• last year
00:00And and yet here they are just three games back in the wild-card race
00:06It's interesting though, isn't it? Because the playoff odds are still just 9%
00:11According to fan graphs. So even though they're close in the wild-card, there's still you know, three teams in front of them flawed teams
00:19But still teams in front of them. So
00:22But here that here they are man. They are not dead. They have not conceded it
00:28Conversationally emotionally in terms of their their efforts, etc
00:33Nico told us last week. They're still talking about it and chatting about it, you know
00:37And and they they still believe that there's time to do it and the calendar is still their friend. And oh, by the way
00:44They're playing some pretty good ball and the schedule is easy in terms of winning the loss percentage
00:49The schedule is very very easy. They got three against Cleveland right now. Cleveland's a very good team at that place starting tonight
00:54We're out a little early for the first of those three, but after that, especially
00:59Easiest schedule in all of baseball remaining easiest one
01:03Fan graph says they've got a nine point two percent chance to make the playoffs
01:08You say the calendar is their friend kind of it's not their it
01:13Calendar possible. They're not out. They're not out ruled like it's not impossible because of the calendar calendar still their ally
01:21Won't save friend, but it is still their ally. There's there's still enough time
01:26Yeah, but they got to play great ball and not lose a single series from here on out and you've got to jump four teams
01:32in the wild-card
01:35You got you got to jump San Francisco st
01:37Louis New York and Atlanta and you've lost the season series against a couple of them already
01:40So you lose the tiebreaker? Yeah, they have like an extra game dude. They have no tiebreakers with anybody
01:44So and that that that's brutal. Yeah, it's all I mean, it's all brutal
01:49They are playing better baseball, but it
01:53Absolutely still to me has a too little too late feeling
01:57The only thing that they have going for them as I see it is that I declared their season over, right?
02:01So that could work in there so that could work in their favor. Well a couple of yes, that's a big thing
02:06So hoping that the Parkins mush of death. Yeah, what it's called. It was the Parkins picket death in Kansas City
02:13It's a huge much, okay. Yeah. Yeah the Parkins mush. Hopefully we'll have an effect
