The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 257-260

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00:00257. The Power of Gold.
00:06On the way home, Emma suddenly thought about Luis's daughter, and turned to ask Eric. When
00:12did Luis have a daughter? Is he married, or was he once married?
00:19Eric wrapped his arm around her and replied calmly,
00:23According to Luis's profile, he's not married. As for his daughter, I'm afraid only he knows
00:31the truth about that. Are you still trying to set him up with Caitlin?
00:37She shook her head. This time, she was simply concerned about him.
00:43Seeing her in a daze, he brushed her chin with his finger.
00:47It's okay. Don't worry too much.
00:51He's my friend. I have a right to worry, she replied.
00:56Ever since Eric became her manager, he'd tried to control all aspects of her life, from the
01:03small things, like what time she bathed or went to sleep, to larger things, like her
01:09feelings. Luckily, she never found this annoying. With a person as amazing and thoughtful as
01:17him, she couldn't wish for anything else.
01:21Kaleidoscope's celebration dinner is tomorrow. Get Lisa to go with you to get your hair and
01:29makeup done. I can go by myself.
01:34Just make sure you go, Eric ordered, a deeper meaning in his words.
01:40She couldn't argue against him, so all she could do was nod her head.
01:45Okay. Who told you to be my manager?
01:49Also, you can't wear the dress that Lisa chose. It's too casual. Tomorrow morning, I'll get
01:58Luke to deliver a dress to you.
02:01Because he said that, he sneered at Lisa. However, she did not feel upset by this comment,
02:08because all it meant was that he cared about Emma, which was the most important thing.
02:14In the end, between Emma and Amy, Eric was the one who would choose the winner.
02:21That night, Caitlyn received two phone calls, one after another. The first was from Amy.
02:29I heard you've been injured. I hope it's not serious, is it? Who'd you piss off?
02:35Amy, aren't you tired of keeping up your act? She scoffed as she sat up in bed before coughing
02:42a couple of times. Her assistant saw her struggling to prop herself up and brought over a cushion.
02:50Too bad you weren't extreme enough. I'm still here.
02:55Guess you've already figured it out. There's nothing more for me to say. Think of this
03:00as a warning, Caitlyn. If I have the ability to almost kill you, don't you think I can
03:07finish the job if I want to?
03:10Of course I believe you can, Caitlyn replied with certainty and without a trace of fear.
03:18But I think you're giving yourself too much credit. I can do what I want. Who's gonna
03:24stop me? If I tell everyone that Star King has given me an offer, even Eric will be in
03:30a panic. Caitlyn burst out laughing. Oh, please. How could you even say that with a straight
03:38face? Just you wait and see. At the celebration dinner, you'll see Emma's real status.
03:47Yeah, yours too, she hung up the phone. She was all out of words for Amy. From the moment
03:55she entered Kaleidoscope, she realized the artists in the agency were like a family.
04:02Whenever someone needed help, there would always be someone willing to lend a hand.
04:08But there always seemed to be one bad apple in the bunch.
04:12A moment later, Caitlyn received a phone call from Luis. When she saw the phone number
04:18appear on the screen, Caitlyn's mind went blank. She was aware that the rumors over
04:25the past few days had caused Luis a lot of trouble. Since he had a daughter, she didn't
04:31want to continue implicating him. She decided not to pick up the phone. Luis assumed she
04:39had gone to sleep, so he sent her a message instead. Are you okay? As soon as Caitlyn
04:46saw these three words, she sighed and deleted the message without hesitation. Everything
04:54will eventually pass, she thought. Everything will eventually get better. It was the night
05:01of the Gold Star Award ceremony. After the ceremony, Kaleidoscope would host their celebration
05:07dinner. The ceremony awarded the best of the best in acting and was especially important
05:14to an actor's career. Receiving a Gold Star Award was the final goal before pursuing international
05:21endeavors. Naturally, anyone who was anyone was there, making the red carpet that night
05:28extremely lively. As a model, Emma didn't have any business being at the celebration
05:35dinner, but she didn't want to be absent during Kaleidoscope's twentieth anniversary.
05:41She headed over to a salon named Luminous for an appointment that Eric had arranged.
05:48This famous salon only catered to A-list celebrities and their clientele. B-list artists had to
05:55call ahead to make an appointment. Some couldn't even find an empty time slot. They arrived
06:02at the salon just before three in the afternoon. Seeing Luminous was overcrowded, Lisa couldn't
06:09help but complain. Couldn't we have come earlier? Why did Eric insist we come right now? The
06:17people here were all relatively famous artists, but to be seen in a timely manner, they had
06:23no choice but to arrive early and get in line like normal people.
06:29Emma, wait here. I'll go look for the best stylist. She received a VIP gold card from
06:36her handbag and handed it to Lisa. Use this. Lisa took the card and was completely smitten.
06:46Did Eric get this card for you? I'm not sure. He gave it to me last night. She shook her
06:53head as she sat on the sofa. She had no idea what powers this VIP gold card gave her. One
07:01of the attendants had seen the card in Emma's hand and quickly walked over. Miss, how are
07:07you? I saw you have our stylist Brad's VIP card. Please, wait here. I'll go fetch him.
07:15It turned out the VIP card was aimed at a specific stylist. Emma nodded her head and
07:21had a look at the time. The celebration dinner was to be held at 10 that night, so she still
07:27had plenty of time. However, at that time, the people around her started to point at
07:34her and whisper. Isn't that Emma Miller? I've never seen her come here before. Look, she's
07:41even got a VIP gold card. Amy's also here. Stay tuned. We may have some fireworks to
07:49watch later. Emma's too nice. She's not going to do anything. There's no way she would win
07:55against Amy. That may not be the case. Emma always seems to surprise us. She didn't say
08:03anything as she listened to the discussions. However, she took note of the fact that Amy
08:09was also present. She understood why Eric had insisted for her to arrive at that time.
08:17It was because he knew Amy would also be there. Afterwards, the attendant reappeared
08:24and said apologetically, Miss, I'm so sorry. Brad is currently attending to another person.
08:31But if you're in a rush, he can work on you first. Approximately how long would I need
08:37to wait? Roughly three hours, the attendant replied. She furrowed her brows and asked,
08:45who's he attending to? Amy Grace. Emma decided to snatch Brad away without Amy knowing.
08:54In that case, ask him to come over here. I'm in a rush.
08:59Episode 258 Salon Showdown. After the attendant left, Lisa approached Emma and let out a laugh.
09:18Emma, are you really going to snatch the stylist away from Amy? Since I'm entitled to be tended
09:27to first, why shouldn't I? I'm honestly in a rush. She answered calmly. It was impossible
09:34to catch an unprofessional side of her. Lisa pursed her lips. She suddenly understood Eric's
09:41intention. He had completely orchestrated this entire situation from the appointment
09:48time to the particular stylist he'd chosen. Emma and Eric were neck and neck in the race
09:54to see who could be more devious. Isn't it obvious he set this up to give her a chance
10:01to humiliate Amy and get revenge? Lisa thought. A little while later, the attendant returned to
10:08Emma and politely invited her into the grand VIP makeup room. As she approached the entrance,
10:16Amy came walking out. The two women looked at each other, their first actual face to face meeting.
10:24She was clearly taller than Amy, so she was not intimidated. And if looks could kill,
10:31they both would have been dead. So it was you. A small group had begun to quickly gather around
10:40when they heard Amy's voice. Are we about to get a show? Is there about to be a fight?
10:46Everyone wondered. Listen, my status is a bit higher than yours. You should let me go first,
10:54Amy said in an expectant tone as she turned around to return to her seat.
10:59She'd always used this stylist, but had never heard about the VIP card. She'd never waited
11:06for anyone or anything in her life. It was usually the other way around. She did what she wanted,
11:14and everyone else just fell in line around her. And now the attendant had embarrassed her
11:21by ripping her out of the chair and telling her she had to wait. What's going on? She thought.
11:29Everyone expected Emma to let Amy go ahead of her. Amy had definitely been in the game longer than
11:36her and therefore had a higher status in the industry, as well as with Kaleidoscope. But
11:44surprisingly, Emma responded without hesitation. Sorry, I'm in a rush. The salon was in an uproar.
11:54Everyone was surprised that Emma could remain so calm no matter who she was facing. But this wasn't
12:01just anybody. This was Amy Grace, the national treasure of Kaleidoscope. Few people would have
12:10had the guts to stand up to Amy, but Emma didn't mind going toe to toe with her, even over a
12:17measly stylist appointment. Amy was also stunned. She crossed her arms and turned around to look at
12:25Emma with a fierce and angry look in her eyes. She made a shocking move. She lifted her hand,
12:34intending to slap Emma in the face. Unfortunately for her, Emma grabbed onto her hand and used her
12:42other hand to throw an impressive slap across her face, shocking everyone. Amy's face was twisted
12:50to the side. She opened her eyes wide in shock. Meanwhile, Emma slightly shook her hand in pain.
12:59She regretted using that much force. Amy wasn't willing to admit defeat as she attempted another
13:07slap. However, this time Emma grabbed both her arms, crossed them together and pushed her away.
13:16What's your problem? Why are you trying to slap me? Is this your new hobby or something?
13:23Emma! As soon as everyone heard Amy call out Emma's name, they gritted their teeth nervously.
13:31However, Emma wasn't afraid at all. In fact, she responded in a cold tone.
13:39That slap was to warn you that what you did to Caitlyn will eventually be done to you.
13:47Are you saying that just because you have Eric as your manager?
13:51Emma laughed as she lifted her VIP card and waved it in front of Amy.
13:57Yes, I am. And what do you have? Hearing Emma provoke Amy without holding back,
14:05everyone observing the scene was completely stunned. They'd all expected the weak-looking
14:11Emma to lose to loudmouthed Amy. After all, Amy was the wild, unpredictable one.
14:19Emma's performance really surprised everyone. Of course, they had no idea that Eric wasn't
14:27only Emma's manager, but also her personal trainer. He always prioritized helping her
14:35improve her strength. The last time she had thrown four slaps, her hand felt like it was on fire.
14:42After being slapped, there was nothing else Amy could do. Completely humiliated,
14:49she pushed the stylist aside and left the VIP makeup room. All Emma knew was that she
14:56was not about to let Amy bully her. She took whatever opportunity came her way,
15:03especially since the opportunity was given to her by her own husband.
15:08Emma turned around and discovered that she still had an audience, so she smiled and said,
15:15I'm sure everyone is aware of Amy's temper. If someone posts this embarrassing image of
15:22Amy getting slapped online, I'm sure, don't worry, said one of the customers.
15:29We aren't going to boast anything. We may not be afraid of making Amy mad,
15:34but we know better than to anger anyone at Kaleidoscope, especially Eric.
15:40The crowd expressed that they were merely enjoying the show and were impressed by her courage.
15:46She smiled at them and didn't say anything else before the stylist walked over to close the door.
15:53The conversation amongst the crowd then continued. Did you guys notice that last
15:59look Emma gave us? How's she being so cool and keeping her composure?
16:04Didn't you guys hear what she said? Emma mentioned Caitlyn's injury. I recently heard that Caitlyn
16:11had been beaten for no reason. From the looks of it, Amy was the culprit. No wonder Emma took
16:18the opportunity to teach Amy a lesson. Actually, Caitlyn's really lucky to have a friend like Emma.
16:26Lisa sat to the side of Emma and she couldn't help but laugh as soon as she thought about the
16:32look on Amy's face. It put her in a good mood. While Emma got her makeup done, she looked at
16:39Lisa. Are you still over there laughing? Come and help. Emma, the celebration dinner tonight will
16:47definitely be even more spectacular. She didn't respond right away.
16:53She lowered her head for a bit before replying calmly. Aren't you afraid of her coming after us?
17:01Are you serious? I also have a boyfriend. Lisa held up a photo of Luke on her phone and smiled
17:08sweetly. I guess all that love you've been receiving is keeping you pretty healthy.
17:15What do you mean by that? Lisa's face turned red. She wasn't willing to admit what Emma was trying
17:22to say. In reality, ever since Luke discovered that she enjoyed eating, he'd been taking her
17:29to all kinds of different places in search of good food. It seemed he was unaware of her concern.
17:37If you're still looking to lose a little, I can give you some diet and exercise tips.
17:43There aren't many people in this world that have crazy self-control like you, Lisa refuted. Let's
17:50talk about something else. Luke called earlier to tell me that Eric's already brought over your
17:56outfit for tonight. You need to try it on. Okay, Emma said, nodding. I really want to see you in
18:05the outfit he picked out and watch Amy drool in defeat.
18:09Ah, I can't wait for the celebration dinner tonight. I'm so excited.
18:24Episode 259 Double Duty
18:28Lisa was the first to see Emma's outfit. The moment she opened the garment box to reveal
18:34the dress, she was so surprised that her jaw hit the floor. The next thing she did was go
18:41online to find out the price of this show-stopping ensemble. When she saw the number of zeros that
18:49the estimated value contained, she was so shocked that she almost fell to the ground.
18:56Emma, this, this is the same brand used by the British royal family. There's only one dress like
19:03this in the entire world. Lisa carefully put down the box. A simple string of thread from the outfit
19:11would have been equivalent to an average person's annual income. Inside the box, there was a card
19:18that read, To my dearest wife. This, this, Eric bought this? Lisa felt like she was about to faint.
19:29Eric was truly spoiling his wife. But is he using money from the company for these extravagant
19:36gifts? She thought, worrying about Kaleidoscope's future. Although famous celebrities appeared to
19:44always wear luxury brand names on the red carpet, most of them had a spokesperson relationship with
19:51the brands they wore, so their clothes were sponsored. What surprised Lisa was the fact that
19:58even those that appeared annually on the Forbes list couldn't necessarily afford to buy a piece
20:05of limited edition luxury brand clothing. Out of the billions of people in the world, those that
20:13could truly afford it were narrowed down to only a few thousand. Emma stood up from the makeup table
20:20and approached Lisa. She then lifted the outfit out of the box. It was a long half-sleeved ball gown
20:29with a slightly translucent layer of tulle. Of course, this wasn't the main feature. The most
20:36striking feature was the pattern on the body of the gown, which looked like the blue and purple
20:42starry night sky. Even more striking as the stars on the gown were comprised of brightly sparkling
20:51white diamonds. Oh god, this is seriously gorgeous! Oh my god! Lisa covered her mouth as she squealed
21:01in surprise. Emma, quick! Go try it on! Go try it on! I feel slightly guilty wearing such a beautiful
21:12gown, Emma said as she brushed her hand across the body of the gown. A moment later, she spotted
21:19another outfit inside the box. Emma was a little confused, so she gave Eric a phone call.
21:27Why are there two sets of clothing? Eric had just finished his meeting. Automatically thinking
21:34about her surprised expression when she saw the clothing he prepared, his mood was automatically
21:41lifted. However, he indeed had a purpose for the two sets. Put on the business outfit first,
21:50wifey. Tonight, I need to trouble you to be both my manager and assistant. His instructions were firm.
21:59Yes, he was the CEO of Kaleidoscope, but just because he was attending as the CEO, it didn't
22:06mean he was automatically on Amy's side. He made Emma his manager, and as his manager, she had special
22:16privileges. Since you'll be my manager, whatever you tell me to do, I will do. I will follow your orders
22:25the same way you always listen to me. What about the ball gown? When do you plan for me to wear that?
22:33She interrupted him to ask. For now, it's a secret. She smiled. He always seemed to have
22:40surprises for her, so she did not continue chasing him for an answer. She simply lifted the professional
22:49looking business attire out of the box and instructed Lisa to iron it. What's this? Is this
22:56what you're wearing? Lisa asked in surprise. She had such a prestigious ball gown, yet she wasn't
23:05wearing it. What game is she trying to play? Lisa thought. The set of clothing in Lisa's hands was a
23:13white shirt paired with a high-waisted pink A-line skirt, a normal set of business attire. Although
23:21it was from the same designer, in comparison to the ball gown, it was a lot more casual.
23:28Hurry and iron it. Emma was actually looking forward to being his manager and taking over
23:35Luke's role as well. But did Luke ever dare to order Eric around, she wondered? Well, she was
23:43definitely going to. Her mind was still in a daze over the use of the word wifey. It wasn't
23:51often that he called her that. Even in bed, he would never use such an embarrassing nickname.
23:58Yet when he called her that during their phone call, it sounded so natural and comfortable.
24:05Lisa had no idea what Emma was brewing. She only knew that if Emma was going to make an
24:12appearance dressed like this, Amy would surely get a laugh out of it. What's she doing, Lisa thought.
24:20Is Eric planning to sacrifice her? While Lisa was worrying about Emma,
24:26she received a phone call from Luke. Are you free tonight? Today's an important day.
24:33What do you think? Aren't you accompanying Eric to the celebration dinner? I need to accompany Emma.
24:40Eric already has an assistant for the night. You don't need to keep Emma company either.
24:45Come out and meet my parents. Lisa was stunned, speechless for a moment.
24:52A couple of days ago, I told them about you. So they immediately caught a flight to New York.
24:58Lisa was suddenly thrown into a panic. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? Don't be nervous.
25:06It's just a simple meeting. Lisa suddenly hung up the phone. She felt a little angry.
25:14Meeting his parents wasn't something to be taken lightly. Plus, they'd only started
25:20dating a little while ago. She couldn't help but imagine the worst possibilities.
25:26She'd begun to let her mind run wild with the assumption that Luke only chose to be with her
25:32because his parents were pressuring him to get married. And she just happened to be the only one
25:39in the right place at the right time. If Luke wants me to meet his parents,
25:44why can't he give me a bit more time? You and Eric have been married for so long, but he hasn't
25:51forced you to meet his parents because he's being respectful to you. I suddenly feel like a complete
25:57mess. What are you going to do? I don't want to see them, she replied straightforwardly.
26:06Emma, the thing I'm most afraid of is when a relationship passes the honeymoon phase
26:12and then reality and all its problems start interfering. Right now, we haven't even passed
26:19our honeymoon phase. Aren't things happening in the wrong order? Well then, you should speak to
26:26Luke about it. Lisa thought for a moment before pulling out her phone to give Luke a call.
26:33However, Luke ended up calling her first. If you don't want to see them, then the two of us
26:40can have dinner on our own. What about your parents? They went to my uncle's place. I promise,
26:48their intentions aren't bad. My parents are genuinely nice, but we can wait until you're
26:54ready. Are you looking to be in this relationship long term? She wanted to know where his head was.
27:03You think I'm just doing this for fun? That's not what I meant. Never mind. Let's just have
27:10dinner tonight. Lisa lowered her head as a small smile appeared on her face. After dinner,
27:17you can come to my place. Hearing Luke's suggestion, Lisa's face flushed red as she
27:24turned to Emma and said, I'm not going. Emma watched as Lisa's mood changed from being like
27:31a gloomy storm to clear skies. Lisa, it's almost time. Give me my clothes.
27:39Are you sure you're gonna wear this? She asked Emma once again. Yes, I'm wearing this. And after
27:47you take me to Kaleidoscope, you can go on your date with Luke. Emma nodded her head in certainty.
27:55Eric did not ask her to arrive at the celebration dinner with him.
27:59This meant he wanted her to stick to their original plan of arriving separately. Thinking
28:05about Amy's infuriated look, Emma couldn't wait to witness her disappointment again.
28:11He looked around the front
28:35and opened the passenger door for her. He was dressed in a burgundy lapel
28:40handmade suit paired with a black vest, an undeniable air of majesty radiated from his body.
28:49At that moment, Emma noticed that her pink skirt matched well with his suit. Are you going to wear
28:57your wedding ring today? Or shall I wear mine? He asked on the way to the celebration dinner.
29:04Huh? She didn't quite understand. What I'm trying to say is I want to wear my wedding ring today.
29:13She looked at the ring on his finger and smiled as she started to remove her own ring.
29:20I must warn you, my fans have already seen the design of my ring. If they see yours,
29:28if they don't look at the inside of the ring, there's no way they'll be able to tell it's a
29:34wedding ring. Then why do I need to remove mine? Emma's ring was half removed before she stopped
29:42and put it back on. He couldn't help but chuckle as the car stopped at a red light. He hooked his
29:49arm around her neck and placed a kiss on her lips. It wasn't until the light turned green
29:56that he released her. I'm not sure why, but as I stood on the stage presenting an award today,
30:03I started wondering how things would turn out if you decided to pursue a career in film and
30:09television. I'm a pretty good singer too. Do you want to produce an album for me? She couldn't
30:17help but ask. We have a long life ahead of us. There are plenty of things you can try.
30:25She smiled without saying another word. Entering the film and entertainment industry?
30:31Let's put that aside for now, she thought. Why did you come pick me up? Since the awards ceremony is
30:40over, doesn't that mean the celebration dinner has started? Emma suddenly remembered.
30:47Yes, it has, but I'm the president. Do I need to be on time?
