• last year
00:00Hi kids! Today we will learn about tenses and we will begin by learning about simple
00:10present tense. So let's start. Whenever we are writing or speaking, there is always a
00:21reference to time. We either talk about something happening in the present, past or future.
00:30I go to school daily. This statement is in present tense. I went to school yesterday.
00:41Here we are talking about something that has happened in the past. I will go to school
00:49tomorrow. Here we are talking about something that will happen in the future. So every sentence is
00:59either in present tense, past tense or future tense. And it is the verbs in the sentence that
01:07show the time and decide the tense of a sentence. There are three types of tenses. Present, past
01:17and future. And these tenses are further divided into more tenses according to their relations
01:26with time. Present tense. Present tense is further divided into four types. Simple present tense,
01:38present continuous tense, present perfect tense and present perfect continuous tense. We will
01:48learn about these tenses in detail in our next assignment. Past tense. Past tense is further
01:58divided into four types. Simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense,
02:07past perfect continuous tense. Future tenses. Future tense is further divided into four types.
02:20Simple future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect continuous
02:30tense. Now let's learn about present tense. Simple present tense is used for talking about our
02:40regular actions, things that are always true, for expressing our thoughts and feelings, for giving
02:48commentaries, reviews and much more. Let's learn with examples. We use present tense to show a fact
02:59or something that is always true. Examples. The sun is in the center of the solar system. The dog
03:10guards our house. Carrots like to eat chilies. Teacher teaches us the values of life. A geologist
03:21studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the earth. The sun shines bright
03:28on a sunny day. It gets too cold in winters. Here, all these things are always true as they
03:39are facts. That is why we have used present tense here. We always mention our daily routine in
03:48present tense. I work in my office from nine to five. I take a bath at eight in the morning. I
03:58have my breakfast at nine, lunch at two and dinner at eight. I brush my teeth twice a day. I go for
04:11swimming classes daily. He plays tennis every day. All these sentences tell about the daily
04:21routine, so we have used present tense here. We always use present tense for expressing our
04:30opinions, thoughts and feelings. We should always respect others. She is a talented girl. He
04:41is an honest person. All these sentences express opinions, thoughts and feelings, and so they are
04:50always expressed in present tense. Timetables and schedules are also expressed in present tense.
04:58The zoo opens daily from eight to seven. The first train for London leaves at 530 a.m. There
05:09is a cricket match at six in the evening. The Dell mall is open from 5 a.m. to 12 p.m. Commentaries,
05:20reviews and narrations are always given in present tense. Headlines of newspapers and
05:28magazines are generally given in present tense. Instructions are always given in present tense.
05:40Now let's learn some rules for forming the present tense. It's the verb that makes a tense in the
05:47sentence. If we are making simple present tense and the noun or pronoun in the sentence is singular,
05:57then we add S or ES to the verb. Gracie likes to participate in dance competition.
06:07Here the subject is Gracie and the verb is likes. The subject is a singular naming word, so we have
06:17used likes and not like. And in case of I, you and plural nouns or pronouns, we do not add S or ES
06:29with the verb. Here are some examples. Girls like to dance. Here the subject or the noun in the
06:40sentence is girls, which is a plural naming word, so we have used like and not likes.
06:49Let's have a look at some more examples. She eats slowly. Here she is the subject or the one we are
06:59talking about and it is the singular pronoun, so we have used eats and not eat. Rita plays with
07:10dolls. Here the subject is Rita and since it is a singular noun, we have used plays and not play.
07:21So kids, we have learned that if the subject is I, you or a plural noun or a pronoun, we do not
07:30add S or ES to the verb. I like to eat ice cream. Here the subject of the sentence is I and according
07:41to the rule, if the subject is I, then we do not add S or ES to the verb. So we have used like
07:52and not likes here. You dance very well. Since the rule is that when the subject is you,
08:02we do not add S or ES to the verb. So we have used dance and not dances here.
08:12They always play with a football. Here the subject is they, which is a plural pronoun,
08:23so we have used play and not plays here. So remember with I, you and all plural nouns
08:34and pronouns, we do not add S or ES to the verb. We sing, play and dance together.
08:45Since we is a plural pronoun, we have used sing, play and dance and not sings, plays and dances.
08:57She sings, plays and dances with her friend. Here our subject she is a singular pronoun,
09:08so we have used sings, plays and dances and not sing, play and dance here.
09:16So kids, today we have learned about tenses, their types and also learned about the present
09:24tense in detail. Now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more. Bye-bye.