• tahun lalu
00:30You're just so thoughtful, aren't ya?
00:35So, what were you and Aigis up to?
00:42A picture?
00:44Oh yeah!
00:46Haichan wasn't there last time!
00:49Oh, that's right.
00:50Why don't we all take a photo together since we're here?
00:55Ooh, check it out!
00:57We got all the second years here!
00:59Alright, I'm in.
01:00Let's do it.
01:02Sure, but who's gonna take it?
01:04I don't think we can fit all five of us.
01:06Well, I guess we could just take turns.
01:10Uh, okay.
01:11I'll take the first shot.
01:13Where does everyone want to stand?
01:42I'm used to being accosted by people,
01:45but recently I had an interesting encounter.
01:49It was a young man, not much older than you.
01:53Do you know what he said to me?
01:55He said,
01:56thank you.
01:59I'm not proud of this or anything,
02:02but I couldn't care less what our customers think.
02:06Don't you know who I am?
02:08I'm the president of a company that sells fake products!
02:13But then,
02:14he told me he quit his part-time job
02:17and was going to study to become a public prosecutor.
02:20He wants to punish businessmen like me
02:23for bending the rules of the business world.
02:25He wants to punish businessmen like me
02:28for bending the rules.
02:29He said I was an example of a negative role model,
02:33even though I wasn't aware of it.
02:36Maybe I'm overreacting,
02:38but what if he does become a public prosecutor
02:40and puts me behind bars?
02:43I suppose that means I wouldn't be able
02:45to give you my advice anymore.
02:49My shareholders ought to take a leaf out of that boy's book.
02:54these days aren't as naive as we thought.
03:00The other day,
03:01a woman came to my office asking for a donation.
03:04Quite the looker, I might add.
03:06In fact, she was very much my type.
03:09But no matter how attractive she was,
03:12I was repulsed by her dedication to charity work.
03:20Of course not!
03:22I hate the very word.
03:25Why should I have to give my hard-earned money
03:27to a bunch of freeloaders?
03:29I pulled myself up out of squalor to get where I am today.
03:33I wanted to get back at the ones who used to laugh at me.
03:37That's what I always dreamed of, anyway.
03:41to tell you the truth,
03:42now I have too much money.
03:45Profits are booming.
03:46I'm so busy, I don't have time to spend a yen of it.
03:52I should train someone to take my place.
03:55I could teach them my business philosophy and management techniques.
03:59It'd be a carbon copy of me.
04:02It would probably cost me a fortune,
04:05but if it works,
04:06then it's easy living!
04:13How would you feel about being adopted?
04:16Only joking!
04:17People would get funny ideas if I took in a child as old as you.
04:28Donate for the sake of the less fortunate, huh?
04:34I've decided to make a donation.
04:37They're raising money to help orphans in foreign countries.
04:42Don't get the wrong idea.
04:44I'm not doing this out of the goodness of my heart.
04:47It's a long-term investment.
04:49Children who learn to cope with adversity
04:51are more likely to become rich and famous,
04:54like me.
04:56I'm thinking of donating 10 million yen.
04:59Not a corporate donation, but a private one.
05:02When I told them over the phone, they sent me this.
05:11I received it the very next day.
05:14Guess I can't back out now.
05:1710 million yen is nothing to me, though.
05:20Once those children grow up and become successful,
05:23I'll introduce myself to them.
05:25I'll say,
05:26I'm the one who made all this possible!
05:29Then I'll be well taken care of in my old age.
05:34If it wasn't for our conversations,
05:36I probably wouldn't have considered this.
05:38By talking to you,
05:40I seem to have developed an interest in watching others mature.
05:44Thank you for that.
05:46I should be thanking myself for so wisely taking note of this.
06:02You can keep that letter.
06:0410 million yen.
06:06I worked myself to the bone for that money.
06:09Now all I have to show for it is that piece of paper.
06:14it's not a bad feeling.
06:20I'll be going now.
06:21The paparazzi could be anywhere.
06:23If any one of them were to find out,
06:26my brilliant plan would be ruined.
06:30by the way,
06:31about that exclusive modeling contract,
06:34I've decided to pass on that deal.
06:36Rather, it's your fault for sending me mixed messages.
06:41quit associating with shady middle-aged men like me,
06:45and find what truly makes you happy.
06:52Bye forever.
06:59All right.
07:01This will probably be the last time we'll meet like this.
07:04Is everyone ready?
07:08Can I say something?
07:10I know we have to take Nyx down,
07:12but if you think about it,
07:14that means we'll be getting rid of the Dark Hour.
07:17Ryoji-kun mentioned that if he dies,
07:20our memories will disappear too.
07:22So if we defeat Nyx,
07:25we might not remember any of this.
07:29All of our memories.
07:31That's true.
07:33Our experiences with the Dark Hour and our personas,
07:36we may lose them.
07:40But even if that happens,
07:42I want you all to know I won't forget you.
07:45Even if it robs us of all our memories together,
07:48I swear I'll still remember you all.
07:52What do you mean, Yuka-chan?
07:54Of course we'll remember each other.
07:57I won't forget you either.
08:00Me neither.
08:03I as well.
08:10Don't worry.
08:11Even if you do forget about us,
08:14I'll remind you.
08:16Yeah, so don't worry about it.
08:19Thanks, everyone.
08:22Okay, in that case,
08:24let's promise to meet each other again after the battle,
08:27no matter what happens.
08:29Good idea.
08:31But where should we meet?
08:34I don't think it should be the dorm.
08:36I don't think it should be the dorm either.
08:38It should be the dorm.
08:40We'll come back here anyways,
08:41if all goes well.
08:43Oh, right.
08:44Should we decide when we'll meet up too?
08:48Yeah, it should be a special occasion.
08:52How about on graduation day for the third years?
08:56When the Dark Hour vanishes,
08:58our memories might not disappear right away.
09:00So we shouldn't plan to meet too soon after the battle.
09:03And there's no other day that'll have more significance to us.
09:07Wow, you're really smart, Yukari-san.
09:10Graduation day, huh?
09:12Well, that's easy enough to remember.
09:15Yeah, that sounds like our best bet.
09:17All right, let's do it.
09:19Now, where should we meet up?
09:23Ideally, a place where we can clearly see that peace has returned to the city.
09:29Someplace with a good view, then?
09:34Oh, how about the school roof?
09:37Ah, nice idea.
09:40All right, the roof it is.
09:43Remember how you all feel right now.
09:46No matter what happens,
09:47we'll keep our eyes on the future.
09:49We're not going to forget anything.
09:52And we will see each other again.
10:02Excited, aren't you?
10:05All right, then.
10:06Let's get going.
10:19I'll do my best.
10:22Don't let us down.
10:24This'll be easy.
10:53No way!
11:02This whole time I've been a nervous wreck.
11:05Strangely enough, I feel really calm right now.
11:34I will never forget this journey, or the friends I've made.
11:45So, you came after all.
11:50You. Where's your partner?
11:53Takaya went on ahead of me.
11:55He's destined for far greater heights than someone like myself.
11:59So, I'm going to have to ask you a few questions.
12:03So, if you guys are here,
12:06that means you're serious about fighting Nyx.
12:10How do you know about Nyx?
12:13I just pieced together what information Ikutsuki left behind.
12:17Of course, a good chunk of it was just delusional nonsense.
12:22He was a real nutjob.
12:26You knew Ikutsuki?
12:28Oh, yeah. So he was your boss, huh?
12:32It was a big surprise finding that out.
12:34And that said, we only really knew his name.
12:37He was just one of the researchers who created us.
12:42He created you?
12:45Who exactly are you?
12:49What's the point in telling you?
12:51It'll all be over soon.
12:54We don't have time for this. Step aside.
12:58Sorry. No can do.
13:00There's no way Nyx could be stopped by the likes of you.
13:03But I ain't about to let you get in Takaya's way.
13:07Do you even understand what you're saying?
13:10If we don't stop Nyx, all life will be destroyed.
13:15That's the point!
13:17He ain't gonna live much longer either way.
13:20So, we gotta see it through to the end.
13:23This is Takaya's wish.
13:25So, I'm not backing down.
13:31All right. I think that's enough talking.
13:34Time to get serious.
13:37Let's do this.
13:46However it turns out, this is the end.
13:49I'm going all out.
13:53All right! Persona!
13:56Let's see it!
13:58Let's have it, fellas!
14:01Come on here, Ryan!
14:05Speed up!
14:10I'm nowhere near Takaya's level,
14:13but I've improved since we last fought.
14:15You can't hide your weaknesses from me.
14:19Come on! Let's see your weakness!
14:25Take this!
14:35Take this!
14:37I'm down!
14:39You'll never get past me!
14:44Junpei-kun's getting dizzy!
14:47Payback time!
14:48I won't be beaten!
14:50Athena! Engage!
14:52Junpei-kun's getting dizzy!
14:55I'm not going down!
14:57I'm just getting started!
14:59Suck on that!
15:04Okay! I'm ready!
15:06Ultraman on fire!
15:08Take this!
15:10Take this!
15:12Take this!
15:14Take this!
15:16Take this!
15:18Take this!
15:20Take this!
15:22Take this!
15:24I'm not going down!
15:26Full power!
15:30All complete!
15:32No, not yet!
15:34We're just getting started!
15:36You ain't the only ones who came prepared!
15:39Watch this!
15:41Now you'll see what I can really do!
15:44Here's a special treat just for you!
15:46This is...
15:49I'll go with you.
15:51We came here for a reason.
15:53You think this is gonna stop us?
16:04Burn out!
16:06Time to hit him hard!
16:08Flaming Tornado!
16:15How's that?
16:20Take this!
16:30I'm hit!
16:31You better watch it!
16:36All right!
16:37Here I go!
16:42And with this...
16:44you're finished!
16:51You're not...
16:52beating me!
16:54I'll die before I let you pass!
17:05Performance enhancing drops?
17:07At that concentration, your sidekicks must be...
17:09I'm down.
17:12He just doesn't give up!
17:23I'm hit!
17:25It's time!
17:29I can't go down just yet!
17:40I failed.
17:43What are you waiting for?
17:45Finish me off!
17:47I would do anything for Takaya.
17:51Why are you so devoted to him?
17:56You wouldn't understand.
17:58Takaya showed me the light.
18:00I was in the darkness.
18:03I forget how many years it's been.
18:05It was before I knew I was going to die.
18:06I forget how many years it's been.
18:09It was before I knew about the Dark Hour,
18:11or having the potential...
18:13or any of that.
18:15The Kirijo group rounded up orphans from all over
18:18and tried to awaken Personas in them.
18:20Their goal...
18:22was to investigate Tartarus.
18:29when a Persona doesn't emerge naturally,
18:31it's difficult to control.
18:34the kids had to take these experimental drugs
18:37so their Personas wouldn't kill them.
18:39Only three kids out of the original hundred survived.
18:43After six months,
18:45the experiment was cancelled.
18:50those three survivors were...
18:53So you both suffered at the hands of the Kirijo group as well.
18:58Takaya saved me from it all.
19:01I'll never forget what he told me.
19:04Don't be bound by the past.
19:07And don't look to the future.
19:10Simply live in the moment.
19:14I don't even give a damn about Kirijo anymore.
19:19I'm gonna...
19:23Takaya's wish.
19:25No matter what.
19:28But you...
19:32We overstayed our welcome.
19:34We're running out of time.
19:36Everyone, head up!
19:40what about him?
19:44I don't need your pity, dumbass!
19:58No hesitation.
20:00If we don't defeat Nyx,
20:02then this was all for nothing.
20:04Got it.
20:06Damn it!
20:13Let's go, I guess.
20:27Look at these ugly clowns,
20:29crawling up in droves.
20:34You don't need me.
20:36I ain't going out on your terms.
20:40I believe in you, Takaya.
20:44Fulfill our wish.
20:46I'll hold on to the freedom
20:48you gave me
20:50to the very end.
20:58You hear that?
20:59Don't tell me he...
21:01Don't look back!
21:04Let's go.
21:36Just ahead of you is the top.
21:45I take it you've defeated Jin.
21:48You are quite a troublesome bunch.
21:51Even in these final moments,
21:53you still insist on fighting.
21:55Why struggle
21:57against the inevitable end?
22:00Sorry to disappoint.
22:01Nothing's gonna end.
22:03Not if we have anything to say about it.
22:07Cease your petty resistance.
22:11Why not celebrate
22:13this wonderful moment instead?
22:15I'm not opposed to seeing
22:17this world off in your company.
22:20Will you shut up already?
22:22We're not letting that happen.
22:24Got it?
22:26My life was stolen from me.
22:27And in its place,
22:29I was given a power
22:31I never asked for.
22:34And so,
22:36I learned that the future
22:38is only a delusion.
22:40Only by striving
22:42to live every moment to its fullest
22:44can the soul truly be satisfied.
22:47That is why
22:49we welcome
22:51this glorious revelation
22:53to shine a light
22:55upon this darkened world.
22:57I've had enough of your shit!
22:59I'm not dying
23:01so you can have a freakin' nightlight!
23:04This is not merely my own desire.
23:07Many of my disciples
23:09have gathered to rejoice
23:11in her arrival.
23:13That's just because
23:15Nyx is causing all these strange incidents.
23:18I'm afraid you have that backwards.
23:21Consider for a moment
23:23who is responsible for reviving this world.
23:25Who is responsible for reviving Nyx?
23:28Can a single person boast
23:30of this great accomplishment?
23:34You all worked tirelessly
23:36to prevent it,
23:38and yet instead,
23:40you unwittingly aided in her coming.
23:43So you see,
23:45this is not just my will.
23:47It is the will of all people.
23:50People cannot face death
23:52without first finding meaning in life.
23:55But the world has realized
23:57that any meaning in it was lost long ago.
24:01Nyx has come
24:03because humanity has cried out
24:05for her salvation!
24:07No way!
24:10I don't believe you!
24:12Who would ever wish for Nyx to come?
24:17There is some truth in what he says.
24:20I guess.
24:22Wandering without purpose,
24:23living an empty life,
24:25dying an empty death,
24:28passing your days without suffering.
24:30I don't know if this can be called right or wrong.
24:34But personally,
24:36I wouldn't want to live that way.
24:38I want a purpose
24:40and to have others I care about.
24:43To me,
24:45this is what it means to live.
24:48We're not alone.
24:50On our own,
24:52we may be helpless,
24:54but together we can achieve the impossible.
24:57This is what you lack.
24:59That's why you see the Fall as salvation.
25:03In choosing solitude over bonds with others,
25:06you limit your own power.
25:10So a Kirito
25:12responsible for robbing us of our future
25:14would dare to speak of our limits?
25:17How laughable!
25:20Then again,
25:22I should have known better.
25:25This is just the kind of bigotry
25:27I would expect from the ones
25:29who labeled me a failure.
25:36fate has chosen us.
25:40Very well, then.
25:42If you insist on proving your superiority,
25:45I shall do the same.
25:47Either way, your efforts are in vain.
25:49Nyx's arrival is but moments away.
25:52Ha ha ha!
26:11You needn't hurry.
26:13The moment we await is predestined.
26:15It makes no difference
26:17whether it comes sooner or later.
26:18I've got some words for you bastards.
26:23we're here to save the world!
26:25Please be careful!
26:27I sense an even greater power than before!
26:42Let's do it!
26:43Let's do it!
26:56I don't like the look in your eyes.
26:59What is it that you see before you now?
27:08A promise?
27:10That's truly ridiculous!
27:11How absurd!
27:13I can't bear to watch you all
27:16dead to all fools!
27:23Out of my way!
27:28You're basically ready for me?
27:30Releasing output!
27:32Maximum firepower!
27:37I show no mercy!
27:41One last strike!
27:48It seems we are destined to be at odds.
27:52How can you summon such power
27:54even in the face of death?
27:56Incorrigible as always.
27:59Out of my way!
28:09All right!
28:10Here I go!
28:15And with this,
28:17you're finished!
28:24Max firepower!
28:26Let's go!
28:31Not gonna lose!
28:35Death to all fools!
28:37This is my do-
28:43Fate is supposed to have chosen me.
28:47This again.
28:49Is my resolve still not strong enough?
28:52If so,
28:54I'll throw away my trivial pride!
28:57With my entire being,
29:00I will bring you to your knees!
29:03I will bring you to your knees!
29:05I will bring you to your knees!
29:14Salvation has come!
29:20Damage inflicted!
29:23Everyone has been struck by fear!
29:25I have a bad feeling about this!
29:27Please get up!
29:28I have to do this!
29:31I can use clergy!
29:33I have to heal everyone!
29:38Take this!
29:41Do not make contact!
29:43The moment she awaits is upon us!
29:54This can't be!
30:00I failed.
30:02Haven't I?
30:07It's over for me.
30:10There is nothing more I can do.
30:14kill me.
30:20Are you scared?
30:23What a peculiar question.
30:26You must be a stranger to death if you think it is something to fear.
30:32What do you mean?
30:33You fear it because you do not understand it.
30:37I have lived long enough.
30:40I have nothing more to say.
30:44We have no interest in taking the life of someone who can't even move.
30:48You will live to see if what you wished for comes true or not.
30:54Stay right there and think about what you've done!
30:59What a truly baffling group.
31:03What a group you are.
31:05We're finally here.
31:07Up ahead is the summit of Tartarus, the promised place Ryoji mentioned.
31:12Let's regroup for the final battle.
31:33So this is the top.
31:39Look at that! In the sky!
31:55Oh no!
32:03There's no mistaking its power.
32:06Even without my persona,
32:09I've never encountered anything like it before.
32:54That was my name for a time.
32:57I almost missed it.
33:00What's going on?
33:01Wait, could you be...
33:05I am merely a Harbinger of the Fall.
33:09Or perhaps I should say,
33:11former Harbinger.
33:13There is no longer a distinction to be made between Nyx and myself.
33:19I see.
33:21So this is your purpose.
33:23Still, I don't regret my decision.
33:26We're taking you down no matter what you are!
33:29I see.
33:31Then you must already understand
33:34what people fear the most,
33:37what they try to turn away from.
33:40That is the wretched thing I have become.
33:44We know that.
33:48We're ready.
33:50It's the one absolute for all living things.
33:54Then you must also understand
33:57that it is futile to resist.
34:00Will you still face me?
34:02Surely there must be fear in your hearts.
34:09Of course I'm scared.
34:11But who gives a shit?
34:13I've got too much to live for!
34:16I'm sick of running away!
34:18Living means looking death square in the face!
34:21So I won't back down!
34:22So I won't back down!
34:24Not even from you!
34:27Even if I have to sacrifice myself,
34:30I will stop you!
34:32This is my choice!
34:37I see.
34:40Get ready everyone!
34:42Nyx is attacking!
34:44I'm also sensing multiple shadows approaching from the lower floors!
34:49Stand by team! Intercept those shadows!
34:52Final battle!
34:54Victory at all costs!
35:22Can you believe?
35:24Things come to life, they accidentally
35:27When you remain gone
35:29Sounds like it's meant to be
35:32Wake up!
35:33You freeze me when things fall apart
35:34Get up!
35:35It matters not the endings, how you left them all
35:36Breathe up!
35:37Fire in my soul, fire in my heart
35:39Till you hit your shoulder on the side of thought
35:41How long can you live in this?
35:44Can you turn back?
35:45Don't get it hurt in your head
