The Bold and the Beautiful 8-12-24 (12th August 2024) 8-12-2024

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00:00Bill, please. You have got to believe me. I have evidence. Poppy is dangerous. I truly
00:13believe that she killed those two men at El Jardino.
00:17Mom, what is it? What's going on? What is Katie doing here?
00:25I'm here to warn Bill. I know what you did, Poppy.
00:32Oh, I have an idea. I have the same idea, but we're at the office.
00:48Since when did that ever stop us? That's a good point.
00:55Do you really? Well, I just thought you and I should go
01:01work out in the gym. The company gym. It'd be fun, right?
01:04That's probably a nicer way of saying that, Bea. What are you... Come on, I'm trying to...
01:09Not you, me. I've got to look good. I'm now the face of Brooke's bedroom line again.
01:14You do look good. Exquisite. That's why everybody wants to have interviews with you.
01:19That's exciting, right? It is.
01:21All the publicity. Back in the spotlight where you belong.
01:25Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting? Yes.
01:33Oh, you brought pizza. Good. You're forgiven. What is it? Something wrong?
01:41Is it about Luna? No, it's about her mom.
01:50Good to see you, man. Thanks for meeting me.
01:53Hey, as long as you're buying. Yeah, well, you know, company card, so...
01:57Even better. Hey, so look, if it means you can't touch...
02:02Yeah, I'm aware of that. I was beginning to suspect you forgot you have an older brother.
02:07If only. Hey, you watch your tone, young William.
02:11It's Will. And I'll have you know that I haven't been back in town that long.
02:15No, I know. Dad told me. I'm just giving you a hard time.
02:17Some things never change, huh? Well, they can't change.
02:21It is good to see you in person, like the actual you,
02:25because, you know, the video chats are fine and all,
02:27but I'll be honest, they make you look fat.
02:29Yeah, well, when you're on separate continents, you gotta make do, right?
02:33Well, I know it.
02:35I, uh...
02:38I heard about your awkward re-entry into L.A.
02:43Yeah, if you mean walking in on our dad and his new girlfriend in bed together.
02:51I'm sorry, Dad.
02:53I'm sorry, Dad.
02:55I'm sorry, Dad.
02:57I'm sorry, Dad.
02:59I'm sorry, Dad.
03:01I'm sorry, Dad.
03:03I'm sorry, Dad.
03:05I'm sorry, Dad.
03:07I'm sorry, Dad.
03:09I'm sorry, Dad.
03:11I'm sorry, Dad.
03:13I'm sorry, Dad.
03:15I'm sorry, Dad.
03:17I'm sorry, Dad.
03:20I'm sorry, Dad.
03:22I'm sorry, Dad.
03:24I'm sorry, Dad.
03:26I'm sorry, Dad.
03:28I'm sorry, Dad.
03:30I'm sorry, Dad.
03:32I'm sorry, Dad.
03:34I'm sorry, Dad.
03:38Well, that sounds...
03:40Uncomfortable, to say the least.
03:43Yeah, definitely not how I imagined meeting this new woman in Dad's life.
03:47know also I gotta think poppy was pretty mortified yeah you know she's also
03:53nothing like I thought she was gonna be like but it's our old man's life right
03:59yeah but he's happy I don't know what else to say about that maybe but I got
04:05my doubts about poppy and our new sister poppy what about her was she there with
04:12Luna no she was alone when I got to the apartment she was visibly upset though
04:19upset why she found something listen I don't think I should I don't know if I
04:27should talk about it with the guys if Luna would want you to you mean this is
04:32really shocking stuff what is it honey
04:42she found a backpack Tom Starr's backpack Tom Starr but the homeless guy
04:50that that overdosed at the restaurant that guy it just showed up at Luna and
04:57poppy's apartment it was full of letters that Tom had
05:03written to poppy over the years claiming that he's one of his biological father
05:10what Katie has a theory about it
05:18I won't let you do this Katie poison bill against me well you would see it
05:22that way now what I see is a jealous ex-wife who is constantly invading our
05:27lives and causing trouble you need to leave are you ordering me out of Bill's
05:31house no I'm asking it was politely if I know how to go not a chance two men are
05:39dead because of a mysterious overdose and you had a connection to one of them
05:42Katie please not this again yes I'm sorry Luna this again your brother had
05:47every reason to want Tom Starr out of her life out of the way that's motive
05:52that's why I'm here to warn bill about poppy he's living with a murderer
06:11thank you and I'm sorry but when you're with me you're an honorary piece so tell
06:18me what are these doubts you have about poppy and Luna they've made pretty
06:23quick inroads in dad's life yeah I mean that's not surprising right I mean they
06:31share a daughter together they've got this this history it's kind of a big
06:35deal for them it's also a big deal for us I mean you and me we're getting a
06:40sister out of this yeah yeah have you even met Luna what do you think of her
06:47I don't know we barely met too soon to really know so I will say this when it
06:54comes to dad and his new his new family it's pretty strange what's pretty
07:01strange that after 20 years this woman he spends one night with finally decides
07:07to do a paternity test and hits paydirt practically overnight look I'm gonna
07:11tell you right now Luna and her mother are living large at the Spencer estate
07:15and what used to be my home yeah I get it but it's still your home I know she's
07:25different dad's different it's because of the nose owl women
07:34hang on a second so it's okay the actually thinks pop is responsible for
07:38two deaths it's just none of us really knew Tom Tom was a stranger but the
07:43Hollis maybe there's like a chance that he got dragged into this well that's
07:47just it we don't know what this is think Katie's theory is that this backpack
07:53with these letters in it that's the smoking gun and it's pointing right at
07:57poppy I just I don't want to spread misinformation but no those letters are
08:03written proof that Tom was pressuring poppy and I don't think it's too much of
08:09a stretch to think that poppy would have done something to stop him okay I
08:15just keep going back to the paternity test Lee wanted to test bill to prove
08:21that he wasn't the father but it turns out that he is oh it's a tester it's not
08:26foolproof okay that's true so maybe maybe she felt cornered by Tom and what
08:42people feel cornered sometimes they do the unthinkable
08:48you've got to stop this Katie yeah you've made accusations about my mom
08:53before and they're wrong and hurtful whatever your problem is my problem is
08:58your involvement in Tom and Hollis's deaths how many times do I have to say
09:02it I had nothing to do with their to save the denials because the facts speak
09:06for themselves what facts two men died from a drug overdose from the same drug
09:14and that is truly sad and heartbreaking but it's also an unfortunate
09:19coincidence coincidence that Tom Starr had a backpack full of letters claiming
09:24that he was Luna's real father yeah I talked to Sheila she told me that she
09:30talked to Hollis on the same day that he died and he told her about the backpack
09:35but she didn't listen to him and so he got rid of it so two people who knew
09:39about letters that could completely upend your life and Luna's life with
09:43Bill mysteriously die from the same drug two people who would still be alive
09:50I saw both of these were tragic drug overdoses there were senseless accidents
09:55Tom Starr he did have a history of drug and alcohol abuse yeah but he had been
10:00clean for a long time and by all accounts Hollis never was a user how
10:05did you know about the letters RJ told me did you he was with me and I was
10:15upset and once he found out he went straight to his aunt no no actually I
10:19ran into him he was coming from your apartment and he was reluctant to say
10:23anything to me I mean he didn't really want to tell me about what you confessed
10:27to Luna we were confessed poppy told Luna that she had seen Tom on the day
10:34that he performed right before he went on stage and that she shouldn't worry
10:40because she had taken things into her own hands did you say that
10:48why didn't you tell me about this before doesn't take a genius to figure it out
10:54she was trying to protect the life that she had created for herself and Luna
10:59with you Tom and Hollis were getting in the way of that so they had to go she
11:04sacrificed two lives to keep her secret and to keep from losing you
11:21I don't necessarily agree with Katie's claims but I just can't just dismiss him
11:28either I understand it's just I know poppy I mean I don't think she's capable
11:36of killing two people just because one of them claimed that what he's Luna's
11:41actual biological team little extreme seems very extreme and it'd be
11:46devastating for Luna if it's true you know for the record I have asked myself
11:57the same question why didn't poppy get a paternity test years ago you think it's
12:03weird too weird I don't know do I think it's weird yeah maybe a little bit but
12:08if I knew poppy better different no but she's still a mystery to you huh
12:12Luna as well I mean yes and no in some ways yes because I just I haven't spent
12:20that much time with them right neither of you but it sure seems like they're
12:25good people I mean they're really sweet poppy obviously cares a lot about dad at
12:32least that's the way it seems to me
12:36but apparently not to you
12:44it's true you saw Tom Starr the day he died yes why what did you say to him I
12:52told him that he wasn't Luna's father that we did a test proving that she is
12:57your daughter and I also told him that he had to stop harassing me and
13:01threatening Luna that's it that's all you had to say I still don't understand
13:07why you didn't come to me I have people that could have handled this why did you
13:12go alone in secret I am sorry in hindsight I realized I should have come
13:18to you first but you couldn't know how Bill would react I mean he might have
13:22sent you packing for keeping the truth from him no no Bill that is not it
13:26please don't listen to Katie she doesn't know what she's talking oh I think I do
13:30you need to have another paternity test done to make sure that Luna is actually
13:34your daughter and that poppy hasn't been lying to you and to Luna this whole time
13:42what now
13:49I called Chief Baker and told him about the evidence that I had linking poppy to
13:58Hollis and Tom Starr's deaths that's why I'm here follow up follow up how well
14:05based on what Katie gave me we were able to get a search warrant for this
14:10Nozawa's apartment that's where we found this
14:27you said poppies in love with our dad but is he in love with her I'm sure acts
14:33like it he's ever gotten over my mom
14:40well let me tell you something dad will never get over to your mom and besides
14:48they produced a not entirely obnoxious child together so there's that well
14:55he's got a daughter with poppy now for his family now too I know I know that
14:59but if you're worried that poppy is somehow gonna use that here's the thing
15:06dad is one of the shrewdest people in the universe right he didn't get to
15:12where he is today by not reading people exceptionally well and poppy and Luna
15:18are no exception to that I hope you're right I really do but I
15:25still wonder about them especially poppy
15:29well I still think Sheila has something to do with this even though they've
15:33released her I don't disagree but I do know my sister clearly she thinks poppy
15:42if she was desperate enough would have done something irrational but killing
15:47two people that arrived did Katie say what she was gonna do with this
15:51information I'm just I'm just worried about Luna and the impact this could
15:55have on her if the police get involved they question poppy my mom's a good
16:01person she would never hurt anyone I appreciate that I also appreciate that's
16:07coming from her daughter I didn't do anything wrong I didn't come here with a
16:11theory miss Nozawa I've got evidence what evidence the
16:15backpack full old letters poppy told me all about that well does she also tell
16:20you what else was inside the backpack
16:34you recognize this don't you bill all right this is insane I have no idea how
16:40that backpack got my apartment much less that's in or any drugs the drugs that
16:45killed Hollis and star the same drugs you take except these are laced and
16:51deadly no no Luna bill I don't know anything about these drugs I would never
16:58Luna you have to believe me miss Nozawa was with Tom star right before he
17:04collapsed on stage and died we have drugs connecting her to both crimes we
17:09have opportunity motive evidence we're taking her in oh my god mom did you do
17:23okay then what about what about the paternity test this bill actually my
17:27father yes he really is your father your aunt Lee did the test you have to
17:32believe me I swear I'm innocent Katie the police they don't know what they're
17:39talking about they're wrong I had nothing to do with this I didn't do
17:42anything wrong
17:52do what you have to do I hope that none of this is true
18:00it isn't true I swear I swear I'm innocent I swear on my life I I'm
18:07innocent I did I have nothing to do with this
18:10Nellie Pete Nozawa you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and
18:18will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to an attorney
18:23you have the right to have that attorney present during questioning
18:48you understand these rights as I have stated
18:53let's go
