Love After Lockup Season 5.4 Episode 3

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Love After Lockup Season 5.4 Episode 3


00:00:00Previously on Love After Lockup...
00:00:02I could be able to take you home sooner.
00:00:04Really, we're getting on top of things now.
00:00:06Oh, my God! My husband's getting together!
00:00:09Keith and I have been married for two years.
00:00:11The law changed, so he qualifies.
00:00:14They haven't been together outside of him being locked up.
00:00:18I just want my daddy to go home right now.
00:00:22The problem is, he's been doing opiates
00:00:24for two and a half decades.
00:00:26Joey proposed to me on a pregnant visit.
00:00:29Is he gonna change up once he gets out?
00:00:30He started a program while he was in there.
00:00:32But being in an actual treatment program was for active users.
00:00:35I got a message from some kid.
00:00:36He said that you're a piece to your wife
00:00:38and you're a piece to their husband.
00:00:40Are you a piece to somebody else?
00:00:42I definitely love Arthur.
00:00:44The way he talks, the way he looks.
00:00:46I feel like I'm gonna be able to hope for the rest of my life,
00:00:48but I don't trust her right now.
00:00:49I hope you got your animals in their cage,
00:00:51because if they come out, it's gonna be an issue.
00:00:53Hope, I don't trust her to be faithful.
00:00:55Fire in the hole!
00:00:57It's hard to see Arthur stay here.
00:00:58Since you've been paying for everything since he's been in jail,
00:01:00you feel like you owe her something, but you don't.
00:01:02I've worked so hard for this relationship.
00:01:04I'm sorry if I let you down.
00:01:05And I'm not gonna let his mom mess it up.
00:01:11I know.
00:01:12There certainly is an element of good boy, bad girl here.
00:01:21I've been waiting for this moment
00:01:23since the moment I fell in love with him.
00:01:25Why don't you jump your bones, sir?
00:01:29Me and Tru's been engaged for a year and nine months.
00:01:31I'm nervous, because this is my first time seeing him.
00:01:33It's been 13 years.
00:01:35I already had some sex.
00:01:36Oh, my God.
00:01:37They got me in a sex shop.
00:01:41Wake up this morning.
00:01:42He just gone.
00:01:44Troy and I have been married for three years.
00:01:50We never had sex.
00:01:51But it gets little.
00:01:52He gets out in an hour and a half,
00:01:54and I don't want to be late.
00:01:55I just got a message from Troy's parole officer.
00:01:57You can pick him up from the parole office.
00:01:59Don't let this man just pick me up.
00:02:01I don't know where he's taking me.
00:02:03There's definitely something going on.
00:02:06What the f***?
00:02:17Why are we waiting?
00:02:18Like, he should have been out by now.
00:02:19How long has he been in there?
00:02:20Now it's over 30 minutes.
00:02:24This man just did seven years in prison.
00:02:28He did his time.
00:02:29He paid his time, yeah.
00:02:30He did what he was supposed to do.
00:02:34We're still waiting.
00:02:41Oh, my God!
00:02:42Oh, my God!
00:02:43There he is!
00:02:45Oh, wow!
00:02:48That's what as a friend looks like.
00:02:50That's what as a friend looks like.
00:02:54My man!
00:02:57I'm really your husband now.
00:02:58I'm your husband.
00:03:00You're finally home.
00:03:02You excited?
00:03:03For real.
00:03:04I'm overly excited.
00:03:05Today's a new start in the universe.
00:03:08And it's just...
00:03:14I'm just excited to be home, man.
00:03:16For real.
00:03:17I'm definitely grateful for my freedom.
00:03:19Just the breath of fresh air.
00:03:21Like, for real.
00:03:22It's not jail no more.
00:03:24Man, I'm really free, baby.
00:03:27Look at you two.
00:03:31We've been waiting for this for so long.
00:03:34It just doesn't feel like you're home.
00:03:36Like, even though you're standing here,
00:03:38it don't feel like...
00:03:39Feel real now?
00:03:40No, it doesn't.
00:03:44Today is the start of our new journey,
00:03:46our new life.
00:03:47We've been married three years,
00:03:48but today's the first day
00:03:49we've been out in the free world
00:03:51as a married couple.
00:03:53And I just...
00:03:54I'm just so happy that he's home.
00:03:56I just feel so much better.
00:03:58So you got the ankle bracelet on now?
00:04:02Oh, wow.
00:04:04What's going on, boy?
00:04:05It's mad big.
00:04:06How long you on paper with them,
00:04:07they say?
00:04:08Two and a half years,
00:04:09if I do it good.
00:04:13There was a lack of communication
00:04:15somehow, someway,
00:04:16and my P.O.,
00:04:18he needed to pick me up
00:04:20to make sure that he put
00:04:21this ankle monitor on me
00:04:23so we wouldn't get
00:04:24no detours in the midst of it.
00:04:26I felt like I was never gonna leave.
00:04:28You know, that's a scary feeling.
00:04:30This does not feel real.
00:04:32It's real, babe.
00:04:34You're home.
00:04:37Look, anxiety
00:04:38as soon as I see a police car.
00:04:40That's trauma.
00:04:42I've spent seven years
00:04:45in prison.
00:04:46I was in prison
00:04:48for criminal possession
00:04:49of a weapon in the second,
00:04:51attempted robbery in the first.
00:04:53The first time
00:04:55I was sent to prison
00:04:56was when I was 18 years old.
00:04:58I was breaking into junkyards
00:05:00and, you know,
00:05:02commercial buildings.
00:05:04At the time,
00:05:06I felt like money was more important.
00:05:08I let my greed get the best of me,
00:05:10and I completely took my freedom
00:05:12for granted.
00:05:14But I am overly confident
00:05:16that I will never go to prison again.
00:05:20We're getting ready to go,
00:05:21so y'all can spend some time together.
00:05:23Well, I appreciate you all
00:05:25for being there for us
00:05:26and, most of all,
00:05:27being there for Zaria
00:05:28to support her unreal journey.
00:05:30Time for us to live our lives,
00:05:32go on about our business,
00:05:33and enjoy each other.
00:05:34Let's hit it, like we do.
00:05:38And so, God, we thank you for this day.
00:05:40We thank you for all you've done.
00:05:41Thank you for Troy
00:05:43and being free.
00:05:45Remember, us only three people
00:05:47need to be in your marriage.
00:05:49Zaria, Troy, and God.
00:05:51Now that Troy is out,
00:05:53this is the real test
00:05:55of the relationship.
00:05:57This is his family now.
00:05:58This is his wife.
00:05:59These are his bills.
00:06:00These are his responsibilities.
00:06:01All of those parts of it
00:06:03can either make it or break it.
00:06:05In your name, Lord, we pray.
00:06:07Amen. Amen.
00:06:09You'll get it.
00:06:11Living is not an option.
00:06:15This is me, you.
00:06:17Your husband, real?
00:06:21Zaria is
00:06:23the love of my life.
00:06:25She's my wife, my best friend.
00:06:27So, I got you a couple
00:06:29of surprises.
00:06:33I mean, she beautiful as all hell.
00:06:35Like, I mean, every time I see her,
00:06:37I just smile.
00:06:39I've definitely met my soulmate.
00:06:43It's a money bouquet
00:06:45that I got made for you.
00:06:47That's cute.
00:06:49This is cute, bae.
00:06:51And I got the crown because you know you the king.
00:06:53Your king is home.
00:06:55That's fire.
00:07:01I definitely can't wait to
00:07:03get by ourselves so I can have my time
00:07:05with you.
00:07:07I love you.
00:07:09So I can enjoy myself.
00:07:11I just want to take my time with my wife.
00:07:13You deserve it, beautiful.
00:07:15Seriously, you hear me?
00:07:17You deserve it, bae.
00:07:23Damn, you look...
00:07:33It's 8 a.m. We had a good night.
00:07:35We had sex. We talked.
00:07:37Everything was fine. Wake up this morning.
00:07:39He just gone.
00:07:41Not answering no calls.
00:07:43Not responding to no text messages.
00:07:45I'm just
00:07:47sitting here. I'm pissed because I'm really just trying to figure out
00:07:49what happened, what was said.
00:07:51Did I do something wrong?
00:07:53So I don't know what to do at this point.
00:07:59Trying to soak all the
00:08:01s*** in, you know what I mean?
00:08:03Just the freedom.
00:08:05I'm enjoying that I get to eat whatever s***
00:08:07I want to eat. Go wherever
00:08:09I want to go. Ain't no COs.
00:08:11No none of that. It feel good
00:08:13to sleep in a normal bed.
00:08:15Well, I better do.
00:08:17Last night, me and Chante,
00:08:19we had sex.
00:08:21We probably went for like three hours.
00:08:23It was good
00:08:25because I waited so long, you know what I mean?
00:08:27So it was a little bit
00:08:29more special.
00:08:31The sex was cool. It wasn't bad.
00:08:33I felt like I was having sex
00:08:35when I was 17, 18 years old again.
00:08:37Which, to true, is around the time
00:08:39he went in.
00:08:53I just felt
00:08:55really just annoyed.
00:08:57I don't even know what the s*** this man is.
00:08:59I'm just unsure
00:09:01with life right now at this point.
00:09:07I didn't tell Chante. I was leaving
00:09:09because I ain't got to, for real.
00:09:11Like, I'm free. I can do whatever
00:09:13I want to do.
00:09:21I like her.
00:09:23I know he loves jewelry.
00:09:25He loves to be iced out.
00:09:28I love a little swag on him.
00:09:30And he did ask for some jewelry,
00:09:32so it was a gift for him.
00:09:34Here, put this on me.
00:09:36How you feeling about Chante?
00:09:38She cool, man. Don't be lying to me.
00:09:40What's cool?
00:09:42I want some real s***.
00:09:44How you think she feel about you?
00:09:46I think she happy that I'm here now, finally.
00:09:48I feel like she gotta get used to me being
00:09:50in person with her, face to face.
00:09:52When I talk to her, like, she can't look at me.
00:09:54You see how we look at each other?
00:09:56When I talk to her, she'll look off.
00:09:58She talk with an attitude
00:10:00and all that s***.
00:10:02You wanna hit the casino?
00:10:08What you wanna do? Hit the casino?
00:10:10Or you wanna hit the mall? Is the mall still open?
00:10:18I knew she was a homebody
00:10:20while I was...
00:10:22She too much of a homebody.
00:10:24She don't like to kick it or nothing?
00:10:26I mean, so far, she just want to stay in the crib.
00:10:28So what you trying to do, though?
00:10:30I'm trying to get my s*** together.
00:10:32I gotta get my birth certificate,
00:10:34Social Security,
00:10:36because without that, I can't get a job.
00:10:38I don't want to rely on her
00:10:40for everything.
00:10:42Do you see yourself with her?
00:10:44She's my fiancée.
00:10:46I wanna be with her.
00:10:48I love her, but I'm trying
00:10:50to, like, adapt
00:10:52to the s***, you know what I mean?
00:10:58What was that?
00:11:02You gotta talk to her.
00:11:04Yeah, I see the plot now.
00:11:06What do you expect out of her?
00:11:08I don't expect her to be talking to me
00:11:10with an attitude.
00:11:12I just think she needs to change some of her ways,
00:11:14you know what I mean?
00:11:16You wanna get out and kick it all night, probably,
00:11:18and she ain't got time for that.
00:11:20It's the opposite.
00:11:22I think I'm just getting out.
00:11:24I don't feel that he should have jumped into a relationship.
00:11:26Like, yeah, he can maybe date for a little while,
00:11:28but to actually be engaged, I don't really agree with it.
00:11:30Let's go. I'm shopping for clothes.
00:11:32My keys.
00:11:34I don't think it's gonna work.
00:11:36I don't think that he should continue
00:11:38to carry on with this engagement, for sure.
00:11:40What's up with Tisha?
00:11:42Man, I could hit her up.
00:11:44Yeah, man, I wanna see why the s*** you play me.
00:11:48Tisha is my sister flame.
00:11:50You know, I used to talk to Tisha.
00:11:52I was digging her feeling, and she feeling me.
00:11:54She's just up and disappeared now, you know?
00:11:56I never got the pictures of her.
00:11:58For real?
00:12:00Yeah, we were just talking.
00:12:02Are you talking to somebody else?
00:12:04Did somebody else send you pictures?
00:12:06It's gonna be good to see your face.
00:12:10I'm free right now.
00:12:14It definitely just ruined it for the both of us.
00:12:18I invited my husband's family.
00:12:20I love them.
00:12:22Except for...
00:12:24I am going to share locations
00:12:26on both of our phones.
00:12:28Joey's cheated on pretty much everybody
00:12:30he's ever dated.
00:12:36Never wanna see this place ever again.
00:12:38Never wanna see this place
00:12:40ever again.
00:12:42Never, never.
00:12:44It's so nice to be in a vehicle?
00:12:48It's crazy.
00:12:52So weird to
00:12:54be in the plush with you.
00:12:56I know.
00:13:00Oh, my gosh.
00:13:02Look at it!
00:13:06My cell phone! I'm so happy!
00:13:08Oh, my gosh.
00:13:104,522 emails.
00:13:12What am I gonna do?
00:13:14Oh, from Mom. How sweet.
00:13:16You're a c**t.
00:13:18My mother had sent me a message
00:13:20on here. Turn yourself in
00:13:22and stop with the destruction of your life.
00:13:24What day was that?
00:13:26That was when I got arrested.
00:13:28My mother
00:13:30was a single mother
00:13:32and she, I don't believe
00:13:34enjoyed that because
00:13:36I predominantly lived
00:13:38with my great-grandmother
00:13:40and my great-aunts
00:13:42more than I lived with her.
00:13:44And by the time she finally got
00:13:46her s**t together, I was
00:13:4811 years old and did not
00:13:50wanna live with her anymore.
00:13:52So ever since I was a teenager,
00:13:54we've kind of been on rocky grounds.
00:13:56But ten years ago,
00:13:58I turned to my mother when I realized
00:14:00that I had a drug problem.
00:14:02Instead of helping me, she went
00:14:04to the court system,
00:14:06reported me to CPS, and she now has
00:14:09custody of my oldest child.
00:14:11Years ago, I thought they were
00:14:13trying to kill me. It's not like I got
00:14:15in trouble and then the kids got taken away.
00:14:17I went to them first to try to get help.
00:14:21And they just stabbed me in the back.
00:14:23That's why years ago, whenever I robbed his banks,
00:14:25it was because I was
00:14:27done. I was either
00:14:29gonna get arrested or I was gonna die.
00:14:31And all I want is to
00:14:33have my kids back and us to be a family
00:14:35and to
00:14:37do my best, and it's like I have no
00:14:41I know it's a hugely
00:14:43it's a huge triggering thing
00:14:45and, you know, court is gonna be the
00:14:49Court's gonna be what does it. I think that's gonna be what does it.
00:14:51The most important thing
00:14:53for Chris right now is to
00:14:55get custody of her kids.
00:14:57It's not just ****. She has twins.
00:14:59She has had no communication with them
00:15:01in like eight years. She has tried
00:15:03to get in touch with her ex over and over
00:15:05and over again to go see the twins.
00:15:07He completely ignores her. There's a court
00:15:09order saying she can see her kids. They're still
00:15:11not letting her see them. So it's all
00:15:13it's a mix of like ****
00:15:15and heartbreak and tragedy
00:15:17kind of all mixed together.
00:15:19I'm glad I have you.
00:15:23What would I do without you? I really don't.
00:15:25You have me. Yeah.
00:15:27What? What are you laughing at?
00:15:29I'm just laughing because you just make me
00:15:31smile. You make me so happy.
00:15:35Always been the look.
00:15:39I love Julian like I've loved
00:15:41no one else in my life and
00:15:43I am so excited to be
00:15:45intimate with Julian tonight.
00:15:47The last person that I was intimate with
00:15:49was Julian. That was about eight months
00:15:51ago when we spent just a few short
00:15:53days together right
00:15:55before I got arrested for a parole
00:15:59I'm gonna tear your clothes off.
00:16:01He's amazing
00:16:03at you know going downtown
00:16:05baby. He's so good at that.
00:16:07Like oh my god.
00:16:11After you.
00:16:13And you know
00:16:15I'm obviously amazing in bed
00:16:17myself so with all the experience
00:16:19that I have. No more
00:16:21prison clothes. Finally.
00:16:23Hello. Yes.
00:16:25You look amazing. I'm feeling
00:16:27nothing but happiness.
00:16:29We want to just have some alone time.
00:16:31That's been something
00:16:33we've just been missing.
00:16:35He's in bed here.
00:16:44You look so good.
00:16:46I'm gonna bang your head against this thing.
00:16:50I have no plans to use
00:16:52protection. I know she doesn't
00:16:54either. Alright. Time to go.
00:16:56Time to get out.
00:16:58When it comes to like condoms
00:17:00like we don't use that one. Come on.
00:17:02That's some k** right there. I don't want it raw
00:17:08Gonna get that raw dog.
00:17:10I think we might get kicked out of the hotel.
00:17:12Oh my god.
00:17:26Oh my god. This is so cute.
00:17:32Cabin smells.
00:17:34I cannot wait for Joey to get out tomorrow.
00:17:36I'm counting down the minutes.
00:17:38This is so sweet.
00:17:40I came up a night early
00:17:42so that I can really process
00:17:44and be away from the kids for a whole night
00:17:46so that I can be present
00:17:48in the moment when I get him tomorrow.
00:17:50Let's make sure
00:17:52I've got everything I need.
00:17:56the last time I was intimate with Joey was
00:17:582018. Everything about
00:18:00me was different. So I'm super
00:18:02self-conscious about it.
00:18:06I was ready to roll.
00:18:08And now I have
00:18:10mom bod and C-section
00:18:12scars and
00:18:14I'm really self-conscious about
00:18:16everything he's gonna see when he takes all this off.
00:18:24Alarm set.
00:18:26Let's do this.
00:18:34I did not go to sleep until about
00:18:373.30 this morning and when I woke up
00:18:39I threw up.
00:18:41So I think
00:18:43it's nerves.
00:18:45I'm really having a hard time because I'm thinking about
00:18:47things that I don't know if I didn't wanna
00:18:49think about or if I've just really pushed
00:18:51it out of my mind.
00:18:53There is a chance that
00:18:55Joey may think about
00:18:57going back to the street life.
00:18:59I trust him
00:19:01but sometimes I don't make the right call
00:19:03when it comes to people I care about.
00:19:05And I wanna make sure
00:19:07sure that he's not doing anything
00:19:09he's not supposed to be.
00:19:11If I find out that he's on drugs
00:19:13it is absolutely
00:19:15going to break my heart
00:19:17because I can't
00:19:19do the drug thing.
00:19:21And so now I am going to share
00:19:23locations on both of our phones
00:19:25and I'll know everywhere
00:19:27he goes.
00:19:29I've gotten him this brand new phone
00:19:31I think sharing locations
00:19:33can be invasive but it's not for me.
00:19:35I really feel like if you're not doing anything you're not
00:19:37supposed to be it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
00:19:39I did bring the air tugs.
00:19:43He doesn't know so let's
00:19:45just slide that down in here.
00:19:47Joey has a history
00:19:49of dating tasteless
00:19:53drug addict women.
00:19:55He's been getting
00:19:57some messages from somebody
00:19:59invested in causing issues for us.
00:20:01And if we're being really
00:20:03honest I'm pretty sure Joey's cheated on pretty much
00:20:05everybody he's ever dated.
00:20:07So it's hard for me to just like
00:20:09sit back and wait because I feel like I'm always
00:20:11waiting on that other shoe to drop.
00:20:19Administration building.
00:20:25I don't really know where to go because I haven't been here.
00:20:27I'm not really sure where
00:20:29to even go to wait for him.
00:20:39I honestly don't know what I'm going to do
00:20:41when I see him come through the prison gate.
00:20:43I can only imagine
00:20:45that I'm not going to be able to talk
00:20:47I'm probably
00:20:49not going to be able to move.
00:20:51I'm so excited.
00:20:53I don't know.
00:20:55I think I'm just walking
00:20:57I don't know what's up.
00:20:59There's that door too but I don't know if they'll bring him
00:21:01through there or if they'll bring him through the gate.
00:21:05I think we both know that
00:21:07whatever he was doing before wasn't working and I think
00:21:09he's trying to go the extra mile to
00:21:11show me like how much he wants a different life.
00:21:15That's him.
00:21:27Where have you been?
00:21:29What you think, I've been with some other female?
00:21:31I'm going to explain your phone.
00:21:33If you don't answer my call you won't answer nobody else's.
00:21:35Just happy to have you with me.
00:21:37What is that supposed to mean?
00:21:41Never get nowhere with all this
00:21:43negativity and you're my liar
00:21:45and my snake.
00:21:47She is a hater.
00:21:49Is this my husband?
00:21:51It's the husband.
00:21:57Hey husband.
00:21:59What's up with you?
00:22:07Just at the spa
00:22:09getting myself together
00:22:11for you.
00:22:13I'm pretty sure you're ready for me.
00:22:15My man is coming home
00:22:19Even though I'm excited
00:22:21I'm also an
00:22:23emotional wreck right now
00:22:25because Keith and I
00:22:27have been married for two years
00:22:29and we have never had
00:22:31sex and it's been like four or five years
00:22:33since I've had sex.
00:22:35Babe, when you get home we're going to get you
00:22:37a body facial.
00:22:39Oh yeah, I'm all for it.
00:22:41I gotta get my body right.
00:22:43I need my skin super
00:22:45extra soft.
00:22:47Get my wax,
00:22:49my booty facial.
00:22:51So when my man comes home
00:22:53he is 100% satisfied.
00:22:55How's your day going?
00:22:57It is going, it's cool.
00:22:59I was thinking that we should have
00:23:01your dad
00:23:03and your stepmom
00:23:05and some of your sisters and brothers
00:23:07come over and we can
00:23:09break the news to them
00:23:11about your immediate release.
00:23:13That sounds cool, I guess.
00:23:15But are you cool with me calling?
00:23:17So we could just squash this beef
00:23:19about all the stuff that she was
00:23:21saying about me behind my back.
00:23:23It's Keith's sister
00:23:25who is a hater.
00:23:27She supposedly
00:23:29has been saying nasty things
00:23:31about me behind my back
00:23:33to her family.
00:23:35She's really upset that I spent 15
00:23:38$15,000 out of his account
00:23:40on my ring.
00:23:42This is the ring. I'm getting it.
00:23:44I'll do it the consequences later.
00:23:46We'll use his card.
00:23:48She says that I'm not good enough
00:23:50for her brother, you know, things like that.
00:23:52So she's a bitter sister.
00:23:54I really don't want to
00:23:56go through the whole disagreeing
00:23:58and getting into it.
00:24:00It's more so cool you let me
00:24:02take care of her.
00:24:04Me being able to be there physically
00:24:06it could be a whole different type
00:24:08of outcome, you know?
00:24:10She speak
00:24:12how she feel, you know?
00:24:14I can't really say anything about O.D.
00:24:16because I've been in here. Both of them
00:24:18real strong, real women.
00:24:20I think she's gonna be on some fake s***
00:24:22if she waits till you get home
00:24:24and then you talk to her.
00:24:26So I think I need to get to her first.
00:24:28You have one minute left.
00:24:30Okay, babe. I know you gotta get off the phone.
00:24:32Alright. I love you. Be safe.
00:24:34I don't want s***
00:24:36to cause a family divide.
00:24:38I'm going to step out and let you
00:24:40get dressed. We are gonna have to
00:24:42have a conversation before she steps foot inside my house.
00:24:44You know what I'm saying?
00:24:46What the s*** was you saying about me?
00:24:48Why was you saying it about me?
00:24:50And if you gonna keep saying that s***,
00:24:52bitch, you need to apologize and let's move on.
00:24:54I gotta
00:24:56go fix my hair. It's all messed up now.
00:24:58Talk to you later.
00:25:00If she doesn't fall in line,
00:25:02then we kicking her out of the car.
00:25:08This bitch want smoke, she gonna get it.
00:25:16What's wrong with you?
00:25:18Can you get off my back?
00:25:20Can you take this mic off me?
00:25:22I'm dealing with an idiot.
00:25:24My man is mad sexy.
00:25:26I'm about to find out
00:25:28if Troy does have
00:25:30a small s*** or not.
00:25:32I added the herbs in for you.
00:25:34Is that him?
00:25:36I see people.
00:25:42The Braxton's commercial free event
00:25:44premieres next on WE tv.
00:25:50Last time you got out, you was wearing a black shirt
00:25:52to signify
00:25:54the death of that s***.
00:25:56Signify the death of me
00:25:58I'm never going back ever again.
00:26:00You can never leave my side.
00:26:02I know.
00:26:12How do you feel?
00:26:14Anxious, baby.
00:26:18My mom wants me to
00:26:20go back to Vegas with her
00:26:22because we missed a lot of time together
00:26:24and I haven't seen my siblings
00:26:26in a long a** time.
00:26:28I'm glad you're here.
00:26:30Just ready
00:26:32to live life, you know?
00:26:36But, you know, I love Hope.
00:26:38Me leaving everything
00:26:40that I planned on doing in Dallas
00:26:42out here with Hope,
00:26:44that's what kind of got me
00:26:48My legs are splitting.
00:26:50I don't know about you.
00:26:52How long until we get to Dallas, baby?
00:26:54I like your little camping
00:26:56idea and s*** like that.
00:26:58But it's hot in the Benz.
00:27:00And I know it's only going to get hotter.
00:27:02So I ain't really with that tonight.
00:27:04You don't want to go camping?
00:27:08I thought you were saying your mom was right.
00:27:10I'm not saying she was right. It's just too hot, bro.
00:27:14Arthur was super excited about
00:27:16spending the night in my truck until
00:27:18his mother mentioned that it wasn't a good idea.
00:27:20Y'all sleeping in the truck tonight?
00:27:22He just got out of a cell. That's like a cell.
00:27:24My maternal instincts are kicking in.
00:27:26Like, I kind of really now want to just, like, take him home.
00:27:28And so
00:27:30it's hard for me to believe
00:27:32that, you know, her influence
00:27:34wasn't a part of his decision.
00:27:36It's hot in the Benz.
00:27:38Hot as s***. I can't do this.
00:27:40If she could influence
00:27:42him that quickly without him really
00:27:44noticing, what about our
00:27:46relationship? What about moving to Vegas?
00:27:48I'm just going to have to put my truck up
00:27:50and I guess we can just
00:27:52go to the crib.
00:27:54You can just make it up to me back there.
00:27:56I will.
00:28:02I'm going to move my car and then we can move
00:28:04our stuff over.
00:28:06I'm just going to get everything together right now?
00:28:08Yes, get your stuff together.
00:28:14You ready to go? Yeah, baby.
00:28:16You're outside right now.
00:28:19It's a dream. I'm going to wake up in a minute.
00:28:21It's stars. You don't see them come over to
00:28:23prison, right? Uh-uh.
00:28:25You can't see straight up in there.
00:28:27Doing as much time
00:28:29as I did, I was always locked up.
00:28:31Just being outside.
00:28:33It's more than what I imagined it to be.
00:28:37I'm free!
00:28:39I'm f***ing free!
00:28:41It's surreal. It's like
00:28:43touching and feeling hope. Touching and
00:28:45kissing her. Able to actually
00:28:47feel her. You ready?
00:28:49Definitely ready. This is the moment I've been waiting on.
00:28:51It's everything.
00:28:53It's everything.
00:28:55I'm about to take you home. Are you ready?
00:28:57No, I'm ready.
00:29:01We've been through a lot, but
00:29:03nothing is like free world a lot.
00:29:05Yeah, it's definitely about to be a journey.
00:29:07I'm ready, though.
00:29:11You ready for this?
00:29:19Look at that view!
00:29:21Yeah, this is crazy.
00:29:23What the f***?
00:29:25What the f***?
00:29:27You can look out the windows
00:29:29like you couldn't look out
00:29:31the windows before.
00:29:33Oh my God, baby, you did so good.
00:29:35Alright, show me the rest.
00:29:37I'll get started.
00:29:39Okay. This is the bedroom.
00:29:43Same view. Same view.
00:29:45Oh, it's firm. Let me see.
00:29:49It's not that soft.
00:29:51It's soft. It's perfect.
00:29:53We have a whole living room,
00:29:57Sewing machine.
00:29:59Welcome home. Thank you, baby.
00:30:01You got that for me? Yes.
00:30:03So you can sew
00:30:05and make clothes, obviously.
00:30:07I want to be a designer,
00:30:09so I'm like, damn,
00:30:11you actually got me a f***ing sewing machine.
00:30:13You got all the little bells and whistles.
00:30:15I don't know anything about sewing machines.
00:30:17But you got all the bells and whistles, you know?
00:30:19Yeah, you got me everything.
00:30:21In prison, I was sewed just basically for a pastime.
00:30:23I done heard a lot of s*** in there about sewing.
00:30:25Tough guy this, tough guy that.
00:30:27Everything is like macho.
00:30:29But I still did it.
00:30:31How do you feel?
00:30:33It's a little overwhelming.
00:30:35A little? A lot.
00:30:37It's a lot.
00:30:39The full extent of what Hope has done,
00:30:41the emotional support, the financial support,
00:30:43that means a lot.
00:30:45We can just stare out the window all night.
00:30:47We can't stare out no window all night.
00:30:49No? No, not all night.
00:30:51You must have plans.
00:30:53You know what I'm trying to do. No, I don't.
00:30:55I'm trying to get you in that room.
00:30:57And for what?
00:30:59You know for what. We going to the room right now.
00:31:01I don't want to watch no movie.
00:31:03I struggle with the same stuff everybody else struggle with.
00:31:07I'm not the person I was
00:31:09six years ago.
00:31:11I definitely was super skinny when Arthur met me.
00:31:13I had different hair
00:31:15or I looked different.
00:31:17Just all those things that come up in everyone's head.
00:31:19Like, oh, am I good enough?
00:31:21You're trying to get straight to it.
00:31:23Like, straight to it?
00:31:25But, you know, I hope that
00:31:27he still likes me
00:31:29and everything that I come with.
00:31:39Kiss me like you mean it
00:31:43You don't think I need it.
00:31:45How you feeling? Irritated.
00:31:51You haven't even been
00:31:53called your parole officer.
00:31:55And that should have been the first thing that should have happened this morning
00:31:57when you woke up.
00:31:59You're not even taking care of business how you're supposed to.
00:32:01Appreciate it.
00:32:03Appreciate it.
00:32:05Alright, G-Boss. Thanks, Stank.
00:32:07Be greasy.
00:32:09Be greasy.
00:32:11Be easy.
00:32:21What's wrong with you?
00:32:23What's up? You mad at me or something?
00:32:25What's up?
00:32:27I'm just taking you in.
00:32:29You what?
00:32:33Nothing. I'm chilling.
00:32:35I'm chilling, chilling, chilling.
00:32:37Talk to me.
00:32:41You been gone for like half the day.
00:32:43Where have you been?
00:32:47Three hours?
00:32:49I've been trying to get some clothes.
00:32:51Workout shoes. Shorts.
00:32:55Stop smacking.
00:32:57It's annoying.
00:32:59Are you trying to be funny right now?
00:33:01No, I'm being dead serious.
00:33:03I'm not laughing.
00:33:05I wouldn't be out right now
00:33:07trying to look for s***
00:33:09if you would have just listened to me.
00:33:11If we thought together.
00:33:13I don't think I can fit these.
00:33:15That's what size you told me.
00:33:17I need like a 2X.
00:33:19I told you that.
00:33:21But regardless.
00:33:23And you just went to the store
00:33:25and bought all of that.
00:33:27Where your bag at?
00:33:29In my sister's car.
00:33:31I'm not f***ing around with some other female.
00:33:33She gave me a ride to drop me off to another female house.
00:33:35Boy, I got hella brothers.
00:33:37My loyalty is to my brother, not no female.
00:33:39They not married.
00:33:41When you get married, it's different.
00:33:43You think my sister is covering up for you?
00:33:45Yes. Okay.
00:33:47We'll call her right now.
00:33:49Since you think I'm lying.
00:33:51Since true ain't keeping it true.
00:33:55What's up?
00:33:57Hey, I got a question.
00:34:00You went to the mall.
00:34:02You bought the hat.
00:34:04You bought the shoes.
00:34:06And then the jewelry.
00:34:08Alright, I'ma holler at you, man.
00:34:12Let me tell you something.
00:34:14I wasted 13 years in the joint.
00:34:16You think I'm finna get out
00:34:18and waste any of my time
00:34:20if I don't wanna f*** with you
00:34:22or if I wanna talk to other females?
00:34:24For what? I ain't gonna do that to you.
00:34:26I'm not. I love you too much.
00:34:28What, you still don't believe me?
00:34:30I don't know what to tell you. I'm serious.
00:34:32Yeah, that's the problem. People don't ever say nothing.
00:34:34But I'm having a hard time
00:34:36trying to get you to talk
00:34:38as well. Me? Yeah.
00:34:40You ain't saying nothing. You just sitting there on your phone
00:34:44You annoyed? What you annoyed for?
00:34:46I just asked you if you annoyed. What's wrong with you?
00:34:48Talk to me. And you ain't say nothing.
00:34:50Oh, nothing. It's cool. I'm cool.
00:34:52You too shy. Boring.
00:34:54No offense. Okay.
00:34:56To hear this man sit here
00:34:58and basically
00:35:00dog me...
00:35:02I'm pissed.
00:35:04It's cool you a
00:35:06homebody. Look, and you back on the phone.
00:35:08It's cool that you're loud.
00:35:10Let me see this. Let me see that.
00:35:12Yesterday, you're telling me
00:35:14you love me and you're in love with me
00:35:16and now you sitting here telling me I'm boring
00:35:18and I'm too much of a homebody for you.
00:35:20I'm like, okay. Like, what the hell am I supposed to do?
00:35:22I'm up here. I don't know nobody and you leave all day long.
00:35:24You piss me off.
00:35:26I'm going to suspend your phone.
00:35:28If you don't answer my call, you won't answer nobody else's call.
00:35:30Don't answer my call for eight hours straight.
00:35:32You won't answer nobody else's call.
00:35:34Yeah. No hesitation.
00:35:36On my mama and my daddy.
00:35:38You petty. Yeah.
00:35:40Look, you hate when you do not have no power.
00:35:42You hate it. You hate it.
00:35:44I'm about to... Huh?
00:35:46I'm about to smack you. I want to smack you so bad.
00:35:48So bad.
00:35:50I hate rules.
00:35:52I don't need you to do that.
00:35:54I'm not cheating on you. I'm not... with a female.
00:35:56None of that.
00:35:58I'm still soaking in. I'm free.
00:36:00It's still feeling real.
00:36:02I'm trying to get myself together.
00:36:04I got to humble myself a little more.
00:36:06You know what I mean? Because I know
00:36:08it can't work out here in society.
00:36:10But you need to chill.
00:36:14If we don't work,
00:36:16that's on you.
00:36:22I'm excited
00:36:24to have sex with Troy.
00:36:26Open your eyes.
00:36:28I've been anticipating this for a very long time.
00:36:30It's a private part thing.
00:36:32What the... did I sign up for?
00:36:34Is that him?
00:36:36It's definitely gonna be a lot
00:36:38coming home from prison to a house
00:36:40with two little boys.
00:36:42I hope that Troy's ready
00:36:44to be a full-time parent.
00:36:52Is that him?
00:37:08All right.
00:37:12It's pretty, huh?
00:37:14Are you gonna cry?
00:37:16I might.
00:37:18I love you.
00:37:20I love you.
00:37:28I love you.
00:37:32I love you.
00:37:41I am so
00:37:43happy to be free
00:37:45and on the other side of that fence
00:37:47and I'm never going back to that again.
00:37:49I'm happy to be with Kimberly
00:37:51because I love her a whole, whole
00:37:55And I'm just happy.
00:37:57I'm excited.
00:37:59Are you ready to go, babe?
00:38:01Let's get out of here.
00:38:03I feel amazing.
00:38:05I can finally put my hands
00:38:07on him.
00:38:09I just want to get out of these clothes
00:38:11and go get something to eat
00:38:13and spend the rest of the day with you.
00:38:15Is that what you want to do?
00:38:17It's been amazing.
00:38:19You want to drive?
00:38:21Yeah. You got my license?
00:38:23Yep, got it from Mama.
00:38:25There you go. Mama's been renewing it
00:38:27every two years.
00:38:29My family life was good, especially when
00:38:31I was young. Then at, you know,
00:38:33around 14, 15, that's when it
00:38:35changed. Started hanging out with the wrong
00:38:37crowd and doing the wrong things,
00:38:39you know, running around,
00:38:41selling drugs, and it just
00:38:45I've been in prison for almost
00:38:47six years, and
00:38:49my charges were obtaining
00:38:51property by false pretense
00:38:53and a felony
00:38:55larceny of a firearm charge.
00:38:57I didn't know what to bring today,
00:38:59so I just grabbed both the bags that I brought.
00:39:01And now I'm free.
00:39:03And I'm definitely
00:39:05never going back.
00:39:09I did good? You did good,
00:39:11baby. I know. You did real
00:39:13good. I know I did.
00:39:15My dream girl is Kimberly.
00:39:17She's just caring. She's just
00:39:19different. You can feel it
00:39:21in the way she talks to me.
00:39:23She's just, she loves me
00:39:25more than anything in the world.
00:39:27I think you'd want out
00:39:29of these clothes faster.
00:39:31She gives me everything
00:39:33that I need. Like, if I call, she
00:39:35answers, you know. She's gorgeous.
00:39:37I can look into her eyes
00:39:42and I plan to.
00:39:44License. Thank you.
00:39:46Oh, I like it, babe. Thank you.
00:39:48You did a good job, babe.
00:39:50Always do.
00:39:52She's the one. She's it.
00:39:54Maybe we should call my mom now, right?
00:39:56Yeah. You want to FaceTime her? Yeah.
00:39:58How do I FaceTime on this, babe?
00:40:00So, call your mom's number. Yeah.
00:40:06Once she answers, you just hit that FaceTime button.
00:40:08Oh, it's that easy now?
00:40:12It didn't used to be like that. You know that, right?
00:40:14When's the last time you had an iPhone? The last time I had an iPhone
00:40:16was when it had like a 4 or 5
00:40:18or something like that.
00:40:20What are we on? 14 or 15?
00:40:22Hey. Hey.
00:40:24We'll be home tomorrow.
00:40:32We are. We're coming home. We love you.
00:40:34What are you doing, Kasen?
00:40:36Hey, buddy.
00:40:40It's definitely gonna be a lot
00:40:42coming home from prison
00:40:44to a house with two little boys.
00:40:46I hope that Joey's
00:40:48ready to be a full-time parent.
00:40:50Bye, y'all. Bye. I love you.
00:40:52But if I had to say
00:40:54what I'm the most afraid of, it would be
00:40:56definitely that he may
00:40:58fall back into his drug use
00:41:00because that's the one
00:41:02thing I can't handle.
00:41:04Hit the side.
00:41:06I'm hitting it.
00:41:08In my heart, like, I believe that he's sober
00:41:10and I believe that he wants to stay that way.
00:41:12But for now, I'm gonna be watching him
00:41:14at all times.
00:41:16Thank you. You do it.
00:41:18There you go.
00:41:20We're gonna have to work on this phone thing.
00:41:26Open your eyes. Like, oh, my gosh.
00:41:28I'm about to find out
00:41:30if Troy does have a small d*** or not.
00:41:34Why do you make it seem like it's a big deal?
00:41:36You could get off my back.
00:41:38Give me a second.
00:41:40You can't even make the best decisions for you.
00:41:42What the f*** are you doing for us?
00:41:44Can you take this mic off me?
00:41:54We really want you.
00:41:56You look so good.
00:41:58You taste good.
00:42:00You taste good.
00:42:02I know you probably taste better, though.
00:42:12We're about to go to the hotel.
00:42:14And I have a very
00:42:16special, special surprise
00:42:18for you.
00:42:20Over the course of my incarceration,
00:42:22after seven years, Rhea and I
00:42:24have probably spent an amount of
00:42:26just a few days together.
00:42:28I mean, I feel amazing.
00:42:30It's like there's no words I can explain.
00:42:32It's a surreal moment.
00:42:34Are you nervous that, like,
00:42:36we're having sex for the first time?
00:42:38Very honestly, I feel like
00:42:40it's all just, like,
00:42:42it's gonna come just so natural to us.
00:42:44It's gonna feel like we've been together forever.
00:42:46I haven't been with
00:42:48a woman in over seven years,
00:42:50so, I mean, to be able
00:42:52to share that first experience with her,
00:42:54I mean, it means everything to me.
00:42:56Don't forget anything.
00:42:58I have everything.
00:43:00I had to make sure to grab this money bouquet
00:43:02so I might look in there and try to steal it.
00:43:04I'm excited to have sex
00:43:06with Troy. Come on, babe.
00:43:08I think the elevator's right here.
00:43:10And I'm nervous
00:43:12because all I can think of
00:43:14is just, like,
00:43:16what is it really
00:43:18looking like down there?
00:43:20Don't open your eyes
00:43:22until I tell you, okay?
00:43:24I'm not afraid.
00:43:26Step out your hand.
00:43:34All right. Open your eyes.
00:43:40Oh, my God.
00:43:42I love you.
00:43:44I love you, babe. Thank you.
00:43:46You're welcome.
00:43:48Oh, thank you.
00:43:50You're welcome, baby.
00:43:54You're welcome, baby.
00:43:58I spent about $300
00:44:00having over-the-top decorations
00:44:02so that Troy felt like
00:44:04someone thought about him
00:44:06and just to surprise him.
00:44:08I feel like this is just a part of me.
00:44:10I don't feel like I do too much.
00:44:12I feel like people don't do enough.
00:44:14It's something that he deserves.
00:44:16I appreciate you.
00:44:18Aw, don't cry.
00:44:21Don't cry.
00:44:23Aw, babe.
00:44:25Thank you, beautiful.
00:44:27You're welcome.
00:44:31I just wanted to do something special.
00:44:33I really, really love you.
00:44:35You're finally home, babe.
00:44:37I've been anticipating
00:44:39this for a very long time.
00:44:41Waiting, waiting, waiting.
00:44:43Years, years, years.
00:44:45I got one other thing
00:44:47that I want to show you.
00:44:49I prepared
00:44:51for this day for a very long time.
00:44:55to my left
00:44:57here, do you know
00:44:59what this is, though?
00:45:01It's a
00:45:03private parts theme for both of us.
00:45:05It's gonna clean
00:45:07your private parts?
00:45:09Yes, it's gonna clean your private parts.
00:45:11So we're gonna make sure that
00:45:13all that jail stuff is
00:45:15completely off.
00:45:17What the f*** did I sign up for?
00:45:21Do you feel the steam?
00:45:23Do you feel like it's cleaning you?
00:45:25I added the herbs in for you.
00:45:27Yes, baby.
00:45:29I mean, that s*** is for women.
00:45:31It's literally in the shape of a f***ing vagina.
00:45:33I don't think my ass
00:45:35was supposed to have been sitting on there.
00:45:41Babe, are you ready?
00:45:43It's time for your bath.
00:45:45Hell yeah, I'm ready.
00:45:47My man is mad sexy.
00:45:49Like, he has
00:45:51curated his body perfectly
00:45:53over the years, and he
00:45:55did right. I really, really,
00:45:57really want to look at the size
00:45:59of his penis.
00:46:01Last but not least, I have one
00:46:03more thing for you.
00:46:05A crown
00:46:07fit for a kink.
00:46:09I'm the king
00:46:11and you're my queen, and we're gonna have
00:46:13a beautiful life together.
00:46:21Like, oh my gosh.
00:46:23I'm about to find out if
00:46:27Troy does have a small d*** or not.
00:46:31I prayed very, very hard
00:46:33to God, so I'm hoping
00:46:35that God heard me.
00:46:39You're not taking this
00:46:41as serious.
00:46:43What is it?
00:46:45F***ing damn.
00:46:47I'm dealing with an idiot.
00:46:49Can you take this mic off me?
00:46:51I just haven't been, like, happy.
00:46:57This is the moment.
00:46:59Their love survived lock-up.
00:47:03I mean, we're happy, right?
00:47:05But this October,
00:47:07Do you want me to trust you?
00:47:09Will it survive?
00:47:11Do you have a will and do you have things in order?
00:47:13A life sentence?
00:47:15I need to go, y'all.
00:47:19I'm questioning
00:47:21every decision I've made.
00:47:23The all-new season of Life After Lock-Up
00:47:25premieres this October on WE tv
00:47:27and All Black.
00:47:29What are you doing here?
00:47:31I live here.
00:47:33I know.
00:47:35It's okay. You can live here.
00:47:41I woke up feeling good.
00:47:43I woke up looking at my wife.
00:47:45Through all of these years, anticipating
00:47:47and finally getting here,
00:47:49it was everything I expected it to be and more.
00:47:51Me and Hope definitely had sex
00:47:53and it was exhausting.
00:47:55It was a lot.
00:47:57It was exhausting.
00:47:59It was good, but it was exhausting.
00:48:01We haven't had sex in a long-ass time.
00:48:03So I didn't think I was going to get that tired.
00:48:05But the sex is better now,
00:48:11Why are you tearing up?
00:48:13I don't know.
00:48:15I just haven't been happy in a long-ass time.
00:48:17I feel like
00:48:19I kind of did it to myself.
00:48:21You know?
00:48:23Just ruining what we had the first time.
00:48:25Not allowing
00:48:29myself to be faithful
00:48:31and give us a chance.
00:48:33It definitely just ruined it
00:48:35for the both of us.
00:48:39Just happy
00:48:41to have you with me.
00:48:43It feels like you've been
00:48:45beating yourself up about
00:48:47some s*** that happened in the past.
00:48:49You shouldn't feel like that.
00:48:51Because I f***ed up too.
00:48:55Yeah, I seen that you got
00:48:57Min Min tattooed on your ass.
00:48:59Yeah, I mean, I did that
00:49:01for you.
00:49:03Because you were getting, like,
00:49:05my name or some type of tattoo,
00:49:07like a portrait or something about me.
00:49:09Yeah, I was, but it didn't work out
00:49:11like that.
00:49:13So you didn't get any tattoo?
00:49:15No, I got a rose.
00:49:17A rose?
00:49:20What's that supposed to mean?
00:49:22It symbolizes life.
00:49:24You got a tattoo that symbolizes life?
00:49:28Well, I have your name, so...
00:49:34So I gave Arthur $300
00:49:36to get a tattoo
00:49:38which was supposed to be a portrait
00:49:40of me and, you know,
00:49:42I just felt really special and honored
00:49:44so I wanted to do the same for him
00:49:46and I got his name tattooed on me.
00:49:48And he didn't get it.
00:49:52Like, what'd you think, like,
00:49:54oh, when I get out, she'll just forget
00:49:56that she sent me, like, what, $300
00:49:58to get a tattoo and
00:50:00you thought that's what was gonna happen?
00:50:04Oh. Okay.
00:50:06I asked you, did you get tattoos?
00:50:08And you was like, yeah.
00:50:10And I'm going back for a touch-up.
00:50:12Like, all of that.
00:50:14Was a lie.
00:50:16So what if you're, like,
00:50:18just trying to save face? No.
00:50:20I'm not.
00:50:22The hardest part about being in a relationship
00:50:24with someone who is in prison
00:50:26is you'll never know the truth.
00:50:28You'll never know what happened while he was there.
00:50:30You only know what they tell you.
00:50:32She still got attitude or something?
00:50:34I mean, you can't just come here and act like,
00:50:36you know, nothing just happened.
00:50:38I had to defend you.
00:50:40Like, when people are telling me, like,
00:50:42no, he didn't get no tattoo,
00:50:44he's just ran off with your money.
00:50:46Lying to you.
00:50:48These are my friends.
00:50:50At the end of the day, like, I'm the butt of the joke.
00:50:52I think I've spent about
00:50:54$20,000 to $40,000 on Arthur
00:50:56since he's been in prison.
00:50:58On a trucker's salary,
00:51:00it's not easy to afford.
00:51:02My friends definitely feel like
00:51:04Arthur's using me
00:51:06mostly for money and, you know,
00:51:08like a place to stay, and so I feel pretty stupid.
00:51:10Like I said, that's not gonna happen again.
00:51:12I'm not gonna lie to you.
00:51:14Your track record
00:51:16for just your word isn't really that good
00:51:18with me right now.
00:51:20I've done my share of hurting you.
00:51:22A little bit.
00:51:24And you've done your share of hurting me.
00:51:28I'm tired of worrying, you know?
00:51:30I'm ready to be, like, happy and peaceful.
00:51:34Who are you texting?
00:51:36Uh, I'm...
00:51:38I'm trying to spend time
00:51:40with my mama real quick.
00:51:42How long y'all gonna be gone?
00:51:44Probably, like, just a couple hours.
00:51:46What if she's, like,
00:51:48tries to take you back with her?
00:51:50Obviously, I'm not going back
00:51:52with her. I'm coming back home.
00:51:56So you don't feel like she's just gonna
00:51:58try to, like, say negative things,
00:52:00like, you don't need to be with me?
00:52:02My mama's just interested in reconnecting.
00:52:04She's not interested in
00:52:06any relationships.
00:52:08I hope so. I mean...
00:52:10She has an effect on me, not us, okay?
00:52:12I mean, but you're a part of us.
00:52:16She don't got no influence on me leaving you, Hope.
00:52:18I'm not leaving you.
00:52:20But I'ma hear what she's talking about.
00:52:30What got me in trouble
00:52:32was when I get bored.
00:52:34What's wrong with you?
00:52:44My hair looks okay.
00:52:46Decent enough, I guess, to meet my
00:52:48in-laws again.
00:52:58You're too hyper.
00:53:00She's always bouncing off the walls.
00:53:02With the immediate release,
00:53:04Keith can get out any day.
00:53:06My anxiety is through the roof.
00:53:08I have spent so much money
00:53:10and energy advocating
00:53:12for my husband to be immediate released.
00:53:14And, like,
00:53:16I'm not prepared like I thought I would be.
00:53:20I have my children.
00:53:22I have my business.
00:53:24So having to just up and jump
00:53:26whenever I get a phone call
00:53:28is gonna be hard.
00:53:30They should be on their way. Hurry and dock.
00:53:34I think she got Keidra.
00:53:36Let's see who all shows up tonight.
00:53:40I invited my husband's family
00:53:42to tell them about Keith getting
00:53:44an immediate release.
00:53:46Like, I love them.
00:53:48They love me.
00:53:50Except for
00:53:52his sister.
00:53:54It's gonna be awkward with all the shit that was said behind my back.
00:53:56I mean, I think there's
00:53:59gotta be some type of truth to it.
00:54:01I don't know what her issue is.
00:54:03I haven't really talked to her in, like, three years.
00:54:05The beef with Keith has been going on for a couple years now.
00:54:07I'm kind of really over it.
00:54:09Let's just squash whatever
00:54:11this shit is so that my husband
00:54:13doesn't come home to all this drama.
00:54:17Is that Lil Mike?
00:54:21That's you. Girl, you always talking to him.
00:54:25Lil Mike is Keith, my nephew.
00:54:27I always call him Lil Mike. He's been Lil Mike
00:54:29since we were younger, so he's Lil Mike.
00:54:31Hey, Big Daddy.
00:54:33What's up? What you doing?
00:54:35Just here waiting for your family to get to the house.
00:54:37Nephew, what up, though?
00:54:39What you got going on?
00:54:41Coming! Somebody at the door.
00:54:43Oh, yeah? Yep.
00:54:47I think it's Benita.
00:54:49Hey, Pop. How are you?
00:54:51Actually called at the right time. It seemed like everybody just got here.
00:54:53Where is your co?
00:54:55Lil Mike on the phone. He just called.
00:54:57Anybody want to talk?
00:54:59What's up, baby boy?
00:55:01We here. We got you on the loudspeaker.
00:55:03Yeah, what's up, Dad? What you got going on, man?
00:55:05Man, I'm just here, man.
00:55:07I can't wait till you get out here, man.
00:55:09All right, no. So, Miss Benita,
00:55:11this is my daughter Naraiya, my oldest.
00:55:13Hey, OG. How you doing?
00:55:15What up?
00:55:17How you doing?
00:55:19All right, here she is, right here.
00:55:21Yeah, I love it.
00:55:25Y'all think she's gonna pop up?
00:55:27No, I don't think she will.
00:55:29She ain't feeling good.
00:55:31Oh, I hope she feels better.
00:55:33It's disappointing.
00:55:37the arrangements to meet up
00:55:39means that she was talking s***.
00:55:41It's an admission of guilt.
00:55:43That's how I feel.
00:55:45So, baby, you want to tell them or you want me to tell them?
00:55:49We need to come together whether we like each other or not.
00:55:51And the fact that you couldn't do that,
00:55:53one, tells me
00:55:55that you're a motherf***ing liar.
00:55:57Two tells me that you're a motherf***ing snake.
00:56:01me and Keith wanted to
00:56:03let you guys know what was going on
00:56:05and why I had you over.
00:56:09It's a retroactive law that's going on.
00:56:11They took away, like, mandatory minimums
00:56:13for his situation.
00:56:15So, he's getting
00:56:17an immediate release.
00:56:23Like, any day.
00:56:25Any day.
00:56:27Like, literally, any day.
00:56:33Man, I'm overwhelmed
00:56:35with joy. No matter how
00:56:37old you get, you know, you're still my baby.
00:56:39You know, it's definitely
00:56:41gonna be a weight lifted off my shoulder
00:56:43when he gets home.
00:56:45It's well-deserved, yes.
00:56:47I'm getting a little emotional.
00:56:49You have one minute left.
00:56:53Ooh, I can't wait.
00:56:55I'm excited. I was
00:56:5714 at the time when
00:56:59he went to prison, so
00:57:01it's been a while, for sure. A long time
00:57:03coming. I'm just really excited to see what
00:57:05it's gonna be like for him to see me
00:57:07and, like, for me to see him.
00:57:09I love you. I'll be way up and hung up on y'all.
00:57:11Aw. I'm excited.
00:57:13I do wanna do a surprise dinner
00:57:15for him with a chef
00:57:17and, you know, so everybody comes
00:57:19dressed to impress,
00:57:21but just, like, his immediate family
00:57:23and friends, even though he said he could handle
00:57:25all of it. He's been gone for a long time,
00:57:27you know, so very institutionalized.
00:57:31So I definitely wanna make sure that he's comfortable
00:57:33and just not, like, super
00:57:35overwhelmed. Yeah.
00:57:37I did wanna squash whatever
00:57:39beef there was, you know, with
00:57:41**** before
00:57:43my husband came home, just so that
00:57:45the family wasn't divided, and
00:57:47I didn't want any drama for him.
00:57:49Yeah. I think that's
00:57:51for the best. I think more
00:57:53positivity and not so much negativity
00:57:55because we never get nowhere
00:57:57with all this negativity. Yes, ma'am. I'm too short
00:57:59for that. It really is. It is too
00:58:01short, and that's not what he
00:58:03wants to see when he comes home. He loves his
00:58:05sister. I think it's
00:58:07sick that you don't show up for
00:58:09information about your brother who you claim
00:58:11you love. That's how I feel.
00:58:13I give you the opportunity to come clean.
00:58:15I got something, guys.
00:58:17She's not in her damn sleep.
00:58:19I'm stressed
00:58:21the **** out and scared and
00:58:23nervous, but when
00:58:25he gets home, I'm praying for the best.
00:58:27My king's
00:58:29coming home!
00:58:31My king's coming home!
00:58:33My king's coming home!
00:58:35Ay, ay, ay.
00:58:37Cheers to the king, okay? He's about
00:58:40to come home. Long time coming.
00:58:42Long time coming. Been waiting, been waiting.
00:58:44Real, real. Yep.
00:58:48I have type 2 diabetes, but
00:58:50I'm in. Next Friday on an all-new
00:58:52Love After Lockup. I felt like
00:58:54you were ****ing fishing me. I'm
00:58:56very shocked. It's 12 o'clock.
00:58:58It's really ****ing. I didn't make
00:59:00for none of this to happen like this.
00:59:02Oh, yeah.
00:59:04Nobody was definitely somebody.
00:59:06At this point, there is no indication.
00:59:08My heart's broken at this point.
00:59:10What are you gonna do? Stay engaged.
00:59:12I feel like I was played.
00:59:14Don't miss an all-new Love After Lockup
00:59:16next Friday at 8.
00:59:24Alright, let's go.
00:59:28We gonna see RPO.
00:59:32I'm still eating.
00:59:34Well, you didn't give me
00:59:36nothing to eat. What is you
00:59:38talking about?
00:59:43Watch out. Let me open this door for you.
00:59:45In fact, let me
00:59:47see the keys. No. Let me see the keys.
00:59:49No. I'm only finna drive
00:59:51like a block. Uh-uh. Come on.
00:59:53A block. No, we can go to your P.O. Be careful.
00:59:55Can I drive for a block? No, you're going legally to the P.O.
00:59:57Get in the car.
01:00:01That's why I gotta give my own ****.
01:00:03Because I want you to go legally to go to your P.O.
01:00:05You can't tell me ****.
01:00:07You can't tell me. You can't drive. You can't do none of that.
01:00:13Why do you make
01:00:15me seem like it's a big deal?
01:00:17To go to your P.O.?
01:00:19Yeah, like, I'm not finna stress about this.
01:00:21So you could, uh,
01:00:23get off my back.
01:00:29At this point,
01:00:31I'm kinda irritated with True.
01:00:33First, he disappeared
01:00:35and came back with no shopping bags and told me he went shopping.
01:00:37And then he was supposed to
01:00:39check in with his parole officer.
01:00:41He ain't showing no concern to get out of Cape Girarde.
01:00:43And what you think she gonna say?
01:00:45Nothing, for real, ****. She shouldn't say ****.
01:00:47But pay my fines.
01:00:49What's her fine?
01:00:51$30 a month. Oh.
01:00:53Well, it get waived for nine days, so...
01:00:55I don't know why he playing with his freedom
01:00:57right now. Nothing that's a priority
01:00:59to him besides him saying, I'm free.
01:01:01I'm free.
01:01:03I just think that True
01:01:05makes the wrong decisions. I don't feel like he ever
01:01:07had guidance to let him not make the wrong
01:01:09decision. That's why he spent
01:01:11most of his life in jail.
01:01:13Hopefully get all your affairs
01:01:15in order so I can do something with you today.
01:01:17What you gonna do?
01:01:19Something that I planned, not you.
01:01:23Since I'm born.
01:01:25I ain't saying you was born.
01:01:27You did say I was born.
01:01:29You could be born.
01:01:31Let me tell you something right now.
01:01:33I stay
01:01:35on a go.
01:01:37And what I got you with?
01:01:39But I'm trying to...
01:01:41I'm just asking you a question. You asked me.
01:01:43No, no, no, no.
01:01:45Staying out ain't getting me in trouble.
01:01:47What got me in trouble was when I get bored.
01:01:49That's what get me in trouble.
01:01:51Now when I get bored...
01:01:53I ain't gonna get bored no more.
01:01:55When I get bored, that's when
01:01:57I always like, I ain't look.
01:01:59It be me and the homeboys
01:02:01was like, look, let's go hit a lick.
01:02:03What we call a lick is
01:02:05getting down
01:02:07on something to go make some money.
01:02:09Let's go rob something.
01:02:11So, a easy come up. That's a lick.
01:02:15I'll be back.
01:02:19F***. Where the f*** I even go?
01:02:23You wanna go in there with me?
01:02:25Oh, my gosh.
01:02:29I'm dealing with an idiot.
01:02:31I just feel like he's not taking us
01:02:33as serious right now.
01:02:39Truth or so,
01:02:41no regard for nothing going on around him
01:02:43besides him being free, which I get.
01:02:45But g*** damn.
01:02:47There's a lot for you to do to stay free at this point
01:02:49that you better recognize real, real quick.
01:02:55What is it?
01:02:57She wasn't even up in there.
01:02:59They told me to just keep calling.
01:03:01But I'm not gonna keep calling.
01:03:09What's wrong with you?
01:03:17This g*** is not supposed to be
01:03:19felt like a job, you hear me?
01:03:21You thought it was gonna be all fun?
01:03:25But you make it difficult, too.
01:03:27How? What am I doing?
01:03:29Because, like, let's just
01:03:31get through the stuff that we have to do
01:03:33and then just go about the rest of the day.
01:03:35Like, you make the day procrastinate longer
01:03:37and longer, for real, for real.
01:03:39What am I doing?
01:03:41Like, you just combative on everything.
01:03:45Shante's too much.
01:03:47She got an attitude where she annoyed with me all the time
01:03:49every time I say something to her.
01:03:51She might not mean to, but it's annoying.
01:03:53Like, I'm out now. I'm free.
01:03:55I ain't gotta deal with that, you know?
01:03:59Everything is, you're not doing it or you don't want to do it that way
01:04:01or this or that or something.
01:04:03Name something.
01:04:07Give me a second.
01:04:11Can you take this mic off me for a second?
01:04:13Our communication
01:04:15sucks, because Truth and Key know everything.
01:04:17I can be explaining to Truth something
01:04:19five, six times in a row
01:04:22because he ain't grasping what I'm saying.
01:04:26I've been with you for two and a half years,
01:04:28almost three years, and if you
01:04:30didn't learn your lesson, then
01:04:32you can't do nothing for my life, nothing for my
01:04:34kids. Like, you can't even make the best decisions for you.
01:04:36What the f*** are you doing for us?