15:10Él los castigó por mí.
00:15:12Oh, hablas de él.
00:15:14El padre los puso en su lugar.
00:15:16No, no, oigan, está bien.
00:15:18No estaría mal pelear un poco.
00:15:20El abuelo Jake era campeón de los guantes de oro.
00:15:22Vendrá mañana.
00:15:24No le enseñará a boxear.
00:15:26¿Tienen hambre? ¿Ordenamos algo?
00:15:28Pizza. Voto por pizza.
00:15:30¿Quieres pizza?
00:15:32¿Y bien?
00:15:34¿Qué te parece mi obra de arte?
00:15:36Pudo quedar mejor si hubiera tenido tiempo.
00:15:38Yo sé dibujar.
00:15:40Es maravilloso, Donald.
00:15:42Al fin un artista en la familia.
00:15:44¿Me harías un dibujo?
00:15:48Quisiera verlo.
00:15:50Pero antes,
00:15:52ayúdame a poner la mesa.
00:15:54Cuidado, después hará que saques la basura
00:15:56y cortes el césped.
00:16:00Asegúrate que te pague por hacerlo.
00:16:02Ese fue mi error.
00:16:12¿Seguro que no quieres que compremos
00:16:14a un nuevo hombre de acción?
00:16:16Es muy similar a la oficina del padre O'Hurley.
00:16:18Lo siento mucho, campeón.
00:16:20Este era mi cuarto oscuro.
00:16:22Lo haremos que se vea lindo para ti.
00:16:24Con lo que quieras.
00:16:26¿Lo que quieras?
00:16:28¿Lámparas de lava? ¿Bolas disco?
00:16:30¿Póster de chicas en bikini?
00:16:32Lo que quieras.
00:16:36Estaremos al final del pasillo por si nos necesitas.
00:16:38Yo tomé algunas de esas chicas en bikini.
00:16:46Casi lo olvido.
00:16:48Tengo uno de esos en mi habitación también.
00:16:52Manténganlos monstruos lejos.
00:16:54¿Qué tal?
00:16:56Buenas noches.
00:17:14Oye, son excelentes.
00:17:16Debería entrar a un concurso de arte o algo,
00:17:18porque sería el mejor.
00:17:22Parece demasiado feliz.
00:17:24Dale unos días más con papá.
00:17:26Es broma.
00:17:28Solo mira a papá.
00:17:30Despegas y das la vuelta.
00:17:32Regresas y aterrizas.
00:17:34Ojalá hubiera estado tan emocionado
00:17:36cuando yo tenía la edad de Donald.
00:17:38Excelente vuelo, Don.
00:17:40Serás un gran piloto de marina.
00:17:42Es un buen chico el que tienen.
00:17:44Tuvieron suerte.
00:17:46Bueno, pudieron haber terminado
00:17:48con un terrible monstruo.
00:17:50Gracias, papá.
00:17:54¿Seguro no te importa cuidarlo?
00:17:56¿Qué otra cosa puedo hacer?
00:17:58¿Repartir periódicos?
00:18:00Es lo menos por habitación y comida.
00:18:02¿Te gusta el lugar, papá?
00:18:04Desde luego que sí.
00:18:06¿Instalaste el ventilador?
00:18:08Por supuesto.
00:18:10Sí, eso creí.
00:18:12¿Qué haces con tus herramientas?
00:18:14Wow, mira la hora que es.
00:18:16Me tengo que ir.
00:18:18Cubriré una protesta en el zoológico.
00:18:20¿En el zoológico? ¿Qué sucede ahí?
00:18:22He pensado en llevar a Donald a visitarlo.
00:18:24Papá, es que...
00:18:26Es mejor que no lo hagas.
00:18:28Es un lugar terrible.
00:18:30Oye, tienes nuestro número de celular
00:18:32si necesitas algo.
00:18:34Adiós, cariño. Adiós, papá.
00:18:36Sí, papá.
00:18:38Chico estará a salvo con los marines.
00:18:40Campeón, te veré más tarde.
00:18:42Hasta en la noche.
00:18:44Adiós. Gracias.
00:18:46Debo irme.
00:18:50Cuídate mucho.
00:18:52No olvides que los amo.
00:18:54Vamos, Don.
00:18:56Prepárate para aterrizar.
00:18:58Aprenderás a atrapar bolas
00:19:00como Big Jake.
00:19:34Muy bien, Donnie. Prepárate.
00:19:36Atento. Aquí va la bola.
00:19:42¿Estás bien, Donnie?
00:19:44De acuerdo.
00:19:46Tranquilo, hijo.
00:19:48Solo quiero ver qué sucede ahí dentro.
00:19:54¿Cómo se llama el niño?
00:19:58Hola, Donald.
00:20:00Soy el Dr. Lurin.
00:20:02No voy a hacerte daño.
00:20:04Solo quiero ver lo que hay adentro.
00:20:08Quería enseñarle
00:20:10cómo atrapar una bola de beisbol.
00:20:16Déjame decirte un secreto.
00:20:18Es mejor si intentas
00:20:20atraparla con el guante y no con la boca.
00:20:30De acuerdo. Déjame ver qué sucede.
00:20:38¿Usted es el padre?
00:20:40El abuelo. O abuelastro.
00:20:42Bueno, mi hijo lo adoptó.
00:20:46De acuerdo.
00:20:48Escuche, abuelo.
00:20:50Es bastante obvio que Donald está molesto.
00:20:52Tal vez se siente avergonzado
00:20:54por no portarse tan bien ante usted.
00:20:56Me pasa muy seguido este tipo de cosas.
00:21:00¿Por qué no le hace a él
00:21:02y se hace usted un favor y espera afuera?
00:21:04Le aseguro que él se va a relajar
00:21:06mucho y podré trabajar.
00:21:10¿Si cree que es lo mejor, doctor?
00:21:12Lo creo.
00:21:14De acuerdo. Hágalo.
00:21:18Voy a esperarte afuera
00:21:20para que puedan ayudarte, hijo.
00:21:22No te preocupes.
00:21:24Todo va a estar bien.
00:21:28Cuando termine,
00:21:30iremos por un helado, ¿sí?
00:21:36Haz lo que el doctor te diga.
00:21:38Luego te veo.
00:21:50De acuerdo.
00:21:52Acabémosle una vez.
00:21:54Abre la boca.
00:22:02Así continúa, doctor.
00:22:12¿Te volviste loco?
00:22:14Oye, cuida tus palabras.
00:22:16¿O qué? ¿Me lanzarás una bola de béisbol?
00:22:18Sus dientes están bien.
00:22:20¿A quién le importan sus dientes?
00:22:22¿Cuántas muertes tiene que vivir este chico?
00:22:24Fue un accidente.
00:22:26Ya los policías lo dijeron.
00:22:28¿Cómo iba a saber que algo tan terrible
00:22:30iba a pasar?
00:22:32Debiste llamarnos antes de llevarlo ahí, papá.
00:22:34Oye, yo jamás dije
00:22:36que era experto en cuidar niños.
00:22:38Tu madre, ella siempre...
00:22:42Tú eres quien quería que yo lo cuidara.
00:22:44No, yo quería una nana profesional, ¿sí?
00:22:46Erika fue quien quiso que...
00:22:48Oigan, no griten.
00:22:52Lo lamento.
00:22:54¿Cómo está?
00:22:56Está calmado.
00:22:58El psicólogo dijo
00:23:00que lo está manejando bien.
00:23:06Al parecer, sobrevivir al accidente
00:23:08hizo que la muerte
00:23:10fuera más tolerable.
00:23:16Solo espero.
00:23:20Tranquila, amor.
00:23:22Es fuerte,
00:23:24igual que su abuelo.
00:23:26¿Cómo está, papá?
00:23:36Fue un largo y difícil día.
00:23:42Querida, lo lamento
00:23:44mucho, en serio.
00:23:46No es tu culpa, papá.
00:23:48Creo que sería buena idea
00:23:50conseguir a alguien profesional
00:23:52que cuide a Donald.
00:23:56Me sentiré mucho mejor
00:23:58si al menos lo consideraran.
00:24:00No han herido
00:24:02mis sentimientos.
00:24:04No hay lugar
00:24:06para un gran ego
00:24:08cuando se trata de cuidar a un niño.
00:24:12Lo hablaremos en la mañana, ¿sí?
00:24:14Sí, hijo.
00:24:16Está bien. Buenas noches.
00:24:18Que descanses.
00:24:20Buenas noches, Erika.
00:24:24Buenas noches.
00:24:54Buenas noches.
00:25:54¡Buenos días, campeón!
00:25:56Hola, papá.
00:25:58¿Dónde está el abuelo Jay?
00:26:00No sé.
00:26:02¿Sabes cómo preparar tu desayuno?
00:26:04Yo aún no sé preparar el mío.
00:26:06¿Por qué no preparas algo
00:26:08para el abuelo también?
00:26:10Yo no creo que tenga mucha hambre
00:26:12esta mañana.
00:26:38Nunca había instalado
00:26:40un ventilador.
00:26:42Pero no soy un idiota. Leí las instrucciones.
00:26:44Señor Rosa, no es necesario
00:26:46usar ese lenguaje, por favor.
00:26:48En serio, creo que ahora es el momento
00:26:50perfecto para ese maldito lenguaje.
00:26:52De acuerdo, tranquilo.
00:26:54Dígame exactamente lo que pasó.
00:27:00¿Cómo le dije?
00:27:02¿Sacaba la basura?
00:27:04Pasé por la ventana
00:27:06y me asumí.
00:27:12¿Qué le pasó al abuelo Jay, mamá?
00:27:16Tuvo un accidente, amor.
00:27:18Eso lo sé, pero
00:27:20¿qué clase de accidente?
00:27:24Algo le cayó encima,
00:27:26pero no sintió nada. Estaba dormido.
00:27:28Pero vi sangre, mamá.
00:27:30¿Qué estás dibujando?
00:27:32Al abuelo Jay.
00:27:34Qué lindo.
00:27:36A él le gustaría.
00:27:40Voy a ver a tu papá.
00:27:42¿Estás bien?
00:27:44Sí, mamá.
00:27:46De acuerdo.
00:28:00¿Cómo pasó?
00:28:02Lo lamento.
00:28:16¿Demonios? ¿Qué sucede, Steve?
00:28:18No, también tenemos un desastre aquí.
00:28:20El padre de Scott murió.
00:28:24Un incendio en el muelle de Santa Mónica
00:28:26no es como el 9-11.
00:28:28Debo estar aquí con mi familia.
00:28:30Está bien. Ve.
00:28:32Estoy bien. Don y yo estaremos bien.
00:28:34Solo ve.
00:28:40De acuerdo, bien.
00:28:42Estaré ahí en una hora.
00:28:44Asegúrate de que Jill ya esté en maquillaje.
00:28:46Sí, ese es un hombre.
00:28:48Tiene mal aliento.
00:28:50Me hace lucir como una chica fácil.
00:28:52Muy bien.
00:28:56Está como loco.
00:28:58El muelle de Santa Mónica se va a caer al Pacífico.
00:29:00Sí, lo sé.
00:29:04Miren eso.
00:29:06Y verán el egoísmo en los ojos
00:29:08de esos hombres y mujeres.
00:29:10Dispuestos a sacrificar su vida
00:29:12por la de otros.
00:29:14Te hace valorar.
00:29:18Botes y aviones bomberos
00:29:20se han unido a la operación.
00:29:22Quédese con nosotros para la cobertura.
00:29:24De este incendio catastrófico
00:29:26que inunda de miedo a Santa Mónica.
00:29:30Su reinado de sangre está comenzando.
00:29:34¿Cómo rayos entró aquí?
00:29:36El infierno está sobre usted, señor Lawson, no yo.
00:29:38Su padre solo fue el principio.
00:29:40Usted y su esposa vivirán los más horrendos y horribles.
00:29:46Él es la fuente del máximo dolor del mundo.
00:29:48Vuelve a tu habitación. Estoy bien.
00:29:50Una vez puse mi mirada sobre él. Solo una.
00:29:52¿Qué siente?
00:29:54¡Él nació de las llamas! ¡Es el borrego negro!
00:29:56¡Niño diablo, revélate! ¡Hazlo!
00:29:58¡Que salga de mi casa! ¡Que salga de mi casa!
00:30:00¡No, no, niño diablo! ¡No, no, no!
00:30:02¡Escúcheme! ¡Escúcheme, señor Lawson!
00:30:04¡Lárguese! ¡Lárguese!
00:30:06¡Debe creerme! ¡Debe creerme!
00:30:22No sé lo que le sucede, hijo.
00:30:24Pero no puedes dejar que lo que diga te moleste.
00:30:26Es obvio que está enferma.
00:30:28Bueno, ella era muy fuerte para mí.
00:30:30Cuidado con eso.
00:30:32¿Qué es?
00:30:34Un tizador para chimenea.
00:30:36¿Dónde está la chimenea?
00:30:38No tenemos.
00:30:40A tu mamá no le gusta construir en la casa.
00:30:42¿Qué es?
00:30:44Un tizador para chimenea.
00:30:46¿Dónde está la chimenea?
00:30:48No tenemos.
00:30:50A tu mamá no le gusta construir en la casa.
00:30:52Esto era del abuelo Jake.
00:30:58Él solía llevarnos a la cabaña,
00:31:00a las montañas.
00:31:04La mañana de Navidad se despertaba
00:31:06y prendía la chimenea.
00:31:08Abríamos los regalos
00:31:10y asábamos bombones.
00:31:12¡Me gusta el fuego!
00:31:14Siempre voy a protegerte, hijo.
00:31:18Estarás a salvo cuando esté contigo.
00:31:44Rosa, ayúdame.
00:31:46Esto no puede seguir así.
00:31:54¿Qué diablos quieres decir con que estaba parada en la casa?
00:31:56Debió olvidar cerrar la puerta.
00:31:58No lo sé, o ella abrió.
00:32:00Es obvio que lo olvidaste.
00:32:02Con todo lo que el niño ha pasado,
00:32:04es lo último de lo que necesito preocuparme.
00:32:06Oye, ya lo resolví.
00:32:08Pondremos una alarma
00:32:10justo como lo pedí hace seis meses.
00:32:12Dios mío.
00:32:14Y también tendremos a un profesional para que cuide a Donald.
00:32:18Dios, me relajaré cuando esté lejos.
00:32:20¿Y a dónde vas?
00:32:22La cadena quiere hablar conmigo.
00:32:24Es una reunión para vernos. Estaré tres días fuera.
00:32:26¿Cuándo ibas a decírmelo?
00:32:28Ya lo hice.
00:32:32Esto es importante. Una entrevista para ser reportera de una cadena.
00:32:34Sí, creo que mi reportaje del accidente aéreo les gustó.
00:32:38No sé, pero me pareció que sabías exactamente lo que hacías hoy.
00:32:40¿Qué me quieres decir?
00:32:42Por favor, ¿te entristeces por unos bomberos?
00:32:44Y todo ese drama.
00:32:46¿Insinúas que actuaba?
00:32:48Yo creo que sobreactuaste.
00:33:10We have a confirmed death in the scene.
00:33:12The woman was identified as Sister Margaret McNulty
00:33:14from the orphanage Nuestra Señora de Su Sagrada Sangre in San Francisco.
00:33:18Now closed after being consumed by fire in March of this year.
00:33:22According to the sister station KQEZ in San Francisco
00:33:26Sister McNulty mysteriously abandoned her tasks in the orphanage
00:33:30shortly after the fire.
00:33:32She was questioned and released by the San Francisco police
00:33:34and had been reported missing by her church
00:33:36until she was discovered this afternoon.
00:33:40Sister Margaret McNulty.
00:33:44Incendio en Nuestra Señora de Su Sagrada Sangre.
00:33:52Los detectives desconcertados vencidos por el fuego en el orfanato.
00:34:00Algunos perdieron la vida.
00:34:02El padre Dennis O'Hurley fue uno de los sobrevivientes.
00:34:04Él estaba descartado en el Océano Pasado.
00:34:06Lo cual provocara fuertes tormentas...
00:34:10Gracias por reportarte seis meses después, tonto.
00:34:12Discúlpame, amigo.
00:34:14Oye, anoche no fuiste al bar donde estabas.
00:34:18Ahora soy padre. ¿Sabes cómo es eso?
00:34:20No, no sé cómo es. ¿Qué quieres?
00:34:22Necesito que busques al padre Dennis O'Hurley.
00:34:24Está en San Francisco.
00:34:26Ah, era tu amor platónico.
00:34:30Lo localizaré.
00:34:32Call me when you have something, ok?
00:34:34Of course, anything for a friend.
00:34:40Dude, she really ruined you. How can you eat that soy thing?
00:34:44It's not even here.
00:34:45Because it's delicious. You should try it sometime.
00:34:48Hey, Donny, let me know when the porristas come by.
00:34:51Hey, what are you doing? He's nine years old.
00:34:54What? Children are smarter these days.
00:34:56My sister's son is eight and has Caligula on video.
00:35:00Censored or not?
00:35:01I don't know, but he has the orgy of the dwarves.
00:35:03I would call child services to report your sister.
00:35:07So, are you considering moving to New York?
00:35:11If they hire one of us, he'll have to make a decision.
00:35:14Are you talking about you?
00:35:15About me and her. I still don't know what to do. We haven't talked about that.
00:35:19Help me, please.
00:35:21I'll take it.
00:35:22What is it?
00:35:23The beer.
00:35:24Here you go, champ. Soda and meat sauce.
00:35:29Enjoy it while you can. You'll be a vegetarian in the spring.
00:35:32Hey, no! It can't be!
00:35:34Please! They stink!
00:35:36You stink!
00:35:37You stink!
00:35:38They're idiots.
00:35:42It's mine.
00:35:45Oh, hello. Can I help you?
00:35:47Good afternoon, Mr. Lawson. I'm Lucy, the babysitter.
00:35:51The agency sent me. These are my references.
00:35:59You're not Donald.
00:36:01I can be, if you want.
00:36:07Come in, please.
00:36:09Lucy, right?
00:36:13Father Francis called my superiors when he heard they needed help.
00:36:17That explains it. My wife will be happy to know this.
00:36:20I spoke to her on the phone this morning.
00:36:22Your wife is very inquisitive.
00:36:24Yes, she can be like that.
00:36:25Don't take it the wrong way. I respect that. I'd be the same.
00:36:29There she is.
00:36:36Don't worry. Say hello to the little one.
00:36:38She's Lucy. She'll stay with us for a few days.
00:36:41I've waited a long time to meet you, Donald.
00:36:44I can't tell you how happy I am to be in front of you.
00:36:49Hey, excuse me.
00:36:51And bring Miss...
00:36:54Oh, that's great.
00:36:55Well, bring Miss Fair something to drink.
00:36:58Do you want ice cream?
00:36:59Uh, yes, thank you.
00:37:01But you don't have to apologize, sir. I understand.
00:37:06Hey, you don't have to call me sir.
00:37:10Can you show me your room, Donald?
00:37:12I heard you're an artist.
00:37:14You could show me some drawings.
00:37:16Yes, my friend. Go ahead. Show her your room.
00:37:28You think I hit her?
00:37:40They're very good, Donald.
00:37:43But where are the others?
00:37:47Come on, come on.
00:37:48You know what I'm talking about.
00:37:50I want to see your special drawings.
00:37:57Don't be afraid, little one.
00:37:59Look in your heart.
00:38:01You know who I am.
00:38:04Your humble servant.
00:38:06The sword and the shield.
00:38:29Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?
00:38:31Aren't we going to work?
00:38:33No, I thought I'd report sick.
00:38:35It's just that my leg was bothering me a little.
00:38:38Really? Because it looks like it doesn't hurt.
00:38:41No, it doesn't hurt.
00:38:43It's just that my leg was bothering me a little.
00:38:46Really? Because it looks like it doesn't hurt.
00:38:50Come on.
00:38:52You want to spend some time with the new babysitter, huh?
00:38:56Do you want to play house with her?
00:38:58No, no, it's not that.
00:39:00It's just that I'd really appreciate it if you were here.
00:39:05Because Lucy seems great, but...
00:39:07It's not healthy to have a nanny far from your partner.
00:39:10It's nothing. It's not a nanny, I promise.
00:39:12Are you talking about the marine waitress?
00:39:14Because I know you slept with her, but I don't think you're the father.
00:39:17I can't even get you a DNA test.
00:39:19It's nothing like that, Tony.
00:39:22There's something I have to do.
00:39:24You know you don't have to stay here.
00:39:26It's okay, considering everything that's happened.
00:39:29I'll be fine.
00:39:31I'm not afraid of ghosts.
00:39:33Besides, I've slept in worse places.
00:39:36When I was a punk, it didn't matter where or what we slept.
00:39:40When we did it.
00:39:42Wow, you were a punk girl?
00:39:43With mohawk and everything.
00:39:45Then I was in the Peace Corps, and there were dirty floors and...
00:39:48Big animals.
00:39:55I have a little TV I can lend you.
00:39:57It's the one we had here, it's the one Dad used...
00:40:03You know.
00:40:08Well, if you need anything, call me.
00:40:10Of course.
00:40:13Get some rest.
00:40:14You too.
00:40:28What do you think, Lucy?
00:40:30It's okay.
00:40:32Could someone worse come along?
00:40:34It's not like the ladies from the orphanage.
00:40:38The nuns, you mean?
00:40:41They beat us with rules.
00:40:43Sometimes even with shoes.
00:40:46The nuns beat you and the kids?
00:40:49That's horrible.
00:40:55Remember you told me that bad boys were punished?
00:40:59Yes, they were bad.
00:41:05The nuns were punished too?
00:41:12I don't like the nuns either.
00:41:14They scare me.
00:41:18How were they punished?
00:41:22They were burned.
00:41:24Most of the nuns.
00:41:26I see.
00:41:31And how do you think they got burned?
00:41:35Are you glad that happened to them?
00:41:40I'm glad they don't beat me anymore.
00:41:44Me too.
00:41:52You'll be with Lucy tomorrow.
00:41:54Uncle Tony will be there too.
00:41:56They'll take you to the park to see a movie.
00:41:58One for adults?
00:41:59For teenagers.
00:42:00I'll let Lucy choose.
00:42:02I'll go to work tomorrow.
00:42:04Maybe I'll get home at bedtime.
00:42:08Get some rest, Dad.
00:42:11You too.
00:42:16Be careful.
00:42:20You too.
00:42:32You too.
00:43:02Hello, this is Erick Aloso. Please leave a message.
00:43:06Hello, it's me.
00:43:09I'm just calling to see what you're doing.
00:43:12It's very late there.
00:43:13I imagine you're asleep or you went out with the gang.
00:43:17Be careful with the crazy people.
00:43:21I was thinking about you.
00:43:25I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
00:43:28I was thinking about you.
00:43:32I just wanted to know how was the meeting.
00:43:37I love you.
00:43:39See you tomorrow.
00:43:58I love you.
00:44:12Hey, Tony.
00:44:13No, no.
00:44:14Scott told me there's a nice park not too far from here.
00:44:16Yes, San Francis Green.
00:44:18San Francis?
00:44:19Yes, it's next to the church.
00:44:20They keep the gardens very pretty.
00:44:22We should go on a picnic.
00:44:24Are you sure you'll be hungry for a picnic?
00:44:29Hey, what did you do with the frisbee I brought you?
00:44:31We could throw it.
00:44:34Come on, a frisbee floats.
00:44:35It won't come down like a baseball.
00:44:37Trust me, Uncle Tony.
00:44:39It's in my room, in the basket.
00:44:42Time to go.
00:44:43We can go to the park and then we can watch
00:44:46Fiesta Locada 2 on the weekend.
00:44:48Is it for teenagers?
00:44:50No, I think so.
00:44:52It's a comedy.
00:44:58Hello, friend. How are you?
00:45:28Eat my excrement?
00:45:31Die, bastard.
00:45:49Hi, it's Scott. Leave a message.
00:45:51Hi, Scott. How are you? It's Tony.
00:45:55I found strange things.
00:45:58And I...
00:46:01Call me as soon as you can.
00:46:16Hey, Tony.
00:46:19What about the frisbee, Tony?
00:46:21Oh, yeah.
00:46:23I mean...
00:46:24Sorry, bad word.
00:46:26There are worse.
00:46:30Hey, friend.
00:46:31Maybe we should...
00:46:33Forget about the frisbee today and...
00:46:35Play something safer.
00:46:36But you said that...
00:46:37I know, I know.
00:46:38I think I didn't sleep well.
00:46:40Maybe it's better that...
00:46:42We just go to the movies.
00:46:45What? No picnic?
00:46:46Everything is ready.
00:46:48Oh, so fast.
00:46:50I hope you don't complain about how I cook.
00:46:53No, of course not.
00:46:55Because the man who likes my food...
00:46:57Earns my heart.
00:47:01Why don't you bring the basket for the picnic?
00:47:03Scott said there's one in the car.
00:47:07I'll go get it.
00:47:18I'll go get it.
00:47:19I'll go get it.
00:47:20I'll go get it.
00:47:47Do you never play music?
00:47:49I used to, but not all patients like the same thing.
00:47:52That caused problems.
00:47:53Really? What is it?
00:47:55Throwing excrement.
00:47:56Hitting your head on the walls.
00:48:00Father O'Hairley will be happy to see his nephew.
00:48:03No one has come to see him in months.
00:48:05He would have come earlier, but he was on a trip.
00:48:08He suffered many burns.
00:48:10The surgeon did what he could, but...
00:48:12I understand.
00:48:19Father O'Hairley, your nephew came to see you.
00:48:24I'll leave you alone, okay?
00:48:49I'll leave you alone.
00:49:19Father O'Hairley?
00:49:56I don't have nephews.
00:49:59I know, but I had to come.
00:50:03Why did you come?
00:50:05Did you come to kill me?
00:50:07No, no, for God's sake, no.
00:50:09God avoids what He is capable of doing.
00:50:13That talent is weaker every minute that passes.
00:50:26Do you know this boy?
00:50:33He's my son.
00:50:36He is not the son of the earth.
00:50:39He is a black seed, whose father God took from the heavens, but has returned to the child.
00:50:46Do you know...
00:50:48Sister Margaret?
00:50:51Smart woman.
00:50:53Who I thought was crazy.
00:50:57She is dead.
00:51:03It doesn't matter.
00:51:06She had eyes when the rest of us were blind.
00:51:10She is dead.
00:51:12She had eyes when the rest of us were blind.
00:51:16She knew that the child would pour the wrath of her father upon us.
00:51:21And everything she predicted happened.
00:51:26Are you saying that Donald set the orphanage on fire?
00:51:31He also dropped the plane.
00:51:34Everything is part of his father's plan.
00:51:37Getting to his arms was not an accident, Mr. Lawson.
00:51:40The child is the beast, and he carries his mark.
00:51:45I have not seen anything in him, Father.
00:51:48And he had the power to give life to the image of the beast.
00:51:52We must speak of the image of the beast.
00:51:55And the number of people who do not come in the image of the beast must die.
00:52:00And whoever has understanding, count the number of the beast, since it is the number of a man.
00:52:06And that number is six hundred and sixty-six.
00:52:13It's a lie! That's not true!
00:52:15Numbers do not lie, my son.
00:52:17Your time is now.
00:52:19It is the night of the sixth day of the sixth month, in the year of the Lord two thousand and six.
00:52:27Tomorrow begins his reign.
00:52:30The death of the light.
00:52:33Unless you do what must be done.
00:52:37I can not kill my son.
00:52:40The act is not against a child, but against the vile snakes, Mr. Lawson.
00:52:46They arose to strangle any good that remains in the terrible world.
00:52:51He can not.
00:52:53Before the viper attacks, show your fangs.
00:53:00Look there if you want to be sure, Mr. Lawson.
00:53:37What am I doing?
00:53:46Hello, Tony.
00:53:47Hey, Scott, can you hear me?
00:53:50Tony, I do not hear you, speak loudly.
00:53:54I found some very strange drawings, my friend.
00:53:59You found what?
00:54:01I think I found something strange.
00:54:03I do not hear you, Tony.
00:54:05I think Tony drew them, but ...
00:54:07With blood and viscera, they are a disaster.
00:54:10Tony, I do not hear you.
00:54:12Call me again.
00:54:34Let's go.
00:54:52Hello, I'm Tony, leave your message.
00:54:56Tony, please answer.
00:55:34How was the trip?
00:55:39Very good.
00:55:41All right today with Donald?
00:55:44I tried to call the house a couple of times and Tony's cell phone, but I could not communicate.
00:55:48We went to the park, we had a lot of fun.
00:55:51Yes, we did.
00:55:53And you?
00:55:55We went to the park, we had a lot of fun.
00:55:58And you?
00:56:00We went to the park, we had a lot of fun.
00:56:04Did Tony go with you?
00:56:06Yes, Donald loves him, you know.
00:56:09And they get along very well.
00:56:12And did Tony mention where he was going today?
00:56:15He left after the movie, he had an appointment.
00:56:21Well, I'm going to see Donald.
00:56:33Good night.
00:56:56Oh, I know, right?
00:56:58Can I make you something?
00:57:00No, thank you, Lucy.
00:57:01Then I retire for tonight.
00:57:03There is a miniseries about the life of Christ.
00:57:06I did not know you were religious.
00:57:08Oh no, it's to laugh.
00:57:14Oh, so you connected the TV?
00:57:16Yes, thank you for leaving it outside my door.
00:57:20Oh, I bought some curtains for the windows.
00:57:24Oh, sorry about that.
00:57:26It was my fault. In the punk environment, being naked was not sexual at all.
00:57:29And less in the body of peace.
00:57:31It was always very hot.
00:57:40Get some rest, Lucy.
00:57:58And he had the power to give life to the image of the beast.
00:58:05Drawings, paintings, symbols, the devil.
00:58:12The hell.
00:58:14And when I saw him, I fell to his feet.
00:58:24The time is coming.
00:58:26The master's son arrives.
00:59:18Take a flight earlier.
00:59:24I thought I was the one who would give you the welcome gift.
00:59:30You are my gift, Mr. Lawson.
00:59:36I know how to keep secrets.
00:59:51Very good. I have another one.
00:59:53Knock, knock.
00:59:54Who is it?
00:59:56Which orange?
00:59:57Your babysitter's orange?
01:00:00How do you say that?
01:00:02Oh, Dad.
01:00:03When do we buy a new TV?
01:00:06Watching TV while you eat is rude.
01:00:08Very soon.
01:00:10Hey, can you come here for a second?
01:00:21I want you to leave right now.
01:00:25Oh, was it that bad?
01:00:28I want you to leave right now.
01:00:30No, no, no.
01:00:31Out of here.
01:00:33I'll tell Donald and we'll send you your things.
01:00:36As you wish.
01:00:40One thing, Mr. Lawson.
01:00:42I lied.
01:00:44I've never been able to keep a secret.
01:01:00I'm sorry.
01:01:16You have a new message.
01:01:50Hi, Erica. I'm Greta Richards, CBS assistant.
01:01:53I'm sorry to call so early, but Richard was wondering if we could change the meeting to 9.30.
01:01:59His daughter is sick and he wants to take the house as soon as possible.
01:02:04Of course.
01:02:06Thank you very much.
01:02:07There will be a car downstairs in 45 minutes.
01:02:10Thank you. See you later.
01:02:28Don't cry, Mommy.
01:03:14It's me.
01:03:41What's going on?
01:03:46Where's Lucy?
01:03:51Dad, where's Lucy?
01:03:56Dad, where's Lucy?
01:05:22Where are you?
01:05:27Don't go!
01:05:35No, Dad! No!
01:05:38No! Please, no!
01:05:42No, Dad! Please, no!
01:05:45No, Dad!
01:05:46You said you'd always take care of me!
01:05:50Forgive me!
01:06:07And in other news,
01:06:09the strange and very violent deaths of Erica Lawson and her husband Scott.
01:06:15Both members of the KVLA family have impacted everyone in the South Zone.
01:06:21Of course, our thoughts are with their adoptive son, Donald.
01:06:26Who, in a more pleasant piece of news,
01:06:28we understand is under the custody of his famous adoptive aunt, Mary Lou Conroy,
01:06:32from the famous television series, Cooking with Mary Lou.
01:06:37And while little Donald and I prepare these delicious Christmas cookies,
01:06:43there's something I'd like to say with the Christmas spirit.
01:06:48If ever there was such a great suffering that any human being could bear,
01:07:00then this poor child has already lived it.
01:07:04And while this is a time of great suffering,
01:07:08it is undoubtedly a time of great pride as well.
01:07:12Pride, because he has faced it with great character.
01:07:19And from my point of view, I would like to say that if Mary Lou Conroy has something to do with it,
01:07:28I will make the purpose of my life be that this blessed child
01:07:34never again suffer at all for the rest of his days.
01:07:38Look at his face.
01:07:41Have you ever seen a more beautiful face?
01:07:45Don't cry, Aunt.
01:07:51But how charming he is.
01:07:54Something tells me there will be much more of this special child, friends.
01:08:08Merry Christmas
01:08:38Merry Christmas
01:09:08Merry Christmas
01:09:38Merry Christmas
01:10:08Merry Christmas
01:10:38Merry Christmas
01:11:08Merry Christmas
01:11:38Merry Christmas
01:12:08Merry Christmas
01:12:38Merry Christmas
01:13:08Merry Christmas
01:13:38Merry Christmas
01:14:08Merry Christmas
01:14:38Merry Christmas
01:15:08Merry Christmas
01:15:38Merry Christmas
01:16:08Merry Christmas
01:16:38Merry Christmas
01:17:08Merry Christmas
01:17:39Merry Christmas
01:17:43Merry Christmas
01:17:47Merry Christmas
01:17:51Merry Christmas
01:17:55Merry Christmas
01:17:59Merry Christmas
01:18:02Merry Christmas
01:18:07Merry Christmas
01:18:11Merry Christmas
