• 2 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02I am scared about history repeating.
00:05Now we just need to figure out what that Tess is up to.
00:07Yeah, no one should even care about Heath's past.
00:10So why are you backing me?
00:11Because I'm not the man that I was when I left.
00:13The agent wants me to give it up. Rent and side out is something else.
00:16I'm looking for a company to clean it up.
00:18Why don't we do it?
00:19Nell and I thought that we'd message some friends to come and help.
00:22You like JJ? And you knew?
00:24Irene Rising could take over the lease of the nursery.
00:27Get out!
00:34Everybody needs good neighbours
00:38With a little understanding
00:42You can find the perfect blend
00:51Should be there for one another
00:55That's when good neighbours become good friends
01:21I'm sorry.
01:26Just tell me what's going on.
01:36The look on his face.
01:39I told you he was going through something.
01:45Hey, how was the working day?
01:48Don't ask.
01:50Surely the nursery is salvageable?
01:53The problem isn't the weeds.
01:56Toadie, again.
01:58Again? What does that mean?
02:00Well, the nursery's always been a bit of a sensitive spot for him.
02:04Not that it's any of my business.
02:06Nor do I want it to be any of my business.
02:08Bit hard when we all live next to each other.
02:12Which is why I've just put out an accommodation SOS.
02:17I have adored living with you both.
02:20But I've got to get off Ramsey Street.
02:22Living across the road from Toadie's just getting a bit much.
02:28It sounds heavy.
02:29Yeah, it was.
02:31I feel sorry for Therese.
02:33You see, this is why I just don't garden.
02:36There's no good come to it.
02:37There you go.
02:38Rules to live by.
02:39I'm out.
02:40See you in 10k's.
02:44It's not that I don't care about my neighbours.
02:49It's just that the whole time he was talking...
02:53All I wanted to do was this.
02:59How long does it take him to run 10k's?
03:01I don't know, like an hour?
03:04I've never actually timed it.
03:05I just don't want him walking in on us.
03:08Do you want to go to my room?
03:10This whole place is just so...
03:16Do you want to go to your house?
03:18Oh, Krista's home.
03:20Oh, why do I feel like a teenager again?
03:24We need our own place.
03:35I wouldn't say I know him well.
03:37But well enough to get a bad feeling about him.
03:40I'm guessing Krista told you about him hiding his conviction.
03:43Yeah, it was a red flag if I ever saw one.
03:47Sorry, are you asking me to do something?
03:50No, just report back to me if you spot anything else suspicious about Heath, all right?
03:55Thanks, Mackenzie.
03:56Hi, how are you?
03:58Well, thanks.
03:58How was your trip?
03:59It was great.
04:01Yeah, all of that.
04:04That guy never changes.
04:07It's classic Paul.
04:12Well, it all started when I was helping Kara with the renovations.
04:16I just started thinking about my past.
04:20About Sonia?
04:22About everyone.
04:25Well, I mean, it's not unusual.
04:29We all think about times gone by.
04:34For me, it's been more than just reminiscing.
04:36It's been overwhelming.
04:39And when I talked to Carl about it, and for the record, he thought that I needed to tell you straight away.
04:46Yeah, well, you should have.
04:47How can I?
04:48Especially with everything that I've already put us through.
04:51I just wanted the chance to be able to sort it out for myself.
04:56And when I couldn't, I organized an appointment with Rhonda.
05:04What, you found counselling?
05:06Yeah, a couple of sessions now.
05:10I'm going to spend talking.
05:11What about?
05:13All of my relationships.
05:17Okay, you're scaring me.
05:20Don't be scared, please.
05:21Just, I love you.
05:24You're the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time.
05:28Are you sure you're not doubting us?
05:30Yes, absolutely.
05:32It's the opposite.
05:34This is why I wanted to throw an anniversary party.
05:37Because I love you.
05:39I love us.
05:39I love our marriage.
05:42What about today?
05:44Why did you get so upset with me?
05:47I don't know.
05:51But I know that you were just actually doing something that's really generous and really beautiful.
05:56And I'm grateful.
05:58I know I don't have a right to ask this.
06:03But can you be a bit patient with me?
06:07Do you think you can do that?
06:13Okay, so top priorities are walk-in wardrobe and an en-suite that has the double sinks, hers and hers.
06:22And a pool.
06:24A pool?
06:26A pool?
06:27Okay, I mean, pools are nice, but spas are luxe.
06:31Why not both?
06:33You are a genius.
06:34Like, why would we not get both?
06:35That would be crazy.
06:37It would be crazy.
06:42Hey, it's not crazy that we're moving in together though, right?
06:47This isn't a new relationship.
06:49We both know what we want.
06:51Yeah, yeah, exactly.
06:54And what about Aaron?
06:55Yeah, I've been thinking about that.
06:58How would you feel if we all moved in together?
07:00I know that's not total privacy, but it is the best thing for Isla.
07:06Yeah, that works for me.
07:09Do you think he'd go for it?
07:10Well, he was thinking of buying number 32 when I was at the sale.
07:13So that tells me he's open to the idea of moving.
07:16Okay, great.
07:16I don't know.
07:17I guess we'll just have to ask.
07:20So amazing.
07:22So great.
07:32Thank you for being so good about this.
07:37Well, getting upset isn't going to achieve anything.
07:41I've done enough of that today.
07:49It's Nell and Hugo wanting to know if it's safe to come home.
07:55I'm sure they've eaten grease monkeys out of burgers by now.
08:00That's the other reason why I didn't want to say anything.
08:03Kids deserve stability, not a father that's a wreck.
08:07Hey, you're not a wreck.
08:12Does this mean you understand?
08:17It means I'm trying to.
08:25Hello, stranger.
08:29Hey, Melanie.
08:30I was surprised to get your text.
08:33Yeah, I saw your post.
08:35So you're still having trouble trying to find somewhere to live, hey?
08:37Me and the rest of the population.
08:39Well, I tell you, there's an Eclipse apartment vacant here.
08:42It's yours if you want to rent it.
08:44Way out of my price range.
08:46Yeah, I could probably arrange for it to be within your budget.
08:49What's the catch?
08:51No catch.
08:52Let's just call it for old time's sake.
08:55No, seriously, what's the catch?
08:59Melanie, when I was in New York,
09:00I caught up with Tracy, my cousin, Rosemary's daughter.
09:04And we had long chats about loss and regret.
09:08You know, I can't make up for every bad decision I've ever made,
09:11but at least I can try to atone.
09:14If you're talking about what happened with Krista and Eden,
09:16I know you were trying to help me.
09:20So, will you accept the apartment?
09:26Oh, thank you, Paul.
09:33Have you seen Therese lately?
09:36No, why?
09:37I just wondered.
09:39Thanks again, Paul.
09:49Okay, he's coming.
09:50You ready?
09:51Yeah, why muck around?
09:55Uh, hi.
09:58Do you want to do the honours?
10:00Oh, baby, I thought it would sound less crazy coming from you,
10:03but like, no, it's not crazy.
10:05We established that.
10:06Guys, if you're going to tell me something,
10:07can you please just spit it out?
10:10We want to move in together and get a place of our own.
10:15We know that it's kind of fast, but...
10:17But it's not fast because it's our second time around
10:19and we both know what we want.
10:22Yeah, it's okay.
10:23I kind of saw this coming anyway.
10:26Everything's moving really fast.
10:29We can explain to Isla what shared custody looks like.
10:33I mean, she gets two houses and two bedrooms and she gets two sets of...
10:36Aaron, we want you to move in with us.
10:41Like, maybe we could rent somewhere or even buy.
10:44We are a bit stretched on that front
10:45because all our money's gone to the vineyard.
10:46Yeah, but you were looking to purchase,
10:48so we could work something out.
10:49Yeah, I mean, I was hoping to invest the money
10:52into something solid, but...
10:56I guess I've got to think about it.
11:00What am I thinking about?
11:01I've thought about it.
11:02Let's do it.
11:03I'm in.
11:08Well, that's pretty generous of you.
11:10No, I think Melanie will make a good tenant.
11:12Well, she'll look after the place.
11:14Why don't you go over and say hello?
11:17No, I'm catching up with my son.
11:19But why are you avoiding her?
11:22Why on earth would I want to do that?
11:24You tell me.
11:27Oh, hey.
11:28Thanks for coming.
11:29I hope I haven't dragged you away from me.
11:30No, no, no, no, that's fine.
11:31I wanted to check in with you anyway.
11:34Well, I'm okay.
11:36I'm just a bit worried about you.
11:37I know, I know.
11:38I know, I know.
11:39I know, I know.
11:39I know, I know.
11:40I know, I know.
11:40I know, I know.
11:41I know, I know.
11:42I know, I know.
11:42I know, I know.
11:43I know, I know.
11:43But Toadie's going through a lot.
11:47And apparently Carl's across it too.
11:49Yes, yes.
11:49And just so you know, he hasn't betrayed Toadie's confidence to me.
11:55Susan, am I meant to be worried?
11:59Well, Toadie's opening up to you.
12:01He's having counselling.
12:03I'd say they're two very positive steps.
12:06Has he said anything else about the nursery?
12:08Only that he's not totally opposed to the idea after all.
12:12But he needs time to think about it.
12:17You know what's funny?
12:18This whole time that we've been married,
12:21I've always thought Melanie was the threat.
12:23I never, ever, ever thought that Sonia would be an issue.
12:30I just remembered, of course.
12:33Melanie has been in this same situation.
12:43Hey, mate, I'm in here.
12:52You didn't have to come and check on me.
12:54I'm okay.
13:00How's Therese?
13:03I heard, and confused.
13:05But I did tell her everything that's going on.
13:09This is how things get better.
13:10We let them out.
13:13You didn't mean like a tsunami, though, did you?
13:16How did Therese react when you told her about Mel?
13:22There was so much to say, I didn't even get to the Mel part.
13:35I'm going to take the recycling out, and then we'll get Isla, yeah?
13:37Yeah, thank you.
13:39Oh, Isla's going to be on a sugar high from that birthday party.
13:44Do you want to toss a coin and see who deals with that tonight?
13:48Hey, you know that is going to be the beauty of all three of us living together, right?
13:51Yeah, we can tag team.
13:52Oh, yeah.
13:57Hey, Nick, I know this isn't a big revelation or anything, but without David, I've just been
14:03drifting. But, you know, like buying a house and setting up a new home, it's something that
14:10I can focus on. So I just wanted to say thank you for including me.
14:16Hey, we're a team. You have to stop believing that.
14:21Yeah, you know, I just never knew what the dynamic would be like without David. I always
14:27thought that he was the glue that sort of just made everything work.
14:31No, Isla's the glue.
14:33We're our parents. We both want what's best for her.
14:36Yeah, I can see that now. Our family is going to be different without David,
14:42but I'm still going to be a part of it.
14:43Of course you are. Come here.
15:27What's this?
15:27Um, OK, so I was like having a bit of a brainstorm before of like hypothetically what I might do if I
15:37was to ever put the cafe up for sale.
15:41I didn't realize that there was something you were considering.
15:44I love making coffee, but I don't know about this as a forever job.
15:50I think I just needed to get away from I.T. before.
15:52Do you miss I.T.?
15:54Yeah, definitely. I miss the mental challenge and I have a degree in it.
15:57So now that my past is out in the open, it's like, why not put that degree to use?
16:03Why have you never talked about this?
16:05I don't know. It's been on the back of my mind for a while.
16:09But then I was talking to Dex about starting over after stuffing up,
16:12and it just got me thinking more and more.
16:15Not that it'd be easy for me to enter that industry again.
16:18That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try.
16:20Yeah, but who can bounce back from a reputation as bad as mine and succeed?
16:27I actually think we know someone who has.
16:32So you're just playing the long game?
16:34I'm sorry?
16:35Well, you've very pointedly ignored Trace the whole time I've been here.
16:38Yes, that's because she's made herself very, very clear and I'm simply respecting her choice.
16:44And how many times have I heard that before?
16:46You know, Leo, even I get the message eventually.
16:49No, no, I lost Trace and she found somebody who makes her happy.
16:52So good on her, I say.
16:56Oh, apparently I'm in demand.
16:59I'll see you later.
17:10You all right?
17:12Yeah, I was just thinking about what you said before.
17:16I might go and follow it up.
17:18Oh, OK, yes, well, keep me posted.
17:29Um, listen, I just wanted to ask you a question.
17:33So why are you asking for my advice?
17:35Because you've got a rap sheet longer than the Yarra River,
17:37yet you always manage to reinvent yourself.
17:41I didn't try to manipulate the world through artificial intelligence.
17:44Yeah, you did one worse.
17:45I heard you went to jail in the 90s.
17:49You know, I think your challenge is going to be your resources.
17:52Oh, meaning that I don't have money and power?
17:55You do know you have to earn those.
17:58Yeah, OK, well, if you have anything else for me, just let me know.
18:01Yeah, so how was your trip?
18:03Had a good time in New York?
18:04Yeah, it was lovely, thanks.
18:05Glad you asked.
18:06All that.
18:09Oh, hey, Kiri.
18:10Kiri, hi.
18:11Hey, I just wanted to say hello, Uncle Paul.
18:14How are you?
18:15Good, good, sit down.
18:17Come on, let's talk.
18:26Hey, any requests for dinner?
18:31Um, you know, I saw Mel at the waterhole.
18:38I didn't realise things were so tense between you two.
18:41She was a little cagey on the details.
18:42What am I missing?
18:45I was meant to tell you earlier, but we were just talking about so much.
18:49I never got around to it.
18:51I'm sorry, really, genuinely.
18:55Mel said something to me a few weeks ago, and I blew up at her, too.
19:01Well, like you did with me.
19:03What did she say?
19:05Uh, that my marriage to her was doomed from the start.
19:08That's what she thinks.
19:11That must have stung.
19:13It wasn't hurt, exactly.
19:17Well, then why did it bother you?
19:20I don't know.
19:25Hey, I don't know, but that's what I'm working on with Rhonda.
19:31Just, we'll find out.
19:34Good, good.
19:37But you know, this whole thing with Mel happened weeks ago, and
19:41she knew about this whole crisis that you're having with your exes, and
19:48you know, I was just kept in the dark.
19:52Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?
19:57Please, don't read into this.
20:00The one thing that I am sure of is the only thing that matters,
20:04and that's that I love you.
20:11I love you, too.
20:16Hey, I've got a whole file of my favourite houses, as inspo, by the way.
20:22Oh, that's great.
20:23I've got a whole file of my favourite houses, as inspo, by the way.
20:27Oh, I feel like Aaron should be here for this.
20:30We're just getting a head start, you know, on the research, it's fine.
20:35Okay, they're in my files here.
20:37I'm just gonna get us some drinks.
20:43Is this it?
20:46Honestly, we can't afford any of them, but it's the vibe, right?
20:57Uh, I think I clicked on the wrong file.
21:06What is it?
21:07There's a list here of everything that Aaron's done, all the mistakes that he's made.
21:14Why do you have this?
21:19Nicolette, what have you done?
21:27Are you two more energetic?
21:34Well, I am, and I've got a plan to win back Leo's trust a bit here.
21:38All right, we can't keep going on like this.
21:39Just ask her out if that's what you want.
21:42You'd be okay with that?
21:43Babe, what are you gonna do?
21:45Are you gonna tell Aaron?