• last year


00:00The other test, it is contentment.
00:07And above it Prophet Muhammad said, it's mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, volume number 8, hadith
00:13number 447, the Prophet said that even if a person owns a value of gold, he would want
00:22to have another.
00:23Even if a person owns a value of gold, he would want to own another value of gold.
00:28And the maximum he can take in his mouth is the dirt of the grave.
00:31However rich he is, let him be the richest man in the world, the person would want to
00:39crave for more wealth.
00:40A person is not content.
00:42Most of the human beings aren't content.
00:46Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Nisa, chapter number 4, verse number 32, that do not ask
00:54from Allah that which Allah has favoured other people.
00:58We say, no Allah, you have given him so much wealth, you have given him such a good beautiful
01:04Don't ask from Allah what Allah has favoured others with.
01:09It will be lost for you.
01:11And our beloved Prophet said, it's mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, volume number 4, our beloved
01:15Prophet said that look at those people who are less fortunate than you.
01:22Don't look at those people who are more fortunate than you, lest it will divert you from the
01:27remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, lest you may be ungrateful to your Lord.
01:31So Prophet said, look at those who are less fortunate.
01:34Then you say, okay fine, the person, no, he doesn't have a car, at least I have a small
01:38car, Maruti car.
01:39Don't look at a person having a Mercedes, oh, why don't I have a Mercedes?
01:43The person doesn't have a car, at least Allah has given me a car, you be thankful to Allah.
01:46The moment you compare yourself with a person who has a Mercedes, oh, why hasn't Allah given
01:50me a Mercedes?
01:52Look at those people who are less fortunate.
01:54It will help you to remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
01:57And this is human nature.
01:59And there's a saying that there was a man who complained because he had no shoes, until
02:05he saw a man who had no feet.
02:07A person used to complain, I've got no shoes, complain to Allah, I've got no shoes, until
02:13he saw a man who had no feet, then he's thanking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, at least I have
02:18So contentment is a test.
02:22Our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, it's mentioned in Sahih Bukhari,
02:25verse number 8, that the real wealth is contentment, it is not property.
02:31The real true wealth is contentment, being satisfied, whatever you have, you say alhamdulillah,
02:36praise be to Allah.
02:39That is the true movement, that's the true believer, that's the true Muslim, contentment.
02:44Some people ask, how come Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has created some people who are
02:51born healthy, he made some people born healthy, some people are born with diseases, maybe
02:56congenital disease, heart disease, some are born handicapped.
03:01So is Allah unjust?
03:02Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Nisa, chapter 4, verse 40, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is
03:07never unjust in the least degree.
03:09This is a test.
03:10Allah tests different people in different ways.
03:13Maybe, it's possible, the children that are born, they are masoom, they are sinless, it's
03:18not their fault at all.
03:20But as the Quran says in Surah Anfal, chapter number 8, verse number 28, that your wealth
03:26and your children are a test for you.
03:28And Allah repeats the message in chapter 63, verse number 9, that do not let your wealth
03:33and your children deviate from the remembrance of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
03:37So maybe possible that it's a test for the parents.
03:41It's a test for the parents.
03:44There may be occasion, whenever any calamity comes on any individual, it is either a test
03:50or it's a punishment.
03:52Those people who have deviated from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, for them it's a punishment.
03:56From those who are on the true path, it's a test for them.
04:00Maybe the parents are very good Muslims, offering five times salah, may have given the zakat,
04:04may have gone for hajj, may be fasting in the month of Ramadan, now Allah gives them
04:09a child who has congenital heart disease.
04:12The true Muslim, a true mu'min will say, alhamdulillah, thank you Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
04:17Allah is testing them.
04:19A person who is ungrateful or may not be able to pass the difficult test will say, oh why?
04:26He will start cribbing.
04:27He will complain to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, why did Allah give me a child who is handicapped,
04:31who has congenital heart disease?
04:33And more difficult is the test, more high is the reward.
04:41For example, if you sit for a BA degree examination, if you pass, you are a graduate, BA, graduate
04:52in arts.
04:53But if you pass an MBBS examination, besides being a graduate, you get a doctor in front
04:58of your name, doctor.
04:59But to pass an MBBS examination is multiple times more difficult than to pass a BA examination.
05:05More difficult the test, more high is the reward.
05:08So may be Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wants to give those parents, not Jannah, but Jannat-e-Firdos.
05:14So even though they are pious, Allah wants to give them a higher reward.
05:18And that is the reason our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
05:21it's mentioned in Sunnat-e-Tirmidhi, when a person asked, that who had the maximum test
05:25in this world?
05:26The Prophet replied that all the Anbiya's, all the Prophets of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
05:31they had the most difficult test.
05:34After that, those who are closest to them, those who are like the Prophets.
05:38After that, those who are like them.
05:41And more higher is the faith of a person, more difficult is the test.
05:45The most taqwa person has, Allah gives you a difficult test.
05:49You took admission into MBBS because you got high marks in 12th standard.
05:54So more difficult test, to pass MBBS is difficult.
05:57So here also, the Prophets, their taqwa level cannot be compared with the normal human beings.
06:02So just because they were Prophets of God, even the Prophets were tested.
06:06No Prophet was just led without testing.
06:09But because their taqwa was high, the Prophets were tested multiple times more than the normal
06:13human beings, compared to you and me.
06:16More difficult.
06:17So more higher is your taqwa in the faith, Allah will test you.
06:20So true believer, if difficulty comes, he says, Subhanallah, praise be to Allah, Alhamdulillah.
06:27He takes it as a test.
06:29Any calamity comes, it's either a test or a punishment.
06:34For the Prophets of high taqwa, it wasn't a punishment, it was a test.
06:38And they passed the test.
06:40When any good things happen to an individual, it's either a reward or a test.
06:46Wealth can be a reward or it can be a test for you.
06:50Any good thing happens, it is either a reward or a test for you.
06:55For those who have deviated from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, they pray, give me wealth, Allah
06:58gives them wealth.
06:59And test them and they fail.
07:00So in this world, they get what they want, luxury, but in the Akhira, it's nothing but
07:07Charity is a test, contentment is a test, the children are a test.
