"Miracle" Premature baby Caleb Dawkins goes through rollercoaster journey to return home

  • last month
Caleb Dawkins


00:25dear baby from Gosport has gone on an incredible rollercoaster journey to be where he is today
00:31in his very short life.
00:34Caleb Dawkins came into the world 3 months premature at just 26 weeks. Being born on
00:40September 24th of 2023, the miracle baby weighed in at just 836 grams, less than a bag of sugar.
00:51Caleb was due to be born on December 28th but arrived sooner than expected for parents
00:56Reuben and Marianna of Gosport. The pregnancy started shortly after a babymoon holiday in
01:02Dubai and just like that, Marianna and Reuben were both whisked to Queen's Alexandra Hospital
01:09where Caleb's journey of his birth would begin. He would have to go on to battle jaundice,
01:15bronchiolitis, stomach infections and other complications before finally going back home
01:2163 days after being in hospital.
01:26At one point Caleb's mum Marianna said that she really didn't think her son would survive
01:31and couldn't comprehend the fact that medical professionals can save premature babies especially
01:36given how early they're born and the preceding medical consequences. Caleb has experienced
01:42so much already in his young life, going swimming for the first time, driving his first car,
01:48going kayaking and going to ports of Comic Con dressed as Spider-Man and also enjoying
01:53some delicious treats at South Sea Food Festival. Reuben said his son got a lot of attention
01:59throughout and Marianna said he has been an amazing little fighter.
02:04It's been absolutely amazing. I had a fun time, took him to Comic Con where he was baby
02:10Spidey and I was Spider-Man and he was incredibly popular because I don't think anyone else
02:15had a baby so small dressed up so it was a fun experience for all of us as a family.
02:20We entered the under 12s competition for him and a lot of people were saying that they
02:26were inspired hearing his story when I got up on stage and spoke for a few moments. It
02:31was just such a fun experience. It's something I want to do on an annual basis so we went
02:34to the Port Sola one, we'll go again next year. I'll have to get him new outfits but
02:40I think I'll keep mine for a number of years hopefully. And maybe dress up as other characters
02:46because superheroes are a source of inspiration and strength. I'm a big fan of comics and
02:53Marvel and I'm sure Caleb will be as he's older and he's exemplified strength and courage
02:58going through the experience.
02:59I was going to say he's a little superhero.
03:01Yes he absolutely is.
03:08For people who have never met Caleb, what sort of person is he? How would you describe him?
03:13He's definitely strong. Physically he's very strong.
03:17And mentally strong as well.
03:19Yeah mentally strong. I think we've seen that through his journey really. But yeah he's
03:26just like any other baby and I think that's something you worry about when you're going
03:31through the journey in the NICU. You know you're wondering what to expect.
03:36He's a bit of a charmer as well isn't he?
03:38Yeah he's definitely a charmer.
03:40Yeah he likes to charm. He's very comfortable around other people. He doesn't cry when he's
03:45going to help other people. Now he's crying now. But he doesn't actually cry much. I think
03:50it's because Miss Rachel's not on. But yeah he's very comfortable around other people.
03:55He's very bubbly.
03:56He's cheeky.
03:57Yeah he's a cheeky boy.
04:01Ruben says that Caleb has grown up so much that many are surprised to hear that he's
04:05a premature baby.
04:07Caleb's journey is only beginning and there are set to be plenty of up and downs. Premature
04:14babies have a higher risk of having heightened anxiety and being diagnosed with neurodiversities.
04:20But so far Caleb has been growing incredibly well and taking every single challenge head
04:26on. His father described him as a special, special boy with strength and character to
04:34tackle everything. With Marianna adding that the family will do whatever they can to support
04:41Caleb every step of the way for him to thrive in his life.
04:46Freddie Webb Ports of News. Gospel.
