The Bold and the Beautiful 8-20-24 (20th August 2024) 8-20-2024

  • last month
00:00Hope kissed you?
00:09Like her lips touched yours?
00:16You kissed Steffi's husband?
00:24I did.
00:26I did, mom.
00:29I kissed Finn.
00:33What would possess you to do such a thing?
00:43I could watch you sketch all day.
00:47Taylor, hi.
00:51Nice to see you're pleasantly surprised to see me.
00:53I am surprised.
00:59It's been too long.
01:01Well, week's over.
01:03I'm back.
01:19Taylor Hayes.
01:21Looking wonderful as always.
01:23And you always know the right thing to say.
01:25I do.
01:29This is the last thing I expected today.
01:31Well, I hope you're not too disappointed.
01:33Seeing you?
01:41Why, honey?
01:45Why on earth would you kiss Finn?
01:47I don't know, mom.
01:49Something just came over me.
01:51Okay, okay.
01:53Just calm down.
01:56Take a deep breath.
01:58I need to know exactly what happened.
02:08Steffi, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am.
02:12And seeing you like this is killing me,
02:14but I had to tell you.
02:18You let her kiss you?
02:20Let her?
02:22No, no, no.
02:24I didn't do that.
02:26And look, I'm not making any excuses,
02:28but she just-
02:30How many times, Finn?
02:32How many times did I tell you
02:34to stay away from Hope?
02:36How many?
02:38A lot.
02:40I warned you over and over again
02:42to keep your distance from Hope.
02:44But you didn't listen to me.
02:48And now Hope kissed you.
02:54Oh, look at that one.
02:56Yeah, we took this in front of the Louvre.
03:00Douglas really likes to do it, doesn't he?
03:02Oh, we definitely have a budding artist in him.
03:04The way he lights up
03:06when he sees a piece that he's into.
03:08Isn't it the same way he lights up
03:10when he gets to spend time with this
03:12very attractive grandmother?
03:14They're a beautiful family.
03:16Paris is so sweet and wonderful
03:18and I love Paris.
03:20I love Paris.
03:23Paris is so sweet and wonderful with Douglas
03:25and Thomas is really happy.
03:27He is happy, right?
03:29He seems happy.
03:31I talk to him all the time
03:33and it just seems like
03:35the joy is coming through the phone.
03:37And you got to see him
03:39and he got to tell you
03:41that he was getting engaged in person.
03:43How was that?
03:45Are you kidding?
03:47You knew before me.
03:49What can I say?
03:51We video chat almost every day, but...
03:53Not the same as seeing your kids in person.
03:55Definitely not.
03:57I know she's had a rough few months
03:59and I promised her I'd come home as soon as I could.
04:01She's tough.
04:03Just like you.
04:05And everything that gets thrown away
04:07she just...
04:09she deals with it.
04:11I'm very proud of her.
04:13I am too.
04:17And Hayes and Kelly. You must have seen them.
04:20I'm sorry about that.
04:24You must miss them.
04:26Yeah, I definitely have.
04:28I've missed you too.
04:38You just walked up to Finn
04:40and you kissed him.
04:42Hope, I...
04:44I really don't understand.
04:46Well, me neither.
04:49Do you realize how bad this could have been
04:51if Steffi had seen that?
04:53Mom, believe me, no one is more thrown
04:55by my behavior than me.
04:57I mean, I'm...
04:59I'm kind of freaking out
05:01because I have never felt so out of control.
05:03This really isn't like you.
05:07No, it is not.
05:09I don't usually allow my feelings
05:11to dictate my actions like this.
05:13Okay, um...
05:15What were you thinking
05:17and feeling right before you kissed him?
05:21I honestly couldn't tell you.
05:23You weren't even worried
05:25about getting caught?
05:27I don't...
05:29I guess I was only thinking about Finn
05:31and just that maybe
05:33I somehow convinced myself
05:35that if I could get him to see
05:37that maybe I was a better fit
05:39and I could give him
05:41the things he needs,
05:46No, I don't know, Mom.
05:50The kiss did feel
05:54until I opened my eyes
05:56and I saw Finn's expression
05:58and reality
06:02set in.
06:04I mean, I felt
06:06so embarrassed.
06:10I mean, it's just so reckless.
06:12I don't understand why I'm doing it.
06:14I think I understand.
06:18You are...
06:22You are becoming
06:24completely fixated
06:26on Steffi's husband.
06:32But I get why you're upset.
06:34Do you?
06:36Of course.
06:38But you've got to understand
06:40Hope just walked up
06:43and planted one on me.
06:45I didn't have time to react.
06:47I didn't have anything to do with it at all.
06:49Yes, you did, Finn.
06:51You had a lot to do with it.
06:53I told you about
06:55the Logans.
06:57I told you about Hope
06:59and you didn't want to believe me.
07:01That's not true.
07:03I was just trying to make things peaceful
07:05between you two.
07:07And why do you even think that's your place?
07:09Because I care about you.
07:11You should have listened to your wife.
07:15I told you Hope lost control.
07:17Liam left her.
07:19Thomas is marrying someone else.
07:21Her line is failing.
07:23She is out of control. She's lost.
07:25No, you're right. I should have listened.
07:27I was just trying to be a friend to Hope.
07:33You cared more about having a friendship
07:35with her than respecting
07:37my feelings.
07:40Oh God, I can't believe this.
07:42That's when you opened the door, Finn.
07:44Don't you realize that?
07:46The moment you saw Hope coming,
07:48you should have gone the opposite direction
07:50but you didn't do that.
07:52You made Hope feel comfortable enough
07:54to disrespect our marriage
07:56and now she put her lips on yours.
08:10Thank you for
08:12always taking care of me.
08:14Whenever you let me.
08:18I hear congratulations are in order.
08:20Brooke's bedroom,
08:22the Louisville Fashion Summit,
08:24and Monte Carlo.
08:30You both made quite the splash.
08:34And you looked handsome as ever.
08:36In the photos.
08:38Well, thank you for that.
08:40It wasn't the easiest trip.
08:42It was a lot of work but we
08:44got it done, all hands on deck.
08:46I'm glad everything went well but
08:48to be honest, I'm a bit surprised.
08:50I thought your focus right now
08:52would be on couture and not
08:56Okay, so you have been talking
08:58to Stephanie. No, she told me about some of the changes
09:00here at Forrester's. You made Brooke
09:02part of the executive team?
09:07I did.
09:09I needed help
09:11because dad is not here that much and Thomas
09:13isn't working and
09:15I can't go to lunch with different
09:17people four or five times a week.
09:19I gotta be here and work, design.
09:21That's what I do. So I work
09:23not just for the bedroom line
09:25but for couture.
09:27Is that okay with you? I get it.
09:29Yeah, you needed someone to fill your day-to-day duties
09:31but instead of allowing
09:33Stephanie to decide who would fill
09:35that role, you chose for her.
09:37I didn't really
09:39choose for anyone.
09:41Well, I guess I did. I chose
09:43the best person
09:45for the job.
09:47And you also refused to let Stephanie cut hope
09:49for the future. Oh boy, here we go.
09:51I did
09:53and I will always do what is best for the company.
09:55What about what's best for our daughter?
09:57I'm worried about
10:03should Stephanie be concerned?
10:05Are you going after her
10:07husband? I don't
10:09want to be.
10:11Honey, you just admitted to kissing
10:13him. I got caught up in the moment
10:15but it will not happen
10:19Are you sure?
10:21Yes, I won't
10:23allow it to happen.
10:27All these months of wanting Finn
10:29and having these feelings for him
10:31it finally spilled over.
10:33Are you
10:35sure that you're going to be able to control
10:37these feelings that you have?
10:39Well, I'm going to have to
10:41because I've
10:43since seen Finn
10:45and he's extremely upset with me
10:47and I did apologize
10:49and I swore that nothing like this would
10:51ever happen again and I begged him
10:53to please, you know,
10:55could we just move past it
10:59he's insisting on
11:01telling Stephanie.
11:07I should have known all
11:09along that Hope was going to make some kind of play
11:11for you. You had
11:13to have some idea
11:15right that she was into you.
11:17You've been spending so much time with
11:19her. No, but I never expected her to kiss
11:23Look, the last thing
11:25that I wanted was this Logan
11:27versus Forrester battle to
11:29erupt into some war. Yeah, I get
11:31it. You constantly want the peace
11:33but you realize you are making things
11:37You're too kind. You're too compassionate.
11:39First Sheila
11:41now Hope. No, no, no. Sheila
11:43and Hope are two completely different things.
11:45No, it is not.
11:47No, it's not. You have
11:49constantly devalued and ignored
11:51my feelings when it comes to them.
11:53I told you that I do not feel
11:55safe around Sheila. I told you
11:57I do not trust Hope and you didn't
11:59listen to me.
12:05I can't
12:07do this right now. I can't.
12:09I can't.
12:11What do you mean
12:13you can't do?
12:15What are you saying?
12:29always the mama bear, aren't you?
12:31Our kids may be adults, but they'll
12:33always be my babies.
12:35Sorry, I hope I didn't
12:37come off too strong and questioning your
12:39recent decisions about the company.
12:41A little bit.
12:43But that's who you are.
12:45I get it. You're always very protective
12:47of people you care about,
12:49especially your family.
12:51That's what I love about you.
12:59Excuse me.
13:05I read you said you wanted
13:07this fabrics. Yeah, thank you.
13:11This is
13:13this is cool. This is very good
13:15news. All right.
13:17Okay, let me assure
13:19you. Stephanie's
13:21going to be fine, especially when it comes
13:23to Brooke and Hope.
13:25I know you have Stephanie's and the company's
13:27best interest at heart, but I can understand
13:29where our daughter is coming from.
13:31Why didn't you let her weigh in on your decision to make
13:33Brooke a part of the executive team?
13:35What are you talking about? You
13:37know why I didn't because they
13:39don't like each other. This is not
13:43I thought why open that can of worms? We don't
13:45even know if Brooke is interested. And you really think
13:47this is a good idea?
13:49Steffi and Brooke working so closely.
13:51Yes, I think it's a great idea,
13:53not just for the company, but for these two individuals.
13:55I think they could
13:57become friends
13:59and hope for the future.
14:03Okay, I don't think
14:05Steffi was wrong. I think
14:07hope for the future is not doing as well
14:09as we would like, but we've invested
14:11a lot of money in that company, and I don't think pulling
14:13the plug is the right time. It's
14:15a good idea.
14:17How'd I do?
14:19I passed your test.
14:21Well, I wasn't
14:23testing you, but
14:25yes, you did.
14:27With flying colors.
14:29With what? Flying colors?
14:31What is that? Is that a clinical term?
14:33Yes, it is. Okay.
14:35I miss this.
14:37I miss this, too.
14:39I know you think I'm being hard on Steffi,
14:41but I'm telling you, I think this is the only way
14:43it's going to work.
14:45It's going to be the Logans and the Forresters together.
14:47Because, otherwise,
14:49what are we leaving for Douglas,
14:51for Kelly, for Hayes? We've got to leave them a company
14:53that works.
14:55And I'm telling you, I'm convinced the only way
14:57to do this and the way to start it
14:59is with hope and Steffi.
15:03I hope you're right, Rich.
15:05Vin was so upset with me, Mom.
15:09He said I screwed everything up.
15:11He worked so hard to regain Steffi's
15:13trust after Sheila.
15:15And now he's going to tell Steffi
15:17about this kiss. He said he has
15:19to, that she deserves to know.
15:21Oh, God. She's going to lash out.
15:23She's going to be so angry.
15:25She's going to try to drive a wedge between our families
15:27once again.
15:31I'm sorry, Mom.
15:35I didn't think
15:37about how this would affect you
15:39and Rich. I didn't think about
15:41how this might affect my line or really.
15:43I didn't think at all. Honey, stop.
15:47I'm more concerned about you.
15:49Your behavior
15:51is out of character.
15:55And it all happened a while ago
15:57when you kissed Thomas
15:59in Rome. You were married to Liam.
16:01And then Thomas proposed to you
16:03and you were wearing his ring around your neck
16:05and now you're having feelings for Vin.
16:07Oh, my God.
16:09You just... You're spiraling
16:11out of control.
16:13And this is not going down a good path.
16:17I'm just...
16:19I'm really concerned about you, okay?
16:21If you can't cut off
16:23your feelings for Vin,
16:25this is going to hurt you
16:27in ways you can't even imagine.
16:31I hear you.
16:33Mom, I do. And, um...
16:35I know.
16:37Honestly, it scares me
16:39how reckless I've been.
16:41But I will do...
16:45I will do everything I can
16:47to get a handle
16:49on these emotions.
16:51I promise you, Mom.
16:53Because I do not want to be that type of person.
16:55I don't want to be
16:57someone who goes after
17:01a married man,
17:03especially not Vin.
17:07I'm sorry, Mom.
17:09I just... I don't understand why I'm doing any of this.
17:15What do you mean you can't do this anymore?
17:19I feel like I'm the only one fighting for us.
17:21No, I fight for you.
17:23No, you don't.
17:25No, you don't.
17:27You fight for everyone else.
17:29Anyone who even looks at you.
17:31Even if it's at my expense.
17:33That is not true.
17:35No? You're on Sheila.
17:37Sheila shot me.
17:39She almost killed me.
17:41The fact that you could even look at that woman again,
17:43the fact that you forgave her,
17:45like, that speaks volumes.
17:49Hope is toxic, Vin.
17:51I told you to stay away from her.
17:55But you wanted to have a friendship with her.
17:57It's like...
18:01It's like the thought...
18:03The thought of you kissing another woman,
18:05like, that's already bad enough,
18:07but Hope...
18:09You know everything I went through
18:11with Liam.
18:13The constant back and forth with Hope.
18:15I promised myself
18:17I would never do that again.
18:19No, lookit.
18:21I hear everything that you are saying.
18:23And you're right.
18:25I haven't been listening to you.
18:27And I'm sorry.
18:29And I hate seeing you like this,
18:31but I promised that I would never keep anything from you.
18:33If I had thought for a second
18:35that Hope would cross that line,
18:37I would have shut it down before it even started.
18:39I would never do anything
18:41to jeopardize
18:43our marriage.
18:45I love you.
18:47You and the kids
18:49are my whole world, and you're right.
18:51I was wrong for not listening.
18:53But I swear,
18:55I was just trying to do the right thing.
18:59So please, Steffi,
19:01can you forgive me?
19:03I will never let anything like this
19:05happen again.
