• 2 months ago


00:00Previously on Neighbours.
00:02Part of me still feels like I should have made some kind of statement.
00:05You made a statement about being deserving and running with it.
00:08She needed someone to talk to, I was trying to be a good mate.
00:10You think she's forgiving me too then?
00:12Message her and find out.
00:14Leo doesn't want you to have an active part in the business.
00:17Go up to Queensland, just give him some time to cool off.
00:20We want you to move in with us.
00:22I just wanted to say thank you for including me.
00:25There's a list here of everything that Aaron's done.
00:28Why do you have this?
00:58Neighbours, people, good friends.
01:06This is so wrong.
01:08You've got dates, witnesses and emotional impact for all of Aaron's incidents.
01:13Yeah, I had to keep track of what was happening.
01:16Okay, five minutes ago I thought that you wanted to be a family with him and now...
01:21Hey, I do. I really do.
01:24How can you say that?
01:27Are you piling this up for a custody battle?
01:29No, it was a contingency in case he never got out of that really dark place that he was in.
01:35But your priority while he was in that dark place was what?
01:38Protecting your own self-interest and not looking after him?
01:42That is not how it was.
01:47Okay, I can't believe that you thought my faith would get in between us.
01:51Anytime we have a problem it's because you do something ruthless like this.
01:56Hey, is Isla still up?
01:59Yeah, I think she is.
02:02Great, I'm just going to chat to her about kinder tomorrow.
02:04Oh yeah, the bring your own stuffy day.
02:07Yeah, she sounded a bit iffy about it, didn't she?
02:10Yeah, I mean go work your daddy magic.
02:13I'll try my best.
02:16Where are you going?
02:17Daddy magic, that wasn't in the notes.
02:19No, you have to let me explain the whole story.
02:21I just need some space to think.
02:23No, babe, you can't go.
02:26You have to let me explain this.
02:32Babe, what are you going to do?
02:36Are you going to tell Aaron?
02:39That's what I need to think about.
02:50Hey, so get this right.
02:53These guys never talked to me before I got in trouble.
02:56Just added me to their group chat.
02:58They invited me to the movies tonight.
03:00It's an indie horror that looks pretty good.
03:02Well, if it's horror you're after, I was thinking of asking you to help me with my biology assignment.
03:05I am running way behind.
03:07Wow, an encore screening to year 10 bio.
03:10Once was enough, no offence Dex.
03:15Dex, how are you going with the biology assignment?
03:17Total nightmare.
03:19So I was thinking, if only I knew someone who'd already done it.
03:25Are you free after school today?
03:27Free? No way, I charge way through the roof.
03:29Seriously, I'm stuck.
03:31Which is ironic because it's about evolution.
03:35Look, if you're really stuck, sure.
03:40Dex, you in?
03:41No thanks.
03:42I think I'll sort myself out.
03:49Oh, long macchiato with a side of milk coming right up.
03:53I love how you do coffee with a side of mind reading.
03:56How are you?
03:59Yeah, I'm anxious with a side of totally freaking out about starting my mentorship.
04:04I mean, how do I play this queen?
04:05Do I ask lots of questions and seem really engaged?
04:08Or is it going to make me seem really clueless?
04:12Okay, this mind reader's going to need a hint.
04:15You okay? What's up?
04:19Okay, this mind reader's going to need a hint.
04:22You okay? What's up?
04:46I thought you wouldn't like those.
04:54What's with all the treats?
04:56Well, when those flight delays had you stuck at the airport last night, you were the only thing on my mind.
05:01That's funny, because last night you were the only thing on my mind.
05:05But how was the trip?
05:06Hope you focused on yourself and your mum.
05:08Check and check.
05:11No, but Queensland's been really good for mum.
05:13And she's probably relaxing up there with Scott and Charlie.
05:16And you seem more energetic.
05:19Well, I am.
05:20And I've got a plan to win back Leo's trust at the vignette.
05:23Oh, that's awesome.
05:25It is, it is.
05:27You know, I could stay here and just keep telling you how much I miss you,
05:30but I feel like maybe showing you might be a bit more fun.
05:33Mm, yeah.
05:40I mean, yesterday Nicolette was all in on finding a place with Aaron.
05:43Now I find out she doesn't even trust him.
05:46Sorry, what exactly's happened?
05:48I don't want to go into details. I know you guys are close with Aaron.
05:51Whatever the drama is, it sounds pretty on brand for Nicolette.
05:54Yeah, it is textbook Nicolette.
05:56She blew up our relationship and now she wants to blow up her relationship with Aaron.
06:00Oh, so where does this leave you?
06:02Debating whether or not to tell him everything I know.
06:05It could make it worse.
06:07It definitely could.
06:08I learnt my lesson the hard way.
06:12Does the issue directly impact Isla?
06:16Not right now, but it could.
06:19I mean, for my money, I want to make sure her family unit is secure.
06:23Just put Isla first.
06:27Guessing that's Nicolette?
06:29She wants to talk before we meet with Leo.
06:32I just, I don't want to look at her right now.
06:35I love my extended family, but it's kind of intense when they visit.
06:40In what way?
06:41Ways. Plural.
06:44My mannering sucks and I have to concentrate so hard just to keep up.
06:49It's exhausting.
06:51Well, you know, that would be stressful for anyone in that situation.
06:56And they ask lots of questions about the way I am.
06:59It's like they're picking up on all of our differences and it makes me feel like I'm being judged for being too Western.
07:06And now you feel like you're caught between two worlds.
07:08Exactly. And everyone I interact with has different expectations of how I should be.
07:15I never quite meet them.
07:19I'm sorry, Quinn. Sounds tough.
07:23Thanks. Sorry. I shouldn't be distracting while you're on the clock.
07:28Please, don't be. I'm all ears.
07:31So you'll do year 10 biology again, but only if Nell asks.
07:35I changed my mind, Dex.
07:37So what, you know, you could have had my help too, but you said no.
07:41Because if you want me there.
07:44You just want more one-on-one time with Nell.
07:47It's so much for our deal to just be friends with her.
07:49OK, dude, stop fixating on what I'm doing and just ask Nell out.
07:56All right.
07:59Yeah. We can't keep going on like this. Just ask her out if that's what you want.
08:06You'd be OK with that?
08:08If she agrees, I'll be happy for you.
08:10All right?
08:27Oh, one sec.
08:31Hi, Wendy at the waterhole.
08:35Oh, no, no. I understand. Yeah, it's going around. Rest up.
08:46Don't have to be a mind reader to figure that one out.
08:48No, my guy from 12 till close has just called in sick.
08:53Anyone else you can call?
08:54I'll try some of our casuals.
08:57Hey, if it's a casual you need, look no further.
09:05You know I've spent more time buying the bar than I have in any office, right?
09:08Yeah, well, me too.
09:11Honestly, I could use a time out for my family and this would be a good excuse.
09:21Works for me.
09:22Works for me.
09:26Come on back.
09:32Hey, Nell. Can I ask you something?
09:35About the biology assignment? You should join me and JJ later.
09:39No, it's nothing like that.
09:41I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere with me.
09:47Anywhere. Wherever you want. Whenever.
09:52What for?
09:54Have fun. We could see a movie or get some food. I'm up for anything.
10:00Are you asking me out on a date?
10:05Trying to.
10:10You're an amazing person, Dex. Hang out with you is always fun and easy.
10:18You're one of my best friends.
10:23But I don't want to date you. Sorry.
10:33Are you okay?
11:01Yes, okay. So how long are your family here for?
11:05A couple of weeks. I am glad that they're here. I know I probably made it sound like I'm not.
11:10No, you didn't.
11:12They have like this history that I can't tap into. I don't know. Have you ever dealt with this kind of thing?
11:17Not really. I mean, I'm fourth generation, only part Chinese. But even so, thank you.
11:24I was made to feel like some foreign entity my whole childhood.
11:28That sucks.
11:30Yeah. You have people always asking me, excuse me, where do you come from?
11:34Sometimes I get, how long have you been here?
11:36Oh yeah, I get heaps of that too.
11:39Well, given that you experienced all that as a kid, it must be extra disappointing that you're going through it again at uni.
11:48I mean, maybe that's why I feel so much pressure to do well in my mentorship.
11:53How so?
11:55Well, I keep on thinking if I stuff up, it'll add this fuel to the rumour that I was given some handouts.
12:01Remember what you said last week? Why not you? You don't owe anyone anything. Okay?
12:09Thanks, Gwendy.
12:13We're back at you.
12:14Hey, Gwendy. Did you get my text?
12:18About the cake?
12:20Oh yeah, no stress. My pleasure.
12:23Thank you. Okay, great.
12:25Okay, bye.
12:29So I did these amazing online tutorials about digital marketing.
12:33Did you make this ad?
12:35Ah, I'm flattered, but no. I learnt how to enter these prompts into this AI program.
12:39That's even better.
12:41Yeah, so now we can take Nick and Kiri's ideas and just convert them in a blink.
12:44A little time saver.
12:46Yeah, exactly. Now they can focus on what they actually do best, which is running the venue.
12:51Byron! I missed you, mate. How was your trip?
12:55It was good. Plenty of time to recalibrate.
12:59Glad you had a chance to unwind.
13:01Hey, Leo. I found a great YouTube video that Abby might like.
13:05Hey, how's it? Do you reckon you could cast your eyes over that AI stuff I've done?
13:09Is it alright if I say no? That's not really my department anymore.
13:12Yeah, no worries. So what's been going on here?
13:17I don't see any video.
13:20There isn't one. I just thought you should know that Byron's still committed to the Vineyard.
13:25Fine. As long as he stays a silent partner.
13:28But Byron's been doing some amazing marketing work while he's been away. You should have a look.
13:33Good for him. Nothing strange.
13:43Remember, we talked about how Pinky would be safe with all the other stuffies at Kindy.
13:48Don't take Pinky home now.
13:50Well, she liked this last night.
13:52Yeah. You guys have your meeting now?
13:54Yeah. Sorry, I've got back-to-back meetings all day.
13:56It's not like we can start though. Kiri isn't here.
13:59Hi. Hi. Sorry I'm late.
14:01You guys go. I'll sort this out.
14:04Hey, Byron. Did you know that if you take Pinky to Kinder, Pinky's going to make friends with all the other stuffies?
14:10Doesn't that sound fun?
14:12I'm sorry, I can't leave her like this.
14:14I can send you through the marketing stuff that I've done and you two can get started without me.
14:18Yeah. Yeah, of course. Do what you've got to do.
14:20Hey, sweetie, you are so right.
14:23We can't afford to lose Pinky, can we?
14:25But you are the best at looking after your toys.
14:28You are. Do you remember Anna the Astronaut?
14:33Hey, can you do that over your own head? Thank you.
14:38Sayid! Hey!
14:40How was the reunion?
14:42It was so perfect. I'm trying to return the favour and make him dinner tonight, but he's just set the bar so sky high.
14:48Do you have any new wine I can try?
14:50Oh, that's one you put in, aren't you? Have you had it? It's like Prosecco, but better.
14:55There's something better than Prosecco?
14:57Sounds great. Thanks.
15:02Does he work here now or something?
15:04Oh, no. He's just a one-off thing for today.
15:07Hey, Sayid, quick question.
15:10Have you ever felt different from your pack?
15:13Like you didn't really fit in with the Aussie culture thing?
15:17Where is this coming from?
15:19Oh, I just realised that you never mentioned a time when someone or something made you feel, you know, different.
15:26But that must have happened, right?
15:30Honestly, nothing comes to mind.
15:32Really? Well, that's a good thing.
15:39I am sure we will.
15:44So you know the little pink thing in the corner of your eye, right?
15:47That used to be an eyelid, but then they shrunk down as humans evolved.
15:51How cool is that?
15:58Dex, hey, do you want to grab a seat?
16:01No, thanks. I'm just going to get a snack and go to my room.
16:05No, seriously, like, come on. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this assignment's actually kind of fun.
16:13You OK?
16:17I'm fine.
16:19You OK?
16:21Yeah, sure.
16:30So, any other weird ex-challenges you've evolved out of?
16:35Oh, well, I was just thinking there's a place out by the winery that would be perfect.
16:38Gary! Gary!
16:41Hey, are you still good to help me with Kara's surprise?
16:43Yeah, absolutely. I just told Leo about you.
16:46Yeah, the Big Four-O? I'll sort you out with the wine.
16:48Oh, amazing. I just really want to make him a great farmer, so that would be really helpful if you...
16:54If I could take my wife out to lunch, you know, that's good for you.
16:57Yeah, definitely.
16:58Great. Great timing.
17:00Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Isla wouldn't go to kinder without me.
17:03Oh, don't worry about it. Actually, the stuff you sent through was really, really good.
17:06OK, if you're happy with those draft ads, I can do the rollout plan, the budget.
17:09Well, there's no need. The strategic document you sent through was fine.
17:13Oh, yeah, right. I forgot I sent that.
17:16Cool. Anyway, I've got to run. I'll see you later.
17:22I'm ready to talk if you are.
17:31I want you to know that I tried everything I could to help Aaron with his grief.
17:35And I tried to hold it together for him and for Isla.
17:38Even when my own heart was breaking.
17:42And nothing I tried worked. I was at my wit's end when I started that list.
17:49Is there anything else you need to tell me?
17:54A while ago, David, Aaron and I made a parenting agreement.
17:58It was a video, and I sent it to a lawyer to see if it carried any weight and if it would.
18:04Hold up in court.
18:06I know, I shouldn't have done it.
18:07These panics are so destructive. I can't deal with that kind of chaos.
18:13Let me call the lawyer and cancel the report.
18:20Give me another chance.
18:24Me coming back here and us trying again, it was a big decision for me.
18:28I know.
18:29Last night, I thought I was going to die.
18:31It was a big decision for me.
18:32I know.
18:33Last night, I thought I would...
18:36I thought about ending things.
18:39Then I talked to Remy and Cara and they reminded me that I need to think about Isla.
18:44How much did you tell them?
18:46I didn't go into detail.
18:49But it helped.
18:51It did?
18:53I want to make this work.
18:55I do, but another one of your intense panics and I'm done.
18:58Yeah, no more.
18:59I promise.
19:02And look.
19:19Hey, this is Nicolette Stone calling for Bronwyn Kane. I'm a client.
19:24It's about a report.
19:29If you need to vent about work, you can go for it.
19:31It's just that...
19:33So I gave that marketing stuff that I was doing to Nicolette to pitch to Leo as her owner.
19:44And I haven't heard anything back from the meeting. It's just...
19:46You know what, maybe I'll just call Nick.
19:52So, I might have put my foot in this.
19:56What do you mean you put your foot in this?
20:01Earlier at the cafe I told Leo about the great marketing work that you were doing for the vineyard and should take a look.
20:12But did he seem annoyed?
20:15I don't think so.
20:16I mean, I said it lightly. I just didn't know Nicolette was going to pitch it as her own work.
20:20And how could you? I mean, I didn't even tell you.
20:28Sorry. I just... I wanted Leo to know about the great work that you were doing.
20:33No, it's... it's fine. I appreciate it.
20:41It's Leo. He wants to talk first thing. I guess we'll know where I stand soon enough.
20:52Thank you for saving my bacon today.
20:54Thank you for letting me rant about my family. Can't do that with everyone.
21:00Well, you know, it was a big day for me too.
21:03Our chats, they just brought up a lot of thoughts and memories for me.
21:08In a good way, I hope.
21:10Yeah, definitely.
21:13I mean, sometimes I don't feel fully in sync with my own family because our experiences are so different.
21:19Yeah, you can't fully understand that stuff if you haven't felt it.
21:22Hmm. I think they'd be surprised at some of the things they don't see.
21:29Like sometimes I play kooky Wendy to keep the peace. You know, when I'm feeling singled out.
21:36Yeah, you shouldn't have to grin and bear that kind of stuff.
21:38Yeah, I know. And sometimes it's hard to overcome people's baked in assumptions of me.
21:47I see the effort that you put into being tolerant of other people.
21:50It takes real patience and grace to navigate the world like you do.
21:58And that stands out to me.
22:08Um, you know what? I can finish this off.
22:11Sure. I'm in no rush.
22:13No, no, you've done enough. Thanks.
22:27Well, have a good night.
22:51Coming up on Neighbours.
22:52Did something happen between you and Dex today?
22:54I think what you're doing to Aaron is appalling.
22:59I'm wondering, how exactly did you and Therese work through it?
23:06Why? What are you thinking?